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ABNORMALITY: something that is not normal

ACCOUNTS: a record of money received and spent

ACHIEVBLE: something possible to do / able to be brought about or reached successfully
ACHING: a continuous steady pain
ACKNOWLEDGE: recognise / accept as true / accept or admit the existence or truth of
ACUTE CARE: to care of someone in first stage of an illness
ADDICTED: having a physical and mental need to consume a substance, especially a harmful drug
ADMISSION: be hospitalized
ADVICE: consultant / guidance or recommendations
ADVOCACY: group of patronage / support to help patients / public support for or recommendation of a particular
cause or policy
AGONIZING: extremely painful
AIDS: is a chronic and potentially life-threatening condition caused by a virus (HIV) that interferes with body’s
ability to fight the organisms that cause infections and disease
ALLERGIC: having a condition that causes a bad reaction on contact with a certain substance
ANAL SPHINCTER: the opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal, through which the solid refuse of
digestion is excreted (ANUS)
ANCILLARY STAFF: people who work in the hospital with medicines and nurses
ANTIMICROBIAL AGENT: a substance that kills bacteria and other micro-organisms
ANTIVIRAL: used to describe a drug that stops a virus from copying itself and therefore prevents infection from
APPLY FOR: to ask for another job / to sand an application / make a formal application or request
APPOINTMENT: a formal arrangement to see a doctor
ARTERU: any of the blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart
ASSESSING: to evaluate someone / estimate
ASSESMENT: initial evaluation
To be ATTUNED: to be sensitized or aware / be sensitive to aware of… / make receptive or aware
AUXILIARY NURSE: a nurse with basic qualifications who helps with the care of patients
AVERSION: (nausea) a strong dislike or disinclination

BACTERIA: small organisms without a nucleus that can sometimes cause infection
BEDPAN: for bedridden patient / to have pee in the bed / a receptacle used by a bedridden patient for urine and
BIN: container for throwing waste into
BIPOLAR DISORDER: a mental illness that causes somebody to change suddenly from being very happy to very sad
BLEND: mixture / mix
BLISTER: a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage (pastiglie o
pustola, vescica)
BLOODSTREAM: the blood circulating through the body of a person or animal (circolo sanguigno)
BODILY FLUIDS: the liquids inside the body that allow in to function
BODY: a dead person
BONE PLATE: is for fixing a broken bone / metal implant used to immobilize bone segments
BOWEL MOVEMENT: the release of solid waste matter from the body
BPM: beats per minute used to measure heart rate

BREAST: either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body which secrete milk after
childbirth (torace)
BRITTLE: hard but liable to break easily (friabile)
BRULSING: blue or purple masks on the body caused by bleeding under the skin
BURIAL: a ceremony where a dead person is put in a box under the ground
BURNS: when someone is burned

CAECUM: a pouch connected to the junction of the small and large intestines (il cieco dell’intestino)
CALORIE: a unit for measuring how much energy food will produce
CAPABLE: having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing / be able to do
something autonomy
CARDIAC ARREST: an occasion where somebody’s heart stops beating
CARE: feel /have affection / have caution
CARE HOME: a home that provides accommodation food and care for elderly people
CELL: a smallest unit of living matter
CENTRIFUGE: is for separating substances / a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal
force to its contents, typically to separate fluids
CHAPLAINCY: like a church opened of all religions / the office or position of a member of the clergy attached to a
private chapel, institution and ship
CIRCULATION: the movement of the blood through the heart and blood vessels
CLIENT: people who need nursing contain
CLOT: coagulated blood
CONCENTRATE: to focus attention on one thing
CONCUSSION: lead injury / violent blow / a violent shock as from a heavy blow
CONFORTABLE: make comfortable / AT LAST: provides care in the end of life
CONFUSION: a state of not being certain about what is happening, what you should do, what something means
CONSTIPATION: the condition of being unable to have a bowel movement easily
CONSULTANT: a hospital doctor of high rank who has special knowledge in a particular area of medicine and
advises the patient’s doctor
CONSULTATION: a meeting with an expert
CONTACT WITH: sharing / communication
CONTAMINATION: the process by which a place, substance is affected by a substance that is dangerous or carries
CO-ORDINATION: the ability to control your movements well
CORRIDOR: a long narrow passage in a building
COUGH: a sudden noise produced when air is suddenly forced out of the throat
CPR CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION: an emergency procedure used to keep a person alive who has
stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped breathing
CRAMP: a squeezing pain in a muscle
CRAVING: a sudden strong desire for something
CREDENTIAL: qualification
CREMATION: a ceremony where the body of a dead person is burnt in a special building
CUBICLE: a small room that is made by separating off part of a larger room
CUT: wound (ferita)
CYSTIC DUCT: a tube that carries bile from the gall bladder (dotto cistico)

