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Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213

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Removal of organic compounds from water: life cycle environmental

impacts and economic costs of the Arvia process compared to
granulated activated carbon
Harish K. Jeswani a, *, Haruna Gujba a, Nigel W. Brown b, Edward P.L. Roberts a, c,
Adisa Azapagic a
School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of Manchester, The Mill, Sackville Street, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Arvia Technology Ltd., Daresbury Innovation Centre, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Cheshire WA4 4FS, UK
The Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive, NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Water contamination by organic compounds is a ubiquitous problem, requiring their removal to meet
Received 24 June 2014 stringent water quality standards. This paper presents for the first time the life cycle environmental
Received in revised form impacts and economic costs of a new water treatment technology for removal of organic compounds
27 October 2014
known as the ‘Arvia’ process. The impacts and costs are compared with the widely-used granulated
Accepted 4 November 2014
Available online 12 November 2014
activated carbon (GAC) process. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used to estimate the environmental
impacts and the economic analysis is based on the operating costs. For the GAC system, two scenarios are
considered: no regeneration of the spent GAC which is landfilled (GAC-1) and 90% regeneration with 10%
Arvia process
of fresh GAC added to replace losses (GAC-2). The LCA results suggest that the Arvia process has lower
Granulated activated carbon environmental impacts in comparison to both GAC scenarios for at least seven out of 11 impacts
Life cycle assessment considered. Relative to the GAC-1 scenario, Arvia has 70% lower global warming, acidification, eutro-
Natural organic matter phication, depletion of fossil resources, human, freshwater and marine toxicity. Compared to GAC-2, the
Water treatment reductions in these impacts range between 5% and 50%. However, GAC-2 has lower depletion of elements
and ozone layer, photochemical smog and terrestrial toxicity than the Arvia process. The results also
show that Arvia has slightly higher operational costs than GAC-2 but significantly lower than GAC-1.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction as to reduce the formation of disinfection by-products during

chlorination which could be carcinogenic (Richardson et al., 2007;
Raw water abstracted from the environment to be treated for Zhang et al., 2012). In addition, pesticides may need to be
use as drinking water often contains a wide range of organic con- removed to ensure compliance with legislation; for example, the
taminants, including natural matter such as humic, amino and European Drinking Water Directive allows a maximum of 0.1 mg/l of
carboxylic acids (Vahala et al., 1999) as well as synthetic substances potable water for an individual pesticide or 0.5 mg/l for total
like detergents, fertilisers, chemicals and chlorinated organic pesticide concentration (EC, 1998).
compounds (Hendricks, 2007). The quantity of organic matter in Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) is one the most commonly
drinking water is usually reported as Total Organic Carbon (TOC). In used treatment processes for the removal of organic compounds
many waters, it is the Natural Organic Matter (NOM), particularly from water (Bansal and Goyal, 2005). GAC is a porous filter medium
humic and fulvic acids, that are not only the biggest contributors to with a large surface area onto which organic compounds are
TOC, but also give the brown, peaty colour typical of some raw adsorbed. It is considered particularly suitable for removal of
waters. The NOM concentration has to be reduced to remove the organic contaminants for compliance with water quality standards;
colour and produce aesthetically acceptable drinking water as well for example, it is used in drinking water treatment for the removal
of pesticides. GAC can remove TOC over the typical range for water
treatment plants of 1e16 mg/l, with removal efficiencies ranging
* Corresponding author. between 10% and 90% (Snoeyink and Summers, 1999). However, the
E-mail address: (H.K. Jeswani). capacity of GAC filters to remove organic matter decreases over
0959-6526/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
204 H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213

