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Interpretive Report on Effect of Hydrogen in

Pressure-Vessel Steels
Section 1-Basic and Research Aspects
c. G. Interrante
Section II-Action of Hydrogen' on Steel at High
Temperature and High Pressures
G. A. Nelson
Section III-Practical Aspects of Hydrogen Damage
at Atmospheric Temperature
c. M. Hudgins, Jr.

These Bulletins contain final Reports from projects sponsored

by the Welding Research Council, important papers presented before
engineering societies and other reports of current interest
which are not published in WELDING RESEARCH.
Bulletin No. 145 ..•• $3.00 per copy
____WIC Bull,tin $"i'5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
40 D••lgn of a Thln·Wall.d Cylindrical Pr••• ur. V••••I Based Upon the Pla.tlc Rang. and Con.ld.rlng Anl.otropy, by Jo•• ph
Marin and M. G. Sharma, May 1958. $1.00.
41 D••lgn of Thlck·Wall.d Pr.ssur. Ba.ed Upon the Plastic Rang., by Joseph Marin and F. P. J. Rlmrott, July 1958. $1.00
42 W.ld Flaw Evaluation, by S. T. Carpenter and R. F. Llnsenmeyer, September 1958. $2.00.
43 W.ldlng of 347 St••1 Piping and Tubing, by George E. Llnnert, October 1958. $1.00.
44 Th. of R.sldual on the Str.ngth of Structural M.mb.r., by R. L. Ketter, November 1958. $1.00.
·45 T.n V.ars of In Pr.ssur. R.s.arch, by F. L. Plummer, R. D. Stout, E. Wenk, Jr. and I. E. Boberg, December
1958. $1.00.
·46 Obs.rvatlons of Strains Near R.lnforc.d and Nonr.lnforc.d Con. Cyllnd.r Int.r.ectlon., by Charles Klentzler and S. F. Borli
Discussion "Design Formulas for a Thin Cyllnd.r with Cone Shap.d End.," by Cyril O. Rhys, January 1959. $1.00
47 An Exp.rlmental Investigation of Open·W.b, by A. A. Toprac and B. R. Cooke, February 1959. $1.00.
48 Plastic Design of Plnned·Ba•• Gable Frames, by Robert L. Ketter, March 1959; $1.00.
·t49 (1) Stress.s In a Spherical Vess.1 from Radial Loads Acting on a Pip.; (2) Str.sses In a Sph.rlcal V••••I from Ext.rnal Mo·
ments Acting on a Pipe; and (3) Influenc. of a Reinforcing Pad on the Str.sses In a Sph.rlcal V.s••1Und.r Local Loading, by
P. P. Bljlaard, April 1959. $3.00.
*t50 (1) Stre.s.s In Sph.rlcal Vessels from Local Load. Tran.f.rr.d by a Pip.; (2) Additional Data on Str••••• ln Cylindrical Shells
Under Local Loading, by P. P. Bijlaard, May 1959. $2.00.
*51 (1) Theoretical Str.sses Near a Circular Op.nlngln a Flat Plate Reinforced with a Cylindrical Outl.t, by E. O. Watersi (2) In Contoured Openings of Pressure Vessels, by D. E. Hardenbergh; (3) A Thr••·Dlmen.lonal Photo.lasUc Study of
Stresses Around Relnforc.d Outl.ts In Pressure, by C. E. Taylor, N. C. Lind and J. W. SChwelker; (4) Unrelnforced
Openings In a Pressure. Vessel, by F. S. G. WIlliams and E. P. Auler, June 1959. $2.00.
·52 (1) A R.vl.w, Comparison and Modification of Pr.s.nt D.flectlon Th.ory for Flat P.rforated Plat.s, by V. L. Salerno and J. B.
Mahoney; (2) Corr.latlon of Experimental Data with Th.ory for P.rforat.d Plat.s with a Triangular Hoi. Array, by L. D.a,..,
July 1959. $1.00.
*53 Plastic D.slgn of Plnn.d·Bas. "Lean·To" Fram••, by Robert L. Ketter and Bung·Tseng Yen, September 1959. $1.00.
54 B.ndlng of 2:1 and 3:1 Open·Crown Ellipsoidal sh.II., by G. D. Galletly, October 1959. $1.00 ..
55 Fourth Technical Progress Report of the Ship Structur. Commltt••, November 1959. $1.00.
56 Int.rpr.tlv. R.port on W.ldlng Titanium and Titanium Alloys, by G. E. Faulkner and C. B. Void rich, December 1959. $1.00.
57 Some Obs.rvatlons on the Brlttl. Fracture Probl.m, by G. M. Boyd, January 1960. $1.00.
58 str.ngth of Aluminum Alloy 6061·T4 Thlck·Walied Cylindrical V••••I. subJ.ct.d to Internal Pre•• ur••, by J. Marin and Tu·Lunl
Weng, March 1960. $1.00.
59 Factor. Which Aff.ct Low·Alloy W.ld M.tal Notch·Toughn•••, by S. S. Sagan and H. C. Campbell, April 1960. $1.00.
*t60 An Exp.rlm.ntallnvestlgatlon of In the N.lghborhood of Attachm.nts to a Cylindrical Sh.lI, by E. T. Cranchi Inter-
pr.ttv. Commentary on the Application of Th.ory to Exp.rlm.ntal R•• ults, by P. P. Bljlaard and E. T. Cranch, May 1960. $2.00.
61 Int.rpr.tlv. R.port on Welding of Nlck.I·Clad and stalnl•••·Clad Ste.1 Plat., by W. H. Funk, June 1960. $1.00.
62 Comparison and Analysl. of Notch Toughn ••s T.sts for st•• I. In W.ld.d structur••, by H. H. Johnson and R. D. Stout, July
1960. $1.00.
63 W.ld.d Int.rlor·to·Column C.onn.ctlon •• by J. D. Graham, A. N. Sherbourne and R. N. Khabbaz under the direction of
C. D. Jensen; Tran.fer of Str.sses In Weld.d Cov.r Plat••• by A. M. Ozell and A. L. Conyers; A Surv.y of Llteratur. on the
Lateral In.tablllty of Beams, by G. C. Lee, August 1960. $2.00.
64 W.b Buckling T.sts on W.lded Plat. Girder., by K. Basler, B. T. Yen, J. A. Mueller and B. ThOrllmann, September 1960. $2.00.
65 F.aslblllty Studle. of Stress•• In Llgam.nts, by M. M. Lemcoe, November 1960. $1.50.
66 Int.rpretlve R.port on Op.ratlng Condition. for Pr••• ur. V••••I., by K. F. Smith, January 1961. $1.00.
67 Str.ngth of Thlck·Walied Cylindrical under Internal Pr••• ur. for Thr•• Ste.I., by J. Marin and Tu·Lung Wenl, March
1961. $1.00.
68 ACoat.d EI.ctrod. for Fu.lon Welding AISI4340 st••1for Ultra High Str.ngth Application., by E. F. Deeslngi M.thod for D.ter-
mining the Total Wat.r In W.ldlng EI.ctrode Coating" by K. P. Johannes, April 1961. $1.00.
69 Th. Eff.cts of Int.rnal Pr.ssur. on Thln·sh.1I Pr.ssur. Ve•••, by E. O. Jones, Jr., with Dlscu••lon byL. P. Zick. Wrin-
kling of a Large Thin Cod. und.r Int.rnal Pressure, by A. Fino and R. W. Schnelderi Biaxial Stre•• Criteria for Larg.
Low·Pres.ure Tank., by J. J. Dvorak and R. V. McGrath, June 1961. $1.00.
70 In.rt Ga.·Shleld.d Arc W.ldlng of F.rrou. M.tal., G. R. Rothschild and A. Lesnewlch, July 1961. $1.50.
71 R•••arch on Tubular Conn.ctlons In Structural Work, by J. G. Bouwkamp; An Inv.stlgatlon of W.ld.d St••1Pip. Connections,
by A. A. Toprac, August 1961. $2.00.
72 Th.rmal Fatlgu....A Critical R.vl.w, by T. C. Ven, October 1961. $1.00.
73 Copp.r and Copp.r Alloy. for Pres.ure V••sels, by V. P. Weaver and J. Imperatl, November 1961. $1.00.
74 A Critical Evaluation of the Str.ngth of Thlck·Wall.d Cylindrical Pr.ssur. V••••I., by J. Marin and Tu·Lunl, January
1962. $1.00.
Nota-WRC Bulletin 1-39 titles available on request.
*Out of print-not available.
t See WRC Bulletin No. 107. Llstlns continued on Inside back cover

Welding Research Council Bulletins are published January, February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and
November at 20th & Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa., by the WELDING RESEARCH COUNCIL, 345 East 47th St.. New York. N. Y.
10017. C. F. Larson, Editor. Subscription: $175.00 per year. Single copies: price as noted.
Second·class postase paid at Easton, Pa. C Copyright 1969 by the Weldlnl Research Council.
Interpretive Report on Effect of Hydrogen
in Pressure-Vessel Steels

Section I-Basic and Research Aspects

c. G. Interrante

Section II-Action of Hydrogen on Steel

at High Temperature and
High Pressures
G. A. Nelson

Section III-Practical Aspects of Hydrogen

Damage at Atmospheric Tempera-
c. M. Hudgins
SECTION I-BASIC AND RESEARCH ASPECTS Part F-Research Areas for Future Work ....... 29
Abstract.................................... .. 1 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30
Introduction. . . . . . .......................... .. 1
Part A-Solubility, Diffusivity, Permeation, STEEL AT HIGH TEMPERATURE
and Removal of Hydrogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 AND HIGH PRESSURES
True Solubility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Saturation Hydrogen Concentration. ... . ................ 2 Summary ..................................... 33
Residual Hydrogen...................................... 4 Surface Decarburization................................. 33
Diffusivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Internal Decarburization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Permeation of Hydrogen................................ 6 Incubation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35
Removal of Hydrogen....... ............................ 6 Effect of Cold Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37
Part B-Sources of Hydrogen in SteeL...... .. 7 Effect of Hardness ....................................... 38
Steelmaking Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Effect of Hydrogen on Stress-Rupture Strength at High
Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Temperatures......................................... 38
Fabricating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Effect of Hydrogen on Stress-Rupture Ductility at High
Service.................................................. 8 Temperatures. . . ...................................... 40
Detection of Hydrogen Damage.......................... 40
Part C-Properties and Behaviors of Steel Preventing High Temperature Hydrogen Damage........ 41
Containing Hydrogen ................ 10 Suggested Areas for Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Effects of Hydrogen on Ductility. . . . . ................... 10
Delayed-Failure Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 References .................................... 42
Incubation Period for Crack Initiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13
Crack Propagation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 SECTION III-PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF HY-
Lower Critical Stress.. . . ................................ 14 DRoGEN DAMAGE AT ATMO-
Factors Affecting Delayed Failure....................... 14
Hyd rogen Concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 SPH ERIC TEMPERATU RE
Strength Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 Summary ..................................... 43
Notch Acuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16
Temperature............................................ 16 Introduction .................................. 43
Critical Hyd rogen Concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Failures... ... ..........................................• 43
Effects of Hydrogen in Weldments...................... 16
Flaking.................................................. 18 Bliste rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Part D-Behavior of Steels Exposed to Hydro- Preventive Measures .......................... 44
gen Environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Delayed Failure in Aqueous Media...................... 19 Microstructure.......................................... 46
Effective Hydrogen Pressure. . .......................... 19 Cold Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47
Strength Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Welding ................................................. 47
Surface and Internal Microfissuring. ................... 20 Quality Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Hydrogen Sulfide Environments......................... 21 Heat Treatment.......................................... 47
Material Factors Affecting Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22 Service Problems........................................ 48
External Factors Affecting Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 Field Repairs. . . . . . ...................................... 48
Gaseous Hydrogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 Blistering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Charging Rate in High-Pressure Hydrogen. ............. 23
Tensile Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Separation of Environment and Structural
Fracture Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Material ....................................... 49
Accelerated Crack-Growth Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Multi-Layer Vessels...................................... 49
Predominance of Surface Effects........................ 25 Metallic Overlays. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Factors Affecting Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Non-Metallic Coatings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Part E-Mechanisms of Hydrogen Damage .... 26
Effect of Hydrogen on Microcrack Propagation.......... 27 Alteration of Environment .... ; ................ 50
Effect of Hydrogen on Void Growth, Coalescence, and
Crack Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52
Significance of the Mechanism of Hydrogen Damage to
Pressure-Vessel Behaviors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 References .................................... 52

Many designers, fabricators and users of pres- ments can be classified quantitatively, such as
sure vessels have had only occasional and casual hydrogen at elevated temperature, the hydro-
contact with the problems of hydrogen. Welders genizing potential of corrosive environments can
were the only large group who had first-hand and usually be rated only qualitatively. Further,
frequent contact with the detrimental effects of the design methods commonly used for pressure
hydrogen and knew some of the means of combat- vessels generally ignore many properties of steels
ing them. Currently the increasing use of higher degraded by the effects of hydrogen. The quanti-
strength steels, as well as the more widespread use tative effects of hydrogen on load-carrying ability
of processes and operations capable of charging of the range of steels and geometries are not yet
steel with hydrogen, make detailed information adequately defined. This will be a broad field for
more necessary. This bulletin is published to future research. Nevertheless, the data in this
make available up-to-date summaries on the most bulletin should find ready application to many
important aspects of hydrogen damage, as well as problems in the design and use of pressure vessels
keys to the literature. and piping.
The information compiled is complete enough
to evaluate the need for special attention and is F. PRANGE, Chairman
sufficiently detailed so that many potential prob- PVRC Subcommittee on
lems can be avoided. While some of the environ- Hydrogen Eml)rittlement
Section I-Basic and Research Aspects
by C. G. Interrante

ABSTRACT. The detrimental effects of a few parts per mil- I ntrod uction
lion of hydrogen in steel at temperatures below about 400 F
have long been recognized. Common experience of such
Service failures, with their potential serious con-
effects include reduction of ductility and reduction of frac- sequences, have led to extensive research studies
ture strength. More recently there has been added some ; n the effects of hydrogen in steel. The work of
realization of accelerated subcritical crack propagation when
steel is exposed to hydrogen environments. All these ef-
the last two decades has led to an understanding
fects are important to the application of pressure vessels for of the effects of temperature, of pressure, of crystal
high-pressure hydrogen, and for vessels exposed to corrosive structure, and of compositional and steel pro-
media capable of charging steels with hydrogen. From the
materials properties standpoint, damage is much more
cessing variables on the solubility, on diffusivity
apt to occur as the hardness or the strength level incre3ses. and on permeability of hydrogen in iron and steel.
Thus, the problem of damage by hydrogen is particularly However, although it is known that the harmful
important in the application of higher strength steels, which effects of hydrogen in steel are governed by these
have the most favorable strength-to-weight ratio for pres-
sure vessels. basic behaviors, many gaps still remain and much
Although the detrimental effects of hydrogen are gener- more research work will be required to permit the
ally. recognized, the significance of many of the variables establishment of quantitative limitations of com-
has not been quantitatively established in terms that allow
direct application to pressure vessel design or use. Only position, strength level, microstructure, hydrogen
in a general way are the effect of notches or other stress content, and environmental features necessary to
raisers known. The primary objectives of research pro- prevent service failures. The high-strength steels
grams should be to furnish quantitative information on
limiting values for mechanical properties and enviromental used for the aerospace applications have been
factors so as to insure against low stress failures in environ- studied most extensively. Particularly needed is
ments capable of supplying hydrogen to the vessel steel. the applicable information for the lower strength
The interpretation of the literature and experiences ex-
, amined in the report suggests that the predominant mode of pressure-vessel steels.
failure in the higher strength steels is a relatively brittle, In the first and second parts of this section of the
quasi-cleavage fracture which results from propagation interpretive report on hydrogen in pressure-vessel
of microcracks, and that this mode may extend into the
realm of the lower strength steels also. Research should be steels, background information is presented on
aimed toward establishing limiting conditions with respect solubility, diffusivity, permeation, removal, and
to strength levels, hydrogen content or effective hydrogen sources of hydrogen. In the third and fourth
pressure, and temperature for the change over from this
quasi-cleavage fracture behavior to one of ductile rupture. parts, the effects of hydrogen on mechanical
properties are discussed, both for steels containing
hydrogen and for steels exposed to hydrogen en-
vironments. The fifth part reviews the mech-
anisms that are proposed to explain the experimen-
C. G. Interrante is Sr. Research Metallurgist, Applied Research Labora-
tal observations. Finally, the further research
tory, United States Steel Corporation, Monroeville, Pa. that is most needed to furnish pertinent data for
This report was prepared for the Subcommittee on Hydrogen Em-
brittlement of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee. pressure-vessel applications is outlined.

Basic and Research Aspects 1

Part A-Solubility, Diffusivity, Permeation, RELATIVE VOLUMES OF HYDROGEN TO IRON
and Removal of Hydrogen 0
True Solubility 0004 O.OOS 0.012 0.016
I otm~
Only the atomic (or perhaps a screened ionic) L+G
form of hydrogen is soluble in iron and its alloys, ...."

being contained in the interstices of the metallat- 1300 ,," 2400

tice. The solubility is thus the interstitial hydro- ,," r +G

,,"" "-
gen content at equilibrium with a given environ- .... 2000
;,,,/'/ 0:
ment. It varies primarily with temperature, pres- 910·
r------ J ...:::>
sure, and crystal structure. Equilibrium solubil- t--IO atm 1600

ity values for hydrogen in iron, as a function of I
/ 1200
the temperature and the partial pressure of hydro- / a + G
gen in the environment, are shown in the iron- I
hydrogen equilibrium diagram depicted in Fig. 1. 33 I
This diagram is based on measurements of the I
0.0012 0.003
absorption boundary for iron in equilibrium with WEIGHT PERCENTAGE HYDROGEN
a partial pressure of hydrogen of 1 atm. at tempera- I I I I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
tures above 750 0 F; the isobars for the other pres- CUBIC CENTIMETERS OF HYDROGEN PER 100 GRAMS OF IRON
sures of from 0.01 to 100 atm. represent calculated
values, based on the assumption that the solubil- Fig. I-Equilibrium diagram, iron·hydrogen system, by C. A.
Zapffe (Ref. 33)
ity is proportional to the square root of the par-
tial pressure of hydrogen in accordance with Sie-
vert's law:
S = K (PH')!;' (1) which are generally much higher than those which
Deviations from this behavior have been obser- would be predicted from an extrapolation of the
ved, * particularly at the lower temperatures, so results of solubility measurements at tempera-
that these isobars are not very accurate, but the tures above 750 0 F. This behavior is illustrated
significant influence of the pressure of the hydro- in Fig. 2, based on measurements by Hill and John-
gen environment on the solubility of hydrogen in son54 of the solubility of hydrogen at a partial
iron is evident from this diagram. pressure of hydrogen of 100 atm. in pure iron
This diagram shows that the solubility of hydro- specimens. The departure from the extrapolated
gen in liquid iron is much higher than in any of the values at temperatures below about 750 0 F is
solid phases, being above 25 parts per million by immediately evident. Furthermore, the discrep-
weight (1 ppm = 0.0001 %) at a pressure of 1 atm. ancy between the extrapolated value, which pre-
It is likewise apparent that the solid solubility in sumably represents the interstitial solubility, and
face-centered gamma iron is much higher than in the measured value, increases with decreasing
body-centered alpha iron, being above 4 ppm at temperature. This anomalous behavior has gen-
1 atm. pressure in gamma iron and below 3 ppm at eraJly been explained on the basis that, at the lower
1 atm. pressure in aJpha iron. The solubility in temperatures, the excess hydrogen, beyond that
alpha iron, furthermore, decreases very rapidly which is dissolved interstitially, is retained in sites
with decreasing temperature. At temperatures in the steel which are commonly referred to as
near room temperature, at which the deleterious "traps." The solubility value, or saturation con-
effects of hydrogen in steel are generally most pro- centration, as measured, includes both the inter-
nounced, the interstitial solubility is very low, stitially dissolved hydrogen and the "trapped"
being about 0.002 ppm at 1 atm. pressure. The hydrogen. *
difference between the interstitial solubility of The nature of the traps in which hydrogen is
hydrogen in gamma and that of alpha iron presum- retained has not, however, been fully established.
ably reflects primarily the difference in the size of Observations of the densities of dislocations and
the interstices of the two crystal structures. vacancies in steels have generally indicated that
they are several orders of magnitude smaller than
Saturation Hydrogen Concentration
the number of trapped hydrogen atoms,135 and it
At temperatures below about 750 0 F, and par- appears that such lattice imperfections could not
ticularly at temperatures below 400 0 F, measure- accommodate the amount of the "excess" hydrogen
ments of the solubility of hydrogen in iron and which is trapped. Hydrogen can also be trapped
steel indicate solubility values at a given pressure in voids, microcracks, microfissures, and larger
defects, where it may be present as chemisorbed
*In thermodynamic terms the solubility is proportional to the square root
of the fugacity, p;" but the more familiar term, pressure, is used throughout * The concept of hydrogen trapping was introduced by Darken and
this report, and the error involved is not large except at very high pressures.' Smith."

2 Basic and Research Aspects

888 0
QcnGO ,...
.,0 § 8 8 0
0 >- (I cc NTP per gram = 89.9 ppm H I
) II i 1 1 1 1 '"1 1 '"1 '" '"I 1 .1 I
0 0 g ., 0
0 § 8 0
0 .,
0 .,
o C
IA-, I I I
'" N

I 1 1

1 1 20 o
1.3 _ \ - - - GELLER AND SUN 731 0.3

1.0- \l


0.8- ~ 0.2
0.7f- '"



~ OA-

\' "'J 2.0 ~

O.Ir- '~, l"'.( l~i~~~bT~AY~:~~EN ~

0.0- \\, "" - 1.0 g
• , 0.9 (TIME OF IMMERSION)1/2, sec l/2
\ \ " 0.8
• , " 0.7 Fig. 3~Effect of cold reduction on rate of hydrogen absorption

\ ,
. "0.6
and on saturation hydrogen concentration of wire stock ('/2 in.
\,--EXTRAPOLATED VALUES" diameter green rod) immersed in N H 2S04 at 35 C

\\ '\. 0.3

-0·71- , \ - 0.2

-0.8"__ ;7;-rr-+r*-,l,;--+-,....."l,~\~'*-+-~:---;l"'""""'i..,---,~
1.0 1.2 1,4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2A 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3A 3.6 3.8 by extraction at 155 0 C (311 0 F), ranged from 2
cc/l00 g (1.8 ppm) to 30 cc/l00 g (27 ppm). The
Fig. 2-Solubility of hydrogen in alpha iron at 100 atmospheres measured values were 30 cc/l00 g for enameling
of hydrogen gas
steels, 20 cc/l00 g for rimmed steels, 15 cc/l00 g
for silicon steel, 8 cc/l00 g for bessemer steel, 5
cc/l00 g for aluminum-killed steels, and 2 cc/l00
g for AISI Type 430 stainless steel. These wide
variations presumably reflect predominantly dif-
hydrogen, or may recombine to form a molecular ferences in the number of available trapping sites.
compound. Hydrogen may also be absorbed in Cold working usually affects both the saturation
certain nonmetallic phases that are present in steel, concentration of hydrogen and the time required to
such as MnS, TiC, TiN, and ~ carbide. saturate steel with hydrogen. The effect on the
As indicated in Fig. 2, in pure iron at room tem- saturation concentration, as shown in Fig. 3, can
perature, most of the hydrogen is present as trapped be very large, with the saturation concentration
hydrogen. Factors such as cold working or increasing from less than 2 ppm in the absence of
the presence of nonmetallic inclusions, which tend cold work to more than 35 ppm after a cold reduc-
to increase the number of trapping sites, can thus tion of about 76%. Cold-worked steel has a
markedly increase the apparent solubility or the decreased density which results from the formation
saturation concentration of hydrogen. Although of voids at inclusion-steel interfaces during plastic
the effects of environmental factors, such as tem- flow. These voids are presumed to be the princi-
perature and pressure, on the saturation concen- pal source of the trapping sites for hydrogen in
tration will be similar to their effect on the inter- cold-worked steel, and they affect both the satu-
stitial solubility, the combined effects of these ration concentration and the time required for
factors and the factors which change the trapping saturation in a given environment because they
behavior can be very large, and can lead to very must be filled when the steel is saturated with
wide variations in the saturation concentration of hydrogen. Annealing of a cold-worked steel, how-
hydrogen in steels exposed to hydrogenizing envi- ever, reduces the saturation concentration of
roments. The magnitude of such variations can hydrogen without significantly changing the den-
be illustrated by the results of measurements by sity, although the saturation concentration is still
Hudson, et al.,71 of the saturation concentration of higher than that before cold working. Much of
hydrogen in various steels which had been charged the increased trapping associated with cold work-
by immersion in a 2N H 2S04 solution at 38 0 C ing thus cannot be completely explained as result-
(100 0 F). The hydrogen contents, as measured ing from void formation, since annealing only par-

Basic and Research Aspects 3

OA.---.-----r------,---_ _ _---,
° '_ _ _ O_ _ _E~
to be very slow at temperatures below about 930°
F. Thus, if steel is rapidly cooled through the
temperature range 1470 to 930° F, very little
residual hydrogen would form. However, if steel
0.3 is slowly cooled through this temperature range, or
held for extended times within this range, extensive
conversion of diffusible to residual hydrogen can
II c occur. Residual hydrogen contents of more than
8 0.2
20 ppm have been present in steels exposed to a
0: temperature of 1100° F for extended periods, and


~" I,
methane formation has been observed 53 at tem-
peratures as low as 380° F (200° C). The forma-
tion of large amounts of methane at elevated tem-
peratures, commonly referred to as "hydrogen
V attack," may lead to decarburization, grain-boun-
(I cc NTP per grom = 89.9 ppm H)

9 ~_~ ___ ~_ dary weakening, and internal fissuring. Thus,

-v-~ o_~_
hydrogen attack may lead to a significant perma-
d=o:o=o===or'====::=::J nent deterioration in properties at both atmo-
300 500 1000 1500
(TIME OF IMMERSION )112, sec 112 spheric and elevated temperatures. However, in
steels that are used for service at atmospheric tem-
Fig. 4-Amount of hydrogen absorbed by similar specimens
immersed in a solution of pH (a) 7.92; (b) 7.09; (c) 5.43; (d) peratures, the amount of residual hydrogen is much
3.14; (e) 1.38, plotted against square root of time of immersion smaller than the amount required to impair the
(Ref. 77) mechanical properties.