DEAF: lacking the power of hearing or having impaired hearing / someone who can’t hear
DEFICIENCY: the state of not having, or not having enough of, something that is essential
DEGENERATIVE: of an illness, getting or likely ti get worse as time passes
To DELIVERY BABY: when a body born
DERMABRADER: a surgical instrument used for removal or rounding out of scars and for other plastic surgery
procedures / is for removing damaged skin
DEVICE: a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose / gadget / machine
DIABETIC: being unable to produce enough insulin
DIAGNOSE: to say what disease or condition a person Is suffering from, based on tests, examinations and
DIALYSIS MACHINE: a device to clean the blood when the kidneys don’t work / filters a patient's blood to remove
excess water
DIET: the food that you eat and drink regularly
DISABLED: handicapped / (of a person) having a physical or mental condition that limits their movements, senses,
or activities
DISCHARHED: tell (someone) officially that they can or must leave a place or situation / release from hospital
DISINFECTANT: a substance that kills bacteria
DISORDER: an illness that caused a part of the body to stop functioning correctly
DISPENSE: to prepare medicine and give it to people
DISPOSABLE GLOVES: gloves to use just one time
DISTRESSING: something that makes people feel extremely upset
DIVERTICULUM: a blind tube leading from a cavity or passage / an abnormal sac or pouch formed at a weak point
in the wall of the alimentary tract (diverticolo)
DIZZINESS: a confused feeling that you are turning or spinning
DOSES: a quantity of a medicine or drug / medicine measure
DRIP: to fall in small drops
DROP: a very small amount of liquid that forms a round shape
DROPLET: an extremely small drop of a liquid
DUCT: a tube or passageway in a building or machine for air or liquid / that carry body fluids
DUODENUM: the first part of the small intestine (duodeno)
DUTIES: a moral or legal obligation / something you have to do

ECG ELECTROCARDIOGRAM: a medical test used to measure electrical activity in the heart to diagnose heart
disorders or blockages in the arteries
ECZEMA: a skin condition that caused redness and itching and sores that secrete fluid and become dry and scaly
EDUCATED: a person who is erudite / instruct
EFFORT: attempt / exertion / too much work / a vigorous or determined attempt
ELDERLY: old people / (of a person) old or ageing
EMPATHY: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another / feeling shared with …
ER / CASUALTY: an accident
EXERCISE MACHINE: is for building strength
EXPERTISE: expert skill or knowledge in a particular field / things

Be FAIR: treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination / a way to live
FACILITIES: where people work / a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose
FAINT: lose consciousness (svenire) / feeling weak and dizzy and close to losing consciousness
FATAL: causing or capable of causing death
FATIGUE: physical tiredness / mental weariness / extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or
FEE: an amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services
FIELDS: sector / theory / an area of open land
FOREIGN BODY: a substance or object that is found in the body but should not be there
FORENSIC ANALYSIS: scientific study that is done to dry to help police solve a crime
FRAIL: physically weak and easily injured
FULLY-QUALIFIED: having passed all necessary exams in order to do a particular job
FUNERAL: a ceremony at which a dead person is buried or cremated

GADGET: a small mechanical or electronic device / something useful

GAIT: the way in which a person walks
GALLBLADDER: the small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver (cistifellea)
GATHERS: come together / assemble or accumulate / to collect / accumulate
GAUZE: like bandages
GERM: a micro-organism that can cause infection a disease
GIVE: subministrate
GP: general practitioner / doctor based in the community who treats patients with minor or chronic illnesses
GP’S SURGERIES: ambulatory surgery
GRIEVING: feeling great sadness after a loved one has died

HAEMOGLOBIN: a substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body
HEALDER: a person who cures people of illnesses and disease using natural powers rather than medicine
HEALTH CARE: medical services / the organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community
HEALTH VISITORS: nurses who works at patient’s house / a trained nurse who visits people in their homes to assist
or advise the chronically ill or parents with very young children
HEART ATTACK: occurs when blood flow (flusso) to a part of the heart is blocked usually by a blood clot without
oxygenated blood, the heart muscle begins to die
HEART RATE: the speed at which the heart beats
HEMOLACE: tourniquet
HIERARCHY: organization of people by importance / a system in which members of an organization or society are
ranked according to relative status or authority
HOLISTIC: used to describe medical care that looks at all aspects of a person’s body, mind and environment
HYPODHERMIC NEEDLE: a device with a sharp point used for injecting a substance though the skin

IMMOBILE: unable to walk around

IMMUNE: not affected by and not able to catch a particular disease or illness
INCONTINENT: unable to control the release of urine and faeces
INDEPENDENCE: freedom to do what you want to do without being controlled by others
INFECTION: a condition caused by bacteria invading and multiplying in a bodily part or tissue

