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Homes (adjectives) Homes (nouns)

1 Write the missing letters to complete the 3 Choose the correct answers.
adjectives. Match adjectives 1–8 with their
opposites a–h.
1 _utdoor a
_p-to-d_te b
ba_ic c
nar_ow d
lig_t e
br_nd-new f g_oom_
un_om_ortable g
_isor_anized h
2 Complete the adjectives with the missing letters. 1 The land between towns is often called the
countryside / suburbs.
2 A garage / basement is a place where you can
keep your car.
3 An air conditioning / attic is at the top of a
building, just under the roof.
4 A garage / fireplace is usually in a living room.
You can make a fire in it.
5 The part of town where we live is often called
our balcony / neighbourhood.
6 The central heating / air conditioning system
keeps a home warm in winter.
7 The outdoors / suburbs are residential areas at
1 Our new kitchen is very l_ _ _ t and u _ - t _ - the edges of large towns.
d___. 8 A balcony / basement is joined to the outside of
2 My bedroom is quite b _ s _ _, but it’s nice and a building. You can sit or stand on it.
c _ s _.
3 We’ve got a really big b _ _ _ d – n _ _ TV in our FAST FINISHER
living room.
4 Choose the correct sentence.
4 Most film stars’ houses are very big and very
l _ x _ _ _ _ _ s. 1 a My bedroom hasn’t got any windows. It’s very
5 Our neighbours have an _ _ t _ _ _ r swimming
pool. b My bedroom hasn’t got any windows. It’s very
6 My house isn't new, it's t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It's
nice, but the windows are small so some of the 2 a Lots of my friends live in our neighhourhood.
rooms are a bit g _ _ _ _ _. b Lots of my friends live in our basement.
7 Jack has got a new sofa. Its looks great, but it's 3 a We switch on the air conditioning when the
quite u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to sit on. weather is hot.
8 Ellie doesn't like buying new furniture, so most of b We switch on the central heating when the
her things are r _ _ _ _ _ _ _. weather is hot.
4 a In winter we swim in the outdoor pool.
b In winter we swim in the indoor pool.
5 a The attic is at the bottom of the house.
b The basement is at the bottom of the house.

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Homes (adjectives) Homes (nouns)

1 Order the letters to make adjectives. Number to 3 Read the clues and write the words vertically  in the
match them to their opposites a–h. puzzle. Find the mystery word.

ORODTUO OGMOLY 1 A … is usually in a living room. You can make a fire in it.
2 When we aren’t in a building, we are …
1 5
3 The area where we live is called our …
ROTNTLDILIA ABDNRNWE 4 A … is part of a building that is under the ground.
5 An … is at the top of a building, just under the roof.
2 6
6 A … is a place where you can keep your car.
SIXULOURU SOYC 7 A … is joined to the outside of a building. You can sit
3 7 or stand on it.
8 Residential areas at the edge of towns are called … .
NRAWOR DSIOZADEGNRI 9 An air … system keeps a home cool in summer.
4 8 10 The opposite of outdoors.
a wide    11 A central … system keeps a home warm in winter.
b light  1

c indoor  4 7 9
d up-to-date 
e basic 
f recycled  E

g organized  P
5 6 10
h uncomfortable L
2 Complete the sentences with the words in A
the box. C

The mystery word is ___________.

recycled outdoor light narrow
brand-new luxurious 4 Correct the sentences.
1 The windows in my grandparents’ kitchen 1 My bedroom hasn’t got any windows. It’s very light.
are very big so it’s very .
2 We’ve got a TV in our living room – 2 Lots of my friends live in our basement.
it’s the latest model.
3 Most film stars’ houses are so . 3 We switch on the central heating when the weather
4 Our neighbours have an swimming is hot.
5 We can’t put a double-bed in that bedroom 4 In winter we swim in the outdoor pool.
because it’s so .
6 Our kitchen table is made from 5 The attic is at the bottom of the house.

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Past simple and past continuous; Present perfect simple and past simple
used to 3 Choose the correct answers.
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or 1 I can’t find my glasses. Did / Have you seen them?
the past continuous of the verbs in brackets. 2 Have you did / done your homework yet?
1 I my friend 3 I’ve just / yet tidied my bedroom.
while I was waiting 4 Have you ever / already forgotten to do your
for the bus. (see) homework?
5 We ever / used to live in a flat, and now we live
a house.
6 I haven’t cleaned the bathroom already / yet.
2 While he was fixing 7 I’ve ever / never been on your balcony before.
his bike, he What a beautiful view!
a message on his 8 We’ve been in this classroom for / since 8.30 a.m.
phone. (get) 4 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
simple or the past simple of the verbs in the box.

know not have go do live

3 I hurt my foot while I 1 Victor his Maths homework
. (run) yesterday.
2 I love our house. We here for
seven years.
3 She’s really hungry because she
her lunch yet.
4 They were playing 4 you or your brother ever to
football when it Italy?
to rain. 5 How long you your best friend?