tially heals the traps. However, nothing short of The movement of hydrogen in steel occurs by the
melting will restore the original low apparent solu- migration of atoms through the lattice, and thus,
bility of hydrogen of the cold-worked steel. The only the atomic form of hydrogen can diffuse.
significance of the voids as trapping sites is further Furthermore, the rates of diffusion of hydrogen in
confirmed by the observation 136 that neither the single crystals and in poly crystalline iron are
density nor the saturation concentration of very nearly identical, indicating that diffusion occurs
pure iron is affected by cold working. primarily through the lattice, without a preferen-
The effect of variations in the effective pressure tial diffusion along grain boundaries. The driving
of the hydrogen environment on the rate of absorp- force for the diffusion of hydrogen is an activity
tion and saturation concentration of hydrogen in a gradient which generally results from a gradient in
steel, in which the number of trapping sites is pre- the lattice hydrogen concentration, but can also
sumably constant, is illustrated in Fig. 4. The arise from a gradient in the hydrostatic component
variations in effective hydrogen pressure result of an elastic stress field. 94 Under such gradients,
from changes in the pH of the charging medium, hydrogen will diffuse from a region of high activ-
with a decreasing pH leading to an increasing ity to a region of low activity until the chemical
effective hydrogen pressure. This environmental potential of hydrogen is uniform throughout the
effect can obviously be very large, with the satura- steel. For example, when a concentration gra-
tion concentration of hydrogen increasing from dient exists in an unstressed body of uniform tem-
about 1 ppm to about 30 ppm when the pH of the perature, hydrogen atoms will diffuse from a region
charging medium decreases from 8 to 1.4. of higher interstitial concentration. This diffu-
Residual Hydrogen sion rate is thus related to the hydrogen concentra-
tions in the lattice, and the lattice diffusivity, D.
In addition to the hydrogen in interstitial solu- (D is defined as the amount of hydrogen per square
tion or contained in traps, hydrogen may also be centimeter which diffuses per second for a unit
present in steel in a comparatively immobile form, concentration gradient. The units of Dare cm 3 /
commonly referred to as residual hydrogen. This cm -second or cm 2 / second.) This diffusion will,
form of hydrogen cannot be readily extracted at in general, continue until the concentration gra-
temperatures below about 1470° F, presumably dient has been eliminated, with the limiting con-
because it is present as a compound which is stable dition being one in which the lattice hydrogen con-
below 1470° F. Johnson and Hill52 have suggested centration is equal to the equilibrium lattice solu-
that the compound may be methane. The rate of bility throughout. The lattice diffusivity, D, will
chemical fixing of residual hydrogen in steel has vary with temperature in the same general manner
been found to be maximum at about 1110° F and as the lattice solubility and can be expressed by the
4 Basic and Research Aspects
normal Arrhenius equation: iron and stainless steel by various investigators
D = Do e- Q
(2) are ~hown in Fig. 6. The lattice diffusivity of
hydrogen in gamma iron is much lo~~r th~n in
A plot of log D versus l/Tabs for pure iron,
alpha iron, and is still lower in austemtIc staml~ss
based on measurements by Hill,60 is shown in Fig.
steel, presumably reflecting the relatively hIgh
5. The values of the measured diffusivity, D, are
alloy content of the latter material. .
in accord with eq (2). However, the activation
Concentration gradients which normally prOVIde
energies for diffusion, represented by the slopes of
the driving force for diffusion may be developed ~t
the two straight lines, are about 3000 cal/mol at
the surface of the steel exposed to hydrogen enVI-
temperatures above about 400 0 F, and about 8000
ronments or internally at local sites, as, for exam-
cal/mol at temperatures below 400 0 F, with the
ple, when hydrogen is released locally whe~. re-
diffusivities ranging from about 3 X 10- 3 to
tained austenite transforms to ferrite. In addItIOn,
3 X 10- 4 cm2/sec at the higher temperatures, and
stress gradients such as those produced by
notches, by oth~r sharp defects, or by bending
from about 10-5 to 10-7 cm2/sec at the lower tem-
peratures. The straight-line relationships indi- moments can also provide a driving force for
cate that the behavior in both temperature ranges localized' diffusion of hydrogen. This driving
is one of thermally activated interstitial diffusion. force results from the increased solubility of the
The low apparent diffusivity, D, values, measured hydrogen in the stretched lattice of the triaxially
at the low temperatures, and the much higher acti- stressed region which develops when such stress-
vation energy for diffusion at temperatures below
concentrating factors are present, with a resultant
about 400 0 F, are explained on the basis that the
flow of hydrogen atoms into this region of ~igher
interstitial diffusion is hindered at these lower solubility. The amount of hydrogen that diffuses
temperatures by the presence of traps which cap- into these regions of higher solubility will be pro-
ture and delay migrating hydrogen atoms.
portional to the gradient in the triaxial.c~mponent
Diffusivity values ranging from 10 -5 to 10- 9
of the stress in these regions. The dnvmg forces
cm2/sec have been reported for iron at room tem- provided by gradients in concentration or stress,
perature. The lower values are believed to have
however, act independently, and the concen~ra­
presumably been influenced by surface trapping or
tion of hydrogen at local triaxially stressed reg~o~
trapping behaviors. The value of 10-5 cm 2/sec,
is a very important factor in the cha~a~tenstlC
which is in agreement with the value which would delayed-failure behaviors of steels contammg hy-
be predicted by an extrapolation from higher tem-
peratures, is now generally accepted 94 as the most
probable value for the true diffusivity, D, in iron at
room temperature.
Similar Arrhenius plots depicting the results of
diffusivity measurements on alpha iron, gamma 00 0 010 CD
to CDV ... .... '"
00 0
"'-- - I

0000 000 0 0 C
~=(7)f"-. "' ....... '"0
000 2

---, 800
~oo 300

10-' 600
25 4
" \
" .... ,~ "-

\ '\
u I~ % Ni -C,-Mo STEEL
\ ,2
" I x 10-5
"'.:?:. 5 , 0 (HOBSON)
10 10 HILL) 52)
,: I X 10-6
:: ,\ \ \
\ 0
:> \ \ \
l::: I X 10-7 7 \ \ \
Ci \ \ \
\' "'-, ' .....
I X 10-8 8 \,
' .....
\ \
8.9%Ni)(GELLER \ \ SUN)73)
9 AND SUN)73) \ \

~ \
1 ~ ~ 1 ~ \ \
0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 32 3.6 10 I , \
10' o I 3 4 5 6

Fig. 5-Diffusivity of hydrogen in iron (Ref. 60) Fig. 6-Diffusivity of hydrogen in iron and steel

Basic and Research Aspects 5

Permeation of Hydrogen
However, because the diffusion rate is governed
The permeation of hydrogen through steel in- by the difference in interstitial hydrogen concentra-
volves, in addition to its diffusion through the bulk tions C1 and C2 at entrance and exit surfaces, the
metal, its entrance at one surface, and its exit at effective pressure at these boundary locations can
the other surface. The permeation rate, P, at markedly affect the permeation rate. The envi-
which hydrogen passes through a slab of thickness, ronment surfaces which govern the effective pres-
I, and unit area will be established by the diffu- sures at these locations are therefore very impor-
sivity and the difference between the hydrogen con- tant. Thus, for example, either prior etching in
centration at the entrance and exit surface. Thus, nitric acid or anodic polarization, which activates
the entrance surface, can increase permeation
(3) rates on cathodic charging by increasing the value
of the concentration of hydrogen at the cathodi-
When the entrance and exit surfaces are at equi- cally charged surface, C1• Similarly, the more
librium with their respective environments, the rapid removal of hydrogen when an exit surface is
values of C1 and C2 are the respective equilibrium exposed to an aqueous environment than when
interstitial solubilities at these surfaces. If the exposed to a vacuum can be explained on the basis
exit surface is exposed to an environment that that C 2 at the exit boundary location is higher, and
reduces the value of C2 to zero, the permeation the concentration gradient correspondingly lower,
rate is governed by the value of the diffusivity, for the vacuum environment, because of the very
D, and the true solubility of hydrogen at the slow recombination reaction at the steel-vacuum
entrance surface. At temperatures above 750 0 F, boundary. Furthermore, if the entrance surface
at which diffusion is not inhibited by trapping and reaction is slow, relative to the permeation rate,
at which all the hydrogen is dissolved intersti- such as for a relatively thin membrane, a steady-
tially, the permeating rate under these conditions state permeation may occur before the surface con-
can be described by a simplified form of eq (3): centration is in equilibrium with the partial pres-
sure of hydrogen in the environment. The mea-
P = DS (4) sured steady-state permeation rate would then be
anomalously low, since it would be governed by
This relationship can be used to establish true diffu- the rate at which hydrogen atoms are absorbed at
sivity, D, values, or the effective pressure of hydro- the entrance surface, rather than by the rate
gen environments at temperatures above 750 F, 0
of diffusion through the membrane. With an
from permeating experiments in which permeation increase in the thickness of the membrane, the
rates and the hydrogen content at the entrance value of C1 would increase until the membrane
surface, Cl, during steady-state permeating are thickness is greater than some citical value, above
measured, since the solubility will vary with the which the value of C1 is constant, and equal to the
square root of the effective pressure in accordance equilibrium value. For any thickness greater
with Sievert's law. than this critical thickness, the permeation rate is
At lower temperatures eq (3) still applies; how- therefore not limited by the surface behavior;
ever, trapping will occur and measured values of rather, it is governed by the diffusion rate through
C1 and C2 will not represent the interstitial con- the membrane.
centration which governs the diffusion rate. When
unfilled, the traps will also hinder the diffusion. 75 ,78 Removal of Hydrogen
Therefore, at these temperatures, permeation rates
are anomalously low initially, increasing with The removal of hydrogen from steels containing
time as the traps become filled, until the traps are hydrogen is of particular interest to the steel sup-
completely filled and steady-state permeation plier or user. The time required to reduce the
occurs at a rate controlled by the interstitial con- hydrogen content to a desired amount by outgass-
centration gradient. Thus, the results of measure- ing has commonly been expressed in terms of a
ments of such steady-state permeabilities will be residual fraction, U, which is the ratio of the hy-
indicative of the interstitial diffusion rate, but drogen content after time, t, to the original hydrogen
non-steady-state permeation behaviors will also be concentration of homogeneously charged samples.
influenced by the trapping behavior. Such perme- The time, t, increases exponentially with increas-
ation measurements thus permit separate evalua- ing volume and decreases with increasing surface
tions of the effects of environmental factors on solu- area. For infinitely long cylinders, the time-U
bility' and of the effects of such factors as composi- relationship 92 can be approximated for values of
tion, microstructure, or processing variables on U below about 0.5 by the following equation:
trapping behaviors. Much of the information on -r2
the solubility and diffusivity of hydrogen in steel, t = 2.5D (log U + 0.25) (5)
as presented in the preceding section, has been ob-
tained from experiments of this type. where D is the diffusivity and r is the radius of the

() Basic and Research Aspects

Table ~-Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Hydrogen Evolu- Table 2-Soaking Time Required to Reduce Various Initial
tion From 21/,% Ni - Cr - Mo Steel in Air (Ref. #72.) Hydrogen Levels to a Maximum of 2 ml/100 g at Center of
Forging (Ref. 57)
Ratio of Time
at Room Tem- Forging Soaking Time at 650 0 C, hr, at indicated
perature to Diameter, Initial Hydrogen Level, ml/100 g
Time at Indi- tn. 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 B.O 9.0 10.0
Temperature Time to Reach cated Tem- 5 20 28 35 41 46 50 57 64
°C of U = 0.5hr perature 7.5 37 53 66 76 84 92 100 108
-78 -108 ~1250 0.018 10 58 82 102 115 128 140 150 160
(RT)a (RT)a 23 1 15 108 150 185 210 230 255 270 290
50 122 5.5 4.2 20 175 245 295 335 370 395 420 450
100 212 0.55 41.9 25 255 350 425 490 535 565 600 640
200 392 0.11 209 30 350 485 585 670 730 770 820 880

a Room temperature.

cylinder. Obviously, the removal from very large

nificantly affected by surface or environmental fac-
masses with a large value of r is slow. D, however,
tors. For example, increasing surface roughness
increases markedly with increasing temperature,
may accelerate hydrogen removal by increasing
and aging at elevated temperatures can signifi-
the area of metal exposed to the environment.
cantly reduce the times required for hydrogen
The increased rate of removal of hydrogen in an
removal. This effect of temperature is illustrated
aqueous environment as compared with that in a
in Table 1, based on the results of Hobson,72 who
vacuum, as observed by Hudson and co-workers,74
studied the effect of temperature over the range of
is an outstanding example of the influence of the
-78 0 C (-108° F) to 200 0 C (392° F) on the rate
suriace-environment reaction on hydrogen-removal
of evolution of hydrogen from precharged 11 mm
rates. The rate of hydrogen removal may by de-
diameter cylinders of a 21/2% Ni-Cr-Mo steel
minished by oxide films, which form in visible
during exposure to air. The time required to
amounts during heat treatment. Likewise, very
remove 50% of the hydrogen was about 40 times
slow outgassing occurs when the surface is covered
shorter at boiling-water temperature and about 50
with a nonporous plating of a metal with a low
times longer at -108 0 F than the time at room
hydrogen diffusivity, such as cadmium or chro-
temperature. Thus, the rate of hydrogen removal
mium. Then the removal rate is controlled by the
can be markedly accelerated by even moderate
rate at which hydrogen diffuses through the plat-
increases in temperature. However, because of
ing, illustrative of an extreme case of surface-con-
the much lower diffusivity and much higher solu-
trolled permeation.
bility of hydrogen in austenite, aging at tempera-
tures above the transformation temperature for Part B. Sources of Hydrogen in Steel
the alpha-gamma iron transformation is relatively
ineffective, and the removal rate will be highest at The most common, but not the most significant,
aging temperatures near but below the transfor- source of hydrogen in steel is the atomic hydrogen
mation temperature. liberated by the iron-water reaction, xFe + yH 2 0
Nevertheless, even at this most advantageous +=t FexO y + 2yH +, which can occur whenever steel
temperature, the times for removal of hydrogen surfaces come in contact with aqueous environ-
from heavy sections such as forgings may be ex- ments. Of greater significance to the steel fabri-
tremely long. Hewitt57 has calcuJated the soak- cator and user is the hydrogen charging that ac-
ing time at 650° C (about 1200° F) required to companies electrolytic and corrosion processes in
reduce the level of hydrogen to a presumably safe which hydrogen atoms are liberated on cathodic
level of 1.8 ppm at the center of forgings of various surfaces. In some instances, particularly at higher
sizes and initial hydrogen contents. These data temperatures, the dissociation of molecular hy-
are presented in Table 2. For example, for 5 in. drogen itself, in accordance with the reaction H2
diameter forgings with an original hydrogen con- -- 2H +, may also be a significant source of hydro-
tent of 2.7 ppm, a soaking time of 20 hrs at 650 0 C gen. Hydrogen atoms liberated in any of these
(1200° F) is required to reduce the hydrogen con- processes will dissolve and diffuse in the steel in ac-
tent to 1.8 ppm; for an original hydrogen content cordance with the behaviors described in the sec-
of 9 ppm, a soaking time of 64 hrs is required to tions on solubility and diffusion of hydrogen.
reduce the hydrogen content to 1.8 ppm. For
Steelmaking Practice
larger forgings, the required times increase expon-
entially with increasing diameter. In addition, as Some hydrogen is introduced into steel during
shown in eq (5), the rate of hydrogen removal the original steel melting and casting operations,
decreases as the hydrogen content decreases. with the principal sources of hydrogen being water
The rate of hydrogen removal may also be sig- vapor in the combustion gases and ill the atmo-

Basic and Research Aspects 7

sphere, or moisture in the charge materials. Fac- absorbed by the molten steel. Under unfavorable
tors which can influence the hydrogen content of conditions, the solubility of hydrogen in the molten
the steel when it is tapped from the melting fur- steel may be exceeded and porosity or cracking
nace include the charge materials, the furnace may result in the solidified weld metal.
atmosphere, the slag composition, the oxygen con- The usual sources of hydrogen in arc welding are
tent of the liquid metal, the intensity of the carbon moisture, cellulose minerals, and hydrocarbons
boil, and the moisture and hydrogen contents of which may be present in the welding materials.
the additions, With suitable control of the opera- Typical contaminants include moisture and hydro-
tion, in either the electric furnace or the open- carbons on the plates to be joined, moisture in the
hearth furnace, the hydrogen content at tap may shielding gas, in the flux or in the electrode coat-
be as low as 2 ppm, but under unusually unfavor- ings, and drawing compounds that are trapped in
able conditions it may be as high as 10 ppm. The the electrode. The hydrogen content of the elec-
hydrogen content of steels produced by the basic- trode wire itself may also be an important source,
oxygen process is generally relatively low, and a particularly since the electrode is cold-worked
level of 2 to 3 ppm is not uncommon. After deoxi- during processing, and thus is capable of occluding
dation of the bath, water vapor readily adds hydro- large amounts of hydrogen during pickling.
gen to liquid steel. Therefore, care must be taken
to minimize the exposure of the molten steel to Service
humid atmospheres or to other sources of mositure At atmospheric temperatures the atomic hydro-
such as moisture laden refractories in rummers, gen resulting from cathodic reaction which occurs
ladles, or molds. when steel is exposed to aqueous media, is by far,
Hydrogen is most effectively removed from liq- the most significant source of hydrogen in steel.
uid steel by vacuum-degassing processes, in which This reaction can occur in service when steel sur-
the liquid steel is cast at pressures below 1 mm of faces are exposed to aqueous environments or to
mercury. At this pressure the solubility of hydro- gaseous environments from which aqueous conden-
gen, even at the liquid-steel temperature, is very sate may form, or in processing operations such as
low. The hydrogen content of commercially pickling, cleaning, or electroplating.
degassed steels is generally less than 2 ppm, and in This cathodic reaction involves the reduction of
many steels is less than 1 ppm. However, these hydrogen ions to nascent hydrogen by electrons at
very low hydrogen contents, obtainable by vacuum cathodic surfaces. The hydrogen atoms are
degassing, are not required for steels for most pres- adsorbed on the steel surface, and are absorbed into
sure-vessel applications. Vacuum melting will the steel at active, high-energy sites. Most of the
also reduce the hydrogen content of steel to very nascent hydrogen, however, recombines to form
low levels, but because of its cost, it is usually used molecular hydrogen, which normally is evolved as
only when other advantages of vacuum melting, bubbles. Simplified equations describing these
as improved cleanliness, are required. behaviors are as follows:
Processing H +(Aq. soln.) + e- - H(adsor~ed)
cathodic reaction (6)
Processing operations, such as hot-working and
heat-treating processes, generally result in a H(adsorbed) - H(absorbed)
decrease in the hydrogen content of the product, as dissolution reaction (7)
a result of outgassing occurring during cooling from
hot working or during heat treatment at tempera- 2H(adsorbed) - H2 t
tures at which the steel is ferritic and the solu- recombination reaction (8)
bility of hydrogen is relatively low. This outgas- Fe - Fe++ + 2e- anodic reaction (9)
sing is, however, slow for heavy sections. Conse- The rate of adsorption by the cathodic reaction,
quently, practices such as controlled, very slow Eq (6), will increase with increasing hydrogen
cooling from hot-working operations, or prolonged ion concentration (decreasing pH) or with an
heat treatments at sub critical temperatures, are increased electron flow, whether caused by an
commonly used to assure a suitably low hydrogen increased rate of the anodic reaction, Eq (9) or by
content in such products. an impressed current. An increase in the rate of
adsorption will usually lead to increases in both the
Fabricating dissolution and recombination reactions [Eqs (7)
Fabrication by arc welding can, however, lead to and (8)], so that more hydrogen is absorbed by the
marked increases in the hydrogen content in the steel and also more molecular hydrogen is evolved.
weld area. The intense heat of the welding arc Thus, the hydrogen content of the steel tends to
can decompose any hydrogen-containing sub- increase with decreasing pH values and increasing
stances that are found in welding materials. The cathodic current. This increase, however, levels,
atomic hydrogen which is thus liberated is readily off at high cathodic-current levels at which the

8 Basic and Research Aspects

surface is assumed to be "completely" covered tively high-pH solutions, from which a significant
with adsorbed hydrogen. The recombination amount of hydrogen would not ordinarily be
reaction [Eq (8)] may then predominate, and the absorbed in the absence of the poison. The pres-
fraction of hydrogen absorbed by the steel may ence of such poisons in industrial or natural envi-
therefore decrease, and in some systems the total ronments has led to innumerable problems, such as
amount absorbed may also decrease. 97 the cracking, blistering, or corrosion fatigue that
The marked effect of pH on hydrogen absorp- occurs when oil-field equipment, storage vessels,
tion, as illustrated by the results of the experiments and pipe lines are exposed to "sour" oils contain-
of Darken and Smith,77 in which the hydrogen con- ing H 2S. Poisons are, however, sometimes inten-
tents of similar specimens immersed in solutions of tionally added to laboratory solutions as a con-
sulfuric acid of varying pH values were measured, venient means of accelerating hydrogen absorption.
is shown in Fig. 4. Hydrogen absorption in low- Inhibitor compounds are used predominantly to
pH solutions occurs rapidly when the corrosion minimize hydrogen absorption during commercial
rate in these solutions is high; on the other hand, acid pickling operations. Inhibitor effectiveness
hydrogen absorption occurs at a very slow rate in generally increases with the molecular weight and
neutral solutions (pH 7) containing oxygen, both with the dipole moment of the inhibitor. Inhibi-
because of the low hydrogen ion concentration, and tor concentrations of 5 to 100 ppm have been used
because the corrosion current is dependent upon in corrosive environments to reduce the deleter-
the diffusion of oxygen in such solutions. ious effects of H 2S in oil-water systems, but the
The rate of the cathodic reaction [eq (6)], and mechanism by which H 2S tends to catalyze hydro-
therefore the rate of hydrogen absorption, can also gen absorption is not fully understood, and no sin-
be increased by impressing a cathodic current from gle inhibitor has been found which is suited to all
an external d-c source or from a sacrificial anode. corrosive environments.
The use of such impressed currents furnishes a con- The marked effects of poisons and inhibitors
venient means of obtaining controlled variations emphasize the importance of surface behaviors as
in hydrogen absorption in laboratory studies. factors influencing hydrogen absorption. Our
Cathodic reactions also lead to hydrogen absorp- knowledge of the mechanisms involved in these
tion during electroplating in acid baths. Hydro- behaviors is very limited, and an extension of this
gen ions can be reduced at the steel (cathode) knowledge is badly needed. This should include
surfaces when the plating potential is greater than a better understanding of the nature of the steel
the hydrogen over-voltage, such as during the surface itself, as well as of the mechanisms involved
plating of Cd, Cr, Zn, Sn, and Ni. in the surface-adsorb ant effects.
The rate of cathodic absorption of hydrogen at The high saturation hydrogen contents or the
steel surfaces can also be markedly altered by the high steady-state permeation rates which can be
presence of surface adsorbants, which strongly attained by cathodic charging either with solutions
affect the rates of the dissolution and recombina- of low pH or with impressed cathodic currents in
tion reactions [eqs (7) and (8)]. The presence of high pH solutions indicate a hydrogen solubility
elements (or certain of their compounds), such as value which would be in equilibrium with a very-
S, P, As, Se, Sb, and Te, and the CN- ion, leads to high-pressure hydrogen environment. The aque-
a blocking action on the recombination reaction ous environment can thus be considered as exert-
[eq (8)], and they are therefore referred to as "poi- ing an effective pressure of hydrogen that is very
sons" or promoters. As a result of this blocking high. In one investigation,7° a current density of
action, the amount of hydrogen absorbed in the 0.015 amp/cm 2 was found to produce the same
metal by the dissolution reaction [eq (7)] is permeation as hydrogen gas at a pressure of 250
increased. Other adsorb ants, on the other hand, atm. From this observation, the following ap-
which are usually polar organic compounds, exert proximate expression was developed relating the
a blocking action on either the dissolution or the effective hydrogen pressure (atmospheres) to the
anodic reactions [eqs (7) and (9)] by forming impressed current density (amp/cm2) for iron in a
strong chemisorptive bonds on the steel surface at 2% NaOH solution:
active sites, and thus retard the absorption of
PH, = 17,000 (i) (10)
hydrogen. These compounds are therefore re-
ferred to as inhibitors.
In acid solutions, and particularly in those contain-
Small traces of poisons, especially S, P, and As, ing poisons, the proportionality factor in eq (10)
are found in many commercial solutions as impuri- would, however, be much higher than 17,000. 66
ties, and in some instances, extremely small con- Although the effective pressures of such solutions
centrations (as low as 0.1 ppm) of the poison have can obviously be very high, very little quantita-
been found to promote absorption of hydrogen. tive data of the type of which Equation 10 is based
When poisons are present, a damaging amount of are available. Such data are badly needed, not
hydrogen may be absorbed from neutral or rela- only as a basis for an improved understanding of

Basic and Research Aspects 9

the mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement, but 100
• Concen·
also to establish quantitative relationships which .~ 90 tration
would permit the application of laboratory studies g- 12 DAYS ....• DAYS Aging mil
of cathodically charged steels to investigations of
80 2 DAYS, .tt; DAYS Period 100g ppm
!? ~I DAY
H2 absent 0.1 0.1
the behaviors of steels for pressure vessels to be 21 days 1.4 1.3
used for the storage of high-pressure hydrogen. ~ 12 days 2.8 2.5
7 days 3.7 3.3
(j) 2 days 4.6 4.1
a: 1 day 4.4 4.0
Part C. Properties and Behaviors of Steel I-
50 5.3 4.8
1 hour
Containing Hydrogen w
a: 40 -
The predominant effect of hydrogen on the I-

30L-~ __~__L--l__~~
properties of steel is a decrease in ductility and true o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
stress at fracture. This effect is manifested in ten- TRUE STRAIN
sion tests with smooth specimens as a decrease in LOGIO (Ao / A) = 2.303

reduction of area and elongation, in tension tests Fig. 7-True·stress-true-strain curves for a hydrogen-impreg-
with notched specimens as a decrease in notch nated 3Cr- Mo steel after standing in air for varying periods
tensile strength, and in bend tests as a decrease in (Ref. 80)
bend ductility. This effect of hydrogen, com-
monly referred to as hydrogen embrittlement, is
also generally associated with an increased propen-
sity for a cleavage or quasi-cleavage mode of frac-
ture. when they are put into service, or III services
The magnitude of these effects increases with which add hydrogen.
increasing hydrogen contents in the steel. How- The effects of high-temperature high-pressure
ever, it is also dependent on both material char- hydrogen on the properties and behaviors of steel
acteristics and external factors, with the principal will be described in a forthcoming section of this
material characteristics being crystal structure and report, where the damaging effects of hydrogen
strength level, and the principal external factors under these conditions of exposure, resulting prin-
being strain rate and temperature. Hydrogen has cipally from the methane reaction which leads to
little or no effect on the properties or behavior of decarburization and intergranular cracking, are
austenitic steels except at very high hydrogen con- discussed in detail.
tents, but all ferritic steels are affected in varying
Effects of Hydrogen on Ductility
degrees. The magnitude of the effects in ferritic
steels increases markedly with increasing strength Steels containing hydrogen characteristically
level. The effects of hydrogen may be observed fracture after the onset of necking but at lower
within the broad range of temperatures from normal strain values, as illustrated in Fig. 7 given
-300 to 400 0 F, but are usually most pronounced by Hobson and Sykes80 for smooth tensile bars of
at temperatures near room temperature and at an 0.26C - 3Cr - 0.4 Mo steel tempered to a strength
very slow strain rates. At very low temperatures, level of 51.8 tsi (116 ksi) and containing hydrogen
or at very fast strain rates, the properties and contents varying from 0.1 to 4.8 ppm. In this
behaviors of steels containing hydrogen do not dif- work the hydrogen content was decreased by aging
fer significantly from those of hydrogen-free steels. as indicated in Fig. 7. This plot shows that the
Under either of these extreme conditions the true stress at fracture decreases as the hydrogen
mechanism of hydrogen damage is inhibited concentration in the steel increases, but fracture
because hydrogen movement is greatly limited. occurs only after the apparent maximum stress
Because of the strain-rate effect, impact proper- has been reached, and necking is in progress.
ties are usually unaffected by the presence of hy- Thus, the presence of hydrogen does not signifi-
drogen in steel. On other hand, the magnitude of cantly affect the flow behavior, but fracture occurs
the effects of hydrogen generally increases mark- at decreasing levels of strain and true stress as the
edly with decreasing strain rate. In service, fail- hydrogen content increases.
ures of steels containing hydrogen are characteristi- In addition to the effect of the hydrogen content
cally delayed failures, which occur at relatively itself, the measured tensile properties are affected
low stress levels after the steel has been in service by the temperature and strain rate of the test, by
for relatively long periods of time. the stress concentration of the specimen, and by
Such delayed failures are aggravated by the the strength level of the steel and the amount of
presence of stress concentrators, such as defects and prior cold work which it has received. The effect
notches, which cause hydrogen to segregate at of strength level is most significant. In higher
local regions in members that are subject to ten- strength steels comparatively small amounts of
sile of bending stresses. Delayed failures can hydrogen lead to large changes in properties, but
occur either in steels which contain hydrogen, in steels with lower strength the influence of hydro-

10 Basic and Research Aspects


DUCTILITY tiN a,lat)


20 STRAIN RATE, in. / in.lmin


~ 80~---,----.---_.----~--~

o DUCTILITY (IN aolat)
g 60


STRAIN RATE, in./in.lmin

Fig. 9-Ductility of an SAE 1020 steel as a function of strain rate
and temperature (Ref. 55). (a) As-annealed at 1250 F for 168
O~ __~____~____L __ _~_ _ _ _~ hours. (b) As-charged cathodically at 1 amp/cm, for 1 hr in a
I 2 4 6 8 10 4% sulfuric acid solution containing phosphorus and sulfide
poisons. Curve i, in Figure b, bounds the range of strain rates
HYDROGEN CONTENT, ml / 100 9 and temperatures where a decrement in ductility is observed.
Curve ii defines the temperature of minimum ductility for a
(0) 94 TONS/SQ IN. TO 51-112 TONS/ SQ IN. given strain rate
(b) 51-112 TONS/SQ IN. TO 41 TONS/SQ IN.

