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This resource should be used as a guide to
show the progression of development.
Some babies will not meet every milestone or
mini-milestone at the exact month specified.

If your baby was born prematurely, subtract

the number of weeks the baby was early from
his or her current age. This is referred to as
the “adjusted age” and should be used when
referring to this checklist.


Baby’s body is in physiological Baby continues to have poor

flexion, which simply means baby head control due to weak neck
is tense and curled up and core muscles
Your baby will have poor head Baby starts lifting her head for
control due to weak neck and short spurts while in tummy time
trunk muscles
Your baby’s arms, legs, and trunk
While practicing tummy time,
are beginning to stretch out as
baby’s head is usually resting on
baby starts to lose that tight
the surface where he lies, facing
flexion pattern (physiological
sideways (it may be a little while
until baby starts to lift his head) flexion)
Baby may have jerky arm and Baby’s arm and leg movements
leg movements that are not are still jerky and continue to
purposeful move without purpose
Your baby will keep her hands His little hands continue to be
clenched in tight fists held in tight fists
Baby’s grasping reflex is present Baby can briefly focus on high
and strong, if you offer baby a contrast images (think black,
chance to hold your finger, their white, and red pictures) up to
little hand will tightly close 8-12” away
around it
Your baby’s Asymmetrical Tonic
Neck Reflex is present and will
continue through approximately
the next 6 months. This is also
known as “Fencer’s Pose”- you will
notice that if your baby’s head is
turned to the right, their right arm
will extend straight out, while the
left arm is bent at the elbow. Vice
versa if the head is turned towards
the left, their left arm will extend


© 2022 Tots On Target



Baby will usually keep his head Baby’s head is consistently in

turned to the side while on his midline (center of their body)
tummy while he is lying on his back or
Baby’s eyesight starts to improve tummy
and she begins to focus on toys Baby begins to bring hands to her
and faces midline (center of the body) and is
Baby begins visually tracking from starting to find her mouth
side to side with both the eyes His arms begin swatting at toys
and head moving together to in direct line of sight. It’s time to
follow an object (eyes cannot yet take out that play gym!
track independently) Baby’s eyes begin to focus on
While lying on his back (supine), more colorful items
baby’s head begins to stay in Baby begins tracking moving
midline (in line with the center of objects with her eyes while her
the body) head stays still
Those tight little fists begin to Baby lifts his head and chest off
relax and open briefly the floor for longer periods while
Baby will start to smile, though doing tummy time
not yet socially or purposefully (it’s When holding baby in a vertical
still super cute and photo worthy!) position, she will push down
through her feet (think standing
on your lap as you hold under her
Baby begins to socially smile
(keep that camera close by!)


© 2022 Tots On Target


Baby can now maintain good Baby finds his feet and will love
head control when being held playing with them and even
and also while lying on her bring them towards his mouth
tummy (EVERYTHING will be finding a
Baby’s eyes consistently track way towards his mouth)
objects from side to side without Baby now reaches for toys with
needing to move his head both hands
Baby begins to tuck her chin Baby’s grasping accuracy for toys
when doing a “baby situp” and objects is greatly improved
(attempting to pull themselves up (meaning they can now get what
to sit on their own) they want!)
Those little hands begin to open Baby holds and manipulates toys
and reach for or grab onto a toy more easily
Baby brings hands and toys During tummy time, baby begins
to mouth (keep a close watch, to shift her weight slightly from
everything will find its way to his side to side in order to reach or
mouth from here on out!) play with a toy
Landau reflex may be observed Baby can now roll at least one
(baby appears to be flying or direction (back to belly/ belly to
swimming during tummy time, back)
think arms out like superman) While sleeping, baby may roll over
Also during tummy time, you will onto her belly and not know how
see arms under the shoulders, to turn back over (make sure to
chest elevated, and weight is lose the swaddle as soon as this
distributed through the forearms happens!)
(if you are into yoga, think a cobra During tummy time, baby
pose) is pushing himself up with
Baby now smiles spontaneously straighter arms (think upward
at people cobra pose)
Baby may begin rolling in one Baby may begin to sit in a tripod
direction (back-to-belly or belly- position- a seated position with
to-back) arms planted on the floor in front
added support (arms used as a
third leg of sorts)


