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Te nses t.yaser@hotmallcom (Adv) Or{ Time expression) Rule Helping verb _| ‘always, never often, usually, |) S#V »= |, you, we, they do / does sometime , every. |2) S#V4ls es “> He, She, It inthe past. S+v2 (past) did {now , moment , today } (Look! Watch out stent nut) | soil am/is/are or with [: S+[ was, ine __was/were | Just, already , yet, never ever , lately, recently for, since eee after, before , when, almost until | S+[had } + p.p $+ have, has | +.P have / has Modals tomorfow , next, soon, later, tonight | 1) $+ modal + vs [wil [ would | pinche future ‘an could |2) 5 ¢,am,isare + going to] +: ||" shall_| should _foay_| ihe | mutT. | Lhe to| dt | | Cail 51H) hy pal) Valine y2 o as IF 5ct8 -¥ + lg) Ata) If —----< 2a Ga -. pb ale <- would have + dail! Catt) by pail) Hucale ill yo Ge Chaat Lasie Yasin (ptale Ge Guat Aa) ola Gi agin pe Ge yal tall oda hy, pla! fouled ny La pores (cell gh) Ctny pay Gad GY ( ala! ob) bd) le 2 Atal If [ had been hungry , I would have eaten something If had worked harder , I would have passed the exam (ABN) digas Glball Adjecti & Adverbs -¥ ping I gee gall Gat Hal cae) nat iuls Adjective 4ixall - eel Js ct dina ily s5 als Adverb Je!) 3| Gk! - He iy ai a 00H -the boy is a quick runner aul Gud dine quick - the boy run quickly Gailly ys) dle quickly dla « Ly Ug ibis Sine (ya (S05 Adverbs ty JB! alee - kind- kindly bad- badly usual- usually — cia Y dial = sSgsall Woe (8 Gall Sie hy pl) Glial GY 4g - Wide Widely Large Largely Quick Quickly Fast Fast Hard Hard Good Well Wchardly ) hardly ols Ja! Jal 4eall 4 55\ shard o} Bay** (ase - hard study leads to success adj Ske -he thinks hard before answer ady <4 yb hardly helps his parents ady 454 4a: -hard = seriously eit hardly = almost no any sitll e« 34 hardly - [hardly have any money DSH) de Jai Frequency Adverbs - always- usually- often- sometimes- generally- occasionally- rarely- seldom- hardly ever- Almost ever- never el dad gl diy vto be 4 ts - he is always come late - they always have breakfast ib oad die Lett yy tb ol BY JLaY) Gye de game - prove- see- look- feel- sound (e'! Uoul y Jail) sau OLS; subjectt verb s| Jad Jelé Gs 4 SG ALS thea ies clause Ahmed play football «J sis Ahmed dell ba play Jail football J séll ce be ad bys Uatly DUIS Une (plas Alan o5¢é ephrase i Abell at Ll sd non finite verb leet OsSu s) GLAS 4c yams Jee laline dleall Jed say Y healthy eating s! delicious cake the human body has four jugular veins, _ each side of the neck, (A) there are two on (B) it has two on (C) two are on (D) two on qa ABU Leal chas 8 5 dads del date Gl clause os 15) Alea! Vacaily Jed y die ayy stal gb a fe pill (i Idle od By ASM Leslee ll Sam sl) Adee y «Shad! oy sa tl) Alaa! tata rial) ilace As) who- which- that- whose ela! 4) jrnall Uae Jats | Adjective clause lexi: Le) «cysiisla 52 0 sii - Clause 4S Alea sel yy tts a SY - Ball 53) who Ld) 53) ll (sll which x whot which = gies Gall ye 5 all ssc l/s that w my — your- his-her-its J~« - this is a play giiseoa! pleased every body 4 whose 4 yl sak agin dy i oal pleased every body - - the boy play f.b, he is my son. that | who 4 3) slaty agin Les - the boy who is playing f.b is my son professor fessor Mohammed who}teaches Arabic, is an excellent SddtoA, whirtoae vr S Ee “St Py as sit f Chat Pal Aajath Say) cal gal Ua Nite) Bo Poly which Be has ifs own Pong binclyy cob daly -) oe though- even though- even if)it was raining, we went doctor. for a walk cote cod Gye pb SN le = bal phrase G:l eee jinoun sl v.ihg Wel ps ee daly) -1 (in spite of- despite- regardless- for all- with all- no with standing) the rain , we went for a walk als Ye -¥ Gab + Sela + Se sf Adie Ll eel yy tb dbeall Isl dele} however- however careful he was 4 pb aM alias 4 Ss ag Lean clay las si dies Abell Ula adj or adv + as + subject+ verb clever as he was pee 3 ass! lees ol whatever - whatever lies hetells Nghe Ata Bag» AN ALIS as tae ly bl -) for) he was clever, he succeeded fecause| sincera =/ SF eal due yf oY bil, 3 f- owing to- due to- thanks to- through) ~ he succeeded because he was clever because of: Js - he succeeded