INFUSION: a method for slowly putting a drug or other substance into a person’s vein
INITIAL ASSESSMENT: a judgment made about how serious a patient’s condition is when they first arrive at
INJURY: (incidente) damage to a person's feelings
INPATIENT: patient who stay in a hospital for more than a day, also during night / a patient who lives in hospital
while under treatment
INTAKE: a countably part of something not medicine / an amount of food, air, or another substance taken into the
ITCHING: an irritating feeling on the kin that causes a desire to scratch
INTERVIEW: make some questions to understand something by other person / a meeting of people face to face,
especially for consultation
INTRAVENOUSLY: into the blood vessels / into a vein

JEJUNUM: (digiuno) the middle part of the small intestine

JOINT: the area where two bones are attached of the purpose of permitting body parts to move, it’s formed by
fibrous connective tissue / a structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted

KNOWLEDGE: something to know / facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the
theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

LABOUR: time before a body born

LARGE INTESTINE: (intestine crasso) the long, tube-like organ that is connected to the small intestine at one end
and the anus at the other
LAYMAN’S TERMS: language easy to understand
LENGTH: linear measurement / duration / the measurement or extent of something from end to end; the greater
of two or the greatest of three dimensions of an object
LIGAMENT: is a fibrous connective tissue witch attaches bone to bone and usually serves to hold structures
together and keep them stable / a short band of tough, flexible fibrous connective tissue which connects two
bones or cartilages or holds together a joint
LIVER: (fegato) a large lobed glandular organ in the abdomen of vertebrates, involved in many metabolic processes
LPN: license practical nurse / grade of nurse
LUMP: when a part of body is swell (gonfio) / a compact mass of a substance, especially one without a definite or
regular shape

MEASLES: (morbillo) an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash, typically occurring in childhood
MELLOW YELLOW: (midollo osseo) a regional and now dated street term for L.S.D. (lysergic acid diethylamide)
MIDWIFE: obstetrician / a person, typically a woman, who is trained to assist women in childbirth
MRI: magnetic resonance imagines
MUMPS: (parotite) a contagious and infectious viral disease causing swelling of the parotid salivary glands in the
face, and a risk of sterility in adult males

NARROWED: having become less wide (ristretto) / become or make less wide
NEXT OF KIN: relative to close at patient / a person's closest living relative or relatives
NURSING: is a profession which involves caring and sharing with people from all walks of life

OCCUR: happen / take place
ONGOING EVALUATION: evaluation during nursing assessment
ONSET: moment when symptoms appear / the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant
OUTPATIENT: patient who stay in a hospital maximum for a day / a patient who attends a hospital for treatment
without staying there overnight
OPERETING THEATER / O.R.: room where people are operated
OVERCOME: (superare) defeat / vanquish / surmount / succeed in dealing with, a problem or difficulty
Work OVERTIME: work over job’s shift

PAPER WORK: (modulo) forms / records / report that you have to complete as part of your job (to feel a form:
compilare un modulo)
PAYROLL: (libropaga) list of employees to be paid / a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they
are to be paid
PATIENT CARD / RECORD: like nursing folder
PEDIATRIC SPOON: special spoon for children to grip
PHYSICIAN: like doctor / a person qualified to practise medicine, especially one who specializes in diagnosis and
medical treatment as distinct from surgery
PIL / PILLOW: like tablet +Neurological PINWHEEL: is for texting sensation in nerves
PLASTER: (gesso) a medicated or protective dressing that consists of a film (as of cloth or plastic) spread with a
usually medicated substance adhesive plaster
PRATICAL APPLICATION: training / laboratory
PRESCRIPTION: medical recipte
PRESSURE ULCER: lesion at skin on patient in bed / injuries to the skin and underlying tissue, primarily caused by
prolonged pressure on the skin
PRIMARY CARE: medical care / healthcare provided in the community for people making an initial approach to a
medical practitioner
PROSTHETIC: (protesi) denoting an artificial body part
PURCHAISING: (approvigionamento) buy something to have this
PYLORUS: (piloro) the part of the stomach that connects to the duodenum
QUALIFIED: a professional with certificate

RANK: levels / a position in the hierarchy

RECOVERY CARE: cares after serious problems
RECTUM: (retto) the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus
REGISTERED: entered or recorded on an official list or directory
REGISTRERED NURSES: (infermiere) nurse registered into the nurse’s register
REGISTRATION FORM: (modulo d’accesso, di registrazione) patient card
REST HOME: a place where old people live / a residential institution where old or frail people are cared for
REWARDING: satisfying / providing gratifying

SAMPLES: (campioni) specimen / is a small part representing a man / a small part or quantity intended to show
what the whole is like
SCALE: it’s the instrument to say what is your weight
SCALPEL: bistoury / is for performing surgery