Fig. 8-Relationship between hydrogen content and reduction

of area for 3% Cr - Mo steel tempered to various strength levels.
(Figures against curves show ultimate tensile strength in tons/
sq in., Ref. 80) The general effects of temperature and strain
rate on the ductility of steels containing hydrogen
gen decreases_ This effect is illustrated in Fig. 8a can be deduced by comparing Fig. 9a and 9b given
by tests conducted on the previously mentioned by Toh and Baldwin55 and Baldwin and Brown. 82
0.26C - 3Cr - OAMo steeL 80 At the highest The ductility of an annealed SAE 1020 steel, in
strength level, the reduction-of-area values for terms of the true strain at fracture, is shown as a
this steel are markedly decreased by small hydro- function of temperature and strain rate, for the
gen concentrations, but the effect of hydrogen de- precharged steel (Fig. 9b) and for the uncharged
creases as the ultimate tensile strength is decreased steel (Fig. 9a). Because the charging was done in
by progressive tempering to lower strength levels, an H 2S0 4 solution with a relatively low pH, with
down to a strength level of 51.5 tsi (115 ksi). added poison, and with an impressed cathodic cur-
However, if tempering is prolonged to produce rent, the hydrogen contents of the charged speci-
spheroidized structures with still lower strength, mens were presumably relatively high, although
this steel becomes more sensitive to hydrogen dam- hydrogen analyses were not reported. The re-
age, as indicated in Figure 8b, suggesting a micro- sults for the charged specimens, plotted in Fig.
structural effect_ Thus, over the broad range of 9b, show that the magnitude of the decrease in
strength levels at which this steel might commonly ductility increases with decreasing strain rate, and
be used, the susceptibility to hydrogen damage de- that hydrogen influences ductility over the range of
creases with decreasing strength, although an opti- temperatures from about -250° to 130 0 F, which
mum strength level for this steel, at which the sus- is the highest testing temperature. The minimum
ceptibility to hydrogen damage is a minimum, is ductility occurs at a temperature of -30 0 F at the
indicated as a value of 115 ksi. These effects of slowest strain rate, and the temperature of mini-
hydrogen content, and the marked influence of mum ductility increases with increasing strain rate
strength level, are typical of the effects of hydrogen to a temperature of about 110 0 F at the highest
in steel, as observed by many investigators. These strain rate. This sensitivity to strain rate and
points are pertinent to the behavior of pressure- temperature suggests that hydrogen movement is
vessel steels, since these steels are typically rela- involved in the mechanism leading to the ductility
tively low in strength. They would therefore be changes.
expected to have only a moderately decreased duc- The decreased tensile ductility and true frac-
tility in the presence of hydrogen unless their hy- ture stress of steels containing hydrogen are par-
drogen contents are very high. ticularly significant with respect to behaviors at

Basic and Research Aspects 11

notches or regions of stress concentration, at which IIItension tests of smooth specimens, illustrated
the plastic strain, which precedes the fracture at a in Fig. 7. The plots of Figs. 10 and 7 also il-
reduced stress in the presence of hydrogen, will be lustrate that the effects of hydrogen are reversible,
localized. Thus, when notched specimens are since the tensile properties of both the smooth-bar
tested, the reduced ductility, resulti ng from the and the notched-bar specimens are shown to be
presence of hydrogen, is reflected in an actual essentially unimpaired after the hydrogen con-
decrease in notch strength. However, since the centration of the charged samples is decreased to
notch strength, as measured by notched tension- zero by aging treatments. The effects of strain
test specimens, is dependent upon the tensile rate and temperature on the notch tensile strength
ductility, the effects of factors , such as tempera- of charged specimens of a plain-carbon steel were
ture, strain rate, hydrogen content, or strength also investigated in this BWRA study, and the
level, on the notch strengths of steels con taining behaviors were likewise found to be generally
hydrogen will be qualitatively similar to their analogo us to the effects of these variables on the
effects on tensile ductility. Furthermore, as t he reduction of area of charged smooth tension speci-
notch acuity or the elastic stress concentration mens, which were illustrated in Fig. 9.
factor is increased, the red uction in notch strength
at a given level of the other factors will be greater Delayed-Failure Behavi or

because of the increased strain localization. When subject to a sustained load, a steel con-
The effect of hydrogen content on notch strength taining hydrogen may fail at a stress level which is
is illustrated in Fig. 10, based on tests recently much below its tensile strength as measured in a
conducted by the British Welding Research Asso- sh ort-time test. This behavior is variously termed
ciation (BWRA)'·l on thermally charged notched delayed failure, hydrogen-stress failure , and de-
tensile specimens of 0.30C - Ni - Cr - Mo marten- layed, low-stress brittle failure, and is the most
sitic steel, which had been aged for various times to common type of failure encontered in service appli-
provide a range of hydrogen concentratio ns up to cations of steels containing hydrogen or exposed to
about 3.7 ml/ 100 g (3.3 ppm) . A function ( uo- hydrogen environments. It represents essen-
uu ) / Uu of the notch tensile strength (where Uo tially a manifestation of the decreased fradure
and UH are room-temperature notch strengths for stress or strain at fracture in the presence of hy-
the hydrogen-free and the hydrogen-ch arged speci- drogen, as exemplified by the results of the notch
mens, respectively) is plotted against the hydrogen tension tests just described, with the fracture ini-
content. The value of this function, which in- tiating in regions of highly localized stress in which
creases with decreasing values of UH, increases hydrogen is concentrated as a result of the aug-
linearly with increasing hydrogen content. T he mented diffusion of hydrogen into triaxially
behavior is similar to and reflects the straight- stressed sites.
line decrease in tensile ductility which is observed T he term "brittle," which is SOlnetunes used in
connection with this effect of hydrogen, is indica-
tive of the increase in the cleavage or quasi-cleav-
age mode of failure that is generally observed on
the fracture surfaces of such failures. For exam-
ple, the fracture surfaces of notched-bar, charged
• • tensile samples generally have an outer of
'0 • smooth fracture , the dark region shown in Fig. 11.


S' I z 6

:oj O
0~_1----L_-'--_ JJO 000 PS I 32 4 000 PS I
175 , 000P51 200 . 000 P 51

Fig. lO-Plot of (UII - UH)/UH against total hydrogen content fa Fig. ll-Fracture surfaces of precharged, sharply notched ten·
steel samples tested at room temperature (Ref. 93) sile samples (Ref. 19)

12 Bll~ ic alld l?l:st arc/r A . . Iuds

/NOTCHED TENSILE lower critical stress (LCS), which represent the
UPPER CRITICAL STRESS highest and lowest applied-stress levels leading to
~----------~-- delayed failure. At stresses above the UCS,
failure occurs without a time delay, and at stresses
REGION below the LCS, hydrogen is not damaging. At
ex: e/- /'VCf.
intermediate stress levels, failure is inevitable and
occurs as a series of events involving crack initia-

~ ~
tion and crack propagation.
(/, Q


a. Incubation Period for Crack Initiation
I NCUBATION PER I 00 _ _ _ _ _ _--'----i
At the intermediate stress leveis an incubation
period, which in Fig. 12 is bounded by the crack-
REGION OF NO DAMAGE initiation curve, is presumably required to initiate
a crack because the average hydrogen concentra-
tion in the steel is lower than the hydrogen concen-
tration required for crack initiation at potential
LOG TIME - - - -
cracking sites. During the incubation period the
Fig. 12-Schematic drawing of characteristic failure behavior of distribution of hydrogen in the steel is changing.
notched tension specimens containing hydrogen
Hydrogen is diffusing ahead of the notch to local
highly stressed regions at which cracks initiate
after a critical hydrogen concentration has accu-
mulated. The kinetics of the crack-initiation pro-
Both transgranular and inter granular fractures cess are therefore dependent on the temperature
have been reported for failures occurring by the and the stress gradient as they relate to the diffu-
hydrogen-stress mechanism. Hydrogen-stress sion and concentration of hydrogen in the steel.
fractures are not readily distinguishable, with the The applied-stress level exerts only a minor influ-
unaided eye, from other low-stress failures, such ence on the incubation period, as is indicated in
as those from stress-corrosion cracking, since the Fig. 12. However, the effect of temperature on
fracture surfaces may appear quite similar. How- the incubation period is much greater, as shown in
ever, cracking caused by a hydrogen-stress mecha- an Arrhenius plot (Fig. 13) for similar notched,
nism generally does not exhibit the branching of precharged tension specimens that were tested at
the type that is often characteristic of stress-corro- an applied stress level of 150,000 psi at tempera-
sion cracking. In stress-corrosion cracking, sev- tures between room temperature and -50 F. 0

eral secondary cracks are usually produced in addi- The activation energy for crack initiation, as cal-
tion to the major crack, and small branching cracks culated from these data, is 7610 cal/mole, which is
are seen emanating from these larger cracks.
Fractographic techniques have, furthermore, been
reported 134, 139 for distinguishing stress-corrosion
from hydrogen-stress fractures.
Because of its importance, this delayed-failure 5,0',---,----,---.--TT--,---------,
behavior of precharged steels has been extensively
investigated in laboratory studies by many investi-
gators including Troiano and his associates. 22 In 2,0
the Troiano experiments, quenched and tempered
4340 steel specimens of various notch geometries
were cathodically charged, cadmium-plated, and
then baked at 300 F to give "homogeneously"

distributed, and reproducible, levels of hydrogen 0.5

throughout the test samples. These precharged
samples were used to determine the effect of
selected variables on the constant-load-to-rupture
behavior of the steel. The Troiano experiments
show that delayed failure in notched, precharged 0,1

steel samples occurs as a series of events: incuba-

tion, crack initiation, and crack propagation. 0.05

This behavior is represented by two stress-time

curves, one for crack initiation and one for frac- 3,0 5.4

ture, as depicted in the schematic drawing of Fig.

12. Both of these curves are bounded by two Fig. 13-Arrhenius plot of incubation time for an applied stress
stress levels, an upper critical stress (UCS) and a of 150,000 psi (Ref. 16)

Basic and Research Aspects 13

consistent with that for the diffusion of hydrogen, growth by this process continues before failure
as calculated from evolution experiments, and occurs will, however, be established by the stress
indicates that crack initiation in notched, pre- level and the fracture toughness of the steel, if
charged steel samples is controlled by the trapped failure occurs by unstable fracture; or by the
hydrogen in the steel sample. stress level, the tensile strength of the steel, and
Notches and defects in steel may influence the the geometry of the specimen, if the final failure
crack-initiation process by increasing the local is ductile tensile failure.
stress level and thereby providing potential crack- The delay time for failure generally appears to
initiation sites. They also provide a stress gra- be relatively insensitive to stress level. However,
dient with a relatively high triaxial component, the maximum time to failure at the upper critical
and this component induces hydrogen to diffuse stress differs from the minimum time to failure at
to and concentrate at and near these potential the lower critical stress by about one order of mag-
cracking sites. The triaxial component of stress nitude in low-alloy high-strength steels, and by as
gives rise to hydrogen diffusion because it increases much as two orders of magnitude in some alloy
the solubility of hydrogen 94 in the steel at these steels. This reflects differences in incubation and
triaxially stressed local sites, as descirbed above in propagation characteristics of these materials, and
the section on diffusivities. Thus, under sustained a significant sensitivity to stress level that has not
loading, hydrogen tends to concentrate at triaxi- as yet been fully characterized.
ally stressed regions, such as the region just beyond
the root of a notch in notched tension samples or Lower Critical Stress
the region just beyond the tip of a sharp defect. The lower critical stress (LeS) represents the
Hydrogen apparently 94 has no increased tendency lowest sustained, applied-stress level that may
for precipitation, adsorption, or chemical reaction result in delayed failure; and it is, therefore, of
in these local regions of increased solubility until great practical importance. The LeS is a thresh-
the stress field changes, as for example when a old stress above which failure is inevitable if the
microcrack (or crack) initiates. After such stress- load is sustained. Below this level, the steel is not
field changes do occur, however, the region may damaged by hydrogen. The principal factors
be supersaturated in hydrogen with a greatly in- affecting the LeS are hydrogen concentration,
creased tendency for precipitation, adsorption, stress concentration, strength level, and tempera-
and chemical reaction locally. ture. The applied-stress level required for delayed
failure of steel can vary widely from near zero to
Crack Propagation levels approaching the fracture stress of the un-
hydrogenated steel.
After the first crack initiates, a period of
slow crack growth usually follows. During this Factors Affecting Delayed Failure
slow-crack-growth period, which may be moni-
tored by stress-wave emission 141 or electrical-resis- The delayed-failure behavior of precharged
tance 17 ,18 measurements, crack propagation occurs steels may be affected by various material and
discontinuously as a series of crack initiations, external factors. The principal material, or inter-
which may begin very shortly after loading to nal, factors are the hydrogen concentration and
stress levels above the lower critical stress, and the strength level, but compositional and process-
which eventually lead to failure when the fracture ing factors may also affect the behavior. The
grows to a critical size either for brittle failure or principal external factors are the notch acuity and
for a ductile tensile failure of the uncracked mate- the temperature, both of which strongly influence
rial. Each new crack initiation occurs in the bulk the observed behavior.
of the steel at the highly stressed region located
Hydrogen Concentration
just ahead of the tip of an existing crack. This
slow crack-growth process is generally analogous An increase in the hydrogen concentration nor-
to the crack initiation process described above, and mally leads to a decrease in both the upper and
both the initiation and propagation of cracks are lower critical stresses and to shorter delay times
dependent upon hydrogen diffusion in precharged for failure. This effect is shown in Fig. 14 for
steel. Temperature and the hydrogen content of similarly notched, precharged, and baked samples
the steel may therefore affect the time interval of 4340 steel tempered to a strength level of 230
between crack initiations by influencing the dif- ksi. The hydrogen concentration is greater for
fusion process and the time required to accumu- shorter baking times, although the maximum
late a critical hydrogen concentration. Thus, an hydrogen concentration in the steel in these tests
increase in either the temperature or the hydrogen was very low, probably about 0.2 ppm. Thus,
content may decrease the time required for each with increasing hydrogen concentrations up to
new crack initiation, and thereby accelerate the (as little as) 0.2 ppm, the propensity for the
crack growth rate. The extent to which crack delayed-failure behavior increases and the load-

14 Basic and Research Aspects

carrying ability of a sharply notched, high-strength of samples which were not precharged with hydro-
steel containing hydrogen may be only a fraction gen. Thus, the delayed-failure behavior is greatly
of its yield strength. inhibited in the smooth-bar specimens at all
strength levels shown. However, in the notched
Strength Level specimens, low-stress delayed failures are observed
The effect of strength level is very marked, and the applied-stress level required for failure
although this effect, like the effect of hydrogen generally decreases as the strength level increases.
concentration, is also strongly influenced by the The delayed-failure behavior was shown above
presence of notches. In general, with increasing to be strongly influenced by the presence of a notch
strength levels, the failure curve shifts in the in a tension bar. Such notches are stress raisers
direction that would be anticipated for increasing that cause local plastic deformation, stress gradi-
hydrogen contents. In pre charged steels this ents, and consequent hydrogen segregation in the
shift is normally observed to occur only in notched steel sample. Delayed failure occurs in higher
samples, although unnotched samples may be strength materials at lower applied-stress levels
affected but generally to a much lesser degree. than the levels required to fail steels of lower
This behavior is illustrated in Fig. 15 for 4340 steel strength because larger gradients in stress arise at
tempered to various strength levels from 165 to the notch in the stronger materials and the yield
275 ksi, corresponding to tempering temperature strength of the steel limits the maximum value of
of 1000 and 400 0 F, respectively. The behavior stress that can be sustained by the steel before
of sharply notched samples (K = 10) given in Fig. plastic deformation relieves the stresses. In addi-
15a is significantly different from that of unnotched tion, the fracture toughness of steel, and the ten-
samples (K = 1) given in Fig. 15b. In the former, dency toward high-energy shear fracture, generally
the stress that is sustained by these steels is in all decrease as the strength is increased, and the
cases significantly lower than their respective higher strength steels are therefore inherently more
"unembrittled" notch tensile strengths. The LeS susceptible to low-stress failure.
is very low for the higher strength steels that were
tempered at lower tempering temperatures. In
contrast with this behavior, the applied stress that TEMPERING TENSILE STRENGTH, psi
is sustained by smooth tension specimens with the
same hydrogen concentrations that were used in o 400 275,000
t:.. 500 270,000
the notched samples (average of about 2.5 ppm*) o 700 235,000
"7 800
was the same as, or only slightly lower than, that • 1000 165,000

* I~ these tests hydrogen was codepos;ted during the electroplating of

cadmIUm on the test samples, and the indicated average concentration in-
300,000 =,=-=='-:-/700 and 800 F NOTCH STRENGTH
cludes the hydrogen present in the cadmium plating.
•'-::::~~::~======~-"7 • / 1000F
* I""

\" 800F....-
100,000 o "7500 F

O~~ __~____~~~~~~~~____~
0.01 1000




(J) ~~~~-------.,-----------.--
(/) 100,000

BAKE 0.5 HR O~----~----~~--~~----~----~

0.1 1000

50~____~~____~____~~____~~____~ TI ME TO RUPTURE, hours

0.01 1000

Fig. 14-Static fatigue curves for various hydrogen concentra· Fig. 15-Stress vs time-to-rupture for cadmium-plated 4340
tions corresponding to different baking times at 300 F. Sharply steel austenitized at 1525 F, oil-quenched, and tempered as
notched specimens of 4340 steel at 230,000 psi strength level indicated. Stress concentration; Fig. a, K = 10, Fig. b, K =
(Ref. 9) 1 (Ref. 86)

Basic al1d Research Aspects 15

Notch Acuity 350'.---------;-------r-----,----,---~

The effect of increasing notch acuity has been

shown by Johnson and others 9 to be generally
similar to the effect of increasing the hydrogen con-
centration in the steel. The failure time, the upper -~ 250
critical stress (UeS), and the lower critical stress o
(LeS) are all similarly affected by these two fac- " 200
tors. The range of stresses for delayed failure in W
high-stress 4340 steel samples that were precharged V} 150

and tested with various notch configurations is

shown as the shaded area in Fig. 16. The notch 100

tensile strength of the uncharged steel is also given

for the various notch configurations. In the mildly 5~:';;.O'1----;to.'1--7----:i ':::-o--;';;IOAO-~IOOO
notched samples, with an air value of 0.1, both the NOTCH SHARPNESS, ai,
ues and the LeS of the pre charged steel are only
Fig. 16-Lower critical stress, charged and uncharged notch
slightly lower than the notch strength of the strength for various notch sharpnesses (Ref. 9)
uncharged steel, however, as the notch acuity
increases, the stress required for delayed failure
decreases to values much lower than the notch
charged steel, a critical combination of stress state
strength. In sharply notched samples of this
and hydrogen concentration is required for the
steel, such as those with an air value of 100, the
crack-initiation process. If a large stress gradient
ues and LeS are much lower than the notch
is sustained by the steel, the critical hydrogen con-
strength, and delayed failure occurs at stress levels
tent for cracking may be attainable with a very low
well below the yield strength of the steel.
average hydrogen content, whereas much higher
hydrogen contents are required to fail the same
material in the absence of a large stress gradient.
The effect of temperature on the delayed-failure These observations are also pertinent to pressure-
behavior is interpreted as resulting from the com- vessel behaviors, as they indicate that, at the rela-
bined effects of temperature on the diffusivity and tively low strength levels of currently used pres-
availability of hydrogen and on the fracture tough- sure-vessel steels, the probability of the occurrence
ness of the steel. At temperatures above about of low-stress delayed failure should generally be
400 F, the mechanisms leading to delayed failure low.
are not operative. (However, a hydrogen-attack The role of stress has been said to be subordi-
mechanism may be operative.) With decreasing nate 16 to the role of hydrogen in this cracking pro-
temperatures below this temperature the diffu- cess because the experimental observations indi-
sivity of hydrogen decreases, leading to longer incu- cate strongly that a crack initiates only when a
bation times for crack initiation, until a low tem- critical concentration of hydrogen accumulates at
perature is reached at which the hydrogen is essen- the crack initiation site, with the stress providing
tially immobile and crack initiation does not occur. a driving force for the diffusion of hydrogen to
However, as the temperature of the steel decreases, this site, and thereby lowering either the time or
its fracture toughness also decreases and the steel the average hydrogen content required for crack
is more susceptible to delayed failure, so that, initiation. This viewpoint is supported by the
although longer times may be required for the first observation that cracking may occur in highly
crack initiation, crack propagation occurs more charged steel without the application of external
readily and cracks may initiate at lower levels of loads, even in instances in which the level of
applied stress, so that the slow-crack-growth pe- residual stress is known to be low. Nevertheless,
riod, the DeS, and the LeS are decreased. This except in such highly charged steels, an applied
behavior was observed in the Troiano experiments stress (or a relatively high residual stress) is gen-
9,16,19,25,142 in tests conducted on 4340 steel at tem-
erally a prerequisite for the occurrence of cracking
peratures from 180 to -50 0 F. However, these in steels containing hydrogen.
investigators also observed that the susceptibility
to delayed failure decreases at a still lower tem- Effects of Hydrogen in Weldments
perature, probably because of a dislocation-hydro- The effects of hydrogen in weldments are gen-
gen interaction which decreases the availability of erally similar to and consistent with the previously
hydrogen. described effects of hydrogen in precharged steel.
Hydrogen in weldments can lead to cold cracking,
Critical Hydrogen Concentration
a delayed-failure phenomenon which occurs under
The combined effects of hydrogen concentration static loading conditions. However, in we'dments
and stress concentration indicate that, in pre- the stresses leading to the cracking are the residual

16 Basic and Research Aspects

HY -80 steel samples of similar notch acuity, chem-
ical composition, and cooling rate. The stress
level is semiquantitatively related to inches of re-
straint in the Lehigh restraint test, and the hydro-
gen concentration is expressed as the percentage of
r,,, hydrogen in the shielding gas of the welding arc.
The critical restraint is the lowest residual stress
~ 8
\ that will result in cracking in the Lehigh restraint
--' ;;
test under fixed welding conditions. The critical

