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Organizational Behavior

Class Assignment: Executive MBA 2022-25

Submitted to:
Name PRN Email - ID
Charuta Parchure 22020348011
Chinmayee Parchure 22020348010
Anjali Pandey 22020348018

Dr. Pooja Sharma

Q1: What are the styles and personalities of Thomas Green and Frank Davis?.................3

Q2: How do the actions of Thomas Green differ from the expectations of Frank Davis?..4

Q3: What is your analysis of Thomas Green’s actions and job performance in his first
months? What mistakes has he made?................................................................................5

Q4: What are the possible underlying agendas of Davis and McDonald?..........................6

Q5: What actions, if any, would you take if you were Thomas Green?..............................7
Q1: What are the styles and personalities of Thomas Green and Frank Davis?
Thomas Green:
 Assertive: Thomas is not afraid to speak his mind and assert his opinions, even if it means challenging his
boss or colleagues.
 Purposeful: Thomas is focused on achieving his goals and meeting his sales targets, which sometimes
causes him to overlook the bigger picture or the long-term consequences of his actions.
 Competitive: Thomas sees his job as competition and wants to outperform his colleagues and peers. He is
motivated by recognition and status.
 Impulsive: Thomas tends to act quickly and sometimes without fully considering the consequences of his
actions. He is prone to making snap judgments and reacting emotionally to situations.

Fran Davis:

 Collaborative: Fran is a team player who values cooperation and consensus-building. She is willing to
compromise and seek input from others before making decisions.
 Strategic: Fran takes a long-term view of her work and tries to align her goals with the company's overall
strategy. She is willing to sacrifice short-term gains for long-term success.
 Analytical: Fran is data-driven and relies on evidence and analysis to inform her decisions. She is careful
and thorough in her research and planning.
 Diplomatic: Fran is skilled at navigating office politics and managing relationships with colleagues and
stakeholders. She is tactful and diplomatic in her communication and tries to avoid conflict or
Q2: How do the actions of Thomas Green differ from the expectations of Frank

 Sales Strategy: Thomas Green is focused on increasing sales in his region and achieving his personal
targets. He is willing to take risks and pursue unconventional strategies to achieve this goal, such as
pushing for more face time with clients and launching a new product line without consulting his boss
first. Fran Davis, on the other hand, expects Thomas to follow the company's sales strategy and work
collaboratively with his colleagues to achieve the company's goals.

 Communication: Thomas Green is assertive and sometimes confrontational in his communication style.
He challenges his boss's decisions and pushes back against his colleagues' suggestions. Fran Davis
expects Thomas to be more diplomatic and tactful in his communication, building consensus and working
collaboratively with his colleagues.

 Attitude towards Authority: Thomas Green is ambitious and sees himself as a rising star in the
company. He is willing to challenge his boss's authority and pursue his own agenda, even if it conflicts
with his boss's goals. Fran Davis expects Thomas to show more respect for authority and work within the
company's hierarchy and chain of command.

 Long-term vs. Short-term Thinking: Thomas Green is focused on achieving short-term sales targets
and advancing his own career. He is willing to take risks and pursue immediate gains, even if it means
sacrificing long-term success or violating company policies. Fran Davis expects Thomas to take a more
strategic and long-term view of his work, aligning his goals with the company's overall strategy and
Q3: What is your analysis of Thomas Green’s actions and job performance in his
first months? What mistakes has he made?
A: Thomas Green's actions and job performance in his first months have both positive and negative aspects,
based on the case study "Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis."

Positive Aspects:

 Thomas Green achieved higher sales than his predecessor in the same region during his first three months
on the job.
 Thomas was able to identify a new market segment for the company's products and successfully launched
a new product line in that segment.
 Thomas showed initiative and creativity in pursuing his goals, such as seeking more face time with
clients and developing a marketing campaign for his new product line.
Negative Aspects:

 Thomas Green violated company policies by bypassing his boss and launching the new product line
without approval.
 Thomas Green had a confrontational communication style that created conflict with his boss and
 Thomas Green failed to build effective relationships with his boss and colleagues, which resulted in a
lack of support and guidance when he needed it.

 Violating Company Policies: Thomas Green launched a new product line without approval from his boss,
which violated company policies and damaged his credibility and reputation.
 Poor Communication: Thomas Green's confrontational communication style created conflict with his
boss and colleagues, which led to a breakdown in trust and collaboration.
 Lack of Relationship Building: Thomas Green failed to build effective relationships with his boss and
colleagues, which resulted in a lack of support and guidance when he needed it.
In summary, while Thomas Green showed initiative and achieved some positive results in his first months, he
also made several mistakes that undermined his credibility, damaged his relationships with colleagues, and
jeopardized his long-term success in the company.
Q4: What are the possible underlying agendas of Davis and McDonald?
A: Based on the case study "Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis," here are some
possible underlying agendas of Fran Davis and Shannon McDonald:

Fran Davis:

 Protecting Company Interests: Fran Davis is a senior executive in the company who is responsible for
ensuring that the company's sales strategy is implemented effectively. Her primary agenda may be to
protect the company's interests and ensure that Thomas Green's actions align with the company's overall
goals and values.
 Promoting Collaboration: Fran Davis values collaboration and teamwork, and may be motivated to
ensure that Thomas Green works effectively with his boss and colleagues to achieve the company's sales
 Maintaining Hierarchy: Fran Davis may be concerned about Thomas Green's tendency to challenge his
boss's authority and pursue his own agenda. She may be motivated to maintain the company's
hierarchical structure and ensure that Thomas Green respects the chain of command.
Shannon McDonald:

 Protecting Personal Interests: Shannon McDonald is Thomas Green's boss and may be motivated by a
desire to protect her own interests and maintain her authority within the company. She may be threatened
by Thomas Green's ambition and may be motivated to undermine his credibility and authority.
 Maintaining Control: Shannon McDonald is responsible for managing Thomas Green's performance
and may be motivated to maintain control over his actions and decisions to ensure that he meets his sales
targets and follows company policies.
 Protecting Reputation: Shannon McDonald is responsible for the performance of her region and may be
motivated to protect her own reputation by ensuring that Thomas Green's actions do not negatively
impact on her region's performance.
Q5: What actions, if any, would you take if you were Thomas Green?
A: If I were Thomas Green, here are some actions that I would consider taking to address the issues he faced:

1. Acknowledge Mistakes: Thomas Green should acknowledge the mistakes he made in bypassing his boss
and violating company policies by launching a new product line without approval. He should take
responsibility for his actions and apologize to his boss and colleagues for any harm caused.
2. Improve Communication: Thomas Green should work on improving his communication skills,
including being more diplomatic and tactful in his interactions with colleagues and showing more respect
for authority. He should also seek feedback from his colleagues and boss to better understand their
perspectives and needs.
3. Build Relationships: Thomas Green should focus on building effective relationships with his boss and
colleagues, including by seeking their guidance and support, collaborating more effectively, and building
trust and rapport.
4. Align Goals with Company Strategy: Thomas Green should align his personal goals with the
company's overall strategy and values. He should collaborate with his boss and colleagues to ensure that
his actions support the company's sales strategy and goals.
5. Seek Coaching and Development: Thomas Green should seek coaching and development opportunities
to improve his skills and knowledge, including in areas such as communication, relationship building,
and strategic thinking. He should also seek opportunities to learn from colleagues who have more
experience in the company.

Overall, Thomas Green should focus on improving his performance and reputation in the company by taking
responsibility for his mistakes, improving his communication and relationship-building skills, aligning his goals
with the company's strategy, and seeking opportunities for coaching and development.

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