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(b) Explain why they each died in the way they did.

• Hazrat Hasan, the older of the two brothers, died in 670 CE in Medina. He
was poisoned by one of his own wives who wanted to take the revenge of
her father Ashas who was killed by Hazrat Ali in Battle of Nahrawan.

• Hazrat Hasan first gave the sacrifice of his rule for the unity of Muslims and
then he was poisoned by the mischief makers (Sabites).

• They were struggling to divide Muslims and were much successful in it but
Hasan with his resignation in the favor of Muawiyah united Muslims again.

• This angered them so they poisoned him through his wife to punish him
and to blame Muawiyah for killing to start the rivalry between Banu hashim
and Banu Umaiyyah again.

• In Shia perspective Umayyads poisoned him to secure their power, as they

considered him an obstacle due to his support and his being the grandson
of the Prophet. They believe that his poisoning reflects the treachery of the

• Hazrat Hussain, the younger brother, was killed in the Battle of Karbala in
680 CE. He had refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid, as he thought that
appointment of son was against the spirit of Islamic caliphate and
beginning of monarchy.

• Yazid sent an army to intercept Hazrat Hussain and his followers, and
despite being vastly outnumbered, Hazrat Hussain and his companions
chose to stand their ground and fight for what they believed in.

• They sacrificed devotion their lives and never bow down before evil which
gives us the lesson to fight for justice and for the revival of true teachings of

• Their deaths continue to be remembered and honored by Muslims as

examples of bravery, sacrifice, and to God.

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