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Name : ………………………………
Class : 9 / ……

Grade 9 Module 3 Vocabulary
Unit 7

‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬

spiritual adj. ‫ روحاني‬confusion n. ‫ارتباك‬
material adj. ‫ مادي‬anxiety n. ‫قلق‬
massive adj. ‫ ضخم‬regret n. / v. ‫ ندم‬/ ‫يندم‬
depression n. ‫ اكتئاب‬vendor n. ‫بائع‬
quality n. ‫ جودة‬immune adj. ‫مناعي‬

Unit 8

‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬

spectator n. ‫ متفرج‬، ‫ مشاهد‬tournament n. ‫دورة‬- ‫مسابقة‬
endurance n. ‫ ثبات‬، ‫ صمود‬، ‫ احتمال‬traditionally adv. ‫تقليديا‬
coordination n. ‫ توافق‬، ‫ تناسق‬conventional adj. ‫ معروف‬- ‫تقليدي‬
opponent n. ‫ ند‬، ‫ خصم‬eliminate v. ‫ يقصي‬، ‫يستبعد‬
bounce n. / v. ‫ يقفز‬، ‫ قفزة‬strike / struck v. ‫ يصيب‬، ‫يضرب‬
struck adj. ‫مضروب‬

Unit 9

‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬

symptom n. ‫ عرض‬suspicious adj. ‫مثير للشكوك‬
interference n. ‫ تدخل‬eventually adv. ‫اخيرا‬
contagious adj. ‫ معدي‬concern n. ‫اهتمام‬
currently adv. ‫ حاليا‬intellectual adj. ‫عقالني‬
indicate v. ‫ بشير الى‬maintain v. ‫يحافظ على‬

Grade 9 Module 4 Vocabulary
Unit 10 ‫معلق‬

‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬

thrive v. ‫ ازدهر‬، ‫ نما‬giant adj. ‫عمالق‬
scorching adj. ‫ حارقة‬demonstrate v. ‫يمثل‬
supreme adj. ‫ متميز‬، ‫ فائق‬squeeze v. ‫يعصر‬
perseverance n. ‫ إصرار‬، ‫ عزيمة‬give up ph. v. ‫يستسلم‬
collective adj. ‫ مشترك‬، ‫ جماعي‬come up with ph. v. ) ‫يتوصل إل ( فكرة‬
species ‫أصناف‬

Unit 11

‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬

scholarship n. ‫ منحة دراسية‬formula n. ‫ صيغة‬، ‫تركيبة‬
Cosmology n. ‫ علم الكونيات‬groundbreaking adj. ‫رائد‬
diagnose v. ‫ يشخص‬revolutionise v. ˝‫تغيير جذري‬
World-renowned adj. ‫ مشهور‬rank v. ‫يصنف‬
economist n. ‫ اقتصادي‬belittle v. v. ‫ يحتقر‬، ‫يقلل‬

Unit 12

‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬ ‫الكلمة‬ ‫معناها‬

artificial n. ‫ الذكاء االصطناعي‬due to prep. ‫بسبب‬
achieve v. ‫ يحرز‬، ‫ يحقق‬abundance n. ‫ كثرة‬، ‫وفرة‬
goal n. ‫ هدف‬increased adj. ‫متزايد‬
trait n. ‫ ميزة‬، ‫ سمة‬advance n. ‫تقدم‬
relatively adv. ˝‫نسبيا‬
Unit 7
DATE: … / … / 2022

NO Word Copy P.O.S Meaning
1. spiritual ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

2. material ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

3. massive ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

4. depression ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

5. quality ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

6. confusion ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

7. anxiety ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

8. regret ( + ed ) ----------------------------------- (n./v.) ----------------------------------

9. vendor ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

10 immune ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

A] Choose the right answer from a, b, c, and d:

1. We should ask Allah for the guidance and the …………… relief that we all need.
a. material b. massive c. spiritual d. positive
2. Lack of Seratonin can result in depression, …………………, or aggression in humans.
a. quality b. regret c. immune d. anxiety
3. Too little sleep weakens the …………………, system and sets a person up for getting ill.
a. vendor b. immune c. confusion d. regret
4. There was some .....................about how to deal with the current situation.
a. confusion b. quality c. vendor d. regret
5. Haiti has been struggling to recover after it was struck by a ..................... earthquake.
a. material b. massive c. spiritual d. positive

B] Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

quality , massive , regret , depression , spiritual

1. She was diagnosed with major ....................... by age 14 and started taking medication.
2. I doubt they feel …………………… for past acts or wish they had acted more positively.
3. Nine people survived today after a ....................... house fire on the west coast.
4. Years ago, I found that one of the most powerful …………………… practices was silence.
5. The …………………… of your business depends on your efforts and relationships.


DATE: … / … / 2022

The key words of Past Perfect

after / but
past perfect past simple
as soon as / just as

past simple past perfect
by the time


1. The teacher gave us presents after we had got full marks.

2. I had studied for 4 years before I started working.
3. I felt bad about selling the house but it had got too old.
4. By the time Ahmed finished his studies, he had been in London for 5 years.
A] Choose the right answer from a, b, c, and d:

1. You …………………… English before you moved to New York.

a. had studied b. have studied c. studied d. study
2. We …………………… this car for 10 years before it broke down.
a. has b. had c. had had d. have had
3. By the time Ahmed finished his studies, he …………………… in London for 5 years.
a. had b. was c. been d. had been
B] Correct the verbs between brackets:
1. He (not/use) email before, so I showed him how to use it. 1. …………………………
2. I (have) breakfast by the time he arrived. 2. …………………………
3. The train (leave) by the time I go to the station. 3. …………………………
4. She (stay) up all night after she had received bad news. 4. …………………………
5. I (not have) any cash because I had lost my purse. 5. …………………………
6. They (study) English before they moved to Canada. 6. …………………………
7. Amy had studied a lot before she (take) the test. 7. …………………………

C] Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. She ( bake ) a lot before she ( open ) her shop.

2. We ( arrive ) after the film ( start ).
3. After Max ( finish ) his breakfast, he ( leave ) the flat.
4. Before Steven ( do ) his homework he ( study ) at the library.
D] Join the following sentences using (but , just as , before , by the time):
1. Laura had repaired her glasses .....................her brother broke them again.
2.the show began, all friends had arrive.
3. ………………… the students started to write, the teacher had collected their mobiles.
4. The cat had hidden under the chair ………………… the children found it


If it had rained, you would have gotten wet.
You would have passed your exams if you had worked harder.
I would have believed you if you hadn’t lied to me before.
You would have been on time if you had caught the bus.

A] Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. If you had worked hard, you ( pass ) the exam. 1. ……………………
2. If they had taken him to hospital earlier, he ( not die). 2. ……………………
3. I ( send ) you the document, if you had given me your email address. 3. ……………………
4. He ( not miss ) the bus, if he had woken up earlier. 4. ……………………
5. If I ( know )you were coming, I would have prepared a delicious meal.5. ……………………

B] Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1. If you ............................. late, you would have caught the six o'clock train.
a. weren’t b. hadn’t been c. were d. had been
2. I............................. you a present if I had known it was your birthday.
a. bought b. buy c. had bought d. would have bought
3. If the weather had been better last weekend, we ………………………… to the beach.
a. had gone b. would have gone c. have gone d. went
4. If you ............................ to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Jane.
a. had come b. have come c. would come d. came
5. The accident wouldn’t have come if the driver............................. driving fast.
a. had been b. haven’t been c. hadn’t been d. would be


1. He likes to swim. He wishes he lived near the sea.
2. It’s cold today. I wish it was warmer.
3. I wish I had known the answer, but I didn’t.
4. She wished she had been a movie star.