::> f-

~ ~ 7
restraint is shown to decrease markedly as the
z .E
hydrogen in the welding arc increases from zero to
!oJ '"
6%. This corresponds to room-temperature dif-
fusible-hydrogen concentrations in the cold weld
_ _ 0 _____ _ deposit ranging from near zero to about 0.2 ppm
(0.22 cc hydrogen per 100 g of weld deposit).
Thus, even relatively low levels of hydrogen may
cause delayed cracking in susceptible steels such as
those with high HAZ hardness. The residual
stresses in weldments are accentuated by internal
microdefects in the steel and by external notches,
Fig. 17-Effect of hydrogen concentration in the welding atmo.
sphere on the cracking sensitivity of HY·80 steel (low chemistry)
such as discontinuities in the contour of welded
welded with an alloy electrode (Ref. 85) joints. Thus, local residual stresses, being at the
level of the yield strength in local sites, can be very
high in high-strength steels. However, much
higher hydrogen concentrations, as high as 10 ppm
or even higher, may be tolerable in some lower
stresses of welding. The fracture surfaces of weld- strength weldments, since ferrous materials vary
metal tension samples and of cold cracks will, in widely in their susceptibilities to cold cracking.
general, tend to exhibit a cleavage or quasi-cleav- The cold-cracking susceptibility of steel is
age mode of fracture, and they sometimes contain strongly affected by composition, since composi-
small bright areas, commonly referred to as "fish- tion affects both strength level and transformation
eyes," which are regions of cleavage fracture sur- temperature. Because weldments generally cool
rounding inclusions. Their presence indicates very rapidly, the hardness levels of both the weld
that excessive hydrogen was contained in the steel metal and the heat-affected zone will approach the
weld metal. As might be expected, impact speci- maximum attainable hardness level for a given
mens do not normally contain fisheyes because the composition. The microstructures of such rapidly
hydrogen-stress mechanism is not operable at the cooled areas are often those of self-tempered or
fast strain rates that are associated with impact untempered martensite and bainite, and these
testing. microstructures are most susceptible to hydrogen-
Cracking caused by hydrogen in weldments induced, delayed, brittle failure. However, the
usually occurs at or near room temperature and influence of composition on transformation tem-
generally after a delay of 24 hrs of less. 85 This perature is also important, since hydrogen out-
cracking phenomenon is therefore called delayed gassing from the weldment will decrease as the
cracking or hydrogen-induced cold cracking. temperature of transformation decreases.
This behavior is consistent with the overall The susceptibility to cold cracking can be empiri-
experience with delayed cracking in steels contain- cally related to the composition of steel. This
ing hydrogen. Hydrogen may lead to cold crack- relationship is often expressed in terms of a "carbon
ing in either the weld metal or the heat-affected equivalent" of the various alloying elements
zone (HAZ). It can occur in various orientations because carbon is particularly effective in promot-
and locations, such as longitudinal and trans-verse ing cold cracking in weldments. However, there
cracking, and root and underbead cracking. Its is no general agreement on the most appropriate
occurrence in weldments is governed by hydrogen factors for each of the alloying elements. One of
concentration, stress level, strength, composition, the commonly used carbon-equivalent formulas
cooling rate, transformation temperature, and is given below: 85
bead size.
The susceptibility to cold cracking increases, Carbon 01 C + % Mn + % Cr +
with a decrease in the threshold stress for cracking, equivalent /0 4 10
as the hydrogen concentration of the weld deposit
increases. This effect is shown in Fig. 17 taken % Ni % Cu %Mo %V
20 +-.w-
from work by Interrante and Stout85 for welded 50 10

Basic and Research Aspects 17

This equation was derived on the basis of cold- rates.
cracking tests on normalized low-alloy steels and The flaking behavior is analogous to the delayed
may not be generally applicable to steels outside cracking caused by hydrogen in steel weldments.
the range of compositions and processing variables Delayed flaking has been reported, and a limiting
on which it is based. The factor for manganese temperature above which flaking does not occur is
has the subject of much controversy, and a factor also observed. Those factors which promote cold
of % Mn/6 has been frequently used for plain-car- cracking, such as high hydrogen concentration,
bon steels. Carbon-equivalent formulas are used low transformation temperature, high residual
in establishing the precautions that are required to stress, and temperatures near room temperature,
avoid cold cracking in welding selected grades of should similarly promote the formation of flaking
steel, and in developing new grades of steel when in steel.
optimum weldability is required.
Cold cracking can normally be eliminated by Part D. Behavior of Steels Exposed to
preheating and, under certain conditions, by post- Hydrogen Environments
heating practices. These are beneficial because
they retard the cooling rate, and thereby decrease In service, steels are frequently placed under
residual stresses and provide a less susceptible load for extended periods in various hydrogen-
microstructure, but a significant benefit results charging environments, including industrial con-
from holding the weldment at elevated tempera- tainers for low-pH solutions, corrosive aqueous
tures at which the susceptibility to delayed crack- media, with and without cathodic protection,
ing is low and the outgassing of hydrogen is very boilers containing warm caustics in the high-pH
rapid. These treatments are especially important range, and gaseous media containing hydrogen at
in weldments of heavy-gage materials, in which high pressures. Such environments sometimes lead
residual stresses are high, because the rate at to deleterious hydrogen levels in steel, and in such
which hydrogen escapes from weldments decreases instances behaviors generally analogous to those
roughly as the square of the section thickness. described in the previous section for precharged
The probability for exceeding the incubation time steels will occur. However, other effects, such as
for delayed cracking therefore increases markedly blistering and decarburizing, may also occur.
with an increase in the size of the weld deposit. Environments containing hydrogen sulfide or acid
are outstanding examples, and subject the steel to
an effective hydrogen pressure which is very high.

The presence of hydrogen in steel in heavy sec-

tions may lead to internal defects that are variously
known as (snow) flakes, hairline cracks, white
spots, and shatter cracks. These defects, which
occur when steel cools below the temperature of
about 400 0 F (at which the mechanism of hydrogen
damage becomes operable), may result in the mill
rejection of an appreciable tonnage of steel; and
f- 300
makers must control hydrogen in steelmaking to '"
assure products free of these defects. :J: - AI R-COOLED
The susceptibility of steel to "flaking" has been f-
.... --- SLAG-COOLED
related to the hydrogen content of steel in a general '"
way by many investigators. Hodge and others2
reported that for a given steel composition a '"
.... 200
"threshold" level of hydrogen exists above which U.

the susceptibility to flaking greatly increases, and 0
below which very little flaking occurs. This '"
.... I

behavior is shown in Fig. 18, which gives the num- '"

::::l I

100 I
ber of flakes found by macroetching and visually Ni-Mo-V I

rating the surfaces of 12 in. squares (transverse STEEL I


sections taken from 12 by 12 by 24 in. test speci- I

./ P
I 6 - 1 0 8 0 STEEL
mens) from each of two steels that were cast at I

various reduced pressures to produce a range of / /' ,r'

0 ~/ I 15.
hydrogen contents. Typical threshold hydrogen 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
concentrations for carbon and low-alloy steel are HYDROGEN CONTENT, ppm
in the range 1.5 to 3.5 ppm. Above the threshold
Fig. 18-Effect of hydrogen content on flaking of Ni - Mo - V
value the number of flakes increases with increasing and 1080 steels cooled at various rates from the finish rolling
hydrogen concentrations and with faster cooling temperature (Ref. 2)

18 Basic and Research Aspects

In these instances, not only will the hydrogen con- ronments at these effective pressures, the pressure of
tent of the steel tend to be high, but a high con- hydrogen inside the defect or micro defect in the
centration will be established at the surface, and steel increases to a high value at which it leads to
surface factors therefore become very important. an expansion of the defect. This process, referred
In the following section, the effects of exposure to as fissuring or microfissuring, may occur, of
to aqueous environments will be described. The course, even in steel that is not externally loaded.
behavior in the presence of hydrogen sulfide, which Such fissures, whether contained within the steel or
represents a severe environment that is frequently exposed to the surface of the steel, can act as sharp
encountered in service, will be discussed in detail. local notches which may accentuate the effects of
Behaviors in the presence of gaseous hydrogen at hydrogen in steel and lead to brittle failure at less
high pressures, encountered in storage of high- than the yield-strength stress level. The con-
pressure hydrogen, will also be described and dis- tinued expansion of such defects by hydrogen may
cussed. form gross cavities, which are commonly referred
to as blisters.
Delayed Failure in Aqueous Media
Effective Hydrogen Pressure
Failures in steels exposed to aqueous environ- The extent to which the properties of steel are
ments are most commonly of the delayed-failure affected by aqueous environments are thus seen to
type, and the behaviors are in most respects analo- be primarily dependent upon the effective hydrogen
gous to the previously described delayed failures pressure of the environment. It is known that the
of precharged steels. Incubation is required for effective hydrogen pressure increases as the sever-
crack initiation, and slow crack growth is usually ity of a given charging environment increases, but
involved in the crack propagation that precedes the actual effective-pressure values have not been
failure. The behavior is also similarly affected by quantitatively established. In one study con-
the same internal or material factors, particularly ducted at Battelle Memorial Institute and re-
by the strength level. ported 129 by Slaughter and others, the delayed-fail-
The principal external factors affecting the be- ure characteristics were determined for unnotched
havior are the stress level and the effective hy- tension samples of an SAE 4340 steel with an ulti-
drogen pressure of the environment, which governs mate tensile strength of 230,000 psi. Sustained-
the hydrogen content of the exposed steel. Those load tests were conducted in unpoisoned aqueous
factors which increase the effective hydrogen pres- solutions containing 1/2 % sodium hydroxide at two
sure-such as low pH, high cathodic current den- current densities, 125 mA/in. 2 and 500 mA/in. 2 ,
sities, and particularly the presence of poisons in respectively referred to as Battelle Charging Con-
the solution-affect the behavior by decreasing the ditions C and D. The results of this study are
time to failure at the intermediate stress level be- illustrated in Fig. 19. At higher current densities,
tween the upper and lower critical stresses because
these factors increase the rate of hydrogen absorp-
tion. These same factors may also decrease both
the threshold stress for cracking and the ductility
of steel because they increase the hydrogen con- \
centration in the steel at saturation. Thus, in
0,,- °
general, the behavior of steel exposed to charging 0
° 0",- ,, DO

environments is consistent with the behavior of 0

steels containing hydrogen. yj
i~ -500 ma/i;;:-2(Dl
° 0 '0..., 0-

However, laboratory studies have shown that,

125 malin. (Cl
° 0", "
0 ........
f- . -... 0,
(f) 80
in certain aqueous hydrogen-charging environ-
ments, both smooth and notched tension samples ::i
• FOR COMPARISON o 0-- - - - __
a. 40
may fail at stress levels that are significantly lower " ----------------
than the tensile strength, whereas in smooth speci-
mens of precharged steels delayed failure does not
normally occur at low applied-stress levels. This
delayed failure of smooth tension specimens ex- TIME TO RUPTURE. days

posed to hydrogen-charging environments may re- Fig. 19-Delayed-fai/ure behavior during cathodic charging of an
sult at low stress levels whenever the environment is SAE 4340 steel with an ultimate strength of 230,000 psi (Ref. 129).
so severe that it leads to surface and internal fissur- Battelle Charging Condition C: Electrolyte: 1/2% sodium hy-
droxide in water; current density: 125 mA/in.2; poisons: none.
ing of the steel. The effective pressure of certain Battelle Charging Condition D: Electrolyte: 1/2% sodium hy-
aqueous environments can be very high, sometimes droxide in water; current density: 500 mA/in.2; poisons: none.
reaching 10 4 to 106 atm., and these pressures may Battelle Charging Condition A: Electrolyte: 4% (by weight)
aqueous solution of sulfuric acid; current density: SmA/in.2;
be beyond the bursting strength of the steel. I t is poisons 5 drops per liter of poison containing 2 grams of phos-
believed that when steel is exposed to such envi- phorus in 40 ml of CS 2

Basic and Research Aspects 19

failure occurred in shorter times and at lower stress 190,000 psi tested under static loads in a poisoned
levels, presumably because the effective hydrogen acid electrolyte at a range of current densities.
pressure is greater at the higher current density. These severe testing conditions give effective hy-
In general, the effective pressure of acid solu- drogen pressures which are qualitatively expressed
tions, particularly those containing poisons, should in this figure as an equivalent permeation rate
be much higher than thatofa dilutesodiumhydrox- through an 0.010 in. thick specimen. These data
ide solution. This assumption was substantiated indicate that the time to failure is related (for a
by the results of tests conducted in a poisoned, 4 % given steel) in a systematic way to the effective
sulfuric acid solution at only 8 mAjin. 2 , Battelle hydrogen pressure and the applied-stress level.
Charging Condition A, which are shown in Fig. 19
for comparison with the results of the tests in the Strength Level
sodium hydroxide electrolyte. Failures occurred In contrast with the results of unnotched tensile
after shorter delay times and at lower applied- tests of precharged steels, low-stress delayed fail-
stress levels. In addition, data from permeability ures occur when smooth bars are tested in severe
experiments129 indicated that the hydrogen con- charging environments. Compare the precharged
tent of specimens charged under Condition A was specimens in Fig. 15b with those of Fig. 21. These
greater than that under Condition D. It was results indicate that strength level is also a pre-
, found 13G that the permeation rates through an dominant factor influencing behavior in charging
0.010 in. thick cathodic steel foil ranged from environments. Both time to failure and the lower
0.3 X 10- 3 to 5.0 X 10- 3 in. 3/in. 2 /min in the poi- critical stress decrease with increasing strength
soned sulfuric acid electrolyte at current densities level. In this respect, the behavior of unnotched
ranging from 10 to 300 mA/in. 2 , and from 0.002 X specimens under severe hydrogenizing conditions
10- 3 to 0.05 X 10- 3 in. 3/in. 2 /min in the unpoi- approaches that of the sharply notched precharged
soned sodium hydroxide electrolyte at current den- specimens of Fig. 15a. Furthermore, these un-
sities ranging from 40 to 600 rnA/in 2 • The permea- notched tension samples failed at applied-stress
tion rate for either electrolyte increased as the cur- levels significantly lower than the threshold stress
rent density increased, but the permeation rate that one might predict from results of tests of
produced by the poisoned acid solution was much precharged steels with sharp notches. I t is be-
greater at all current densities than in the sodium lieved that failure occurs at such low stress levels
hydroxide solution. Thus, those conditions which with the Battelle Charging Condition A because
increase the effective hydrogen pressure of the this poisoned acid charging medium is ver'!
environment, as measured by the rate of permea- severe, and the effective hydrogen pressure 18
tion through steel foils, tend to decrease both the so high that internal and surface fissuring of the
time to failure and the threshold stress for failure, steel occurs.
and in this regard the sulfide poison is most effec-
tive. Surface and Internal Microfissuring
The time to failure will also be affected by the In the Battelle study previously cited,129 it was
applied-stress level, as shown in Fig. 20 for an SAE demonstrated that surface microfissuring is not a
4340 steel with an ultimate tensile strength of


" 150,OOO-PSI
x 125.000- PSI
•\230.000 ps; USING BATTELLE
o 75,000 - PSI APPLIED STRESS .~ 150
W (f)
a: UJ

:::> a: 100
il: 10 f-
(f) \\:2,000 pSI 0
a: o

o ::i

LU Cl.
i= 50
,,-------- --
-,150,000 0

CONDITIONS, 10-3 ;n,3/in,2/m;n

Fig.20-Rupture time for SAE 4340 steel at the 190,000 psi Fig. 21-Delayed·failure behavior during cathodic charging of
strength level as' a function of cathodic charging condition unnotched tension samples of SAE 4340 steel heat-treated to
(Ref. 130) • • • •...
, t various strength levels (Ref. 36)

20 Basic and Research Aspects

----------- ---------- 200

..- - - - - - 8"------.1

~ 80

\ x



" "

6 6 X 6-~X-


~ g~E~9MkNN ~~<rN~~I~~~ESS

~RO~' ~

-S~ ~
~ ;8
~ ~g~CI~6
0.01 0.1 0.5124

Fig. 22-Schematic arrangement of the electrolytic cell and Fig. 23-Stress-rupture characteristics of notched specimens of
specimen used in the bend tests of Figure 23 (Ref. 129). Charg- SAE 4340 steel heat-treated to an ultimate tensile strength of
ing Condition: Electrolyte: 4% sulfuric acid; current density: 230,000 psi and loaded in bending while being charged cathod-
33 mA/in.2; poison: presumably the same as that used for ically with hydrogen in a poisoned sulfuric acid electrolyte (Ref.
Battelle Charging Condition A given in Figure 19 129)

necessary condition for low -stress failure of steel cussed86 for electroplated unnotched samples of
in severe environments. In this study the envi- steel containing 2.5 ppm hydrogen (Fig. 15b), one
ronment was permitted to contact only the com- may conclude that the hydrogen concentrations in
pressively loaded side of a notched bending speci- the Battelle samples are much higher at the loca-
men, as shown in Fig. 22, while the tension side was tion where failures are presumed to have initiated,
exposed to air. This technique inhibits the forma- because failures occur at much lower stress levels.
tion of surface micro-fissures, because the surface However, the charging conditions found in most
exposed to the charging medium is loaded in com- service environments are normally not as severe as
pression. Permeation of hydrogen is not signifi- those of Charging Condition A. It follows that
cantly affected, and it is believed that the effective the hydrogen content of steel in most service envi-
hydrogen pressures that develop inside the speci- ronments is also generally much lower.
men are very high at steady state. The test speci-
mens were an SAE 4340 steel heat-treated to an
Hydrogen Sulfide Environments
ultimate tensile strength of 230,000 psi. Failures
at stress levels considerably lower than the tensile Exposure to hydrogen sulfide environments,
strength of the steel were observed, as indicated in commonly encountered in oil-field and refinery
Fig. 23, and none of these failures originated at the service, has frequently led to low-stress failures.
compressively loaded cathodically charged surface. Extensive laboratory studies have shown that these
It can be argued that in this instance, the action of failures are delayed failures which will occur on
the electrolyte at the specimen surface does not exposure to most aqueous solutions containing
influence the behavior by producing surface micro- hydrogen sulfide, because the effective hydrogen
fissures which may then propagate at low applied- pressure is markedly increased when hydrogen
stress levels, leading eventually to failure of the sulfide is present in most aqueous solutions. This
sample. However, if it is assumed that under includes aqueous solutions at any pH level from
these conditions the effective hydrogen pressure at zero to 9, as indicated by the data given in Fig. 24,
this cathodic surface is very high (it seems reason- after Hudgins and others. 40 In this illustration
able to assume that the effective pressure of this the severity of solutions with and without sulfides
solution is very high, perhaps in the range 10 4 to and at various pH levels is compared in tests with
105 atm.), then it follows that at steady state very notches "C" ring specimens of steel at a hardness
high internal pressures develop in the tensile region level of 33 Rockwell C. The samples were tested
beyond the neutral axis of this specimen, even under a sustained load at 115 % of the yield defor-
though the pressure approaches zero at the surface mation. The sulfide solutions are much more
of maximum tensile stress where the sample is severe, as the failure times in the sulfide solutions
exposed to the atmosphere. These authors right- are much shorter at aU pH levels. This is in agree-
fully concluded that low-stress failure in this in- ment with the findings of others, including those of
stance resulted from the combined effects of a low the Battelle investigators discussed earlier, who
uniaxial tensile stress (neglecting any effect from found the poisoned Charging Condition A to be
the notch) and a high hydrogen content generated severe compared with sulfide-free environments.
by the severe charging conditions. By comparing Accordingly, the acceptable strength level for
this charging condition with those previously dis- steels for service in sulfide environments will gener-

Basic and Research Aspects 21


9 35

a: 30
...enz 25
;. 5 c
4 J:

1700-1900_ TOTAL SULFIDE IN 5'" HaC 15 STRESS LEVEL-130% YO


~ ~~r:T~O~d: I~ '; ~:~~CI

I 100 1000
TIME TO FAILURE, hours Fig. 25-Approximate correlation of failure time with hardness of
steels in 5% NaCI containing various concentrations of H.S
Fig. 24-Failure times as a function of pH, with and without H.S (Ref. 40)
(Ref. 40)

ally be much lower than that for steels for appli- where 0' is the applied tensile stress in kgjmm2
cation in sulfide-free environments. (1 kgjmm2 = 1.422 ksi) and HV10 is the Vickers
hardness number as measured with a 10-kg load.
Material Factors Affecting Behavior If this product of stress and hardness number is
less than 21,000 kgjmm2 (29,900 ksi) , infinite life is
Both laboratory tests and service performance predicted. These authors report that this equation
have indicated that, as with precharged steels, the was found to apply to all steels tested (carbon and
principal material factor affecting the behavior of stainless chromium steels), regardless of whether
steel exposed to environments containing hydrogen the hardness level was affected by quenching,
sulfide is the strength level. However, at the high tempering, isothermal transformation, or cold roll-
hydrogen contents resulting from the high effective ing. However, it should be noted that the behav-
pressure of these environments, even relatively low- ior of steel in H 2S environments has been shown by
strength steels may be significantly affected. For others to be sensitive to composition, micro-
steels for petrochemical service, strength level is structure, and processing history, and that very
commonly expressed in terms of hardness, which is small amounts of cold working may be deleterious.
more convenient to measure. Approximate rela- At a given strength level, tempered structures are
tionships between hardness and failure in hydrogen generally better than untempered structures, and
sulfide environments have been given by Hudgins structures of tempered maitensites and bainites
and others. 40 Harder steels fail in shorter time, as generally appear to exhibit better performance
indicated in Fig. 25 for samples at various hardness than ferritic or pearlitic structures. However, the
levels, tested in 5% NaCI solutions containing var- effects of heat treatment and microstructure are
ious concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. The hard- not entirely clear because the data are sparse and
ness level also governs the maximum stress level often confused by other variables, particularly by
that can be sustained by the steel in a sulfide envi- strength level.
ronment. This is illustrated in Fig. 26 for carbon It has been generally recognized that steels with
steels tested in a 5 % N aCI solution containing a hardness level of 22 to 25 Rockwell C or above
3000 ppm H 2S. Steels at lower hardness levels may be susceptible to hydrogen-stress failure in
sustain a yield-point stress level without failing, sulfide environments. Therefore, it is essential
whereas steels at higher hardness levels sustain that, for welded structures used in sulfide service,
only subyield stress levels. the hardness in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) be
These data indicate that the stress level that considered, in addition to that of the unwelded
may be sustained by steel in a given environment steel. Because of the rapid cooling rate in the
is related in a systematic manner to the hardness of heat-affected zone of weldments, the maximum
the steel. This interdependence of stress level and hardness in the as-welded heat-affected zone will
hardness has been expressed quantitatively by generally be much higher than the hardness of the
Naumann and Carius 126 , 143 for steels tested in an unaffected steel. Therefore, when the heat-affected
aqueous solution saturated (at 1 atm.) with pure zone hardness of the steels used in welded struc-
hydrogen sulfide. These authors give the ex- tures intended for hydrogen sulfide service is
pression unacceptably high, a stress-relief heat treatment
0'·HV10 constant ~ 21,000 kgjmm2 (12) must be used to reduce the hardness to acceptable

22 Basic and Research Aspects

lengthens the failure time. Anodic currents can
therefore be helpful in reducing of eliminating
35 cracking in sulfide environments when these envi-
ronments promote hydrogen-stress cracking (HSC).
c.> 3 However, the mechanism leading to failure in sul-
fide environments is not always an HSC mecha-
ILl nism. In some instances it may be a stress-cor-
is 25
rosion cracking (SCC) mechanism or a combina-
J: tion of SCC and HSC acting simultaneously. The
20 SCC mechanism operates by anodic dissolution
3000 ppm H2S IN along an active path, 41 whereas the HSC mechanism
15 operates by cathodic absorption of hydrogen.
DAY WEEK MONTH The SCC process is therefore accelerated by
impressed anodic currents, and anodic currents
may therefore be used to minimize cracking only
under selected conditions in which the mechanism
Fig. 26-Approximate correlation of failure time with hardness is known and the current densities are closely
and applied stress for carbon steel (Ref. 40)
controlled. However, the increased possibility
for SCC and the increase in the general corrosion
rate under anodic currents may often prohibit
the use of anodic currents.
levels at these local regions. When the design of
the vessels does not permit a stess-relief heat treat- Gaseous Hyd rogen
ment, su~h as in very large storage tanks, only Pressure-vessel steels have been used as con-
steels whICh develop an acceptable Jevel of heat- tainer materials for the room-temperature storage
affected zone hardness in the as-welded condition of hydrogen at elevated pressures for many
should be used for such service. years without failure of detectable evidence of
damage. 144 Other typical examples of the suit-
External Factors Affecting Behavior ability of steels for high-pressure hydrogen service
are found in processes for ammonia synthesis and
CONCENTRATION. The effect of concentration the hydrogenation of fats. However, the effects
of H 2S is illustrated in Fig. 25 as approximate cor- of exposure to gaseous hydrogen on the behavior
relations with failure time for steels of various of steel are not fully understood so research is
levels of hardness that are stressed well into the active in this field.
plastic range. Failures occur in shorter times in
the more concentrated solutions. Sulfide concen- Charging Rate in High-Pressure Hydrogen
trations of only 1 ppm H 2S, corresponding to a
partial pressure of 0.0005 psi H 2S in the gas phase, Pressures of 100 to 1000 atm., at which hydrogen
may be sufficient to cause cracking in harder steels, is commonly stored, are much lower than the
but the failure time is greatly extended in solutions effective hydrogen pressures of severe aqueous
with such low sulfide concentration. At the other environments of 1000 to 1,000,000 atm. This
end of the concentration spectrum, it is seen that should be reflected in the rate and quantity of
steels of lower hardness fail in solutions contain- charging from high-pressure hydrogen. However,
ing 60,000 ppm H 2S, and the failure times in this only limited data are available and these are not
concentrated solution are much shorter at any readily interpreted. In one study 28 only cold-
hardness leveL worked materials were examined, and time of expo-
pH LEVEL. Hydrogen sulfide may also extend sure was not systematically varied. Other inves-
the range of pH values at which cracking may tigators 27 , 89 relied on bend ductility of steels to
occur, as shown in Fig. 24. In this work, cracking indicate the degree of charging.
of notched "C" ring samples loaded at 130% of the The data of Figs. 27 and 28 for bend-test samples
yield deformation occurred only at low pH levels tested in air show the degree of impairment as a
in a sulfide-free chloride system, whereas cracking function of time of exposure to hydrogen at pres-
occurred at pH levels well into the alkaline range sures in the range 7000 to 60,000 psi. Time for
in the high-sulfide solutions. saturation for 1/16 in. thick specimens exceeded 10
IMPRESSED CURRENTS. The use of impressed days. Even at 60,000 psi gaseous hydrogen pres-
currents can affect the behavior of steel in sulfide sure, charging is slow compared to charging in
environments. In general, when failures are acid, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 for 1/2 in. rounds.
caused by a hydrogen-stress mechanism, the appli-
Tensile Behavior
cation of a cathodic current shortens the failure
time and the application of an anodic current Tension tests in hydrogen at up to 10,000 psi

Basic and Research Aspects 23


jg 2d~ • • \ (jJ e.-,,__O~,,---'®'_----® I/)


- ~20~
", "" , III
l5 ~. 0 ___ ----_@_

ffi ~ A. -
- g)
'-... ----0
:::> z
~ lO- -
~ leI- - t: KEY:
t: SS 430
..J SS 420
;:: III 7,000 PSI ~:::> ® 7,500 PSI 046,000 PSI

5- o 15,000 PSI d'52,ooo PSI -
• ~ 15,000 PSI
5 5'- " • 36,000 PS I -
o 36,000
.60,000 PSI

" , '-c! g.. ;~:ggg ~~:

