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Bibliographie Index

Abadi, R., see Kulikowski, Abadi, & King-Smith (1973).
Abel, L. A., & Quick, R. F. Weiner analysis of grating contrast judgements. Vision Research,
1978, 18, 1031-1039. 12
Abrams, M., see Sekuler & Abrams (1968).
Achim, A., see Bregman & Achim (1973).
Adrian, E. D. The basis of sensation. London: Christophers, 1928. 68
Ahroon, W, A., Jr., & Pastore, R. E. Selective attention 11. Channel separation in two-channel
frequency discriminations. Unpublished manuscript, 1977. (Available from R. E. Pastore, De-
partment of Psychology, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York
13901.) 92
Aitkin, L. M. Tonotopic organization at higher levels of the auditory pathway. In R. Porter (Ed.),
Neurophysiology 11 (Vol. 10). Baltimore, Md.: University Park Press, 1976. 83
Allmeyer, D., see Estes, Allmeyer, & Reder (1976).
Alluisi, E. A., see Morgan & Alluisi (1967).
Ambler, B., see Beck & Ambler (1972).
Anderson, J. M. The grammar of case: Towards a localistic theory. Cambridge, England: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1971. 336
Anderson, J. R. Language, memory, and thought. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1976. 293,295,314,322
Anderson, J. R. Arguments concerning representations for mental imagery. Psychological Review,
1978, 85, 249-277. 293,295,436
Anderson, J. R., see King & Anderson (1976).
Andriessen, J. J., see Bouma & Andriessen (1970).
Anstis, S. M., see Mayhew & Anstis (1972).
Arend, L., & Lange, R. Bandwidth for frequency interaction at threshold and above threshold.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 1978, 17 (supplement), 242. (Abstract) 12
Asch, S. E., Ceraso, J., & Heimer, W. Perceptual conditions of association. Psychological Mono-
graphs, 1960, 74(3, Whole No. 490). 83


Atkinson, J., & Campbell, F. W. The effect of phase on the perception of compound gratings.
Vision Research, 1974, 14, 159-162. 13
Attneave, F. Dimensions of similarity. American Journal of Psychology, 1950, 63, 516-556. 143
Attneave, F. Some informational aspects of visual perception. Psychological Review, 1954, 61,
183-193. 127,263,438
Attneave, F. Symmetry, information, and memory for patterns. American Journal of Psychology,
1955, 68, 209-222. 286
Attneave, F. Applications of information theory to psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston, 1959. 263
Attneave, F. Multi stability in perception. Scientific American, 1971, 225, 62-71. 151,444
Attneave, F. Apparent movement and the what-where connection. Psycho logia, 1974, 17, 108-
120. (a) 322,328
Attneave, F. How do you know? American Psychologist,1974, 29, 493-499. (b) 333,340,358
Attneave, F., & Block, G. Apparent movement in tridimensional space. Perception&
Psychophysics, 1973, 13, 301-307. 319,323
Attneave, F,, & Frost, R. The determination of perceived tridimensional orientation by minimum
criteria. Perception & Psychophysics, 1969, 6, 391-396. 263,286,305
Attneave, F., & Olson, R. K. Pitch as a medium: A new approach to psychophysical scaling.
American Journal of Psychology, 1971, 84, 147-166. 78
Attneave, F., see Olson & Attneave (1970).
Averbach, E., & Coriell, A. S. Short-term memory in vision. Bell System Technical Journal, 1961,
40, 309-328. 89,136