© 2022 Tots On Target


Baby’s hands can now grasp and Purposeful rolling is consistent for
shake a rattle baby
Baby can transfer a toy from one Baby can hold and play with toys
hand to the other while sitting (he no longer needs
During tummy time, baby his hands to prop him up)
consistently pushes up through While sitting, baby starts reaching
straight arms and is really working for toys in all directions without
on his core and neck strength falling over
While on her belly, baby is Signs of those beginning
pivoting in circles to seek out and crawling skills may be observed-
play with toys (the beginning think planking, downward dog,
stages of crawling) dolphin diving (baby looks like
Baby can now roll in both she’s kicking with her feet and
directions (back to belly/ belly to “diving” forward without the arm
back) formation)
Baby is beginning to sit either in a Baby may be able to get onto his
“tripod” (arms are planted forward hands and knees from tummy
for support) or “ring”position (legs time
are in a circle) When baby is on hands and knees
Baby may lose balance while (quadruped) she may start to rock
sitting and topple over (make sure back and forth or even push and
to practice sitting on a soft area move backwards
and keep close watch!) Your little one now may be able to
hold his own bottle


© 2022 Tots On Target


Baby now brings toys together Baby begins to feed himself with
and can even clap hands his fingers
She may show prerequisite Baby can now use an inferior
signs of crawling- planking or pincer grasp (pads of the fingers,
downward dog patterns not the tips) to pick up a cheerio
Baby may start initial crawling or small puff
army style (he drags his belly on Baby plays is a side-sit position
the floor while moving forward) (both feet are in pointed in the
for a few weeks before he can same direction while knees are in
move forward on all fours the opposite direction of her feet)
May be able to transition in Baby continues to play in a
and out of sitting (moving from kneeling position (low or tall
tummy time or lying on her back kneeling)
to a seated position) He may start crawling up steps
Baby may play in a kneeling (time to babyproof if you haven’t
position (low or tall kneeling) already!)
May pull to stand by holding onto While holding onto furniture, she
furniture, mostly using his arms to may start cruising (taking small
get him to that upright position steps to get from point A to point
Baby can wave “bye bye”, and give B holding onto the same couch or
high-fives ottoman)
Baby has good dynamic sitting While cruising, baby may feel
balance and can reach in all comfortable enough to let go
directions without falling over with one hand to play with toys
Baby crawls on hands and knees
to get across the room
Baby may now pull to stand using
both his arms and legs


© 2022 Tots On Target

10-11 MONTHS

Baby now crawls over obstacles Baby can release a toy upon
and uneven surfaces (think request
pillows, soft jungle gyms, Baby cruises along furniture,
ramps,etc.) easily letting go with one hand
Baby can pull to stand using arms to play
and legs Baby can points purposefully with
She may slowly lower herself to one finger and is becoming very
the floor to take a seat from a curious these days
standing position He can pull to stand using a
He may begin assisted walking proposal stance (half kneel) while
– first pushing something stable holding onto furniture
(think diaper box or activity) then Baby now climbs on furniture
progresses to a toy on wheels She may stand independently
(think walker or toy stroller) without holding on
Baby may stand independently Baby pushes walker toy, may still
without holding on start with something sturdy and
Baby may begin to walk (walking then progress to a toy on wheels
may initiate anytime between 10- when he gains more confidence
15 months, remember every baby May begin to walk independently
is different!) (walking may initiate anytime
between 10-15 months)


© 2022 Tots On Target


Baby’s pincer grasp is fully mature (baby holds a cheerio or puffs with the
tips of her fingers)
Baby points purposefully with one finger
Baby squats (bends through their legs hovering above a
seated position) during play
Baby can now turn pages of a thick board book
Baby may start removing his socks (and thinks it is a fun
game to play!)
Baby pushes walker toy on wheels
Bay may stand independently without holding on for
longer periods of time
Baby may begin to walk (walking may begin anytime
between 10-15 months)
Baby may begin flinging or tossing a small ball (time for a
game of catch!)

Want tips to help your baby

reach all of these milestones?
Our Tots On Target Membership will
guide you through your baby’s first year
and beyond!



© 2022 Tots On Target

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