• 60,000 PSI o
9 16
36 49
4 9 16 25 36 49 64

EXPOSURE TIME IN DAYS - SQUARE ROOT SCALE Fig. 28-Ductility of AISI Type 420 martensitic stianless steel
tested in air after exposure to hydrogen gas at room tempera-
Fig. 27-Ductility of AISI Type 430 ferritic stainless steel tested
ture (Ref. 28)
in air after exposure to hydrogen gas at room temperature
(Ref. 28)

pressure showed that the unnotched strength is not exposure to high-pressure hydrogen. For ex-
significantly affected, but the notched-bar ductility ample, tests of two steels of about 230,000-psi
and strength may be greatly impaired. 29 - 32 , 132 tensile strength 30 -32 showed that the strength of
Figs. 29 and 30 show results for Armco iron and notched specimens tested in hydrogen is below the
two carbon steels loaded immediately after hy- strength of unnotched specimens tested in air.
drogen at 2200 psi was introduced into the testing Notched specimens tested under high-pressure
chamber. As shown in Fig. 29, the reduction-of- hydrogen normally fail at low stress levels with-
area values are significantly reduced to about out a significant time delay, and the incubation
half of the values obtained for specimens tested period, characteristic of the behavior of precharged
in air. Figure 30 compares the strengths of these specimens, is normally either absent or very short.
steels in tests conducted with notched and One example of a delayed failure in high-pressure
unnotched specimens in hydrogen. The strength, hydrogen has, however, been reported by Hof-
as measured by the smooth-bar specimens, is gen- mann and Rauls. 32 In this instance, notched
erally unaffected by exposure to hydrogen at 2200 specimens of a concrete-reinforcing steel at a
psi, but the strength of the notched-bar specimens strength level of 233,000 psi tested under 100
is lower in hydrogen than in air. However, higher atm. of hydrogen failed at a stress level of 215,000
strength steels are more markedly impaired by psi; when smooth-bar specimens were tested under
similar conditions they failed at 200,000 psi. The
probability of delayed failures in steels exposed to
high-pressure hydrogen thus appears to be quite

~ 80~--- r--- 11141JOO PSIL
80,--------------------------------------, , _ , IIOO,OOo!,~

~ =-1---- 60 - - - - - - - _17" ~!hQ()()~SIL

; 6 - ________ ~ -.---- -[7---
( 57000 PSI)
?i -r__ ~ 40 ['1--- -
(43000 PSI)
IL 40 '8 :n ,--- -17-
o ~ 20- - 1- - A---------1
z o I/)
i= --~o~--------------~g--- ~
_ _ _ _--'


_0:: o HYDROGEN, AT 150 ATM

Fig. 29-Ductility of Armco iron, CK 22 N (0.22% C - normalized)
steel, and C 45 N (0.45% C - normalized) steel tested in air at Fig. 30-Tension tests on notched and unnotched specimens of
1 atmosphere and under high·purity hydrogen at 150 atmo- Armco iron, CK 22 N (0.22% C - normalized) steel, and C 45 N
spheres. Deformation rate, 3% per minute (Ref. 32) (0.45% C - normalized) steel in air and iri hydrogen (Ref. 32)

24 Basic and Research Aspects

Fracture Behavior
hydrogen, so that the time required for the growth
In smooth tension specimens that are fractured of the crack to a critical size for rapid, unstable
under hydrogen at elevated pressure, many surface fracture is markedly decreased by the presence of
cracks form at locations at which considerable pure hydrogen. This behavior can, however, be
plastic flow has occurred. The largest cracks, com- inhibited or completely eliminated by the addition
prising the fracture front, lead to premature fail- of small amounts of oxygen to the hydrogen gas.
ure after the onset of necking. This premature The inhibiting capacity of oxygen is believed to be
failure results in a decrease in the reduction of area related to the ability (of oxygen) to contaminate
at fracture, which presumably occurs when a criti- the surface of steel, and prevent or greatly limit
cal level of normal stress is reached at the surface. the adsorption of hydrogen at the exposed surfaces.
In notched specimens the observed behavior is I t thus appears that hydrogen is effective only
analogous to that in the smooth specimens, with when it can contact the surfaces of the steel at
cracking apparently initiating as a cleavage frac- clean, freshly exposed sites, such as the virgin
ture when a critical level of normal stress is reached metal that is created in Johnson's precracked sam-
in the region of stress concentration below the ples by the crystal slip resulting from tensile load-
notch. The nominal stress level required to mg.
achieve this level of normal stress is generally some- Unfortunately, very little is known about the
what higher for notched specimens than that for surface behaviors associated with the adsorption
smooth specimens because the triaxial stress state and absorption from gaseous hydrogen; however,
below the notch area increases the nominal stress the magnitude of the heat of adsorption is such
for fracture and because stress relaxation occurs that almost full monolayer coverage 94 of atomic
by plastic flow at the root of the notch. However, hydrogen is possible at gas pressures as low as 0.1
in high-strength steels in which hydrogen is rela- torr (1.3 X 10- 4 atm.). However, most steel sur-
tively more effective, such stress relaxation is much faces are dirty, and the fractional coverage on
more limited and the resultant nominal stress at dirty surfaces may be considerably smaller because
failure may be lower for notched samples than for hydrogen in the environment does not contact
smooth samples, reflecting a decrease in the engi- virgin metal; rather, it contacts other surface
neering stress for failure of notched high-strength adsorbates or compounds on the exposed surfaces.
steels. Thus, even at very low pressures, hydrogen may
Fractographic examination reveals that the interact with clean steel surfaces, but interaction
reduction of mechanical properties resulting from with hydrogen may be greatly limited by surface
the presence of high-pressure hydrogen during contaminants and adsorbates such as oxygen.
loading to failure is always accompanied by a shift
of failure mode from dimpled rupture to a less duc-
tile, more rapid fracture mode. In the low-
strength steels the fracture mode in air is predom- Predominance of Surface Effects
inantly dimpled rupture, and fracture in the pres-
ence of high-pressure hydrogen occurs by discon- The observed behaviors under hydrogen gas
tinuous quasi-cleavage mixed with dimpled shear. strongly indicate that surface behaviors govern
In high-strength steels, discontinuous quasi- the properties of steel in gaseous hydrogen environ-
cleavage is observed in sharply notched samples ments. The charging rate in gaseous hydrogen
even when tested in air, but when tested in high- is very slow, and extensive charging requires an
pressure hydrogen such samples fail rapidly by extended exposure to gaseous hydrogen at elevated
catastrophic cleavage. pressures. However, the tensile properties are
affected immediately after exposure to high-pres-
sure hydrogen, and a hold time before testing does
Accelerated Crack-Growth Rates
not appear to significantly affect this behavior,
In tension or fatigue tests of precracked flat spec- indicating that tensile properties are principally
imens of high-strength steels, the rate of growth affected by surface effects. A predominant sur-
of the crack, at stress levels at which crack growth face behavior is further illustrated by surface
occurs very slowly when the testing is done in air, cracking observed on tensile specimens at locations
is markedly accelerated when the testing is done in at which considerable plastic flow has occurred
an environment of pure hydrogen at atmospheric under gaseous hydrogen at elevated pressures.
pressure. Recent work by Hancock and John- Furthermore, atmospheric-pressure hydrogen
son 133 has demonstrated that such sub critical causes no significant charging of the bulk steel, but
crack growth may occur at low stress levels and full monolayer coverage of hydrogen on clean
with high growth rates when high-strength steel is metal surfaces under hydrogen at atmospheric
exposed to pure hydrogen gas at atmospheric pres- pressure leads to sub critical crack growth at accel-
sure. The acceleration of the crack-growth rate erated rates under low stresses in high-strength
occurs essentially immediately upon exposure to steels.

Basic and Research Aspects 25

h:[ I,:::-:::::f]
'" ~
C!> ..
"-CK 22 N

!c::[ ~OQO~~o

z ~
o 0
000 '"
Q ; o ~ 15'~====~~~~==~========~==~======~

t; <>. 20

§~ 0 I I I I I I
~ 50~ ~ ~ .:::--~
~ 40'___ """""------Ii 0-8_ ARMCO-IRON
o : _ _, ~~
Fig. 31-Effect of trace impurities in 100 atm (partial pressure) i= 30 -,___ _ ::-..,.... CK 22 N
hydrogen on the elongation and reduction of area of CK 22 N 15u • • ...-C45 N
(0.22% C - normalized) steel (Ref. 32) '" 20·~__~~~~~~~~~~wu~~~~~~~
~ I 5 10 20 50 100 200 500

Fig. 32-Ductility of Armco iron, CK 22 N (0.22% C - normalized)

steel, and C 45 N (0.45% C - normalized) steel tested under
high-purity hydrogen gas at pressures below 200 atmospheres.
Deformation rate, 3% per minute (Ref. 32)
Factors Affecting Behavior

The effect of exposure to gaseous hydrogen on

the tensile properties of steel may be strongly
influenced by the composition of the gas, but is
only moderately influenced by the pressure. The ultimate tensile strength. This behavior is not
effect of composition is illustrated in Fig. 31, markedly affected by the strength level over the
given for smooth-bar tension specimens of a nor- range of strength levels used for pressure-vessel
malized 0.22 % carbon steel tested under a pres- steels. For notched specimens, in which localized
sure of 100 atm. In pure hydrogen gas, the duc- plastic flow at the notch occurs at relatively low
tility, as measured by the reduction of area and nominal stress levels, so that the effects of high-
elongation, is lower than the ductility in air, but pressure hydrogen are much more pronounced, its
the addition of as little as 10 -3 volume percent effect is to markedly decrease the notch strength;
oxygen to the gas partially restores the ductility this effect will become more pronounced as either
to a level near the ductility in air, and the ductil- the strength level of the steel, or the notch acuity
ity is completely restored by the addition of 2 % at a given strength level, increases.
oxygen. The tensile behaviors in high-pressure hydrogen
Under pure hydrogen gas, the tensile properties are relatively insensitive to strain rate over the
are affected somewhat more at higher pressures range of strain rates normally expected in service,
than at lower pressures, but an increase in pres- although a strain-rate effect has been reported. 32
sure over the practical operating range of pres- The effect of hydrogen may be markedly reduced
sures used for hydrogen storage leads to only a at faster deformation rates of the order of 100 to
moderate decrease in the tensile properties of those 300% per minute.
steels used for hydrogen storage. The effect of
pressure is illustrated in Fig. 32 for tests under
high-purity hydrogen gas at pressures from 1 to 150 Part E. Mechanisms of Hydrogen Damage
atmospheres. The ductility of Armco iron and two Although many uncertainties and inconsisten-
carbon steels is shown to generally decrease with cies still remain, it is generally agreed that the
increasing gas pressures, but an increase in pres- harmful effects of hydrogen in steel result primar-
sure beyond some critical value results in little or ily from its precipitation at local internal sites,
no increase in the effect of hydrogen, as indicated with the resulting pressure exerting a local stress
for the C 45 N steel of Fig. 32. For this steel, any which augments the applied stress and acceler-
pressure from 50 atm. (740 psi) to 150 atm. (2200 ates crack propagation, either by increasing void
psi) is equally effective. Additionally, recent nucleation and growth or by promoting the propa-
work at Rocketdyne I32 on pressure-vessel steels gation of microcracks by cleavage fracture, so that
indicates that an increase in pressure from about the strain at fracture is significantly decreased.
3000 to 10,000 psi leads to only a moderate de- In addition, the marked decrease in surface
crease in the tensile properties. energy resulting from the presence of an adsorbed
High-pressure hydrogen apparently affects the layer of hydrogen on the internal surfaces may also
steels only after yielding has occurred, and in significantly lower the stress level at which unsta-
smooth-bar tension tests its effect is to decrease ble propagation of microcracks by cleavage can
the ductility without significantly affecting the occur. Both the pressure-augmented stress and

26 Basic and Research Aspects

the decreased surface energy lead to the commonly plastic-work term has been given in a recent analy-
observed characteristic of an increased susceptibil- sis by Hahn and Rosenfeld,138 indicating that the
ity to cleavage fracture at low applied-stress levels. total energy may, in general, be lower than had
previously been believed. Thus it appears that
Effect of Hydrogen on Microcrack Propagation
the effect of hydrogen in lowering the surface en-
ergy, as originally proposed by Petch 24 for the
The gross movement of dislocations that occurs case of pre-existing cracks, may well be a signifi-
during plastic deformation in high-strength steels cant factor in decreasing the stress required for
gives rise to the formation of micro-cracks which microcrack propagation. However, this effect is
form by the coalescence of dislocations which may only important in steels that are of relatively low
pile up at a grain boundary or at some other ductility, and in which the plastic-work term is
barrier to the movement of dislocations through smalL Such steels include high-strength steels and
the lattice. Such a microcrack is wedge-shaped steels at relatively low temperatures. However,
and a potent stress raiser, which generally persists in steels that are more ductile at atmospheric tem-
only while the shear stress that acts to form the peratures, and even in high-strength steels at much
pileup is maintained. If the stress on the pileup above atmospheric temperatures, the plastic-relax-
is relaxed, either by releasing the applied load or ation term is very much larger and becomes rela-
by plastic relaxation at the tip of the microcrack, tively much more significant, so that the surface-
the stored energy of the pileup is dissipated, and energy effect of adsorbed hydrogen becomes rel-
and the potency of the micro crack is diminished. atively insignificant.
Such a pileup of dislocations may grow to form In all steels, the applied stress required for growth
a cleavage crack when the stress on the microcrack of a micro crack may be decreased by the pressure
reaches the critical level required for its growth. of hydrogen gas in the void space of a<mi~rocrack.
The stress required for growth of a pileup of n dis- This pressure augments the applied stre~& and can
locations of Burgers' vector b is given by lead to unstable crack growth, even up~eFcondi­
tions requiring a significant contribution of plastic
(TG = nb (13) relaxation to the energy of microcra~k growth.
The buildup of pressure in a microcrack may result
where l' is the work done in the micro crack propa- from the normal diffusion of hydrogen that occurs
gation. This work includes the work done in to relieve gradients in the activity of hydrogen in
creating new surface and the plastic work that may steels. By this process, the pressure inside the
occur at the crack tip. The effect of hydrogen on void spaces tends to equilibrate with the effective
this process is to reduce the applied stress required pressure (fugacity) of hydrogen in solution in the
for unstable growth of the microcrack. It may lattice; this pressure, will of course, be high when
do this either by decreasing the value of l' by the fugacity of hydrogen within the steel is high.
decreasing the amount of work required to create Moreover, a nonequilibrium overpressure of hydro-
new surface, or by augmenting the applied stress gen may result from the movement of dislocations
with gas pressure 3 from within the microcrack. through the lattice. Bastien's137 conclusion that
The surface-energy-Iowering effect of hydrogen moving dislocations transport hydrogen to the
may be a predominant factor in the propagation region where the motion of the dislocations is ter-
of microcracks in high-strength steels of relatively minated suggest this behavior.
low ductility. I t is well known that the surface Thus, microcracks propagate under some critical
energy of iron is lowered by the adsorption of hy- combination of the effects of the decreased surface
drogen' and such adsorption occurs on clean sur- energy resulting from hydrogen adsorption, the
faces, even at very low pressures of hydrogen, so pressure of hydrogen gas in the microcrack, and
that the value of surface energy of the iron with the applied stress, resulting in the nucleation and
adsorbed hydrogen, 1's(H), represents only a growth of cleavage cracks, which under unfavor-
fraction of the energy of the clean surface, 1'8' able conditions may rapidly propagate to cata-
However the energy involved in the stability of a strophic failure. When plastic relaxation of the
microcrack, 1', includes this surface energy, 1'., and microcrack results before this critical combination
an energy of relaxation of plastic work, p, done at is attained, additional stressing may be required
the crack tip. Until recently, it has been believed until, through work hardening, the stress exerted
that the energy of plastic work must dominate the on the microcrack is sufficient for microdeavage
energy for creating new surfaces in iron, being cracking. Therefore, greater strains are normally
about 20 times as large as the true surface energy. required for the growth of microdeavage cracks in
However, it is very doubtful that this is true in all lower-strength, higher-ductility steels; in addition,
cases. For example, it is generally known that under a fixed level of strain, the hydrogen content
fracture of steels at higher strength and at lower or the internal hydrogen pressure required for mi-
temperatures may result with very little plastic crodeavage cracking is much greater for such
work. Additionally, a significant lowering of this steels.

Basic and Research Aspects 27

Effect of Hydrogen on Void Growth, Coalescence, and voids decreases as the void volume increases.
Crack Growth
Therefore, the pressure-augmented applied stress,
In the more ductile steels, the principal effect of which expands the voids and leads to void coales-
hydrogen is to augment the normal rupture process cence and crack growth, is diminished in the
in which fracture occurs as the result of the nuclea- larger volume in which hydrogen is contained
tion, slow growth, and coalescence of voids. The at some pressure below the equilibrium level.
range of strength levels and temperatures at which With time, the pressure in the expanded voids
this latter behavior predominates is generally much builds up to the equilibrium level at which its
more typical of the steels and operating conditions effect is again more pronounced. This effect of a
of pressure vessels than the higher strength levels pressure decrease in the expanded void volume
and moderately lower temperatures at which the will tend to make the effects of hydrogen pressure
cleavage mechanism of micro-crack propagation intermittent so that crack growth may stop and
predominates. restart, with the crack growth rate being governed
In the early stages of plastic flow, the normal by the rate of hydrogen diffusion into the voids and
rupture process begins with the interaction of dis- cracks.
locations with other dislocations and other lattice
imperfections, with a resultant void formation at
microsites. Such void formation is most pro- Significance of the Mechanism of Hydrogen Damage
to Pressure-Vessel Behaviors
nounced around second-phase particles, which act
as void nuclei about which the matrix, with lower Because the avoidance of low-stress, rapidly prop-
flow stress than that of the particle, is deformed. agating fracture is of principal concern in pressure-
With further straining, additional voids are formed, vessel applications, the mechanism of damage by
and nearby voids coalesce and form larger voids or hydrogen is primarily important in relation to its
cracks. Because the stress concentration at the role in promoting such rapid, unstable fracture.
tips of cracks is much higher than that around As described in the preceding section, hydrogen may
other voids, the void-formation process is acceler- accelerate the slow crack growth that precedes the
ated in the region ahead of the initial cracks, and unstable crack growth to fracture. Therefore, the
the cracks tend to grow by repetitions of this hydrogen-augmented slow crack growth processes
process. This slow crack growth continues to the are important in considering whether a crack will
point of instability, at which fracture either (1) penetrate the pressure-vessel wall before the critical
occurs as a ductile tensile failure if the fracture crack size for rapid propagation is realized. When
strength of the remaining uncracked area is such penetration of the wall by a slow crack growth
exceeded, or (2) occurs by unstable crack propaga- process occurs before the crack is of a critical size,
tion if the crack reaches the critical size given by the resulting failure by leaking is generally more
the Griffiths-Irwin relationship, which is desirable and much less dangerous than rapid,
unstable fracture from a part-through, critical-size
7fC = (KcI a-)2 (14) crack. Thus, when failure is. by rapid, unstable
where C = 1/2 critical crack length, in inches; fracture, the role of hydrogen in the mechanism for
Ke =critical stress intensity for unstable fracture, the failure becomes a very significant consideration.
in psiVin.; (]" = applied stress, in psi. In this context, the fracture toughness, in terms
of the critical stress intensity value, K e, which
Fracture by the nucleation and growth of voids establishes the limiting conditions of stress level and
occurs at relatively lower levels of strain when crack size for unstable fracture, presents a very
hydrogen is present, since both the nucleation and important consideration with respect to both pres-
the growth phases of this normal rupture process sure-vessel performance and the significance of the
may be accelerated by the pressure of hydrogen effect of hydrogen on pressure-vessel safety. If the
inside voids and cracks. This local augmentation fracture toughness is high enough to assure that
of the applied stress by hydrogen pressure will lead general yielding will occur through the thickness of
both to additional void nucleation at sites of lower a pressure vessel when a through-thickness crack
stress concentration at which voids would not be develops, the effect of hydrogen on the slow crack
nucleated by the applied stress alone and to the growth leading to the development of the penetra-
achievement of the local stress levels required for tion will be significant only because it has somewhat
the plastic expansion of voids at lower applied- reduced the stress level at which the penetration and
stress levels. Thus, the pressure-augmented stress the resultant leaking are developed. The minimum
leads to instability at lower levels of strain, and fracture-toughness level which will assure this leak-
fracture occurs at lower applied-stress levels. ing behavior, when a through-thickness crack of a
This effect of hydrogen pressure on the normal length equal to twice the plate thickness is present,
rupture process will be time-dependent. Although has been shown by considerations based on the
the voids in the unstrained steel contain hydrogen Grffiths-Irwin equation to be represented by the
at the equilibrium pressure, the pressure in the following equation:

28 Basic and Research Aspects

this mechanism is obviously questionable, and many
uncertainties remain about the mechanisms of hydro-
gen damage in such steels. An important objective
where Kc = critical stress intensity, in psiVin.; of further research in this field would, therefore, be
YS = 0.2% offset yield strength, in psi; B = to establish the extent to which the increased sus-
plate or wall thickness, in inches. ceptibility to failure by the microcrack-propagation
Since fracture toughness or K c values, in general, mechanism, which is the predominant source of the
increase with a decreasing yield strength, this equa- harmful effects of hydrogen in the higher strength
tion shows that a decrease in strength level would steels, remains as a predominant factor in the be-
generally very markedly favor the general yielding havior of the lower strength steels in the presence
behavior, and would increase the plate or wall- of hydrogen.
thickness range over which a desirable "leak before This could be investigated by delayed-failure
break" behavior would be assured. tests of sharply notched or, preferably, precracked
If, however, the fracture toughness is too low, specimens exposed to hydrogen environments.
relative to the yield strength, to permit a general- Such tests should be conducted with hydrogen pres-
yielding behavior to occur at the wall thickness of sure (or fugacity), temperature, and strength level
the application, the augmentation of the slow crack as variables, and the propensity to micro-cleavage
growth process by hydrogen becomes of very serious failure, as a function of these variables, should be
concern, not only as a source of low-stress failure, investigated by electron-fracto graphic studies of
but also, and more importantly, because this failure, failed specimens. The planning of further research
when it occurs, will be rapid and may be cata- programs would then be largely dependent upon the
strophic. results of this program. If these results indicate
that failure in the microcleavage mode still predom-
Part F. Research Areas for Future Work inates at conditions of temperature, strength
level, and hydrogen contents or effective pressures
It is apparent from this report that the research which are within the ranges applicable to pressure-
work in the field of hydrogen in steel has been very vessel operations, the emphasis on further research
extensive and that the literature on the subject is should be on the establishment of limiting condi-
very voluminous. However, although these exten- tions for these variables with respect to this behav-
sive researches have resulted in the establishment of Ior.
a considerable background of quantitative informa- If these limiting conditions are found to be such
tion about the behavior of hydrogen in steel and that operation outside of these limits would be
about its effect on the properties of steels containing impractical for specific pressure-vessel applications
hydrogen or exposed to environments which contain of concern, the significance of the hydrogen effects
hydrogen, the applicability of much of this informa- with respect to the danger of low-stress failures
tion to pressure-vessel steels, and particularly to the should be quantitatively evaluated by delayed
service performance of pressure vessels fabricated failure tests of precracked specimens, such as
from such steels, is distinctly questionable. These notch-bend, cantilever-beam, or wedge-opening-
extensive research programs have, furthermore, led loaded specimens, under conditions of temperature,
to a reasonable degree of understanding of the strength level, and hydrogen content or effective
mechanisms involved in the observed behaviors and pressure representative of the application. The
effects, but again, many uncertainties remain. specimens for these tests should preferably be thick
These are most evident in the areas of the behavior enough to assure an essentially plane-strain behav-
and effects of hydrogen in steels of the relatively ior; the test results would then be in terms of a
low strength and relatively high ductility which threshold stress-intensity value, K IH , below which
typify the pressure-vessel steels. failure would not occur even after long exposure
The postulated mechanism for hydrogen damage, times. In addition, it would be desirable to monitor
which involves the propagation of microcracks as a the crack growth during tests at KI values above
result of the reduced surface energy and the pres- the threshold value, so that the effect of hydrogen
sure which develops when hydrogen diffuses into on crack growth rates would also be quantitatively
the microcracks, appears to be entirely consistent established as a function of stress intensity. If the
with the observed behaviors and with the predomi- wall thickness of the application of concern is such
nance of cleavage or quasi-cleavage fracture behav- that plane-strain behavior would not be probable,
iors observed in the fractures of high-strength this testing should be done with full wall thickness
steels in the presence of the hydrogen. In lower specimens, and the emphasis would be on the estab-
strength steels, however, in which the prevalence of lishment of crack growth rates as a function of
microcracking is far lower than in the high-strength stress intensity, as a basis for the establishment of
steels, and in which the predominant fracture mode, limiting times for the growth of through-thickness
at least in the absence of hydrogen, is by void coales- cracks.
cence rather than by cleavage, the applicability of If, however, the initial program should indicate

Basic and Research Aspects 29

that operation of pressure vessels would be feasible cracked specimens of pressure-vessel steels with
under conditions in which ductile rupture rather than yield strengths ranging from about 40 to 125
microcleavage behaviors would predominate, the ksi in environments of dry gaseous hydrogen at pres-
emphasis in further programs should be on the sures ranging from 1 to 100 atm. (representative of
effect of hydrogen on the plastic behaviors which the range of effective pressures encountered in high-
govern the void nucleation and coalescence leading pressure hydrogen), and in aqueous environments
to failure in the ductile-rupture fracture mode. at pH levels of about 4 and 7 and with and without
The significance of hydrogen effects on ductile- H 2S additions (representative of environments of
rupture behaviors could be qualitatively evaluated relatively high effective pressures of hydrogen).
by delayed-failure tests of precracked notched Threshold stresses for failure in 100 hr. would be
specimens under conditions in which general yield- measured and the microfracture behavior would
ing occurs before the specimen fails. However, be evaluated by electron microfractography. Al-
tension tests of wide plate specimens with part- though tests as a function of temperature would
through surface cracks, which would simulate more be desirable, this would involve experimental diffi-
closely the service failure conditions, would be more culties; the initial testing would therefore be con-
appropriate for quantitative evaluations of hydrogen ducted at room temperature. These tension tests
effects when failure is by ductile rupture. should be supplemented by permeation and solubil-
These evaluation programs should be supple- ity measurements to provide quantitative evalua-
mented by hydrogen permeation and solubility tion of effective hydrogen pressures. The results of
measurements. Such measurements will furnish such a program should, however, furnish pertinent
a basis for the quantitative establishment of test information both on the significance of microcleav-
conditions with respect to the hydrogen contents age-fracture behaviors, in relation to low-stress
or the effective pressure of environments which failures, and on the significance of strength level and
is essential for meaningful and broadly appli- effective hydrogen pressure as factors affecting
cable evaluations. In addition, such measurements the microfracturing behaviors. This information
will furnish information on trapping behaviors and would then form a sound basis for the planning of
on the relative significance of "trapped" and lattice- further research programs which should furnish
dissolved hydrogen with respect to the effects ob- more definite and quantitative answers within these
served in the evaluation programs. This informa- problem areas.
tion would also serve as a basis for investigations of
the significance of factors such as inclusions, carbide Acknowledg ments
particles, or voids, which would represent probable
The author wishes to thank the management of
trapping sites, with respect to observed behaviors
the Applied Research Laboratory of U. S. Steel
in either the micro cleavage or ductile-rupture frac-
Corporation for permission to write this report.
ture regimes.
The author appreciates the efforts of colleagues,
The above-suggested research programs represent
among whom are W. D. Doty, J. H. Gross, C. D.
a long-range approach which it is believed would
Kim, R. D. Manning, W. J. Murphy, M. A. Ore-
furnish the pertinent answers required to establish
hoski, R. A. Oriani, and E. H. Phelps, who reviewed
realistically the significance of hydrogen as a factor
the report, and J. M. Hodge whose willing ear and
affecting pressure-vessel performance. However,
general counsel were of great value to the author in
because of the difficulties and very considerable
the writing of the report. Finally, the author
time and expense involved in some of the phases of
acknowledges the members of the Materials Divi-
the overall program, it is important that careful
sion of the PVRC for reviewing the report and in
consideration be given to the planning of individual
particular F. Prange, for his encouragement and
programs so that the most pertinent and immedi-
constant interest which he offered as Chairman of
ately urgent answers are obtained first. The basic
the Subcommittee on Hydrogen Embrittlement.
importance of the initial programs, aimed at estab-
lishing the limiting conditions for failure by micro- References
cleavage-fracture propagation, has been emphasized
1. Kerlie, W. L., and Richards. J. H., "Origin and Elimination of Hy-
in this discussion, and the desirability of initial drogen in Basic Open Hearth Steels," Jnl. Metals, 9,1541-1548 (Dec. 1957).
2. Hodge, J. M., Orehoski, M. A., and Steiner, J. E., "Effect of Hydro-
programs with this objective is apparent. gen Content on Susceptibility to Flaking," Trans. AIME, 230, 1182-1192
In addition, the initial efforts should be aimed at (Aug. 1964).
3. Garafalo, F., Chou, Y., and Amhegaokav, V., "Effect of Hydrogen on
obtaining answers which are applicable to problem Stability of Microcracks in Iron and Steel," Acta Met., 8(8), 504-512
areas of most immediate concern. Because pres- 4. Gulyaev, B. B., and Solntsev, Yu. P., "Hydrogen in Liquid Steel,"
sure vessels for the containment of high-pressure Gases in Cast Metals, Consultants Bureau, 1965, pp. 5-11.
5. Orehoski, M. A., and Hornak, J. N., "Effect of Vacuum Stream De-
hydrogen and pressure vessels exposed to environ- gassing on Properties of Forging Steels," Elec. Furnace Cont., Proc, , 16,
68-84 (1958).
ments containing hydrogen sulfide represent two 6. Sievert, A., "Solubility of Hydrogen in Copper, Iron, and Nickel,"
such problem areas of immediate concern, an in- Z. Phys. Chem., 77, 591 (1911).
7. Darken, L. S., and Gurry, R. W., Physical Chemistry of Metals,
itial program is suggested which would involve McGraw-Hill, N ew York, 1953, p. 210.
8. Barnartt, S., "General Concepts of Stress-Corrosion Cracking,"
sustained load tests of notched and fatigue- Corrosion, 18 (9), 322t (Sept. 1962).