B ,

Bach, E. Syntactic theory. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1974. 336
Bachrach, Κ., see Banks, Bachrach, & Larson (1977).
Bagrash, F. M. Size-selective adaptation: Psychophysical evidence for size-tuning and the effects of
stimulus contour and adapting flux. Vision Research, 1973, 13, 575-598. 5
Baird, J. C., see Szilagyi & Baird (1977).
Balzano, G. J. The structural uniqueness of the diatonic order. Paper presented in the symposium
“Cognitive structure of musical pitch” at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological
Association, San Francisco, April 20, 1978. 320,321
Bamber, D. Reaction times and error rates for “ same’’- “different” judgments of multidimensional
stimuli. Perception & Psychophysics, 1969, 6, 169-174. 165
Banks, W. P., Bachrach, Κ., & Larson, D. The asymmetry of lateral interference in visual letter
identification. Perception & Psychophysics, 1977, 22, 232-240. 198
Banks, W. P., Bodinger, D ., & Illige, M. Visual detection accuracy and target noise proximity.
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1974, 2, 411-414. 191
Banks, W. P., & Coffin, S. Implicit depth cues do not create subjective contours. Psychological
Review, 1974, 81, 265. 448
Banks, W. P ., & Prinzmetal, W. Configurational effects in visual information processing. Perception
& Psychophysics, 1976, 19, 361-367. 153,160,191
Banks, W. P., see Prinzmetal & Banks (1977a).
Banks, W. P., see Prinzmetal & Banks (1977b).
Barfield, L. P., see Tolhurst & Barfield (1978).
Barker, R. A ., see Thomas & Barker (1977).
Bartlett, F. E. Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology. Cambridge, England:
The University Press, 1932. 215
Bassman, E. Mental processes in imagined and perceived cube folding. Unpublished doctoral dis-
sertation, Stanford University, 1979. 311

Beck, J. Perceptual grouping produced by changes in orientation and shape. Science, 1966, 154,
538-540. 154
Beck, J. Perceptual grouping produced by line figures. Perception & Psychophysics, 1967, 2, 491-
495. 154,155
Beck, J. Similarity grouping and peripheral discriminability under uncertainty. American Journal of
Psychology, 1972, 85, 1-20. 154,179
Beck, J., & Ambler, B. Discriminability of differences in line slope and in line arrangement as a
function of mask delay. Perception & Psychophysics, 1972, 12, 33-38. 155
Becklen, R., see Neisser & Becklen (1975).
von Békésy, G. Neural volleys and the similarity between some sensations produced by tones and by
skin vibrations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1957, 29, 1059-1069. 329
Bell, H. H., & Handel, S. The role of pattern goodness in the reproduction of backward masked
patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1976, 2,
139-150. 162
Bell, H. H., see Lappin, Bell, Harm, & Kottas (1975).
Bellugi, U., & Fischer, S. A comparison of sign language and spoken language. Cognition, 1972,
1, 173-200. 335
Bennett, D. C. Spatial and temporal uses of English prepositions. New York: Longmans, 1974.
Bennett, J. Kant’s Analytic. Cambridge, England:Cambridge UniversityPress, 1966. 97
Bentley, A. F. Inquiry into inquiries: Essay in social theory (S. Ratner, Ed.).Boston: Beacon Press,
1954. 356,360,362,367
Bentley, A. F., see Dewey & Bentley (1949).
Bentley, A. F., see Dewey & Bentley (1964).
Berbaum, Κ., see Weisstein, Harris, Berbaum, Tangney, & Williams (1977).
Bergen, J., see Wilson & Bergen (1977).
Berglund, B., Berglund, U., & Lindvall, T. Psychological processing of odor mixtures. Psycholog-
ical Review, 1976, 83, 432-441. 77
Berglund, U., see Berglund, Berglund, & Lindvall (1976).
Bergmann, G. Realism: A critique of Brentano and Meinong. Madison: University of Wisconsin
Press, 1967. 97
Biederman, I. Perceiving real-world scenes. Science, 1972, 177, 77-80. 215,216,230
Biederman, I. On processing information from a glance at a scene. Some implications for a syntax
and semantics of visual processing. In S. Treu (Ed.), User-oriented design of interactive graphics
systems. New York: ACM, 1977. 216
Biederman, I., & Checkosky, S. F. Processing redundant information. Journal of Experimental
Psychology, 1970, 83, 486-490. 232
Biederman, I., Glass, A. L., & Stacy, E. W., Jr. Scanning for objects in real world scenes. Journal
of Experimental Psychology, 1973, 97, 22-27. 216,243.
Biederman, I., Rabinowitz, J. C., Glass, A. L., & Stacy, E. W., Jr. On the information extracted
from a glance at a scene. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1974, 103, 597-600. 216,230
Biederman, I., see Moore & Biederman (1979).
Birkhoff, G., see MacLane & Birkhoff (1967).
Bisaha, J., see Weisstein & Bisaha (1972).
Blake, F. R. A semantic analysis of case. In J. T. Hatfield, W. Leopold, & A. J. F. Zieglschmid
(Eds.), Curme volume of linguistic studies. Baltimore, Md.: Waverly Press, 1930. (Reprint of
Language Monograph No. 7 of the Linguistic Society of America, Philadelphia.) 336
Blakemore, C., & Campbell, F. W. On the existence of neurones in the human visual system
selectively sensitive to the orientation and size of retinal images. Journal of Physiology, 1969,
203, 237-260. 4,5,23,45
Blakemore, C., Carpenter, R. H. S., & Georgeson, M. A. Lateral inhibition between orientation
detectors in the human visual system. Nature, 1970, 228, 37-39. 18,23

