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Drainage and base-level adjustments during evolution of

a late Pleistocene piggyback basin, Eastern Cordillera,

Central Andes of northwestern Argentina

Gustavo González Bonorino1,† and Liliana del Valle Abascal2,†

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas-Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Tecnológica
Nacional-Facultad Regional Río Grande, B. Houssay 200, Ushuaia, CP9410, Argentina
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional-Facultad Regional Río Grande, Islas Malvinas 1650, Rio Grande, CP9420, Argentina

ABSTRACT dinal channel profiles show that rivers in the (Hernández et al., 1999a; Hongn et al., 2007),
northern Lerma basin had approached their followed shortly after by uplift of the western
In northwestern Argentina, mid-Pleisto- base level of erosion before uplift of the east- ramparts of the Eastern Cordillera (Hilley and
cene out-of-sequence thrusting further dis- ern bounding ranges. After this disturbance, Strecker, 2005; Bywater Reyes et al., 2010). By
rupted the Andean foreland, giving rise to the the system continues to approach a new base the middle Miocene, an extensive piedmont,
Lerma piggyback basin within the Eastern level of erosion, modified by sediment ag- traversed by east-southeast–flowing streams,
Cordillera. Emergent topography along the gradation within the basin. Speculatively, descended toward the South American craton
eastern edge of the basin, as well as in its in- mid-Pleistocene out-of-sequence thrusting (Monaldi et al., 1996; Hain et al., 2011).
terior, interfered with preexisting eastward- is attributed to basement uplift in the distal Despite along-strike homogeneity in the re-
flowing river courses. In the northern part of foreland. gional compressive stress field (Kendrick et al.,
the Lerma basin, rivers temporarily incised 2001; Riller and Oncken, 2003), the foreland
across the new topography, yielding wind INTRODUCTION developed contrasting structural styles dur-
and water gaps, and in places preserving ing late Miocene to recent evolution. North of
straths with treads tilted upstream, revealing Northwestern Argentina consists of, from ~24°S, décollement zones in a >15-km-thick
their tectonic origin. Application of Hack’s west to east, the Puna, Eastern Cordillera, and Paleozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary succession
law shows correspondence between the ac- Subandean Ranges tectonostratigraphic zones isolate upper-crustal from lower-crustal short-
tive and the abandoned channel profiles. Bed (Figs. 1A, 1B, and 1C). In Eocene times, this ening, forming a thin-skin structural style char-
profiles of wind gaps are distinct from those region was the site of a continuous backarc acterized by eastward-younging, east-vergent
of nearby consequent streams. Defeated and foreland basin that underwent progressive thrust faults cutting through a 7-km-thick late
deflected northern streams coalesced into structural segmentation (Jordan and Alonso, Miocene to recent sedimentary sequence under-
a trunk stream, which maintained an open 1987; Deeken et al., 2006). Uplift of the Puna lying a continuous foreland (Fig. 2; Mingramm
channel across the eastern bounding ranges. took place in Eocene to early Miocene times et al., 1979; Echavarría et al., 2003).
River defeat may have been related to rain
shadowing by the growing topographic bar-
rier and retention of easterly derived mois- BOLIVIA
ture outside the Lerma basin. In the southern

Figure 1. Geographical and

E. Cord

Lerma basin, river courses were not gener- geological setting of the study

ally capable of sustaining active water gaps.



area. (A) General location, with



Instead, they were deflected southward, and 20°

A B Argentina shaded. Rectangle

their discharges fed ancient Lake Lerma. indicates extent of inset B.

Lake expansion ensued until water level 26°S
SBS (B) Tectonostratigraphic zones
reached a structural low, through which lake A 68°W 64°W mentioned in the text. Gray
60° B 500 km
waters outflowed from the basin and subse- rectangle indicates extent of
quently incised across the eastern bounding Puna Eastern Subandean Figure 2. Line AB refers to cross
ranges. The relative success of northern riv- Cordillera Ranges (SBS)
Volcanics Salar Sedimentary rocks section in inset C. SBS—Santa
ers in incising across the rising topographic Barbara System. (C) Schematic
barrier is mainly attributed to their greater structural cross section travers-
channel gradients at the point of incision, ing the study area at latitude
combined with high rainfall levels. Longitu- 25°S (modified from Muñoz
Basement rocks
50 km et al., 2005).

E-mails: g_bonorino@yahoo.com.ar;
4 km

GSA Bulletin; November/December 2012; v. 124; no. 11/12; p. 1858–1870; doi:10.1130/B30395.1; 14 figures.

For permission to copy, contact editing@geosociety.org

© 2012 Geological Society of America
Pleistocene incision and diversion of streams, Eastern Cordillera, Central Andes of northwestern Argentina

1B and 1C; Mon and Salfity, 1995; Kley et al., GEOLOGIC SETTING AND
BOLIVIA 2005; Acocella et al., 2011). The late Miocene to PALEOCLIMATE
recent deposits (<3 km thick) underlie a broken

foreland characterized by basement-cored uplifts The Lerma Valley is a north-south–oriented

(Grier et al., 1991). The largest of the uplifts is structural depression measuring 110 km in

d ille related to the Lerma piggyback basin, the sedi- length and 30 km at maximum width (Fig. 2).

mentary fill of which is partly preserved in expo- The valley is bounded to the west by the Lesser

nd sures and the subsurface in the structural Lerma and Obispo Ranges (summits ~4800 m; all alti-

Valley (Fig. 2), and it is the topic of this study. tudes refer to sea level), to the northwest by the

m Comparing continuous and broken forelands, Vaqueros Range (summits ~1900 m), and to the

Strecker et al. (2012) pointed out that broken east by the Mojotoro (summits ~1900 m) and
TB forelands tend to develop smaller and more ir- Castillejo Ranges (summits ~2000 m; Fig. 3A).
ra S

regularly distributed depocenters, separated by The Lesser and Mojotoro Ranges consist of Pre-

steeper topography for which the location is cambrian–Lower Cambrian, marine, low-grade
strongly determined by deep-seated, inherited metapelites of the Puncoviscana Formation, un-
ta B

geologic structures. Further detailed knowledge conformably overlain by Cambrian–Ordovician

is needed on broken forelands in terms of hinter- shallow-marine quartzite and shale (Figs. 3 and

land-craton connectivity and sediment-trapping 4A; Turner and Mon, 1979). Near the center of
efficiency, the influence of topographically in- the Lerma Valley, the isolated Cerrillos Hills,
duced microclimates on sediment dynamics, a doubly plunging, faulted anticline exposing
and the relation between basin-floor aggradation Puncoviscana Formation, Lower Paleozoic, and
and stream incision and diversion. This study of Salta Group rocks, rise 200 m above the sur-
LEGEND the Lerma basin, a major component of the late rounding valley floor (Fig. 3A).

