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Enrolment No:500097365


Mid-Semester Examination (Online)Dec, 2021

Program: B.COM HONS Semester: I

Subject/Course: Introduction to Management and Leadership
Max. Marks: 50
Course Code: GMHR1201 Duration: 2 Hours


1. The student must write his/her name and enrolment no. in the space designated above.
2. The questions have to be answered in this MS Word document.
3. After attempting the questions in this document, the student has to upload this MS Word document on

Marks COs
Discuss the key contributions of different theorists of management, how does it
help an organization to function smoothy, elaborate with examples?
Theories by Henry Fayol are as fallow:-

The Management Theory of Henri Fayol includes three main


1.The Six Industrial Activities

Henri Fayol states that there are six main industrial activities. The
types of activities are:
10 CO1
ANS- 1. Technical, including production, manufacturing, and
o A high level of technical ability is important in order to
produce excellent products.
2. Commercial, including markets, contracts, buying, selling,
and exchange;
o Being skilled in commercial aspects is important
because it has a strong impact on revenue and cost
3. Financial, involving the search for and optimum use of
o Since “many potentially prosperous enterprises die
suffering from lack of money…nor is any reform or
improvement possible without finances or credit,”
optimal use of finances is critical to a business.
4. Security, involving the protection of people and property;
5. Accounting, stocktaking, the balance sheet, costs, and
o “An efficient accounting system, clear and simple,
giving an accurate idea of the firm’s condition, is a
powerful managerial instrument;” and
6. Managerial, including planning, organizing, command,
coordination, and control;
o “Management…is neither an exclusive privilege nor a
particular responsibility of the head or senior members
of the business; it is an activity spread, like all other
activities, between head and members of the body

2 .The Five Functions of Management-

Henri Fayol specifies five primary functions (or elements). These

functions are:

1. Planning;
2. Organizing;
3. Command;
4. Coordination; and
5. Control.

3.Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Management-

1. Division of work
2. Authority

4.Unity of command

5.Unity of direction6.Subordination of individual interests to the

general interests


9.Scalar chain (line of authority)



12.Stability of tenure of personnel


14.Esprit de corps.

Q2 Elaborate and discuss on the different types of Plans used by 10 CO1

ANS- the Managers?
There are four types of plan used by managers -

1. Operational Plans -
Functional arranging can be continuous or single-use.
The last option is normally made for a particular occasion
that will just happen once, for example, a one of a kind
advertising effort. Progressing plans can incorporate
principles and guidelines, strategies, and the everyday
running of the organization.

2. Strategic Plans –
Strategic planning is the foundation of an organization.
Essentially, strategic plans dictate the important decisions
made within a business. Strategic plans can have scopes
that range from three years to ten years. These plans
include the organization’s mission, values, and vision. A
good strategic plan always considers things in the long-
term and remembers the big picture.

3. Tactical Plans –
Strategic arranging is steady of the essential arrangement.
It includes the strategies that will be utilized to execute
the essential arrangement. Inside a strategic arrangement,
there are explicit inquiries that should be addressed with
regards to what it will take to achieve the objectives set in
the essential arrangement; the main inquiry being the
means by which the organization will achieve the mission.
This sort of arranging is extremely engaged and present
moment. Strategic plans are at times adaptable and
frequently separate the technique into a few sections and
allocate noteworthy errands to each part.

4. Contingency Plans –
Possibility arranging is significant for any business in
light of the fact that there is consistently the chance of
unanticipated changes. An alternate course of action is
made for when the unforeseen happens or a significant
change should be made to proceed towards the objective.
Few out of every odd change can be expected which is the
reason it's basic to have an alternate course of action set
up. Each business chief ought to comprehend the
significance of having an alternate course of action.

“Henry Mintzberg gave key managerial roles”, analyze each

role in detail?

Henry Mintzberg Key managerial Roles are as follow –

As the Figurehead, a manager is responsible for official and
social duties that reflect their status and authority in the
organization. It’s about building a strong relationship with
Q3 peers and subordinates. You can become a good role model 10 CO2
ANS by being empathetic and compassionate.

The Leader inspires, encourages, and builds morale.
Managers build lasting relationships with team members by
monitoring their performance and coaching them when
needed. Emotional intelligence can help you develop a trust-
based relationship with your team.
A manager has to exchange information with various
departments and teams as well as with external stakeholders.
Liaising with other organizations, competitors, and
government representatives is equally important for
professional development.


The Monitor is responsible for gathering intel for sustained
competitive advantage. To do that, a manager has to assess
the market for changes and collect relevant data that could
impact the organization. These are stages in the process of
strategic management that helps an organization to survive
the competition.

The Disseminator communicates useful and relevant
information to team members and subordinates. It’s
important to invite feedback, ideas, and views from each
employee to keep an open channel of communication.

Convey important information about the organization to
external stakeholders. This could be for PR purposes,
addressing government policies, or dealing with suppliers.
You must have a clear idea of your company’s brand image
to become a successful spokesperson.


Be prepared to take initiative as part of your managerial
duties. Initiate projects and address concerns with effective
problem-solving skills. Icebreakers and team-building
activities will help you connect with your team.

The Disturbance Handler ensures that everything runs
smoothly. Key responsibilities include resolving conflicts
with mentoring sessions, identifying areas for improvement,
and addressing gaps in teamwork.
The Resource Allocator is concerned with fund allocation,
cutting costs, and distributing resources across the
organization. You have to apportion available resources such
as funding, human resources, and materials where needed.

A successful negotiation leads to a win-win outcome. A
manager has to participate in negotiations with team
members and other stakeholders to reach a favorable
outcome for both parties. This role distinguishes you from
other managers because you have to consider your team’s
best interests.

Q4 Explain the term management and its purpose and importance

at a workplace? 5 CO2

Q5 Discuss and define Organizing as a function of management, elaborate the 15 CO2

steps involved, state an example citing effective Organization skills?
ANS Organizing is the process of assembling the people, organizing
resources, and distributing the planned work necessary to carry
out the managers plan. Organizing is driven by goals identified
during the managerial planning process. It includes developing
an organizational structure that allows for the efficient
execution of tasks to complete objectives and obtain goals.
Decisions concerning the structure of an organization are
known as "organizational design. Much of the organizing
activity concerns developing an organizational structure for how
to assemble individuals into a hierarchy of reporting and
The organizational structure specifies reporting relationships,
delineates formal communication channels, and describes how
separate actions of individuals are linked together.

Steps involved on organizing

1.Identifying the Work

The conspicuous initial phase during the time spent getting

sorted out is to recognize the work that must be finished by the
association. This is the ground level from which we will start.
So the director needs to recognize the work and the errands to
be done to accomplish the objectives of the association.

Recognizable proof of the work dodges miscommunication,

covering of liabilities and wastage of time and exertion.

2. Grouping of Work
For a smooth progression of work and smooth working of the
association, comparable errands and exercises ought to be
gathered together. Henceforth we make offices inside the
organization and divisions inside every office. Such an
association makes the working of the organization way more
deliberate. Contingent upon the size of the association and the
volume of work and divisions. every division has a supervisor
addressing them at the high level of the administration.


At long last, the administrator should guarantee that movements

of every kind did by different workers and gatherings are very
much planned. Any other way, it might prompt struggles
between representatives, duplication of work and wastage of
time and endeavors. He should guarantee every one of the
divisions are doing their specific assignments and there is
congruity in these exercises. A definitive point is to guarantee
that the objective of the association is satisfied.

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