Blakemore, C., Muncey, J. P. J., & Ridley, R. M. The perceptual fading of a stabilized cortical
image. Nature, 1971, 223, 204-205. 5
Blakemore, C ., Muncey, J. P. J,, & Ridley, R. M. Stimulus specificity in the human visual system.
Vision Research, 1973, 13, 1915-1931.5,18
Blakemore, C., & Nachmias, J. The orientation specificity of two visual after-effects. Journal of
Physiology, 1971, 213, 157-174. 18
Blakemore, € ., Nachmias, J., & Sutton, P. Perceived spatial frequency shift: Evidence of
frequency-selective neurones in the human brain. Journal of Physiology, 1970, 210, 727-750. 8
Blakemore, C., & Sutton, P. Size adaptation: A new aftereffect. Science, 1969, 166, 245-247. 8
Block, G., see Attneave & Block (1969).
Blum, H. Biological shape and visual science (Part 1). Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1973, 38,
205-287. 428
Bobrow, D., see Norman & Bobrow (1975).
Bodinger, D., see Banks, Bodinger, & Illige (1974).
Bohr, N. Atomic theory and the description of nature. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 1934. 332
Bohr, N. Atomic physics and human knowledge. New York: Wiley, 1958. 280,332
Boring, E. G. Sensation and perception in the history of experimental psychology. New York:
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1942. 119,129,435
Boring, E. G. A history of experimental psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
1950. 332
Bosserman, R. W., see Patten, Bosserman, Finn, & Cale (1976).
Bouma, H., & Andriessen, J. J. Induced changes in the perceived orientation of line segments.
Vision Research, 1970, 10, 333-349. 23
Bouman, M. A., see Van Nes, Koenderink, Nas, & Bouman (1967).
Bower, G. H. A selective review of organizational factors in memory. In E. Tulving & W.
Donaldson (Eds.), Organization of memory. New York: Academic Press, 1970. (a) 198
Bower, G. H. Imagery as a relational organizer in associative learning. Journal of Verbal Learning
and Verbal Behavior, 1970, 9, 529-533. (b) 219
Boys, Sir C. V. Soap bubbles, their colours and the forces which mold them. New York: Dover,
1959. (Originally published, 1912.) 451
Bradley, D. R., Dumais, S. T., & Petry, H. M. Reply to Cavonius. Nature, 1976, 261 (May 6),
77-78. 271,448
Bransford, J. D., see Franks & Bransford (1971).
Bransford, J. D., see Shaw & Bransford (1977).
Braunstein, M. L. Depth perception through motion. New York: Academic Press, 1976. 289,323
Bregman, A. S. Perception and behavior as compositions of ideals. Cognitive Psychology, 1977, 9,
250-292. 102
Bregman, A. S. The formation of auditory streams. In J. Requin (Ed.), Attention and performance
VII. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1978. 59,82,110,203,206
Bregman, A. S., & Achim, A. Visual stream segregation. Perception & Psychophysics, 1973, 13,
451-454. 60
Bregman, A. S., & Campbell, J. Primary auditory stream segregation and the perception of order in
rapid sequences of tones. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1971, 89, 244-249. 59,101,110,
Bregman, A. S., & Dannenbring, G. L. The effect of continuity on auditory stream segregation.
Perception & Psychophysics, 1973, 13, 308-312. 59,110,tape
Bregman, A. S., & Dannenbring, G. L. Auditory continuity and amplitude edges. Canadian Jour-
nal of Psychology, 1977, 31, 151-159. 108,117
Bregman, A. S., & Pinker, S. Auditory streaming and the building of timbre. Canadian Journal of
Psychology, 1978, 32, 19-31. 112,tape

