Time Expressions With Present Perfect

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Claudia Céspedes C. Date: _____ / 4 / 2023

Time expressions with Present Perfect

Here are time expressions that can be used with the present perfect simple:

1) For, This gives a period of time.

• I've worked at this company for two years.

2)Since, This gives a starting point.

• I've had this car since 2015.

3) Just, This shows that something finished a short time ago.

• We've just eaten lunch.

4) Already, This shows that something was finished earlier than expected.
• She's already gone home.

5) This week / month / year / today, These expressions can be used for periods of
time that are not finished.
• He hasn't phoned his parents this month.

6) Yet, This is used for negatives and questions about situations that were expected
to happen.
• Have you cooked dinner yet?

7) Ever means ‘at any time’, and never means ‘at no time’. In questions we use ever,
and in negatives we use never combined with an affirmative verb. However, we can
also use ever with a negative verb to create a negative sentence, and the meaning is
the same. For example,

• He has never travelled outside his country.

• He hasn’t ever travelled outside his country.

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