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10 ways to improve your presentation skills
1. Set your goals
Ask yourself what you want to achieve with your presentation and how it's going to benefit your audience.
Do you want to use it to share information with others? Is it meant to update your audience or inform them
about some important news or decisions? Try to make sure you know what your objectives are, and make
sure your presentation achieves them clearly.
2. Show some passion
Your audience is more likely to be engaged with what you're saying if you can speak about it with passion
and conviction. If you truly care about your presentation's subject matter, your enthusiasm will shine
through. Not only that, but speaking with passion can help to overcome nervousness because you'll be so
absorbed in what you're saying, you won't have time to worry about how you're being received.
3. Use personal stories
Good public speakers know how important storytelling is for a successful presentation. But talking about
yourself, such as including personal anecdotes to illustrate the points you're trying to make, can be even
more powerful. And as most people feel comfortable talking about themselves, it could help you relax
more too.
4. Add some humour
Humour can endear you to an audience because it shows you don't take yourself too seriously. If you can
make your audience laugh a few times they may also be more receptive to what you're saying, which can
help put you at ease. But avoid telling obvious jokes, as they can seem forced. Instead try to weave in a few
humorous observations about your job or the subject you're talking about.
5. Include take-home points
Aim to make sure your audience doesn't leave your presentation wondering what it was all about. Your
take-home points are the ideas and messages you want your audience to go away with, the things you hope
will make a lasting impression on them. Summarise your take-home points at the end of your presentation
when you're wrapping things up.
6. Ask questions
Try not to make your presentation one-sided. Involve your audience by asking them questions and
encouraging them to participate. But make sure your questions can be answered - the last thing you want is
for a question to be met with a wall of silence. Similarly, if someone asks a question while you're speaking,
jump in straight away - don't wait until the end of your presentation to answer it.
7. Be prepared
Even the most confident and seasoned presenter can be thrown by unforeseen problems, especially when
technology is involved. If you're using audio-visual aids, try to have a plan B in case your laptop crashes or
your wi-fi connection vanishes. If you're well prepared, tech problems will be one less thing to worry
8. Practice - then practice again
If you have time, practice your presentation as often as possible. Rehearse to the point that you're so
familiar with your subject matter, you could deliver your presentation with ease - like having a
conversation with a friend. Also try to do at least one practice run in front of a friend or family member.
9. Visualise your success
As well as practising it's a good idea to visualise giving a great presentation as it can help boost your
confidence. Try to do this as many times as you can, and especially immediately before you give your
presentation. If you're still feeling nervous, try doing some deep breathing to bring down your heart rate.
10. Don't talk on an empty stomach
Always try to eat something before speaking in public. It may be the last thing you feel like doing if
you're nervous, but having a light snack before giving a presentation can help make you more mentally
alert. And if the thought of your presentation is really stressing you out, try having a burst of physical
activity. Exercise helps your body use up stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, so have a brisk
walk or hit the gym beforehand - it will make you feel much calmer.

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