Bregman, A. S., & Rudnicky, A. I. Auditory segregation; Stream or streams? Journal of Experi-
mental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1975, 1, 263-267. 59,115, tape
Bregman, A. S., see Dannenbring & Bregman (1976).
Bregman, A. S., see Dannenbring & Bregman (1978).
Bregman, A. S., see Moeser & Bregman (1972).
Breitmeyer, B. G. Simple reaction time as a measure of the temporal response properties of transient
and sustained channels. Vision Research, 1975, 15, 1411-1412. 20
Breitmeyer, B. G ., & Ganz, L. Implications of sustained and transient channels for theories of visual
pattern masking, saccadic suppression, and information processing. Psychological Review, 1976,
85, 1-36. 7,21,22,24
Breitmeyer, B. G., & Ganz, L. Temporal studies withflashed gratings:Inferences about human
transient and sustained channels. Vision Research, 1977, 17, 861-865. 20
Breitmeyer, B. G., & Julesz, B. The role of on and off transients in determining the psychophysical
spatial frequency response. Vision Research, 1975, 15, 411-415. 21
Brentano, F. Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt (3rd ed.). Leipzig: F. Meiner, 1925. (Origi-
nally published, 1874.) 370
Bridgman, P. W. Science: Public or private? Philosophy of Science, 1940, 7, 36-48. 280
Broadbent, D. E. Perception and communication. London: Pergamon, 1958. 93,182,189,194,202
Broadbent, D. E. Stimulus set and response set: Two kinds of selective attention. In D. I. Mostofsky
(Ed.), Attention: Contemporary theories and analysis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
1970. 183
Broadbent, D. E. Waves in the eye and ear. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1975, 41, 113-125. 24
Broadbent, D. E. The hidden preattentive processes. American Psychologist, 1977, 32, 109-118.
Broadbent, D. E., see Henning, Hertz, & Broadbent (1975).
Bronowsky, J. A sense of the future. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1977. 50
Brooks, V., see Hochberg & Brooks (1960).
Brooks, V., see Hochberg & Brooks (1974).
Brooks, V., see Hochberg, Brooks, & Roule (1977).
Brosgole, L., see Rock & Brosgole (1964).
Bruner, J. S. Going beyond the information given. In Contemporary approaches to cognition: A
symposium held at the University of Colorado. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
1957. 215
Brunswik, E. Perception and the representative design of psychological experiments (2nd ed.).
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1956. 260,275
Brunswick, E., see Tolman & Brunswick (1935).
B undesen, C., & Larsen, A. Visual transformation of size. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Human Perception and Performance, 1975, 1, 214-220. 310
B undesen, C., see Larsen & Bundesen (1978).
Bunge, M. Scientific research: The search for system. New York: Springer, 1967. 357
Bunge, M. Levels and reduction. American Journal of Physiology, 1977, 2, R75-R82. 357
Burt, P., see Julesz & Burt (1979).
Buswell, G. T. How people look at pictures. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1935. 230
Butler, R. A ., see Roffler & Butler (1968).

