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Moon + Stars Shawl

by Quinn Reverendo

All efforts were made to make this pattern error-free. For questions or support, please email:
10/5/22 © Fairmount Fibers Ltd. 2022 Not to be reproduced or re-knit for profit page 1 of 2

Approx. 69” wingspan x 17” at deepest point Set up:
Using A, cast on 5 sts.
MATERIALS Row 1 (RS): Sl1 wyib, k to last 2 sts, yo, kfb, ktbl. (2 sts
Manos del Uruguay MAXIMA (100% merino wool; approx. increased)
100g, 219 yds): 2 sk of color A, and 1 sk of B. Row 2 (WS): Sl1 wyif, yo, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, p1.
Shown in M7240 Coquina (A) and M2468 Galaxy Blue (B). Rep rows 1 and 2 nine times more. (25 sts)

US 9/5.5 mm circular needle, 24” or longer ; or size needed to Transition:

obtain gauge Note: when working this section, carr y unused color up the
Tapestr y needle side of the work.
With B, work rows 1 and 2 once.
GAUGE With A, work rows 1 and 2 once.
16 sts and 32 rows = 4”/10cm in gar ter stitch (i.e. knit ever y Rep previous 4 rows twice more. (12 sts increased)
stitch, ever y row)
ABBREVIATIONS With A, work rows 1 and 2 nineteen times. (38 sts increased)
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased) Rep Transition and Body sections twice more, then work
kfb: knit into front then back of same stitch (1 stitch Transition section once more. (187 sts)
ktbl: knit through the back loop With B, work rows 1 and 2 ten times. (207 sts)
p: purl Bind off knitwise.
rep: repeat
RS: right side FINISHING
sl: slip Weave in ends. Block if desired. Wear outside and be warm!
st(s): stitch(es)
WS: wrong side
wyib: with yarn in back
wyif: with yarn in front
yo: yarn over (increase 1)

All efforts were made to make this pattern error-free. For questions or support, please email:
10/5/22 © Fairmount Fibers Ltd. 2022 Not to be reproduced or re-knit for profit page 2 of 2

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