Language of The Courtroom: Protocol

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Language of the courtroom:


Watch the video and complete:

1. When the judge arrives, the clerk says: “___________”

Then, everybody _________

2. “Superior Court of the State of California…. Department 15 is now


3. “_______________ Judge Husley _______”

4. The clerk finally says “________________” and people sit down.

5. Everybody in court addresses the judge as: “__________”

Language. Prepositions.

1. The judge investigates the matter and decides _____ the case.

2. He was charged _________ rape.

3. _________ a contract, a party has obligations.

4. When a party does not do what it has promised to do, it can be sued for breach
_____ contract.

5. As a witness, you are sworn ___ by a clerk. Don’t lie then.

6. Your Honor, this witness is changing her story even though she is ________ oath.

7. The attorney and the judge may have a conversation __ the record.

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