Caelli, T. M ., Hoffman, W. C ., & Lindman, H. Apparent motion: Self-excited oscillations induced by

retarded neuronal flows. In E. L. J. Leeuwenberg & H. F. J. M. Buffart (Eds.), Formal theories
of visual perception. Chichester, England: Wiley, 1978. (a) 312,322
Caelli, T. M ., Hoffman, W. C ., & Lindman, H. Subjective Lorentz transformations and the perception
of motion. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1978, 68, 402-411. (b) 329

Caelli, T. M., & Julesz, B. On perceptual analyzers underlying visual texture discrimination: Part I.
Biological Cybernetics, 1978, 28, 167-175. 37,38,45,48,49
Caelli, T. M., Julesz, B., & Gilbert, E. N. On perceptual analyzers underlying visual texture
discrimination: Part II. Biological Cybernetics, 1978, 29, 201-214. 34,35,39-44
Cale, W., see Patten, Bosserman, Finn, & Cale (1976).
Campbell, F. W., & Howell, E. R. Monocular alternation: A method for the investigation of pattern
vision. Journal of Physiology, 1972, 225, 19-21. 13
Campbell, F. W., & Kulikowski, J. J. Orientation selectivity of the human visual system. Journal of
Physiology, 1966, 187, 437-455. 18
Campbell, F. W., & Robson, J. G. Application of Fourier analysis to the modulation response of the
eye. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1964, 54, 518A. (Abstract) 4,10
Campbell, F. W .3 & Robson, J. G. Application of Fourier analysis to the visibility of gratings.
Journal of Physiology, 1968, 197, 551-566. 4,10,45,82
Campbell, F. W., see Atkinson & Campbell (1974).
Campbell, F. W., see Blakemore & Campbell (1969).
Campbell, F. W., see Furchner, Thomas, & Campbell (1977).
Campbell, J., see Bregman & Campbell (1971). '
Carnap, R. The logical structure of the world (R. A. George, trans.). Berkeley & Los Angeles:
University of California Press, 1967. (Originally published in German, 1928.) 97,280
Carnap, R. Introduction to semantics. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1942. 370
Carpenter, P. A., see Just & Carpenter (1976).
Carpenter, R. H. S., see Blakemore, Carpenter, & Georgeson (1970).
Carroll, J. D., & Chang, J. J. Analysis of individual differences in multi-dimensional scaling via an
N-way generalization of “Eckart-Young” decomposition. Psychometrika, 1970, 35, 283-319.
Carroll, J. D., see Wish & Carroll (1973).
Cassirer, E. The concept of group and the theory of perception. Psycho logia, 1944, 5, 1-35.
Ceraso, J., see Asch, Ceraso, & Heimer (1960).
Cermak, G. W., see Shepard & Cermak (1973).
Chambers, S., see Morton & Chambers (1975).
Chambers, S., see Morton & Chambers (1976).
Chang, J. J., & Shepard, R. N. Meaningfulness in classification learning with pronounceable tri-
grams. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1964, 3, 85-90. 135
Chang, J. J., see Carroll & Chang (1970).
Chang, J.J., see Julesz & Chang (1976). -
Checkosky, S. F., & Whitlock, D. Effects of pattern goodness on recognition time in a memory
search task. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1973, 100, 341-348. 162
Checkosky, S. F., see Biederman & Checkosky (1970).
Chipman, S., see Shepard & Chipman (1970).
Chomsky, N. Syntactic structures. The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton, 1957. 328
Chomsky, N. Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1965. 217
Chomsky, N. Language and mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968. 289
Chomsky, N. Reflections on language. New York: Pantheon Books, 1975. 289,340
Chow, K. L., see Lashley, Chow, & Semmes (1951).
Clark, E. V. Locationals: Study of the relations between existential, locative, and possessive con-
structions. Working Papers in Language Universals, 1970, 3, 11-36. 336,337
Clark, E. V. Normal states and evaluative viewpoints. Language, 1974, 50, 116-132. 336,337
Clark, F. T., see Teft & Clark (1968).
Clark, H. H. Space, time, semantics, and the child. In T. E. Moore (Ed.), Cognitive development
and the acquisition of language. New York: Academic Press, 1973. 336,338
Clement, D. E., & Weiman, C. F. R. Instructions, strategies, and pattern uncertainty in a visual
discrimination task. Perception & Psychophysics, 1970, 7, 333-336. 137,165