Strike-slip fault

Salta Rift Pleistocene broken foreland in northwestern Ar- Shortly south from the Cerrillos Hills runs

Reverse fault
TB Toro Basin LV Lerma Valley
gentina, contributes to that end. the Toro Lineament, a major fault zone oblique
International boundary This paper describes the evolution of the to the Andean orogen axis, which separates
Tectonostratigraphic zone drainage network in the Lerma basin during sectors of the Lerma Valley having contrasting
the late Pleistocene. This basin in part main- stratigraphic and structural characteristics (cf.
Figure 2. Hillshade view of northwestern tained fluvial connection with the Subandean Ramos, 1999). South of the Toro Lineament,
Argentina and southernmost Bolivia, ex- zone through incision, diversion, and concen- Lower Paleozoic strata are not exposed, and
tracted from ASTER 30 m digital eleva- tration of water discharges in a trunk stream, the Precambrian–Lower Cambrian substrate is
tion model scenes (location in Fig. 1B), and while simultaneously another part evolved into unconformably overlain by a thick sequence of
structural and morphological setting of an internally drained system and was flooded Cretaceous–Eocene continental rift deposits
the Lerma Valley (white area in center). The by waters of ancient Lake Lerma (Malamud of the Salta Group, and Oligocene–Lower
paleo geographic highs and troughs of et al., 1996). Such contrasting behavior makes Pleistocene alluvial deposits of the Oran Group
the Salta Rift are related to the geometry the Lerma basin an interesting area to study the (Figs. 3A and 4B; Vergani and Starck, 1989).
of the tectonostratigraphic zones and the lo- controls on incision and diversion. Topics ad- The Toro Lineament reflects the former struc-
cation of major faults. The Eastern Cordi- dressed are (1) the interaction between the topo- tural boundary between the Salta Rift trough,
llera widens, and develops a bivergent fault graphic elements and the drainage system, as to the south, and a persistent basement high to
system, over the central Salta Rift high and well as the tectonic and sedimentary processes the north (Fig. 2; Grier et al., 1991; Hernández
main trough, and the Santa Barbara Sys- related to the evolution of the Lerma basin, et al., 1999b; Kley et al., 2005). The Salta Group
tem of the Subandean Ranges is set on the (2) the effect of topographic changes on the base deposits wedge out northward; an outlier crops
inverted eastern branch of the Salta Rift level of erosion for rivers in the Lerma basin, out in the Cerrillos Hills.
trough (cf. Grier et al., 1991). (3) basinwide and local controls on basin-floor The Lerma Valley is widest in its central sec-
aggradation, (4) the response of stream channels tor and wedges out to the north, constricted be-
to topographic changes in terms of equilibrium tween the Vaqueros and the Mojotoro Ranges,
South of ~24°S, the stresses acted upon a profiles, and (5) the interplay among river gra- and to the south, enclosed by the Obispo and
much shallower basement with deep-seated dients, rainfall climate, and inherited structural Castillejo Ranges. The greater width comes
weaknesses inherited from Paleozoic shear controls on basin geometry. The aims of this from a deep and wide westward re-entrant in
zones and Cretaceous–Paleogene extensional study are: (1) to reconstruct the changes in the the internal mountain front–piedmont junction
faults (Figs. 1C and 2; Grier et al., 1991; Hongn drainage network and establish their relative (nomenclature from Bull, 2007). The valley
et al., 2010). Conditioned by favorably oriented timing; (2) to explore the structural, lithologic, floor dips east-southeastward ~0.7°. The val-
weaknesses, the stresses resolved into strike- and climatic factors controlling incision and di- ley is almost entirely filled by conglomeratic
slip and reverse faulting oblique to the axis of version of the river courses, including the influ- deposits resting with sharp angular uncon-
the Andean orogen and bivergent high-angle ence of inherited deep-seated structures; (3) to formity on Oran Group and older rocks; a min-
reverse faults, set in a thick-skin structural style describe the influence of changes in base level ute proportion of the valley fill, <1% by volume,
that characterizes the wider, southern reaches on the development of the antecedent and subse- is made up of lacustrine beds representing an-
of the Eastern Cordillera and the southern seg- quent channels; and (4) to discuss the degree to cient Lake Lerma. The post–Oran Group strata
ment of the Subandean Ranges, for this reason which the fluvial system has attained morpho- in the Lerma Valley are herein designated as the
distinguished as the Santa Barbara System (Figs. logic equilibrium in the past and at present. Lerma Valley group. The coarse-grained sedi-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012 1859

González Bonorino and Abascal

sion track; Malamud et al., 1996), and this sets

24°30′S 65°30′W N Stratigraphy a maximum age for the Lerma Valley group

deposits, not considering the time involved in
Lerma Valley group

folding and erosion of the substrate. Another
(u Pleistocene-Recent) tuff, intercalated in colluvial and fluvial depos-


Mojotoro Rg.
A Alluvial its of a fill terrace attached to the western flank

gravel/sand of the Mojotoro Range in northernmost Lerma

La Troja Fm.
MH Tuff (0.3 Ma) Valley, and lacking evidence of tectonic tilting,

was dated in 0.33 ± 0.1 Ma (northern star in Fig.


Salta 3A; zircon fission track; Malamud et al., 1996).

shale A three-dimensional gravity survey and ver-

Alluvial tical electric sounding (VES) in the northern


gravel/sand Lerma Valley revealed Lerma Valley group

thicknesses of up to 900 m, with depocenters
los H

To Oran Group

Lin ro (Oligocene-lw Pleistocene)

located southwest and south from the Medeiros


25°S . 25°S Hills and west of the Cerrillos Hills (Figs. 5A

a V

Tuff (1.3 Ma) and 5B; Colombi et al., 1999). The isopach
map and a VES cross section (Fig. 5C) indicate

Alluvial that the thickness of the valley fill decreases as


conglomerate/ the Mojotoro Range is approached. The valley


sandstone fill may not, however, taper out completely,

o Rg.


because water wells and a seismic-reflection


survey near the foot of the Mojotoro Range re-

B′ Salta Group veal thicknesses in excess of 150 m (González
(Cretaceous-Eocene) Bonorino et al., 2003; González Bonorino and

Rift basin Abascal, 2012).

Fig. 8 Neotectonic activity is documented by on-
sandstone/ going seismicity and deformation of valley fill

