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Malaviya National institute of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering Mid-Term Examination Session (2022-23) Time: 1:30 hr Maximum Marks: 30 ‘Of that question. 26 (a). A solution containing §69% benzene, 2696 28% toluene and 17% xylene by weight is in contact with its vapour at 373°K. Calculate the total pressure and miolar composition of the liquid and vapour. Vapour pressure of benzene (P°8) at 373 K = 1.762 atm, Vapour pressure of toluene (P*T) a 373 K = 0.737 atm Vapour pressure OFxylene (P*X) at 373K = 0.276 atm, [Marks 5] Q1Xb}" An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is prepared by dissolving 20 kg of NaCl in 80 kg of water. Calculate mole% composition of soiution. [Marks 4] fed rate of 100 moles/h of an equimolar mixture of ethanol (E), propanol (P), and butanol (B) is “Separated in a distillation column into two streams. The overhead stream (distillate) contains 2/3 ethanol_and no butanol,. and the boitom stream is free of ethanol. Calculate the rates and compositions of the overhead and bottom streams. [Marks 6] Fresh feed stream flowing at 100 kg/f}contains 20% by weight KNOs (K) in Hs0 QW). The fresh feed stream is combined with a recycle stream and iS Ted to an evaporator. The concentrated liquid from the ry The liquid Yrom the crystallizer constitutes the recycle stream and contains. 6 kg NGS fe ier 1.0 kg of H20.) Calculate all stream flow rate values and compositions. (Marks 10} EDA Multichoice questions (Marks (1* 1. Below given statements are ‘A, Fundamental units are not those that can be measured independently < B. Derived units are those that can be developed in terms of fundamental units The number of true statement is/are ajo Uy > 2 d) None of the mentioned 2. 30,(in)(om*)((yr)(s)(lom)( Ft) to all Ay5.72*10-11 b) 4.76«10-12 ©) 8.73x10-11 ’ ) 4,45x10-12 Scanned with CamScanner sonesAou Veen? ‘ DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, MNIT Jai Sea IL Yr (ill Semester) MID-TERM EXAM (20/10/2022) “CHT203_ Mom.entum Transfer Operations \ ‘Time: LS he Marks:30 sal questions Assume ming data suo Ore: Ay ‘ent is pulled at a velocity V- Calculate the the pull pn 4a) Through a very narrow gap of height hy a thin plate of large ex 4 on the other side oil of viscosity #, mone side ofthe plate is oil of viscosity and tn ofthe pate a that @) the sear force om the tvo sides af the pate equa required to drag the plate is minimpm. | e plate is min or sit of viscosity 0.50 Ns/m? is used for lubrication between g shaft and a sleeve, TBE jiameter ‘f the shaft is 0.50 m and it rotates at 200 rom. Find theGiower lost in oil Tor a sleeve length of 100, nm. The thickness of the ol film is min Ge. OH) Soecifie gravity 085, Z = 07 mand y= 1S. m ‘Compute pressure difference between mi and n. Dano ifice meter is used for measuring low rate of water in a pipe tine of 78 mu» LD. ‘The-dauieter E orufiice igs mm, ‘The GBereurfmanomeide & reading TIS en) The volumetric flow rate in the present case js 719 emYsee. Caloulate—the coficient of discharge of msser. (6+3) @ v4 400 mn tong pipe tapers frsm.1.20 m diameter at the high end to 0.60. diameter atthe low © — 7 where a = “2 “Pe ™ bey off aiwanys |-Jf mory del me po seie wool buat it surly, voit Scanned with CamScanner Attempt a2? Roll No, 222¥CH4t iya National Instit De orch Mid Term Examination 2022-2023 (18-10-2022), B.Tech IE Semester, Energy Reso ‘ees Utilization |CHT-207) Time: 99 min. Marks: 30, all questions in chronological order ‘Why’ do specific types of bituminous col have a higher hating value than 4 