Clement, D. E., see Gamer & Clement (1963).

Coffin, S., see Banks & Coffin (1974).
Cohen, M. R., & Nagel, E. An introduction to logic and scientific method. New York: Harcourt
Brace, 1934. 370
Cole, R. A., & Scott, B. Perception of temporal order in speech: The role of vowel transition.
Canadian Journal of Psychology, 1973, 27, 441-449. 110
Collins, A. M ., & Loftus, E. F. A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing. Psychologi-
cal Review, 1975, 82, 407-428. 322
Coltheart, M. Visual information processing. In P. C. Dodwell (Ed.), New horizons in psychology
2. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, 1972. 207
Condon, W. S., & Sander, L. W. Neonate movement is synchronized with adult speech: Interac-
tional participation and language acquisition. Science, 1974, 183, 99-101. 335
Conrad, C. Context effects in sentence comprehension: A study of the subjective lexicon. Memory
& Cognition, 1974, 2, 130-138. 184
Cooper, L. A. Mental rotation of random two-dimensional shapes. Cognitive Psychology, 1975, 7,
20-43. 288,293,310
Cooper, L. A. Demonstration of a mental analog of an external rotation. Perception &
Psychophysics, 1976, 19, 296-302. 294,296,310
Cooper, L. A., & Podgomy, P. Mental transformations and visual comparison processes: Effects of
complexity and similarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Perfor-
mance, 1976, 2, 503-514. 288,310
Cooper, L. A., & Shepard, R. N. Chronometric studies of the rotation of mental images. In W. G.
Chase (Ed.), Visual information processing. New York: Academic Press, 1973. (a)
Cooper, L. A., & Shepard, R. N. The time required to prepare for a rotated stimulus. Memory &
Cognition, 1973, 1, 246-250. (b) 310
Cooper, L. A ., & Shepard, R. N. Mental transformations in the identification of left and right hands.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1975, 1, 48-56.
Cooper, L. A., & Shepard, R. N. Transformations on representations of objects in space. In E. C.
Carterette & M. P. Friedman (Eds.), Handbook of perception (Vol. 8). New York: Academic
Press, 1978. 293,294,310,311
Cooper, L. A., see Shepard & Cooper (1975).
Corbin, H. H. The perception of grouping and apparent movement in visual depth. Archives of
Psychology, 1942 (Whole No. 273). 323
Coren, S. Subjective contours and apparent depth. Psychological Review, 1972, 79, 359-367.
Coren, S., & Girgus, J. S. Principles of perceptual organization and spatial distortion: The Gestalt
illusions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1980, 6,
404-412. 427
Coriell, A. S., see Averbach & Coriell (1961).
Cornsweet, T. N. Visual perception. New York: Academic Press, 1970. 2
Corteen, R. S., & Wood, B. Autonomic responses to shock-associated words in an unattended
channel. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1972, 94, 308-313. 189
Corwin, T., see Green, Corwin, & Zemon (1976).
Coxeter, H. S. M. Introduction to geometry. New York: Wiley, 1961. 403
Cramer, E. M., & Huggins, W. H. Creation of pitch through binaural interaction. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 1958, 30, 413-417. 58
Crowder, R. G. Waiting for the stimulus suffix: Decay, delay, rhythm, and readout in immediate
memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1971, 23, 324-340. 201,202
Crowder, R. G. Mechanisms of auditory backward masking in the stimulus suffix effect. Psycholog-
ical Review, 1978, 85, 502-524. (a) 201-203,205,208

