Thematic Development

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One clause can be subordinated to another by use of

grammatical words such as as, while,

because, so
Two clauses can be conjoined

One clause can be embedded as a participant inside another


EXISTENTIAL THERE AS THEME Often used to introduce new partipants into de discourse, after
which they may be piced up as themes in new clauses, as given

Theme in exclamative clauses: WH- element as Theme,

THEME IN PASSIVE CLAUSES The use of the passive allows other elements other than the
It's the starting point of the message chosen by the agent, which in active clauses would be part of the rheme, to be
speaker/writer. introduced as theme.
The main idea you're talking about, and it tells the reader or
listner what the clause will be about.
THEME IN DECLARATIVE CLAUSES Unmarked (Theme = Suject) :

Marked (usually object/complement)

The effect theme choice may have on the overall focus of a text;
The degree of shared knowledge presupposed between
THEME writer/reader, speaker/listener.
Thematic Development Halliday
An awareness of varying the manner of presenting and
THEME IN GRAMMAR AND DISCOURSE developing theme in text, leading to more complex and effective
Definition of theme student speech and writing;
More control of theme development and overall text focus;

The natural theme of a question is‘what I want to know’.


It's the remaining part that develops theme. Imperative clauses are used when you want someone to do
something. So it is natural that the starting point, the theme,
What you say about the main idea.
IMPERATIVE THEMES should be the action in question

This occurs because an element of the discourse may be carried

ver from a previous element.

Interpersonal theme Often functioning to code the speaker’s or writer’s personal

judgementon meaning. l (expressing some sort of attitude
towards a statement)

MULTIPLE THEMES Functioning to relate the meaning of the particular clause to other
parts of the text. l (to do with how the text is
Textual theme, held together).

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