anthracite? Why ate sulphur and phosphorus consituen’s undesirable in aly metallurgical coal? cea ere How the classification of coal can be done based on the proximate analysis ¢* *" 5 A bituminous coal has following composition on mass basis Cr 45%} Hs 6%; 0: 22.5%; Nitrogen: 2%; 18.5%; and ash: 5%, 7 Sulphur: 1%; Moisture Determine the molecular formula and heating value of the coal on wet and dry ash free basis, Take the molecular weight of ash is 56 ‘What are the points in favour of Carbide, What is hydrotreating, Engler and Modem theory? 3 and why is it required? Explain the hydrotreating of |g diesel using a neat flowsheet with chemical reactions Sketch the organization structure of petroleum exploration and refining in 3 India Scanned with CamScanner BoTech U1 Year Marks-30 Ber QA (a) An elastic type of pressure-measuring instrum: deflection of the diaphragm was found to be 0 pressure of 4x04 Pa. The built in ampliier sensitivity of 50 Vimm. The output is displayed on aut analog volt voltmeter which lia Scale line as 70mm and has voltage rangi diagram type of eleetro-mechanieal press diaphragm gauge in terms of mm/bar, rite the governing equation for U-Tube Manometer and Thermal Element? (03) 72 Write a short notes on:- (06) @ SrPieroclectric Transducer Ao Bourdon pressure gauge RG raster Pressure sensors {GP Deflection and Null Types 7G do you mean error? Explain the Loading errors and Accidental errors.(03) Loy The governing equation for the capillary tube viscometer is the well known Hagen — Poiseaelle equation. If Q, L, D and Bp are measured with an uncertainty of 42%, how accurately s T] known? If the uncertainty in the measurement D id reduced to #0.2% by using improved instrumentation, what is the improvement achieved inthe uncertainty of}? (03) gauge and Determine ((@) An instrument consists of a first order sensing element and a second order data presentation device. The time constant of the-first order element is 0.03sec and static sensitivity is 6mV/°C. The second order device has an undamped natural frequency of 200 rad/s and damping ratio of 0.3, with static sensitivity of 8 mm/mY. Draw block and the bode diagram, giving the frequency response of the system. (03) \gyPerive a derivation for propagation ‘of uncertainties? (03) 5(g) A thermometer with first order dynamics has a time constant of 1 min. It is place @ inlgater bath at 110°F. After the thermometer reaches study state, it suddenly placed in another water bath at 120°F at t= 0 and left there for 1 min, Then it is immediately retumed to the water bath at 110°F, Calculate the thermometer reading at ¢ = 0.75 min andt=2.5 min. (03) rior are input and output filtering? Explain input Filtering with suitable example. (03) Y “AIL the best” \ ' Jrvose Luar Ys yourndrues Wte ef heehee acu rove) wor d Scanned with CamScanner oes yn (24 MALAVIYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JAIPUR B. Tech (Chemical Engineering) - 111 Semester Mid Semester Examination - 2022-23 Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering (CHT211) | Date: 1771072022 i ime: 10:30 ~12:00 noon Duration: I hour 30 mins (20 marks) All questions are ex pul Ming a any may and Seno TSAR <|8 Marks}; 7 ole he aes ie = 25 as {co tevel-r2} isNOT reset '8 set of linear algebraic equations by LU decomposition method. Diagonal dominancy of the equations Bey ty + 6 6x; — 16x, = 4 8x, ~17x3 = 17 0 a (0 Marks}; Suggested time =25 mins eam ‘ol parilesh ye amet of, 0.12 ym) shape factor 9, = 0.88, and density of 1000. kg/m? are to be fluidized using air GZ smn 90 The vidas aes le an “The viscosiny Gu) of air