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Research Activity 2

The Introduction

1. What is the rationale of your chosen problem?

- The rationale of our chosen problem is why most students quit in their schooling.

and the effects of financial problem aspect. In Addition , the others student prefer to work than

-lf this program reduce poverty incidence and if the beneficiaries encountered difficulty in The
barangay distance to The Bank where they withdrew their Cash grants?.

-Is social assistance really provide Cash assistance to The poor,to alleviate their needs (short
term poverty alleviation) to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty through investments in
human capital (nutrition,health and education).?

In addition we want too know if this program decreased poverty incidence rate lowering the
population of the poor in our country.

- what is the negative side of the 4ps Philippines.

How much does each member of the household receive in 4ps.

2. Describe the setting where your study is to be conducted?

- The setting where we are going to conduct an interview is at school where we can
interview some students who are suffering poverty or those students who are member of 4ps.

And in the community where there are members of 4ps who suffer financially and also those
who are not under this program.

And also in our home who also part or beneficiaries of this program what can they say or what's
their opinion regarding this program.

3. What are the terms, variables, or concepts that need to be defined clarified or you and to
your readers?

-Junior high school that belong or member in 4ps will be our Target to conduct an

We want to hear thier opinions and burdens regarding their situations.

The 4ps is a government program that provides conditional Cash grants to the poorest of the
poor in the Philippines specially those students who under this program .

This programs aims to break the cycle of poverty by keeping children aged 0-18 healthy and in
school,so they can have a better future. (FAQS, The WORLD BANK)

-base on a research (The WORLD BANK) 9 million children are currently benefiting from the
program, 1.9 million of which are in highschool.

-students who are beneficiaries in this program are the blessed one.

4.Look for related literature that define the main concepts of your study. Provide at least three
(3) references per concept. Provide a brief description of each.


-Reduction or decreasing in severe stunting among beneficiary children or students.

-Lower maternal mortality in The past five years because more mothers deliver babies in health

-4ps beneficiaries consume more rice and cereals than non-beneficiaries


-10.18 million children currently benefit from CCT,1.9 million of which are in highschool.

-6 present higher gross enrollment rate for beneficiary high school students.

-Near universal school enrollment of elementary age children for 4ps households (98 %)


-1.5 million less poor Filipinos or an estimated poverty decrease Impact of 1.4 percentage points
per Year.

-Households heads, spouses,and other adults are more encouraged to work and set up their
own business.

-87% of 4ps parents are now more optimistic about their situation and their children's future.

(Research Base on THEWORLDBANK).

5. Determine the significance of your chosen problem. Research contextual evidence of its "
gravity" provide the details ( and references) below.

- the importance of our chosen problem is to know the real situation and what is the impact
to their life/ lives.

-Is this program helps people to sustain their education and ensure their health.

The importance of financial literacy to 4ps beneficiaries

Is this program having a higher level of financial literacy helps families to establish good financial
management .are they invest their money wisely.

It can be said that financial literacy is an integral life skill for individuals, students and families.

-what are the qualifications to be a member or to be a beneficiaries of this government


Are all Filipinos can avail this program.

- How effective is the 4ps program in addressing poverty in The life of students .

6. What is the general objective or overall purpose of the study.

- The overall purpose of this study is to know the situation of these students or students
who are member of 4ps , what would is their opinion or what can they say about it.

-To Gain information about the financial condition of a students of how they manage and what
will be the effect to The students if they haven't enough money for the expenses for everyday
use. If this program help them

What are their ways or strategies to overcome or solve their problem about financial aspect
since the 4ps program , The Cash assistance happen only every how many months and
sometimes its given delayed.

7. After the problem had been solved or the research was conducted , who will be the main
beneficiaries ot the research? What direct benefits will they received from it?
- The main beneficiaries of the research are the students. The direct benefit they
received from it is that they will determined the importance of what they are now. It helps them
motivate to continue. They have companion to pursue their dreams despite of difficulties
they've incounter.

-Teachers Help find the solutions to particular problems arising in her/his classroom or School
especially in his/her students.

Community-Develop and evaluate programs for the society.

Administrator-They Will more provides care and proper environment that would academically
qualify students well .

They Will know what to do for the students who are in this situation.

What are the program they have to implement just to help the stundents who suffer in financial


Jeriel Punoc

Saidahmine Ngaso

Mariape Sanchez

Solita Miñoza

Charmelle Alfeche

July Ann Igloria

Christine Orcajada

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