5 Choose the correct sentence.

5 It when 1 a They’re hungry because they haven’t already
we arrived at the had dinner.
airport. (snow) b They’re hungry because they haven’t had
dinner yet.
2 a She used to sleep in the attic when she was
a child.
b She was sleeping in the attic when she was
2 Complete the sentences with used to, use to or a child.
didn’t use to.
3 a I’ve bought that phone four months ago.
My parents used to eat meat every day. (✓) b I bought that phone four months ago.
1 Did you play hockey when you were ten? 4 a He’s known his best friend since ten years.
2 I like chocolate. (✗) b He’s known his best friend for ten years.
3 She play the guitar every day. (✓) 5 a I was opening the window when the glass
4 We go to school on Wednesday broke.
afternoons. (✗) b I opened the window when the glass was
5 Where did you live? breaking.

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1 GRAMMAR Extension

Past simple and past continuous; Present perfect simple and past simple
used to 3 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of
1 Complete the sentences. Put one verb in the past the verbs in the box and the adverbs in brackets.
simple and the other in the past continuous.
see not clean be (×2)  have
My dad / sleep / when / the plane / land move  wash leave finish get
My dad was sleeping when the plane landed.
1 A: When did you move house?
1 it / start / to rain / while / we / play / hockey
B: A long time ago! We
(already) in our new house for six months.
2 they / talk / about Laura / when / she / come / 2 A:  you in the bathroom
into the room (yet)?
B: No, I haven’t. I (just) my hair,
3 while / my mum / do / the washing up / she / but I my teeth (yet).
break / a plate 3 A: I can’t find my trainers. you
4 my brother / meet / his girlfriend / while / they / B: Yes, I have. You them on the balcony.
work / at the pizzeria They there since last night!
4 A: you (ever) a dog?
5 Jamie / run / across the park / when / a dog / B: Yes, we our first one last year.
bite / his leg
4 Complete the questions using the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Then write answers for
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of yourself. Write complete sentences.
used to and the verbs in the box. 1 Where you on holiday last
year? (go)
practise go wear go not cycle not like do

2 How long you your best
friend? (know)

3 What you for breakfast
yesterday morning? (eat)

4 you ever abroad? (live)


5 Correct the sentences.

When I was little we used to go on 1 They’re hungry because they haven’t had dinner
holiday to the beach every year. already.
1 I eating spinach when I was a
child. 2 I was sleeping in the attic when I was a child.
2 She the piano for two hours
after school every day. 3 I’ve bought that phone four months ago.
3 you ballet when you
were younger? 4 He’s known his best friend since ten years.
4 you shorts to school
when you were six? 5 I was opening the window when the glass was
5 Jamie to school – he breaking.
by bus.

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Russian dachas
1 Read the text quickly and choose the correct words.
1 Dachas are in the city / in the countryside.
2 Most dachas are big and luxurious / small and basic.
3 When people go to their dacha, they spend a lot of time indoors / outdoors.

Dachas: a home from home?

ots of Russian people live in apartments in the
city, and they have a small traditional wooden
house in the countryside as well. These
second homes are called ‘dachas’. In the summer
and at weekends, many people leave their apartments
and go to their dachas. Russian people love spending
time in the countryside. It’s good to have a break
from the pollution and noise of the city.
How did this tradition start? The word 'dacha'
means 'gift'. In the 18th century, Peter the Great, the
Emperor of Russia, used to give country houses to
his friends as gifts. These country houses weren’t
designed for ordinary people: they were usually
very big and luxurious! But now the tradition has Nowadays, some dachas are quite luxurious, but
changed. Nowadays, cities like Moscow and St a traditional dacha is quite small and basic, with an
Petersburg have become very busy and crowded, outdoor toilet and no bathroom. Traditional dachas
and many people live in small apartments without don’t have central heating or air conditioning, so they
any outdoor space. It’s common to also have a can be very cold in winter and hot in summer! But
small plot of land and a small wooden house in the some traditional dachas have very big fireplaces, so
countryside. These houses are also called dachas. In they can be warm and cosy. In the past, people used
the past, many people used to grow vegetables and to sleep on top of the fireplace in winter because
fruit in the gardens of their dachas. Some people it was the warmest place in the house. The indoor
still do this now. It can be hard work, but it’s good space in a dacha is often small, but it doesn’t matter,
to have fresh food to take back to the city. And it’s because people spend a lot of time outdoors, relaxing,
always nice to eat food that you have grown yourself! playing, working in the garden and having barbecues.

