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Use of fire extinguishers

The use of fire extinguishers depends on the classification of the fire.

Fire extinguishers can contain extinguishing mediums like water, carbon
dioxide,foam or dry powder.Fire extinguishers are used for small fires that
may have now started.It should be used by trained personnel.

How to use a fire extinguisher

To use an extinguisher we remember the P.A.S.S phrase.
P- pull the pin
A- aim at the base of the fire
S- squeeze the lever or trigger on the extinguisher
S- sweep from side to side
1. In the event of a fire, sound an alarm that shouts out fire.
2. Close doors and windows to prevent oxygen to the fire.
3. If the fire is small-attempt to extinguish the fire using an extinguisher.
4. Exit using emergency exits.
5. Report to the nearest monster point on the wait for headpoint.
6. Do not under any circumstances re-enter the building unless it has been
cleared and you are told to do so.

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