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Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL

30/10 ‫ اإلثنين‬1 ‫ قطعة الماس ص‬-1

Diamond value is based on four characteristics: carat, color, clarity, and cut. A
.diamond’s size is measured by carat weight
There are 100 points in a carat and 142 carats in an ounce. Each point above 1
carat is more valuable than each point below 1 carat. Thus, a stone that
weighs more than 1 carat is more valuable per point than a stone that is
.smaller than 1 carat
The scale used for rating a diamond’s color begins with “D" which means the
stone is absolutely colorless and therefore most valuable. “E” and “F" are
almost colorless. All three are good for investments. A stone rated between
“G” and “J” is good for jewelry. After that the stones take on a slightly
.yellowish color which gets deeper as the grade declines
The clarity of a stone is determined by its lack of carbon spots, inner flaws,
and surface blemishes. While most of these are invisible to the unaided eye,
they do affect the diamond’s brilliance. For jewelry, a diamond rated VVSl
(very very slight imperfections) is as close to flawless as one will find. After
.that the scale goes to VVSZ, V81, V82, SI1, SI2, I1, I2 and so on
The final characteristic is cut. When shaped (round, oval, emerald marquise,
pear, or heart), the diamond should be faceted so that light is directed into the
depths of the prism and then reflected outward again. A well-cut diamond will
separate the light into different colors when the light is reflected. Only stones
of similar shape should have their reflective qualities compared, as some
shapes are more reflective than others. For example, the round shape is the
.most reflective
.‫ يتم قياس حجم الماس بوزن قيراط‬.‫ والقطع‬، ‫ الوضوح‬، ‫ اللون‬، ‫ القيراط‬:‫تستند قيمة الماس على أربع خصائص‬
1 ‫ قيراط هي أكثر قيمة من كل نقطة أقل من‬1‫ كل نقطة فوق ال‬.‫ قيراط في أونصة‬142‫ نقطة في قيراط و‬100 ‫هناك‬
1 ‫ قيراط هو أكثر قيمة لكل نقطة من الحجر الذي هو أصغر من‬1 ‫ فإن الحجر الذي يزن أكثر من‬، ‫ وبالتالي‬. ‫قيراط‬
‫" و‬E" .‫" مما يعني أن الحجر عديم اللون تما ًما وبالتالي أكثر قيمة‬D" ‫يبدأ المقياس المستخدم لتصنيف لون الماس بـ‬
، ‫ بعد ذلك‬.‫" جيد للمجوهرات‬J" ‫" و‬G" ‫ الحجر المصنف بين‬.‫ كل ثالثة جيدة لالستثمارات‬.‫" عديم اللون تقري ًبا‬F"
.‫ يتعمق أكثر مع انخفاض مستوى الصف‬، ‫مصفحا إلى ح ٍد ما‬
ً ‫تأخذ الحجارة لو ًنا‬
‫ في حين أن معظمها غير‬.‫ والشوائب السطحية‬، ‫ الداخلية‬، ‫يتم تحديد وضوح الحجر من خالل عدم وجود بقع الكربون‬
)ً‫ الماس (عيوب طفيفة جدا‬VVSl ‫ فإن‬، ‫ بالنسبة للمجوهرات‬.‫ فإنها تؤثر على تألق الماس‬، ‫مرئية للعين دون مساعدة‬
VVSZ ، V81 ، ‫ بعد ذلك النطاق يذهب إلى‬.‫هو أقرب ما يكون إلى "عديم القيمة" كما هو الحال بالنسبة إلى واحد‬
.‫ وهلم جرا‬V82 ، SI1 ، SI2 ، I1 ، I2
‫ يجب وضع‬، )‫ عند تشكيلها (الدائرية أو البيضاوية أو الزمرد الزمردي أو الكمثرى أو القلب‬.‫يتم قطع مميزة فاي نال‬
‫ سوف يقوم الماس المقطوع‬.‫الماس بحيث يتم توجيه الضوء إلى أعماق المنشور ثم يعاد تدويره للخارج مرة أخرى‬
‫ فقط الحجارة ذات الشكل المماثل يجب أن يكون‬.‫بشكل جيد بفصل الضوء إلى ألوان مختلفة عند إعادة ضبط الضوء‬
‫ الشكل الدائري هو‬، ‫ على سبيل المثال‬.‫ ألن بعض األشكال تكون أكثر فاعلية من غيرها‬، ‫لها صفات إعادة مقارنة‬
ً ‫األكثر‬
:Question 1: The passage is mainly about
.A. how to judge an expensive diamond
.B. qualities affecting diamonds value
.C. the cost of diamonds
.D. buying diamonds for jewelry

?Question 2: What can be said about a one-carat diamond

.A. It weighs an ounce
.B. It has the same quality as a half-carat diamond
.C. It has 100 points
.D. It costs twice as much a smaller one

:Question 3: A stone that has no color at all is rated

A. D B. A C. Z D. J

:Question 4: Clarity of a stone

.A. is determined by imperfections‫تحدد بواسطة العيوب‬
.B. is invisible to the unaided eye
.C. has spots, flaw, and blemishes
.D. affects the diamond's brilliance

:Question 5: Two diamonds of the same shape

.A. are equally brilliant
.B. can be compared for reflective quality
.C. have the same value
.D. are usually the same weight

Question 6: It can be inferred from the passage that a stone rated "H" is
A. Good for jewelry B. Good for investment
C. Very colorful D. Deep yellow

Question 7: Clarity of a stone‫سؤال مكرر‬

A. is invisible to the unaided eye
B. affects the diamon "s brilliance
C. has spots, flaws, and blemishes
D. is determined by imperfections
Question 8: All of the following ratings refer to the clarity of a stone EXCEPT
A. perfection B. very slight imperfection
C. slight imperfection D. imperfection
)‫ النقص (العيوب‬-‫د‬ ‫ النقص الطفيف‬-‫ج‬ ‫ النقص الحاد‬-‫ب‬ ‫أ – الكمال‬
Question 9: It can be inferred from the passage that a diamond which perfec is
A. not used for jewelry B. rated VVSI
C. very large D. invisible to the unaided eye

:Question 10: Diamonds reflect

A. the brims B. the depths C. facets D. light

:Question 11: Two diamonds of the same shape ‫سؤال مكرر‬

.A. are equally brilliant
.B. can be compared for reflective quality
.C. have the same value
.D. are usually the same weight

Question 12: Even though they affect a diamond’s brilliance, slight carbon
. __________________ spots, inner flaws, and surface blemishes
.A. lack imperfection
B. are rated VVSI
.C. cannot be seen with the naked eye
D. can make a diamond more valuable.
‫لينك قطعة الماس‬

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL

30/10 ‫ اإلثنين‬3 ‫ الطب الشعبى (المضادات الحيوية) ص‬-2 ‫لينك إمتحان فى القطعة‬
Many folk cures which have been around for centuries may be more
.therapeutic than previously suspected
A case in point is that of penicillin. Alexander Fleming did not randomly
choose cheese molds to study when he discovered this very important
bacteria-killing substance, Moldy cheese was frequently given to patients as a
remedy for illness at one time, Fleming just isolated what it was about the
.cheese which cured the patients
.‫ مثال على ذلك هو البنسلين‬، ‫العديد من العالجات الشعبية التي كانت موجودة منذ قرون قد تكون أكثر عالجية مما كان ُيشتبه في السابق‬
‫ تم إعطاء الجبن المنوي‬،‫لم يختار ألكسندر فليمنغ بشكل عشوائي قوالب الجبن لدراسته عندما اكتشف هذه المادة التي تقتل البكتيريا‬
.‫ فليمينغ عزل فقط ما كان حول الجبن الذي شفي المرضى‬،‫للمرضى في كثير من األحيان كعالج للمرض في وقت واحد‬
In parts of South America, a powder obtained from grinding of sugar cane, is
used for healing infections in wounds and ulcers
This usage may date back to pre-Colombian times
Experiments carried out on several hundred patients indicate, that sugar in
high concentrations is lethal to bacteria. Its suction effect eliminates dead
cells, and it generates a glasslike layer which protects the wound and ensures
.‫ لعالج االلتهابات في الجروح والقروح‬، ‫ يتم استخدام مسحوق تم الحصول عليه من طحن قصب السكر‬، ‫في أجزاء من أمريكا الجنوبية‬
‫ التجارب التي أجريت على عدة مئات من المرضى تشير إلى أن السكر في تركيزات‬، ‫قد يعود هذا االستخدام إلى ما قبل العصر الكولومبي‬
.‫ ويولد طبقة زجاجية تحمي الجرح وتضمن الشفاء‬، ‫ يعمل تأثير الشفط على التخلص من الخاليا الميتة‬،‫عالية قاتلة للبكتيريا‬
Another example of folk medicine which scientists are investigating is that of
Arab fishermen who rub their wounds with a venomous catfish to quicken
healing, This catfish excretes a gel-like slime which scientists have found to
contain antibiotics, a coagulant that helps close injured blood vessels, anti-
inflammatory agents and a chemical that directs production of a glue-like
.material that aids healing
.‫مثال آخر على الطب الشعبي الذي يحقق فيه العلماء هو الصيادون العرب الذين يمسحون جروحهم بسمك السلور لتسريع الشفاء‬
‫ وهي مادة تخثر تساعد على إغالق األوعية‬، ‫هذه السلور تفرز مادة شبيهة بالهالم والتي وجد العلماء أنها تحتوي على مضادات حيوية‬
.‫ والمواد الكيميائية التي توجه إنتاج مادة تشبه الغراء تساعد على الشفاء‬، ‫ والعوامل المضادة لاللتهابات‬، ‫الدموية المصابة‬
It is hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and experimenting to see
if results are indeed beneficial, an analysis of the substances can be made, and
.synthetic substances can be developed for human consumption
، ‫ يمكن إجراء تحليل للمواد‬، ‫ومن المأمول أنه من خالل توثيق هذه العالجات الشعبية والتجارب لمعرفة ما إذا كانت النتائج مفيدة بالفعل‬
.‫ويمكن تطوير المواد االصطناعية لالستهالك البشري‬
:This passage is mainly about -1
.A) using folk medicines in place of modem medicines
.B) antibiotics in the field of medicine
C) the validity of folk remedies and their use for advances in modern medicine
D) isolating antibiotics in cheese, sugar, and slime. The correct answer is c
‫هذا المقطع هو أساسا حول‬
‫أ) استخدام األدوية الشعبية بدال من األدوية الحديثة‬
‫ب) المضادات الحيوية في مجال الطب‬
‫ج) صحة العالجات الشعبية واستخدامهاـ للتقدم في الطب الحديث‬
‫د) عزل المضادات الحيوية في الجبن والسكر والهوالمـ‬