under these conditions is 1 B45 x10" kg/m. The molecular igh of a wees Find the real root of the minimum fluidizaion velocity (ve) usi n inital gu luidizailon velocity (va) using Newton-Raphson method using an initial guess value of Yay = 0.1 mvs. Perform tw iterations only. —— caine Fluidization is represented'by Ergun equat = 1.75p (1-Eur)] 2, | 1504 (1= Ene) vine +] SS Le — (1 Ene) (Pp - P) 9 =O [sz a a eve i 12. Marks]; Suggested time = 30 mins —> [C03, Level —K3] —_— OLrwo tanks ingeries are used to heat oil. Each tank is initially filled with{1000 kg of cil af 20.26 Saturated steam af 250° ‘condenses within the coils immersed in each tank. Oil js fed into the rsiiank ata rate of 2 ky/s and overflows into second tank at the same flow rate. The temperature of the oil fed to the first tank is 20 $C, The tanks are well mixed so that the temperature inside the tanks is uniform and the outlet stream temperature within the tank[C, of oil =2ki/kg.KTe rate of heat transferred to the oil from the STEAM is given bQ = UA(T, —T)} where A is the outside area ofthe col ea of the coll, U=0.2 kWim?.K. tank, A= Ii? and the overall heat transfer coefficient is based on the outside are Determiné thé temperature (Ti & ‘both the tanks at time (1) = 100 sec with a step si 4 order method. Initially at time (t) = 0, oil temperature in both the tank Was 20 °C. ize (h) of 100 using Runge-Kutta cet Page Loft iol ! wl ow a : ole Lolrod you “get *VTony Guy Abe Scanned with CamScanner MALAVIYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JAIPUR B. Tech (Chemical Engineering) III Semester End Semester Examination - 2022-23 Numerical Methods in Chemical Engine Duration: 2 hour 30 mins (maria) ~All auestons are compulsory. Misng da any maybe asumed sably, Seok no dasTzaton Ql. [4x2 = 8 Marks}; Suggested time =20 mins @® ba LAT Express the Jacobian matrix fr tne variable NO Tewton-Raphson method. ») Write a short note on Onhogonal collocation method and graphically represent the collocation points for Legendre Polynomials. wi 197) Mrite the difference between explicit and Crank-Nicolson method for solving PDE. Comment {also on stabi ww Classify the following paral differential equation in terms of whether itis eu eu ic! parabolic! hyperbolic. 103, Level~ 2] 110 Marks]; Suggested time = 25 mins ‘Construct the difference table forthe fllewing experimental data of change in temperature with heat exchanger length. Length (em) or)" 03] 05 | 07 | 09 73 | [Temp change G=aT nC) Oaas | oasT | Daas | ODE | OTT] OEY OT wos RK | a) Find the temperature change at a length of 0.4 em. % |b) Cateuate the rate ofemperature change ar). 10 Mars Suge ine=30 ms () fens tt ‘Data obtained from a preset series of experiments was ~ Temperature, TCC) | Pressure, Paim) | Yield, Y @) 10 T 4 20 3 8 30 5 4 30 T 18 Fit the linear model Y io GT +a,P using the preceding table. Report the estimated coefficients ax, a and a2. (2"Y) for linear least square deta ft ‘method to get solution,] Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner B.Tech I Yea . ae CH-209 Process Instrumentation (PI) Student JD... 28 24.0102, Note: Answer All questions. Missing data may be ata 4 ae rectangular rosette is bonded on to a steel late and the-thiee measuréd stains afe + ete hav: &4= 350 um/m, €= -275 um/m. Calculate the principal stress aid give locations. For steel, B=3.3*10"" Nim, 41=0.4." “ t Q1 Oy What is the difference between onisation transdce, and Mechano electronic, 7” isducer. 2 . : S ; en SB 02 Kwa B=2740, K and the resistance at 37°C is known to be 930 Q. The beffnistor is used for temperature measurement and thé resistance measured is as 1130 0. Find the measured temperature? - . 