Crowder, R. G. Sensory memory. In E. C. Carterette & M. P. Friedman (Eds.), Handbook of

perception (Vol. 8). New York: Academic Press, 1978. (b) 64
Crowder, R. G., & Morton, J. Preeategorieal acoustic storage (PAS). Perception & Psychophysics,
1969, 5, 365-373. 199,201,202
Crowder, R. G., see Morton, Crowder, & Prussin (1971).
Cunningham, J. P., see Shepard, Kilpatrick, & Cunningham (1975).
Cunningham, J. P., & Shepard, R. N. Monotone mapping of similarities into a general metric space.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1974, 11, 335-363. 335
Cutting, J. Personal communication, March 1978. 332
Cutting, J. E., & Kozlowski, L. T. Recognizing friends by their walk: Gait perception without
familiarity cues. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1977, 9, 353-356. 84
Cutting, J. E., Proffitt, D. R., & Kozlowski, L. T. A biomechanical invariant for gait perception.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1978, 4, 357-372.
Cutting, J. E., see Dorman, Cutting, & Raphael (1975).
Cutting, J. E., see Kubovy, Cutting, & McGuire (1974).

Dallett, K. ‘‘Primary memory” : The effects of redundancy upon digit repetition. Psychonomic
Science, 1965, 3, 237-238. 199,202
Dannenbring, G. L. Perceived auditory continuity with alternately rising and falling frequency
transitions. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 1976, 30, 99-114. 106,tape
Dannenbring, G. L., & Bregman, A. S. Stream segregationand the illusion of overlap. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,1976, 2, 544-555.59,110,116,
Dannenbring, G. L., & Bregman, A. S. Streaming vs. fusion of sinusoidal components of complex
waves. Perception & Psychophysics, 1978, 24, 369-376. 113,114
Dannenbring, G. L., see Bregman & Dannenbring (1973).
Dannenbring, G. L., see Bregman & Dannenbring (1977).
Darwin, C. The origin of the species. New York: New American Library, 1959. (Originally pub-
lished, 1859.) 399
Davis, E., & Graham, N. Uncertainty effects in the detection of sinusoidal gratings. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 1979, 18 (supplement), 4. (Abstract) 12
Dealy, R. S., & Tolhurst, D. J. Is spatial adaptation an aftereffect of prolonged inhibition? Journal
of Physiology, 1974, 241, 261-270. 5
de Lange, H. Research into the dynamic nature of the human fovea-cortex systems with intermittent
and modulated light: I. Attenuation characteristics with white and colored light. Journal of the
Optical Society of America, 1958, 48, 777-784. 82
Dennett, D. C. Content and consciousness. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969. 359
Dennett, D. C. Critical notice. Mind, 1977, 86, 265-280. 359
Deutsch, D. Musical illusions. Scientific American, 1975, 233(4), 92-104. (a) 116,tape
Deutsch, D. Two-channel listening to musical scales. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
1975, 57, 1156-1160. (b) 88,116,tape
Deutsch, D. Delayed pitch comparisons and the principle of proximity. Perception &
Psychophysics, 1978, 23, 227-230. 206
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and Verbal Behavior, 1973, 12, 91-98. 336
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Behavior, 1972, 11, 550-560. 217,225
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tion, 1979, 7, 285-299. 217
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search, 1976, 16, 615-619. 10
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Navon, D. Personal communication, July 1977. (b) 174
Navon, D. On a conceptual hierarchy of time, space, and other dimensions. Cognition, 1978, 6,
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Neisser, U. Cognition and reality. San Francisco: Freeman, 1976. 311,335,336
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Psychology, 1975, 7, 480-494. 206
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interaction. In D. A. Norman & D. E. Rumelhart (Eds.), Explorations in cognition. San Fran-
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Pogendorff. Perception & Psychophysics, 1977, 21, 563-568. 82
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