The word "therapeutic" in sentence 1 is closest in meaning to -2

A) physiological B) medicinal C) traditional D) psychological
The correct answer is b
"‫ هي األقرب في معنى‬1 ‫ "في الجملة‬therapeutic" ‫الكلمة‬
‫د) نفسية‬ ‫ج) التقليدية‬ ‫ب) الطبيةـ‬ ‫أ) الفسيولوجية‬
:It can be inferred from the passage that Alexander Fleming -3
A) discovered moldy cheese
B) isolated infectious patients
C) suspected medicinal properties of mold
D) enjoyed eating cheese
The correct answer is c
‫يمكن استنتاجه من المقطع الذي ألكسندر فليمنج‬
‫أ) اكتشف الجبن متعفن‬
‫ب) عزل المرضى المعدي‬
‫ الخصائص الطبية المشتبه بها من العفن‬C(
‫د) يتمتع بتناول الجبن‬

:The word 'eliminates' in sentence 8 is closest in meaning to -4

A) cleanses B) excretes C) disposes of D) kills off
The correct answer is a
:‫ هي األقرب في معنى‬8 ‫كلمة "ينهي" في الجملة‬
‫د) يقتل‬ ‫ج) يتخلص من‬ ‫ب) يفرز‬ ‫(أ) يطهر‬

According to the passage -5

A) bacteria feed on sugar B) sugar kills unhealthy cells
C) glass is formed from sugar D) sugar promotes healing
The correct answer is b
‫أ) البكتيريا تتغذى على السكر‬
‫ب) السكر يقتل الخاليا غير الصحية‬
‫ج( يتكون الزجاج من السكر‬
‫د) السكر يعزز الشفاء‬
The gel-like substance which promotes healing comes from -6
A) catfish bodies B) Arab fishermen C) coagulants D) catfish venom
The correct answer is d
‫المادة الشبيهة بالهالم والتي تعزز الشفاء تأتي من‬
‫د) سمك السلور‬ ‫ج) تجلط الدم‬ ‫ب) الصيادين العرب‬ ‫ أجسام سمكة القط‬A(

:The word "this" in sentence 6 refers to -7

A) obtaining powder from sugar B) grinding sugar into a powder
C) healing infections with sugar D) carrying out experiments
The correct answer is c
?Which one of the following is NOT an important quality of die catfish slime -8
A) It prohibits inflammation B) It fights bacteria
C) It stops bleeding D) It produces mold
The correct answer is d

:The word "consumption" in sentence 11 is closest in meaning to -9

A) utilization B) destruction C) experimentation D) manipulation
The correct answer is a

In what way are cheese molds, sugar, and catfish slime similar -10
B) They fight bacteria A) They cause blood clots
C) They heal wounds D) They eliminate dead cells
The correct answer is b

?According to the passage, why is it important to study folk medicine -11

A) To document cultural heritages
B) To perpetuate superstitions
C) To experiment with synthetic substances
D) To advance modern medical practices
The correct answer is d

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL

30/10 ‫ اإلثنين‬7 ‫ قطعة الوقود ص‬-3
In some rural agricultural societies, the collection of available fuel such as
firewood, dung cake, and agricultural waste can take 200 to 300 person-days
per year. As well as being time consuming, the typical patterns of collection
lead to deforestation, soil erosion, and ecological imbalances. In the future,
experts predict that even if food supplies are adequate for rural populations,
fuel supplies for domestic use may not be in the light of such considerations, a
team in India has developed a solar oven for home use. The oven is cheaply
constructed, easily operated, and extremely energy efficient. The device
consists of an inner and outer metal box, a top cover, and two panes of plain
glass. The inner box is painted black to absorb maximum solar radiation. The
space between the two boxes is filled with an insulating material, such as rice
husks, which are easily available and which, because of their high silicon
content, neither attract insects nor rot easily. Other easily available materials
for insulation are ground nutshells or coconut shells. An adjustable mirror
mounted on one side of the oven box reflects the sunlight into the interior,
boosting the temperatures by 15-30 degrees Celsius. This is most useful during
the winter when the sun is lower. Inside the oven, a temperature between 80
and 120 degrees Celsius above ambient temperature can be maintained. This
is sufficient to cook food gradually but surely. Trials have shown that all
typical food dishes can be prepared in this solar device without loss of taste or
‫ يمكن أن يستغرق جمع الوقود المتاح مثل إعادة الخشب‬، ‫في بعض المجتمعات الزراعية الريفية‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى كونها تستغرق‬،‫ شخص في السنة‬300 ‫ إلى‬200 ‫ والنفايات الزراعية‬، ‫وكعكة الروث‬
‫وق ًتا طويالً في المستقبلـ تؤدي األنماط النموذجية للجمع إلى إزالة الغابات وتآكل التربةـ واالختالالت‬
‫ فقد ال تكون اإلمدادات‬، ‫البيئية يتوقع الخبراء أنه حتى لو كانت اإلمدادات الغذائية كافية لسكان الريف‬
‫ طور فريق في الهند فر ًنا شمس ًيا‬، ‫للوقود كافية لالستخدام المنزلي في ضوء مثل هذه االعتبارات‬
‫ والكفاءة في الطاقة للغاية‬، ‫ يعمل بسهولة‬، ‫لالستخدام المنزلي الفرن رخيص اإلنشاء‬
‫يتكون الجهاز من صندوق معدني داخلي وخارجي وغطاء علوي ولوحين من الزجاج العادي تم طالء‬
‫الصندوق الداخلي باللون األسود المتصاص أقصى قدر من اإلشعاع الشمسي يمتلئ الفراغ بين العلبتين‬
‫ بسبب محتواها العالي من السليكون‬، ‫ والتي تكون متاحة بسهولة والتي‬، ‫ مثل قش األرز‬، ‫بمواد عازلة‬
‫ ال تجتذب الحشرات وال تتعفن بسهولة المواد األخرى المتاحة بسهولة للعزل هي عبارة عن نتوءات‬،
‫ تعكس مرآة قابلة للتعديل مثبتة على جانب واحد من صندوق الفرن ضوء‬،‫أرضية أو قشور جوز الهند‬
‫ درجة مئويةـ داخل الفرن‬30-15‫ الشمس في الداخل معززة درجات الحرارة بـ‬،
‫هذا هو األكثر فائدة خالل فصل الشتاء عندما تكون الشمس أقل ولكن يمكن الحفاظ على درجة حرارة‬
‫ درجة مئوية فوق درجة الحرارة المحيطة هذا يكفي لطهي الطعام تدريجيا‬120 ‫ و‬80 ‫تتراوح بين‬
‫بثبات وقد أظهرت التجارب أن جميع أطباق الطعام النموذجية يمكن إعدادها في هذا الجهاز الشمسي‬
‫دون فقد الطعم أو التغذية‬.
1.This passage is mainly about:         
(A)   deforestation in the rural agricultural societies
(B)   use of rice husks as an insulation material
(C)   design and use of a solar oven
(D)  maintenance of temperature in a solar oven

2. All of the following are mentioned as sources of energy of rural agricultural

societies EXCEPT         
(A) firewood        (B) dung cake (C) solar power     (D) agricultural waste

3.The word “domestic”(paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to         

(A) industrial      (B) agricultural (C) natural (D) household
4. According to the passage, the use of an adjustable mirror increases the oven
temperature by         
(A) 80-120 degrees Celsius   (B) at least 80 degrees Celsius
(C) up to 30 degrees Celsius           (D) up to 15 degrees Celsius

5.According to the passage, the adjustable mirror is most useful  

(A) at midday                                                  (B) when it is cold
(C) When firewood is lacking            (D) in improving taste and nutrition

6. Where would this kind of oven be most useful?

A. on a camping trip B. in a busy restaurant
C. in rural community D. in a cold wintery climate

7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a typical fuel in parts of rural

agricultural societies?‫سؤال مكرر‬
A. firewood B dung cake C. solar power D. agricultural waste

8. It can be inferred from the passage that the solar oven might prove most
useful to a family in an agricultural society because …..
A. it will save time B. it is easy to construct
C. it does not attract insects D. it cooks all kinds of food.

