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SERVER- is a computer program that provides a service to another computer programs A physical
computer which runs and their users. a server programmed is Frequently refer to as SERVER.


The main and important function of a server is to listen in on a port for incoming network requests, and
a good demonstration of this is the interaction. between Web server and browser


TOWER SERVER-It is a computer intended For use built in an upright cabinet that as 6 stands Server
alone The cabinet is called a tower which is similar size and shape to the cabinet for a personal

PROXY SERVER - A server that is called a computer, acts as an inter mediary between the user's
computer and the Internet. and allows client computers to make. indirect network connections to other
network services.

MAIL SERVER - Acomputer system that sends and recieves email using standard email services protocols
like the SMTP protocol that sends messages and hands outgoing mail request.

DNS NAME (DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM) - A program that uses HIP to serve the files that form web pages.
to users, in response to their requests. Dedicated computers and. appliances are may be called as Web

RACK SERVER - A rack-mounted server and a computer dedicated server to use as a server and designed
to be installed in a Framework called rack. The rack contains multiple mounting slots, each designed to
hold a hardware unit secured in place with screws.

BLADE SERVER - A server architecture that houses multiple server modules in a single chassis. It is widely
used to improve system management and either self-standing or rack mounted, the chassis provides the
power supply, and each blade has its own CPU, RAM, and STORAGE.

APPLICATION SERVER - A set of components accessible to the software developer through a standard
API defined for the platform itself. These are usually performed in the same running environment as
their web server(s), and their main work is to support the construction of dynamic pages.
ACTIVE DIRECTORY SERVER - Is consisting of several services that run on Windows Server to manage
permissions and access to networked resources. stores data a objects and it is a single element, such as
AD a user, group, application, or device, such as printer. These objects a like printers or groups. are
normally defined as either resourece or security principals such as users or groups.

DHCP SERVER - Stands for a dynamic hast configuration protocol. Which is network protocol used on IP
networks where it is automatically assigns an IP address and other information to each host on the
network hence it can communicate efficiently with other endpoints.

DNS SERVER - Stands for Domain Name System. It is the internet's system for convencing alphabetical
names into numeric IP addresses For example, when a URL is typed into a browser, DNS servers return
into the IP address of the web server associated with that name.

TERMINAL SERVER is a network device that enables connections to multiple client server network
systems and connect to a LAN network.

PRINT SERVER - A device that connects printers to client computers over a network. Print Server accepts
print jobs from the computers the jobs to the appropriate printers.

REAL-TIME communication SERVER - Is a term used for any live telecommunications that occur without
transmission delays and it is nearly instant with minimal latency. RTC (Real-time communication server)
data and messages are not stored. between transmission and reception.

FTP SERVER - is a network protocol used to move computer files between client and server. FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) is built on a client - server model architecture using separate control and data
connections between the client and the server.

LIST SERVER - A server program that handles subscription requests for a mailing list and distributes new
messages and other posting $ From the list's members to the entire list of subscribers.

TELNET SERVER - A network text only protocol that offers bidirectional interactive communications
facility using virtual terminal connection. Telnet allows connecting to a remote computer Internet and
using programs and data as if they your local machine.

OPEN - SOURCE SERVER - A program whose source code is made available to modification developed as
users where open-source software is always a public collaboration and freely available.


Is also called Data Network. It is a group of many computer devices and other computing hardware
devices that are linked to each other through and communication channel (eg., Wired: Fiber optic cable,
Wireless: WI-FI) or connected through communication or resource sharing (e.g., Hard disk sharing, CPU
sharing) work, it is called Computer Network or Data Network. when two devices are connected, and
one machine can share data, then at that time, we can call that device also network device.

LAN (Local Area Network) - a computer network that spans a relatively small area. Mast opten, a LAN is
confined to a single room, building or group of buildings, however, one LAN can be connected to other
LANs over any distance via telephone lines and radio waves.

WAN (Wide Area Network) - a telecommunication network that extends over a large geograp area For
the primary purpose of computer networking.

MAN (METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK) a computer network that interconnects users with computer
reso in a geographic region of the size of a metropolitan area.

WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) - The WLAN connects the relationship between two A wireless
local area network (WLAN) is a wireless distribution method for two or more devices. WLANs use high-
Frequency radio waves and often include an access point to the internet. A WLAN allows to move
around the coverage area, often a home or small office, while maintaining a network connection.

PAN (Personal Area Network) - is a computer network for interconnecting electronic devices centered
on an individual person's workspace. A PAN provides data transmission among devices such as
computers, smartphones, tablets, and personal digital assistants.