405) Q2 (b) (b) Write a short notes on ;- reo Rs £ pote Gauge GKapdsen Gauge ) Dipsticks hy one Chain Type ‘pi Koma br Float Type.” ° 976 Find the depth of liquid in a cylindrical tank of 20 inch diameter jf a load cell feasures a total weight of 400 Ib. the specific weight of the liquid is 90 Ib/ft. The weight of e ‘empty container is 50 Ib. ~* 5) Q.¥(b) Explain the working of any two low pressure measurements devices with a neat ssurements devie Sketch. * cosy Q.4(4) A rotameter with an aluminum float is calibrated for metering a liquid of density 150 ke/m? and has a scale ranging%rom 5 to 110 Limib, The rotameter will now be used for metering the flow of another liquid of density 115 kg/m? with a flow range between 10 to 220 Limin, If the same calibration has to bé used, what will be the density yew float? The density of aluminum is 2550 kg /m’, The shape and volume of the new floats are © assumed to be the same 08) .4(b) What do you mean about Thermo-electric sensors? Classified all types of Thermo- Lee at do you mean about circ se se Glectric sensors. P.T.O A Scanned with CamScanner _ OK) Write a short notes on :+ AF Photo Electrical Transducer 4Cas Tnelibmeter _ te wire Anemometer Q548) A mercury manometer of the {ype shawn is figure is to have a floal in the left hand ber. At electromagneii -e d to oo to measure the motion of the fluid, ‘The float 's Tm fora gauge pressure of 60k diameter of float chamber fs 30mm, find the : eid dr the : For meter}, dsity p=1360D0Kgn! ee the other end of the mahomet {0 the atmosphere The mhome eter is open a ie atmosphere. LX 5 MEE los, - Hori PS Scanned with CamScanner Mera —Hanel user poy? off | Yea, Ob oe IE Aen) Yeene Hot Ne SLU CH) LP Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Department of Chemical Engineering End Term Examination 2022-2023 ester, Energy Resources Utilization [CHT-207] Time: 150 Min B.Teeh 1 Marks: 50 Attempt all questions in chronological order \ Deserve the signifieance of ukimat end proximate analysis, zl ‘A coal has the following composition by weight C: 90%, 0: 3% S 0.5%, Ni de 0.5%, and ash: 2.5%. The net ca value of fuel was found to be 9490.3 ical/kg, Calculate the percentage Wd GCV. Differentiate the Cannel and Bosh cous oan 2 \ a“ Define the following aes A Viscosity Index. APL Gravity. ji“Research Octane Number. - ~& What is isomerization? Discuss its importance inthe refinery. ais GE wlan the H-0-7 Penex isomerization process witha neat ow sheet 7° 3 n biogas plant, food waste is anaerobically digested to produce biogas. The < food waste slurry contains 8% of solid food grains, The elemental composition of food grains on a dry basis S.C: 58%, H: 8%, O: 26%, N: 896 (Wass basis) Around $0% of the food grains are converted-te_biogas, and all converted hydrogen forms methane, Ie Tow rate of the slurry is 4500 HES per day Calculate The rate of biogas (COs+CH) production Note: Assume the density ofthe slurry is tkg/L /hat is water gas? How the water gas can be chemical reactions, 4 Xt Discuss the benefits of waste heat recovery and explain the waste heat boilers 4" ith a neat sketch, produced and explain with «57 & operating under the Following conditions. Net + 5 STP. ie15 °C and 76am Hg), Flue gas fand mean specific heat of flue ga 6 kJ/ mK yy volume (same P&T), Combus CCD Talore” 4.18 touts) € cc the recuperator tasaretMiciancy oF 5%, a<“ Describe the basic components of the nuclear reactor. ay 1b“ What are the noteworthy future energy challenges for Chemical gineers? "4 AA layman brought wo slurry bags. one