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1. He published his first book when he (miał 13 lat) ……………………………………………...

2. Lech Poznań (nie przegrał) …………………………………………... any matches this season yet
3. Maria Curie-Skłodowska (słynie z) ……………………………………………... discovering two chemical
4. (Dlaczego grasz) ……………………………………………... this silly computer game now?
5. (Wróciłem) ……………………………………………... home and then it started to rain.
6. (Nigdy nie widziałam) ……………………………………………... such a good movie
7. I (często słucham) ……………………………………………... music in the evenings.
8. (Zamierzam zrobić prezentację) ……………………………………………... this weekend.
9. (Czy rozumiesz) ……………………………………………... this exercise?
10. When I ……………………………………………... (szedłem) to school, I met my old friends
11. How long (znasz) ……………………………………………... Mike? What do you think of him?
12. I was the first student who ……………………………. (win) the school competition
13. (Kto ukradł) ……………………………………………… your bike yesterday?
14. Tomorrow this time …………………….. (będę leciał) to London
15. The film ……………………………………………... (już się zaczął) when we got to the cinema
16. The weather is terrible. It ……………………………………………... (rain) since the morning
17. ……………………………………………... (Pracowaliśmy) in the garden all day and we’re really tired
18. When ……………………………………………... (to kupiłeś)?
19. I promise ……………………………………………... (nie powiem) anyone
20. Look! They ……………………………………………... (pływają) in this cold lake!

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