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( Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong 3700, Nueva Vizcaya

Name: Missy S. Aquino Score: __________

Class Schedule: 3-4 pm MWF CBE206 Date: July 20, 2022

ETHICS (Ge Ethics)

Chapter 5- Assignment


a. View a short video clip that introduces the “FILIPINO WAY” through the video
identify and analyze crucial Filipino qualities that represent that represent their moral
identity amidst their moral experiences.

Every country, including the Philippines, has its own set of values and stereotypes.
We Filipinos are convinced that our country possesses the best values and
characteristics in the world. Despite the fact that we have been colonized by several
countries, many of our ancestors' core values have survived and are still honored today.
The short video clip I watched, titled "The Filipino Way," demonstrated the
characteristics and qualities of Filipinos. The video depicts how hardworking Filipinos
are despite the challenges they have faced. It demonstrated that Filipinos are hospitable,
which is one of the most popular characteristics of Filipinos. Foreign visitors who visit
the Philippines fall in love with the warm hospitality they receive. It is a distinct value
system that has existed for thousands of years. Another feature is that Filipinos value
their families so much that they tend to keep families intact across generations.
Whereas in families, it is important to spend quality time together, especially after a
long day at work. Even simple activities such as watching television or eating a family
meal will be valued and prioritized in everyone's schedules. Filipinos are not perfect,
but we have great qualities that each of us should be proud of.

b. Student Activity: individual discussion on the Filipino core values 1. Pakikiramdam, 2.

Pakikisama, 3. Pakikipag-kapwa tao, 4. Hiya, 5.Kagandahang Loob, 6. Utang na Loob,
7. Lakas ng Loob o Bahala na, 8.) Pagkamaasikaso 9. Paggalang sa nakakatanda 10.
Pagmamahal sa Pamilya and their effect to one’s moral identity.

Filipino Core Values Explanation Application
(Its Significance to you) (In your situation or life)

1. Pakikiramdam • Pakiramdam is • Pakikiramdam is

described as an essential essential in one's
"shared inner life because
perception" that without it, there are
complements Kapwa's no feelings, no
"shared identity." It is sensitivity, and no
an emotional notion that shared inner
comes with being perception. We
Filipino. Pakiramdam have this kind of
operates in accordance Filipino core value
with all Filipino values. in our lives, which
This steering emotion is pakikiramdam,
initiates the because it provides
spontaneous voluntary the tacit leads on
actions that accompany how to act
self-sharing. All actions appropriately in
are initiated by a keen, such situations.
deep inner feeling.
Because of kapwa,
Filipino feelings, or
pakiramdam, are a
collaborative process in
which emotions are

2. Pakikisama • Pakikisama is a typical • Pakikisama is

Filipino trait that simply about getting along
means "getting along with others, from
with others." family to friends to
Pakikisama implies a neighbors and
genuine intrinsic acquaintances. We
appreciation of communicate with
togetherness. It is a lot of people in
significant to me our lives and
because I value group getting along with
harmony and unity. them is the most
People prefer to blend in important thing we
rather than stand out. If can do to build a
progress is made, it strong relationship
should benefit the entire with each other.
group, and no one
should be left behind.

3. Pakikipag- • Pakikipagkapwa-tao • Paikipagkapwa-tao
kapwa tao refers to relating to can be practiced
another person as a simply by looking
fellow human being. out for others in
Filipinos most visibly today's world,
demonstrate where everyone
pakikipagkapwa-tao seems to be driven
through bayanihan and by what benefits
the "boodle fight." The them. This entails
former is more common being more
in the country's rural empathetic, aware
areas. Pakikipagkapwa- of the needs of
tao is significant others, and willing
because it benefits to help others
people by fostering unconditionally
strong communities and (whether you get
families who look out something out of it
for one another. It or not). Living in
assures Filipinos that this manner can
they can rely on the contribute to a less
people around them for selfish, more
assistance in times of loving, and
need. humane world.

4. Hiya • The core value of • We have these

Philippine society is values in our lives
"hiya," which governs where we are not
Filipinos' social and confident in doing
individual behavior. other things and
Since ancient times, this become shy or
instilled sense has made "hiya" for various
most Filipinos shy and reasons. To
reticent. As a result, overcome it, we
most Filipinos are afraid must think
to speak openly about a positively and get
problem, concern, or along with others
request. in order to never
undergo shyness in

5. Kagandahang • To open one's heart to • Kagandahang loob

Loob another is to have is the act of giving
kagandahang loob a portion of oneself

(good will). It is to for the benefit of
demonstrate to the other others. As
that one is sincere, and it Christians, it is
is relevance. essential that we
have these values
because they will
benefit us and

6. Utang na Loob • The essence of utang na • Utang na loob, or

loob is the obligation to debt of gratitude, is
repay someone who has defined as
done one a favor. The repaying a favor in
favors that elicit the an acceptable
Filipino's sense of utang manner, and it is
na loob are typically important for us as
those whose value is individuals to be
impossible to quantify grateful to those
or, if quantifiable, who help and
involves a deeply support us in our
personal internal times of need.

7. Lakas ng Loob o • Lakas-ng-loób literally • In our lives, we

Bahala na translates as "courage," tend to say bahala
while bahala na is na, and later on, we
sometimes translated as have these values
"fatalism" or of courage, or
"resignation," but it is lakas ng loob. In
more positively order to not say
translated as "courage to bahala na in every
face uncertainty."The situation where we
distinctive history of the don't know what
Philippines must also be will happen, we
considered in order to must have courage
see that this is not just in ourselves to not
any kind of courage, but be afraid of what
self-sacrifice courage will happen next.
for the kinship group. This set of values
will enable us to be
less concerned
about the events of
our lives.