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL

30/10 ‫ اإلثنين‬10 ‫ اإلختيار من متعدد ص‬-4
The use of multiple-choice testing in American society has its beginnings in the
idea of a meritocracy, that is, a society where the rulers or elites are chosen
not through their wealth or connections but on their ability or merit. This idea
can be traced as far back as the ancient Greeks. Even the ancient Chinese
created examinations for the purpose of electing government officials. The
notion of a society based on merit has always been favored in the United
States. This has also been a country where the belief in universal individual
.opportunity has been greatly admired
، ‫إن استخدام اختبار االختيار من متعدد في المجتمع األميركي له بداياته في فكرة وجود اإلستحقاق أو الجدارة‬
‫أي المجتمع الذي ال يتم فيه اختيار الحكام أو النخبة من خالل ثرواتهم أو صالتهم ولكن على قدرتهم‬
‫ يمكن تتبع هذه الفكرة بقدر ما يعود إلى اإلغريق القديمة حتى الصينية القديمة إجراء امتحانات‬.‫وجدارتهم‬
.‫لغرض انتخاب أعضاء الحكومة‬
.‫لطالما كان مفهوم المجتمع القائم على االستحقاق مفضالً في الواليات المتحدة‬
.‫أيضا بلدً ا كان فيه اإليمان بالفرص الفردية العالمية محل إعجاب كبير‬
ً ‫وقد كان هذا‬
Until the Second World War, however, elite selection through higher
education, and the opportunity for ordinary citizens to achieve their goals
were separate and unrelated ideas. The introduction of widespread testing
which was both reliable and valid meant that both these goals could be
.pursued together
‫ والفرصة المتاحة للمواطنين العاديين‬، ‫ كان اختيار النخبة من خالل التعليم العالي‬، ‫ولكن حتى الحرب العالمية الثانية‬
‫ كان إدخال اختبارات واسعةـ النطاق موثوق بها وصحيحة على حد‬.‫أفكارا منفصلة وغير ذات صلة‬ ً ، ‫لتحقيق أهدافهم‬
.‫سواء يعني أنه يمكن متابعة هذين الهدفين م ًعا‬
This opportunity occurred when the United States entered the Second World
War. The U. S. Navy decided to test new recruits in order to find which of
them were suitable for college education before beginning military service.
The eventual aim was for these recruits to be better able to perform higher-
level military tasks. Because of the large number of people who had to be
tested, it was necessary to use a test which could be quickly and reliably
administered and scored at several test sites simultaneously. On April 2, 1943,
the first mass testing was administered to 325,000 young men. The success of
the program meant that educational testing could be performed not just for
.elite selection but to give opportunity to the large mass of ordinary citizens
‫ قررت الواليات المتحدة األمريكية اختبار‬.‫هذه الفرصة وقعت عندما دخلت الواليات المتحدة الحرب العالمية الثانية‬
‫ـ وكان الهدف النهائي‬.‫المجندين الجدد من أجل "أي منهم كانت مناسبةـ للتعليم الجامعي قبل بدء الخدمة العسكرية‬
‫ـ ونظراً للعدد الكبير من‬.‫هو أن يكون هؤالء المجندينـ أكثر قدرة على أداء المهام العسكرية على مستوىـ أعلى‬
‫ كان من الضروري استخدام اختبار يمكن إدارته بشكلـ سريع وموثوق في العديد‬، ‫األشخاص الذين يتعينـ اختبارهم‬
.‫ شاب‬325000 ‫ تم إجراء االختبار الشامل األول على‬، 1943 ‫ أبريل‬2 ‫ في‬.‫من مواقع االختبار في وقت واحد‬
‫كان نجاح البرنامج يعني أنه ال يمكن إجراء االختبارات التعليمية فقط اختيار النخبة ولكن إلعطاء الفرصة لكتلة‬
.‫كبيرة من المواطنينـ العاديين‬
:Q1: What does the word "merit " mean
A. deeds B. talent C. success D. idea
:Q2: Why does the author mention the Greeks and Chinese
.A. To indicate that multiple choice testing is not new
.B. To demonstate how well educated ancient people were
.C. To show that selection based on merit is not a new idea
.D. To give examples of society governed by the wealthy and connected

?Q3: What is the main topic of the passage

.A. The United States' contribution to the war effort
.B. The development of multiple- choice testing
.C. The opportunities for the ordinary citizens
.D. The idea of a meritocracy

Q4 : According to the passage, before World War II

A. individual opportunity had been increased
B. the military elite was better educated
C. educational testing was widespread
D. selection and indiviual opportunity were unconnected

Q5: The world "pursued" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. rectified B. carried on C. examined by D. hunted

:Q6: What does the word "recruits" in line 12 mean

A. talented people B. senior people C. skillful people D. Freshmen

Q7: The paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss which of the
A. Other goals of the US navy
B. The advances in educational testing
C. New test sites which became available
D. The new development of tests for ordinary citizens

?Q8: Which of the following is NOT given as a trait of a multiple- choice test
A. It ease of administration
B. Its reliability
C. Its validity
D. Its high level of performance
:Q9: Where does this passage come from
A. a thesis B. an educational journal
C. a navy journal D. a magazine

Q10: For which of the following terms underlined in the passage does the
?author supply a definition
A. valid B. meritocracy
C. reliable D. multiple-choice testing

( ‫)تمت إجابة أسئلة هذه القطعة تبعا ً لإلجتهاد الشخصى ألنى لم أجد أى إجابة لها فى أى موقع على االنترنت‬

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL

Passage 5 30/10 ‫ اإلثنين‬13 ‫ص‬
‫لينك القطعة‬
Astronomers at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona, have
discovered what they claim are the largest structures yet observed in the
universe. The structures are glowing blue arcs of light nearly 2 million trillion
miles in length. The discoverers of these arcs think they are actually optical
illusions created by light that has been bent due to the immense gravitational
pull of a massive galaxy. The arcs are probably formed when the light from a
distant galaxy is bent by the gravitational pull of another, less distant,
intervening galaxy. Even though such light-bending galaxies contain billions of
stars, they still do not contain enough visible stars which alone could exert the
pull needed to bend light in such a way. Therefore, it is theorised that there
must be huge amounts of invisible or “dark” matter within these galaxies.
Furthermore, astronomers say that there might be enough dark matter in the
universe to supply enough gravity to slow the expansion of the universe and
then make it eventually collapse.
:This passage mainly deals with )24
A) how the universe expands
B) what effects gravitational pull has on galaxies
C) what “dark” matter is
D) how arcs in space are created

According to the passage, galaxies can bend light through their )25
A) extreme distance B) gravitational pull
D) arcs C) stars

According to the passage, “dark” matter is )26

A) visible from other galaxies B) visible only through telescopes
D) blue C) invisible

The gravitational pull of some galaxies may be partly supplied by )27

A) the expanding universe B) dark matter
D) light C) blue arcs

According to some astronomers, the universe may eventually )28

D) intervene C) collapse B) bend A) expand
According to astronomers, the blue arcs are )29
A) only illusions B) only imaginary
D) galaxies C) invisible

It can be inferred from the passage that )30

A) astronomers are not certain about the properties of dark matter
B) only astronomers at the Kitt Peak National Observatory have seen the
C) astronomers don’t know if there are enough visible stars to exert
gravitational pull
D) astronomers are not certain whether or not arcs are visible
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
14 ‫ ص‬11 \6 ‫ المقابالت اإلثنين‬-1
‫لينك القطعة‬
Experiments have shown that in selecting personnel for a job interviewing is
.at best a hindrance, and may even cause harm
These studies have disclosed that the judgments of interviewers differ
markedly and bear little or no relationship to the adequacy of job applicants.
Of the many reasons why this should be the case, three in particular stand
out. The first reason is related to an error of judgment known as the halo
effect. If a person has one noticeable good trait, their other characteristics will
be judged as better than they really are. Thus, an individual who dresses
smartly and shows self-confidence is likely to be judged capable of doing a job
.well regardless of his or her real ability
‫ وقد يتسببـ‬، ‫أظهرت التجارب أن اختيار الموظفين إلجراء مقابالت العمل هو في أفضل األحوال عائ ًقا‬
.‫ضا في حدوث ضرر‬ ً ‫أي‬
‫وقد كشفت هذه الدراسات أن األحكام من المقابلين تختلف بشكل ملحوظ وال تحمل عالقة ضئيلةـ أو‬
، ‫ من بين األسباب العديدة التي تدعو إلى هذا هو الحال‬.‫معدومة لمدى مالءمة المتقدمين للوظائف‬
‫ إذا‬.‫ ويرتبط السبب األول لخطأ في الحكم يعرف باسم تأثير الهالة‬.‫هناك ثالثة أسباب تبرزـ بشكل خاص‬
‫ فسيتم الحكم على خصائصه األخرى على أنها أفضل مما هي عليه‬، ‫كان للشخص سمةـ جيدة ملحوظة‬
‫ فإن الفرد الذي يرتدي بذكاء ويظهر صراعا ً للذات من المرجح أن ُيحكم عليه قادر على‬، ‫ وهكذا‬.‫بالفعل‬
.‫القيام بعمل جيد بغض النظر عن قدرته الحقيقيةـ‬
Interviewers are also prejudiced by an effect called the primacy effect. This
error occurs when interpretation of later information is distorted by earlier
connected information. Hence, in an interview situation, the interviewer
spends most of the interview trying to confirm the impression given by the
candidate in the first few moments. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated
.that such an impression is unrelated to the aptitude of the applicant
‫ـ يحدث هذا الخطأ عندما‬.‫كما يتم التحامل على الباحثين عن العمل عن طريق تأثير يسمى تأثير األسبقية‬
‫ يقضي‬، ‫ في المقابلة‬، ‫ ومن ثم‬.‫يتم تشويه تفسير المعلومات الالحقة بواسطة معلومات متصلة سابقة‬
.‫المحاور معظم المقابلة في محاولة لخلط االنطباع الذي أعطاه المرشح في اللحظات القليلة األولى‬
.‫وتكرارا أن مثل هذا االنطباع ال عالقة له بقدرة مقدم الطلب‬
ً ‫مرارا‬
ً ‫أثبتت الدراسات‬