time with saturation of the activated carbon (Matilainen et al., membrane is placed in front of the cathode and the gap between
2006). Moreover, its adsorption efficiency also decreases very them is filled with a pumped sodium chloride solution (0.3%) to
quickly when heavily polluted waters are treated as activated car- keep the cell voltage as low as possible. During regeneration, Nyex
bon is non-selective in its removal of contaminants (Brown and acts as the anode. The treatment process can be operated in either a
Roberts, 2007; Ho et al., 2011). Once the carbon has been exhaus- batch or continuous mode. The former, shown schematically in
ted, it can be disposed of in a landfill or incinerated; this is typically Fig. 1, involves the following stages:
the case if the quantity of spent GAC is small (Mun ~ oz, 2006).
Alternatively, the spent GAC can be regenerated thermally for reuse 1. Adsorption: The raw water is pumped into the tank and com-
e this option is practiced widely as it is more economically viable pressed air is blown from the bottom of the tank to fluidise the
than disposal (San Miguel et al., 2001). However, thermal regen- Nyex bed into the water. This provides the mixing required for
eration is an energy intensive process often requiring trans- the adsorption onto the surface of the Nyex particles e the
portation to off-site regeneration facilities and results in about a adsorption process occurs rapidly since it is not limited by
10% loss of GAC in each regeneration cycle (Bayer et al., 2005; diffusion into the pores, as is the case with GAC. Typically, this
McKay, 1996). Furthermore, the reactivation can enlarge the pores takes around 15e30 min.
in the activated carbon owing to the burn-off effects which can 2. Gravity settling: The air is then switched off and Nyex is allowed
affect adversely its capacity to adsorb small organic molecules to settle. As a result of its high specific gravity (2.225 g cm3), it
(Matilainen et al., 2006). settles within 5e10 min.
A process recently developed by Arvia Technology Ltd., known 3. Electrochemical regeneration: Direct electric current is then
as the Arvia process, offers an alternative to GAC for the removal of passed through the Nyex bed which acts as the anode. The high
organic pollutants from water (Brown et al., 2007). Developed in electrical conductivity of Nyex means only low voltage is needed
the mid 2000s, in addition to the treatment of organics, the tech- (3.5e5 V depending on the current density) and, hence, the
nology can be used for other applications, including water disin- electricity consumption is low. Electrochemical oxidation at the
fection and removal of radionuclides (Arvia, 2014; Brown et al., anode destroys the organics to produce carbon dioxide and
2011). Similar to the GAC treatment, the Arvia process is also water. At the cathode, electrochemical reduction generates
based on the adsorption of dissolved organic pollutants onto an hydrogen and hydroxide ions from the reduction of water. The
adsorbent. However, instead of using GAC, it utilises a proprietary concentration of hydrogen is maintained at below 10% of its
adsorbent Nyex™, a highly-conducting, non-porous material based lower explosive limits to ensure safe operation. The hydroxide
on a graphite intercalation compound (Enoki et al., 2003; Brown ions are neutralised using hydrochloric acid to control the pH of
et al., 2004; Mohammed et al., 2011). Nyex is produced by treat- the catholyte solution. Regeneration typically takes 3e45 min
ing graphite flakes chemically or electrochemically in oxidising depending on the organics loading. The regeneration process
conditions in the presence of sulphuric acid (Brown, 1995). recovers 100% of the adsorptive capacity with a negligible loss of
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the Nyex bed is placed within a tank adsorbent (Brown and Roberts, 2007). After regeneration, the
containing graphite electrodes and a separator in the form of a treated water is pumped out of the tank and Nyex is ready for
microporous polyethylene membrane (Daramic 350). The the next water treatment cycle.

Fig. 1. Schematics of the Arvia treatment process (Arvia, 2014).