30 Basic and Research Aspects

9. Johnson, H. H., Morlet, J. G., and Troiano, A. R., "Hydrogen, Crack 49. Spitzig, W. A., Talda, P. M., and Wei, R. P., "Fatigue Crack Prop-
Initiation, and Delayed Failure in Steel," WADC-TR-57-262, May 1957. agation and Fractographic Anslyais of 18Ni (250) Maraging Steel Tested in
10. Foster, G. L., Dakes, B. D., and Duuera, C. H., "Acetylenic Cor- Argon and Hydrogen Environments," Eng. Fracture Meeh., 1(1), 155-166
rosion Inhibitors," Ind. Eng. Chem., 51, 825-828 (1959). (June 1968).
11. Edwards, K. N., Nowacki, L. J., and Mueller, E. R., "Acetylenic 50. Wei, R. P., Talda, P. M., and Li, Che-Yu, "Fatigue-Crack Propagation
Alcohol-Inhibited Pickling Bath as a Pretreatment Prior to Lining Steel Pipe," in Some Ultra-High-Strength Steels," Symposium on Fatigue Crack Propaga-
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Basic and Research Aspects 31

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in an H,S-CO,-H,O System: Influence of (Single Iron) Crystal Orientation 139. Whiteson, B. V., Phillips, A., Kerlins, V., and Rawe, R. A., "Special
on Hydrogen Penetration Rate," Corrosion, 20(7), (1964) pp. 235t-236t. Fractographic Techniques for Failure Analyais," Electron Fractography,
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for Oil Storage," World Petrol. Congr. Proc., 7th, 6(3), 25 (April 1967). 151-178. .
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fide and Organic Compounds on Corrosion and Embrittlement," Corrosion, 143. Naumann, F. K., and Carius, W., "Crack Formation in Steels Under
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32 Basic and Research Aspects

Section II-Action of Hydrogen on Steel at High Temperature
and High Pressures
by G. A. Nelson

SUMMARY. The first section of this report discussed the decrease the rate of surface decarburization,
general effects of hydrogen in various forms, but largely
excluded the effects at elevated temperature. The addi- since the carbon in solution is supplied continually
tion of temperature aggravates the effects of high pressure from the carbides and the more stable carbides
hydrogen. This section of the report will discuss the effects give lower dissolved carbon content.
of hydrogen combined with temperature. The most sensi-
tive parameters are the partial pressure of hydrogen, the Actual values of pressure-temperature com-
temperature, and the material chemistry. While some of binations at which surface decarburization be-
the other effects that were of great significance at low tem- comes pronounced have not been extensively
perature, such as the stress and cold work, are still signifi-
cant, the effects of high temperature are less sensitive to these studied, but the limits defined by Naumann 3
or cannot be summarized so neatly. probably give the most accurate appraisal. Fig-
The areas to which this section applies are those in which ure 1, a graphical presentation of operating
hydrogen or hydrogen containing fluids are handled at high
temperatures (above 430 0 F) and high hydrogen pressures limits for steel in hydrogen service, includes data
(up to 13,000 psia). Under these conditions carbon steel points determined by Naumann. The mode of
will be unsatisfactory as a constructional material because damage is indicated by the shading. In addition
of both chemical and physical changes that occur.
Mechanisms for producing the chemical changes are dis- to his references, based on 100 hr tests, several
cussed together with alloying lequirements to prevent the additional long time references from industrial
damage. Additional sections are devoted to incubation service are included. These show a slightly lower
periods before chemical changes occur and to effects of hard-
ness, cold work and stress at high temperature. Methods level of susceptibility to decarburization than the
of preventing high temperature damage to pressure vessels 100 hr tests. Limits for surface decarburization
by specialized design or suitable alloying are also discussed. of Cr-Mo steels, as shown on Fig. 1, have been
extended only to 6000 psia. At pressures above
Surface Decarburization
this figure, the Cr-Mo steels must be further
When carbon steel is exposed to hydrogen at fortified with other carbide stabilizers such as
high temperature (above 1050° F and at pressures vanadium or tungsten to make them resistant to
below 200 psia) surface decarburization occurs surface decarburization.
with a resultant loss in strength and an increase
in ductility; in this respect being similar to steels Internal Decarburization (Hydrogen Attack)
decarburized by exposure to other gases, such as When carbon steel is exposed to hydrogen at
air, oxygen or carbon dioxide. A number of temperatures above ca. 430° F and at pressures
theories have been proposed to explain this above 200 psia, it becomes internally damaged;
phenomenon 1 ,2 but the presently accepted view it loses tensile strength and ductility, and some-
is based on a continuous migration of carbon to times cracks and blisters. The deterioration of
the surface, at which place it is removed as gaseous mechanical properties is caused by atomic hydro-
compounds of carbon~CH4 or CO (when carbon gen permeating the steel and reacting with other
dioxide is present). Moisture obviously hastens elements to form other gases. 4 For example,
the reaction. Carbon in solution must diffuse to it may react with carbon in solution to form
the surface, and the rate control ing mechanism methane. The methane thus formed cannot
is apparently diffusion of carbon. The addition diffuse out of the steel and accumulates princi-
of carbide stabilizing elements to the steel can pally at grain boundaries. High local stresses
The late G. A. Nelson was a metallurgical consultant in Berkeley, Calif.
eventually develop and become of such magnitude
and formerly with Shell Development Company, Emeryville, Calif. that the metal cracks or blisters. The formation
This report was prepared for the Subcommittee on Hydrogen Em-
brittIement of the Pressure Vessel Research COInmittee. of methane gas by exposure of steel to hot hydrogen

High Temperature and Pressures 33



50 100 150 200 400 600 800
StlRFAC£ DECAlBtllllZATlOIL - - - - -- EFFECT Of lUCE HEMUlS I ~HELl COMPANIES QPHATING EXPHIENCE. IAI A ... d,,,n m.d~ 01 .0.,06 p'pr .. ~, found 10 b •• UooI.d 10 27'. o. ,II t~,dne" .fto,

1li'D III to,

5145 hoy'l 0.1.., P"~.' 01 1"1" on tho ",me lone "Of" un.U.< •• d
Corbon Yo Mo 05Mo 05Mo C.SMo 05Mo NAUMANN. DIE CHfM FAUlK: TECH. MITT KRUPP VOL I 1918 IBI Th •• ,t.d wo, <on«nl,.,.d on o,.,h •• ,.d .o<',on 01 • 100' bonl ,1 ••1 .Ibow
INGLIS "NO "NOREWS, JOUR IRON AND steEl INST. SEPT, 19J1 T~. ,1"'9 hl po".on, 01 'h~ elb"" ... kod nol been hu'ed ... ~.~ no' ~lfecleo'
Solillactory 0
17 '1 0 !'. 0 'V ICI In 0 ,e"e, 01 19 "~el <ompl.. , 11 "ere ott.ded "h,le Ihe ol~~, 17 ".,. nol

.00 I II
Hydroglin Attock.
OltCorbU"'Ol,on 181 )7 '(
.... •
.I>:l liX

1-+--+--1 ~ ~T~"oD:~~ILD~~~~~~I:~' g~~;;~yG. EXPHIENCP

101 Alt •• Iwo Y"" .. po ..... 50,,1 "I 6 01 <o,bon "eol p'p. "e'~ .".ded

lEI ~~:~';:~:~::~~:~;:,i.;~::~:':~~ u:n.~I::;;lfec'.d ,eel.on, AI~ p'p.

S •• Footnotes () ~
f' [J Il. <) '1
III11E: Aull.n,t,c "oln',n sl,,'s
Q.e sat,sfoctory al
t--+---t-l:' ~~R~~~~:~~~D~e~~~::Nyl.~lB. (F) ~,~~~~: : ••<~::~:':;,\::',:~. ::::o"u:.~I;<~:~ benl .eel.on 01 AI~ p'p•.
011 lemp,rot"... and pnnu,.. II, ZAFFE. TRANS. AM SOC. MECH. ENG. FURUARY. 19«. (G) All., lY .... , .11 po,,, 01 <.,bon .1•• 1 p.p ••"<1.0""9 ....10' •• no' hut .lfeeled
0.1 12. M. W. KEllOGG COMPANY.' ",n., ,.,.,I.cto.y
t---t---T--t13. GERMAN OPERATING EXPERIENCE. 1946' IH) Altet4yu" .e... ce. "'010' ond h•• , .lIeded lone, 01 AI06 ~,p. ,100".0' crod, .
14. VANADIUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA' (Jl All" 31 yeo.s se'.'ce a s,,,1 fO'9"'1Q conlg,nln9 0 l"loC.

1500'1~ t--+---t-l::: ~~:~Rt~ic~~~~~!LI~~~~~~li:iN~~L~:Y~l~'~E.NGLANO. IK) Ill:~::,' ~r2~'~M;.:~:.:6 ;::C:~~:::d"P

17. NORWEGIAN HYDROELECTRIC, OSLO, NOR A (L) AITe, "yeo's ur.,ce Q 1"'9,n9 conlo,n,ng 03"1oC,

t--+---t-l::: ~;~lF~~~y:~;~3~~r~~~:~:\r~~9~~~E~~~ I~~~~'FI~I~~ 2~, 1956 1M) ~~I;; ~',~.J;,~:~,~,~e~;}:;i,~~f:~~~'~~3~ ..o6~:;C'

1400 I ± I , t--+---t-l~~: ~~~ :~~~~~Ts~i:~~S~~~c~~~:~:EE ~UR"fY 1957. IN) t~~·~,.7c~~~.~6::'v~'o' sQh!~~~'ncQ."cc":'~~nbn?09.dJ:~~C,
22. DONAVAN AND GARDNER. TRANS AS~E, VOL 75. (1953). (P) Aile' lO 1ea'$ ser.'" Q fo'glng conTo'~'n9 D.lO"loC,
r--t t t i j l . AME~IC"'N Oil COMPANY, I9bO.. OHC'. 0"3"1oN, was ~naffecle(J.

~ ~'OO 2~~~~~~G~IS~~I:Sllf?,S5~~E TECHNOLOGY (Q) ~~;~~~~~f.r~~~/.a~;~~'oo~~~r:,~ehy~,:~een Cc-;;'~~;';~ ~~I:"IoC.

24. (800.) .

25, ~.L-.,."-'''..;''-''"!'-''~''r:''-',.' 0_0_"-r-r...,_r-,.....,...,...,...,.""'4

r"·~-_i I I I I I I
1300t· :~: :~~~~M·A::RBll~~~Ff"fyDURNOOCAKROBRO~GS~::CESyS~~': 4~~:~~~U) 700
50° ioo 300 --400 500-600- 100 JOG .Privale Commun'COTlons

1200 I ··~r!.._ l··~*·-r··
~ ~ --~,_~ t-=i
_ 1---.-
I Lb/in2 obs
~~, ~t ECG~IV~~E:JT T~.l:dsfO:[f~S frM~~

0.1 \.
( 6.0 Cr-0.5 Mo STEEL

1100 600

' -
.'.2!~ ¢I I I. T LL
I --"'-· .. ___1
r-....-"t··-~- __
---------- ~·+0.2:5\V
13+0.I~vt I ~

;= 10 "" ll"- 1 I 1.25 Cr-0.5 I
ci g 5 T~ ~'" I 0.5 Mo STEEL ' Mo STEEL 2.0 Cr-0.5 Mo STEEL 15 LJ...) 500 g
~ ~ 900 .ELOED 1 .... "'-- \7 ~
;:;: ~ OR ~ I -- I)Q ... 10 ~
R. mT lOT fElDEO 'J SII ..... "-' \ L " .... "

i"" _






_I ""-r-.- _. . . . ~
'" I
IJ 22
ci [7,,~
0.5 Mo STEEL
"" ~ "l:J1
10 '--:"::...
.. 1.1, 05 1'0


I' -ur 9.1.

I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
500 1000 1500 2000
rI I I I I 1I I
,~:Jo,j I 1'111 t" I to
3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000


G A N JAN 66

Fig. I-Operating limits for steels in hydrogen service

of methane. Another proposed alternative mecha-
"' SSUR e "
nism is deta iled in reference 4.
The pressure-temperature conditions under
t; .... A' O ~ S
"''''~A'''ON O ~ 0'10-
which carbon steel is subject to internal decar-
S OI..",(O CAII DO" TO f',S,.uroC,. burization (h ydrogen attack) is shown by the
solid curve on Fig. 1. Below and to the left of
the curve, hydrogen attack has not been noted,
while above and to the right of it, many failures
"A"T'ALL ... 5 .... C"'00'1[0
have been reported. Additional curves on Fig. 1
reflect t he added resistance to internal attack
when relatively small amounts of molybdenum 01'
chromium are added. Resistance to attack pro-
(""I"oe" 110000'[0
".0" TH',. ..... e
vided by trace amounts of carbide stabilizers are
shown on the insert at the t.op of the chart. Ele-
ments. such as silicon or nickel, which are not
strong carbide formers , have shown little or no
~[ .. IILnC ( U, ... CLU,[)
.AfA"' ..... DOWN ",TO
effect in preventing hydrogen damage.
S_(AOln"L ,. ...... "
Whether or not a steel deteriorates in hydrogen
by surface decarburization or internal attack is
Fig. 2-Core from carbon steel fitting attacked by hydrogen
dependent on several variables temperature,
showing decarburization of pearlite pressure, alloy content, heat t.reatnlent, stress
level, etc. A,though a steel may never exhibit
internal hydrogen attack at a given temperature
and pressure, it may eventually decarburize or
show surface cracks. If surface decarburizat ion
proceeds faster t han intern a l attack , a steel may
at high pressures has been co nfirmed by many become completely decarburized before internal
investigators; however, they found that during attack can ocrur. On the other h and, as pressures
the initial period of exposure, this reaction is are increased the hydrogen partial pressure in-
preceded by a period where hydrogen in the steel creases but temperatures are lowered, carbon
does not create permanent damage. This phe- mobility is decreased , and internal attack may
nomenon will be discussed later under " Incuba- occur in the a bsence of a significant amount of
tion ." surface decarburization. It follows that when
Cracks in hydrogen-damaged steel are initially both pressures a nd temperatures are sufficiently
microscop ic in size; however, in advanced stages high, both phenomena can occur simultaneously.
of attack, they are so numerous that they produce
a substantial deterioration of such mechanjcal Incubation
properties as tensile strength, hardness, and duc-
tility . For example, steel with an initial tensile Damage to steels by high pressme-high temper-
strength of 60,000 psi may have its strength ature hydrogen is preceded by a period of time
reduced to 25,000 psi when th is steel is completely where no noticeable change in properties can be
decarburized and extensively cracked by the detected . Subsequently , cracking proceeds at a
action of hydrogen; the elongation is similarly rate depending on temperature, pressure and
reduced to zero from the initial va lue of 30 <;; . alloy content. The length of time before attack
Figure 2 shows the appearance of a piece of begins has been termed the " incubation period,"
carbon steel which has suffered from internal and varies with the type of steel and severity of
decarburization and cracking. It is seen that the exposure. This may be only a few hours at
original lamellae of the pearlite are breaking down extreme conditions and progressively longer at
into spheroidal shape, a process involving solution lower temperatures and pressures, and under some
and migration of carbon. At the same time, conditions no damage can be detected by com-
carbon dissolving into the ferrite is migrating to mercial testing methods even after many years
grain boundary voids where it combines with of exposure. Many investigators have proposed
hydrogen to form methane. theories to explain reasons for the incubation
For prevention of hydrogen attack , additions period. The most recent and plausible proposition
of carbide stabilizer elements to the steel are has been prepared by Vitovec.· In essence, he
necessary. Those elements commonly used are maintains that in the initial stage met.hane pres-
nlolybdenum, chron1iunl, tungsten , vanadium , sure huilds up in submicroscopic voids. At
and niobium. Their primary function is to first, this pressure is resisted and ba lanced by
combine with carbon in such a stable carbide that surface tension so t h at a void can only grow
little of the carbon is available for the formation slowly . The action at this stage is reversible with

o 50 100 150
3000) 30E) 100)
< 100.)
280E) 65 El 25El 0) R. E. ALLEN, ET AL, API, PREPRINT, MAY 1961
900 1--++--+--+-......::......----1~-----++ E) L. C. WEI NER, 'CORROSION', VOL 17, PP. 109-115, 1961
a.> 10001
800 1--++-+-+-......-+--~-----1~+ K) AIR PRODUCTS, INC., (PRIVATE CONMUNICATlON), 1960


< 1000) ....
4'31 E) (800' Fl ....
r ~ 400 HOURS ____ ~~~;:~~;;::~>IDOGl(4200PSIA) 300
>280Ml( 7000PSIA)

10,000 HOURS

500 1000 1500 2000 2500


Fig. 3-Time for incipient attack of carbon steel in hydrogen service (Note-The American Petroleum Institute, as one of its
continuing projects, will bring these curves up to date. It may be desirable to refer to current literature for best data)


50 100 150 200
1000 .---~~L---~.-~.-+---~~.-----------+-,--------------r--+----------r--------+----,

< 100Cl4200PSIA'


--- - - --
= 800

~ ,.. 200 HOURS

-- ,-400 HOURS 400


600 L--L~ __ ~~ __ L--L~L-~~ __~-L__L--L~L-~~__L--L__L--L~__~~__L--L__L--L~__~~

o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Fig. 4-Time for incipient attack of 0.50 Mo steel in hydrogen service

36 High Temperature and Pressures

hydrogen pressure and no change occurs in mechan-
ical propert.ies. When a void reaches a critical
size, it grows more rapidly by a process of lattice
vacancy condensation. As the void becomes •
still larger, the growth rat.e increases furth er with
the controlling mechanism becoming creep. Ex-
pansion of cavities to microscopically visible
fissw'es result in a significant reduction of Inechan-
ica I properties.
The length of the incubat.ion period is of cOn-
siderable practical importance as it is only during
this period that equipment can be considered to
have its initial strength retained. After this
period has elapsed, degradation proceeds at vary-
ing rates, depending on temperature, pressure
and type of stee\. For many years a need h as
existed for a table or chart to serve as a guide for
det.ermining approximate safe operating times for
steels operating above thei.r prescribed levels. Fig. 5-Characteristic shape of fissures in annealed SAE 1020
steel after 245 hours of exposure to 900 psi hydrogen pressure
The desired data have been summarized" and at 1000' F (600x)
incubation curves for carbon steel (Fig. 31 and
0.50 Mo steel (Fig. 4 1have been prepared.
and the fact that the fissures develop immediately
Effect of Cold Wo rk
over the entire interfacial area of the reaction
During the initial stage of crack formation in site. In the steel cold worked 39"; (Fig. 71 the
annealed steel, Allen, et Cl/.,'· noted that the char- almost parallel fissures are s taggered with respect
acterist ic shape was a series of spheroidal open- to each other, and as the fissures expand the
ings. The majority of cracks, developed under material in between them is sheared apart.
the test conditions of 900 psi and 1000 F. were 0
The microstructw-es described above are asso-
selectively formed at t.he interface between ferrite ciated wit.h marked differences of behavior as
grains a nd pearlite co lonies (see Fig. 51 . indicated by specific gravity measurement.s made
In cold worked steels the shape of fissures is during a testing program sponsored by t.he Amer-
changed. For example, in contrast to the sphe- ican Petroleum lnstitute. The work was sum-
roidal shape of annealed samples, cold worked marized by Nelson.' In the sununary paper,
materials I Figs. 6 and 7 ) form fissures which have references in seven papers presented during prog-
a more prismatic shape. The apparently pris- ress of the work were given. Figure 8, taken
matic shape results from the alignment of nu- from the review paper, compares the specific
cleation sites for the fissures by the cold rolling gravities of SAE 1020 steel with degrees of

, .'

,. ..
, ~~
, / ~/-
:--"--""'\.; .
• , .... ,-r:a -
" . •

£ .,. - --
Fig. 6-Characteristic shape of fissures in 5% cold worked SAE Fig. 7-Characteristic sha pe of fissure s in 39% cold worked SAE
1020 steel after 245 hours of exposure to 900 psi hydrogen pres- 1020 steel after 245 hours of exposure to 900 psi hydrogen pres·
sure at 10000 F (800x) sure at 1000' F (800x)

H iV}1 'j'IIII/IUOfuI'C al/d ]) rclSsllr(JIj 37

mass of cracks in the annealed material. I t is
possible that the longitudinal fissures permitted
gas to escape at the ends, whereas in the annealed
100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
sample gas was trapped in the interior.
98 Steel with 39 % strain showed no incubation
period at any temperature, indicating that cracking
0% STRAIN had started immediately upon exposure to the
hydrogen. After attack had reached a maximum,
92 no further loss in specific gravity could be noted.
These tests are considered significant for ex-
100t-~ _ __ plaining the cause for cracks sometimes found in
an otherwise resistant steel and also emphasizes
the need for stress relief in hydrogen containing
equipment. Sharp notches should also be avoided
PER CENT as they provide points of high stress concentration.

