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Essay on myself in the work-immersion site during the work-

immersion program

Work immersion is a valuable opportunity for students to gain real-

world experience in their chosen field of study. During this period, it is
important for me to assess myself to ensure my learning and growth in my
chosen profession. Self-assessment allows individuals like me to identify their
strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and determine areas where they need
To assess oneself in the work immersion site, I can start by keeping a
journal or logbook to record my daily activities, achievements, and challenges.
This will help me reflect on my experiences and evaluate my progress. I can
also seek feedback from their supervisors and colleagues to get an outside
perspective on my performance.
It is also essential for me to review the learning objectives and goals of
my work immersion program. This will help me determine if I am meeting the
expectations set by my school or organization. Students should take the
initiative to ask questions, participate in discussions, and take on new
responsibilities to enhance their learning experience.
Another way to assess oneself during work immersion is to compare
myself performance to industry standards and best practices. This will help me
identify areas where I need to improve to meet the standards of my chosen
profession. I can also seek mentorship from experienced professionals in their
field to guide me in their learning and development.
In conclusion, self-assessment is an important aspect of work
immersion that can help students make the most of their experience. By
keeping a journal, seeking feedback, setting goals, and comparing their
performance to industry standards, students can evaluate their progress and
identify areas for growth and improvement. This will not only benefit their
personal and professional development but also enhance their employability in
the future.
Narrative Report about my Work Immersion Site

The 4P’s Action Team Office is a government agency that plays a crucial role in
implementing the 4P’s Program in the Philippines. The 4P’s Program, also
known as the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, is a poverty reduction
program that provides conditional cash transfers to eligible households.

The 4P’s Action Team Office is located in the Municipal Hall of Mabinay in
Poblacion, Mabinay, Negros Oriental. The office is situated on the first floor of
the Municipal Hall and is easily accessible to the public.

The 4P’s Action Team Office is under the supervision of the Department of
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) of the Philippine government. The
DSWD is responsible for the formulation, implementation, and coordination of
social welfare and development programs and services for the poor,
vulnerable, and disadvantaged sectors in the country.

The primary function of the 4P’s Action Team Office is to facilitate the
implementation of the 4P’s Program in [insert name of municipality]. The office
is responsible for identifying eligible households, conducting assessments,
processing applications, and disbursing cash transfers to qualified
The 4P’s Action Team Office is also responsible for monitoring the compliance
of beneficiaries with the program’s conditions, such as regular attendance of
children in school and attendance of pregnant women and children in health
and nutrition sessions.
In addition, the 4P’s Action Team Office conducts various activities and
programs aimed at improving the socio-economic well-being of program
beneficiaries. These include livelihood trainings, health and nutrition seminars,
and family development sessions.

Overall, the 4P’s Action Team Office plays a critical role in the successful
implementation of the 4P’s Program in the Philippines. Through its efforts, the
office helps to alleviate poverty and promote the welfare of the poor and
vulnerable sectors in society.

Narrative report on the Activities that I Performed

During my work-immersion, I had the opportunity to learn about various

aspects of working in an office. My duties included cleaning, observing,
encoding, interviewing, and other office-related tasks.

As part of my responsibilities, I assisted in maintaining the cleanliness and
orderliness of the office. I swept and mopped the floors, dusted the furniture,
and organized the files and documents in the cabinets. Through this task, I
learned the importance of having a clean and well-organized workspace, which
can help improve productivity and efficiency.

I also spent time observing the daily activities of the office staff. I paid
attention to how they interacted with each other, how they communicated
with clients, and how they carried out their tasks. This allowed me to gain a
deeper understanding of the dynamics of working in an office and the
importance of teamwork.
One of my primary tasks during my work-immersion was to encode data in the
office’s database. This involved transferring information from hard copies into
digital format. Through this task, I learned the importance of accuracy and
attention to detail, as even a small mistake could lead to significant errors in
the data.

I also had the opportunity to conduct interviews with 4P’s beneficiaries who
visited the office. This involved asking questions about their concerns and
gathering information to help the staff address their needs. Through this task, I
learned the importance of active listening, empathy, and professionalism in
dealing with clients.

Other office stuff:

In addition to the above tasks, I also assisted in various other office-related
activities, such as organizing documents and folders, photocopying documents,
and preparing reports. Through these tasks, I learned the importance of
multitasking, time management, and effective communication skills.

Overall, my work-immersion experience taught me valuable skills and insights

that I can apply in my future endeavors. I learned the importance of teamwork,
organization, attention to detail, and professionalism in working in an office. I
am grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this experience, and I look
forward to using these skills in my future career.

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