Juramento limestone strata. One powerful (M = 6.3), shallow (9.5 km

Lerma River
Lower Paleozoic deep) earthquake, with the epicenter 7 km north
Valley of Salta City, occurred in 2010 (Fig. 6; U.S. Geo-
(Cambrian-lw Ordovician) logical Survey Shakemap site http://earthquake
Shallow marine
/us2010tfc3.php). This event can be related to
quartzite/shale the thrust fault along the eastern flank of the
Mojotoro Range (F in Fig. 4A; see following
10 km Puncoviscana Fm
A section for further details on this fault). Two
(Precambrian-Cambrian) other, deeper and weaker (M = 3.5 and M =
LEGEND 4.6) events may be related to the same thrust
Quaternary Dated tuff Marine fault, but overall seismic activity in the north-
Thrust metapelite ern Lerma Valley and Mojotoro Range is low.
Oran Group B In fact, in a broader study of seismic activ-
Salta Group Syncline ity in northwestern Argentina, Colombi et al.
City of Salta (2002) concluded that the northern Lerma Val-
Lower Paleozoic Anticline ley is aseismic. Significant neotectonic activity
Cross sections A A′ is concentrated around the Toro Lineament.
Puncoviscana Fm Reservoir in Figure 4 Earthquake epicenters cluster about this feature
on the western flank of the valley (Fig. 6), and
Figure 3. (A) Geological map for the Lerma Valley (MH—Medeiros Hills; BR—Belgrano faulted and folded strata of the Lerma Valley
reservoir; data from Ruiz Huidobro, 1955, 1968; Vergani and Starck, 1989; Mon et al., group occur in areas adjacent to this fault zone
2004; Aparicio González et al., 2010). (B) Schematic stratigraphic column. Hatch patterns (García et al., 2011). More regionally, however,
in map and column are identical except for the tuff beds, indicated by stars in map. deeply entrenched alluvial fans originating in
the southern Lesser Range suggest mild tec-
tonic activity (cf. Bull, 2007).
ments in the Lerma Valley group were mostly indicates that the detrital contribution from this
derived from the Vaqueros, Lesser, and Obispo source was minor. A tuff intercalated in the Mojotoro and Castillejo Ranges
Ranges, as evidenced by the large alluvial fans Piquete Formation (uppermost Oran Group;
attached to these highlands. On the same basis, Mingramm et al., 1979), exposed to the west The Mojotoro Range is up to 30 km wide
the narrow alluvial apron attached to the west- of the Belgrano reservoir (southern star in Fig. and shows an asymmetric topographic profile,
ern flank of the Mojotoro and Castillejo Ranges 3A), yielded an age of 1.3 ± 0.2 Ma (zircon fis- with a narrow, steep western flank and a wide,

1860 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012

Pleistocene incision and diversion of streams, Eastern Cordillera, Central Andes of northwestern Argentina

A Lerma Valley Mojotoro Range A′

Vaqueros Range and the Medeiros Hills
anticline The Vaqueros Range consists of moderately
km ? F
indurated coarse-grained alluvial strata of the
Oran Group forming a north-south–trending
Figure 4. (A) Cross section 1 anticline showing slight eastward asymmetry
in the northern Lerma Val- and plunging gently to the south beneath a
ley and Mojotoro Range (A-A′ 70-m-thick unit of coarsely bedded sandy gravel
in Fig. 3A), adapted from A 10 30 50 70 attributed to an ancient Lesser River alluvial fan
Distance (km)
Ruiz Huidobro (1955, 1968). (Figs. 3A, 4A, and 7B; Medina, 1981; Gallardo
Castillejo Range
(B) Cross section in the central et al., 1996; Monaldi et al., 1996; this work).
B B′
Castillejo Range (B-B′ in Fig. 0 The sandy gravel beds rest with sharp angular
3A), adapted from Mon et al. unconformity on folded Oran Group strata and
(2004). In both panels, F refers km
are part of the Lerma Valley group. Imbricated
to the range-bounding fault for clasts indicate southward to southeastward
which the surface exposure is 10 5 km paleoflow (Georgieff and González Bonorino,
mapped in Figure 3A. B 2004). The abandoned fan surface rises close to
LEGEND 200 m above the adjacent floor of the Lerma
Salta Group La Troja Fm Valley and underlies the Medeiros Hills (MH
Thrust in Fig. 3A).
Lower Paleozoic Lerma Valley group fault
Puncoviscana Fm Oran Group

Present climate in the studied segment of the

Eastern Cordillera is temperate with marked
gently sloping eastern flank (Fig. 4A). The The thrust fault bounding the Mojotoro and Cas- north-south and west-east rainfall gradients
main support for the Mojotoro Range is an east- tillejo Ranges becomes a blind thrust south of (Fig. 7A; Bianchi and Yáñez, 1992; Bianchi,
vergent and slightly overturned, thrust-faulted the Toro Lineament (Figs. 3A and 4B; Kley and 2005; Alonso et al., 2006; Strecker et al., 2007).
anticline with a core of chevron-folded strata Monaldi, 1999; Mon et al., 2004). Precipitation is concentrated in the austral sum-
of the Puncoviscana Formation and a 1.5-km- The presence of Oran Group strata with com- mer months and falls largely in thunderstorms
thick cover of Cambrian–Ordovician quartzites parable thicknesses on both flanks of the Mojo- (Bianchi et al., 2005). Along the eastern slopes
alternating with shales (Figs. 3A and 4A; Ruiz toro-Castillejo anticline (Vergani and Starck, of the Lesser and Obispo Ranges, rainfall
Huidobro and González Bonorino, 1953; Ruiz 1989; Hain et al., 2011) indicates folding and amount varies from 1400 mm/yr in the north to
Huidobro, 1955, 1968). The width of the anti- uplift largely later than 1.3 Ma. In the north, the 600 mm/yr in the south, and from <600 mm/yr
cline at ground level is ~10 km. The thrust fault tectonically untilted 0.33 Ma terrace deposits in the west to 1400 mm/yr in the east, across
that initiated the Lerma piggyback basin dips attached to the western flank of the Mojotoro the ranges, reflecting a rain-shadow effect.
75° at the surface (Ruiz Huidobro and González Range approximately mark the cessation of up- Within the Lerma Valley, precipitation mostly
Bonorino, 1953); the 9.5-km-deep earthquake lift. Terminal uplift of the Castillejo Range is as- ranks between 600 and 800 mm/yr. Outside
focus mentioned previously suggests that the sumed to have been approximately coeval with the Lerma Valley, along the eastern flank of
fault plane becomes shallower with depth. At- that of the Mojotoro Range. During the west to the Mojotoro Range, rainfall amount shows a
tached to, and eroded from, the eastern flank of east segmentation of the foreland, closure of maximum of 1200 mm/yr (precipitation val-
the elevated block, there is a deeply dissected the Lerma basin at ca. 1 Ma was preceded by ues taken from Bianchi, 2005). Bianchi et al.
eastward-thinning wedge of Pleistocene allu- closure of the Toro intramontane basin in the (2005) estimated that rain shadowing in this re-
vial-fan deposits designated as La Troja Forma- western Eastern Cordillera at ca. 6.4 Ma (TB in gion becomes effective where crest-line eleva-
tion by Hain et al. (2011; Fig. 3A). The straight Fig. 2; Hilley and Strecker, 2005). tions exceed 1000 m.
western boundary and steep western flank of the The out-of-sequence contraction that oc- Alonso et al. (2006), based on an exhaustive
Mojotoro Range suggest the presence of a high- curred in the Lerma piggyback basin and uplift synthesis of late Cenozoic paleoclimate data
angle fault, tentatively indicated in Figure 4A as of the Mojotoro-Castillejo Ranges may have from localities in the Puna and western East-
antithetic to the range-bounding thrust. been related to mild basement upwarp in the ern Cordillera, concluded that the regional pat-
The Castillejo Range is underlain by a con- distal foreland, as evidenced by base trunca- tern of wind circulation and precipitation in the
tinuation of the east-vergent, thrust-faulted anti- tion of the foreland wedge in the Santa Barbara Pliocene–Pleistocene may have been similar to
cline underlying the Mojotoro Range, though System (cf. Salfity et al., 1993). Analog model- that at present, and strongly modulated by oro-
strongly modified by superimposed transverse ing of foreland thrust belts led Nieuwland et al. graphic rain-shadow effects. Assuming that this
folds and faults originated in the reactivation (2000) to conclude that a basement high ahead conclusion can be extended to the Lerma basin,
of buried Cretaceous rift faults and movement of the thrust front favors out-of-sequence thrust- it is herein tentatively inferred that precipitation
along the Toro Lineament (Fig. 3A; Vergani and ing. Speculatively applying Nieuwland et al.’s in the basin would not have been less than at
Starck, 1989; Mon et al., 2004). The wedge of (2000) model, basement uplift in the area of present (cf. Fig. 7B). In fact, it may have been
La Troja alluvial-fan deposits disappears toward the Santa Barbara System would have hindered higher before the rising Mojotoro-Castillejo
the south. In part, this may reflect the marked advance of the thrust front, favoring out-of- Ranges began to retain easterly moisture on
southward decrease in rainfall levels (Fig. 7A). sequence thrusting. their eastward-facing slopes.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012 1861