A] Match the sentences in column A to column B:

1. I’m exhausted. ( ) I wish I had studied a different course.
2. I’m going to London for a holiday. ( ) I wish we hadn’t gone on a holiday.
3. I want to go on my bicycle. ( ) I wish it would stop raining.
4. I haven’t spoken to Reema for ages. ( ) I wish I could speak English.
5. Dalia was my best friend at school. ( ) I wish I hadn’t worked all weekends.
6. The degree I did was very boring. ( ) I wish she could call me.
7. The hotel was terrible, I didn’t enjoy it. ( ) I wish she lived near me.

B] Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. Laila wishes she ( study ) harder at school. She can’t get a good job.
2. Carmen wishes she ( eat ) so much at dinner. She feels bloated.

3. I wish you ( tell ) me it was your birthday.

4. I had to work on Sunday. I wish I ( not have ) to work on Sunday.


C] Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1. I wish I ………………………… a job where I can work outside.

a. got b. get c. have got d. had got
2. Peter wishes he ………………………… a better car. His car is always broken.
a. have b. had c. has d. had had
3. I said that her cooking was terrible. I wish I ( not say ) that.
a. haven’t said b. don’t say c. didn’t say d. hadn’t said
4. Their trip to China was very interesting. I wish I ( go ) there with them.
a. had gone b. went c. go d. have gone

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

Should we work all the time without having rest or entertainment ? The
answer is that we can not go on working without stopping. From time to time, we
should stop to have some rest and some recreation to have fun. If we did not, we
could make mistakes and our work might get worse.
An overworked person may end up by losing his ability to think clearly and
by having no energy to go on working. Sleep is one way by which we can renew our
energy. Sports and games are also important for brainworkers, who stay in closed
offices and don’t have a good chance to exercise their muscles. Swimming, walking
and other outdoor activities are excellent and may be very good for all people, so
we should not waste our weekends. People should make full use of them by being
in the open-air places. Having forgotten all about our work and the worries of
life, we can then enjoy ourselves to the full and return the next day to work with
our energy fully renewed. Change has a magic effect on man’s health and his work.
Only clever people are those who can make a balance between their work
and their personal lives. They are hardworking when they do their jobs and they
live the happiest moments when they are not working.

A] Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1. The best title for the passage is :
a. Happy Moments b. Magical Energy
c. Importance of Rest d. Importance of Games
2. The underlined pronoun “ them “ in the 2nd paragraph refers to “
a. people b. muscles c. activities d. weekends
3. The underlined word “ recreation “ in the 1st paragraph means :
a. effort b. health c. recovery d. enjoyment
4. The writer’s purpose in the last paragraph is to :
a. suggest doing our jobs in the open air.
b. tell us the story of hardworking people.
c. warn us of living happily without work.
d. advise us to make a balance between work and life.
5. Brainworkers are those who:
a. stay in closed offices.
b. go for swimming daily.
c. sleep enough everyday.
d. have the chance to exercise.
6. According to the 2nd paragraph, we understand that man’s health improves by:
a. changing our sleeping habits.
b. thinking of the worries of life.
c. working all the time without a rest.
d. having a break every now and then.

B] Answer the following questions:

7. Why are weekends important for people ?

8. How would a person make mistakes ?

It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness.
The art of being happy is to be satisfied with what you have.

Write a report of Two Paragraphs ( not less than 12 sentences ) about the
benefits of being happy and the things that help you to be happy.

Write your ideas here


Activities people enjoy What I find most

in festivals exciting

People sing and dance Family gathering

Wear colourful clothes Have meals together

Fly kites and play games Children play games

Festivals are happy occasions in which people enjoy the fun and the
entertainment. People can celebrate festivals in different ways. They can sing and
dance. They can wear colourful clothes. They can fly kites and play differentgames.
Some people prefer family gatherings and feasts.
Everyone finds in festivals something they enjoy most. I enjoy family gatherings
which help to strengthen the bonds between family members. Families usually
have meals together. Children usually wear beautiful coloured clothes. They enjoy
playing their own games. Family gathering is one of the most interesting
celebrations that Kuwaiti families enjoy from time to time. “ When you look at
your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses “ Joyce Brothers.

Unit 8
DATE: … / … / 2022
Do as shown between brackets 

1. Look! They (change) the door color. [correct the verb]

2. If you work hard, you will succeed. [make negative]
3. She’s been waiting for 30 minutes. [form a question]

NO. Word Copy P.O.S Meaning
1. spectator ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

endurance ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

coordination ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

opponent ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

5. bounce – bounced -
tournament ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

7. traditionally ----------------------------------- (adv.) ----------------------------------

8. conventional ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

9. eliminate – eliminated –
10. strike – struck - struck ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------

A] Choose the right answer from a, b, c, and d:
1. A …………………… threw the ball back to the players.
a. vendor b. quality c. spectator d. immune
2. To be a nurse calls for patience and …………………… .
a. opponent b. endurance c. spectator d. regret
3. Jump rope exercises improve your ……………………, balance, timing and footwork.
a. coordination b. tournament c. spectator d. depression
4. …………………… the ball and try to hit it over the net.
a. Endure b. Eliminate c. Regret d. Bounce
5. The secret of chess lies in knowing what your …………………… is thinking.
a. anxiety b. bounce c. opponent d. endurance
6. …………………… the iron while it is hot!
a. Strike b. bounce c. Eliminate d. Regret
7. Try to …………………… fatty food from your diet.
a. regret b. eliminate c. bounce d. strike

B] Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

endurance , bounce , tournament, traditionally , eliminate , conventional , struck

1. In tennis, you must hit the ball before its second …………………………………… .
2. Can we ever …………………………………… poverty from the world?
3. The ball …………………………………… him on the nose.
4. This event tests both physical and mental …………………………………… .
5. The golf …………………………………… is a professional event.
6. Drama is an art that is …………………………………… performed in theatre.
7. It has taken a long time to break out of my own ........................................ training.



We use the verbs play, do and go with sports and activities. Here is the
information you need to know to use them correctly:
Play is used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against
another person:
'How often do you play tennis?' - tennis is a ball sport.
'I don't like playing computer games.' - computer games are competitive so
we use play.
Do is used for a recreational activity or a non-team sport that does not use a
'I heard that you do karate.' - karate is a non-team activity.
'I do crossword puzzles in my free time.' - crossword puzzles are not
Go is used with activities that end -ing. We go somewhere to do something:
'I'm going fishing on Sunday.'
'Are you going skiing this winter?'
'She said she was going swimming.'
A] Complete the following sentences with (play, do or go):

1. Ahmed can ……………………… ice hockey very well.

2. he likes to …………… jogging every day.
3. I love to …………………… a good game of chess from time to time.
4. She often ……………………… baseball with her friends at school.
5. Sara …………………… gymnastics five times a week.
6. He …………………… horse riding twice a week.
7. My sister …………………… aerobics four time a week. She likes it.
8. We often rent a sailboat and ………………… sailing between the islands.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Fill in with the correct article: [a, an, some, any]
1. Would you like ………… cup of coffee?
2. How much does ………… umbrella cost?
3. There is ……………… jam in the cupboard.
4. I usually have ………… egg, ………… piece of bread and ………… cup of tea.
5. I saw ………… old man walking in the park.
6. My brother always exercises for ………… hour in the morning.
7. My little brother drew ………… picture last weekend.
8. Would you like .................... coffee?
9. Do we have ………………sugar left?
10. Is there ……………… bread in the kitchen?