H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213 205

Whilst similar cells are used in both the batch and continuous 2. Life cycle assessment
processes, the mechanism of operation in the latter is slightly
different, with the adsorption and regeneration occurring simul- 2.1. Methodology, assumptions and data
taneously. This is achieved by using the influent water instead of air
to fluidise the Nyex bed. By keeping the flow rate below the flu- The LCA study follows the ISO 14040/44 LCA methodology (ISO,
idisation velocity, the adsorption and electrochemical regeneration 2006a,b). The goal of the study is to estimate and compare the
are carried out continuously and simultaneously (Arvia, 2014). environmental impacts of the Arvia and GAC water treatment
Although the adsorption process is fast and regeneration of processes. The functional unit (unit of analysis) is defined as the
Nyex can be carried out in situ, its non-porous nature means that it ‘treatment of 1000 m3 of low-coloured raw water to produce
has a low adsorptive capacity compared to GAC. For example, it can drinking-quality water by removing TOC produced from decaying
adsorb only 1 mg of phenol per gram of Nyex at liquid-phase NOM’. The inlet concentration of TOC is 8.2 mg/l with a pale straw
concentrations of 100 mg phenol/l (Brown, 2005), compared with colour and the treated water is clear; the TOC removal efficiency is
GAC which adsorbs 150 mg phenol per gram of activated carbon 25%.
(Kumar et al., 2011). Given the low adsorptivity, regeneration has to The scope of the study is from ‘cradle to grave’ and both types of
be carried out frequently, consuming chemicals and electricity and the process are assumed to be based in the UK. As shown in Fig. 2
emitting carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is not immediately clear for the Arvia process, the following life cycle stages are included
which of the two processes is environmentally and economically within the system boundaries:
more sustainable. Thus, this paper sets out to compare these two
treatment options on their environmental and economic perfor-  production of Nyex and its transport to the water treatment
mance. The former is assessed using Life Cycle assessment (LCA) plant;
and the latter is based on the operating costs.  production and transport of chemicals and other materials used
A number of other studies have used LCA to assess the envi- in the treatment plant;
ronmental impacts of water and wastewater treatment systems  electricity generation for the treatment process and regenera-
(e.g. Dennison et al., 1998, 1999; Barrios et al., 2008; Hospido et al., tion of Nyex; and
2008; Vince et al., 2008; Foley et al., 2010; Pasqualino et al., 2011;  transport and disposal of waste.
Gabarrell et al., 2012; Amores et al., 2013; Corominas et al., 2013;
Borghi et al., 2013; Igos et al., 2014; Mery et al., 2014) but most The continuous process has been assumed for the assessment.
have focused on treatment plants, mainly to assess the impacts of As there is no evidence to date that the Nyex is degraded by during
different treatment stages or strategies. Several studies have also operation or regeneration, it is assumed that Nyex will last the
examined the environmental impacts associated with specific lifetime of the plant and only small quantities need to be added to
treatment technologies or processes to remove organic contami- replenish the losses from regeneration. Graphite electrodes are
nants such as GAC, nanofiltration, membrane filtration (Romero- replaced every two years since part of the electrode is lost during
Hernandez, 2005; Bayer et al., 2005; Mun ~ oz et al., 2007, 2009; the electrolysis process owing to wear. The remaining electrode is
Marín et al., 2011; Bonton et al., 2012; Manda et al., 2014). The disposed in a landfill.
current study is the first to assess the LCA impacts and economic The system boundaries for the GAC treatment process are
costs of the Arvia process. These are compared to the impacts and shown in Fig. 3. Two GAC scenarios are considered:
costs of GAC as one of technologies widely used for removal of
organic compounds from water. Besides water treatment, Arvia i) GAC-1: all GAC is freshly prepared and all spent GAC is disposed
process is being also used to treat radioactive liquid organic waste of to a landfill without any regeneration;
and hazardous chemical wastes (Arvia, 2014). Therefore, the results ii) GAC-2: all spent GAC is regenerated at an off-site facility and
of the study will be useful for the water and other industries that reused with an addition of 10% of fresh GAC to replace the losses
need to treat water for organic contamination, including the nu- during reactivation.
clear industry.

Fig. 2. System boundary for the Arvia process.

206 H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213

T = Transport


Treated water
GAC Process

GAC (production) Landfill

T (spent


Fig. 3. System boundary for the granulated activated carbon (GAC) process.

