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Submitted by:
Kyle Mira E. Navarro
STEM 12 - Lavoisier
1. Have you ever made macaroni and cheese? It’s simple! First, boil some water and make some
macaroni. Then, make your cheese sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with the
macaroni. Bake the entire thing in the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat! SEQUENCE

2. Through the ages, Pennsylvania has seen many interesting events. The state was founded in
1681 by William Penn. Later, Pennsylvania was the site of important Revolutionary War battles. After
that, Pennsylvania was home to new factories during the Industrial Revolution. Today, Pennsylvania
continues to make history. CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER

3. The cardinal and the cedar waxwing are two common birds. Both have crests on their heads.
Both are common at birdfeeders. But the birds have some differences. The male cardinal is a bright
red, while the waxwing is brown. The cedar waxwing often migrates from place to place. On the
other hand, the cardinal stays in one place year after year. COMPARE AND CONTRAST

4. The night’s snowstorm had many effects. People were out shoveling snow from their
sidewalks. The power lines were draped with ice. Snow plows drove down every street. Children were
the happiest of all. The unexpected snow caused school to be cancelled! CAUSE AND EFFECT

5. Baby painted turtles spend all winter in their nests. They have special chemicals in their blood
that can keep their blood from freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles can survive freezing

6. Park School had a terrible problem. Every day at recess, students would argue over the slides.
Teachers had to spend time every day taking care of the arguments. Finally, one teacher came up with
a great solution. They bought another set of slides that everyone could enjoy. PROBLEM AND

7. Chicago changed in many ways after the fire. Before the fire, most of the buildings were less
than five stories high. The buildings that were constructed after the fire, however, were some of the
first skyscrapers in the country. Before the fire, most of the houses were made of wood. After the fire,
people chose to build their houses out of stone or brick. There were changes in where people lived, as
well. The poor people in the city lived close to the center of the city before the fire. After the fire, they
moved into neighborhoods that were farther away from the downtown area. SPATIAL
Before a house or a building is built, the Architect is required to follow the 7 phases of
architectural design. First, is the pre-design where the architect negotiates with their client on
the land to be used in construction, together with creating sketches, designs, and plans with
what the client wants to have in the building. Next is the schematic design where the architect
presents the design proposal for the building and making revisions based on the client and
asking second opinions from other architects. After the schematic design comes the design
development where the design is finalized and is ready to make detailed plans for the project.
Before the project launches, construction documents and building permits are required for legal
purposes. Lastly, the construction administration should be handled by the architect by
frequently visiting the site and making sure the design is being followed accurately for the
appropriate strength and function of the building.

Life would be meaningless if we didn’t experience any emotion, even if it’s joy, despair, happiness,
remorse, depression or even love. The purpose of emotions is to make life beyond interesting. These
emotions, according to Psychologists, have important function to play in our everyday lives. First, is to
prepare us for action. It acts as a connection between our daily experiences and our response towards
them. Second, our emotions shape our future behavior. The result of our daily experiences builds up our
own way of learning how to react to certain situations in the future. Lastly, emotions help up interact
more effectively with others. By being open and expressive either by using verbal or non-verbal
behaviors, communicating with other people becomes more meaningful.

1. BAD 6. BAD
3. BAD 8. GOOD
5. BAD 10. BAD

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