DATE: … / … / 2022

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

Have you ever heard the sound of a hummingbird? They make a buzzing
noise when they fly. They make the noise because they beat their wings so fast.
They fly in a unique way. They move their wings so fast that they can hover in
the middle of the air, like a helicopter. Sometimes they hover upside down. They
are the only birds that can fly backwards. Hummingbirds are small. The bee
hummingbirds, which is a type of hummingbirds, is the smallest bird in the world.
It is just a little bit bigger than a bee. Bee hummingbirds build tiny nests.
Hummingbirds move fast. It takes lots of energy to move as fast as they
do. This means they need to eat a lot of food. They have to store enough food
energy to survive through the night. Their favorite food is nectar, a sweet liquid
found in some flowers. Hummingbirds don’t use their long beaks for drinking
nectar, they use their tongues. Their long tongues work like little pumps. They
visit hundreds of flowers daily.
Hummingbirds help flowers too. They get pollen on their heads when they
feed. Flowers use pollen to make seeds. Hummingbirds help pollen get from one
flower to the next. This helps flowers make more seeds. More seeds mean more
flowers. More flowers mean more food for hummingbirds. Isn’t is nice how that
works out?
A] Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
1. The best title for the passage is…………………………………………………………………
a. Bee Hummingbirds b. Flowers and seeds
c. Hummingbirds d. Hummingbirds’ speed
2. The underlined pronoun they in the 1st paragraph refers to………………………
a. noise b. wings
c. flowers d. hummingbirds
3. The synonym of the underlined word hover is………………………………………
a. to move very fast b. to fly upside down
c. to make a buzzing noise d. to stay in one place in the air
4. According to the text, one of the following is TRUE:
a. Hummingbirds move as fast as other birds.
b. hummingbirds use their beaks for drinking nectar.
c. hummingbirds need a lot of food to have energy.
d. More food means more flowers.
5. The purpose of the writer is to………………………
a. tell us about the world’s biggest bird
b. explain how birds drink nectar from flowers
c. give information about a unique and helpful bird
d. compare between the different types of hummingbirds
6. The antonym of the word “more” is
a. less b. a lot c. most d. much

B] Answer the following questions:

7. Why do hummingbirds visit hundreds of flowers daily?


8. When hummingbirds feed, they help flowers. How?


DATE: … / … / 2022

Plan and write an article for your school magazine recommending a sport to be
included in your school activities, describing its rules and equipment, and
showing its benefits to students. Refer to Student’s Book P. 66.

Write your ideas here

Unit 9
Do as shown between brackets 

1. After I (see) the movie, I wrote a summary about it. [correct the verb]

2. The band had finished their rehearsal. [make negative]

3. If I had listened to your advice, ………………………………… [complete]


NO Word Copy P.O.S Meaning
1. symptom ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

2. interfere ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------

3. contagious ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

4. currently ----------------------------------- (adv.) ----------------------------------

5. indicate ( +d ) ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------

6. suspicions ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

7. eventually ----------------------------------- (adv.) ----------------------------------

8. concern ---------------------------------- (n.) ---------------------------------

9. intellectual ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

10. maintain ( +d ) ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------


A] Choose the right answer from a, b, c, and d:

 1. Various studies …………………………… that some forms of alternative medicine are

extremely effective.
a. regrets b. bounces c. eliminates d. indicates
2. The illness is highly …………………… and spreads easily through coughing and sneezing.
a. contagious b. spiritual c. massive d. conventional
3. When someone has a heart attack, a common …………………………… is shooting pain
down the left arm.
a. symptom b. opponent c. quality d. concern
4. People can improve their …………………………… abilities by training their brains
through puzzles.
a. material b. intellectual c. massive d. traditional
5.There is …………………………… that the huge panda will soon become extinct.
a. depression b. tournament c. concern d. vendor

B] Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

maintain , suspicion , spectator , eventually , interfere , currently

1. A young man was arrested on …………………………… of a bank robbery.

2. He was ……………………… given the opportunity to share in the annual competition.
3. It is critical for people to …………………… a good balance between work and life.
4. Burj Khalifa is …………………………… the tallest skyscraper in the world.
5. He wouldn’t let anybody …………………………… in his personal affairs.


DATE: … / … / 2022

In reported speech , In reported speech ,

the pronouns change. the following words change:
Direct Speech Reported speech Direct Reported speech
1.I he / she This That
2.we they These Those I / we Today that day him/her Tomorrow the following day them next week- The following week-month-
month-year year me/us Now Then
yesterday The previous day
Ago before

 Use reported speech to report what someone says or said.

 verbs change.
In reported speech , the
 In reported speech , that can be omitted after said.
Direct Speech Reported speech
1. Present simple Past simple
"I always play tennis on Saturdays." Ibrahim said (that) he always played tennis
on Saturdays.
2. Past simple Past perfect
"Last summer , I went to Japan." Aisha said (that)she had gone to Japan the
summer before.
3. Future Would :
"I'll show you the photos from my She said (that ) she would show me the
holiday." photos from her holiday.
4. can Could
"You can come with us." She said(that) I could come with them.

4. am, is , are going to was , were

"We are going to the zoo." Eman said(that) they were going to the zoo.
5. has / have had

A] Report the following sentences:
1. "The manager complimented me on my achievements last month.”

My father Said ……………………….………………………………………………………………………………

2. "I bought these gifts to please my friends."

Nora said …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. " You need some rest because you suffer from a severe fever."

The doctor said ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. " I had enough time to finish my school project yesterday!"

He explained ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. "My parents are discussing critical issues concerning our future ."

Faisal said …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....

6.”she hasn’t eaten sushi for three years”

She said ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B] Change the following sentences into reported speech:

7. My friend said to me” I have played the guitar since I was a teenager”.

My friend …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Rana said “It is raining heavily now”.

Rana said …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Ahmed said “I drew a picture while my friends were playing a match.

Ahmed said ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10.The teacher said to us “surgeons can operate on patients to treat injuries”

The teacher ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Prefixes are letters which we add to the beginning of a word to make a

new word with a different meaning. Some of the most popular are
“il – ir – im -” these change the words to the opposite meaning.
When you add a prefix, you don’t change the root word.

For example: ir + responsible = irresponsible

Use il before words starting with l.
Use ir before words starting with r.
use im before words starting with m, p and b.
However like all rules there are exceptions: unless-unreal-unmarried.

Add the correct prefix to each of the following words;

prefix Root word new word



The Koala bear is one of the cutest animals in the world. It has a small
body, grey coloured fur and a white belly and it doesn’t have a tail. What is
funny about the Koala bear is that it isn’t a bear at all!
The Koala is actually a marsupial. Marsupial like kangaroos are animals that
have pockets where they keep their young in. A new born Koala is called a joey
and when it is born, it doesn’t look like the grown-up Koala we is born
blind and without ears or fur.
Soon after its birth, the joey goes to the mother’s pocket, and continues
to grow its eyes, legs and fur for six months. The young Koala then leaves the
pocket and mostly stay on the mother back to grow for six more months. It
stays here until it’s ready to climb up the trees, sleep on the branches, and eat
on its own.