The life cycle stages considered for GAC-1 comprise: data for these processes were obtained from literature. As shown in
Table 3, two different datasets for GAC production are available
 fresh GAC production and transport; (Bayer et al., 2005; Meier, 1997), which have been used in other
 electricity generation for the treatment process; and studies, including Bonton et al. (2012), Mun ~ oz (2006) and Mery
 transport and disposal of spent GAC by landfilling. et al. (2014). Considering that the data for GAC production in
Bayer et al. (2005) are more recent, they have been used for this
The system boundaries are similar for GAC-2, except that instead study, while the older data from Meier (1997) are used in a sensi-
of being landfilled, the spent GAC is transported to a regeneration tivity analysis later in the paper. LCI data on the reactivation of
facility and reactivated for reuse after which it is transported back spent GAC are also available in various studies but the most detailed
to the treatment process (Fig. 3). and complete inventories were found in Hutchinson (1975) and
It is assumed that the water pre- and post-treatment processes Meier (1997) as shown in Table 4. The data from these studies have
are the same for both Arvia and GAC; hence, they are not included been also used in other studies including Romero-Hernandez
in the study. The infrastructure for the treatment processes is also (2004), Mun ~ oz et al. (2007) and Gabarrell et al. (2012). According
excluded from consideration, assuming that the related impacts to Chowdhury et al. (2013), the GAC regeneration process typically
would be similar for the two processes. Moreover, the contribution requires 7e18 MJ of natural gas and 0.5e2 kg of steam. As shown in
of infrastructure to environmental impacts of a water treatment Table 4, the data for natural gas and steam consumption reported in
plant is small, typically ranging between 4 and 11% (Igos et al., Hutchinson (1975) are closer to the above-mentioned values and
2014). are, therefore, used the main analysis; the data from Meier (1997)
The primary data for the Arvia process have been obtained are considered in the sensitivity analysis.
directly from the technology developer (Arvia Technology Ltd.).
Given that this is a new technology, the data are based on the 2.2. LCA results and discussion
operation of the small pilot plant capable of treating 1.4 m3 of water
per day. The data for GAC have been sourced from Orica Watercare The GaBi V4.3 LCA software (PE International, 2011) has been
(2009) and the literature (Meier, 1997; Bayer et al., 2005; Mun ~ oz, used to model the systems and to estimate the environmental
2006). The background data for both systems are from the Ecoin- impacts. There are several life cycle impact assessment (LCIA)
vent V2.2 (Ecoinvent, 2010) and Gabi databases (PE International, methods available, for both the mid- and end-point impacts (JRC,
2011). 2011). As the ISO standard (ISO, 2006b) does not specify a partic-
The life cycle inventory (LCI) data for Arvia and GAC are pre- ular LCIA methodology, the most widely used CML 2001 method
sented in Tables 1e4. The data for the Arvia process in Table 1 (Guinee et al., 2002), updated in November 2009, has been used in
include the chemicals and electricity used as well as the process this work. The results are presented in Fig. 4 and are discussed in
emissions and wastes generated during water treatment. The the following sections.
manufacturing data for Nyex are also shown (Brown, 1995).
Table 2 lists the data for the GAC process for both scenarios 2.2.1. Global warming potential (GWP)
considered. The GAC consumption data for GAC-1 are sourced from As shown in Fig. 4, the GWP of the Arvia treatment process is
Orica Watercare (2009). For the GAC-2 scenario, 10% of fresh GAC is estimated at 107.2 kg CO2 eq. per 1000 m3 of water treated. This is
added after regeneration and the remaining 90% is regenerated and 3.7 times lower than the impact from GAC-1 (399 kg CO2 eq./
reused in the process. For the calculation of transport distances, it is 1000 m3) and 31% lower than for GAC-2 (154.8 kg CO2 eq./1000 m3).
assumed that the fresh GAC is imported to the UK from Germany This is largely due to the small amount of adsorbent required for the
and reactivation is carried out at an off-site facility in the UK. It is Arvia process in comparison to the GAC treatment options. Most of
assumed that the amount of electricity used for pumping water the GWP impact for the Arvia process is from the use of energy for
through the GAC filters is the same as that in the Arvia process. the pumps and in-situ regeneration of Nyex. For the GAC-1 option,
In the absence of LCI data for production of GAC and reactivation the main contributor (81%) to the GWP is the production of GAC.
of spent GAC in the Ecoinvent and other databases, the inventory The reuse of regenerated adsorbent in the GAC-2 scenario reduces
H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213 207

Table 1
Inventory data for the Arvia process.

Amount per functional unit (1000 m3 of water) Units

Nyex production and transport

Graphitea 0.35 kg
Chromium oxidea 0.02625 kg
Iron sulphatea 0.0875 kg
Sulphuric acid (98%)a 0.385 kg
Limea 0.2975 kg
Electricityb 0.35 kWh
Packaging: high density polyethylene (HDPE) tubsc 0.018 kg
Transport from manufacturer to supplier (truck)b 500 km
Transport from manufacturer to supplier (shipping)b 7000 km
Transport from supplier to site (truck)b 500 km

Electrochemical cell manufacture

Graphite, battery gradea 1.5 kg
Packaging: polyethylene film (bubble wrap)a 0.021 kg
Packaging: cardboarda 0.021 kg
Transport from manufacturer to supplier (truck)b 160 km
Transport from supplier to site (truck)b 500 km
Polyethylenea 0.06 kg
Transport from supplier to site (truck)b 1000 km
Polyvinyl chloridea 0.44 kg
Transport from supplier to site (truck)b 500 km
Coppera 0.1 kg
Transport from supplier to site (truck)b 500 km

Operation of the cell

Sodium chloridea (20% diluted at site to 3%) 6.27 kg
Packaging: HDPE (drum)c 0.3 kg
Transport from supplier to site (truck)b 500 km
Hydrochloric acid (30%)a 7.12 kg
Packaging: intermediate bulk container (reused 5 times)c 1.12 kg
Transport from supplier to site (truck)b 500 km
Electricityb (for Nyex regeneration) 50 kWh
Electricityb (for pumps) 86 kWh
Carbon dioxide emissions 4.4 kg
Carbon monoxide emissions 1.9 kg
Chlorine emissions 0.5 kg