Effect of Hardness
100 Steels shown on Fig. 1 are considered to be in
the stress relieved condition. Heat treatments to
stabilize carbides increase the strength and en-
- - - - - - - - -_ _ 700 F
hance hydrogen resistance. Usual treatments are
_ _ _ 1000F 39% STRAIN
normalizing followed by tempering, although
92 quenching followed by tempering has also been
performed. Caution should be exercised with
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 heat treatments to avoid excessiveJy high hard-
ness. Long time service has been attained with
Fig. 8-Effect of temperatures and cold work on specific gravity low alloy steels, heat treated to a maximum hard-
of SAE 1020 steel exposed to hydrogen at 900 psi
ness of Rockwell C-23. However, experiences
have shown that brittle fractures can occur when
harder steels (above Rockwell C-30) are subjected
cold work after exposure to 900 psi hydrogen to high stresses, either residual or applied, while in
pressure at 700, 900, and 1000 F. For the an- 0
contact with high-temperature, high-pressure
nealed set of samples (0 % strain) the curves show hydrogen. Instances of brittle failures of equip-
incubation periods, followed by a decrease in ment while operating at high-temperatures and
specific gravity and a final diminishing rate of pressures are shown on Table 1. Cases 1, 2,
loss. The decrease in specific gravity indicates and 4 are border line for alloy content. However,
the presence of internal fissures. even though equipment had shown a slight surface
Steel with 5 % strain showed different character- effect of 0.02 in., when the hardness was below
istics than the annealed samples. The specific Rockwell C-23 no failures were reported. Harder
gravity of the 700 0 F specimen began to decrease materials of same analysis exposed in the same
at a shorter time and to a greater degree than the unit failed in a brittle manner at 1400 psi hydrogen
annealed sample. The same was true for the pressure and a temperature of 800 to 850 F.
800 0 F sample. The 1000 0 F sample, however, After some redesign and use of softer materials no
showed no incubation period and specific gravity further problems occurred.
decreased less than the annealed sample. This
apparent reversal of the extent of attack in the Effect of Hydrogen on Stress-Rupture
Strength at High Temperatures
5% sample was attributed to the development of
parallel longitudinal fissures in the cold rolled When steels are under strain at high tempera-
samples in contrast to the heterogeneous oriented tures, even where hydrogen attack may not

Table 1-Equipment Failures by H2 Embrittlement at High Temperature

Metal H2 Pressure psia Temp, 0 F Time to Failure
Case 1 SAE 4140 bolts and nuts 1400 800-850 Unknown
(heat treated)
Case 2 1.3 Cr - 0.5 Mo weld 1400 800-850 Several days
Case 3 5 Cr - 0.5 Mo bolts 3500 900 Several days
Case 4 1.3 Cr - 0.5 Mo flange 1400 800-850 24,000 hI'

HiUh TemlJeratUl'e and Pressures

100 100





50 100 150 200 150 50


Fig. 9-Effect of pressure on stress·rupture strength of SAE 1020

steel exposed to hydrogen at 800 0 F. Based on samples in 40
900 PSI
argon as 100%

50 100 150 200 250


occur, stress-rupture strengths are lower in hydro- Fig. lO-Effect of pressure on stress·rupture strength of SAE
1020 steel exposed to hydrogen at 10000 F. Based on samples in
gen than in other atmospheres. This was demon- argon as 100%
strated by Vitovec and associates 8 - 1o • Figures
9-12 were prepared from these works to illustrate
decreases in stress-rupture strengths of various
steels when tested at elevated temperatures in
hydrogen. The curves demonstrate that the
presence of strains created by applied stress de- at a much steeper s]ope. I t is also to be noted
creases the stress-rupture strength of carbon and that in a short test at 50 psi and 1000° F the loss
low alloy steels. In fact, ]oss in stress-rupture in relative stress-rupture strength is the same as
strength of carbon steel is experienced at pressures when the pressure was 400 psi, indicating the
as low as 50 psia, whereas in the unstressed extreme sensivitity of strained metal to hydrogen
condition no attack by hydrogen can be detected. at any pressure. As previously mentioned, this
Improvement in stress-rupture strength occurs sample would be unaffected when in the unstrained
when elements such as molybdenum or chromium condition.
are added. Improvement in stress-rupture strength is ac-
Figure 9 compares stress-rupture strengths of complished by addition of strengthening elements
SAE 1020 steel tested in hydrogen at various such as molybdenum or chromium. Figure 11
pressures at 800° F in relation to its strength when compares relative stress-rupture strength of SAE
tested in argon. It is noted that all samples 1020 steel with low-alloy steels when tested in
immediately declined in relative strength upon hydrogen at 900 psi and 1000° F. An immediate
application of load and further decreased in improvement from alloying is noted but full
strength at the same high rate for approximately stress-rupture strength is not retained in these
50 hr. This time of rapid decline in stress-rupture short-time tests until the alloy steel grade reaches
strength corresponds approximately to that of 2 1/ 4 Cr-l Mo.
the incubation time for unstrained samples where Figure 12 compares the relative stress-rupture
no attack is occurring (see Fig. 8). Following strength of high purity iron at two levels of carbon
the steady rate decline, stress-rupture strength content when tested in hydrogen at 900 psi and
decreased in direct relation to the applied pres- 1000° F with that in argon at 1000° F. The
sure. higher carbon material was in the initial condition
Figure 10 compares relative stress-rupture of a vacuum annealed 3/8 in. thickness strip
strength of SAE 1020 stee] when tested in hydrogen which had been vacuum normalized at 1650° F
at various pressures and in argon at 1000° F. for 1 hr. The lower carbon material had been
Trends are the same as in the 800 ° F samples, further treated by heating in hydrogen at 1800° F
but initially the reduction in stress-rupture for 500 hr. During this exposure the carbon
strength of the samples exposed to hydrogen is content was reduced from 90 to 15 ppm. It is

High Temperature and Pressures :m

2!, CR-I MO




Fig. 12-Effect of decarburization on stress· rupture strength of

high purity iron exposed to hydrogen at 900 psi and 1000 F.
Based on samples in argon as 100%
100 200 3;0 400 500

Fig. ll-Effect of exposure time on stress·rupture strength of

steels exposed to hydrogen at 900 psi and 10000 F. Based on overheated while at operating pressure. In
samples in argon as 100% straight oil service such tubes fail in a ductile
fashion. Rapid temperature changes cannot be
tolerated by furnace tubing in hydrogen service.
When steels are cooled from high temperatures,
noted that the original iron decreased in relative the absorbed hydrogen diffuses out very slowly;
stress-rupture strength immediately upon exposure hence a situation can exist where the steel is
to hydrogen. However, the decarburized sample supersaturated by hydrogen, and thus is brittle at
showed better strength than the sample exposed to low temperature. Table 2 shows that both 5
argon. This favorable behavior is attributed to Cr - 0.5 Mo and 18 Cr - 8 Ni suffer from this
insufficient carbon in the sample to allow for- effect. In both instances, the high temperature
mation of methane. conditions were not severe enough to create
decarburization. Hence, it is recommended that
Effect of Hydrogen on Stress-Rupture Ductility large and rapid temperature changes be avoided;
at High Temperatures expansion and contraction stresses in hydrogen-
The reduction of area at fracture in stress- charged steels should be kept to a minimum.
rupture tests is generally lower in hydrogen than Where thick wall pressure vessels are involved,
in argon. This degradation Of ductility due to a cooling rate of 75° F max per hour should be
hydrogen: 1. generally increases in severity with prescribed.
increasing hydrogen pressure up to 1400 psi, 2.
Detection of Hydrogen Damage
occurs even during the incubation time for hydro-
gen attack, and 3. becomes progressively more There is actually no dimensional loss of the
severe at longer time to fracture (until complete steel when it is affected by high-temperature
decarburization is attained). This effect was
demonstrated for 1020 carbon steel 9 and for a
commercial steel containing 0.5% molybde-
num. IO However, for a steel containing 1 % Table 2-Results of Ductility Tests from Test Bars Inserted in
chromium and half per cent molybdenum lo the 0
Reactor Furnaces Exposed at Temperatures up to 1000 F and
stress rupture ductility when tested in hydrogen Pressure of 3500 psi
was equal to or better than the ductility in argon, Elongation in 2 in. %
Duration of at Room Temperature
even though the stress-rupture strength in hydro- Type of Steel Test, hr Before After
gen was less than that in argon. 3% Cr 4,000 25 14
Plant experience indicates some caution is 5% Cr 4,000 31 26
necessary in operation of furnace tubing when in 5% Cr 14,000 31 10
18 Cr - 8 Ni 4,000 65 44
hydrogen service. In one instance 5 Cr - 0.5 Mo 18 Cr- 8 Ni 14,000 65 39
steel tubes failed in a brittle manner when rapidly

40 High Temperature and Pressures

hydrogen damage; in fact, a slight growth occurs.
Since no appreciable dimensional changes of an
affected piece of steel occur, inspection methods
other than visual or direct lneasurement are
required. Several tests have proved useful for
revealing the presence of affected areas, but the
most reliable are of a destructive type.
The simplest test is a bend or flattening test at
room temperature. The normal ductility of low-
carbon steels is such that a ' I in. thick sample can
be flattened through an angle of 180 deg without
showing evidences of cracking. When a piece of
hydrogen cracked steel is subjected to this test,
Fig . 13- Crush tests of carbon steel pipes after exposure to high
it breaks at a much lower angle of bending ; pressure-high temperature hydrogen
in fact, it may break without any elongation.
Flattening tests of pipe sections are also usefu l for
indicating reduction of duct.iJity resulting from
hydrogen attack. Figure 13 shows the appearance
of hydrogen damaged pipes after a flattening test.
Macroetching by immersing a sample in a 1: 1 dependence of pressure and temperature upon the
solu tion of hydrochloric acid at a tempera ture of alloy content of the steel influences the design of
about 180 F for 20 min will reveal the presence of
pressme vessels and piping.
cracked areas. Steel which has suffered hydrogen In some high pressure-high temperature hydro-
damage by cracks or decarburization will have a gen processes it is the practice to use heavy wall
lower Rockwell or Brinell hardness, indicating the vessels of solid alloy steel. If the alloy content of
degree of sponginess. the steel is sufficient to resist the decarburizing
In addition to the above tests, tensile tests or action of the hydrogen, these ves~els have proved
micro examination will reveal the presence of entirely successful. The cost of solid alloy vessels,
weakened areas in the steel. especially in large sizes, is appreciable. Further-
In the inspection of operating equipment in more there is a limit to the wall thickness of
hydrogen service, it may not be possible to obtain vessels fabricated of solid alloy steel. To overcome
a large sample for any of the above tests. In these difficulties several unique construction
these cases, it is sometimes possible to remove a techniques have been used.
small chip and have it analyzed for its carbon Vessels lined with alloy steels have been designed
content to show how much this element has been to withstand the most severe hydrogen environ-
depleted from its original level. ments. Liner materials with sufficient alloy con-
Ultrasonic inspection is also useful for revealing tent will be resistant to hydrogen attack, but
the presence of microscopic intergranular cracks. hydrogen will still diffuse through the liner and
When a beam of supersonic vibration is projected accumulate between the liner and the plain carbon-
through a piece of perfect steel a distinct sharp steel strength shell. The diffusion of hydrogen
reflection is returned from the opposite wall. through the liner material varies with the alloy
If, however, the wall contains intergranular content and is dependent on temperature and
c"acks, a fuzzy or scattered signal is returned. pressure. Work by Naumann shows that at a
Pulse echo instruments such as the Sonoray or pressure 330 kg per sq cm (4300 psi) and a tem-
Reflertoscope are used to perform such tests. perature of 300 0 C (572 0 F l that hydrogen will
diffuse through a 5 mm thick plate of 1 ";. Cr
steel at the rate of 0.5 cc , cm ' hr. Under the
Preve nting High Temperatu re Hydrogen Damage
same conditions 17 Cr steel permitted only 0.03
cc/ cm ' ; hr to diffuse through. It is evident from
Process equipment exposed to hydrogen at data provided by such tests that hydrogen will
elevated temperatmes may require the use of diffuse through chromium steels at rates which
alloy steels or the use of specialized design and decrease regularly as the chromium content in-
fabrication techniques. As shown in Fig. 1, creases ; however, if the alloy content is sufficient to
plain carbon steels are entirely satisfactory for resist decarburization and internal cracking, one
hydrogen processes which are carried out at need only to provide for protection of the carbon
fairly low temperatmes and high pressme, or at steel strength shell from the hydrogen which could
low pressures and high temperature. At high accumulate between the liner and the shell. '1'0
temperatures and high pressmes increasing avoid the pressure conditions favoring attack of
amounts of alloying elements are required to resist the carbon steel, this hydrogen pressure can be
the decarburizing action of hydrogen. This inter- relieved by venting through weep holes in the

ll igh 'I'f' JlI}J (!)' allll'c and P r(!ss ll t'c~

shell. The small weep holes do not appreciably Suggested Areas for Research
affect the strength of the outer shell. Multiwall 1. As little is known concerning safe hardness
or layer-built vessels are easily adapted to this levels for steels in high-temperature, high-pressure
technique; the inner sheet being alloy with service, it is suggested that work be done to
subsequent layers constructed of carbon steel. determine workable parameters.
Many of today's processes for refining crude 2. Further work is needed between the low
oils operate under high pressures and temperatures temperature range of delayed fracture and the
of hydrogen. Reactor sizes are becoming so high temperature range where methane formation
large (15 ft diameter x 6 in. thick x 60 ft long) is the cause of failure. The range is estimated
that few manufacturers are equipped to handle at 300-600° F.
them. Thickness of vessels can be reduced by 3. Creep and creep-rupture tests in hydrogen
the use of interior insulation to lower temperatures are needed which extend over long periods of
of the wall. McDowell et al., 11 have described cold time, i.e., 10,000 and 100,000 hr. Data pub-
wall pressure vessels for refining processes above lished so far are for short periods of time at stresses
725° F, which are internally insulated with casta- approaching the yield point.
ble refractories, so that the design temperature of
the shell is lowered below the creep-rupture range.
Another method is to use a solidly bonded inner
liner of steel with an alloy content sufficient to
resist the hydrogen. This is applied to a carbon-
steel or low-alloy backing. In this case, the
liner is applied only when it is required for the
purpose of resisting corrosives such as hydrogen
sulfide. It is apparent in this construction that References
the hydrogen diffusing through the liner will 1. Pennington, N. A., Trans. ASM, 37 (1946).
affect the backing material, and it is therefore 2. Fletcher, E. H., and Elsen, A. F., DMIG Report 202, Battelle Me-
morial Institute (1964).
necessary that the backing material be of such 3. Naumann, F. K., "Influence of Alloy Additions to Steel upon Resist-
ance to Hydrogen under High Pressure," Tech. Mitt. Krupp., 1 (12) 223-
alloy content as to resist the effect of hydrogen 234 (1938).
which diffuses through the liner material. Vent- 4. Vitovec, F. H., "The Growth Rate of Fiasures during Hydrogen At-
tack of Steel," Proe.API,Hl (1964).
ing of the strength shell is also required. 5. Nelson, G. A., "Operating Limits and Incubation Times for Steels in
Hydrogen Service," Preprint API Meeting, May 1965.
Since the damaging effects of hydrogen are 6. Allen, R. E., Jansen, R. J., Rosenthan, B. C., and Vitovec, F. H.,
"The Rate of Irreversible Hydrogen Attack of Steel at Elevated Tempera-
dependent upon the temperature of the steel tures" Proc. API 41, Section 111, Refining (1964).
as well as the pressure of hydrogen in the process, 7: Nelson, G. A., "Steel Deterioration in Hydrogen," Preprint No. 33-67,
American Petroleum Institute, May 18, 1967.
some vessels have been constructed of carbon 8. Thoma, P. A., Vitovec, F. H., and Mullendore, J. A., "Effect of Hy-
drogen on the Creep Rupture Properties of Iron," Proe. API, Ref. 46, 345-
or low alloy steel using the vessel wall as a heat 351 (1966).
transfer surface and thereby lowering the metal 9. Allen, R. E., Rosenthal, P. C., and Vitovec, F. H., "Stress Rupture
Behaviour of Mild Steel under conditions of Hydrogen Attack," Preprint
temperature to within safe limits. In exother- API Meeting, San Francisco, May 16, 1962.
10. Sutherland, W. C., Vacca, P. J., Rosenthal, P. C., and Vitovec, F. H.,
mic hydrogen processes this type of construction "Effect of Stress Concentration and Gas Preasure on the Creep Strength of
Steel in Hydrogen Environment," Preprint API Meeting, Montreal, May
not only reduces the need for alloy steel but also 10,1965.
provides a means of temperature control and 11. McDowell, D. W., Jr., Milligan, J. D., and Kevin, A. D., "Cold vs.
Hot Wall Pressure Vessels," Hydrocarbon Proceas Petrol. Refiner, Mar.
possible heat recovery. (1966).

42 High Temperature and Pressures

Section III-Practical Aspects of Hydrogen
Damage at Atmospheric Temperature
Charles M. Hudgins, Jr.

SU~fMAH.Y. The fi rst section of this interpretive report laid hydrogen that enters the steel often comes from
the theoretical foundation for the study of effects of hydro-
gen. The second discussed the effects of h ydrogen at corrosion reactions but can come from hydrogen
elevated temperatw·es. The purpose of t his section is to gas as well.
discuss the particai aspects of the lo wer temperature damage
by hydrogen. The selection of materials, then' use, pitfalls Failures
to be avoided, and some possible problems wi ll be reviewed.
Some examples of this type of failure will be
given. Figure 1 shows a moderately high strength
tubing joint which completely parted shortly after
A brief summru:y of the types of damage along being lowered into a well producing sulfide fluids.
with some examples will serve to introduce the ExposUTe time of the failed joint was only a few
reader to the natme of problems which have been hours. The hardness was about RC 29, corre-
encountered. The examples have been largely sponding to approximately 110- 120,000 psi yield
drawn from the petroleum industry because of the strength . Numerous failures of valve trim parts
author's background. Another author with a (stems, seats, springs, etc. ) occurred when very
different background could cite different examples sour (up to 50 % H ,S) high preSSUTe gas wells were
of the same type of problems. Throughout the first being produced in Canada, East Texas and
paper one theme will keep appearing- bulk prop- France. The stresses were usually very low, but
erties and average nominal stresses do not ade- the hardnesses were quite high . A typical ex-
quately account for observed problems. Localized ample is shown in Fig. 2. Bourdon tubes made of
property differences at welds or coldworked areas high strength carbon steel or 400 series staiuless
may make them susceptible to hydrogen damage steels have failed when exposed to high pressure
while the bulk material remains nonsusceptible.
Stress concentrations at welds, threads, defects,
nozzles, etc., may render those areas susceptible to
damage. What subsequently propagates from
these locations is influenced by bulk properties.
Delayed fracture at low stress is perhaps the
most serious of t he types of problems because it can
result in complete and <I instantaneous" parting of
a material without warning after a period of time
has passed. The stresses can be well below the
yield strength, even as low as 10 % of the y ield.
Failure can occur within lninutes or 1110nths after
the stress is applied and the environment contacts
the material. This complete type of failure is
usually restricted to higher strength materials.
Transgranular cracking usually p redominates over
intergranular, with relatively little branching
being present in the majority of cases. The
Fi g. I -Cracking of N·80 grade oil well tubing. 2 ~/B in. 00 . The
C. 1\1. Hudgins is with the Conlinenlal Oil Cnmpony, POIICII City, cracking occu rred at a tong mark within a few minutes after
The preparation of this report was sponsored by the SubcommIttee on contactin g well fl uids con tami nated wi th hydrogen sulfide.
Hydrogen Embrittlemeot of the Pressure Vesse l Researc h Committee. Hardness of the steel was Rockwell C·29

.411lbient TeI1l1)eJ'ature 43
ceptible to blistering but certainly is not immune.
Figure 4 shows blisters in fully killed, seamless
Grade B line pipe ('" x 13 in. ) caused by lamina-
tion defects due to inadequate cropping of the
ingot. Inclusions in electric-resistance-welded
pipe made from semi-killed steel led to the !issw'es
and blisters shown in Fig. 5.
Dissolved hydrogen greatly reduces the ability
of steel to deform. This is important even in
materials too soft to be susceptible to the delayed
failures discussed above. The force required to
unseat or unstick an oilfield downhole pump is
frequently large enough to exceed the yield
strength of the sucker rods. Each 25-ft rod will
normally stretch a foot or more past yield without
breaking, offering considerable "safety factor" to
the operator. In sour wells, however, the rods will
Fig. 2-Carbon steel relief valve spring after exposure to hy· part with very little permanent elongation. Bend-
drogen sulfide environment (Reprinted with permission of the
American Chemical Society from Ind . & Engrg. Chem ., 44 (10) ing or flattening of embrittled pipe will usually
1952, p. 2500) result in fractUl'e at much less strain than normal.
The wall of the blister shown in Fig. 4 has parted
with little evidence of yielding, whereas the new
pipe could be almost flattened without any separa-
pure hydrogen gas. I Cracking has occurred in the tion.
shells of transport trucks fabricated from high
strength A-517 steel within hoUl's after sour natural Preventive Measu res
gasoline was loaded. High strength tUl'bine com- There are numerous ways to combat hydrogen
pressor blades failed after three month service re- problems, the actual choice usually being con-
cycling H ,S contaminated hydrogen gas in a re- t.rolled by economic as well as technical limitations.
finery .' Cracking failures have occUl'red in hard Fortunately, hydrogen damage at atmospheric tem-
welds in softer, " non-susceptible" storage tank peratUl'es can often be largely circumvented by
materials for crude oil. ' FailUl'es of A-517F hydro- careful attention to material selection and fabrica-
gen storage tanks (5000 psi) were associated with tion practices. Moreover, the additional cost is
welds.! Some of the tanks were found to have had often relatively minor. Restriction of the maxi-
cracks before service so that this example might mum strength level is the single most important
better be considered an example of interaction of material consideration. This includes weldments,
high hardness, defects, and hydrogen gas. cold-rolled threads, etc., as well as bulk material.
Elimination of cold work, stress raisers, and hard
weld areas are critical in fabrication, especially for
Blistering stronger steels. A combination of these measw'es
has virtually eliminated value failw-es in the pro-
Hydrogen blistering results from hydrogen gas duction and handling of sulfide-containing oil, gas
collecting in defects. Hydrogen can enter and and salt water.' Often it is more desirable to
move rather freely t hrough many materials as long
as the hydrogen exists as an atom. If the hydro-
gen atoms combine to molecular hydrogen in a void
or defect in the material, hydrogen is rather ir-
reversibly trapped. Continued accumulation of
molecular hydrogen gas in the defect can lead to
very high preSSUl'es and the formation of blisters in
softer steels. The large blisters observed in
storage tanks containing soul' crude oil is perhaps
the most common example of this problem (Fig. 3).
However, blistering of heavy walled refinery
reactor vessels was a lTIore serious problelll because
of the pressure involved. The use of alloy linings
and multiwalled carbon steel vessels has minimized
this problem, but the inner liner must be vented to
prevent hydrogen accumulation which could Fig. 3-Cross section of a hydrogen blister in ~/u in. thick plate
collapse the linear. Piping is generally less sus- from a sour crude oil storage tank

A I1Ibieni 'Temperature

Fig. 4- Bli stering of Grad e B line pipe- 12 in. 00 x '/4 in. wa ll. Fig. 5-Magnetic particle ind ications of fissures associated with
Thi s had been exposed in the laboratory to 5% sodium chloride hydrogen blister formation in electric·resistance-welded line
solution sat urated with hydrogen sulf ide pipe in sour service. The blisters occurred at inclusions in steel

separate the structural material from the environ- strength less than approximately 90,000 psi
ment. This approach is used in many refinery will be resistant to cracking failures. ' This
applications where a thin alloy liner is used to corresponds roughly to Rockwell C22 hardness.
prevent damage to the thick carbon steel pressure This latter is mentioned because it has been used
shell.' A third approach involves ch anging the as a criteria in NACE , API and other specifica-
envirOlunent to reduce its aggressiveness. Con- tions," and is particularly useful for nondestructive
trol of pH in drilling muds' and refinery wash testing in the laboratory or in the field, even on
streams7 are instances which have met with con- complex shapes. It should be emphasized that
siderable success. the 90,000 psi yield presently represents a maxi-
Let us now exalnine these approaches in con- mum in the available useable strength for carbon
siderably more detail. It should be pointed out a nd low alloy steels in sulfide service. This in-
that most of the supporting data and considerable formation has led to the introduction of a special
additional information is included in Section I of grade, C-75, for oilfield tubing and casing for
this bulletin . The engineer faced with a specific hydrogen sulfide service. A major factor in this
problem would be well a dvised to stud y pertinent specification is the restriction of the yield strength
areas there also. to a range of 75,000- 90,000 psi. At higher
strengths, the threshold stress to failure actually
decreases by approximately 10,000 psi for each
The best technical solution to delayed fracture 10,000 psi increase in yield strength. This has
problems u sually is to select a material that is not been confirmed by a number of investigators. '"
susceptible to this mode of failure and fabricate For example, low alloy steels with a yield strength
and use it in such a lnanner so as not to induce of 150,000 p si can be expected to fail with only
susceptibility. A number of the factors involved 20,000- 30,000 psi applied stress in a corrosive
in this approach will now be discussed. Es- sulfide environment. Likewise, it is important to
sentially all investigators who have studied hydro- point out that welding or excessive cold work on
gen damage from any h ydrogenizing source have l1ol1susceptible lnaterials can increase theil' sus-
found that strength level of material is the most ceptibility. Figure 6 shows two failed B-7 bolts
significant single variable.' (RC 31- 34) removed from the floating head of a
CARBON AND LOW-ALLOY STEELS. For the rel- heat exchanger exposed to a sour gas. The failure
atively severe sulfide h ydrogenizing environment can be prevented by using softer (RC 22 max.)
it has been found that most steels with yield materials, if compatible with strength require-

A mbient 'Tenl/Jeratu re -15

wire lines, etc. Major factors reslricting their
wider use have been cost and strength limitations.
Some recent work "· " has shown that under
severe conditions of cold work and stress, even
these materials can be adversely affected by
hydrogen ; when the austenite is u'ansformed to
martensite by cold-work, the steel may be suscep-
tible. Such a condition is indicated by a high
degree of magnetism.
K-MONEL. Mention should be made of the ou t-
standillg u tility of K-Monel in severe environ-
Fig. 6-Typical fa ilures of 8-7 bol ts (Rockwell C 31-34) in sour
petroleum refinery fluids_ T hese bolt s were removed from a
ments such as hydrogen sullide saturated salt
debutanizer overhead condenser water. This alloy is one of the few high strength
materials which is almost immune to sullide crack-
ing problems. It has found wide acceptance as
springs, valve stems, valve seats, plunger and other
miscellaneous applications where high strength
hard materials are a necessity. K-Monel is often
m ents, or by changing to K-Monel. used in internal bolting in process vessels handling
The composition of cal'bon and low alloy steels sour gas or gasoline. In critical situations such as
h as been shown by a number of investigators to be the high pressure wellhead of a sour gas well,
relatively unimportant." Other data indicates K-Monel bolts will even be used for flanges which
some constituents may be important, but t he data are not normally exposed to the embrittling en-
is frequently conflicting." The number of vari- vironment but which might become exposed if the
ables involved makes it very difficult to prove the flange should leak. Age-hardened Inconels have
usefulness or h armfulness of any single constituent also found use for compressor valve parts for
beyond a shadow of a doubt. At any rate, the sulfide service. A word of caution is in order,
differences are relatively minor when compared to since wldel' some conditions when oxygen is pres-
the effect of strength level. However, the com- ent, the Monel is subject to stress-corrosion
position can h ave a significant effect on t he hard- cracking.
ness and transformation temperatw-e of the weld MARAGING STEEL. The maraging steels cover a
zones in products that are fabricated by welding. variety of different types, some of which have
Special preheat and postheat treatments can be promise for increased strength level with reduced
and frequently are used to minimize such un- susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement and
desirable effects. The composition can also h ave a sulfide cracking. Most of these steels are rela-
significant effect in low alloy steels if the critical tively new and initial development work has been
temperatw-e of the steel is lowered sufficiently to directed towill'ds inert or moderately reactive
prevent adequate softening by tempering without envirolUllents. The increase alloy content is
exceeding t he critical temperatw-e. expected to reduce the hydrogen permeability of
MAR'l'ENSITIC STAINLESS STEELS. The high cor- t he alloy and may prevent hydrogen generation by
rosion resistance of martensitic stainless steels will C01TOSlon. Both effects should result in somewhat
often result in less corrosion-generated hydrogen. more resistant alloys. Little actual operating
The addition of chromium (at least up to 18 %1 also data has been accumulated to date on these steels
red uces the permeation drast ically ." These fac- in more severe environments. The 17-4 PH
tors should lead to better performance; h owever, group of steels has met with some success as an
experience with 12 chl'ome steels in sulfide sel'vice alternative for K-Monel in the valve trim parts
has shown that they can be even more susceptible discussed above, although the useful strength level
to cracking than carbon steels. Heat treatment is usually lower than for K-Monel when such steels
and chemistry can be very important, probably are in the softer tempers. Much of the tinle the
re lat ing to heterogeneous structures. " This can Rockwell C221imitation applies to t he 17-4 PH.
be particularly true in the case of vessels requiring
welding. Exu'eme caution must be exercised with
these higher alloys in order to prevent quench cool- Microstructure
ing and the resulting high hardness and high
residual sU'esses in t he weld area. Workers in the sulfide cracking area have gen-
AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS. Experience with erally fo und tempered martensite to be the most
austenitic stainless steels has shown t hat th ey are resistant microstructure for carbon and low alloy
essentially immune to hydrogen damage. Con- steels." T his structure is usually obtained by a
sequently, they have found many applications in quench and temper treatment. Un tempered mar-
refinery vessels, preSSUl"e gages, valves, pumps, tensite has been found to be unusually sensitive