ntaining sewage sludg and the other at peat, with no label gn the bags. Being a Chemical Fnginter, how you will be recognized? Write the step-by-step procedure tor idemttication, Scanned with CamScanner Department of Chemical Engincerin End Term Ex: B.Tech. (Chemical E; CHT205 Chemical Engi Maximum Marks: 50 m in downstream, Speciti Fe art’ Of water ifpine diameter suddenly increas to i ; Specific heat of water 6.4.18 Lage Seen nee () A closed rigid Vessel co Ang T Kg Of Saturated steary a1 atmpressure is heated until its pressure becomes 150 kPa ind its fill temp. did the anfount of her ate £9)What is the diterence berwe ty ‘of system. Calculate pressure exerted by 'etermine the molar volume of C2Hs at 25 °C and 16 bar using SRK equation: Qar1UCHl a '& MNIT Jaipur ‘amination, 2022-23 Odd Semester ‘ngineering) Second Year ineering Thermodynamies-1 Exam duration: 2 hour 30 minutes intemal diameter 2.5 em with velocity of 20 of heat given. 15+ 5 ma en open system and closed system? Give == [5+5 marks) essel at a constant temperature of 200 °C. 5 using Redlich-Kwong equation: RT @ P= Vb V+ DE - g4zT4eRTES 5 _ conssann, m > Given that P.=50.4 bar, £2823 RT aa V=b VW +b) @ . where a = (1+ (0.480 + 1.5740 — 0.1760*)(1 ~ /7;)) a = Maen SRT Given that P.=50.4 bar, 7:-282.3 K, o=0.087 {@rEtimate the latent heat of vap Pe=51.75 bar, normal boiling point = 370.4 K. Given: 4H _ 1092(tnP.~1.013) ae > Watson equation: #2 = Riedel equatio: Ethylene gas and steam at 32 & Ry 0930-Tmy [5+5 marks] orization of propanol at 200 °C. For propanol, T.=536,8 K, aa a oy 0 °C and atmospheric pressure are fed to a reactor as an equimolar mixtur& The reaction carried out is CaHa(g) + FhO(e) > CoHsOH() ‘The liquid ethanol exits the reactor at 25 °C ol exits the reactor at 25 °C. What is the hea overall process per mole of ethanol produced? AH at 25°C: CoHla(g)= 52510, 201g) ~241818,C)HsOH(I)= Beaterecre+ 2 for H:0(g): 4=3.470, for Cae: A =1.424, B = 14,394%103, cxa392x 10810 = .450x10°, ‘heat transfer rate associated with 277690 Jmol C0, D=0.121«108, [4+6 marks} ‘An ideal gas undergoes an irreversible process from 1.2 bar, 300 K to 6 bar, 500 K, 6) ‘alculate enthalpy change and B= ideal gas is compressed rev entropy change, Given: Cp/R=3 + 0.001TH.Sx107 crsibly adiabatically from 2 bar, 35i K-46 5 bar, Then itis compressed reversibly isothermally to 8 bar. What ipo as & and ratio of final volume to initial volume, Chis Same as al [4+ 6 marks] oo Scanned with CamScanner Aonr Verran DoUsVEtor? DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, MNIT Jaipur B.Tech If Yr (Il Semester) END TERM EXAM (16/02/2022) CHT203 Momentum Transfer Operations Max.Marks: 50 NOTE: | Answer ALL questions. Assume missing data suitably. Question 1 to 7is of 06 marks each and Q.8 is of 08 marks, Oil of specific gravity 0.80 flows up through a vertical pipe whose diameter at sections 1-1 and 2-2, arg’80-mmn and 360, 160_m1m' respectively and distance between.the. sections is 2 m 9s shown in fig. Pressure gauges connected to the above sections indicate that the pressure at Section 1-1 is greater than thaLat section 2.2 by 9810 N/m*. Ignoring fend the cate oP flow. JP the gauges at the above sections a ‘are replaced by tubes filled wit oil andre connected to a U-tube containing mercury, find the difference of mercury tel in the limbs of the U-tube. gravity 0, the flow being upwards. The difference in eTevation of the throat section of the venturigter 47300 mm. The differential U-tube mércury manometer Shows a gauge deflection 0f50 mm. Calculat iy TaB ish discharge ofthe ol, and The pressure difference between