Waste management
Cardboard (landfill)a 0.021 kg
Polyethylene (landfill)a 0.081 kg
Spent electrodes (landfill)a 0.6 kg
PVC from the cell assembly frame (recycled)c 0.44 kg
Copper wire (recycled)c 0.1 kg
HDPE tubs and drums (landfill)a 0.318 kg
Steel from intermediate bulk container (recycled)c 0.19 kg
HDPE from intermediate bulk container (incinerated)a 0.04 kg
Transport of all waste to waste management facility (truck)b 100 km
Life cycle inventory data from the Ecoinvent (2010) database.
Life cycle inventory data from the Gabi database (PE International, 2011).
Modelled using Life cycle inventory data from CCaLC (2013) and Ecoinvent (2010) database.

this impact by 61% compared to GAC-1 because the regeneration 2.2.3. Acidification potential (AP)
process is less energy intensive than the production of GAC. At 0.61 kg SO2 eq./1000 m3, the AP from the Arvia treatment
process is four times lower than that from GAC-1 (2.38 kg SO2 eq./
2.2.2. Abiotic depletion potential (ADP, fossil and elements) 1000 m3). However, the AP for GAC-2 is much closer to the value for
The total depletion of fossil resources for the GAC-1 system is Arvia: at 0.68 kg SO2 eq., it is only 10% higher. In the Arvia process,
equal to 5009 MJ per 1000 m3 of water treated (Fig. 4). This is 3 and the treatment stage accounts for 88% of this impact owing to the
4.3 times higher than the estimated values for the GAC-2 and Arvia power consumed during the Nyex regeneration and operation of
processes, respectively. Coal and natural gas are the major con- the pumps. In the GAC-1 option, the chemicals and materials ac-
tributors to this impact for all three options. count for about 84% of the AP, which is mainly from the combustion
Contrary to the results for the fossil resources, the depletion of of coal and natural gas used for the production of GAC. The pro-
elements for the Arvia process is 36 times higher than for GAC-2 duction of Nyex does not require direct use of coal; hence, the Arvia
and 5.4 higher than for GAC-1. This is mainly due to the use of process has significantly lower AP compared to GAC-1. Similarly,
HCl and NaCl in the Arvia process, which contribute 78% and 13% to lower energy consumption for the regeneration than for the pro-
the total, respectively. The use of chemicals and material also ac- duction of GAC results in a 71% saving of the AP in the GAC-2
counts for most of the impact in the GAC process. compared to the GAC-1 scenario.
208 H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213

Table 2
Inventory data for granulated activated carbon (GAC) process.

Amount per functional unita (1000 m3 of water) Units


GAC (fresh) 39 3.9 kg

Transport to site (truck)c 1000 1000 km
Spent GAC to landfill (70% water þ adsorbed material)b 148 e kg
Transport of spent GAC to landfill (truck)c 100 e km
Reactivated GAC e 35.1 kg
Transport of GAC to and back from regeneration (truck)c e 500 km
Electricity (pumps)c 86 86 kWh

Process emissions (at regeneration facility)

Carbon dioxide 7.3 kg
Carbon monoxide 0.02 kg
Nitrogen oxides 0.03 kg
a ~ oz (2006).
Adapted from Orica Watercare (2009), Meier (1997), Bayer et al. (2005) and Mun
Life cycle inventory data from the Ecoinvent (2010) database.
Life cycle inventory data from the Gabi database (PE International, 2011).

Table 3 2.2.6. Human toxicity potential (HTP)

