SIH2017 Entry

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Ministry Category : Ministry of Steel

Problem Statement : Application for monitoring deployment of manpower by contractors

Problem Code : MS30
Team Leader Name : Swapnil Devesh
College Code : 1-2451009073

A platform for managing and monitoring manpower deployment by contractors, which will completely eliminate need for contractor’s manpower report.
The system will allow for:
1. Fill up of contract details and terms, along with roll list of worker’s being provided by contractor.
2. Worker’s details will be verified automatically by using UIDAI/AADHAR api for its validity and linked to the
biometric ID (fingerprint/retina scan) which worker’s will use for entering or exiting factory/facility.
3. An indoor system will track movement of worker in, out or across the workshop, provided detailed log of:
a. How many hours they worked
b. Did all worker’s provided by contractor actually came and worked or not.
c. Which areas they accessed and worked in.
d. Whether they accessed any area without authorization ( system can sound an alarm at real-time if such security is required)
e. Detailed log of when, where, for how long each worker worked.

1. Backend and API server on Ruby on Rails, PHP.

2. Deployment of Backend for initial version will be on Heroku PaaS.
3. Frontend will use Bootstrap, jQuery, ReactjS.
4. Prototype for Digital Gate pass with tracking will be based on Arduino compatible chips like esp8266, atmega328.
5. Firmware for Gate pass and hardware components wil be in C/C++.
6. Movement tracking of workers may be based on Wi-Fi mapping based indoor positioning system or Bluetooth Low Energy beacons based on required
resolution, compatibility with existing systems and cost.
1. Rather than maintaining written record of contractors and the workers assigned, Details of contract and list of workers will be entered online.
2. Details of worker’s entered will be verified by their UIDAI/AADHAR no to prevent fraudulent details.
3. The interface will provide for easy sorting, searching and analysis of records of workers.
4. Employers can see the records of work hours logged, punch in, punch out time and minute by minute details of worker’s movement and timings across
different areas of workshop.
5. Concerned people can be notified in case of an unauthorized access by a worker, suspicious movement, long period of inactivity or no show for many days.

The system once installed, and details of contract and workers

entered, can log details of workers throughout the workhours
without any intervention.
This requires no reports to submitted, no manual verification of data.
It can automatically inform stakeholders of any events,
anomalous or otherwise.
Thus this system eliminates manual work, possibility of corruption,
false information.
By tracking the worker’s hours, the system can ensure efficient utilization of workforce, reducing over-employment improving cost efficiency.

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