the entrance section and the throat section, Take the coefficient of the meter as 0.98 and the specific gravity of mercury as 13.6. (A pipe 100 mm in diameter and 40 metres long conveysCWwate at a velocity of 2.50 metres per second. If the cenal@O nee Tength of pipe is replaced by a 200 mm diameter pipe, find the saving in head Ist. Assume that the changes in section are sudden. Take f=0.01. _the saving in head 'o uk aaa Scanned with CamScanner see vt technology low in a smooth tube is parabolic” Prove #en-Poiseuille equation from it ORAS Explain Construction and working of Centrifugal Pump ee Differentiate between Pipes and Tubes Avho Bferentiate between Venturimeter and Orifice meter Ww “ope xplain the characteristic curves for centri jugal pumps (2x4=08 marks) *srteseseesrasenesesenenenseBEsT OF LUCKttettesssennessessasteusessveeees 2 Scanned with CamScanner Malaviya Ni Department of Chemical Engineering End-Term Examination Session (2022-23) ‘Maximum Marks: 50 \ Course: Chemical Process Calculations (CHT-201) a jat question. - 5 who the term Humidity Molality Selectivity Yield cwantesef) Purge composition is unknown but may be represented by,the exBiessi°" results 4n mgi% An analysis of the product gas gives the followin 1% Nz. Given 100 mol/h of flue COz, 1.0% CO, 5.3% Oz, and 84.2% Ne. GHy is ae on a mofsture-free bask eferming the molar ratio of hydrogen to carbon in the fuel, «. where yin, and the " [Marks 7 jud-is manufactured by the oxidation of ethylene. 420 kgmol of ethylene and 120 fed io ine actor. The conversion of ethylene 15 75%: ‘and the percentage vield of product stream leaving the reactor. [Marks, @ compostion of pode (a) in a chemical process industry, methanol is synthesized as pet - CO + 2H2 > CH;OH ‘tdch feed to the process contains 25 mole% CO..20, moles HZ and 5 mote% inert, is,mixed with 0 is 25% The product rom the reactor. is fed recycle feed. The single pass conversion ol to the Condenser where all methanol Tormed ge wndénsed and the gases from the “condenser are recycled. In oer EGET Te HoLETEIET TEETER Toop, a portion of the gases leaving the condenser is coniinuously putged. | maed es cns aj calculate recycle ratio and Same esh mies ‘molar fiGwTate Is 250 mol /h. [Marks; purge ratio when t Ieulate recycle ratio and purge ratio when the fresh) Write a code either in C or MATLAB to calculate rec (Mark; | feed molar flow rate is 250 mol fr. Sain an empirical equation for calculating the heat of reaction at any temperature T (in K) for {he following reaction: —— ‘CHi(g) +C2Ha(g)> CaHe(9) AHg at 298 K = —82.66K)/mol cg sat ort oT? + a7? kakmoLK) Gas_[a pxie [| exi0® [ dx10? TH, 1s2494 [52.1135 [11.973 {-11.3173 Gi, [4.1261 _| 155.0213 | -81,5455_| 16.9755 Coli, [4.2227 | 305.264 | “158.6316 32.1455 _| ZY wien) ‘ethanol (CHsOH) at 240 mol min and oxygen (O2) at arate of 240.malimin ave fet an Zathermal reactor operating at 25°C. The reactor operates at steatly state, Two reactions take place: CHsOH +O2> gcoatt + HzO and CH;OH+3/2 02° CO2 +2H20 he "s 520 molimin, No oxygen was found in the reactor product The flow rate out of the reactor ise d_ip the rea stream, Determine the heat that must be ‘uithdrawitta Keep the reactor at constant temperature. IMarks7f ® seh nek holds 100 L of a salt-water solution in which 6.0 kg of salt is dissolved, Water cuns into the tank ata rate of 5 Limin, and salt solution overtiows at The same rate. How much Salt is in the [Marks¢ {P tank at the end of 10 min? Naki oe xr the chemical reaction ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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