Inventory data for the production of fresh granulated activated carbon (GAC). The HTP for the GAC-1 process of 123 kg DCB eq./1000 m3 is
Amount per kg of fresh GAC Units about six times higher than the impact from both GAC-2 and Arvia
(Bayer et al., 2005) (Meier, 1997)
(see Fig. 4). This is largely due to the air emissions from the com-
bustion of coal and natural gas during the production of activated
Hard coala 3c 2d kg
carbon. Overall, the production of chemicals and materials accounts
Hydrochloric acid (30%)a e 0.04 kg
Natural gas combustiona 13.2 196 MJ for more than 80% of the HTP in the GAC process. The emissions to
Steama e 3 kg air of arsenic, chromium, hydrogen fluoride and benzene during the
Deionised watera 12 e kg production and reactivation of GAC are the major burdens
Electricityb 1.6 0.021 kWh
contributing to this impact. For the Arvia process, the use of elec-
Life cycle inventory data from the Ecoinvent (2010) database. tricity, HCl, and graphite electrodes each account for about 30% of
Life cycle inventory data from the Gabi database (PE International, 2011). the HTP.
Of which 2 kg of coal is burned in furnace during the production process and
1 kg is converted to GAC.
Of which 1 kg of coal is burned in furnace during the production process and 2.2.7. Marine aquatic ecotoxicity potential (MAETP)
1 kg is converted to GAC.
The MAETP for GAC-1 and GAC-2 is respectively 14 and two
times higher than that from the Arvia process (Fig. 4). For both GAC
Table 4 options, over 94% of the impact is associated with the production
Inventory data for the regeneration of spent granulated activated carbon (GAC). and regeneration of GAC. In the case of the Arvia process, the
production of chemicals and materials contributes 78% and the
Amount per kg of re-activated GAC Units
treatment process 20%. Hydrogen fluoride emissions to air and
(Hutchinson, 1975) (Meier, 1997)
beryllium emissions to water are the major environmental burdens
Hard coal combustiona 0.1 0.1 kg accounting for over 70% of the total MAETP in both processes.
Natural gas combustiona 10.4 108 MJ
Steama 0.6 0.3 kg
Electricityb 0.03 0.001 kWh 2.2.8. Ozone layer depletion potential (ODP)
Life cycle inventory data from the Ecoinvent (2010) database. As indicated in Fig. 4, the ODP for the Arvia process is 15% and
Life cycle inventory data from the Gabi database (PE International, 2011). 32% higher than for GAC-1 and GAC-2, respectively. The reason for
this is mainly the additional electricity consumption for the
regeneration of Nyex. Overall, the electricity consumption in the
2.2.4. Eutrophication potential (EP) treatment process contributes 68% to the total ODP from the Arvia
This impact is highest for GAC-1, estimated at 1.66 kg PO4 eq./ system. Electricity consumption also accounts for 51% and 63% of
1000 m3, with the major source (71%) being waste management. impact from GAC-1 and GAC-2, respectively. Production of chem-
This is mainly due to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and TOC icals and material contributes to most of the remaining impact in
emissions to water associated with landfilling of the spent GAC. By both treatment processes.
regenerating it, these emissions are avoided, hence a reduction of
94% of the EP in GAC-2 compared to GAC-1. However, at 0.08 kg PO4
2.2.9. Photochemical oxidant creation potential (POCP)
eq./1000 m3, the impact from the Arvia process is still the lowest:
For this impact, GAC-2 is the best option, with the total POCP
about 15% lower than for GAC-2 and 21 times lower than for GAC-1.
estimated at 45 g C2H4 eq./1000 m3 (Fig. 4). The value for Arvia is
two times higher (94 g C2H4 eq./1000 m3) and for GAC-1 3.2 times
2.2.5. Freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity potential (FAETP) (143 g C2H4 eq.). In the Arvia process, the treatment stage accounts
At 7.3 kg DCB eq./1000 m3, the FAETP for the Arvia process is 12 for 84% of this impact, mainly because of the CO emissions from the
and 1.5 times lower than from GAC-1 and GAC-2, respectively oxidation of adsorbed organic pollutants during the regeneration of
(Fig. 4). For both the Arvia and GAC processes, over 90% of the Nyex. The production of GAC is responsible for 84% of POCP in the
impact is due to the production of chemicals and materials, with GAC-1 system owing to the emissions of CO, NOx and VOCs from
nickel, vanadium, beryllium and chromium emissions to water the combustion of coal and natural gas during the production of
being the major contributors. GAC.
H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213 209

Fig. 4. Comparison of the life cycle environmental impacts for the Arvia and granulated activated carbon systems. [Treatment process includes the impacts from electricity. GWP:
Global warming potential; ADP fossil: Abiotic resource depletion of fossil fuels; ADP elements: Abiotic resource depletion of elements; AP: Acidification potential; EP: Eutrophi-
cation potential; FAETP: Fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity potential; HTP: Human toxicity potential; MAETP: Marine aquatic ecotoxicity potential; ODP: Ozone layer depletion po-
tential, POCP: Photochemical oxidants creation potential; TETP: Terrestrial ecotoxicity potential.].