González Bonorino and Abascal

V 65°23′W


0 24°
10 43′S





Mojotoro Range


300 400
Figure 5. Thickness of the Oran 500 25°S
Group and Lerma Valley group
700 25°S

deposits in the northern Lerma 800 Lerma

po R
Valley. (A) Isopach map (in m) A

based on three-dimensional gra-
vimetry, taken from Colombi

00 600
et al. (1999). V—Vaqueros 0 4

Range, M—Mojotoro River,
MH—Medeiros Hills, CH—
50 600 500 Va
700 400
Cerrillos Hills. Also shown
is position of the fluvial ter- B 300
B′ 30 k m

races on the north flank of the 10

0 CH 6 km 55′S 65°30′W

Medeiros Hills. Elevated areas A LEGEND

are grayed. (B) Cross-section
A Toro
A-A′, based on the gravimetric A′ Thrust fault T
data in Colombi et al. (1999). 1200
(C) Cross-section B-B′, based m Hypocenter 3–20 km
Lerma Valley
on vertical electric soundings 800 group depth 21–45 km
(VES), modified from García
(1988). lw Pz—lower Paleozoic 400 roup Lower Paleozoic Figure 6. Hillshade representation of the
r a nG Lerma Valley (central flat region) and sur-
sedimentary rocks. O sedimentary rocks
0 rounding ranges. F indicates the range-
B 2 4 6 bounding thrust fault that gave rise to the
Distance (km) Lerma piggyback basin. Earthquake epi-
centers are shown for historical earthquakes
B B′ of magnitude >3 occurring at crustal depths,
5 km grouped in shallow (depth 3–20 km) and deep
Lerma Valley group
0.3 km (depth 21–45 km) (data from U.S. Geologi-
Basement lw
Oran Group Pz
cal Survey, http://earthquake.usgs.gov, and
C Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica
[INPRES], http://www.inpres.gov.ar).

MODERN AND ANCIENT RIVER elevation model [DEM] images). The Wierna 1000 m where it intersects the more erodible
COURSES IN THE LERMA VALLEY River incises ~150 m into Oran Group strata Puncoviscana slates in the anticline core and
as it crosses the Vaqueros Range anticline. the Pleistocene alluvial deposits farther down-
Modern Drainage The Lesser River runs along the fault contact stream. Where they cross the Lerma Valley, the
between uplifted basement rocks in the Lesser Santa Rufina, Wierna, and Arenales Rivers do
The drainage network in the Lerma Valley Range and Oran Group strata in the Vaqueros not erode more than 5–10 m into the Lerma Val-
is organized into two subbasins, with a subtle Range, and incises into deposits in the apex ley group deposits.
divide at the latitude of the City of Salta. In the of the Lesser River alluvial fan. The Vaqueros The Santa Rufina, Wierna, and Vaqueros Rivers
northern subbasin, the Santa Rufina and Wierna River incises across 70 m of Lesser River develop alluvial fans in their lower reaches
Rivers are tributaries of the Caldera River (Fig. fan deposits and ~15 m into underlying Oran (Fig. 7B); deposition backfilled the river chan-
7B), which, in turn, joins the Lesser-Vaqueros Group beds. The Mojotoro River incises 800 m nels for up to 9 km. The Lesser River, and the
River to become the Mojotoro River that crosses below the crest line of the Mojotoro Range, cut- Santa Rufina and Wierna Rivers upstream from
the Mojotoro Range. Catchment areas for the ting into Puncoviscana Formation and Lower the terminal fans, carry gravelly bed load and fit
Santa Rufina, Wierna, and Lesser-Vaqueros Paleozoic beds in the overturned anticline. The in the “plane bed” channel type of Montgomery
Rivers range between 240 km2 and 400 km2 and Mojotoro channel, noticeably straight, narrows and Buffington (1997). The modern channel
show relatively steep average slopes between to 60 m where it cuts across the quartzite-rich of the Vaqueros River has a longitudinal gradi-
16° and 22° (measured on ASTER 30 m digital limbs of the anticline and widens to more than ent of 0.025 (1.4°) and is underlain by alluvium

1862 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012

Pleistocene incision and diversion of streams, Eastern Cordillera, Central Andes of northwestern Argentina

65°30′W 65°30′W 65°20′W


2 Wi

ern A


. 1
3 LR
5 4 Salta Salta
Mojotoro R.
nal es R

io R

Chi .
na R
A 65°20′W

Belgrano Juram



A 65°30′W
20 km B 65°30′W
20 km

m A 1500 m 1170 m 1280 m

a.s.l. Mojotoro Range crest line
1 1380 m Depositional B
1600 bulge
1400 M 3 Figure 8. Uppermost reach of the Juramento
Lerma Va
1200 lley floor River. (A) Hillshade view with contour lines
for 1140 and 1200 m above sea level (a.s.l.);
C 0 10
Distance (km)
location shown in Figure 3A. The Belgrano
LEGEND reservoir is the dark area on the left. The
Juramento River is the thick black line. Posi-
Catchment Rainfall
LR - Lesser River tion of strath terrace shown in B is indicated.
1 Santa Rufina (mm/yr)
VR - Vaqueros River East-west–oriented faults and folds are re-
2 Wierna 600
2 Wind gap lated to the Toro Lineament. (B) Oblique
3 Lesser 800
1000 view toward the west with strath terrace in
Eastern edge of range 4 Arenales
1200 foreground. The terrace tread is at ~1050 m.
Edge of Lerma Valley 5 Chicoana
1400 The terrace is carved in sedimentary strata
Alluvial fan 6 Guachipas
of the Salta Group. Image taken from
Google Earth, 25°15′S, 65°20′W, accessed
Figure 7. (A) Rainfall distribution (data from Bianchi, 2005) and
on 10 August 2010.
major catchments in the Lerma Valley. (B) River courses mentioned
in the text; line A-B approximately follows the drainage divide sup-
ported by the less erodible Lower Paleozoic quartzites. (C) Topo-
graphic cross section (A-B) shows wind gaps 1, 2, and 3, and altitudes
at the drainage divide. M—Mojotoro River.
In discussing the organization of drainage in
the Lerma Valley during the late Pleistocene, it
will be assumed that the stream system in the
ranging in thickness from a few meters to more and faulted Salta Group strata (Fig. 8A). Drain- source areas, that is, on the steep eastern slopes
than 50 m (vertical electric soundings in Gutiér- age areas for the southern rivers are consider- of the Obispo and Lesser Ranges, has under-
rez, 1995); it qualifies as an alluvial channel. ably larger than for the northern ones, namely, gone minor changes since the early Pleistocene,
South of the City of Salta, the drainage net- Arenales 575 km2, and Chicoana-Rosario com- apart from parallel retreat. This assumption has
work is composed of the Arenales, Rosario, bined 1711 km2, and although average basin support in the fact that stream power diminishes
and Chicoana Rivers (Fig. 7B). These rivers are slopes are similar, 16.7° to 18.8°, they have long toward the headwaters (cf. Bull, 2007, p. 31).
deflected southward at the foot of the Mojotoro low-gradient reaches across the Lerma Valley. It will also be assumed that rainfall distribution
Range and debouch into Belgrano reservoir; In the far south, the Guachipas River flows from was similar in the late Pleistocene to that ob-
water then exits Lerma Valley as the Juramento south to north into the Lerma Valley but is not served at present and that rainfall levels were at
River, which has incised ~150 m into folded discussed in this paper. least as high as at present.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012 1863

