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Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life.

way you feel while you are awake depends in part on what happens while you
are sleeping.

Personally, I can fall asleep in any situation, even when it’s completely dark
room, but I don’t mind when the curtains or blinds open. I don’t have any
sleeping problems, so I be able to worked at night and I have this experience.
Also, I don’t have any flights in my life, so I can’t say how I fell after long haul.

Also, I would like to talk about insomnia and nightmares. I have it and it started
from difficult period after exams and during this period I have nightmares and
because of nightmares I have insomnia. Now I’m taking sedative pills to feel
myself good before sleeping and after awaking. About nightmares, after this
exam period I don’t have nightmares and dreams at all.

When I travel with my friends or family by bus or train and it’s time to sleep, I
immediately fall asleep, no matter what’s going around. I remember the
situation when someone started screaming on the train, but it’s don’t disturb
me and I peacefully fall asleep. In the next morning I finally wake up after
drinking the tea with sandwich and from this moment it’s my ritual to wake up.

Awaking in the morning is difficult for some people but not for me. I can call
myself a light sleeper because I don’t have any problems with awaking in the
morning. I usually wake up when my body feel relaxed and ready for a new day.
It’s can be 5 a.m. or even 2 p.m.

Luckily, I don’t snore but I have a friend who do this and it’s not big problem to
me but when we share the room and he started to snore I wake him up and say
about it or just punch him. He always offended, but I anyway love him the way
him is and his snoring doesn’t disturb me at all.

In conclusion, sleep is important because it affects many of your body’s

systems. Not getting enough sleep or enough quality sleep raises your risk for
heart and respiratory problems and affects your metabolism and ability to
think clearly and focus on tasks.

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