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Correlation of Social Media trends and Misbehavior of Students 1

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

4th Floor Nagaland E-mall, Elias Angeles Street, San Francisco, 4400 Naga City, Philippines

Correlation of Social Media trends and Misbehavior of Students


Aaliyah Brabante
Mykaela Venice Darilay
Joriz Bermillo
Leo Arevalo

October 2022

Ms. Lariza Balmeo Reyes

Correlation of Social Media trends and Misbehavior of Students 2



Social media is a digital network that allows people to communicate with their loved ones and it
is used for entertainment. However, the use of social media became rampant thus affecting the
behavior and thinking of individuals. In the article “Social media use during COVID-19
worldwide - Statistics & Facts” S. Dixon (2022) the usage of social media increases. As a result
of these, a lot of people use social media to entertain themselves and did a lot of trends.

Students or rather the youth enraged themselves by the trend as they were entertained and look
forward to also being part of “gone viral”, however, According to “Teens and social media use:
What's the impact?” an article from the staff of Mayo Clinic, it stated that social media has a
negative effect to teens such as it can distract them, disturb their sleeping schedule, and they are
prone to bullying. As a result of these, it can also affect their behavior as a student.


This study aims to know the possible relationship of social media trends and misbehavior of
students. The researchers intend:

1. To know and identify what social media trends are students exposed to or participated to;
2. To obtain the data on recorded misbehavior of students according to school records; and
3. To establish whether or not there is a significant relationship between social media trends and
the misbehavior of the students.


The following study aims to explore possible relationship between social media trends and
misbehavior of students in ACLC naga Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the following

1. What social media trends are the students exposed or participated to?
2. What are the recorded misbehavior of students according to school records?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the social media trends and the misbehavior of
Correlation of Social Media trends and Misbehavior of Students 3


Social Media is a digital network that allows to people communicate with their loved ones and
it’s used for entertainment, Social media are growing rapidly among the young generation all
over the world students are widely engaged in using Social Media. However, it can affect the
students' personal and professional lives. However, Social media have a negative effect on
students, In some scenarios, there was much inappropriate information posted which may lead
the student to the wrong side.

According to Lenhart et al., (2010), about 57% of social network users are 18-29 years old and
have a private profile on multiple social media websites. In a study by Pempek, Yermolayeva,
and Calvert (2009), the quantity of your time spent daily on social network sites varied greatly.
However, an analysis of the info indicated most participants spent approximately thirty minutes a
day socializing, mostly during the evening hours between 9p.m to 12a.m students spent a mean
of forty-seven minutes a day on Facebook. More than 50% of school students continue social
networking sites several times each day (Sheldon, 2008).

SPSS software was applied to analyze the relevant data of the study. It was concluded that
despite public views concerning the misuse of social media among students in society, most of
the students were interested to use social media positively for their educations. Educators and
students can use social media as informational and communicational tools to ease and improve
the learning process.


The findings of this study would be beneficial to the following:

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬. This study is important because they will benefit from the study as it will open their
eyes to the possibilities of what they can get from using social media trends, and how this will
affect their behavior.
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫. They will benefit from the study as they will know how social media trends are
affecting the behavior of the students in their classes. Teachers will have an idea of the
𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥. This study gives the school a perspective on the extended effect of social media trends
on the student, thus promoting programs that may ease any negative effects.
Correlation of Social Media trends and Misbehavior of Students 4


The scope of social media that affects students’ bad behavior is included Facebook and TikTok.
Twitter, and instagram

Social media that are not covered and do not affect bad student behavior are youtube, chrome,
Wikipedia, and the dictionary