Koalas spend most of their lives called “gum trees “and only go to the ground
if necessary. Living in these trees helps them to easily reach their food and stay
away from wild animals that might attack. Although gum leaves are poisonous to
other animals, they are the only food koalas eat. The Koala’s stomach has special
bacteria that can take energy and water from the leaves. When they are not
climbing trees, Koalas sleep up to 20 hours a day. A grown-up Koala can grow to
be around 15 to 20 years old.

A) Choose the best completion from a, b, c and d:( 4 X 2½ = 10 m )

1. The best title for the text could be:

a) The life of Koalas b) How to raise Joeys

c) Different Kangaroos d) Gum leaves
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word poisonous in the 4th paragraph?
a) healthy b) harmful
c) useful d) necessary
3. The underlined pronoun it in the 1st paragraph refers to:
a) the tail b) the world
c) the white belly d) The Koala bear
4. Why does a young Koala stay on the mother’s back after it is born?
a) to climb trees b) to eat on its own
c) to grow d) to sleep on tree branches.
5. All the following statements are NOT TRUE except:
a) Koalas can grow to be 30 years old.
b) Koalas don’t need much sleep.
c) Newborn Koalas can see everything easily.
d) Gum leaves are safe for Koalas to eat.
6. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this text?
a) Inform us about Koalas
b) earn us about gum leaves.
c) encourage us to raise joeys.
d) explain how different kangaroos live.

Answer the following questions:

7. How does anew born Koala look?

8. Why do Koalas mostly live in gum trees?

“ Prevention is better than cure as it is better to prevent disease
rather than to try to find cures for diseases after they occur. ”

Plan and write two paragraphs of (12 sentences) about "living a healthy life” by
discussing the following: habits that people should avoid and precautions they
should take to bet healthy.

Write your ideas here


It is a disease that causes problems with memory and

What is it? behavior.
It is not a contagious.
It was discovered by a German physiatrist and
pathologist called “Alois Alzheimer.
He noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who
had died of an unusual mental illness.
 performing daily activities like driving and
Troubles that cooking.
people with AD  They may ask the same question many times.
suffer from  They get lost easily.
 They put things in strange places.

Early symptoms: difficulty remembering newly learned

Symptoms severe symptoms:
1. Confusion about events, time and place.
2. Suspicion about family.
3. Inability to recognize people they know.
 Engaging in intellectual activities.
 Learning new things /playing musical
Ways to prevent instruments and reading.
or delay the  Challenging the brains through brainteasers
symptoms and strategy games such as Sudoko.

Medical discoveries

It is easy to see how advances in health and medicine have saved the
lives of every person in the world. There are many important medical
discoveries that have already changed the world. One of them was the
discovery of blood groups, which were identified by an Australian
doctor in 1900. The first blood transfusion was very dangerous and
people often died. The antiseptic which is used every day is a very
powerful invention too. Vaccination was developed by an English doctor
and it is recommended nowadays for children, teenagers and adults.
There are also various inventions, for example x-rays, anaesthetic and

All these inventions and discoveries help all human beings to have
a good health. Vaccines prevent the spread of contagious diseases.
Millions of people would die without vaccination. Antiseptic kills
bacteria and without it, simple operations can cause death to people. In
the past, people had to be awake during surgery but nowadays
anaesthetic prevents patients from feeling pain during surgery.
Antibiotics fight infections and can save lives when used properly. They
either kill or prevent the growth of bacteria. In my opinion, countries
should support scientists to work hard for more achievements in the
medical field.

discovery importance

blood groups  making the blood transfusion‫نقل الدم‬

‫مجموعات الدم‬ more accurate.
 It saved thousands of lives
Antiseptic  Preventing the growth of bacteria.

Anaethestic  Preventing patients from feeling pain

‫مخدر‬ while surgery.
 It is used for temporary loss of
Vaccination  Producing immunity against a disease.
‫التلقيح‬  preventing the spread of contagious
Laser  Improving vision /eye surgery
‫الليزر‬ remove kidney stones‫ حصوات الكلي‬.
 Removing the birthmarks and some
x-ray  Taking photographs of the patient’s
‫االشعه‬ body.
 Helping doctor find the correct
diagnoses and treatment.
Antibiotics  They fight certain infections and saves
‫مضادات حيويه‬ lives.
 they stop bacteria from destroying the
DNA Diagnosing )‫(تشخيص‬some genetic diseases.
‫الحمض النووي‬
aspirin Reducing fever‫الحمي‬
reliving ‫ تخفيف‬pain such as
reducing the risk of heart attacks‫ا أزمات قلبيه‬

Unit 10
DATE: … / … / 2022

NO Word Copy P.O.S Meaning
1. thrive ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------

2. scorching ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

3. supreme ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

4. perseverance ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

5. collective ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

6. giant ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

7. demonstrate ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------

8. squeeze ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------

9. give up ----------------------------------- (ph.v) ----------------------------------

10 come up with ----------------------------------- (ph.v) ----------------------------------

A] Choose the right answer from a, b, c, and d:

1. Cholera bacteria ……………………………………. on poverty and disruption.
a. interfere b. bounce c. maintain d. thrive
2. Elephants are ..................................... animals.
a. giant b. spiritual c. regret d. contagious
3. Aunts ………………………………………… real stamina and hard work.
a. eliminate b. demonstrate c. squeeze d. giant
4. …………………..effort is needed from people to solve the problem of pollution.
a. constant b. opponent c. immune d. thrive
5. The student display………………………………………… in overcoming obstacles.
a. perseverance b. vendor c. collective d. give up
6. The sand in the desert can reach a …………………………………… 70 centigrade.
a. quality b. scorching c. traditionally d. squeeze
B] Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

come up with , squeeze , give up , collective , supreme

1. I knew she showed …………………… intelligence when she solved the math
2. Work hard to achieve your dreams and never …………………… .
3. Once in a while, humans …………………… new inventions.
4. …………………… 2 oranges, mix them with water and honey to heal your sore

[GRAMMAR] DATE: … / … / 2022

Conjunctive adverbs may be moved around in the sentence or clause in which they
appear. This is just one of the things you’ll need to remember; additional rules
for using conjunctive adverbs follow:

 Always use a period or semicolon before the conjunctive adverb when

separating two independent clauses. Conjunctive adverbs are not strong enough
to join independent clauses without supporting punctuation.
 Use a comma behind conjunctive adverbs when they appear at the beginning of
a sentence’s second clause. The only exception to this rule is that no comma is
necessary if the adverb is a single syllable.
 If a conjunctive adverb appears in the middle of a clause, it should be enclosed
in commas most of the time. This is not an absolute rule and does not normally
apply to short clauses.