HAN ( Home Area Network) - It is a local area network (LAN) within a home that may include both wired
and wireless devices. the central hub Of a HAN is the router in most cases. the router is connected to a
modem, which communicates with an ISP.

SAN ( Storage Area Network) - is a pool of storage devices that are interconnected and share the
storage storage with connected servers. A specializ high-speed network that provides block level
network access to storage SAN's are typically composed of hosts, switches, storage elements, and
storage devices that are interconnected using a variety of technologies, topologies, and protocols.

CAN ( Campus Area Network) - is a serial network technology that was originally designed for the
automotive industry.

VPN ( Virtual Private Network) - Describes the opportunity to establish a protected network connection
when using public networks.

GAN (Global Area Network) refers to a network composed of different interconnected networks that
cover an unlimited geographical area.


is a type of program designed and developed to proted computers from malware like viruses, computer
worms, spyware, botnets, rootkits, keyloggers and such Antivirus programs. Function to scan, detect and
remove viruses from your computer. There are many versions and types of anti-virus programs that are
on the market. However, the prime objective of any antivirus program is to protect computers and
remove viruses once detected.

Most antivirus programs incorporate both asthed and manual filtering abilities. The instant scanning
option may check files downloaded from the internett, dises that are embedded into the PC, and piles
that are made by software installers. The programmed scanning (system enables you to check) process
may likewise check the entire hard drive on a day-to-day barks. The manual scanning system enables
you to check single documents or even to soan the complete network at whatever point you feel it is


Antivirus software is a vital compurents of your overall online and computer security strategy in its
protectional against data and security breaches along with other threats.

When looked at simply, a computer virus is similar to a cold virus It's designed to go from one computer
or device to the next copying itself, and spreading malicious codes and programs that can damage and
infiltrate your operating systems Vinious are designed to give criminals access to their victims' devices.

These viruses, spyware and other malicious software are known. as malware, and can be surreptitiously
installed on your computer or device. Malware can do everything from crashing your device to
monitoring or controlling your online activity. This control may enables hackers to send spam and steal
your private information, which could eventually lead try thapt to identify theft.

Antivirus coptuar provides protection against these types of threats by performing key tasks:

•Pinpointing specific ples for the selection of malicious software

•Scheduling automatic scans

•Scanning either one pile or your entire computer at your discretion

•Deleting malicious codes and software

•Confirming the safety of your computer and other devices.

Several types of antivirus programs have envolved over the years. When setting up your umbrella of
protection, it's important to understand the more common antivirus programs available.


Malware, or malicious coftware, installs viruses and spyware on your computer or device without your
knowledge. Malware can steal your login information, use your computer to send upam, crach your
computer systion, and essentially give cyber criminals access to your devices and the information stored
on them, and even the ability to monitor and control your online activity.

Malware signature antivirus software detects malware signatures, which are digital fingerprints of
malicious software. Antivirus protection can scan for specific malicious codes. identity specipio viruses
and disable there programs.

While malware signature antivirus protection is key for detecting cradicating known viruses one
limitation is it's inability to address new viruses. The antivirus product simply doesn't contain these new
virus signatures.


This is where system monitoring anti virus software comes into play. This antivirus protection can
monitor software and computer systems for behavior that is suspect or a typical of the user.

For instance, alerts are created when a user connects to unfamiliar sites or attempts to access large
number of files, or when there is increase in data usage.

Anti virus programs have database full. of key signatures that are exhibited by harm full malicious
components. During a scan, the program looks for these signature to defect harmful content. It also
vises behavioral analysis to assess the actions of programs and how they interact= With the system. If
something seems cod fishy, they will, quickly quarantine the sand app or file.

Regularly checking your system is the best way to protect your self from the harmful factors.

The three types of scans that are available out!! there are:

I. FULL SCAN- A full scan will take a few. Jon hours to complete if you happen to have a lot of data stored
on your system. The antivirus system usually scans the ff: when it is running a fall scan of the system.

a. All network drives, hard drives, and removable storage

b. System memory (RAM)

c. System backup's

d. Startup forlders Sterling

e. Registry items.

Performing a full scan every two weeks is the best course of action to adhere to.

2. Custom SCAN - if you have a pen drive or hard drive that you need to check for viruses, you do not
have to sit through the hours it takes to perform a full scan in order to do ro. With a custom scan, you
have the option of choosing which! drives to assess and which to ignore before performing the scan, you
get to choose which drives to ignore. This will save you a lot of time especially if you have large hard
drive disks. A custom scan is a greate way to quickly check pen drives or hard drives.