The elements of the lifeworld and consideration of others are introduced in this research. These
philosophical foundations elaborate a framework where various archetypal theories applied to
social media may be compared: Goffman's presentation of self, Bourdieu's social capital,Sartre's
existential project, and Heidegger's "shared-world." While Goffman has become a frequent
reference in so many social media studies, he hasn't been used as a basis for any social media
studies. These four social media theories' ideas are contrasted with empirical data from IS
literature. While some of these theories are supported by the empirical data,from IS literature.
While some of these theories are supported by the empirical data, others have not yet been
examined in relation to social media use, offering potential topics for future research. Current
information systems research on social media use may be characterized by reductionism and
universalism. Whereas reductionism manifests itself as a lack of alternative theories,
universalism manifests itself as a lack of contextualization of the findings. In contrast to
reductionism and universalism, this study proposes a path toward pluralism and
contextualization: pluralism necessitates a variety of theoretical perspectives, and
contextualization necessitates the outline of a contingency model.

Goffman's presentation of self

Goffman introduces the "way to present" in his book The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life:
"Regardless of the particular objective which the individual has in mind," and "Thus, when an
individual appears in the presence of others, there will usually be some reason for him to
mobilize his activity so that it will convey an impression to others which it is in his interests to
convey." People utilize social networking services (SNS) to market themselves as better than
they actually are, according to empirical study on social media. People's online personas tend to
be more creative than their real selves. Young people often simplify their lives because they think
they are complicated. This development of the virtual self on SNS is connected to Goffman's
study. Our social media presence appears to be tailored to a specific audience.

Bourdieu’s social capital, According to the definition of social capital, it is an accumulation of

assets that are connected to belonging to a group or having a long-lasting network of interactions
based on mutual recognition and acquaintance.The backing of the collectively owned capital is
Correlation of Social Media trends and Misbehavior of Students 5

provided by this capital, giving each of its members a "credential" that entitles them to credit.
The benefits of group membership form the cornerstone of solidarity. This does not imply that
pursuing these earnings is a conscious decision. The first is the obvious opposition that
Bourdieu's lifeworld takes to reason. The importance of strategy in microblogging has been
supported by empirical studies. This involves strategically choosing what to post, what to share,
and whom to share it with on an open platform where the message has the potential to spread
widely across the network. The control of this self-image or self-presentation relies heavily on
these tactics. When used strategically, microblogging can be a way to build social capital from
other users of the network as well as from the metrics and data that make up the network itself.

Sartre’s existential project, Burrell and Morgan propose Sartre's existentialism as a sociological
paradigm. Experience added an existential dimension: "Experience is an essential aspect of our
existential struggle." Our experiences shape our identities, ideals, and worldview." Through
Sartre's existential project, existentialism can undoubtedly be introduced as an archetype of
social media use. The ability to create coherent histories of presence on SNS is the primary
distinction between the immediate flows of microblogging and the grounded everydayness of
SNS, even though some aspects of personal representation are obviously shared across
microblogging sites and SNS. Everyday life is intertwined with this possibility. In contrast to the
reactive, promotional tactics of presentation in microblogging, SNS act as part of the everyday
"being-with-others" in a projection from previous relationships to future acts that shapes the
present activity. Here, we suggest that the process of historicizing oneself, which SNS facilitates,
can be used to understand how SNS are used on a daily basis.

Goffman's presentation of self, People utilize social networking services (SNS) to market
themselves as better than they actually are, according to empirical study on social media.
People's online personas tend to be more creative than their real selves. Young people often
simplify their lives because they think they are complicated. This development of the virtual self
on SNS is connected to Goffman's study. Our social media presence appears to be tailored to a
specific audience.

Correlation of Social Media trends and Misbehavior of Students 6


There is no positive Correlation of Social media trends and Misbehavior of students


Social media trends refer to various directions based on content-sharing and interactions between
users that appear on social media platforms. It's important to identify social media trends for
business intelligence purposes, marketing, competitive advantages, and many other business
goals. Especially to the students. There are a lot of facts that social media somehow affects the
misbehavior of students. The term social media refers to a computer-based technology that
facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and a lot more. Social media trend is internet-based and
gives users quick information on content, such as personal information, documents, videos, and
photos. We usually tell that social media trends literally affect students. Using Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and a lot of different apps students might see the trends.

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