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Name: Vivian Reed Lesson Title: Exploring movement through flowing objects

Date: 3/22/23 Grade Level: Toddler (6-18 months) Circle one: ECE PKSN


Science Inquiry and Application: Inquiry: Try different things with objects to see what happens or how things work.

Physical well being and motor development: Move with increasing coordination and balance, with or without adult support and/or assistive devices.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge:

I will ask the students and observe the students to see how they choose to move and explore objects as well as their ability to grab items as well as
take note of different music/song options the students respond best to.
Instructional Objectives (2-3) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

- Children will be able to move the - I will make note of all the children who - Children will have access to scarfs,
scarfs/ribbon/yarn/fabric around them participate in this activity and how they ribbons, yarns, and fabrics while music
exploring how they move and what are going about grabbing the materials. will be playing on a speaker near these
happens as they move it I will see how they are moving the items. The children will be able to pick
- Children will be able to use balance and materials watching for balance and any of these objects and what happens
coordination to move the coordination. when they try different movements in
scarfs/ribbon/yarn/fabric around while the air around them while they are
the music is playing moving their bodies around the
classroom. In order for the children to
see what happens when they try
different movements they will be moving
their bodies but they will also be
encouraged to do this while they are
dancing around with the items. While
they are dancing and moving around
the classroom they will also be working
on their coordination skills and balance.

Two- Three Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or Academic Language:
Objective(s): The student will be able to... record as data to demonstrate students have
met your objective(s) and skill?) scarfs, ribbons, yarns, fabrics, dance, air, music,
- The children will be able to see how movement
different objects move in the air around I will record photos and short videos of the
them moving their bodies around the students movements, i will also take notes on Procedural steps:
room where each child struggled with most and
- The children will be able to see what excelled in most - Lay out scarfs, ribbons, yarns, and
happens to the different materials when fabrics on table
they try different movements - Play kid music on speaker on or near
Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate - Observe and take notes, photos, and
videos of children on how they interact
One Assessed Developmental Skill: or compile your evidence into a class or group with these items
view?) - Ask guiding questions such as what
The children will be able move different happens when you wave it in the air?
materials to music improving their balance and I will move all of the photos and videos and How would you dance with it/what are
coordination. notes into a folder as well as I will have a field your best dance moves with that item?
for each student to keep every student - Record all notes and digital media
Safety Considerations: organized. I will have a separate file with all of
the classes and sorted by level of ability for Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real
each standard. life, hands-on materials.)

scarfs, ribbons, yarns, fabrics, speaker, table,

music, air

Adult Roles:

- Observe the children

- Keep the children from being hurt
- Ask guiding questions
- Encourage children to explore objects in
many ways

Resources & References:

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