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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan



What is a volcano?
A landform created by the eruption of magma from a vent in the Earth's crust.

How are volcanoes classified as active?

Volcanoes are classified as active if it has recently erupted or at least one eruption during the past 10,000

How about inactive volcanoes?

Volcanoes are classified as inactive if it has no record of eruption for the last 10,000 years.

What is volcanic eruption?

Volcanic eruption, when lava and gas are released from a volcano.

What is caldera?
Formed by the collapse of a volcano's summit.

What is Crater?
Crater is formed by an explosive eruption.

PHIVOLCS -. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

An active volcano has a higher risk of erupting in the near future, while an inactive volcano is not
expected to erupt.
3 types of volcano according to the shape of their cones.
 shield volcanoes, composite cones (stratovolcanoes) and cinder volcanoes.

1. Shield Volcano is the largest type of volcano and broad with flat, rounded shape that resemble the
shaped of a curved shield.
Ex. Mt. Mauna Loa in Hawaii

2. Composite Volcano or Stratovolcano is also known as a nearly perfect cone shape. These types of
volcano are explosive and composed of alternating layers of lava flows. This type of volcano is most
likely to produce pyroclastic flows.
Ex. Mayon Volcano in Albay, Mt. Pinatubo in Zambales

3. Cinder Cone Volcano are usually small volcanoes and their lava flows in one direction only. Cinder
Cone Volcano is the simplest volcano. It also has flat top with a wide circular crater.
Ex. Paricutin, located in Mexico

What is Magma?
Molten rock beneath the Earth's Surface.

What is lava?
Molten rock that has erupted onto the surface.

Types of volcanic eruptions

a. Phreatic or hydrothermal – is a steam-driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with water.
- Mt.Taal in Batangas.
b. Phreatomagmatic – is a violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma.
c. Strombolian - a periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava.
d. Vulcanian – characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km high with pyroclastic flow
and ashfall tephra.
e. Plinian – excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastics.


What is geothermal energy?

The earth is believed to be extremely hot from within. Energy derived from the Earth's internal

What is the source of geothermal energy?

Heat from the Earth's core.

What is the 1st steps to generate electricity from geothermal power plant?

Heat from inside the Earth.

The 2nd steps to generate electricity from geothermal power plant?

Heat causes the water to turn into steam.

3rd steps?

Steam causes the turbine to turn.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

The 4TH steps?

Generator changes the mechanical energy to electrical energy.


The following are commonly observed signs that a volcano is about to erupt. These may
vary from volcano to volcano.

1. Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds; occurrence of volcanic
2. Increased steaming activity; change in color of steam emission from white to gray due to
entrained ash.
3. Crater glow due to presence of magma at or near the crater.
4. Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt and ground fissuring due to magma intrusion.
5. Localized landslides, rock falls and landslides from the summit area that are not attributed to
heavy rains.
6. Noticeable increase in drying up of vegetation around the volcano's upper slopes.
7. Increase in temperature of hot springs, wells (e. Bulusan and Canlaon) and crater lake (e. Taal)
near the volcano.
8. Noticeable variation in the chemical content of springs, crater lakes within the vicinity of the
9. Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano.
10. Development of new thermal areas and/or reactivation of old ones; appearance of solfataras
(craters with sulfur gas).
It is important to be able to observe warning signs of volcanic unrest so that people can evacuate
in time, and minimize injuries and casualties. It is therefore important to be able to monitor a
volcano’s activity, and this is normally done with the aid of different tools or instruments to
monitor the different parameters.




Weather - refers to short-term atmospheric conditions, such as temperature, precipitation, and
wind, that occur in a specific place and time.

Climate refers to long-term patterns of temperature and precipitation.

Actions can individuals take to reduce their carbon footprint?

Using public transportation or biking.

What are the things you usually consider whenever you plan to have a picnic or going to a

 We consider the time, place and weather.

What is the difference between the weather and climate?

 It is the condition of the atmosphere at a specific place and time. Example, the weather
may change time to time or day by day. For example, rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, etc.
While climate refers to atmospheric changes over a long period of time. For example, you
expected to experience rainy season, from June to November and dry season, from
December to May.

When the Sun’s Rays Strike

Sun's rays do not hit Earth equally, because earth's axis is tilted in 23.5°. Sun's rays strike
vertically in the places near the equator or in tropical regions. Equator receives most of the sun's
The earth is divided into 3 major climate zones. This is the tropical zones, temperate zones
and polar zones.

 Tropical regions have high temperature, like the Philippines near at the equator.

Temperate regions are the middle latitude. Areas in temperate regions have 4 different seasons.
What are the 4 different seasons?

 Autumn, Summer, Spring and Winter

Weather Climate
It is the condition of the It is the general pattern of
atmosphere at a specific weather in a certain area
place and time. over a long period of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan


Tropical Temperate Polar Region

Region Region
Low Latitudes Middle High Latitudes
Have high Have 4 Low temperatures
temperature. different resulting a cold
seasons. climate.
Example of places
Thailand, China, Israel, Iceland, Norway
Philippines Italy

How does latitude affect climate?