Here are some examples:

o The due date for the final paper has passed; therefore, I could not
submit mine on time.
o There are many history books; however, none of them may be accurate.
o We have many different sizes of this shirt; however, it comes in only one
o Reading is a good way to learn new vocabulary words; furthermore, it can
improve your ability to spell words correctly.
o Grilling makes meat taste really good; furthermore, it allows fatty juices
to drain away from the meat.
o Driving while distracted increases your chances of getting into an
accident; furthermore, it endangers the lives of other drivers.
o His skin burns very easily; therefore, he's decided to stay under an
umbrella and wear lots of sunscreen.
o There were too many accidents on this road when the speed limit was 55
miles per hour; therefore, the city decided to lower it to 45 miles per

A] Join the following sentences with the correct conjunction:

1. The kids didn’t study. They failed the course.

2. The weather was terrible. We decided to delay our trip.
3. We live in the same building. We hardly see each other.
4. The house isn’t big for us and. It's too expensive for us.
5. My sister works three jobs in a day. She doesn’t earn much money.

6. Lara kept talking in class. She got in trouble.

7. She went into the store. She didn’t find anything she wanted to buy.
8. You are late. You haven’t brought your books.
9. Lana is carful driver. She had several accidents.
10. Ali cleaned out the garage. He made it look better than it has for years.


‫‪Conjunctions ‬‬
‫بعد – حتى االن‬
‫‪for‬‬ ‫من أجل‬ ‫‪yet‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫و – أيضا‬ ‫‪so‬‬ ‫ولذلك‬


‫‪nor‬‬ ‫وال‬ ‫‪both and‬‬ ‫كال من‬

‫‪but‬‬ ‫‪either or‬‬ ‫إما أو‬

‫‪or‬‬ ‫أو – أم – وال – و إما‬ ‫‪neither nor‬‬ ‫ال هذا و ال ذاك‬

‫‪not only but‬‬ ‫ليس فقط و لكن‬ ‫‪whether / or‬‬ ‫أو – إذا أو – أم‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫بعد‬
‫‪although‬‬ ‫برغم من – مع أن‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫كما – مثل – مثلما‬

‫‪as soon as‬‬ ‫حاال‪ -‬في أقرب وقت‬

‫كأن – كأمنا – كيفما – مع‬

‫‪as if‬‬ ‫–كما لو – كأن‬ ‫‪as though‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫طالما – ما دام – لو‬

‫‪because‬‬ ‫بسبب أن – من أجل –‬
‫‪as long as‬‬ ‫– إذا – بشرط‪-‬‬
‫ألن – نتيجة ل‬
‫‪as much as‬‬ ‫بقدر ما‬ ‫‪before‬‬ ‫قبل‬

‫إذا – يف حالة – و لو أنه‬

‫‪by the time‬‬ ‫عرب الوقت‬ ‫‪if‬‬
‫– شرط افتراضي‬
‫حيث و إن – رغم –‬
‫‪even if‬‬ ‫‪in order that‬‬ ‫من أجل ذلك‬
‫الرغم من ذلك‬
‫على الرغم من – رغم‬ ‫في حال – إذا ما –‬
‫‪even though‬‬ ‫‪in case‬‬
‫أن‬ ‫بخصوص‬

‫في حال‬ -‫فقط‬
in the event that only

lest ‫خيشة أن – خوفا من‬ only if ‫فقط إذا‬

now that ‫ االن ذلك‬provided that ‫بشرط – على شرط‬

– ‫ذات مرة – حامال‬ ‫ منذ ذلك – منذ‬-‫منذ‬
once since
‫في ما مضى – سابقا‬ ‫ذلك حلني – بما أن‬

 – ‫هكذا – جدا‬  ‫اال اذا‬

so ‫كذلك‬ unless
‫نفترض ذلك‬ ‫حتى‬
supposing that until

than when ‫حينما‬

 – ‫رغم أن – و لو أن‬  ‫في أي وقت‬

‫على أي حال – مع‬
though whenever

till ‫حتى – قبل أن‬ where ‫أين – حيث – إل أين‬

‫بينما‬ ‫ أينما‬-‫حيثما‬
whereas ‫– حيث أن‬

  – ‫في حين – بينما‬

‫سواء ذلك أو ال‬
whether or not while

Match the following :
1. There were no tickets for the game, ( ) but the special effects were amazing.
2. The movie was disappointing, ( ) or by telephone.
3. You can contact us by email ( ) so we had to watch it on TV in stead.
4. Bill’s never travelled abroad, ( ) and my brother lives in Lyon.
5. My sister lives in Paris, ( ) nor does he plan to.

Choose the correct conjunction to join the sentences:
1. You need to enter your password …………………… access your account.
a. although b. whether c. once d. in order to
2. Ella put on some sunscreen …………………… she didn’t get sunburn.
a. so that b. unless c. because d. after
3. Ali decided to go jogging, …………………… it was raining.
a. only if b. nor c. until d. although
4. …………………… I finish this report, I’ll give you a hand.
a. but b. when c. since d. yet
5. You need a passport …………………… you enter most countries.
a. until b. nor c. after d. before
6. …………………… I prefer coffee, I decided to have a cup of tea.
a. as soon as b. even if c. only if d. Although
7. Sara decided to have a nap …………………… she was feeling tired.
a. even if b. when c. because d. while
8. I made a dinner …………………… my mother was cleaning the apartment.
a. while b. lest c. before d. after
9. I didn’t like the food at the restaurant, …………………… did I like the décor.
a. and b. nor c. or d. so
10. Ben has to choose between studying math, art,........................ psychology.
a. and b. nor c. or d. so

Join the following sentences using the correct conjunction:

1. I drank a glass of water. I was thirsty. ( because )

2. I don’t want to go to the movies. I hate the smell of popcorn. ( so that )

3. The alarm goes off. I hit the snooze button. ( as soon as )

4. We looked on top of the refrigerator. Jenny will often hide a bag of

chocolate chip cookies. ( where )
5. Keep your hand on the wound. The bleeding stops. ( until )
Suffixes 
A suffix is an affix which is placed after the stem of a word. Common suffixes
include -ist, -er, -or, -ful, -less, -ship. Suffixes are always placed at the end of
words. All suffixes have a certain meaning that helps the reader figure out the
meaning of the entire word the suffix is within.

A] Change the following into nouns:
1- improve =……………………………
2- appear =……………………………
3- move =……………………………
4- involve =……………………………
5- happy =……………………………
6- excite =……………………………
B] Change the following into adjectives:
1- beauty =……………………………
2- drink =……………………………
3- help =…………………………….
4- enjoy =……………………………
5- design =…………………………….

