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Aguerri 1

Adriana Aguerri

Mr. Bergholtz


April 16, 2023

Rationale: Infographic

In an age of technological advancements and fast paced information, many are not

looking to read a whole essay discussing a topic. Everyone nowadays wants information in easy-

to-understand bullet point information. This is why when choosing a multimodality to transfer

my research paper essay to I choose an infographic. I choose the genre of an infographic because

I know our generation appreciates easy to read information. Also, info graphs are fun to make, as

you can choose colors and little symbols to present the information you want to show. The

typical audience for this genre is young adults, prelaw students, and lawyers. Moreover, the

conventions of this infographic are that I choose a blue color pallet because it is discussing the

stress lawyers face. I felt if I went with darker or angrier colors like red or black it would take

away from what I am trying to present. All the lettering and font is white in an easy-to-read font.

My infographic presents three types of ways lawyers are stressed so for whatever is the main

subject is in bold, and a little symbol is presented. One symbol is of a woman holding a paper as,

or a scale to show balance or unbalance, and a man stressed out in his desk. All three of these

symbols have been also in a blue color palette but I did groovy designs around the base of the

infographic so I feel that the symbols still stand out. I would place this artifact anywhere because

it can be printed and even posted on any part of social media, so you could find this infographic

in your professor’s class, the hallway in your law firm, or anywhere on the internet.

1. Does this genre make sense for my audience? 

[Last Name] 2

2. Why does this genre make sense for my project/the as-

pect of my project I am focusing on?

I am accounting these genre conventions by also given small descriptions to give more

information on what I am presenting. I would say I adapted my information from my essay to

this infograph. I’m aware that an inforgraph can contain information but no a plethora of it so it

must be condense but still eye vacthing. My main audience are young lawyers and future lawyers

because sometimes in life no one will acknowledge something till they see it with their own

eyes. This infrograph could show a lawyer what they’re probably feeling and then allow them to

look at research following it up. In my opinion, this genre matches my audience because young

adults and even

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