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1 Noun - is a name of a person, a thing, an animal, an event, or a place, such as John, pencil,
horse, Monday, or church. Nouns usually serve as subjects in a sentence, as objects of verbs,
and as complements of verbs and prepositions.
● John is the leader of the band. John is the subject or the one being talked about in the
● He sharpened the pencil (Pencil is the receiver of the action word 'sharpened.)
● We went to church. (Church acts as a complement to the preposition to")

1. Concrete Nouns - things you can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch.
● mother, music perfume, chocolate, or fabric

● 2. Abstract Nouns things you cannot perceive through any of your five senses;
uncountable. hope, love, improvement, ideas, knowledge, justice, music, energy

3. Collective Nouns - a group or collection of things and people; considered singular if it acts as
a group or a single unit, but plural if it pertains to the individual members.
● chair, bunch, class, flock, police, baggage, furniture

4. Common Nouns any one of a class of people or things

● boy, pencil, country, month, dog

5. Proper Nouns-specific people or things. The first letter is should be capitalized

● Paul, Mongol, Philippines, July, Plute

6. Compound Nouns-made up of two or more words acting as a single unit

● matchbox, sister-in-law, pay day

7. Singular Nouns-a single person, single thing, or a single unit

● meal, bush, baby, knife, alumnus, child, mouse
● Plural Nouns. These are words that name more than one person, one thing or one place.
They are formed by adding ses, les ves, i, or by changing the spelling.
○ meals, bushes, babies, knives, alumni, children, mice

8. Plural-looking Nouns-plural in form but singular in meaning.

● economics, politics, news, measles .

9. Singular Looking Nouns. Some nouns pertain to a single object but are considered plural
since they have two Identical parts.
○ 9 scissors, pants, tweezers, binoculars, glasses, pajamas

10. Count Nouns - things we can count which can be singular or plural. A or an is used for
singular countable
nouns while 'many. 'several, a large number of some or Tew is used for plural countable nouns.

questions and negative sentences, 'any is used instead

11. Mass Nouns - things we cannot count but can be measured. Not countable because they
are too small to count. or they are particles, liquids, gases, concepts or activities,

o Particles rice, corn, dirt, dust, sugar Liquids: water, coffee, tea, milk

Gases: smoke, pollution, steam

We cannot puts to mass nours. The plural form of mass nouns is formed with quantifiers

hotties of apple juice, sacks of sand, gallons of water, bowls of rice

"Much", large amount of a great deal of and Tittle should be used for mass hours. There is too
much pepper in the dish; put a little sugar in it.

We may also use some and any for mass nouns

Did you buy any apple juice? Yes, I bought some apple juice

Here are some of the most commonly misused mass nouns advice


furniture requipment





bread damage


permission scenery






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