The phenomenon known as the contrast effect also skews the judgment of
interviewers. A suitable candidate may be underestimated because he or she
contrasts with a previous one who appears exceptionally intelligent. Likewise,
an average candidate who is preceded by one who gives a weak showing
.may be judged as more suitable than he or she really is
‫ قد يتم التقليل من شأن المرشح‬.‫كما أن الظاهرة المعروفة باسم تأثير التباين تزيحـ حكم المقابلين‬
‫ فإن المرشح العادي الذي‬، ‫ـ وبالمثل‬.‫المناسب ألنه يتناقض مع شخص سابق يبدو ذكيا ً بشكل استثنائي‬
.‫يسبقه هو الشخص الذي يقدم عرض ضعيف يمكن اعتباره أكثر مالءمة من هو أو هي حقا‬
Since interviews as a form of personnel selection have been shown to be
inadequate, other selection procedures have been devised which more
accurately predict candidate suitability. Of the various tests devised, the
predictor which appears to do this most successfully is cognitive ability as
.measured by a variety of verbal and spatial tests
‫ فقد تم وضع‬، ‫وحيث أن المقابالت باعتبارها شكال من أشكال اختيار الموظفين تبين أنها غير كافية‬
‫ من االختبارات المختلفة التي تم‬.‫إجراءات اختيار أخرى تتوخى بدقة أكبر التنبؤ بمالءمة المرشحين‬
‫ فإن المتنبئ الذي يبدو أنه يحقق ذلك بنجاح هو القدرة اإلدراكية التي يتم قياسها بواسطة‬، ‫ابتكارها‬
.‫مجموعة متنوعة من االختبارات اللفظية والمكانية‬

:Question 1. The word “they” in line 6 refers to

A. applicants B. judgments
C. interviewers D. characteristics

:Question 2. The word “ this” in line 20 refers to

A. measure cognitive ability
B. devise personnel selection
C. predict candidate suitability
D. devise accurate tests

:Question 3. This passage mainly discusses the

.A. Judgments of interviewers concerning job applicants
.B. Inadequacy of interviewing job applicants
.C. Effects of interviewing on job applicants
.D. Techniques that interviewers use for judging job applicants

:Question 4. According to the passage, the hallo effect

.A. exemplifies how one good characteristic color perceptions
.B. takes effect only when a candidate is well –dressed
.C. stands out as the worst judgmental error
.D. helps the interviewer’s capability to judge real ability

Question 5. The word “hindrance” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

A. assistance B. encouragement
C. procedure D. interference
:Question 6. According to the passage the first impression
.A. can easily be altered
.B. is unrelated to the interviewer’s prejudices
.C. is the one that stays with the interviewer
.D. has been repeatedly demonstrated to the applicant

:Question 7. The word “skews” in line 14 is closest in meaning to ‫يميلـ‬

A. improves B. opposes C. biases‫يتحيز‬ D. Distinguishes

Question 8. The author mentions all of the following reasons why interviewing
:is not an accurate way to predict candidate suitability EXCEPT the
A. primacy effect B. halo effect
C. contrast effect D. cognitive effect

:Question 9. The word “confirm” in line 11 is closest in meaning to

A. verify B. misrepresent C. recollect D. conclude

Question 10. The paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss which
?of the following
.A. More information on the kinds of judgmental effects
.B. Other reasons for misjudgments of applicants
.C. Other selection procedures included in interviewing
.D. More information on cognitive ability tests

Question 11- Where in the passage does the author discuss the effect of
?comparing two candidates
A- pargraph 3 g B-pargraph 4 C-pargraph 2 D- pargraph 1
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
17 ‫ ص‬11 \6 ‫ الهرمونات اإلثنين‬-2
‫لينك القطعة‬

Until recently, growth hormone could only be obtained from the pituitary
glands of dead people. This substance is used to treat children who did not
produce enough of their own growth hormone and who would, therefore,
grow up as dwarfs. The natural product was taken off the market after it was
linked to a brain disease which attacked some of the children undergoing
treatment with it. But now, a new synthetic growth hormone has been
developed which, it is claimed, has no dangerous side effects. The new drug is
.called "Somatrem" and can be produced in unlimited quantities
,For children who are deficient in their own growth hormone
Somatrem is an important medical advance. The problem is that the drug may
be abused by people who are not medically in need of its benefits. For
example, athletes may take the drug in the belief that it will improve their
physique and physical performance. Parents may want to obtain the drug for
their children who are only marginally under average height. For such reasons,
experts are recommending that registers be kept of Somatrem recipients. The
implications of the use of Somatrem must be thoroughly understood before
.widespread distribution of the drug is undertaken
‫ ال يمكن الحصول على هرمون النمو إال من الغدد النخامية للموتى‬، ‫حتى وقت قريب‬
، ‫ بالتالي‬، ‫يتم استخدامـ هذه المادة لعالج األطفال الذين لم ينتجوا ما يكفي من هرمون النمو الخاص بهم والذين‬
‫ وكان مرتبطا بمرض في الدماغ هاجم بعض األطفال‬، ‫ تم إخراج المنتج الطبيعي من السوق‬، ‫ينشأون كأقزام‬
‫ والذي ُيزعم أنه ليس له أي آثار جانبية خطيرة العالج معها‬، ‫ تم تطوير هرمون نمو صناعي جديد‬، ‫ولكن اآلن‬
. ‫" يسمى الدواء الجديد‬Somatrem" ‫ويمكن إنتاجه بكميات غير محدودة‬.
‫ لألطفال الذين يعانون من هرمون النمو الخاص بهم‬،
.‫ تكمن المشكلة في احتمال إساءة استعمال العقار من قبل أشخاص ليسوا بحاجة طبيا‬،‫سوماتريم هو تقدم طبي مهم‬
‫ قد‬.‫ يمكن للرياضيين تناول الدواء اعتقادا منهم أنه سيحسن من اللياقة البدنية واألداء‬، ‫إلى فوائده على سبيل المثال‬
‫ يرغب اآلباء في الحصول على الدواء ألطفالهم الذين يكونون بشكل هامشي متوسط االرتفاع الجسدي لهذه األسباب‬،.
Somatrem ‫ يجب جيدا فهم اآلثار المترتبة على استخدام‬،‫يوصي الخبراء بإبقاء السجالت الخاصة بمتلقي سوماتريم‬
‫قبل إجراء توزيع واسع النطاق للدواء‬.

What is the passage mainly about?

a) the side effects of growth drugs.
b) A medical breakthrough of growth hormones.
c) the abuse of hormones.
d) the problems with growth-hormone deficient children.
:The people who could benefit from this drug are short because of -2
A. lack of hormone B. hereditary diseases
C. severe accidents D. birth defects

:The phrase “linked to” in line 4 is closest in meaning to -3

A. subjected to B. caused by C. inhibited by D. connected to

According to the passage natural growth hormone is not marketed now -4

A. it may have caused a brain disease
B. people were killed by it
C. it failed to make people grow
D. not enough pituitary glands were available

Why does the author claim that Somatrem is an advance on natural growth -5
A. It can be used by athletes
B. It is not necessary to use pituitary glands from dead people
C. It can not be abused by people
D. It does not have any adverse side effects

:The direct benefits of Somatrem will be gained by -6

A. professional athletes B. undersized children
C. medical experts D. concemed parents

:The word “people” in line 8 refers to -7

A. children deficient in growth hormone
B. experts in the medical field
C. possible drug abusers
D. dead people

:The word “it” in line 9 refers to -8

A. Somatrem B. natural growth hormone
C. drug abuse D. physical performance
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
19 ‫ ص‬11 \6 ‫ قطعة اإلثنين‬-3
‫لينك القطعة‬
A Japanese construction company plans to build a huge independent city-
state, akin to the legendary Atlantis, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The
city, dubbed "Marinnation," would have about one million inhabitants, two
airports, and possibly even a spaceport. Marinnation, if built, would be a
separate country but could serve as a home for international organizations
.such as the United Nations and the World Bank
Aside from the many political and social problems that would have to be
solved, the engineering task envisaged is monumental. The initial stage
requires the building of a circular dam eighteen miles in diameter attached to
the seabed in a relatively shallow place in international waters. Then. several
hundred pumps, operating for more than a year would suck out the seawater
from within the dam. When empty and dry. the area would have a city
.constructed on it. The actual land would be about 300 feet below sea level
According to designers, the hardest task from an engineering point of view
.would be to ensure that the dam is leak proof and earthquake proof
If all goes well, it is hoped that Marinnation could be ready for habitation at
the end of the second decade of the twenty-first century. Whether anyone
would want to live in such an isolated and artificial community, however, will
.remain an open question until that time
‫ في وسط‬، ‫ شبيهةـ بأتالنتيس األسطورية‬، ‫تخطط شركة بناء يابانية لبناء دولة مدينة مستقلة ضخمة‬
‫ وستكون المدينة التي يطلق عليها "مارينايشن" نحو مليون نسمةـ ومطارين وربما‬.‫المحيط الهادئ‬
‫ دولة منفصلة ولكنها يمكن أن‬، ‫ إذا تم بناؤها‬، Marienation ‫ سوف تكون شركة‬.‫حتى ميناء فضائي‬
.‫تكون بمثابةـ موطن للمنظمات الدولية مثل األمم المتحدة والبنك الدولي‬
‫ فإن المهمة الهندسية‬، ‫وبغض النظر عن المشاكل السياسية واالجتماعية العديدة التي يتعين حلها‬
‫ تتطلب المرحلة األولية بناء سد دائري طوله ثمانيةـ عشر ميالً مربوطا ً بقاع‬.‫المتوخاة هي مهمةـ ضخمة‬
‫ تعمل ألكثر من عام سوف‬، ‫ عدة مئات من المضخات‬.‫ ثم‬.‫البحر في مكان ضحل نسبيا ً في المياه الدولية‬
.‫ المنطقة سيكون لها مدينةـ مبنية عليها‬.‫ عندما تكون فارغة وجافة‬.‫تمص مياه البحر من داخل السد‬
.‫ قدم تحت مستوىـ سطح البحر‬300 ‫ستكون األرض الفعلية حوالي‬
‫ فإن أصعب مهمةـ من وجهة نظر هندسيةـ سيكون ضمان أن السد هو دليل على‬، ‫وفقا للمصممين‬
.‫التسرب وإثبات الزلزال‬
‫ جاهزة للسكن في نهاية العقد‬Marinnation ‫ فمن المأمول أن تكون‬، ‫إذا سارت األمور على ما يرام‬
‫ ولكن ما إذا كان أي شخص يريد أن يعيش في مجتمع منعزل‬.‫الثاني من القرن الحادي والعشرين‬
.‫مفتوحا حتى ذلك الوقت‬
ً ‫ سيظل سؤااًل‬، ‫ومصطنع‬
.According to the text: Marrination, when built, will be a (an) ________ city -1
A. underground B. underwater C. marine D. legendary

