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Answer 1: A detrimental outcomes like poor time management, lower motivation to

study, and poorer academic achievement of the students
Answer 2: Why people play Mobile Legends and the methods they employ to juggle
their gaming and academic obligations. The findings will also be useful for informing
politicians, educators, and parents about ways to encourage selected CSS adolescents
to play responsibly.
Answer 3: A combination of talent, strategy, communication, teamwork, adaptation, and
emotional control are all required to play Mobile Legends. Players can improve their
chances of winning and having a satisfying gaming experience by being adept at these
Answer 4: the title no. 3 significant risk toward unsafe sex and unwanted pregnancy
among adolescents of Infanta, Pangasinan. Answer
Answer 5: The effects of playing mobile legends that have a positive and negative effect
on the academic performance of the students in bayambang national high school.

Answer 1: A number of factors, including parental participation, peer pressure, and self-
motivation, have an impact on kids' academic success.
Answer 2: Cultural values and beliefs can have an impact on students' academic
motivation and performance.
Answer 3: Students will value every circumstance happening to their lives and consider
that as a lesson and challenge to become a better student.
Answer 4: Personal factors, Home environment, School environment, Socioeconomic
status, Health and wellbeing, Peer influence It's critical to remember that these variables
interact intricately and are interconnected in order to affect a student's academic
achievement. By being aware of these elements, educators and parents may better
support and resource their students' academic success.
Answer 5: To find factors that affect the academic life of the students.

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