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Researchers Have Now Identified the Cancer-Killing Mechanisms in Ellagic Acid,

Which is Found in Certain Berries

Researchers have known for quite a while that ellagic acid is a cancer killer; but
they have not known how it did its work so effectively on tumors. Now they do.

You've heard it yourself: certain berries, such as blueberries and strawberries

have powerful healing and disease-protecting powers. Here's how they carry out
their divine duties:

Ellagic acid, a polyphenolic (many flavonoids) compound found in raspberries,

strawberries, blueberries, and pomegranates, appears to exert its anticancer
benefit by dramatically reducing cell proliferation as well as by promoting
programmed cell death (apoptosis), according to a report published in the June,
2008 issue of the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

Ellagic acid has previously been demonstrated to have antioxidant and antifibrosis
properties, in addition to showing effects against several cancers, yet its
mechanisms of action had not been defined.
A team of researchers at the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Healthcare
Center administered three concentrations of ellagic acid to two human pancreatic
cancer cell lines. Pancreatic cancer has so far been resistant to traditional
cancer treatments; that's why, of course, you've all heard that if you're
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer it's tantamount to a death sentence.

Apoptosis, cell proliferation, and other factors were measured after 48 hours of
the cells' exposure to ellagic acid. The researchers found ellagic acid to "dose-
dependently increase apoptosis in the first pancreatic cancer cell line."
Significant ellagic acid-induced apoptosis was also observed in the second cell
line, although the association was not dose-dependent. Cell proliferation was
reduced 20 fold by the highest concentration of ellagic acid in the first cell
line, and was dose-dependently reduced, although to a lesser extent, in the second

The researchers found that ellagic acid induced apoptosis in both cell lines by
"reducing the binding activity of the prosurvival transcription factor nuclear
factor-kappa beta."

Which means to us laymen, as the authors conclude: "Our results . . . indicate

that ellagic acid is a powerful phenolic compound with proapoptotic and
antiproliferation effects in cancer cells."

"There is an increasing interest in the use of natural products for cancer

treatments," the researchers write. "Our results suggest a potential therapeutic
role for ellagic acid in the treatment of pancreatic and other cancers."

(Details lifted from articles in the Life Extension Foundation, a Non-Profit

Natural-Health Promoting Organization in Florida)

The big problem, however, in ever getting doctors to recommend a natural substance
in cancer treatment is this: The American Medical Association (AMA) controls
America's (and much of the world's) methods of treating cancer.

The Association is super powerful, keeps a host of lawyers and lobbyists on

retainer, and they're extremely active against what they see as threats to their
client's power. They take as a threat to the traditional system any form of
alternative treatment. The AMA puts out protocols regarding how to treat cancer
(and most other diseases). When doctors follow these protocols and their patients
happen to sue them regarding treatment, the AMA will send a bevy of lawyers to
help defend the doctors and a horde of "experts" to testify on behalf of the

If, however, doctors are being sued for deviating from those protocols, the AMA
will not only not send lawyers and "experts" to help them; they may well send
attorneys to help the plaintiff and "experts" to testify against doctors that have
deviated from the AMA's protocols.

This is the very reason that even after trillions of dollars in government and
private research funds and thirty-six years after the government nationalized
cancer and declared a war on the disease, if you went to the typical traditionally
trained American oncologist in 1950 or if you go in 2008, the methods of treatment
(for the most part, in almost every case) are exactly the same: radiate and/or
chemorate and/or operate.

If doctors can't carry out one of the above three methods of treatment on the
cancer, they're going to scare their patients into believing that they have as
much chance of surviving as a gnat in a hail storm. And this is not so.

And folks, I'm very sorry to say, that's not likely to change anytime soon.

Moreover, doctors who get tagged as "alternative physicians" find it almost

impossible to get insurance against lawsuits; for this reason doctors with nerve
enough to deviate from standard AMA protocols have now begun calling themselves
integrative physicians. This means that they practice standard medicine, but
will—if possible—integrate non-traditional forms of treatment.
At this time, Germany has the highest percentage of cure-rates in the world for
cancer. For a list of the cancer clinics there, go here:

Note: I want it clear that I'm not saying that alternative methods are the
absolute answer to curing this horrible disease—nay, it's a plague. And I'm not
saying that I personally know which methods are the right ones, but I will say
this: we've all had hundreds of friends and family members go through the whole
gamut of traditional treatments, live a tortured physical existence and on an
emotional heaven to the abyss ride for months (or even years), then die.

After years of studying and observing both ends of treatment, the traditional and
the alternative, I believe that the way to beat the plague is to add the latter
along with the traditional.

And that's my opinion!

For your health: Molly Mitchell

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