3. Quick Scan - A quick scan (or its equivalent) targets the entire system. but it dues not take as much as
full scan, the scan are the files that they are

a. Commonly infected files and folders

b. Running processes and threads

c.System memory (RAM)

d. start up folders to

e. Registry. items.



More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group of files that enable one
or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system. Without drivers, the
computer would not be able to send and receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer,
scanner, and modem.


Hardware devices that are unknown by the operating system or that have features that are unknown by
the operating system all require drivers. Below is a list of hardware devices and peripherals that require

Card reader



chipset Network card



Tape drive

USB devices

Video card


Sound card


Today's operating systems have a lot of generic drivers that allow hardware to work at a basic level
without needing drivers or software. However, if that device has features unknown to the operating
system, it will not work without drivers. For example, you could plug any keyboard into a computer and
expect it to work. However, if that keyboard has any special keys or features, they will not work until the
drivers are installed.


Disc drive

Sturd drive

Heat sink


Keyboard Mouse

Power supply


Thumb drive




If the appropriate driver is not installed, the device may not function properly, if at all. With some
devices, the device may work, but all of its features may not work. For example, a computer mouse
usually works without drivers, but if it has more buttons than the traditional mouse, those extra buttons
will not work until the drivers are installed.


Installing a driver only makes the hardware inst in the computer function properly. If the correct driver is
not installed, installing the late driver for the hardware can take full advantage of the device. However,
you cannot install aver for hardware not installed in the computer and expect it to make your computer
fa or more capable. In other words, installing video card drivers for a video card that's not installed in
the computer does not give your computer all the capabilities of that video card.


Many computer hardware components, like a video card, sound card, or motherboard. require drivers
to be installed to function properly. How a driver is saved and packaged determines how it is installed.
Below is information about each of the methods developers use to distribute their drivers and install
them in Microsoft Windows. Additionally, there are some general insights to help prevent frustrations
during the process.

Drivers from a CD or DVD

Almost all computer and hardware manufacturers include a group of drivers for different hardware
devices and often for each of the supported versions of Windows.

Installing drivers from a USB drive or floppy

After the drivers are copied to a USB flash drive, floppy, or another drive, they can also be installed from
that drive. Once the drive is connected to the computer, open Windows Explorer and then the drive
letter for the computer drive.

Downloading and installing a driver

How to download using different browsers

1. To initiate a download from a website, you must first click a download link. A link is usually denoted
by different-colored text with an underline, but it may also be an icon or button.

2. After clicking a file link, the browser starts the download or asks what to do, depending on the
browser you're using. Below is additional information on how each modern browser handles downloads.

Google Chrome

1. After the download has completed, a prompt appears in the lower-left corner of the browser window.

2. Double-click the download to open it.

After the download has completed, a prompt appears in the center of the browser window, click Save

2. Once the download is saved, it may be accessed through the Downloads section of the Library folder
by pressing Ctrl-J.

3. Double-click the download to open it.

Internet Explorer

1. After the download has completed, a prompt appears at the bottom of the browser

window in the middle. Choose Run or Save to open the downloaded media.

2. Press Ctrl+J to view your downloads.

3. Click Run to open any of them.

Microsoft Edge

1.After the download has completed, a prompt appears at the bottom of the browser window in the
middle. Choose Open or Save to open the downloaded media.

2.Preis Curit3 to view your downloads folder

3.Double click the downland to onon it.


1. Upon clicking a download link, you'll be prompted to choose a location where the file should be
saved. Select a location to save the file and click Save.

2.When the download completes, press Ctrl+J to open the Downloads folder

3.In the window that appears, locate your download and click the Run button to open it

What does Stress Testing mean?

Stress testing refers to the testing of software or hardware to determine whether performance is
satisfactory under any extreme and unfavorable conditions, which may occur because of heavy network
traffic, process loading, underclocking, overclocking and maximum requests for resource utilization.

Most systems are developed under the assumption of normal operating conditions. This event if a limit
is crossed, errors are negligible if the system undergoes stress testing during development.

Stress testing is used in the following contexts:

•Software: Stress testing emphasizes availability and error handling under extremely heavy loads to
ensure software does not crash due to insufficient resources. Software stress testing focuses on
identified transactions to break transactions, which are heavily stressed during testing, even when a
database has no load. The stress testing process loads concurrent users beyond normal system levels to
find the system's weakest link.

•Hardware: Stress testing ensures stability in normal computing environments.