González Bonorino and Abascal

Wind Gaps and Other Abandoned 24°35′S 65°23′W runs north-south and turns to an east-west ori-
Stream Channels entation at its confluence with the Castellanos
Wind gaps on the Mojotoro Range indicate Rese River (Fig. 10A) and becomes the Vaqueros
incision into the emerging topographic barrier River. Stream-gradient indices for the Lesser
(Fig. 7B; Ruiz Huidobro, 1968). Visual inspec- N River are high and do not fall on a straight line
tion suggests correlation of wind gaps with for-
Drainage on a semilogarithmic plot (Figs. 11A and 11B).
mer extensions of the Santa Rufina River (wind divide The Vaqueros-Mojotoro River segment shows
gap 1), the Wierna River (wind gap 2), and the fairly constant gradient indices that approach
Arenales River (wind gap 3). The upstream a straight line on a semilogarithmic plot (Fig.
ends of the wind gaps align with the drainage 11B). Slight departure from a linear trend occurs
divide, which is underlain by the quartzite-rich in the reach extending between the exit from the
western limb of the anticline (Fig. 9). A topo- Vaqueros Range and the westernmost narrows
graphic cross section along the drainage divide in the Mojotoro River. Along this reach, gradi-
was extracted from an ASTER 30 m DEM. ent indices first increase, then decrease where
The maximum elevations of the wind gaps are: the Vaqueros meets the Caldera River before en-
1500 m for wind gap 1, 1380 m for wind gap 2, 3 km tering the Mojotoro Range, and finally increase
and 1280 m for wind gap 3 (Fig. 7C). Relative to again as the channel traverses the gorge.
the adjacent floor of the Lerma Valley, the height 65°17′W 24°35′S The longitudinal profile of the Wierna River
differences are: 100 m for gap 1, 120 m for gap and its postulated former continuation along
2, and 120 m for gap 3. Figure 9. Upstream view of wind gap 1. the Gallinato wind gap (wind gap 2 in Fig.
Geoelectric profiles in Gutiérrez (1995) al- Downstream end of Santa Rufina alluvial 7B) is plotted in Figure 12A. From the drain-
low computation of the slope of the buried fan appears in upper left of image. Small age divide to river km 16, the Wierna River
bedrock channel of the Vaqueros River, which reservoir (mapped in Fig. 3A) is shown in channel is convex, presumably reflecting the
locally attains 0.048 (2.7°). Between the lati- upper right of image. Dashed white line dominance of nonfluvial processes (cf. Wobus
tude of the City of Salta and that of the Cerrillos indicates trace of drainage divide. Oblique et al., 2006). From river km 16 to km 40, the
Hills, abandoned channels related to the ancient image taken from Google Earth, 24°15′S, channel profile is smoothly concave; elevation
Arenales River reflect northward migration as a 65°20′W, accessed on 10 August 2010. versus natural logarithm of distance from the
reaction to the rise of the Cerrillos Hills, as pre- water divide plot on a straight line, suggest-
viously observed by Ruiz Huidobro (1968). ing that this reach approaches an equilibrium
including boulders up to 2 m in length. Mea- profile. At about river km 40, the apex of the
Lake Lerma surement of long dimensions of the ten larg- Wierna alluvial fan is observed, extending to
Rivers in the southern subbasin fed Lake est exposed boulders along 50-m-long terrace the foot of the Mojotoro Range. The profile of
Lerma, the deposits of which are represented reaches yielded the following averages: T1 = the wind gap reach is less concave (concavity
by a thin (~25 m thick) and narrow (<10 km 1.4 m, T2 = 1.4 m, T3 = 1.2 m, and T4 = 1.1 m. index = 0.33) than that of a nearby consequent
wide) clay-rich lithosome with freshwater fauna Boulders 1–2 m in long dimension were not stream channel (concavity index = 0.41; con-
(Gallardo et al., 1996). These deposits are adja- observed in the Lesser River fan or in the im- cavity indices were measured with the pro-
cent to the Mojotoro Range and extend from the mediately underlying Oran Group deposits, but gram StreamProfiler; Whipple et al., 2007; Fig.
latitude of the Cerrillos Hills to the southern end they are common in the steep bedrock channels 12C). Where it crosses the thrust fault, passing
of Lerma Valley (Fig. 3A; Gallardo et al., 1996; of the Lesser River and other nearby streams. downstream from indurated Lower Paleozoic
Malamud et al., 1996). Topographic cross sections were surveyed quartzites and shales to Pleistocene fanglom-
parallel and perpendicular to the risers to: erates, the channel steepens (Fig. 12B). The
Medeiros Hills Fluvial Terraces (1) determine if the terrace treads are tectoni- profile of the Santa Rufina River–wind gap 1
On the northern slope of the Medeiros Hills, cally tilted, and (2) compare the terrace lon- channel is similar in shape to that of the
a flight of six unpaired fluvial terraces, desig- gitudinal gradients with that of the modern Wierna–wind gap 2 channel (Figs. 12A and
nated T1 to T6, from older to younger, descends Vaqueros River. Longitudinal profiles for T1 to 12B). To explore further the morphological re-
to the right margin of the Vaqueros River (Figs. T4 show subparallel eastern reaches but differ lation between the active Wierna River channel
5A and 10A; Georgieff and González Bonorino, in the inclination of the western reaches, with and the Gallinato wind gap, Hack’s law (Hack,
2005). T6 is the modern terrace of the Vaqueros T1 and T2 dipping to the west and T3 and T4 1973) was applied. Data from km 16 to km 40
River, and T5 has been altered by human con- subhorizontal (Fig. 10B). Profiles perpendicular were used to calibrate Hack’s equation, and
struction and occupation; only terraces T1 to T4 to the risers show treads that slope inward, that the ideal equilibrium profile downstream from
are considered herein. The original terrace mor- is, toward the next older terrace (Fig. 10C). The km 40 was computed (dots in Fig. 12A). The
phology has been modified by minor hillslope slope increases with terrace age. wind gap and the equilibrium profiles are close
and fluvial erosion. The original gravel-topped to parallel, the former ~220 m higher, without
tread surfaces are now largely mantled by fine- Longitudinal Stream Profiles evidence for tilting during uplift.
grained eolian sediment. The continuous Lesser-Vaqueros-Mojotoro
Straths T1 to T4 are carved into the Lesser river channel connects the headwaters with DISCUSSION
River alluvial-fan deposits and covered by sev- the Subandean plains. Following Hack (1973)
eral meters of sand/gravel deposits with imbri- and Bull (2007), stream-gradient indices were We analyze the interpretation of terrace mor-
cated clasts indicating paleoflow parallel to the computed for this river along almost 40 km of phology first, before dealing with the succession
risers. The treads are armored by coarse gravel, channel length (Fig. 10A). The Lesser River of changes in the drainage pattern in the Lerma