:The word ‘akin’ in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by -2

A. similar B. next C. likely D. close

?Which of the following would NOT be a problem for the construction plan -3
A. social B. political C. financial D. engineering

:Which of the following is NOT true according to the text -4

.A. Marinnation Will be located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
.B. Marinnation will be built in a deep place in the Pacific Ocean
.C. Marinnation could be served as home for international organisation
.D. Marinnation would have about one million inhabitants

:The word ‘monumental’ in Paragraph 2 means -5

.A. important and dificult B. like a large monument
.C. serving as a monument D. important and historic

:What is going to be built first -6

A. a city B. a dam C. a monument D. a sea bed

The phrase ‘suck out’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the -7

A. draw out B. pull out C. dry up D. take out

:The most difficult task is to protect the dam against and earthquake -8
A. fire B. water C. sunlight D. weather

:According to text 1 people could come to live in the future city in the year -9
A. 2020 B. 2010 C. 2012 D. 2002

?What does the author imply in the last sentence of the passage -10
.A. The construction of Marinnation could never be completed in time
.B. People Will ask an open question about living in Marinnation
.C. People Will ask how they can live in such an isolated and artificial city
.D. People might not want to live in an isolated and artificial community
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
33 ‫ ص‬6/11 ‫ قطعة اإلثنين‬-4
Jacob Epstein's sculptures were the focus of much controversy during the
sculptor's lifetime. Epstein was born in the United States of Russian-Jewish
.immigrants in 1880
He moved to Paris in his youth and later to England, where he eventually
settled and took out British citizenship in 1907. His first major public
commission, on a building in London, offended public taste because of the
expressive distortion and nudity of the figures. In 1937, the Rhodesian
government, which at that time owned the building, actually mutilated the
.sculptures to make them conform to public notions of decency
Many other of Epstein's monumental carvings received equally adverse
criticism. While the general public denounced his work, many artists and
critics praised it. They admired in particular the diversity of his work and
noted the influence on it of primitive and ancient sculptural motifs from Africa
and the Pacific. Today, Epstein's work has received the recognition it deserves,
.and Epstein is considered one of the major sculptors of the twentieth century
‫ ولد ابشتاين في الواليات المتحدة من‬،‫كانت تماثيل يعقوب إبشتاين محور جدل كبير خالل حياة النحات‬
‫ حيث‬، ‫ انتقل إلى باريس في شبابهـ وبعد ذلك إلى إنجلترا‬،1880 ‫المهاجرين اليهود الروس في عام‬
.1907 ‫استقر في نهاية المطاف وأخرج الجنسية البريطانية في عام‬
‫ أساءت الذوق العام بسبب التشويه والتعبير المعبرين‬، ‫ في مبنى في لندن‬، ‫أول لجنة عامة كبرى له‬
‫ بتشويه‬، ‫ التي كانت تملك المبنى في ذلك الوقت‬، ‫ قامت الحكومة الروديسيةـ‬، 1937 ‫ في عام‬.‫لألرقام‬
‫ـ‬.‫المنحوتات لجعلها تتوافق مع المفاهيم العامة للحشمة‬
‫ في حين أن الجمهور‬.‫تلقى العديد من النقوش األثرية الكبيرة إبشتاين انتقادات سلبيةـ على قدم المساواة‬
، ‫ وقد أعجبوا على وجه الخصوص بتنوع عمله‬.‫ أشاد العديد من الفنانين والنقاد به‬، ‫العام شجب عمله‬
‫ تلقى عمل‬، ‫ اليوم‬.‫والحظوا تأثيره على الزخارف النحتية القديمةـ والقديمة من أفريقيا والمحيط الهادئ‬
.‫ وتعتبرـ إبشتاين واحد من النحاتين الرئيسيين في القرن العشرين‬، ‫إبشتاين االعتراف الذي يستحقه‬

!Jacob Epstein’s nationalifl was original -1

A. Russian B. Parisian C. French D. English

:Epstein moved to Paris -2

A. in 1880 B. in 1907 C. when he was young D. in the 1930s

:Which of the following statements is NOT true -3

A. Epstein’s work is now almost forgotten
B. Some critics admired Epstein’s work
C. Epstein lived in Paris
D. Epstein’s first major work was erected in London
The passage states that some people didn’t like some of Epstein’s -4
:sculptures because they found the sculptures
A. badly made B. mutilated C. offensive D. ancient

Which of the following was most probably an important influence on -5

:Epstein’s work
A. Russian painting B. Public tastes
C. The Rhodesian government D. African carvings

:The author's attitude toward Epstein's work is -6

a. critical b. derisive c. amusing d. admiring

:Which of the following was most probably an important -7

influence on Epstein's work
a. public tastes b. African carvings
c. Russian painting d. the Rhodesian government

:Todaya a newly erected Epstein sculpture would probably -8

a. be mutilated b. conform to public opinions
c. be well received d. be expressive

What does the author mean by the statement "Many other of Epstein's -9
:"monumental carvings received egually adverse criticism
a. Many of Epstein's monuments were defaced
b. People have taken equal offense to other critical works of art
c. Epstein's monuments were usually denounced for their nudity
d. Other sculptures of Epstein's elicited negative comments

‫تم تشويهـ أعمال إبتسين الفنية قديما ً ألنها تخالف الزوق العام‬
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
25 ‫ص‬Overweight ‫ الوزن الزائد‬-5
‫لينك القطعة‬
It was once believed  that being overweight was healthy,  but nowadays few 
people subscribe to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle
to reduce weight, studies are being  conducted  concerning  the  appetite  and 
how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the
conclusions of these studies may give insights into how to deal with weight
problems. For example, when several hundred people were asked about their
eating habits in times of stress, 44 percent  said they reacted to  stressful 
situations by  eating. Further investigations with both humans and animals
indicated that it is not food which relieves tension but rather the act of
‫ لكن في الوقت الحاضر قليل من الناس يشتركون في‬، ً ‫كان يعتقد ذات مرة أن الوزن الزائد كان سليما‬
‫ تجري دراسات حول‬،‫ في حين أن العديد من الناس يخوضون المعركة لخفض الوزن‬،‫وجهة النظر هذه‬
‫الشهية وكيف يتم التحكم بها من قبل كل من العوامل العاطفية والبيوكيميائية‬.
‫بعض االستنتاجات من هذه الدراسات قد تعطي نظرة ثاقبة في كيفية التعامل مع مشاكل الوزن على سبيل‬
.‫ في المائة‬44 ‫ قال‬، ‫ عندما سئل عدة مئات من األشخاص عن عاداتهم الغذائية في أوقات الشدة‬، ‫المثال‬
‫ وأشار مزيد من التحقيقات مع كل من البشر‬،‫ من خالل تناول الطعام‬n‫إنهم تفاعلوا مع المواقف العصيبة‬
‫والحيوانات أنه ليس الطعام الذي يخفف من التوتر بل باألحرى فعل المضغ‬. 
       A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have
a keener sense of taste and crave more flavorful food than nonobese people.
When deprived of the variety and intensity of tastes, obese people are not
satisfied and consequently eat more to fulfill this need. Blood  samples  
taken   form  people   after they   were  shown a picture of food  revealed  that
overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin, a chemical
associated with appetite. This did not happen with average-weight people.
‫وأظهر االختبار الذي كانوا فيه معصوبى العينين أن األشخاص الذين يعانون من السمنة لديهم حس أكثر‬
‫ فإن‬،‫ذوقًا وأنهم يتوقون لتناول طعام أكثر نكهة من غير البدناء عند الحرمان من تنوع وشدة األذواق‬
‫ وأظهرت عينات الدم المأخوذة‬، ‫ هذه الحاجة‬n‫األشخاص البدناء غير راضين وبالتالي يأكلون أكثر لتلبية‬
‫من أشخاص بعد الطعام أن األشخاص الذين يعانون من زيادة الوزن تفاعلوا مع زيادة في األنسولين في‬
‫ هذا لم يحدث مع الناس متوسطى الوزن‬n‫ بالشهية‬n‫الدم وهي مادة كيميائية مرتبطة‬.
  In  another  experiment, results  showed that  certain  people have a  specific,
biologically induced hunger for carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates raises the
level of serotonin(血清素), a neurotransmitter  in the brain. Enough serotonin 
produces a  sense  of  satiation and hunger for carbodydrates subsides.