Websites: Stress testing determines the limitations of any of the site's functionalities. CPU:
Modifications such as overvolting, undervolting, underlocking and overlocking are verified to determine
whether they can withstand heavy loads by running a CPU-intrave program to test for system crashes or
hangs. CPU stress testing is also known as forum testing.

Stress testing is a non-functional form of testing which validates system against heavy network traffic,
underclock (reducing a computer's power consumption), overclocking (boosting a computer's
performance), and maximum request for resource utilization.

Stress testing is also called 'endurance testing'. This method of testing stresses the AUT (Application
under testing) resources to check its reliability and stability. It allows the testers to check the endurance
power or limit the system can withstand before breaking down.

It helps in finding the following errors in application software: Timing bugs and synchronization issues

Interlock problems (mutually dependent functions)

Request priority issues

Loss of resource issues

Memory leaks

Data corruption and loss

When do we use stress testing?

Stress testing is a subdivision of performance testing. Stress form of testing checks system on
recoverability aspect. In this form of testing, the software is tested to ensure its recoverability from any
kind of failure is easy.

The testing method allows the team to check and monitor the performance of the system at the time of
failure the testers check breach of the privacy policy, data

security issues, system failures.

It also helps to check the system's performance and factors.

Stress testing verifies the system's delivery and error message during failure.

It is also done to check was the data saved before any failure.

How to perform Stress testing?

Stress testing has the following steps:

Prepare the test environment with the right set of hardware, network configuration, tools, software to
perform the test.

Understanding and categorization of metrics which will be used to analyze application under stress. It
also defines the success criteria for stress testing (The maximum load for an application to pass or fail)

Planning and designing stress test plan, identifying test case scenarios.

What are the various types of stress testing?

The client-server model is a distributed model where the workload is divided between resource or
service providers - servers and requesters for service-client.

In a distributed client-server system, stress testing takes place by distributing stress test to clients and
tracking their status. In stress testing, the client sends a request to the server. Server and adds the name
of the client and sends it across.

The client matches the incoming signal with the heartbeat or the one with the server. If there is no
service signal from client to server, then it is checked for debugging

1- Application stress testing - This method focuses on finding issues related to network, performance
bottleneck, and data locking issues in the application.

2- Transactional stress testing - This method focuses on testing the smoothness of transactions between
two or more applications. It improves business transactions.

3. Exploratory Stress testing - This method tests the application across multiple systems running at the
same server. In this method, a tester checks the system using different parameters, which is unlikely to
happen in a real scenario. This method tests the system response when many users are logged in the
system. Exploratory testing also finds the possibilities of system or software failure. This method also
checks the activities where the website is not able to access the database. Sometimes, the database is
also stressed by adding more than it can store.

4- Systematic Stress Testing - This method test many systems that are on the server. It enables the
testing team to find and report defects where data of one application blocks the flow of application

Common reasons to stress test your CPU

The best reasons to check the stability of your CPU when it is pushed to its limits are: You built a new
computer. Congrats, you have just built your own PC. Your next step is to test whether the thermal
paste and cooling systems all work hand-in-hand to handle stress.

You bought a new PC or laptop. Just got a brand-new machine? Run it through some stress testing and
see how it performs. This is especially important if you have a super-slim laptop with little to no cooling.

You have an old laptop or PC. If your computer is showing its age, perhaps by randomly shutting down,
you are likely wondering how you can revive your dying PC. A good first step is to run a stress test to see
whether temperatures and high usage are an issue.

You are overclocking. If you are an enthusiast or gamer who wants to squeeze every ounce of
performance out of your computer, stress testing is an essential part of this process. Learn more about
how to safely overclock your PC.
What if my PC fails the stress test?

Then you have got a problem that is either easily solvable, or it's time for an investment Lack of cooling:
Your CPU fan might not be adequate to cool down the processor. Look into upgrading the fan or even
using water-cooling if you are not doing that already.

Dust bunnies: Your fans might be clogged with dust. Get an air duster or a vacuum and consider
physically cleaning up your machine.

Aging hardware: Your PC might not be up to spec anymore, and its components could be showing signs
of age. In my experience, this happens especially to PCs that have been overclocked and used for
intensive tasks, such as gaming or video rendering, for at least five years. If you are that enthusiastic, it
might be worth considering an upgrade or even building your own PC for gaming, video editing, or
whatever else you may need.

Outdated drivers or BIOS versions: Increased stress might also cause crashes on outdated drivers and
BIOS releases. Check for new drivers or run a free scan with AVG Driver Updater. Then update the BIOS
to the latest release.

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