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Amending a constitution is a formal process of making changes to the fundamental law of a country or
organization. The specific process for amending a constitution varies depending on the country or
organization, but there are some general principles that are commonly followed.

the process of amending a constitution involves a proposal by a legislative 11body, such as a parliament
or congress and must then be approved by a specified majority of the legislative body or by a 1
constituted body, such as a constitutional convention. The total number of the students who agreed
was 88 and 92 was the number of students who said no.In grade 7 quijano 7 said yes and 16 said no,in
g8 integrity 2 said yes and 12 said no,g9 earth has 12 yes and 13 no,in 9 saturn 33 said yes and 4 said
no,g10 pearl 6 said yes and 32 said no,11 afa has 11 yes and 2 no,12CG has 12 tes and 5 no while ICT has
5 yes and 12 no.

Once the proposal has been approved, it is typically put to a public vote, either in a general election or in
a referendum. The proposal must be supported by"1 a specified percentage of the voters, usually a
supermajority, before it can be adopted.

The specific requirements for amending a constitution can vary widely depending on the country or
organization. In some cases, the process may be relatively easy, requiring only a simple majority of the
legislative body or a simple majority of voters in a referendum. In other cases, the process may be much
more difficul1t, requiring a supermajority of the legislative body or a very high percentage of voter
approval in a referendum.

Some of the students shared their opinion and these are the following students who states ther
opinion.According to Mr. Earl Dispo a g12-ICT student,"no because thr constitution with a review of
determining whether or not it should br change to better addresses the situation of Filipinos,there be no
need to revise the constitution when an ammendments of law may suffice.

While Mr. Edrian L. Pagente states that "in my own opinion no,because it is a partisan period in our
history and there is no time to do these things,there are several provisions that need to be clarified.

Ms.Samantha said that she is not in favor in changing our 1987 Philippine Constitution because the risk
that constitutional reform might be used as an excuse for extending stays in office and shifting to
federalism are just too great to offset the need to make these changes.

And lastly Ms. May Ann a g12-GAS student said that "im not in favor of changing our law because if our
law has change the citizens of the Philippines will lost rights to complaints the law of the government.
Here are the opinions of students who said yes.

According to Ms.Ruby Nika Paragas a G12-CG student"yes,for my own opinion i agreed,because for how
many years we have expirience under democracy although we are free in making decisions yet there is
lacking the powers of each regions are enough.I want to explore more and expirience other
constitution.A constitution that would provide a way for different groups of people in different groups of
people in different parts of the country to live together.

Mr. Dominic Dollonado a G12-CG said that he is willing to change the 1987 constitution,for the reason to
be implied is that i want to try new Philippine Constitution.Unlike democratic law,federalism promotes
clear assignment of functions to different levels of government.It also emphasizes greater local
autonomy and teritorial development.

Mr.Raymond Paulino states that he agreed to changr our Philippine law because the ability to change
the constitution has made it flexible,living document that can respond to the Nations changing
needs.And lastly he prefer not to state his name for confidential purposes,and states that"yes i am in
favor with this ammendments,because for the past years with democracy.I seen no changes or poor
improvement on the democratic governance with federalism regional goverments can have more
sovereignty on implementing or enforcing their laws and policy.It would be a big opportunity for the
Filipino people in general to expirience a more citizen-centered government."i believe the voices of the
Filipinos which were unheard fir the past years will be herald when federalism takes over".

In conclusion, the process of amending a constitution is a formal and often difficult process that requires
careful consideration and broad support. The specific requirements for amending a constitution can vary
widely depending on the country or organization, but in general, the process involves a proposal by a
legislative body, approval by a specified majority, and approval by a supermajority of voters.

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