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Appropriate Age to Use Social Media

With how pervasive new media has become in contemporary life, it's safe to say that

several parents have battled to decide when to give their kids and teenagers permission to use it.

Some people contend that kids shouldn't be using social media until they're older, while others

contend that kids should have accessibility to it earlier. In this post, I'll make the case that teens

and children should start using social media when they become 13 years old.

First and foremost, social media is not designed for children who are younger than 13.

The majority of social networking sites demand that users be at minimum 13 years old before

they're allowed to register an account. This age restriction is in place to protect children from

potential online dangers, such as cyberbullying and inappropriate content. As a result, enabling

kids to use social networks before they turn 13 might put them at risk for internet dangers.

Furthermore, young children may not be able to understand the potential risks associated

with social media. They may not fully comprehend the implications of sharing personal

information or posting inappropriate content online. They could also be more susceptible to

online predators who may try to manipulate them into sharing personal information or meeting

them in person. By waiting until children are older, parents can ensure that their children are

better equipped to navigate the complexities of social media and make responsible decisions


Social media may also be detrimental to young people's mental well-being. Excessive

social media use, per research, has been linked to feelings of worry, depression, and loneliness.

Parents may safeguard their children's psychological well-being and urge them to participate in

other events that foster wellbeing by restricting their children's involvement in social media.

Social media, on the other hand, may be argued to be a helpful tool for kids to remain in

touch with family and friends, particularly during the epidemic. While this may be true, there are

alternative ways for children to stay in touch with loved ones that do not involve social media.

For example, children can use video calls or messaging apps that are specifically designed for

children, such as Messenger Kids, which has built-in parental controls to ensure their safety.

In conclusion, I think that teens and children should start using social media when they

become 13 years old. Waiting until children are older can help them better grasp the possible

repercussions of using social media. This age limit is in place to safeguard youngsters from

potential internet threats.


Works Cited

“Social Media Benefits and Risks: Pre-teens and Teenagers.” Raising Children Network, 14 Oct.


“Teens and Tech.” Teens and Tech,



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