 Places that are far from the equator have low temperature resulting in a cold climate.
(found near the poles). Places that are near at the equator have high temperature which
results in warm climate.

 As the latitude increases, the temperature decreases.


Why is it during summer many people visit Baguio city?
 The reason is because of the cold climate in Baguio.

What is the difference between the latitude and altitude?

 Latitude means how far north or south of the equator a place is located. While altitude
refers to the height above sea level.
How altitude affects climate change?

 The air temperature decreases as the altitude increases. Places with higher elevations
have cold temperature.

 Remember, the higher the place is the colder temperature or temperature decreases as the
altitude increases.
Which Cools and Heats Faster?
Distance from the ocean - body of water circulates the warm air and cold air.
How the bodies of water can greatly affect the climate on the land?

 Land - absorb and release heat faster than water.

Seas and ocean - serve as moderator of climate.

Water - control and cool down the temperature of a specific area.
Compare the effect of heat on water and land.

 Land heats and cools faster than the ocean. Therefore, coastal areas have a lower
temperature range than those areas inland.
Places without bodies of water tend to have warmer temperature during day time than those areas
that near from the ocean.
Remember, near the ocean would have cooler temperature while farther from the ocean will have
warmer temperature.

For Example:

British Isles and Moscow have the same latitude. Both places have four season climates since
they are in the temperate region.
However British Isles is surrounded by the bodies of water that made it have a moderate climate.
On the other hand, Moscow experience extreme climates in summer and winter because it is
found inland with no near oceans and sea.

Compare the effect of heat on water and land.

 Water heats and cools slowly while land heats and cools quickly.

What is the difference between the coastal and inland locations?

 On the coastal, summer are cools and winter are mild. In inland areas temperatures are
high in the summer and cold in the winter.

Near the ocean would have?

 Cooler temperature

Farther from the ocean will have?

 Warmer temperature
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan



Ocean Currents - it flows through the ocean in different directions.

It shows different loops or gyres of the currents around the world.
Northern hemisphere - Current flows in a clockwise direction.
Southern hemisphere - Current flows in a counterclockwise direction.

Counter clockwise and clockwise caused by the Coriolis Effect.

 Ocean currents that flow away from the equator carry warm water. When ocean currents
take along warm water towards a coastal region and inland region, temperature

 Ocean currents that flow away from the poles carry warm water. When ocean currents
bring cold water towards a coastal region and inland region, temperature decreases.

What is climate change?
 It refers to long term changes in temperature, weather patterns, global warming and
precipitation. Expert says that the earth experience period of cooling and warming.

How about global warming?

 It is an increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. This gradual increase and the
overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere is due to greenhouse effect.

 term for the layer of gases in Earth's atmosphere that trap heat from the sun.

What is Greenhouse Effect?

 The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to Earth's surface by “greenhouse

Give me an example of Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere.

 Water Vapor, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Ozone (O3)5. Nitrous oxide (N2O), CFCs

What will happen to earth when those greenhouse gasses are not present to our earth’s atmosphere.
 Without these gases, Earth will be at freezing point and life will be possible.

Effects of global warming or enhanced greenhouse effect. What are those?

 Burning fossil fuels - when fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide
into the air.
 Deforestation - deforestation increase in global temperature and increase in greenhouse gases.
 Severe weather disturbances such as stronger typhoons and heavier rainfalls.
 Some part of the world may experience El Niňo and La Niňa.
 Extinction of Fauna (animals) and Flora (plants)
What can we do to lessen this effect?
 Conservation of energy
 3 hours (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle)
 Use Renewable Energy.
 Preservation of forest.
Educate People.

What can we use to observe stars?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

When we look at the night sky, we see thousands of stars. In reality, there are approximately 400 billion
stars in our galaxy, and there are about 170 billion galaxies. A person can see only about 3,000 stars on
the average.

These stars differ in many ways. We see stars of different sizes, color, temperature and brightness.


Figure 1. The Night Sky

What is the difference between the Sirius and Rigel?

Sirius Rigel
It appears bigger than It appears smaller than
Rigel. Sirius.
Sirius smaller compared Rigel.
It appears larger only It appears smaller
because it is closer to because it is farther from
us. us.

COLOR AND TEMPERATURE- star color ranges from red to blue. The color of the star indicates of
its surface temperature.

Star Color Surface

in Celsius
Sun Yellow 5,700
Proxima Centuari Red 2,300
Epsilon Iridani Orange 4, 600
Vega White 9,900
Sirius White 10,000
Alnilam Blue 27,000
As you can see in the table, the coolest star appears red and the hottest star appear in blue color.
BRIGHTNESS - the brightness of the star is depending upon its size, temperature and distance from the
earth to the star.

Size Large star shines brighter

than small star.
Temperature A hot star shines brighter
than a cool star.
Distance A hot large star that is
very far from Earth does
not look very bright.
When a star is closer to Earth, it will appear brighter in the sky. While the star is farther from the earth,
we see less bright.

What is the difference between apparent and absolute brightness?