2.2.10. Terrestrial ecotoxicity potential (TETP) parameters have been chosen: consumption of Nyex, electrodes,
At 198 g DCB eq./1000 m3, the GAC-2 option has the lowest HCl consumption, electricity for pumping and electricity for
impact (see Fig. 4). The impact from Arvia is around 30% higher regeneration. For GAC, the following is considered: consumption of
than from GAC-2 but three times lower than from GAC-1, which has GAC (fresh and regenerated), electricity for pumping, disposal of
the highest impact at 892 g DCB eq./1000 m3. For the Arvia process, spent GAC and the amount of GAC lost during the regeneration
the production of HCl is the major contributor, accounting for 70% process. Since the detailed information on the variations in the
of the total TETP, followed by the electricity consumption which above-mentioned parameters was not available, an arbitrary vari-
adds a further 15% of the impact. Mercury and chromium emissions ation (±50%) from the average value of the parameters was applied.
to air from the HCl production and electricity generation are the It is deemed that this range is sufficiently wide to allow for seasonal
major burdens contributing to the TETP. For the GAC options, be- changes in the type and concentration of organic contaminants in
sides the mercury and chromium emissions to air, vanadium the raw water.
emissions to air and chromium emissions to soil from the GAC A Monte Carlo simulation with 10,000 iterations was performed
production and reactivation processes are also responsible for this to generate probabilistic impact results for both the GAC and Arvia
impact. processes. The results of this analysis are shown in Fig. 5, with the
whisker bars representing the spread between the 10th and 90th
2.3. Uncertainty analysis percentile ranges and the box plots showing the interquartile
ranges for all impact categories. It can be seen in the figure that the
Uncertainty analysis has been carried out to check the robust- whisker bars for Arvia and GAC-1 do not overlap for any impact
ness of the LCA results against a plausible range of variations in categories suggesting a greater confidence in the findings that the
different LCI parameters. For these purposes, the variations in the Arvia process has significantly lower environmental impacts for
main parameters contributing to the impacts are considered, nine out of 11 impacts considered. Looking at the comparison be-
informed by the findings of the contribution analysis presented in tween the Arvia and GAC-2 process, it can be observed that there
the previous section. For the Arvia process, the following five are no overlaps for seven impact categories: GWP, ADP (fossil), ADP
210 H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213


































[kg CO2 eq.] [x 10 MJ] [x 10^-6 kg [x 10^-2 kg [x 10^-2 kg [kg DCB eq.] [kg DCB eq.] [x 10^3 kg [x 10^-7 kg [x 10^-3 kg [x 10^-2 kg
Sb eq.] SO2 eq.] PO4 eq.] DCB eq.] R11eq.] C2H4 eq.] DCB eq.]

Fig. 5. Uncertainty analysis [GAC-1: no regeneration of activated carbon. GAC-2: 90% regeneration. Box plots represent the 1st and 3rd quartiles and the whiskers show the range
between the 10th and 90th percentile. For impacts nomenclature, see Fig. 4. Some impacts have been scaled to fit. To obtain the original values, multiply the values shown on the
graph with the factor shown in brackets against relevant impacts.].

Fig. 6. Sensitivity analysis [Data for GAC production and regeneration are from Meier (1997) as shown in Tables 3 and 4. For impacts nomenclature, see Fig. 4. Some impacts have
been scaled to fit. To obtain the original values, multiply the values shown on the graph with the factor shown in brackets against relevant impacts.].
H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213 211

Fig. 6 compares the LCA results for the Arvia process with the
two GAC options using the second dataset (denoted as GAC-1s and
GAC-2s in the figure). All other assumptions remain the same as for
the GAC-1 and GAC-2 options. Several findings can be observed
from these results. First, the Arvia process has significantly lower
impacts than both GAC-1s and GAC-2s options for all the impact
categories. The only exceptions are the ADP (elements) and POCP
for which GAC-2s is a better option. Secondly, there is a significant
increase in most environmental impacts for GAC-2s in comparison
to GAC-2. Some of the notable increases are for the GWP (63%), ODP
(74%), ADP fossil (71%), ADP elements (73%), POCP (50%) and TETP
(30%). Finally, in comparison to GAC-1, GAC-1s has higher GWP, ADP
(fossil and elements), ODP and POCP; however, its other impacts
are lower.

