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Lately, I have been interested in the inequality of salaries between men and women. A factor
that may affect these standards could be that men usually work more hours than women,
because they are not that much involved on the raising of the child as women. It is settled that
women spent more time with the new born child, because most of the times, the woman of
the relationship manages better to raise her child in the first stages of life. Also, if the woman
stays at home taking care of the baby, the man must work endless hours to cover that lack of
income that the non-working woman generates.

That is why I ask myself: Up to what extent do men get paid more for the same working time of

I conducted a poll to collect data from visitors to the Shopping Plaza Canning. The areas
around the mall that are close by are Ezeiza, Canning, San Vicente, La Union, Monte Grande, El
Jagüel, and Luis Guillón. Due to its proximity to gated communities, private schools, public
schools, and modest homes, the area is known as a suburban area and draws a great number
of visitors from various socioeconomic backgrounds. By this, I mean that the population's
diversity is sufficient to support an investigation.

My first hypothesis is that men earn more money per hour than women, especially in the
entertainment industry. This can be reflected in sports or in the business, as it is proved that
most CEOs are men and in almost every sport, mean earn far more money than women. I
assume this is because men generate much more views than women, which explains why they
make more money. Women argue that it is unfair that men can devote their lives to sports and
earn enough money, but they are unable to do so, thus they must work to support themselves.
Because they have a higher percentage of part-time jobs than men, women make less money
than males. Women make less money than men for the same number of hours worked since
these jobs pay less.1

ONU Mujeres (2022), Causas de la brecha salarial, available at
%20menos%20dinero,estar%20estos%20trabajos%20peor%20retribuidos (last consulted March 12th,
My second hypothesis is that men work more than women. This could explained as many
times, especially after giving birth, women reduced on their job hours to take on the unpaid
work of caring for their family. This leads us to the assumption that men must put in more
effort to make up for women's lower levels of income.


As I already mentioned, the survey was conducted in the Plaza Canning Shopping, a very
populated area, however on the day we went there to ask the survey's questions, there
weren't many people there due to the bad weather. Also, the fact that we went on a Monday
and that people often go shopping on Saturdays and Sundays may have contributed to the
mall's lack of crowds. The students answered the questionnaire by getting information from

The survey also had a question that would have made some people uneasy because it inquired
about their monthly income and some respondents were hesitant to discuss their finances.

Purposive sampling was the sampling strategy we employed. This approach relies on the
researcher's discretion when deciding who to approach about participating. We made an effort
to recruit respondents who appeared to be parents or to be adults, as these individuals would
likely have some work experience.

The sampling method produces a variety of replies, improves time and cost efficiency, and
promotes qualitative research.

The location was perfect because we needed parents to participate in the survey. Playgrounds
in Plaza Canning draw kids and their parents, but there are also lovely spots to drink tea or
coffee or eat ice cream. Both inexpensive fast-food joints and pricey, high-quality restaurants
can be found there. It also features a bookstore and a store where kitchen supplies and other
housewares are sold. As a result, Plaza Canning Shopping is the greatest location to conduct
this poll because it has a greater influence than the other nearby attractions.


GRAFICOS: -uno mostrando data

Chart Title

Categoría 1 Categoría 2 Categoría 3 Categoría 4

Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3

-uno copiado a mis graphs 5 y 6 (esto banca la hipótesis de que la mujer al tener
trabajso parciales, cobra menos)


When it comes to salaries over $200,000, as shown by graph 2, men outnumber women. This

Moreover, Graph 3 demonstrates that 83% of workers earning less than $49,999 are women.

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