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I got to the office around 8:45 on Monday morning.

I spent the beginning of my day

filling out my planner for this week and catching up on emails that I missed during spring break.

Around 12:15, we had our weekly staff meeting. There are several events coming up throughout

the rest of this month. This week alone is very busy, with the Women’s Leadership Conference

on Friday and SexEd fest taking place over the course of next week. After the staff meeting, we

typically have a wellness group meeting, but two of my group members were absent, so we did

not meet. After lunch, I spent some time looking for public health jobs and creating my LinkedIn

profile. Monday evening, from 5-8 p.m., there was a Narcan training course that took place at the

HUB that I stayed for. The woman leading the course spoke at our She Speaks event. I was

captivated by her presentation then, so I felt inclined to stay for this training course. It was a very

informative course, not only instructing how to give someone Narcan, but also just general first

aid information. I have always been intrigued with learning about substance use and abuse, so I

found this information interesting. I do not have anyone in my family or close friend group who

struggles with drug abuse. However, I still feel that it could be beneficial to purchase Narcan to

keep in my car or purse just in case, especially with the fentanyl problems that our country is

facing today, even right here in Milledgeville.

On Tuesday, we had our intern class in which we discussed race and racism. This can

sometimes be a difficult conversation to have, but it is important that we speak up about things

that we know are not right. One of the readings touched on feminism in the Black community

which interested me. Unfortunately, the original face of feminism is a white woman who is

fighting for her right to work or go against what her husband wishes her to do. Women of color

have historically not been included in feminist movements. We discussed how today, women of

color are included in most if not all feminist movement campaigns, in general POC are included
in all commercials, televisions shows, and other forms of media and advertising. While this is

certainly a step in the right direction, when do these actions become more of a financially

beneficial tactic instead of just doing the right thing. We discussed this in aspect to the Georgia

College campus too.

On Wednesday, I started my morning by going to a discussion for SexEd fest in the

library about why it is sometimes uncomfortable to talk about sex. Unfortunately, the only

people in attendance were 4 people from the Women’s Center. However, the meeting was at

11:00 a.m. on a Wednesday, which is not a convenient time for most people. I spent the rest of

the afternoon working on a graphic for our lo-fi study session that we are doing next week for

Women’s History Month.

On Thursday, I helped Melisa pack the gift bags for the raffle winners and the keynote

speakers for the Women’s Leadership Conference on Friday. She also gave me some ideas on

how I could improve the post I made for the lo-fi study session and now it looks even better.

Friday was the Women’s Leadership Conference. Upon arrival, everyone was given a

name tag, a nice leather journal, and a raffle ticket. It began with 4 speakers who shared what

being a woman leader meant to them. Then we took a break for lunch where we were encouraged

to sit with someone we didn’t know. After lunch, we listened to the first speaker, who was

amazing. Following her presentation, we went into breakout rooms. We were given the choice of

two speakers. Unfortunately, I had to leave after this speaker to make it to work. Overall I had a

great time at the conference, as this is the first conference I’ve ever attended. I would definitely

love to come back next year for the Women’s Leadership Conference!

Day Time in Lunch Time out Hours worked

Monday, 8:45 A.M 12:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. 10.25 hours
March 13 1:00 P.M.
Tuesday, 8:45 A.M. 12:00 P.M. - 5:15 P.M. 7.5 hours
March 14 1:00 P.M.
Wednesday, 8:45 A.M. 12:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. 10.25 hours
March 15 1:00 P.M.
Thursday, 9:00 A.M 0 2:30 P.M. 5.5 hours
March 16
Friday, March 9:00 A.M. 0 2:30 P.M. 5.5 hours
Total Weekly 39 hours
Total Hours to 298.25 hours

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