Occupy Wallstreat Movement

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Occupy wallstreat movement ( social movement )

Start 17 september 2011 against political and economical inequality

New york city in zucotti park

Protesting against:

-Growing income gap

-economic inequality

-corporate influence on the goverment

-lack of opportunity

-too much student debt

-„bussines as usuall“ ( doint nothing ) in Washington DC

Slogan: „we are 99%“ the 1% of people were richer than the 99%

Richest 1% of US population owns 1/3 of US nett worth

From 1979 to 2007 the income of the richest 1% has trippled, for the middle class has increased for
40% and for the poorest it has barely moved

Black lives matter ( social movement )

Start: july 2013

Cause : death of george floyd

seeks to highlight racism, discrimination, and racial inequality experienced by black people. Its
primary concerns are incidents of police brutality and racially motivated violence against black


-racial justice

End of police brutality against black people

Slogan: black lives matter

Factual info:

-99% of killings by police between 2013 to 2019 didn' resoult in criminal charges

-black people were 3 times more likely to be killed by the police

As a result of the obama administration

-limited military grade weapons

-issuing consent decreaes

-pattern and practice investigation in police departments

Movement went international where slave trader statues were removed or destroyed

Arab spring ( resistance movement )

Started dec 2010 in tunisia after Muhamed Bouzazi set himself on fire

the protest inspired a way of revolts across the arab world as people rose up to protest against
authoritarian corruption and pocerty

the protests:

-brought down autocrats

-started wars

-renewed authoritarinsm

-higher level of oppression

Tunissia Egypt Libya Bahrain Syria

Zine ben ali 23 Hasni Mubarak Gadaffi
years (president 30 year 42 years (killed)
of tunissia, as a president -power vaccum
resoult of arab As a resoult of (tribes that
spring he was AS: fought together
removed from -democratic against gaddafi
the president election started fighting
seat) Mohamed Morsi against each
-change of (removed by the other)
goverment military with -civil war
-truth and increased level
dignity of oppression)
comission to
-over 62000
-inspired people
to fight for
change and
their rights
-2015 nobel

Orange revolution- ukraine elections

Start 2004

The presidental elections were claimed to be marrekd by massive corruption, voter intimidation and
electoral corruption

Ukraine Supreme Court anulled the election resoults


Yušenkov (won at the end)

Increased domestic and international eelction monitoring

It was called orange because yušenkov's colour was orange

EuroMaidan revolution

Significance of social and resistance mivements

Arguments: social movements can change mindsets, enact laws and shift policies

serve as a gateway to institutions – as actors in social movements tend to put pressure on

political institutions and hold them accountable.


2014 intervention because of the rapid teritorial gain made by isis

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