2.5. Comparison of results with literature

Fig. 7. Comparison with literature data of the global warming potential of the gran-
ulated activated carbon (GAC) system.
This section compares the results for the GAC process obtained
in the current work with other studies. Comparison of the results
(element), FAETP, MAETP, ODP and POCP. Based on this, it can be for Arvia is not possible as this is the first time an LCA study of this
inferred with a greater confidence that these impacts are lower for process has been carried out.
Arvia than for GAC-2. However, the comparative results between As can be seen in Fig. 7, for the GAC-1 option (no regeneration),
Arvia and GAC-2 for the remaining four impact categories (AP, EP, the GWP estimated in this study compares well with Orica
HTP and TETP) are inconclusive as their impacts overlap, suggesting Watercare (2009), but is about 30% lower than that reported by
a greater level of uncertainty. Bonton et al. (2012). The main reason for this variation is that
Bonton et al. (2012) considered fresh GAC usage of 0.076 kg/m3
compared to 0.039 kg/m3 in Orica Watercare (2009) and the cur-
2.4. Sensitivity analysis
rent study. Moreover, as discussed in Section 2.3, choice of in-
ventory data for GAC production can significantly influence the LCA
As mentioned earlier and indicated in Table 3, there are two
significantly different inventory datasets for the GAC production
As also indicated in Fig. 7, the GWP for the GAC-2 option (90%
and GAC reactivation available in the literature. As also stated
regeneration) in the present study compares well with the value
previously, the data from Bayer et al. (2005) and Hutchinson (1975)
obtained by Marín et al. (2011): 155 vs 140 kg CO2 eq./1000 m3.
have been used in the main analysis (GAC-1 and GAC-2) in this
Note that comparison for the other impacts is not possible as the
study. To examine the effect on the results of these two different
above studies have either only estimated the GWP (Orica
datasets, a sensitivity analysis has been carried out using a second
Watercare, 2009), or used a different impact assessment method
dataset provided by Meier (1997). For the GAC production, the main
(Bonton et al., 2012), or reported only relative values (Marín et al.,
differences between these datasets are with respect to the energy
inputs to the production process (Table 3). For example, the amount
of coal is 50% lower in Meier (1997) compared to Bayer et al. (2005).
On the other hand, the use of natural gas is about 15 times higher in 3. Economic evaluation
the latter than in the former. For the GAC reactivation process, the
carbon losses remain unchanged while the energy inputs (i.e. The Arvia and GAC treatment options have also been assessed
natural gas and steam) are significantly different between the two for the operational costs. The operating cost data for the Arvia
datasets. process have been provided by Arvia Technology. Owing to confi-
dentiality, the individual cost data for the materials and chemicals
are not available; instead, the total cost for these items has been
provided amounting to £33.8/1000 m3 water. The cost of the fresh

Fig. 8. Comparison of the operational costs for the Arvia and granulated activated Fig. 9. Comparison with literature of operational costs of the granulated activated
carbon (GAC) systems [Treatment process includes the cost of electricity.]. carbon (GAC) system.
212 H.K. Jeswani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015) 203e213

GAC is assumed at £1.6/kg (Orica Watercare, 2008) while that of the absorbent used in the Arvia process, Nyex, is made of graphite and
reactivated GAC is about 50% lower (Bayer et al., 2005). The unit its production has lower environmental impacts compared to that
cost of electricity is assumed at £0.12/kWh and the waste man- of GAC. Moreover, in comparison to the GAC treatment, Arvia re-
agement (including transport) costs are taken to be £96/t (WRAP, quires a smaller amount of the adsorbent. The major contributors to
2011). global warming, acidification, eutrophication and depletion of
The results are compared in Fig. 8 which shows that Arvia has ozone layer and fossil resources from the Arvia system are the
12% higher costs than the GAC-2 option but 42% lower than GAC-1. energy used for pumping and in-situ regeneration of Nyex, while
For the Arvia process, the main cost components are electricity and HCl and graphite electrodes are the major contributors to the
graphite electrodes. In the case of GAC-1, fresh GAC contributes to toxicity-related impacts.
72% of the operational costs. With the use of reactivated GAC in the With regard to the economic costs, the results indicate that the
GAC-2 scenario, the cost of materials is significantly reduced and Arvia treatment process has somewhat higher operational costs
the cost associated with the disposal of spent GAC is avoided. (12%) than GAC-2 (with regeneration) but significantly lower (42%)
The operational costs for both GAC options are compared in than GAC-1 (no regeneration).
Fig. 9 with two other studies found in literature. As can be seen, the This study has only assessed the environmental and economic
results of this study for the GAC-2 option are comparable with impacts associated with the removal of organic matter from raw
Schantz and Gnagy (2011). However, in the case of GAC-1, the re- water. Future studies could look into different applications of the
sults in the current and Orica Watercare (2008) study differ treatment process such as removal of TOC from industrial waste-
significantly. Since the detailed breakdown of the costs are not water, nuclear-active oily wastes and wastewater containing agro-
provided in the latter, it is not possible to determine the reasons for chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) and chlorinated organics. The
the difference in the estimated costs. In any case, the costs will be comparisons with other competing technologies such as ion-
influenced by the quantity of GAC used, energy costs and cost of exchange process, ozonation and nano-filtration would also be
waste disposal, none of which is specified in Orica Watercare needed.

4. Limitations of the study Acknowledgements

As with any LCA study, this study also has some limitations. The This work has been funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences
most important limitation is related to the data assumptions. Research Council (EPSRC), UK within the CCaLC project (Grant no.
Although the primary data for Arvia process were obtained directly EP/F003501/1). This funding is gratefully acknowledged.
from the technology developer, these were based on the operation
of a small pilot plant. On the other hand, the data for the GAC
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