because of being clever rAasiill fe Aja bag Maly ~ he was lazy, (so- therefore- that’s why- consequently- and as a result- hence- thus- accordingly) he was late AUS La Line La} 5 5 JelitUnitlis sotula 4) dive +that tel +Uea - - he is so clever that he can win the match heidi! dee bless Ueill ees so + Sle sl dive Alea! Lila 15) - - so quickly did he run that he caught the thief OS san sla taps tala! ae 50,..that Jas das such ...that - oyis jewcll - she was such a polite girl that she respected every one - they were such polite girls that they respected every one false GY - - (so that- in order that- in the hope that)+ subject+ (can- may- will)in present+ infinitive - (so that- in order that- in the hope that)+ subject+ (could- might-would)in past+ infinitive -he need money so that he can buy a car ew car, he got a good job OGY! Cela as Jail ofa yan Gale li Ow as well as by » |3) - ~ he , as well as I, is tired - I, as well as hem am tired 5 Boel) ode ys ally 28 - Gel’ +not only +e! sl deal! -----> but algo + 4st Alaa! -) el +not only +159) Alea > but +40 agli +as well -Y Lea! 6S, but also bi Gu! not only he not only bought a new car but he also got a good job he not only bought a new car but he got a good job as well either + cls¥! ALeall + or +4xUill Abel! -1 neither + col s¥! deat) + nor +4pUill ALeal! -£ whither + cl s¥! Alea) + or +41) deal! -o both +Jel8 + and + 4lals ales -1 .@> OSs chill u! 4a both Ali and Ahmed are clever 2AdTSe bag ) /Unslas (when- after- as +verb to havetp.p s\p%e., delé +will +22. -) soon as) (when- after- as soon as)+, verb to had+p.pJel +p.p - (when- after- as soon as) I study (or have studied) , I will phone (eee nen fen ad studied , I phoned you - during » when 4s while 34 -Y Adal Lapel gazalall 98 4) 9S; La any Alea Jad Lala(Loaie) latina when Eade jatineall pelall Ge) od 9S ley Ab y pall A) Geb Gis py) Ghat! Leste when Reem called, was cooking Ay ciei| Jae Losewhen he worked,1 was calling toil i Ls during (5345 (59 swhend Sal cle a (Lein)while Ul Melosduring WI AUIS the le > while + sell) 2 falas oy Pera oti fine I You He She It We They :Jie: phrase Sikes) as) Gdh| Gus Lax while I was cooking ,Reem called dhe s Glos) Lis while I was calling ,he worked phrase 'sels during ti aLds ales adel yy cb when » while ALAS Glen Lee! y whether s2¢l4 -3 BLSY) Ci gag A 2 ARAYY tanga, tlacall Eph Se & 5i JS Cally J gts Cy Objectiv Pronouns 4adpidl jae oe you her it us them Possessive Pronouns Ala flue sropecive Ac dll) tine my mine Yours his his her our ours their theirs JY +4ixall)) ods saclill at possessive adjective ella) Glia 4) bay possessive pronouns lle) la Lel Oks my book (au! Woe ls Shs its mine (e+! Wel ys cb Y + yall )) obs Sclill eat =~ oo ceSpite sp = fan - hou. Altaeyh- > eaeractough even gttngh + (et> pes \ = oe (epi 9 ge? | em 15 clied Yet he endl gong f she et FPevidel UPR = (W~ wD Aza ge ioe ne ods “Wag 22 bbe soa utile in ventity alpha Centauri Uo +g “ster — tate natd i if eye bho be nasil Star: _Q it appara @_Dppears . Q beat it Appar @ decpite ¥- epgak | es irtern AE (plo ale —al EE x Tm Grterped Absih WWhon_twel_ arrive wes) uu alg oe was — Wis Grated reste rly — a —ASheyy. estore — tshanueyAashatere & fw 2. Gn gut a br ant det Kned Whit 8 A Hebx ee Oe “ Werre Gncofned abot who wil do Pe weak. The wemen Weavers To US a Tourqude i j eer Whe Wave ty us Bea , 4 ; ec lass that she pat on "tab | n_ts fill 38 She Dut on ‘fable: x PM ants ie oe far is obey Ahmed utp _p lor4o..o» eval: Imo el aK Which You fa esah'o Hes Yak VeGmud- War 9 — — : Yad! a2! 3 Jelall Ge s jezs\ Gal OS JS PGP 2929 Zo | ola Li olaea yale!) CD eee eG) Corti ibis Tr classyeom , I shaded em ond 4% To_ class rm were Samo disks. 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Ca — q aio ao 3 ta : Sap she dy learnings . d ee 1 Sel| —> 34d —e Sol > aa > bile lout (inativale Gi. vaativated hy a Tee Study | 7 by means Gy + oe | = == ! jee ir re — Cane fish S jaro. later poh Cone—fukaPtacayas- , Se a | + have laws ws Ge ' So —— ch la on Foe He ez 3% yi C=TeN) he USA. Hig united tatea eg er Tied y at

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