‫ أظهرت النتائج أن بعض األشخاص لديهم جوع محدد ومحرض بيولوجيًا‬، ‫في تجربة أخرى‬
‫ ما يكفي‬،‫ السيروتونين وهو ناقل عصبي في الدماغ‬n‫ تناول الكربوهيدرات يثير مستوى‬، ‫للكربوهيدرات‬
‫ شعورا من الشبع والجوع للكربوهيدرات ينحسر‬n‫من السيروتونين تنتج‬.
    Exercise has been recommended as an important part of a weight-loss
program. However, it has been found that mild exercise, such as using stairs
instead of the elevator, is better in the long run than taking on a strenuous
program, such as jogging, which many people find difficult to continue over
periods of time and which also increases appetite.
‫ فقد وجد أن التمرين المعتدل مثل‬،‫ إلنقاص الوزن‬n‫ التمرينات كجزء مهم من برنامج‬n‫وقد أوصى ممارسة‬
‫ والذي‬،‫ شاق مثل الركض‬n‫استخدام الدرج بدالً من المصعد هو أفضل على المدى الطويل من تنفيذ برنامج‬
‫ضا يزيد من الشهية‬ً ‫ فيه خالل فترات من الزمن وأي‬n‫يجد العديد من األشخاص صعوبة في االستمرار‬.

26. The word“crave”in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to____________.

A. devour                  B. absorb    C. season                     D. desire

27. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?

A. Thin people don't enjoy food.
B. Heavy people are more satisfied with the variety of foods and strong
C. Overweight people have an abnormal sense of taste.
D. Deprivation of food makes people fat.

28. Which of the following is true about serotonin?

A. It is a chemical which increases appetite.
B. Only certain people produce it in their brains.
C. It tells the brain when a person is full.
D. It adds nutrition to the brain.

29. Which of the following exercises might be best for an overweight person
to engage in daily?
A. Walking B. Jogging    C. Running                      D. Cycling

30. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To discuss the health problems caused by being overweight.
B. To recommend a weight loss program for the obese.
C. To help overweight people overcome their eating problems.
D. To present research findings about obese.
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
28‫ الكربوهيدرات ص‬-5
Carbohydrates, which are sugars, are an essential part of a healthy diet. They
provide the main source of energy for the body, and they also function to
flavor and sweeten foods. Carbohydrates range from simple sugars like
glucose to complex sugars such as amylose and 5 amylopectin. Nutritionists
estimate that carbohydrates should make up about one-fourth to one-fifth of
a person's diet. This translates to about 75-100 grams of carbohydrates per day
A diet that is deficient in carbohydrates can have an adverse effect 10 on a
person’s health. When the body lacks a sufficient amount of carbohydrates it
must then use its protein supplies for energy, a process called gluconeogenesis.
This, however, results in a lack of necessary protein, and further health
difficulties may occur. A lack of carbohydrates can also lead to ketosis, a
.build-up of ketones 15 in the body that causes fatigue lethargy, and bad breath

?What is the main idea of this passage

.A) Carbohydrates are needed for good health
.B) Carbohydrates prevent a build-up of proteins
.C) Carbohydrates can lead to ketosis
.D) Carbohydrates are an expendable part of a good diet

?The word "function" as used in line 3 refers to which of the following -2

A) neglect B) serve C) dissolve D) profess

The word "range" as used in line 3 is closest in meaning to which of the -3

A) probe B) proceed C) hail D) extend

:In line 5. the word "estimate" could best be replaced by -4

A) disbelieve B) declare C) calculate D) wonder

:According to the passage, what do most nutritionists suggest -5

.A) Sufficient carbohydrates will prevent gluconeogenesis
.B) Carbohydrates are simple sugars called glucose
.C) Carbohydrates should make up about a quarter of a person's daily diet
.D) Carbohydrates should be eaten in very small quantities

:Which of the following do carbohydrates NOT do -6

A) prevent ketosis
B) cause gluconeogenesis
C) provide energy for the body
D) flavor and sweeten food

?Which of the following words could best replace "deficient" used in line 9 -7
A) outstanding B) abundant C) insufficient D) unequal

:What does the word "this" refer to in line 13 -8

.A) using protein supplies for energy
.B) converting carbohydrates to energy
.C) having a deficiency in carbohydrates
.D) having an insufficient amount of protein

According to the passage, which of the following does NOT describe -9

.A) a protein supply
.B) a necessity
.C) a range of sugars
.D) an energy source

?The word "lack" in line 13 is most similar to which of the following -10
A) plethora B) shortage C) derivation D) commission

?Which of the following best describes the author's tone .11

A) sensitive B) emotional C) informative D) regretful

?Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage -12
.A) cause and result
.B) comparison and contrast
.C) specific to general
.D) definition and example
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
31‫ جبل راشمورـ ص‬-1
Every year about two million people visit Mount Rushmore, where the faces
of four U.S. presidents were carved in granite by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and
his son, the late Lincoln Borglum. The creation of the Mount Rushmore
monument took 14 years - from 1927 to 1941 – and nearly a million dollars.
These were times when money was difficult to come by and many people
were jobless. To move the more than 400,000 tons of rock, Borgium hired laid-
off workers from the closed-down mines in the Black Hills area. He taught
these men to dynamite, drill, carve, and finish the granite as they were
hanging in midair in his specially devised chairs, which had many safety
features. Borglum was proud of the fact that no workers were killed or
.severely injured during the years of blasting and carving
During the carving, many changes in the original design had to be made to
keep the carved heads free of large fissures that were uncovered However,
not all the cracks could be avoided, so Borglum concocted a mixture of granite
.dust, white lead, and linseed oil to fill them
Every winter, water from melting snows gets into the fissures and expands as
it freezes, making the fissures bigger. Consequently, every autumn
maintenance work is done to refill the cracks. The repairers swing out in space
over a 500-foot drop and fix the monument with the same mixture that
.Borglum used to preserve this national monument for future generations

‫ حيث تم نحت وجوه أربعة رؤساء أمريكيين في‬، ‫في كل عام يزور ما يقرب من مليوني شخص جبل رشمور‬
‫ استغرق إنشاء نصب جبل‬.‫الجرانيت بواسطة النحات جوتزون بورغلوم وابنه الراحل لينكولن بورغلوم‬
‫ كانت هذه األوقات التي كان فيها‬.‫ وما يقرب من مليون دوالر‬- 1941 ‫ إلى‬1927 ‫ من‬- ‫ سنة‬14 ‫رشمور‬
‫ استأجرت‬، ‫ طن من الصخور‬400،000 ‫ لنقل أكثر من‬.‫ وكان كثير من الناس عاطلين عن العمل‬، ً ‫المال صعبا‬
‫ وعلم هؤالء‬.Black Hills ‫ العمال المسرحين ( تم اإلستغناء عنهم) من األلغام المغلقة في منطقة‬Borgium
‫ وقاموا بتزيين الجرانيت بينما كانوا معلقين في الجو في كراسيهم‬، ‫ ونحتوا‬، ‫ وحفروا‬، ‫الرجال الديناميت‬
‫ كان بورجالم فخورا بحقيقة أنه لم يقتل أي عامل‬.‫ والتي كان لها العديد من ميزات السالمة‬، ‫خصيص ا‬
ً ‫المبتكرة‬
.‫أو أصيب بجروح بالغة خالل سنوات التفجير والنحت‬
‫ كان البد من إجراء العديد من التغييرات في التصميم األصلي للحفاظ على الرؤوس‬، ‫أثناء عملية النحت‬
‫ لذلك‬، ‫ لم يكن باإلمكان تجنب كل الشقوق‬، ‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫المنحوتة خالية من الشقوق الكبيرة التي تم اكتشافها‬
.‫ والنفط ليمألهم‬.‫ وبذر الكتان‬، ‫ والرصاص األبيض‬، ‫مزيج ا من غبار الجرانيت‬
ً Borglum ‫أعد‬
‫ تتم كل أعمال‬، ‫ وبالتالي‬.‫ مما يجعله أكبر‬، ‫ يتدفق الماء من ذوبان الجليد ويتمدد عند تجمده‬، ‫في كل شتاء‬
‫ قدما ومأل‬500 ‫ ومصلحي الشقوق في الفضاء على انخفاض‬.‫الصيانة في فصل الخريف إلعادة الشقوق‬
.‫النصب من نفس الخليط الذي استخدمه بوركلوم للحفاظ على هذا الصرح الوطني لألجيال القادمة‬

:This passage is mainly about -1

A) the visitors to the Mount Rushmore monument
B) the faces at the Mount Rushmore monument
C) the sculptor of the Mount Rushmore monument
D) the creation of the Mount Rushmore monument

:According to the passage, Borglum's son -2

A) is dead
B) was a president
C) did maintenance work
D) spent a million dollars

:The men who Borglum hired were -3

A) trained sculptors
B) laid-off stone masons
C) Black Hills volunteers
D) unemployed miners

:Borglum's mixture for filling cracks was -4

A) very expensive
B) bought at the Black Hills mines
C) invented by the sculptor himself
D) uncovered during carving

?According to the passage, what achievement did Borglum pride himself on -5

.a- The four presidential faces in granite that he had sculpted
b-The removal of 90 percent of the 450,000 tons of rock quickly and at a
.relatively low cost
c-His safety record of no deaths or serious injuries during the years of work
.with heavy equipment and dynamite
d-His skillful training of the labor force that enabled blasts of dynamite to be
.within inches of the contour lines of the faces

:According to the passage, today Mount Rushmore needs to be -6

a-protected from air pollution
b-polished for tourists
c-restored during the winter
d-repaired periodically

The passage discusses all of the following aspects of the creation of the -7
:Mount Rushmore carvings EXCEPT
a-Where the people who worked on Mount Rushmore came from
b-Why Borglum carved the heads of four U.S. presidents
c-how Borglum dealt with fissures that could not be avoided
d-when repairs to this national monument are made

:The word ‘these’ in paragraph 1 refers to -8

A. faces B. Dollars C. times D. Workers

:The word “devised” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to -9 ‫مبتكرة‬