2 Read the text and answer the questions. You don’t need to write 4 Find and underline examples of
complete sentences. used to in the text.
1 What is a dacha? 5 COMPARE CULTURES Discuss
2 What does the word ‘dacha’ mean? the questions.
3 What did Russian people use to do in the gardens of their • In your country, is it more common
dachas? to live in a house or an apartment?
4 Where in the dachas did people use to sleep in winter? • Do many people have second
3 Read the text again and write true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS). • Where do people go in the
1 Lots of Russian people have two homes.  summer or at weekends?
2 The first dachas were gifts.  • How do you and your family spend
3 These days people don’t grow food at their dachas.  the summer and weekends?
4 Dachas are usually luxurious. 
5 There aren’t many fresh vegetables in Russian cities. 
6 Dachas are always cold in winter. 

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Remembering places
1 1.1  Listen to three people talking about places that they remember.
Write James, Sue or Nina under photos 1–3.
1 2 3

2 1.1  Listen again. Tick (✓) the things each person talks about.
James Sue Nina
summer ✓
central heating
eating breakfast
playing games

3 1.1  Listen again and answer the questions. You don’t need to write complete sentences.
1 What were the bedrooms in the tent like when everybody was in bed?

2 What did James use to help his parents with?

3 What was Sue’s favourite part of her home?

4 Why was it often too hot in Sue's home during summer?

5 Where did Nina and her family use to sit in the evenings?

6 Where was Nina’s bedroom?

7 Why didn't Nina use to like going to bed?

Think about a house or flat that you lived in or another place that you used to go to for
holidays or at weekends. What do you remember most about it?
• What did you like about it and what didn’t you like?
• What did you use to do there?
• Which part of it did you like best? Why?

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Past and present

1 Complete the questions in the questionnaire. Answer the questions for yourself, using notes.

Questions Me My partner

1 How long / you / live / your flat (or house)?

5 years

2 What / you / do / last weekend?

3 Where / you / use to / go / on holiday / when / you / a child?

4 you / ever / go / to the USA?

5 What time / you / go / to bed / last night?

6 What / you / have / for breakfast / this morning?

7 How long / you / have / your coat (or jacket)?

8 What / you / used to / wear / to school / when / you / six?

9 How long / you / study / English?

10 you / see / any good films / recently?

2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer 3 Work in groups of four. Take turns to tell the group
the questions in the questionnaire. Ask your about your partner.
partner another question about each answer.
Sonia has lived in her flat for five years. Before
How long have you lived in your flat? that, she lived in a village in the countryside.

I’ve lived in my flat for five years. 4 FIND OUT 

1 Make your own questionnaire. Write six different
questions with the present perfect simple or past
Where did you live before?
2 Interview a friend or family member.

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Describing a home
1 Read the email. Who has moved to a new house recently?
• Duncan • Both of them
• Joe • Neither of them

From: joe

Hi Duncan,
It’s funny that both of us have just moved house! I hope
you’re enjoying your new home.
We only moved into our new house two days ago. It’s
great! The kitchen is really light and up-to-date. The
living room is quite cosy and traditional, with a beautiful
fireplace. There’s a pretty garden and a big balcony.
There’s an attic, too, but it’s very basic – it hasn’t even got
a proper floor. There isn’t a garage, but there’s space to
park the car in front of the house. Ben and I have already
chosen our bedrooms. Ben’s room is bigger than mine, but
it’s quite gloomy. I prefer mine because it’s lighter. I didn’t use to tidy my room very often in
our old house, but I’m going to be more organized here. I want my new bedroom to look nice!
All the rooms are very disorganized at the moment, because we haven’t unpacked all the
boxes yet. We've unpacked lots already, but there are still so many to do! I didn't know we
had so many things in the house! I think it's going to take a few weeks to unpack everything!
What’s your new home like? I can’t wait to hear about it!
Hope to hear from you soon.

2 Read the email again and complete the notes about 4 Imagine that you have just moved into one of these
Joe’s new home. homes. Make notes about the rooms and features.
Use the adjectives from the unit.
Rooms/features Adjectives
kitchen light, up-to-date
living room
Ben's bedroom
Joe's bedroom
all the rooms

3 Read the email again and answer the questions.

Write complete sentences.
1 How long has Joe been in his new house?
Rooms/features Adjectives

2 What have Joe and his brother already done?

3 What didn’t Joe use to do in his old house? 5 GET CREATIVE
Write a reply to Joe’s email. Describe your new
4 What haven’t Joe and his family done yet? home. Say what you have already done and what
you haven’t done yet.

Keep it Real! B1+ © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021

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