JG Jbllbien( T CIIIIJeralu7"l'
to hydrogen cracking. 16 The fine carbide disper- Rockwell C units higher than in the adjoining base
sion usually associated with tempered martensite is metal. It should be emphasized that only one
considered advantageous while the coarser precipi- material did not fail in this series of tests-and
tates of carbides, such as pearlite, are less desir- that one was the A-285-C steel (which has a
able. 17 To some extent this superior performance specified minimum tensile strength of 55,000 psi).
is due to crack propagation resistance. The In other more severe environments outside of
maximum effect of the differences in microstructure above tests, A-285 steel, cold-worked by bending
appears to be approximately 15,000 psi increase in to less than 5 % strain and under yield-strength
useable strength as long as the untempered mar- loading, did fail in operating equipment. Mc-
tensite is excluded. Useful strengths to 107,000 Pherson and Cataldo I reported on a number of
psi were recently attained by a double tempering failures of A-517-F steels in high pressure hydrogen
process whereby newly formed martensite was gas service. Essentially all of the failures were
tempered in the second treatment. IS associated with welds, either in nozzle area or in
longitudinal and circumferential internal welds.
Cold Work
While many of the failures were associated with
The adverse effect of cold work has been ob- poor quality welds the authors concluded that
served by almost every investigator who has under present fabrication techniques high strength
studied hydrogen embrittlement. 19 There is little steel is not satisfactory for gaseous hydrogen ser-
doubt that more than about 5 % cold work will vice.
result in a marked increase in the susceptibility to
hydrogen damage and cracking failures. Below Quality Control
5%, however, it appears that the significance of the
The importance of quality control throughout
damage will depend on the original properties of
the welding process cannot be overemphasized.
material. For example, materials that are barely
Defective welds provide stress concentrations, laps,
safe in the non-cold worked condition might be-
porosity, etc., which can greatly aggravate hydro-
come dangerously susceptible with a small incre-
gen damage. Likewise, high hardnesses result in
ment of cold work, while soft materials would not
greater susceptibility to hydrogen-induced delayed
be significantly affected by the same amount of
failure. An important step in minimizing high
cold work. One source of damage that should
weld area hardness is to specify base metal and
generally be restricted is cold straightening of
welding electrodes that do not have unnecessarily
tubular goods during processing without subse-
high carbon and alloy contents. This usually
quent stress relieving. Another example where
means restricting the carbon, manganese, nickel,
problems can result is the cold bending of tubular
and chrome contents to the minimum value con-
goods during installation, for example the installa-
sistent with the properties of the base metal. A
tion of pipelines in hilly terrain. Cold formed
suitable preheat practice may be required to mini-
pressure vessel heads have been found to be un-
mize quench cooling in the heat affected zones as
usually susceptible to hydrogen damage. Like-
well as insure a dry material so that minimum
wise, cold formed tray support rings welded to the
amounts of hydrogen will be introduced during the
inside of a vessel have been observed to crack when
welding process. Note that specifications for
exposed to sour environments, that is, refinery
welding electrodes do not always control the high
1luids containing H 2S and cyanides.
side of mechanical properties.
Welding Good design and welding techniques should be
used at all times. Rounded corners, a minimum
I t is no coincidence that delayed cracking failures
number and limitation on severity of stress raisers,
of pressure vessels are frequently initiated in and
full penetration of welds, minimum porosity,
often propagate along the weld area (including both
smooth changes in cross section, etc., are quite
the weld metal and the heat affected zone). These
important. Random arc strikes on a vessel wall
failures generally re1lect higher hardness in the
nearly always leave hard spots and should be
weld metal or in the heat affected zone. For
rigorously avoided. Inspection of critical welds
example, Bates 3 reported on a study of moderate
should include X-ray for determination of porosity
to high strength steels exposed to sour crude oil
and also magnetic-particle or dye-penetrant ex-
environments. One of his most important con-
amination to find cracks.
clusions was that welding of the higher strength
steels greatly increased the probability of cracking
Heat Treatment
failure. Metallographic examination revealed
that cracks in the welded specimens usually oc- Heat treatments after fabrication are commonly
curred in the weld zones. Of the 72 welded used to reduce residual stresses and hardnesses to
specimens that failed, only one specimen cracked acceptable levels and minimize the effect of cold
in a spot remote from the weld. Hardnesses in work. The importance of these operations in the
the heat affected zone were generally 10 to 20 fabrication of pressure vessels, containers, pipe

Ambient Temperature 47
values, etc., has been proven time and time again. cracks originating at such areas will not propagate
Specific practices are included in many specifica- into failure of the vessel, pipe or unit. Sufficient
tions and codes. These operations are especially notch ductility in the base metal to accept such
important in a low temperature hydrogenizing small cracks is vital when equipment is to be used
environment. For example, the introduction of in hydrogenizing service.
the NACE specification (1-F-1-66) for valves for
sour service' virtually eliminated cracking failures Field Repairs

in this severe hydrogenizing environment. A Repair of equipment in the field poses even more
major factor in the success has been the required severe problems than the original construdion.
heat treatment at 1150 0 F after all welding repair, There is nearly always an urgency to get the sys-
overlay, cold work, etc., has been completed. tem back on stream. It often is almost completely
At temperatures in this range residual stresses are impractical to heat treat a pressure vessel in the
reduced to relatively low values because most field after welding repairs. Very careful control
steels have lost much of the strength. Perhaps must be exercised in localized heat treatments to
more important, however, is t he tempering that avoid creating still more problems. Selection of
will occur. Tempering at 1150 0 F will soften welding electrodes is very important, especially if a
nearly all carbon or low alloy steels to below RC different base metal is to be used for a modification.
30 and most to RC 20- 25, thereby greatly reducing Pads or patches added to a vessel can introduce
the probability of a cracking failure. Selection of residual stresses as well as heat affected zones
specmc treatments must necessarily take wall which enhance susceptibility to delayed cracking
thickness into account as well as type of steel. failure. The low-hydrogen rods ease weld crack-
The effect of Lhe treatment of other properties ing, but do little for the hardness of the heat-
(e.g. , impact strength and corrosion resistance) affected zone . A very common source of high
must also be considered. Nevertheless, hard weld hardness weld metal is high manganese welding
areas constitute an inunediate threat to the integ- electrodes or flux.
rity of the vessel whenever hydrogenizing condi-
tions are present. Hardnesses in these areas Blistering
should be kept as low as feasible, even at some Another problem which may seriously affect
sacrifice of other properties. Hydrogen introduced pressure vessels exposed to hydrogen charging
during the weld operation can be removed during media is that of blistering, which occurs most com-
a post-fabrication heat treatment. monly in hydrogen sulfide or hydrofluoric acid
Service Pro blems

Even if a system is fabricated in the proper

manner from suitable materials, problems may
arise in service. Most structmes have points at
which the stresses are at yield strength level.
This stress level may make the st.ructure sensitive
to a combination of hydrogen damage and fatigue.
Oil production gives an example of this. When
casing is run into a crooked hole and the " dog-leg"
is too severe, high stresses and possibly a little
plastic strain will occm at the last engaged thread
of the pin end. In sour oil the added deleterious
action of hydrogen sulfide results in occasional
failure of the threaded joint. Valve stem breakage
also increases in hydl'ogenizing environments;
excessive torque must be avoided. In oil wells the
presence of hydrogen sulfide reduces the useable
stress in fatigue and also introduces some new
phenomena. Sucker rod couplings which have
been hammered and then subjected to hydrogen
sulfide fluids will contain notches, cold work and
residual stresses leading to the cracking shown in
Fig. 7. Small sensitive spots, such as arc strikes
and small cold worked areas, cannot be completely
prevented . Hammer marks, skid scars, forced
fits, small dents and contact impressions are pres- Fig. 7-Cracking of hardened sucker rod coupling exposed to
sour well fluids. Note that cracks more nearly reflect residual
ent on all vessels as they go into service. The st ress and cold work of the hammer damage than the tensile
base material should be so selected that small stress of the load

.4 mbie1l1 '1'(111 perature

service. This problem may be the one most the flow of gas. To minimize the chance of ignit-
familiar to plant personnel since it is readily ap- ing the hydrogen stream, an air-powered drill can
parent to the naked eye. Hydrogen accumulates be used. Whether or not the blisters should be
at defects in the steel, building pressure until it vented to the inside or to the outside depends on
finally causes a large cavity to form and finally to how close the void is to the surface as well as the
rupture. This blistering problem is usually mani- nature of the process fluid. For instance, if the
fested in low strength steels only. blister were near the inside surface and the fluid
Approaches to preventing this blistering problem were highly toxic, it would not be wise to drill from
involve the selection of materials which are sound the outside. Blistering at stress and strain con-
and free of large defects which can collect molec- centration points should be viewed with more con-
ular hydrogen. A fully killed steel, rather than a cern than in a straight cylinderical portion of a
rimmed or semi-killed steel should be specified in vessel. Obviously the through-thickness direction
order to obtain a steel free of blow holes, lamina- properties have been impaired when appreciable
tions, porosity, etc. The nonmetallic content blistering has occurred.
should also be as low as feasible and the cropping
practice should be adequate to assure a sound Separation of Environment and
product. Laminations in the heavy wall (3/ 4 in.) Structural Materials
pipeline steel mentioned earlier (Fig. 4) were de-
Multi-Layer Vessels
tected by welders during double-jointing. Ul-
trasonic inspection located a number of these One of the more successful approaches to hand-
defects-always within one to two feet of the end ling hydrogenation reactions has been the separa-
of the joint. This particular problem was traced tion of environment from the structural materials.
to incomplete cropping of the ingot. In some This can be accomplished by using multi-layered
instances it may be possible to achieve economies shells on a large vessel. The inner liner which is ex-
by allowing blistering to occur on noncritical parts. posed to the high pressure gas can be made from a
For example, blistering has occurred on rimmed low strength carbon steel if corrosion is not a prob-
steel used for internal baffles in hydrofluoric acid lem. The outer layers can be made from higher
alkylation units in refineries, but because of the strength steel to minimize the total weight of the
function of a baffle no problems result. Fully vessel and the amount of steel required.
killed steel used for the vessel shells show no blister- The annulus between the inner liner and the
ing even though exposed to the same fluid. outer structural members should be vented to the
The suitability of materials for this type of exterior. This serves two purposes: the rate at
service can be evaluated by nondestructive testing which the hydrogen is coming through the inner
procedures, especially ultrasonics. The pulse- steel can be monitored to give some indication of
echo technique is especially useful in detecting the aggressiveness of the environment. Even
lamination type defects in plate and large diameter more important, the vent lines provide the means
tubes. I t is preferable to set a limit on number for removing the hydrogen which permeates
and maximum size of these defects. However, through the inner liner and collects in the annulus
selection of these limits is somewhat arbitrary, between this liner and the structural layers. Since
depending upon the economics involved, as well as hydrogen can accumulate up to very high pres-
the specific application. In the sour-gas pipeline sures, removal is necessary to prevent the collapse
example above, the maximum acceptable size was of the internal liner. Continuous removal of this
0.25 sq in. In some cases it may be desirable to hydrogen is particularly important if pressure
vent relatively small, isolated voids to the exterior cycling occurs in the process stream. I t should be
surface. This venting can be done with a pressure taken into consideration in the design of any vessels,
gage and a valve so that one can monitor the rate however, because sooner or later the process stream
of the hydrogen build-up in the void as well as will either intentionally or unexpectedly be de-
determine if a failure of the internal surface of the pressured. Reinforcing pads are one form of
defect occurs. Large numbers of small defects or layering that is frequently not recognized as a
very large defects which might affect the integrity potential problem. Unless the pocket under the
of the vessel should be rejected. Sometimes it is pad is vented, hydrogen can accumulate and warp
difficult to tell whether laminations or layers of both the base shell and pad materials.
microporosity are present with ultrasonic instru- In many cases the internal layer of the multi-
ments. Since both types of defects can ultimately layer vessel will be fabricated from an alloy selected
lead to blister formation, it is not too important to to resist corrosion and degradation of the metal in
know which is which. the environment. When corrosion resistance is
Blisters that have formed can be vented by the primary function of the lining, it is extremely
drilling with a 1/16 in. drill. It should be remem- critical that any loss of integrity of the lining will
bered that the hydrogen gas is under high pressure. be rapidly detected so that appropriate shut down
A collar can be used around the drill bit to divert and repair procedures can be instigated. This is

Ambient Temperature 49
particularly important when the external layers because of metal loss. Sprayed aluminum coatings
are high strength steel and the primary concern is have been used very successfully to protect relief
cracking rather than blistering. Considerable value springs.
care must be exercised in the fabrication procedures,
especially where various internal support members Nonmetallic Coatings
are connected to the main structural body. Par- Nonmetallic coatings also have a definite role
ticular care must also be exercised so that vibration in preventing hydrogen damage, especially where
and thermal fluctuations will not result in fatigue corrosion is the source of the hydrogen. When
cracking of the protective lining. Since the higher the right coating is properly applied, a very high
alloy content usually results in less corrosion degree of protection can be obtained. Properties
generated hydrogen and lower permeation, the of these materials have been improving over the
rate of accumulation of hydrogen in the annulus last few years. Temperature limits have been
will be reduced, resulting in a corresponding re- raised and materials are now available for above
duction in the probability of a collapse failure of 400 0 F in fairly severe chemical environments.
the inner liner. Reasonably good information should be available
Fabrication of multi-layered vessels is more com- on the use characteristics of the coating before it is
plicated than single layered vessels. Details are relied on the protect high strength steel. In
beyond the scope of this paper, but several im- addition, it is highly desirable to have some sort of
portant items should be pointed out. First of all, monitoring system available to detect the first
there should be a minimum number of welds which stages of deterioration of the coating. This would
connect an inner layer of carbon steel to the outer prevent a premature coating failure from resulting
layer. Whenever there is a continuous metallic in a catastrophic failure of the pressure containing
bond between the two layers, hydrogen can diffuse wall. The bonding characteristics of the material
through the bonds without having to go through are also quite important. It may be that minor
the gaseous phase. This, in effect, reduces the defects can be tolerated for steels that are only
effectiveness of the multi-layer construction. moderately sensitive to embrittlement if the re-
Secondly, even more rigid precautions and specifi- mainder of the coating will remain bonded. This
cations must be used in welding the seams on the is so because the hydrogen which contacts the steel
inner liner. If this liner should crack, a high at a point defect will be able to diffuse away from
strength external layer could be immediately the defect in hemispherical permeation geometry,
exposed to the full impact of the hydrogen environ- resulting in relatively low concentrations in es-
ment with an increased possibility of a catastrophic sentially all of the metal. Rapid depressurization
failure. Provision must be made so that a rapid can be a serious problem to coatings. Gases ab-
pressure buildup in the annulus will trigger shut- sorbed into the plastic should have time to diffuse
down procedures and slow depressurization of the from the plastic without disintegrating it or dis-
vessel. Precautions must be taken in welding bonding it from the base metal. Plastic coatings
alloy liners to the outer layers to minimize hard have the distinct advantage of being able to be
spot formation and residual stresses that can result applied after the rest of the vessel is completely
from the welding of dissimilar metals of this type. fabricated.
There are a number of process vessels which are
Metallic Overlays glass lined for corrosion protection from very
severe corrosive environments. Many of the
Recent developments in metallic coatings show same criteria discussed for the plastic coatings, also
considerable promise for improving the economics apply here. The complete vessel wall must be
and the effectiveness of control of corrosion and covered. To date most of these lining techniques
permeation of hydrogen. The integral liners can involve thermal treatments of the entire vessel
be weld overlays or the more recently introduced which must be performed in the fabricators shop.
explosive clad type. Actual operating experience Care must be taken in subsequent transportation
with the latter type of materials is still rather and installation to prevent damage to the coating.
limited. Some significant successes, however,
have been observed in the petroleum industry with
aluminized steels for various refinery applications. Alternation of Environment
While the primary purpose of the coating is usually
to resist moderately high temperature sulfide As mentioned in a number of cases through the
corrosion, it may also minimize the permeation of report, the amount of hydrogen actually entering
hydrogen into the underlying steel. It would be the steel is greatly influenced by the presence of
very desirable, however, for any linings such as certain contaminants such as hydrogen sulfide,
this to be 100% complete. Pin holes can lead to hydrogen cyanide, arsenic compounds, phosphorus
hydrogen entry into the structural material and compounds, etc. One approach to minimizing and
also to undercutting of the surrounding coating perhaps eliminating the problem in some circum-

50 Ambient Temperature
stances is to remove or inactivate the so-called plication. If so, some material compatibility
poisons. Perhaps the most well known example of tests will certainly be in order, as the present state
this is the practice of removing H 2S from natural of knowledge does not allow us to anticipate these
gas down to very low levels of a few ppm. While problems.
this serves many purposes, the most important is Considerable success has been encountered in
to minimize subsequent corrosion problems in the many fields using corrosion inhibitors such as
gas pipeline network. filming amines to control weight loss corrosion.
Another example is the practice of adding small There is little doubt that such inhibitors have a
amounts of oxygen or ammonium polysulfide to place in reducing hydrogen embrittlement from
the refinery process streams which are contami- corrosion generated hydrogen. A number of
nated by H 2S or cyanide. 7 The practice appar- factors should be considered, however, before
ently converts the H 2S to polysulfide and the relying on this approach to protect susceptible
cyanide to thiocyanate ions, neither of which cata- high strength steels. First of all, only a small
lyze hydrogen entry. Close pH control is required amount of hydrogen will crack highly susceptible
in this practice to avoid severe weight loss corro- materials. This means that levels of inhibition
sion. Hydrogen sulfide can also be oxidized to must be very high, approaching 100%. Secondly,
sulfur or sulfate ion. Chlorine has been used in a the time required for the cracking to occur may be
number of oil field applications to provide a com- only a matter of minutes for a highly susceptible
bination of hydrogen sulfide oxidation and bacte- steel in a severe environment. This means that a
rial control in brines. Control of pH itself can fail-safe continuous inhibition system must be
sometimes result in significantly less hydrogen used. Both of these requirements strongly suggest
entry. Drilling muds can be maintained at as that high concentrations of highly persistent
high a pH value as practical (pH 10-12) in order to inhibitor will be required. This approach may be
minimize sulfide cracking. 6 However, particular suitable for closed systems where the aggressive
care should be exercised in the pH control when- fluid is at a fixed volume; however, for a "once-
ever there is a possibility that the solution will be through" stream the economics and disposal
evaporated towards dryness and where the carbon- considerations may make this approach of ques-
ate or sulfide content of the solution is high. tionable value. The intermediate condition where
Under these circumstances one can get into a a safe or perhaps a moderately susceptible steel
caustic embrittlement problem which, in part, is a is exposed to corrosive environment probably
result of hydrogen embrittlement. 20 represents the best possibility for using this ap-
Corrosion is one of the most serious sources of proach. This is also essentially the conclusion
hydrogen in plant service, since any aqueous that Bates" reached from his test data mentioned
corrosion process is a potential source. Whether earlier. Failures of the less susceptible nonwelded
hydrogen damage actually occurs depends on specimens were almost eliminated by adding
whether or not hydrogen is liberated and whether inhibitor. Failure fraction of the welded speci-
that hydrogen goes into the steel. To minimize mens was reduced to 13% from 39%, but this is
the hydrogen damage one can thus interfere with hardly satisfactory for engineering use. If the
either one or both of these processes. In many application involves one side attack (hydrogen
situations the problem can be drastically reduced, diffuses through the material and out the back
if not completely eliminated, by maintaining the side) then a reduction of 80 to 90 % in the hydrogen
aqueous dew point of a process stream at a low generation rate may keep the concentration of
temperature. In most systems corrosion will not hydrogen in the steel down to a tolerable level.
proceed (or will proceed at an extremely slow rate) Conversely, if the exposure is for a short time only,
unless a conductive liquid phase, which is required inhibition may prevent failure for the required
for the electrochemical corrosion mechanism, is time.
present. In the majority of cases this phase would A widespread successful practice is the use of
be water, with or without contaminating electro- inhibitors on wirelines used in downhole operations
lytes. However, we should hasten to point out in oil wells. The lines are very susceptible (232,-
that there are many nonaqueous solvents with 000 psi tensile strength) but inhibitors allow
adequate conductivity to allow corrosion to pro- successful use in mild environments for a few
ceed electrochemically. If these solvents will also hours. In moderately high H 2S environments,
furnish hydrogen for the cathode reaction exposure stainless steel (170,000 psi tensile strength) plus
to them may lead to hydrogen embrittlement prob- inhibitors is required. In severe environments it is
lems. The anhydrous hydrogen fluoride used in usually necessary to fill the tubing with an in-
petroleum alkylation processes is perhaps the most hibited hydrocarbon fluid to prevent failure of the
important commercial example. The increasing wire line. Unfortunately, there is no adequate
attention being given nonaqueous solvents in both quantitative data to determine the hydrogen per-
academic and industrial research laboratories may meation rate or concentration required to produce
be a prelude to more widespread commercial ap- cracking in specific steels. The use of corrosion

Ambient Temperature 51
inhibitors ordinarily should be considered as a good Applications of new materials for these must be
insurance technique rather than a primary control made with great caution. In conclusion, it is
procedure to prevent hydrogen embrittlement truly amazing that one of the elements of water
from hydrogen generated by corrosion. can exert so much influence on the choice of pres-
There are also some subtle sources of hydrogen. sure vessel materials and design.
A common means of cleaning process equipment is
to clean it with acids. If iron sulfide is present, References
copious quantities of hydrogen sulfide can be 1. McPherson, W. B., and Cataldo, C. E., "Recent Experience in High
Pressure Gaseous Hydrogen Equipment Operated at Room Temperature,"
released. This hydrogen sulfide dissolved in presented at the 1968 Materials Engineering Exposition and Congress,
Oct. 14-17. ASM Technical Report No. D·8-14.1.
water and forming condensed droplets or dissolved 2. Kohut, G. B., and McGuire, W. J., "Materials for Centrifugal Com-
in the acidic solution is a potent cracking agent. pressors Operating in Refinery Environments Containing Hydrogen Sulfide,"
Materials Protection, 7,17 (June 1968).
Some metal loss inhibitors may aggravate the 3. Bates, J. F., "Sulfide Stress Cracking of High Yield Strength Steels
in Sour Crude Oils, "Materials Protection, 8, 33 (January 1969).
entry of hydrogen into the steel. Electroplating, 4. Preliminary report of NACE Committee T-1B presented at Western
Canadian Regional Conference, February 7-9, 1962, at Calgary, Alberta.
electrogalvanizing and cathodic cleaning are also Reported in Materials Protection, 2, 89 (March 1963). Also NACE pub-
sources of hydrogen leading to cracking and some- lication 1F1-66 published in Materials Protection, Ii, 81, (September 1966). .._
5. McCabe, J. S., and Hickey, K. J., "Field Assembly of High Pressure
times to formation of small blisters. On the very Reactors Comes of Age," Oil Gas Jnl., 113 (May 19, 1969).
6. Hudgina, C. M., McGlasson, R. L., Mehdizadeh P., and Rosborough,
high strength steels even rusting can introduce W. M., "Hydrogen Cracking of Carbon and Alloy Steels," Corrosion, 22, 238
enough hydrogen to crack the steel if high stresses (August 1966).
7. Wilson, J. G., Bonner, W. A., Burham, H. D., and Skei, T., "Occlusion
are present from imposed loads or from residual of Hydrogen in Steel," Proc. 4th World Petrol. Congr., Section VIlIC Paper 3,
stress. If welds are present, the heat-affected 8. Groeneveld, E. Fletcher, E., and Elsea, A. R., "Special Report on
zones give both the high hardness and the residual Review of Literature on Hydrogen Embrittlement," NASA Report CR-
74034, STARF Accession No. N 66-23505, January 1966.
stresses. 9. Treseder, R. S. and Swanson, T. M., "Factors in Sulfide Corrosion
Cracking of High Strength Steels," Corrosion, 24,31 (February 1968).
10. Warren, D., Beckman, G. W., "Sulfide Corrosion Cracking of High
Conclusions Strength Bolting Material," Corrosion, 13, (10), 63lt (October 1957).
11. Fletcher, E. E. Berry, W. E., and Elsea, A. R., "Stress Corrosion
Cracking and Hydrogen-Stress Cracking of High-Strength Steel," DMIC
The examples used in this report demonstrate Report 232,Defense Metals Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute,
Columbus, Ohio, July 29, 1966.
the complexities of designing for hydrogenizing 12. Smialowski, M., "Hydrogen in Steel," Addison-Wesley Publishing
environments. Pitfalls are many, the most serious Co., Inc., Reading, Mass., 1962, p. 102.
13. Truman, J. E., Perry, R., and Chapman, G. N., "Stress-Corrosion
being those associated with welding of the more Cracking of Martensitic Stainless Steels, Jnl. Iron Steel Inst., 745 (September
hardenable steels. Such steels need not always be 14. Whiteman M. B. and Troiano, A. R. "Hydrogen Embrittlement of
exotic, since damage to A-515 steels is frequent Austenitic Stainless Steel," Corrosion, 21, 53 (1965).
15. Vennett R. M. and Ansell, G. S. "The Effect of High Pressure Hydro-
enough. There is no steel in common use which is gen Upon the Tensile Properties and Fracture Behavior of 304L Stainless
Steel," Trans. ASM, 60, 242 (1967).
not sensitive to the most severe of exposures. 16. Baldy, M. F., and Bowden, R. C., Jr., "The Effect of Martensite on
Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking," Corrosion, 11 (10), 417t (October 1955).
Fortunately the most common environments are 17. Snape, E., "Roles of Composition and Microstructure in Sulfide
indeed compatible with the ordinary carbon steels. Cracking of Steel," Corrosion, 24, (9) 261 (September 1968).
18. Snape, E., Schaller, F. W., and Forbes Jones, R. M., "A Method for
Oil refinery and sour streams, oil well fluids, hydro- Improving Sulfide Cracking Resistance of Low Alloy Steels," presented at
the 25th Annual Conference of the National Association of Corrosion Engi-
fluoric acid, hydrogen sulfide, cyanides, high pres- neers, Houston, Texas, March 10, 1969.
sure hydrogen, and cathodic currents at high cur- 19. Bowers, C. N., McGuire, W. J., and Wiehe, A. E., "Stress Corrosion
Cracking of Steel Under Sulfide Conditions," Corrosion, 8, 333 (1952).
rent density all require specialized attention. 20. Smialowski, M. op. cit., p. 416.

52. Ambient Temperature

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