A. designed B. described C. scaffolded D. Elevated

:It can be inferred from the passage that -10

A. the heads are not as originally planned
B. the workers made mistakes when blasting
C. the cracks caused serious injuries
D. the designs had large fissures in them

:The word “fissures” in paragraph 2 refer to -11

A. designs B. heads C. cracks D. Carvings

:The word “avoided” in paragraph 2 is closet in meaning to -12

A. circumvented B. abolished C. evented D. improvised
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
)33 ‫ ص‬13/11 ‫ الغواصيين (قطعة اإلثنين‬-2
One of the major hazards for deep-sea divers is the "bends." This condition is caused
by gas bubbles forming in the bloodstream if the diver ascends too rapidly. The reason
for this condition has to do with the saturation and desaturation of body tissues with
various gases. At increasingly greater depths, the diver breathes air at higher
pressures. This results in an increased quantity of air being dissolved in the
bloodstream. Different body tissues are saturated with different gases from the air at
different rates. When the diver ascends, oxygen is used by the body tissues, carbon
dioxide is released quickly, and nitrogen remains. The nitrogen needs to be released
gradually from the bloodstream and body tissues. If nitrogen is subjected to a too rapid
pressure reduction, it forms gas bubbles in the blood vessels. The bubbles become
trapped in the capillaries. This prevents blood and oxygen from supplying necessary
nutrients to body tissues, which consequently begin to die.
Saturation and desaturation are affected by various factors such as the depth, length of
time, and amount of exertion underwater. There are other factors that a diver must
take into account when determining a safe ascent rale. These include the diver's sex and
body build, the number of dives undertaken within the previous 12 hours, the time
spent at the dive location before the dive, and the composition of the respiration gas.

‫ فقاعات‬n‫ يحدث هذا الشرط بسبب‬."‫أحد المخاطر الرئيسية للغواصين في أعماق البحارهو "االنحناءات‬
‫ السبب في هذا الشرط له عالقة بتشبع‬.‫الغاز التي تشكل في مجرى الدم إذا صعد الغواص بسرعة كبيرة‬
‫ الغواص يتنفس الهواء عند‬،‫ في أعماق متزايدة‬.‫وإزالة التشبع من أنسجة الجسم من الغازات المختلفة‬
‫ يتم تشبع أنسجة الجسم‬.‫ ويؤدي ذلك إلى زيادة كمية الهواء الذي يتم حله في مجرى الدم‬.‫الضغط العالي‬
‫ يستخدم األكسجين من‬،‫ عندما يصعد الغواص‬.‫المختلفة مع الغازات المختلفة من الهواء بمعدالت مختلفة‬
‫ النيتروجين يحتاج إلى‬.‫ ويبقى النيتروجين‬،‫ ويتم تحرير ثاني أكسيد الكربون بسرعة‬،‫قبل أنسجة الجسم‬
‫ فإنه‬،‫ إذا تعرض النيتروجين لخفض ضغط سريع جدا‬.‫اإلفراج تدريجيا من مجرى الدم وأنسجة الجسم‬
‫ هذا يمنع‬.‫ تصبح الفقاعات محاصرين في الشعيرات الدموية‬n.‫يشكل فقاعات الغاز في األوعية الدموية‬
‫ والتي تبدأ بالتالي للموت ويتأثر‬،‫الدم واألكسجين من توريد المواد الغذائية الالزمة إلى أنسجة الجسم‬
‫ هناك عوامل‬.‫التشبع وإزالة التشبع بعوامل مختلفة مثل العمق وطول الوقت وكمية المجهود تحت الماء‬
‫ هذه جنس الغواص‬n‫ وتشمل‬.‫أخرى يجب أن يأخذها الغواص بعين االعتبار عند تحديد رالي صعود آمن‬
‫ في‬n‫ والوقت الذي يقضيه‬،‫ ساعة السابقة‬12 ‫ وعدد مرات الغطس التي أجريت في غضون‬،‫وبناء الجسم‬
‫ وتكوين الغاز التنفس‬،‫موقع الغوص قبل الغوص‬.

1. The passage is mainly about‫الفكرة الرئيسية للقطعه هى‬

(A) how to calculate a safe depth when diving ‫كيفية حساب عمق آمن عند الغوص‬
(B) how to determine saturation and desaturation rates ‫كيفية تحديد معدالت التشبع واإلشباع‬
(C) instructions for diving safely‫تعليمات الغوص بأمان‬
(D) the factors causing the bends in divers ‫ المسببة لالنحناءات في الغواصين‬n‫العوامل‬

2. According to the passage, gas bubbles

(A) trap the capillaries
(B) are gradually released from the tissues and bloodstream
(C) block the supply of nutrients to body tissues
(D) are formed from compressed air
3. According to the passage, the bends:
(A) is the major diving hazard
(B) reduces pressure in the bloodstream
(C) is a condition caused by diving too quickly
(D) is a direct result of dying body tissues
4. Which of the following does NOT affect the desaturation of body tissues?
(A) The location of the dive
(B) The number of previous dives
(C) The composition of the gas being used
(D) The amount of activity underwater
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL
3- ‫األفالم الناطقة‬
History books recorded that the first film with sound was The Jazz Singer in
1927. But sound films, or talkies, did not suddenly appear after years of silent
screenings. From the earliest public performances in 1896, films were
accompanied by music and sound effects. These were produced by a single
pianist, a small band, or a full-scale orchestra; large movie theatres could buy
sound-effect machines. Research into sound that was reproduced at exactly at
the same time as the pictures – called “synchronized sound” – began soon
after the very first films were shown. With synchronized sound, characters on
the movie screen could sing and speak. As early as 1896, the newly invented
gramophone, which played a large disc carrying music and dialogue, was used
as a sound system. The biggest disadvantage was that the sound and pictures
could be come unsynchronized if, for example, the gramophone needle
jumped or if the speed of the projector changed. This system was only
effective for a single song or dialogue sequence.
.... In the “sound-on-film” system, sound was recorded as a series of marks on
celluloid which could be read by an optical sensor. These signals would be
placed on the film alongside the image, guaranteering synchronization. Short
feature films were produced in this way as early as 1922. This system
eventually brought us “talking pictures”.
،‫ ولكن األفالم الصوتية‬.1927 ‫سجلت كتب التاريخ أن الفيلم األول مع الصوت كان المغني الجاز في عام‬
‫ من أقدم العروض العامة في عام‬.‫ لم تظهر فجأة بعد سنوات من العروض الصامتة‬،‫أو أجهزة االتصال‬
‫ تم إنتاج هذه من قبل عازف البيانو‬n.‫ كانت األفالم مصحوبة بالموسيقى والمؤثرات الصوتية‬،1896
‫ يمكن لدور السينما الكبيرة شراء آالت التأثيرات‬.‫ أو أوركسترا كامل النطاق‬،‫ فرقة صغيرة‬،‫واحد‬
‫ تسمى "الصوت‬- ‫ بدأ البحث في الصوت الذي تم استنساخه في نفس الوقت تماما مثل الصور‬n.‫الصوتية‬
‫ يمكن للشخصيات على شاشة‬n،‫ مع الصوت متزامنة‬.‫ بعد وقت قصير من عرض أول أفالم‬- "‫المتزامن‬
‫ تم استخدام الجراماون الجرافيكي الذي اخترع‬،1896 ‫ في وقت مبكر من عام‬.‫السينما الغناء والتحدث‬
‫ وكان أكبر عيب هو أن الصوت‬.‫ ونظام الصوت‬،‫ والذي لعب قرص كبير يحمل الموسيقى والحوار‬،‫حديثا‬
‫ قفز إبرة الجرامافون أو إذا تغيرت سرعة‬،‫ على سبيل المثال‬،‫والصور يمكن أن تأتي غير متزامنة إذا‬
‫ واحدة أو تسلسل الحوار‬n‫ وكان هذا النظام فعاال فقط ألغنية‬.‫العرض‬.

1. The passage is mainly about the: ‫الفكرة الرئيسية للقطعه هى‬

a. history of silent movies‫تاريخ االفالم الصامته‬
b. disadvantages of synchronized sound‫عيوب تزامن الصوت‬
c. development of sound with movie ‫تطوير الصوت مع الفيلم‬
d. research into sound reproduction‫البحث فى االستنساخ فى الصوت‬

2. According to the passage, films using sound effects were screened:

‫وفقا للقطعه عرضت االفالم باستخدام المؤثرات الصوتية‬
a. before 1896 b. as early as 1896 c. as early as 1922 d. in 1927

3. The word “screenings” is closest in meaning to:

a. projections ‫ عروض‬b. revelations c. demonstrations d. diversions

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a producer of sound to

accompany movies? ‫أي مما يلي لم يذكركمنتجـ للصوت لمرافقة األفالم‬
a. a jazz singer‫مغنى موسيقى الجاز‬ b. single pianist‫عازف البيانو المنفرد‬
c. a small band ‫فرقة صغيرة‬ d. a gramophone ‫الجرامافون‬

5. It can be inferred that.‫ويمكن االستدالل أن‬

a. most movie theaters had a pianist‫معظم دور السينما بها عازف بيانو‬
b. sound-effects machines were not common because they were expensive
‫وآالت التأثيرات الصوتيةـ لم تكن شائعة ألنها كانت باهظة الثمن‬
c. orchestras couldn’t synchronize sound with the pictures
‫األوركسترا ال يمكن مزامنةـ الصوت مع الصور‬
d. gramophones were developed about the same time as moving pictures.
‫الجرامافون تطورتقريبا فى نفس وقت الصور المتحركه‬

6. According to the passage, gramophones were ineffective because they

a. got out of synchronization with the picture
b. were too large for most movie theaters
C. were newly invented and still bad imperfections
D. changed speeds when the needle jumped

7. The word “sequence” in line 9 is closest in meaning to ___________.

a. interpretation b. progression c. distribution d. organization

8. The phrase “these signals” in line 11 refers to _____________.

a. sounds b. series c. marks d. sensors

9. According to the passage, sound-on-film guaranteed synchronization

because the recording was _____________.
a. made during the film of the picture
b. read by an optical sensor
c. inserted beside the image on the film
d. marked on the gramophone
10. Short feature films produced as early as 1922 ____________.
a. were recorded by optical sensors
b. put musicians out of work
c. were only effective for dialogue sequences
d. preceded talking pictures

11. Why does the author mention "a single pianist, a small band, or a full-scale
‫ أو أوركسترا كاملة"؟‬،‫ فرقة صغيرة‬،‫لماذا يذكر المؤلف "عازف بيانو واحد‬

To show how badly paid musicians were

To explain how sound that accompanied early films was made
To emphasize the role sound effects played in The Jazz Singer
To refute history books that claim the first movie with sound was made in 1927

12. Why could gramophones be considered ineffective?

They were subject to variations in speed.