1864 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012

Pleistocene incision and diversion of streams, Eastern Cordillera, Central Andes of northwestern Argentina

Figure 10. Fluvial terraces on the northern

flank of the Medeiros Hills. (A) Location
map showing terrace edges, major gullies,
Vaqueros Range LEGEND

and traces of surveyed profiles. Inset shows

topographic and geologic cross-section X-Y; Measured

bedding dip is schematic; note apparent dip Cast
ellanos R.
25° 45° profile
change. (B) Longitudinal topographic sur- Y
veys. (C) Transverse topographic surveys; A, B, C Transverse
A, B, and C refer to profiles mapped in A. T1-T4 Longitudinal
Decimal numbers are tread gradients in rise riser
over run. Topographic surveys were carried T5
Gully, flow

Foot of M e os Hills

out with hand-held and differential global A T4 Road

positioning instruments (GPS), recording in direction

continuous mode and averaged waypoints. B
T3 Y Cross

d ir


T2 section

C T1 X Y


Vaqueros R.
n m

Valley and their controls. Finally, we discuss the
effects of base-level changes and of inherited 1400
basement structures on river profiles.
Lesser fan
X 1300
Terrace Development Oran Group

Development of the Lesser River alluvial

A 500 m 0 2 4
Distance (km)

fan requires previous diversion of the ancient

Lesser River southward, and, thus, it postdated
initial folding of the Vaqueros anticline. The 1440 .015 Eroded T1
fan deposits accumulated on the folded and 0.0
eroded Oran Group strata. Renewed uplift of 1420 0.0 34
the Vaqueros anticline caused incision into the
fan deposits, cutting off coarse sediment sup-
ply to the fan surface and initiating erosion of 1400 0.03
straths T1 to T4. 4
The longitudinal gradients of the terrace T3
treads differ in the inclination of the upstream 1380 0.0
m 0.0 41
reaches, with T1 and T2 showing marked west-
B T4 35
ward tilting and T3 and T4 being subhorizontal a.s.l.
(Fig. 10B), and in all cases departing from the
expected gradual downstream descent. This 0 1000 2000
departure would reflect tectonic tilting of the Distance (m)
western limb of the Vaqueros anticline. The
downstream reaches of the longitudinal pro- m .0
files are approximately parallel, with slopes a.s.l. 0
similar to the slopes of the bedrock channels
of the ancient Vaqueros River (<0.048) and
06 T2 T3
that of the Wierna River above the terminal
fan (0.035). Thus, these terraces were carved
1400 T1 T2
by steep flows competent to transport the large T3
boulders armoring the treads. Profiles normal
to the risers show that the treads dip away from LEGEND T4
the ancient active river channel by up to 4° and, 1380
in addition, show inclinations that increase
with terrace age (Fig. 10C). The increase in B T4
transverse gradient with terrace age also indi-
cates an increase through time of the structural
1360 C C
relief of the southern plunge of the Vaqueros 0 500 1000 1500
anticline. Distance (m)
The slight decrease in average boulder size
from T2 to T4 could be taken to imply diminish-
ing stream power, and although the parallelism