Obsessed ‫مهووس ب‬ Arrangement ‫ترتيب – باقة ورد‬

Confused ‫متحير‬ Development ‫تطوير‬

Talented ‫موهوب‬ Improvement ‫تحسين‬

Intended ‫مقصود‬ Engagement ‫تفعيل – انشغال‬

‫متقدم‬ Involvement ‫ تورط‬- ‫مشاركة‬

Delivered ‫تم تسليمه‬ Department ‫قس‬

………………………… ………………..
Hopeful ‫ مفعم باالمل‬/ hopeless ‫بال أمل‬ Enjoyable ‫ممتع‬
Fearful ‫ خائف‬/ fearless ‫جريء‬ Profitable ‫مربح‬
Useful ‫ مفيد‬/ useless ‫بال فائدة‬ Wearable ‫يمكن ارتداؤه‬
Helpful ‫ مساعد‬/ helpless ‫عاجز‬ Suitable ‫مناسب‬
Careful ‫ حريص‬/ careless ‫مستهتر‬ Countable ‫معدود‬
‫بال‬ Countless ‫ال يحصى‬
Skillful ‫ ماهر‬/ skill-less ‫مهارة‬

ِDo as shown between brackets 
1. She lost her phone because she was (care). [ Add the right suffix ]
2. Opening a restaurant needs a (talent) chef. [ Add the right suffix ]
3. The government should make a lot of (improve). [ Correct ]
4. This student is a (hope) case. [ Correct ]
5. This jacket is not (suit) for you. [ Correct ]
B) Combine the following:
o funny + est = …………………………………
o big + er = …………………………………
o stop + ed = …………………………………
o get + ing = …………………………………
o run + er = …………………………………
o community + s = …………………………………
o plan + ing = …………………………………
o city + s = …………………………………
o tiny + est = …………………………………
o advance + ed = …………………………………
o day + ly = …………………………………
o demonstrate + ed = …………………………………
o thrive + ed = …………………………………
o travel + ing = …………………………………

Animals Facts
o Highly intelligent.
o Friendly and playful.
Dolphins o Breathe through a blowhole on the top of
their head.

Smart and show teamwork.

Ants o
o Teach and communicate.
o Small and highly organized.
o Can know different human faces.
o High skill for communication.
Parrots o Can imitate human voices.
o Excellent memory which solve difficult
o Closely related to humans.
Donkeys o They share 95% of human DNA.
o They can't swim
Clever and smart.
Squirrels o
o Can sense danger.
o Fast and good in hiding.
o Can see in the dark much better than humans
Dogs o Dogs are known as “man’s best friend because
they are loyal.
o They can hear over 10 times better than
Are the largest land mammals.
Elephants o
o Only eat plants, grass and fruit.
o Are very clever.
Smart and play games
Octopuses o
o Throw and catch things.
o Can learn to open bottles by childproof caps.
Can recognize body language.
Horses o
o Read human facial expressions.
o Remember person's mood.
o Clever in creating tools.
Crows o Mental ability to solve problems
o They have good memory

Read the following passage, then answer the questions that follow:
We know that editors have organized newspapers well for readers with the
most important stories on page one with big headlines and stories of lesser
importance somewhere in the back of the newspapers. That isn't the way that we
read them though.
I come to work on a train most mornings, with a lot of other people, all of whom
are reading newspapers. We have about an hour, but an editor would be
discouraged to see how we go about reading the paper. We don't follow his
directions at all. We all look at the headlines quickly- we don't read the front-
page stories unless we have time to come back to them later. We go directly to
the articles that interest us most. Of course, there are a few people who do it
right. They are often the most successful-looking people on the train. They read
the important stories first and then go on to the other one.
Other newspaper readers on the train buy a good newspaper, take out their
glasses and pencils, and turn immediately to the crossword puzzle. It takes them
an hour to finish the puzzle, and I don't think that many of them ever look at
anything else in the paper.
The way we read newspapers is what gives papers their edge over TV. Unlike TV,
with newspapers, the reader is in charge. We can read our newspaper frontward
or backward. We can skip what bores us and read the parts that we like. We can
study the advertisement that interests us and ignore what doesn't.

A) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d:

1. The best title of the passage is:
a. What People Do on Trains b. Why Newspapers Are Important
c. How People Read Newspapers d. How People Solve Crossword Puzzles
2. The underlined word " ignore " in the last paragraph means:
a. neglect b. seek c. achieve d. lead
3. The underlined word " them " in the 1st paragraph refers to:
a. editors b. stories c. headlines d. newspapers

4. According to the 3rd paragraph, the writer thinks that many of those who
do crossword puzzles:
a. always read everything else that there in a newspaper.
b. rarely read anything else that there in a newspaper.
c. are not that smart because they take too long doing puzzles.
d. should read a newspaper backward, not frontward.
5. According to the last paragraph, all the following statements are TRUE
a. Readers can read the parts they like in newspapers.
b. Readers can skip advertisements that interest them.
c. Readers can skip the parts that bore them in newspapers.
d. Readers can read newspapers either frontward or backward.
6. The purpose of the writer is to:
a. persuade us to read newspapers.
b. entertain us with a story about newspapers.
c. inform us of the different ways people read newspapers.
d. explain to us how editors organise newspapers.

b) Answer the following questions:

7. How do the most successful-looking people read newspapers?

8. Where, in a newspaper, would you look for important news and stories?

“Animals demonstrate great intelligence that can be shown in their
Write a report of 12 sentences (two paragraphs) about an animal of your choice
to explain why you choose this animal and what lessons you can learn from it.

Write your ideas here

Unit 11
DATE: … / … / 2022


NO Word Copy P.O.S Meaning

1. scholarship ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

2. cosmology ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

3. diagnose ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

4. world-renowned ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

5. economist ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

6. formula ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

7. ground breaking ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

8. revolutionise ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

9. rank ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

10 belittle ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

A] Choose the right answer from a, b, c, and d:

1. He went to Harvard on a …………………………………
a. rank b. scholarship c. cosmology d. formula
2. There is no magic ……………………………… for success.
a. formula b. rank c. cosmology d. economist
3. Messi is currently the highest ……………………… footballer in the world.
a. diagnosed b. revolutionized c. ranked d. influenced
4. Newton’s discoveries ............................ physics.

a. diagnosed b. revolutionized c. ranked d. influenced

5. John was ………………………… as a diabetic when he was 64.

a. diagnosed b. revolutionized c. ranked d. influenced
A] Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

belittle , cosmology , renowned , ground breaking , economists , formula

1. …………..………is the study of the universe, its origin and development.

2. Marco Polo is ……………………………… as an explorer.
3. ……………………………… have predicted that the market recovery would be slow.
4. She was honoured for her ………………………… work in nuclear physics.
5. Parents should never ……………………… the achievements of their children.

Name Pr.Stephen Hawking

Date of birth January 8th 1942
Study Oxford University: Physics,
Cambridge: cosmology
Challenges Motor neuron disease
Ahievements PhD 1965
Theories on black holes
“A Brief History of Time”

Name Dr. Manahel Thabet

Date of birth October 14th 1981
Place of birth Aden, Yemen

Study Financial Engineering Quantum

Achievements * Youngest economist with a PhD in
financial engineering
* Improved a formula to measure
distances in space without light

Name Maria Montessori
Date of birth 31st August 1870
Place of birth Italy
Study Medicine
* Italy’s first woman doctor.
Achievements * Changed education
* Started education for children with disabilities.
* Invented special educational equipment.
* Opened a school “the children’s house”

[GRAMMAR] DATE: … / … / 2019

A] Report the following :
1. “Did you see the robbers ?” the police officer asked the lady.
2. “Are you visiting your cousins tonight ?” Dan said to Tom.
3. “Will you submit the project next week?” the teacher said to me.
4. “Have they moved to a new house?” I asked.
5. “Is it cold in London these days?” my friend wanted to know.
6. “Why didn’t you eat something?” I asked my sister.
7. “When will you be ready?” Mum said to the kids.
8. “Which book is yours ?” the teacher said to Laila .
9. “ What is your plan for tomorrow ?” She asked her friend.
10. “How long have you lived in this house?” The detective asked the lady.

B] Report the following:
1. “Try to be accurate with this question” the teacher advised me.
2. “Eat your dinner “mum said to him.
3. “Please , don’t add any sugar to my coffee.” he asked his host.
4. “Go to your room now and do your homework.” He ordered his sons.
5. “ Never forget your pills” the doctor warned the patient.