SCHEDULES: something that is in program / a plan for carrying out a process or procedure
SCRUB NURSE: it’s a nursery who work in a O.R.
SCRUB UP: the action to clean surgery’s doctors and nurses before go in a O.R.
SECTION: like a cut but in a surgery contest
SET UP: (inserire l’ago in vena) insert the needle into the vein
SHAPING: process of forming / give a particular shape or form to
SHARE: use together / allow others to use
SHARING: getting in touch / have a portion of something with another or others
SHIFT: time when you work (ex night shift)
SHUFFLING: adjective used to describe a way of walking with short steps with the feet not leaving the flooe
SIBILINGS: brothers and sisters
SICK: feel bad / affected by physical or mental illness
SIDE EFFECT: usually bad effect that a drug has on you
SIGHT: (vista) the faculty or power of seeing
SMALL INTESTINE: (intestine tenue) the part of the intestine that runs between the stomach and the large
intestine; the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum collectively
SNORING: (russare) loud breathing while a sleep
SORE: a painful and possibly swollen, often red, place on your body where there is a wound or an infection
SPECIAL EXPERTISE: (competenze speciali, particolari) specialist knowledge
SPECIMEN: a sample of blood, urine or tissue collected for laboratory analysis
SPILLAGE: the liquid that is fropped
SPOTLESS: completely clean
SPREAD: a disease or an infection to move from one person or place to cover a wider area
SQUINTS: (strabismo) misalignment of eyes / look at someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed in
an attempt to see more clearly or as a reaction to strong light
STANO CLEAR: way to say to “stare lontano, aria”
STERILIZE: to heat something in order to kill micro-organisms on it
STIMULANT: a drug that makes you feel more awake and that makes the body work faster
STRETCHER: frame for transporting patients / that’s a device / a framework of two poles with a long piece of canvas
slung between them, used for carrying sick, injured, or dead people
STROKE: it’s a brain attack, cutting of vital blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Stroke happens when a blood
vessel feeding the brain gets clogged or bursts
SUICIDE: the action of kill yourself
SUPPLEMENT: something to eat in addition to your normal food
SUPPLY: provide / make something needed or wanted available to someone
SUPPOSITORY: a medication in tablet from which is inserted into the rectum
SURGERY: medical operation
SURGEON: doctor with qualify to work in O.R.
SUSCEPTIBLE: likely to be affected by something
SWELLING: an increase in size of an injured or diseased area
SWOLLEN: (gonfiore) when a part of the body become larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an
accumulation of fluid
SYLLABUS: program
SYRINGE: instrument for injecting fluid
TEAR: whater when you cry

To have TEMPERATURE: to have fever / be hot
TENDONS: attach and support the joints between muscles and bones
TEST TUBE: a glass or clear plastic tube used in laboratories for holding a liquid or other substance to be tested
TIMED: fine /payment
THERAPY: the treatment of a physical problem or an illness
THICKNESS: dimension of density / layer / the distance through an object
THOUGH: (spesso) despite the fact that
TIC: a fast, uncontrollable muscle movement
TORN LIGAMENT: (strappo) rip, less than a cut, of ligament
TRANSDUCER: a device that is passed over a patient in a ultrasound examination in order to produce an image
TRAUMA: a serious shock to the body or mind
TREATMENT: the medication surgery, therapy…
TRIAGE NURSE: a person whose job is to decide how urgently patients need to be treated, according to how
serious their condition is
TRIALS: experiments
TUMOUR: an abnormal growth of tissue caused by an uncontrolled increase in cells
TWEEZERS: a metal tool for picking up or removing very small objects consisting of two arms that you pinch

ULTRASOUND: the use of high frequency sound waves to make an image of a part inside the body
UNBEARABLE: too bad or extreme to cope with
URINAL: device to have pee in bed (for men)

VEIN: any of the blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
VENTILATOR: is a piece of medical equipment used to allow somebody to breathe who cannot do so without help
VERMIFORM APPENDIX: (appendice vermiforme) is a finger-like, blind-ended tube connected to the cecum, from
which it develops in the embryo
VESSELS: where blood flow
VIRUS: is a micro-organism that causes infection and disease and that spreads by coping itself
VITAL SIGNS: a patient’s pulse rate, temperature, respiratory breathing rate and blood pressure
VITAMIN: any of a group of organic compounds that are needed in small amounts but cannot be made within the

WARDS: department
WELL BEING: wellness of patient / wealth
WIDOWED: men whose wife is died
WIDTH: dimension of large
WOLE PERSON: someone with a holistic vision
WORDLE: a lot of word in a contest / a piece of text which has been rearranged into a visual pattern of words
WORK PLACEMENT: (tirocinio) a job that you do as a part of your studies in order to gain experience of a particular
kind of work
WORMS: long thin creature that live inside the body and can cause illness
WOUND: cut / an injury that involves the skin begin cut or broken

X-RAY MACHINE: a device to take a photo of bones

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