8. Pagkamaasikaso • The importance of • • Our parents have

pagka maasikaso is to be raised us and have

hospitable and attentive. taken good care of
With these values, a us since we were
person is responsible for children. They
doing work on people have the values of
and has good behavior. "Pagkamaasikaso,"
which we greatly
appreciated and are
grateful for. As we
get older, these
values help us to be
better people.

9. Paggalang sa • Respect is the • • We are taught to

nakakatanda foundation of all respect the elderly,
friendly relationships. and these values
Respecting the elderly are extremely
entails being kind and valuable. We
considerate to them and respect our elders
listening to them, even by saying "po and
if you don't agree with opo" to them
them. Paggalang sa whenever they
nakakantanda is speak to us, and
significant as they are this is one way
honored and respected they know they are
for all that they have treated with
done. respect.

10. Pagmamahal sa • Family love, also • Family is

Pamilya known as pagmamahal everything in our
sa pamilya, is a bond lives, and
characterized by pagmamahal sa
affection, respect, pamilya is the love
loyalty, and healthy that can motivate
attachment. Family love and inspire us.
is a unique type of life
love that is not found in
other relationships.
Despite life's ups and
downs, it is usually
unconditional and


1. Survey differences in moral behavior of different cultures. List down examples.

Moral judgments and moral behavior differ significantly across cultures.
Cultures differ in terms of the specific norms that they hold dear and that guide
group members' behavior. Values are motivating goals that shape attitudes,
behaviors, and judgments. In East Asian cultures, for example, children are taught
to focus on developing harmonious social relationships with others, with the
dominant norms relating to group togetherness, connectedness, and duty and
responsibility to their family. When asked to describe themselves, members of East
Asian cultures indicate that they are particularly concerned with the interests of
others, including close friends and colleagues. As one example of these cultural
differences, Shinobu Kitayama and his colleagues discovered that East Asians were
more likely than Westerners to experience happiness as a result of their connections
with other people, whereas Westerners were more likely to experience happiness
as a result of their own personal accomplishments.

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of cultural relativism?

Cultural relativism contends that ethics is not based on universal or
objective principles but rather varies across cultures. Strong cultural relativists
argue that all ethical ideals are culturally dependent, while soft relativists argue that
there may be universal ideals that are modified by cultures in ways that require
comprehension. Cultural relativism's strength is that it promotes greater diversity
and understanding of ethical differences while decreasing the likelihood of
imperialist imposition of values. Cultural relativism's weakness is its proclivity for
quietism, which may jeopardize action to protect human rights.



( Republic of the Philippines

Bayombong 3700, Nueva Vizcaya

Name: Missy S. Aquino Score: __________

Class Schedule: 3-4 pm MWF CBE206 Date: July 20, 2022

Individual Work: At the end of this section, you submit an essay wherein you narrate a personal
experience, analyze how problems were rooted in Filipino qualities, and from hindsight,
recommended how you would


Interacting with people reveals other people's personalities. Filipinos have a strong and
resilient personality. The ability to cope with and recover from setbacks is referred to as resilience.
People who maintain their calm in the face of a disaster are resilient. Filipino resilience has deep
roots, and it is an important part of the country's rich culture.

The Philippines is prone to months of typhoons, earthquakes, and other calamities due to
its frightening fault lines and location in the Pacific typhoon belt. These disasters have the potential
to cause massive floods and landslides. Raging mud and water rivers endanger properties and
livelihoods in both urban and rural areas. As Filipinos, we are affected by these natural disasters.
Despite these disasters, Filipinos have proven to be resilient. Not long ago, the largest superstorm
in recorded history ripped through the country, causing massive devastation. Not long after that, a
typhoon ravaged our homeland, causing floods and landslides, and we will never forget that
experience. Therefore, it is during these calamities that a Filipino's resiliency shines through. Our
family, together with our neighbors, continues our work. So, we save what we can and repair what
is broken. Despite that, we never give up and move forward.

Some may wonder where this resilience of the Filipino spirit comes from, but others argue
that it is a result of hundreds of years of living under the thumb of more massive and more powerful
nations. Others may argue that, while Filipinos understand suffering, they also recognize that joy
can be found in the smallest of things in life, and that those small things that make us happy, when
combined, can make all the difference in the world.

( Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong 3700, Nueva Vizcaya

Name: Missy S. Aquino Score: __________

Class Schedule: 3-4 pm MWF CBE206 Date: July 20, 2022

Test I: Each statement portrays something regarding the results of Cultural Relativism. Determine
what applies to each item.

A = Ethnocentrism
B = Xenocentricism

A 1. View that one particular ethnic group is somehow superior to all others.
B 2. This attitude is what we call “colonial mentality”.
B 3. The mode of acting of every man is manifested through his ions.
A 4. The group may not like to mix with other people.
A 5. Get themselves to be isolated and eventually stagnate.
A 6. Prevent a person from learning other culture.
A 7. We tend to compare evaluate and even judge from our own point of view.
B 8. Is the preference for the products, styles or ideas of someone else’s culture rather than
one’s own culture.
B 9. Individual would value the goods, services and other cultural elements of another nation.
B 10. Certain circumstances of some individuals may attempt to elevate the perception among

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