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:
Can you imagine what it would be like not to be able to speak or hear? When
Helen Keller was 19 months old, she became very ill. Doctors expected her to die,
but she survived. Helen’s mother soon noticed that Helen was not responding
when the dinner bell rang or when she waved her hand in front of Helen’s face.
It then became apparent that Helen’s illness had left her blind and deaf. She was
born on June 27, 1880 in Alabama, where she lived with her family. She was
frustrated and confused. She didn’t know what was going on in her world. Her
parents knew that they needed help. They hired a tutor for Helen. Her name was
Anne Sullivan.
Success didn’t happen right away. But one day at the water pump, a
breakthrough happened. Anne spelled the word water in Helen’s hand. Helen
began to catch on. Suddenly, her brain was on fire. She reached down to touch
the ground, and Anne spelled the word earth in her hand. She continued pointing
and learning. She learned to spell 30 words on that day.
By the age of 10, Helen had learned to speak by feeling her teacher’s mouth
when she talked. Some people couldn’t understand Helen, but she kept trying. She
learned to read French, German, Greek, and Latin in Braille. Braille is a way for
people who can’t see to read. Raised dots are used to represent letters and words.
Soon Helen could read, write, and speak.
Helen Keller went on to give speeches all over the world. Most of the money
she earned was given to the American Foundation for the Blind. She met U.S.
presidents, wrote a dozen books, and went to college. Helen Keller lived to be 87.
She continues to inspire many people worldwide.

A] Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1. The underlined pronoun she in the 1st paragraph refers to………………………
a. Helen’s mother b. Anne Sullivane
c. Helen keler d. The tutor

2. The synonym of the underlined word breakthrough is:
a. public announcement. b. major success
c. good advice d. sudden problem
3. The purpose of the writer is to………………………
a. talk about Braille method.
b. advice readers to help the disabled.
c. show Helen Keller’s journey to success.
d. inform the reader about U.S presidents.
4. Why was Helen Keller so successful in life?
a. People felt sorry for her and took pity on her.
b. She eventually got her vision and hearing back.
c. She learned to overcome obstacles and work hard.
d. She was able to meet U.S. presidents and speak worldwide.
5. What can you learn about Anne Sullivan from reading this passage?
a. She traveled the world to give speeches.
b. She was diligent in her efforts with Helen Keller.
c. She was blind herself.
d. She was placed in an orphanage.
6. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
a. Helen Keller was unable to overcome great obstacles to do great things.
b. Helen Keller didn’t have to work hard to succeed.
c. Helen’s parents made the right choice in hiring Anne Sullivan.
d. Blind people can be taught how to read Braille, but not deaf people.

B] Answer the following questions:

7. How is Braille printed?

8. When did Helen Keller die?

“ Intelligence is a mental ability, not a physical one. Many physically
challenged people managed to prove their exceptional intelligence. ”

Write a report of 12 sentences (two paragraphs) about a genius giving his /

her basic information and explain how he/she overcame his/ her disability to
be one of the remarkable figures.

Write your ideas here

Unit 12
DATE: … / … / 2022

NO Word Copy P.O.S Meaning
1. Artificial ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

2. Intelligence ( AI ) ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

3. achieve ----------------------------------- (v.) ----------------------------------

4. goal ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

5. trait ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

6. relatively ----------------------------------- (adv.) ----------------------------------

7. due to ----------------------------------- (prep.) ----------------------------------

8. abundance ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

9. increased ----------------------------------- (adj.) ----------------------------------

10 advance ----------------------------------- (n.) ----------------------------------

A] Choose the right answer from a, b, c, and d:

1. ………………………………… is the ability of machines to think, learn and imitate the
way human beings act.
a. Goal b. Advance c. Artificial Intelligence d. Trait
2. If I have an ………………………………… of fruit in my garden, I will share it with you.
a. abundance b. advance c. intelligence d. ability
3. To ………………………………… that position, you must overcome all the obstacles.
a. associate b. achieve c. analyse d. proceed
4. The one …………………all these hotels share is that the staff is kind and elegant.

a. support b. goal c. advance d. trait

5. After the team scored and early……………… , it seemed that winning the cup
became close.
a. goal b. advance c. trait d. data

B] Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

due , relatively , achieve , advances , increased

1. The ………………………taxes made many people angry because they can’t afford it.
2. There are many …………………… simple things parents can promote healthy sleep.
3. ………………to differences between students, the teacher uses varied questions
to evaluate students.
4. I have a dream of becoming a scientist. I need to study hard to ………………………
that dream.
lesson 2 Date : … / … / 2022

A) Correct the adjectives between brackets :
1. The Nile River is the …………………… ( long ) river in the world.
2. Tokyo is considered the …………………… ( crowded )city in the world .
3. Watching TV is …………………… ( interesting ) than reading books .
4. Titanic is the …………………… ( good ) film I have ever seen .
5. January is almost the …………………… ( cold ) month of the year.

B) Use the comparative or the superlative form:
1. The English subject is better than The Math subject. [ bad]
2. Manal is very beautiful. [ beautiful ]
3. Ahmed is more active than Mohammed. [ lazy ]
4. My room is very big. [ big ]
5- Sugary fruits are healthier than sweets. [ harmful ]

1. We arrived at the stadium. The match started. [ use: by the time ]
2. She reached the airport. She forgot the tickets. [ use: but ]
3. Amal ………………( does – goes – plays) skiing twice a week. [ choose ]
4. How often do you …………( play – go – do ) exercise? [ choose ]
5. I haven’t got some water…………………………………………………… [ correct ]
6. Would you like ……………[ any – some – a ] coffee? [ choose]
7. “We tried a new game last weekend.” [ change into reported]
8. I love shopping ....................... [ although – as much as – but ] I love going out with
my friends.
9. Either you play tennis ………………… [ nor – or – so ] swimming.
11. “Did he finish all his exams?” [ reported question ]
12. I carryed the heavyest bag for a while then I droped it. [ correct]

DATE: … / … / 2022

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

Have you ever wondered what keeps a hot air balloon flying? It is when hot
air rises and cold air falls. In order to understand more about how this works in
hot air balloons, it helps to know more about hot air balloons themselves.
A hot air balloon has three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the
envelope. The basket is where passengers ride. The burner is positioned above
the passengers’ heads and produces a huge flame to heat the air inside the
envelope. The envelope is the colourful fabric balloon that holds the hot air. When
the air inside the envelope is heated, the balloon rises. The pilot can control the
up-and-down movements of the hot air balloon by regulating the heat in the
envelope. When the pilot is ready to land, the air in the balloon is allowed to cool
and the balloon becomes heavier than air. This makes the balloon descend.
Before the balloon is launched, the pilot knows which way the wind is
blowing. But sometimes the pilot can actually control the direction that the
balloon flies while in flight. This is because the air above the ground is sectioned
into layers in which the direction of the wind may be different. A hot air balloon
can’t be fully controlled, but the pilot can fly higher or lower into a different
layer of air .Some days the difference between the direction of the wind is so
strong that it can actually push the balloon in a completely different direction!