A star's apparent brightness is the brightness you see from earth. While a star's absolute brightness is the
brightness star would have if all stars were the same distance from Earth.

Different Star Patterns throughout the Year

What are the constellations that can be found during March?

Bootes, Cancer, Hydra, Leo, Virgo.

Bootes - is a constellation located in the northern sky.

It is typically visible in the spring and summer months in the northern hemisphere.

Cancer - is a constellation located in the zodiac region of the sky.

It is typically visible in the winter months in the northern hemisphere.
The constellation is named after a crab

Hydra - It is typically visible in the spring and summer months in the southern hemisphere.
The constellation is named after the multi-headed serpent.

Leo - It is typically visible in the spring and summer months in the northern hemisphere.
The constellation is named after the lion.

Virgo - is typically visible in the spring and summer months in the northern hemisphere.
The constellation is named after the virgin.

Compare the photographs. What do you notice?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

Q3. Why are some stars visible in march but not visible in September (vice versa)?
Different patterns are formed in different months.

The Earth's revolution refers to its orbit around the Sun. As the Earth moves in its orbit, the
position of the stars and constellations in the sky appears to change over time. This means that
the direction in which we are looking out into space also changes over time, and different parts
of the sky come into view.

Q4. What constellations are prominent during winter? fall? summer? Spring?
This is due to earth’s revolution.

Prominent on Spring Constellation in March

Prominent on Summer Constellation in June
Prominent on Autumn Constellation in September
Prominent on Winter Constellation in December
or Cold Season.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

Different patterns are formed in

different months.
Q1. What are the star patterns seen with in the certain
months? (March, June, September, December)
This is due to earth’s revolution.

Q2. Compare the photographs. What do you notice?

Q3. Why are some stars visible in march but not visible
in September (vice versa)?

The Earth's revolution refers to its orbit around the Sun.

As the Earth moves in its orbit, the position of the stars
and constellations in the sky appears to change over
time. This means that the direction in which we are
looking out into space also changes over time, and
different parts of the sky come into view.

Q4. What constellations are prominent during winter?

fall? summer? Spring?

Prominent on Spring Constellation in March

Prominent on Summer Constellation in June
Prominent on Autumn Constellation in September
Prominent on Winter Constellation in December
or Cold Season.

Next, try to look at the sky at night can you see images
of animals’ objects or people when star is group
together they are called constellation and imaginary
pattern of stars.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

June Constellation
1. Sagittarius It appears in the form of a centaur
with a bow and arrow.

What form do you see in constellation?

A Centaur has the head, arms, and torso of a man and
the body and legs of a horse.
The Sagittarius constellation is one of the twelve
constellations of the Zodiac. The Latin name is Archer.
2. Aquila It forms like an Eagle.

What form do you see in constellation?

3. Cygnus Cygnus is often depicted as a swan

with outstretched wings.

What form do you see in constellation?

It forms a small harp or lyre.

4. Lyra

What form do you see in constellation?

It forms a man holding a serpent.

This is an ancient musical instrument played by the

Gods in Greek mythology.

5. Ophiuchus

Scorpius takes the form of a


What form do you see in constellation?

6. Scorpius

What form do you see in constellation? The Pegasus constellation takes the
form of a winged horse.

September Constellation
1. Pegasus

It forms a chain of stars and also

known as chained maiden.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

What form do you see in constellation?

2. Andromeda

In the Aquarius constellation, we

What form do you see in constellation? can see a pattern of stars that
resemble a person pouring water
from a jug.
Andromeda is a beautiful young princess. She stands in
the sky, with chains on her arms and feet.
3. Aquarius

We can see a pattern of stars that

resemble a sea-goat.
What form do you see in constellation?

Aquarius was said to represent a "cup bearer" or "water

bearer," which is what its name means in Latin.
4. Capricorn

We see a pattern of stars that

resembles two fish swimming
alongside each other.
What form do you see in constellation?

5. Pisces

It forms a rectangle of bright stars,

with three stars in a row forming
What form do you see in constellation? Orion's belt, and several other stars
representing his shoulders, feet, and

December Constellation
1. Orion

What form do you see in constellation? It forms that resemble a sea monster
or whale.

It is known for its three bright stars that form a

distinctive line, known as Orion's Belt. These three stars
are named Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.

2. Cetus

It forms that resemble two human

figures, often depicted as twins.

What form do you see in constellation?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

3. Gemini

It forms that resemble a person

holding a sword and the head of

What form do you see in constellation?

4. Perseus
It resembles a bull.

What form do you see in constellation?

5. Taurus

Pattern of stars that resemble a

large dog.

What form do you see in constellation?

6. Canis major
What form do you see in constellation?

An observer from Earth will be able to see the stars that

are on the night side. The stars on the same side as the
sun cannot be seen because sunlight overpowers all the
star lights.
In the Philippines, during summer, the constellations of
Orion and Taurus are not visible at night. They will only
be visible again as the cold season begins. During this
time, Scorpius will not be seen in the night sky.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
Partida, San Miguel, Bulacan

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