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012 1865

González Bonorino and Abascal

2800 Exit Lesser/ The ancient Arenales River carved the deep
Vaqueros R. Meets the
m 5 Caldera R.
wind gap 3 into the rising Mojotoro Range. The
a.s.l. 40 elbow
position of the gap along the mountain front
55 Exit Vaqueros
2000 0 would have been controlled by the emergence
70 0 Rg. First Mojotoro
90 22 gorge of the Cerrillos Hills, displacing the course of
5 390 75 2 the ancient Arenales River slightly to the north
3 38 380 72 7 0
4 51 25 405 35 5 0 0 (see abandoned channels in Fig. 13B). Farther
A 4 46 33 35 370
1000 south, the Chicoana and Rosario Rivers were in-
10 20 30 competent to incise across the rising Castillejo
Down channel distance (km) Range. Lake Lerma probably started to fill in at
2500 this time (Fig. 13B). Eventually, the Arenales
River was itself deflected, and its water dis-
2000 charge was added to that of the Rosario, Chi-
coana, and other streams; Lake Lerma grew to
its maximum extent (Fig. 13C).
The success of the northern rivers (Santa
B Rufina, Wierna, and Lesser-Vaqueros-Mojo-
toro), compared to those in the south, in carving
2 4 8 12 16 22 36
Down channel distance (km) antecedent channels across the rising Mojotoro-
Castillejo Ranges would reflect larger stream
Figure 11. Stream-gradient index plots (Hack, 1973) for the Lesser- power at the sites of incision derived from two
Vaqueros-Mojotoro stream course. (A) Gradient indices for 2-km- factors. One was that drainage basins for the
long consecutive reaches, starting 2 km downstream from the northern rivers, though smaller in area, received
drainage divide. (B) Same data on semilogarithmic plot. more than twice the amount of annual rainfall.
During the early stage of Mojotoro uplift, be-
fore it created a rain-shadow effect, the rainfall
of the downstream gradients in T1 to T4 does not Lesser River alluvial fan, predate emergence amount in the Lerma Valley probably was en-
support such a conclusion, the action of climatic of the Mojotoro Range. This conclusion modi- hanced by the influx of easterly moisture pres-
stresses concurrent with folding is not discarded. fies paleogeographic reconstructions assuming ently retained in the east. Another factor was
uplift of the Mojotoro Range at a much earlier that the northern rivers reached the rising Mojo-
Development of the Wind and Water Gaps time, in the Pliocene to early Pleistocene, before toro block along steep bedrock channels. In
terrace formation (e.g., Ruiz Huidobro, 1968; contrast, rivers flowing across the central Lerma
Before emergence of the Vaqueros and Mojo- Gallardo et al., 1996; Monaldi et al., 1996). Valley (Arenales, Rosario, and Chicoana) have
toro Ranges, river courses flowed east-southeast The decreasing absolute elevation of the wind large drainage basins that compensate for lower
across the future site of the Lerma basin (Fig. gap floors from north to south (Fig. 7C) may be rainfall levels, but due to the deep westward re-
13A). Uplift of the Vaqueros anticline had two taken to reflect progressive abandonment of the entrant in the mountain-piedmont junction, they
immediate consequences. One was entrench- stream channels in the same direction. Relative flowed over long, low-gradient reaches before
ment of the Wierna River. The other was to col- to the adjacent floor of the Lerma Valley, how- reaching the rising Mojotoro bedrock, suffering
lect drainage from the Lesser Range south of the ever, wind gap heights are similar. The Santa loss of water by evaporation and infiltration into
Wierna River and to funnel it along the junction Rufina, Wierna, Vaqueros, and Arenales Rivers the porous substrate (Fig. 14A). Their capacity
between the upthrusted basement rocks to the are not incised more than a few meters into the to transport sediment and elevate the valley floor
west and the western limb of the anticline. The valley fill, so the valley floor approximates their to the level of the rising bedrock would have
Lesser River alluvial fan developed at the exit ancient local base levels of erosion. In this alter- been hindered. The Arenales River, for instance,
from the mountain front (Fig. 13B). native view, stream diversion, and channel aban- occupies a wide fluvial plain below the average
During initial emergence of the Mojotoro donment, could have been roughly synchronous level of the Lerma Valley surface, with no evi-
Range, the preexisting Santa Rufina, Wierna, along a 40-km-long mountain front. This may dence of having built an alluvial fan at the foot
and Arenales Rivers incised through an un- imply accelerated uplift of the Mojotoro Range of the Mojotoro Range. Defeat and deflection of
known thickness of Oran Group strata and or, more likely, orographically induced reduction the Arenales River may also have been dictated
Lower Paleozoic quartzites, into slaty Punco- in rainfall amount in the northern Lerma Valley by the northward expansion of Lake Lerma, fur-
viscana beds. Wind gap 2, part of the ancient due to rain shadowing by the rising Mojotoro ther lowering the downstream gradient.
Wierna River, terminates at the present Mojo- Range. The present elevation of the wind gaps The top of the lacustrine deposits is at
toro River (Fig. 7B), indicating that a river indicates that they developed when the Mojotoro ~1140 m, suggesting a minimum lake water
course existed at that position at the time dur- Range had risen to within ~100 m of its present level at approximately this altitude (Malamud
ing which the Mojotoro Range was rising. The elevation, and thus moisture retention on its east- et al., 1996). The Juramento River crosses the
most likely explanation for the presence of that ern flank probably was similar to that observed Castillejo Range through a steep-sided escarp-
stream is that the ancient Lesser-Vaqueros- at present. After being deflected, the Santa ment carved in strata of the Salta Group (Figs.
Mojotoro River had migrated from an east- Rufina and Wierna discharges coalesced into 8A and 8B). The 1140 m contour line falls close
southeast orientation to a course near its present the Caldera River, reinforced that of the Lesser- to the upper lip of the escarpment (Fig. 8A), al-
east-west trend (Fig. 13C). This, in turn, implies Vaqueros-Mojotoro River, and favored the per- lowing the inference that Lake Lerma waters
that the Medeiros terraces, and consequently the sistence of this outlet as a water gap. reached a spillover level along structural lows

1866 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012

Pleistocene incision and diversion of streams, Eastern Cordillera, Central Andes of northwestern Argentina

m have been related to the funneling of sediment

a.s.l. WNW ESE through the Medeiros terraces into this area.
4000 Wierna R. Groundwater flow is not affected by this divide
Mojotoro (Baudino, 1996), indicating that the divide is not
Co crestline due to a subsurface feature.
3000 ntr
ol r
eac Quest for Equilibrium
h θ = 0.33
2000 Wind g
profile a
Figure 12. Longitudinal pro- reach p Northern river courses were initially per-
files of streams extracted from Computed turbed by the emergence of the Vaqueros anti-
ASTER 30 m digital elevation 1000 A profile cline, at a time when the Lerma basin had not
models. (A) Wierna River and 0 20 40 60 yet developed. The stream-gradient index analy-
its former continuation in the Down channel distance (km) sis for the Wierna River and associated wind
Gallinato wind gap (wind gap 2 gap 2 suggests that the ancient Wierna River
in Fig. 7B). The “upper backfill” 1160 Fault had approached its base level of erosion, that is,
arrow points to the apex of the m zone it had largely recovered from that disturbance
terminal fan. Small circles show a.s.l. before uplift of the Mojotoro Range.
computed equilibrium profile 1120 Uplift of the Mojotoro Range is loosely
(see text). (B) Profile across the Lower bracketed by the radiometric ages of 1.3 and
range-bounding thrust fault Paleozoic 0.33 Ma, suggesting a time lapse of ~106 yr for
shows channel steepening. 1080 full elevation. Considering the error in the ages
B 1000 m Pleistocene
(C) Channel profile of conse- themselves and the unknown time involved in
quent stream located 12 km due folding and eroding the Oran Group strata be-
north from the Mojotoro River.
1700 W E fore accumulation of the valley fill, the uncer-
Profile con cavity is greater m tainty on this estimate may exceed 30%. An
θ = 0.41
(0.41) than that in the wind gap a.s.l. Mojotoro incision of ~800 m yields a gross minimum
reach in inset A (0.33). (Note: 1300 Range estimate of 0.8 mm/yr for the rate of uplift, a
Profiles in A, C, and D align C moderate rate in a global comparison (cf. Bur-
on Mojotoro Range crest line.) 0 5000 9000 bank and Anderson, 2008, p. 160; Seong et al.,
(D) Santa Rufina River and its Down channel distance (m) 2008) but higher than the regional long-term
former continuation along wind average for the Eastern Cordillera in the Central
gap 1 (Fig. 7B). WNW Upper ESE Andes of 0.2–0.4 mm/yr (Gregory-Wodzicki,
2000 backfill 2000; Mugnier et al., 2006). Although tectonic
m crestline activity continues at present in the Lerma Val-
a.s.l. ley region, it appears to be relatively weak over
Santa Win
d ga the Vaqueros and Mojotoro Ranges, judging
Rufina R. p re
1000 D ach from the low seismicity and apparent lack of
deformation of the valley fill in the northern
0 20 40
Down channel distance (km) Lerma Valley. This condition would favor an
approach to dynamic equilibrium for the north-
ern streams. The stream-gradient index analysis
for the Lesser-Vaqueros-Mojotoro River course
(Mon, 2005) and incised down from there as a would have weakened the substrate and favored (Fig. 11A) reveals that, despite local disequi-
subsequent stream, adjusting to the base level erosion of a pathway for the Rosario River, the librium, a graded profile has developed, which
in the unbroken foreland to the east. The east- upper reach of which coincides with the trace agrees with tectonic quiescence.
ern base level continues to regulate drainage at of the Toro Lineament (Figs. 3A and 7B). Wan- Several tens of meters of Lerma Valley
present. A strath terrace at ~1050 m (Fig. 8B) ing activity on the internal range-bounding fault fill had accumulated before the Mojotoro-
may reflect a temporary standstill and attain- may also have contributed to development of the Castillejo uplift had broken ground: at the least
ment of base level of erosion. A crude com- re-entrant (cf. Bull, 2007). a thickness equivalent to that of the Lesser
putation of the present-day rate of evaporation Separation of northern and southern sub- River alluvial fan, ~70 m, and perhaps greater
over central Lerma Valley (0.9 m/yr), compared basins can be traced back to before uplift of the in the depocenter lows. After emergence, the
with total annual inflow, indicates that expan- Mojotoro Range. A probable explanation is that Mojotoro-Castillejo uplift must have favored
sion of Lake Lerma to an area equivalent to the the ancient Vaqueros-Mojotoro River captured aggradation of the basin fill. The minimum
1140 m contour line (~640 km2) would not have any southbound drainage. Immediately south of aggraded thickness adjacent to the Mojotoro
been limited by the rate of evaporation (see also the Vaqueros River, near its confluence with the Range can be roughly estimated as the depth
Malamud et al., 1996). Caldera River, a depositional mound, probably to the base of the Lake Lerma deposits, the
The westward re-entrant in the central Lerma a remnant of the Vaqueros River terminal allu- oldest ascertaining the presence of a barrier to
Valley is attributed mainly to active faulting vial fan, rises 15 m above the valley floor (Fig. outflow. This depth was measured as 50 m in a
associated with the Toro Lineament, which tra- 7C). The mound would have obstructed south- seismic-reflection survey east of Cerrillos Hills
verses the mountain-piedmont junction. Faulting ward flow. The accumulation of sediment may (González Bonorino et al., 2003). Farther north,

Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012 1867

González Bonorino and Abascal




Future Mojotoro-Castillejo uplift


Edge of bajada
Edge of bajada

Edge of
2 Lerma M

Stream power
Valley MH

at uplift site
3 3


dm i n


pie unta


10 km 10 km 10 km 10 km Belgrano
Lake Lake

A B Lerma C Lerma D

LEGEND Lesser fan MH Medeiros Hills Active stream Abandoned stream

ed Uplift

Figure 13. Plan-view evolution of the drainage in the late Pleistocene Lerma basin in re-
sponse to emerging topography. (A) Early stage: Before emergence of topography, rivers c
flowed across the study area. The positions of the lower courses of the streams are hypotheti-
cal. (B) Intermediate stage 1: The Vaqueros and Cerrillos Hills anticlines have emerged,
leading to entrenchment of the Wierna River and northward migration of the Arenales b Aggradation
River. Also occurring is the incipient emergence of the Mojotoro Range and incision of fu-
ture wind gaps. Numbers indicate wind gaps as in Figure 7B. Initial expansion of Lake
Lerma. (C) Intermediate stage 2: The Santa Rufina and Wierna Rivers have been deflected a
southward and merged into the Caldera River, which joined the ancient Lesser-Vaqueros
River to form the Mojotoro River. Maximum expansion of Lake Lerma. (D) Present-day
stage for comparison. Thick gray line indicates boundary of the modern Lerma Valley;
thick dashed line marks the foot of slope of the Mojotoro Range; thin dashed lines are aban-
doned channels; the thrust fault bounded the Lerma piggyback basin. M—Mojotoro River.
Outlines of the Cerrillos Hills (filled after elevation) and the Belgrano reservoir are shown B
in all panels for geographic reference.

Figure 14. (A) Effect of diverging moun-

tain-piedmont junction and axis of uplift
geoelectric surveys (Gutiérrez, 1995) show rivers in the northern Lerma Valley incised hun- on stream power available to incise into the
that the thickness of the fill beneath the chan- dreds of meters into the rising Mojotoro uplift rising bedrock. (B) A schematic of the cross-
nel of the Vaqueros River, probably related to but only a few meters into the valley fill. section evolution of the Lesser-Vaqueros-
an ancient terminal fan, increases to more than Mojotoro River. Stages represented decrease
50 m. Aggradation beneath the terminal allu- CONCLUSIONS in age upward and show: (a) the pre-uplift
vial fans of the Santa Rufina and Wierna Rivers situation, (b) initial uplift equaled by aggra-
may amount to 20–30 m (estimated from the Out-of-sequence contraction and uplift in the dation, and (c) further uplift detached from
difference in elevation between the observed Eastern Cordillera during the late Pleistocene the basin fill. Figure is partly based on
and the computed profiles of the Wierna River, gave rise to the Vaqueros Range/Medeiros Hills Humphrey and Konrad (2000) and Burbank
as shown in Fig. 12A). Starting with a graded and the Cerrillos Hills, followed shortly after by and Anderson (2008, p. 194).
profile before uplift, the amount of aggradation development of the Lerma piggyback basin and
should represent the time it took the knickpoint the Mojotoro-Castillejo Ranges. The succession
to migrate backward across the rising, 10-km- in time of these events had not been previously Medeiros Hills uplift played a central role in the
wide Mojotoro uplift (Fig. 14B, stages a and b; established. The response of the Lerma Valley new drainage design by diverting the ancient
cf. Humphrey and Konrad, 2000; Burbank and river system to emerging topography differed Lesser-Vaqueros-Mojotoro River to an east-
Anderson, 2008, p. 194). The channel remained markedly north and south of the latitude of the west course that captured southbound flows.
active until aggradation rate lagged behind up- City of Salta. In the north, the Santa Rufina, Meanwhile, south of the present latitude of the
lift rate in the Mojotoro Range (cf. Hilley and Wierna, and Lesser-Vaqueros-Mojotoro Rivers, City of Salta, once the Arenales River was de-
Strecker, 2005). Further uplift proceeded at a favored by high rainfall amounts and steep chan- feated, all the water discharge fed Lake Lerma,
rate that approximately matched the downcut- nel gradients, initially carved antecedent chan- which expanded until water level reached a pour
ting rate of the Mojotoro River, the discharge of nels through the rising Mojotoro Range. When point along structural lows, and carved a subse-
which had been strengthened by the input from defeated and diverted southward, summation of quent channel across the Castillejo Range. De-
the deflected streams to the north (Fig. 14B, water discharges succeeded in maintaining open feat and diversion occurred when the Mojotoro
stage c). Such balance accounts for the fact that the Mojotoro water gap. The Vaqueros Range– Range had almost attained its present elevation,

1868 Geological Society of America Bulletin, November/December 2012

Pleistocene incision and diversion of streams, Eastern Cordillera, Central Andes of northwestern Argentina

allowing the inference that it was caused by an University), Teresa Jordan (Cornell University), Greg Gallardo, E.F., Aguilera, N.G., Davies, D.A., and Alonso,
Hoke (Syracuse University), and Eric Kirby (Penn- N.R., 1996, Estratigrafía del Cuaternario del Valle de
orographically induced reduction in moisture Lerma, provincia de Salta, Argentina, in XI Congreso
sylvania State University). Helpful discussions with
influx to the Lerma basin. Geológico de Bolivia, Actas: Tarija, Bolivia, Sociedad
Ricardo Alonso (University of Salta) are acknowledged.
The origin of the Medeiros strath terraces is Geológica de Bolivia, p. 483–493.
García, R.F., 1988, Hidrología del Área Comprendida entre
shown to have been tectonic and related to uplift REFERENCES CITED las Localidades de Cerrillos y San Agustín [graduate
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