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable answer :

1. What is the best title of this passage?
a) Hot Air Balloons b) Wind Directions
c) Balloon Making d) Colourful Balloons

2. What does the underlined word " descend " in the 2nd paragraph mean ?
a) find out b) look over
c) turn down d) move down

3. The underlined word " it " in the 3rd paragraph refers to:
a) air b) layer c) wind d) balloon
4. According to the passage, balloon pilots control the balloon by:
a) Adjusting the amount of air.
b) Moving into a different layer of air.
c) Regulating the air temperature inside the balloon.
d) Changing the amount of weight contained in the basket.

5. What is the best position of the burner in the air balloon ?

a) Above the passengers’ heads b) Under the basket
c) Over the fabric d) Around the envelope

6. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage ?

a) To tell about the layers of the wind
b) To know about the hot air balloon
c) To differentiate between hot and cool air
d) To show the ways of flying a balloon

B) Answer the following questions:

7. How does the pilot change the direction of the balloon during the flight ?


8. What might the strong difference between the wind direction cause?


“Artificial intelligence can be a double-edged weapon.”
Write an article of 12 sentences (two paragraphs) about “AI applications or
machines” discussing the following: how they may be useful for humans and how
they may be harmful for them.
Write your ideas here

Summary of Artificial Intelligence
Definition It is the ability of machines to think, learn and imitate
the way human beings act.
Examples of AI -computers that play chess
machines -self-driving cars
-It is partly due to the abundance of data
How did AI start? -machines were found more efficient in storing the
huge amounts of data that makes search easy and fast.

- Helping humans in works that is difficult as in

Advantages of AI exploring space, or the bottom of the earth
- Helping in housework, factories, hospitals,
location services or learning languages
- Some applications and machines are efficient with
disabled people and makes their life easier
- It lacks the human factor as it can’t sympathize or
feel like humans
- Some applications and machines are used in a bad
Disadvantages of AI way like killing people or spying on them
- Research proved that even the most advanced
technology can’t compete with a six-year-old child
- AI is expensive to do
- It needs time to teach a system the required
orders and tasks.

unit 12: Artificial Intelligence VS Human Intelligence

artificial intelligence human intelligence

designed to do tasks creative and innovative

costs money and effort learns during life
needs maintenance the creation of Allah

Artificial intelligence is a part of our world that no one can ignore. However, any AI
application or machine is designed to do certain tasks. This consumes a lot of energy. Moreover it
needs a lot of time and effort to teach a system its responsibilities. AI applications and machines
need regular maintenance. After years of research, the results say that even the most advanced
robots can hardly compete with a 6 year old child.
While super computers weigh tons and consume huge amounts of energy, a humanbrain
weighs 1.4 kg and needs 20 watts only. Humans learn how to manage hundreds of different skills
during life. A human worker can work on multiple responsibilities. Human intelligence is bigger
because it’s the creation of Allah. On the other side Artificial intelligence, as the name suggests, is
artificial, little and temporary. AI is the creation of human intelligence.
unit 12: Are robots friends or foes?

friends foes

doing a lot of tasks increasing jobless people

useful in many fields killer robots
needs maintainance bad use of technology

Many years ago, we all heard that the time will come where we see robots everywhere
replacing humans in all fields. So this turned into fear of these robots in the future especially with
watching some movies that reflect that idea. Robots are designed to do certain tasks. They can be
helpful in many things like housework, factories, medicine andmany other. There are self-driving
cars too. Of course it’s not easy to have this because it’s expensive and needs maintenance. We
hope one day it will be available for more people.
On the other hand, robots could be used in place where they are very dangerous.
Killer robots in wars is one example. There are also spy robots. Many people fear to be jobless
because they will be replaced with robots. No matter what people think of robots, they shouldn’t
ignore the change happening in the world. Many people believe that joining the wave and learning
the new technology will help us “befriend the robots” and compete with the digital world. Human
1 2 3 1 2 3
present past past
Past participle
present past participle
‫مضارع بسيط‬ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ ‫التصريف الثالث‬ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ ‫التصريف الثالث‬
‫مضارع بسيط‬
eat ‫يأكل‬ ate eaten Sell ‫يبيع‬ sold Sold
drink ‫يش ر ب‬ Drank drunk Sing ‫يغنى‬ sang Sung
buy ‫يشترى‬ Bought bought Sink ‫يغرق‬ sank Sunk
sleep ‫ينام‬ Slept slept spend ‫يقضى‬ spent Spent
write ‫يكتب‬ Wrote written throw ‫يرمى‬ threw thrown
go ‫يذهب‬ Went gone wake ‫يستيقظ‬ woke Woken
see ‫يرى‬ Saw seen Tell ‫يقول‬ told Told
run ‫يركض‬ Ran run teach ‫يعلم‬ taught Taught
find ‫يجد‬ Found found think ‫يفكر‬ thought thought
fly ‫يطير‬ Flew flown wear ‫يلبس‬ wore Worn
lose ‫يفقد‬ Lost lost am / is ‫يكون‬ was Been
make ‫يصنع‬ made made Are ‫يكونون‬ were Been
meet ‫يقابل‬ met met has/have ‫يمتلك‬ had Had
win ‫يفوز‬ won won do ‫يفعل‬ did Done
ride ‫ير ك ب‬ rode ridden read ‫يقرأ‬ read read
give ‫يعطى‬ gave given cut cut cut
build ‫يبنى‬ built built shut ‫يغلق‬ Shut shut
break ‫يكسر‬ broke broken put ‫يضع‬ Put put
come ‫ياتى‬ came come hit ‫ضرب‬ Hit hit
‫يقود السيارة‬ ‫يسبح‬
drive drove driven swim swam swum
draw ‫ يرسم‬drew drawn rise ‫ترتفع‬ Rose risen
send ‫ يرسل‬sent sent ring ‫يرن‬ Rang rung
get ‫يحصل على‬ got got
grow ‫يكبر‬ grew grown
fall ‫يس ق ط‬ fell fallen
catch ‫يمسك‬ caught caught
hear ‫يسم ع‬ heard heard
hide ‫يختبئ‬ hid hidden
keep ‫يحافظ‬ kept kept
know ‫يعرف‬ knew known
leave ‫يغادر‬ left left
say ‫يقول‬ said said

My paragraph has: Met Not Met

a main idea

supporting details

correct tense (past or present)

punctuation (capital letters, full stops)

use conjunctions (and, but)

use relative pronoun (which, who)

a conclusion

My paragraph has: Met Not Met

a main idea

supporting details

correct tense (past or present)

punctuation (capital letters, full stops)

use conjunctions (and, but)

use relative pronoun (which, who)

a conclusion

My paragraph has: Met Not Met

a main idea

supporting details

correct tense (past or present)

punctuation (capital letters, full stops)

use conjunctions (and, but)

use relative pronoun (which, who)

a conclusion
My paragraph has: Met Not Met

a main idea

supporting details

correct tense (past or present)

punctuation (capital letters, full stops)

use conjunctions (and, but)

use relative pronoun (which, who)

a conclusion

My paragraph has: Met Not Met

a main idea

supporting details

correct tense (past or present)

punctuation (capital letters, full stops)

use conjunctions (and, but)

use relative pronoun (which, who)

a conclusion

My paragraph has: Met Not Met

a main idea

supporting details

correct tense (past or present)

punctuation (capital letters, full stops)

use conjunctions (and, but)

use relative pronoun (which, who)

a conclusion


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