They were too large for most movie theaters.
They couldn't always match the speed of the projector.
They were newly invented.

13. It can be understood that the synchronization system

could be placed alongside the images

developed at the same time as sound for movies
was an important development for talking pictures
was a guarantee that short feature films could be produced

14. It can be inferred that short feature films produced as early as 1922

preceded talking pictures

Put musicians out of work
were recorded by optical sensors
were only effective for dialogue sequences

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL

‫ قطعة التنس‬-4
The debt of lawn tennis to its French origins is illustrated in the unusual scoring system.
This system probably stems from the habit of betting on individual points by the players
or supporters. A game was worth one denier, so the points were worth the most
convenient divisions of a denier. These were 15, 30, and 45 sous. In time, the latter
became 40.
Deuce, when both players have reached 40 in a game, is a corruption of the French à
deux, meaning ''both''. This may refer to both players having the some score - or to the
fact that a player will need to take both the next two points points to win. The term (as
dewce) was first known in England in 1598.
The word 'love', which means nil, may well come from the French word l'oeuf, meaning
egg. The explation for the use of the word l'oeuf is said to be the similarity of the shape of
an egg to a zero. Modern player slang for a 6-0 6-0 result is 'egg and egg''

‫ ربما ينبع هذا النظام من عادة الرهان على‬، ‫يتضح أن التنس مدين ألصوله الفرنسية في نظام التسجيل غير العادي‬
‫ لذا كانت النقاط تستحق أنسب‬،‫ كانت المباراة تساوي وحدة واحدة‬.‫النقاط الفردية من قبل الالعبين أو الداعمين‬
40 ‫ أصبح األخير‬، ‫ بمرور الوقت‬45 ‫ و‬30 ‫ و‬15 ‫االنقسامات كانت هذه هى‬.
‫ مباراة في اللعبة هو مصطلح فيه فساد للغة الفرنسية ألن‬40 ‫ عندما يكون الالعبان قد بلغا‬Deuce
‫ بمعنى كالهما‬، deux
‫ أو إلى حقيقةـ أن الالعب سوف يحتاج إلى اتخاذ كل من‬- ‫قد يشير هذا إلى كال الالعبين الذين لديهم بعض النقاط‬
‫نقطتي النقاط التاليتين للفوز‬
1598 ‫عرف المصطلح (كدورة) ألول مرة في إنجلترا عام‬
l'oeuf ‫ قد تأتي من الكلمة الفرنسية‬، )‫ التي تعني ال شيء ( صفر فى لغة التنس‬، "‫كلمة "لوف‬
‫ ويقال أن تفسير استخدام كلمة لوف هو تشابه شكل البيضة إلى الصفر‬، ‫ أي البيض‬،
"egg and egg''0-6 0-6 ‫الالعب الحديث بالعامية لنتيجة‬ ‫يكون‬

1- What is the main topic of this passage?

a- Betting and its effect on the game of tennis
b- The corruption of the French terminology for tennis.
c- Differences in terminology for the game of tennis in England and France
d- The influence of the French language on the scoring system of tennis
2- It can be inferred that a ''denier'' in line 3 was a
a- monetary unit b- point system c- division d- score
3- An example of the corruption of French in the game of tennis is the word:
a- love b- nil c- both d- egg

4- Why does the author give the example of modern tennis slang?
a- To explain the use of 'love'
b- To demonstrate the similarity of the shape of an egg to a zeroo
c- To show that the idea of an egg representing zero still exists
d- To give a definition of the French word l'oeuf

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL

40‫ قطعة ندرة المياه ص‬-5
limiting-factors-in-world-crop-prod-1263 (Link to the passage)
Water scarcity is fast becoming one of the major limiting factors in world
crop production. In many areas, poor agricultural practices have led to
.increasing desertification and the loss of formerly arable lands
Consequently, those plant species that are well adapted to survival in dry
climates are being looked at for an answer in developing more efficient
.crops to grow on marginally arable lands
Plants use several mechanisms to ensure their survival in desert environments
Some involve purely mechanical and physical adaptations such as the shape of
the plant‘s surface, smaller leaf size, and extensive root systems. Some of the
adaptations are related to chemical mechanisms. Many plants, such as cacti,
have intemal gums and mucilages which give them water-retaining properties.
Another chemical mechanism is that of the epicuticular wax layer. This wax
layer acts as an impervious cover to protect the plant. It prevents excessive
loss of intemal moisture. It also protects the plant from extemal aggression
which can come from inorganic agents such as gases, or organic agents which
.include bacteria and plant pests
Researchers have proposed that synthetic waxes with similar protective
.abilities could be prepared based on knowledge of desert plants
If successfully developed, such a compound could be used to greatly increase
a plant's ability to maintain health in such adverse situations as inadequate
water supply, limited fertilizer availability, attack by pests and poor storage
.after harvesting
، ‫ في العديد من المجاالت‬.‫أصبحت ندرة المياه بسرعة أحد العوامل الرئيسية التي تحد من إنتاج المحاصيل في العالم‬
‫ فإن تلك‬، ‫ وبالتالي‬.ً‫أدت الممارسات الزراعية السيئة إلى زيادة الصحراء وفقدان األراضي الصالحة للزراعة سابقا‬
‫األنواع النباتية التي تتكيف بشكل جيد للبقاء على قيد الحياة في المناخ الجاف تقدم إجابة إلعادة النظر للحصول على‬
.‫تطوير المزيد من كفاءة زراعة المحاصيل في األراضي الصالحة للزراعة‬
‫ بعضها يشتمل على تكيفات ميكانيكية‬.‫تستخدم النباتات العديد من اآلليات لضمان بقائها في البيئات الصحراوية‬
‫ ترتبط بعض التعديالت‬.‫ وأنظمة جذر واسعة النطاق‬، ‫ وحجم أوراق أصغر‬، ‫وفيزيائية بحتة مثل شكل سطح النبات‬
‫ لديها اللثة الداخلية والصمغ التي تعطيها خصائص االحتفاظ‬، ‫ مثل الصبار‬، ‫ العديد من النباتات‬.‫باآلليات الكيميائية‬
‫ هذه الطبقة الشمعية بمثابة غطاء منيع لحماية‬.epicuticular ‫ آلية كيميائية أخرى هي تلك طبقة الشمع‬.‫بالماء‬
‫ كما يحمي النبات من العدوان الخارجي التي يمكن أن تأتي من عوامل غير‬.‫ يمنع فقدان مفرط للرطوبة األبدية‬.‫النبات‬
.‫عضوية مثل الغازات أو العواملـ العضوية التي تشمل البكتيريا واآلفات النباتية‬
‫اقترح الباحثون أن الشمع االصطناعي مع الحماية مماثلة يمكن إعداد القدرات على أساس المعرفة من النباتات‬
‫ فيمكن استخدامهـ لزيادة قدرة النبات على الحفاظ على الصحة بشكل‬، ‫ إذا تم تطوير هذا المركب بنجاح‬.‫الصحراوية‬
‫ والهجومـ من قبل‬، ‫ ومحدودية توافر األسمدة‬، ‫كبير في مثل هذه المواقف المعاكسة مثل عدم كفاية إمدادات المياه‬
.‫ وسوء التخزين بعد الحصاد‬، ‫اآلفات‬

:This passage deals mainly with -1

A) desertification B) decreasing water supplies
C) factors limiting crop production D) developing efficient plants

Which of the following is a mechanical or physical mechanism that desert -2

?plants use
A) The plant's shape B) The small root system
C) The vast leaf size D) The high water consumption

?Which is one of the ways in which the epicuticular wax protects the plant -3
.A) It helps the plant to avoid excessive moisture intake
.B) It helps the plant to attack aggressors
.C) It releases gases against plant pests
.D) It guards against bacteria

:The word ‘arable’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning -4

A) fertile B) parched C) barren D) marsh

:The word ‘extensive’ in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to .5

A) spongy B) snallow C) widespread D) comprehensive

:The word "It" in the second paragraph refers to .6

A) another chemical mechanism B) the epicuticularwax layer
C) an impervious plantlike cover D) the loss ofinternal moisture

:The word ‘aggression’ in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to -7

A) attack B) agitation C) conditions D) surroundings

?What is an example of an inorganic agent that may attack plants .8

A) Bacteria B) lnsects C) Gas D) Pests

lt can be inferred that synthetic simulated waxes .9

.A) have not been developed yet
.B) have not succeeded
.C) have been determined to be impervious to organic and inorganic agents
.D) have the quality of causing bacteria

All ofthe following are examples of an adverse situation for crops EXCEPT .10
A) inadequate water B) insufficient fertilize
C) pest aggression D) proper storage

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