HW Hackers and Viruses Khlyvniuk

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Кафедра комп’ютерних наук та інженерії програмного забезпечення

«Іноземна мова»

Домашня робота 3
Тема: « Hackers and Viruses »

Виконав: Хливнюк Данііл Кирилович

(прізвище, ім’я та по батькові)
Група: І-12
Перевірив(ла): Яранцева О. І.

Київ – 2023
Book 3, Unit 7: exs. 1 + ex. 8 or 9 (your choice).*

How do computer viruses impact business?
Computer viruses can have a significant impact on businesses. They can disrupt
operations, damage systems, and compromise sensitive data, which can lead to
reputational damage and financial losses. Viruses can spread rapidly through a
company's network, infecting multiple computers and causing widespread
damage. The cost of repairing infected systems and recovering lost data can be
very high. In addition, viruses can result in lost productivity and cause delays in
meeting deadlines, which can impact a company's bottom line.

What should people do when their computers are infected?

When a computer is infected with a virus, it is important to isolate it from the
network and other devices to prevent further spread. The next step is to run anti-
virus software to remove the virus. After cleaning the computer, the user should
update their anti-virus software and run it again to ensure that all threats have
been eliminated. It is also important to backup important data on a regular basis
to avoid losing information in case of an attack. In some cases, it may be
necessary to seek assistance from an IT professional to fully remove the virus and
restore the system to a secure state.

Dear mr. Manager,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns about
the security of our company's computers. With the increasing frequency of
cyberattacks and computer viruses, I am worried about the potential harm it could
cause our organization.
As we discussed in our recent conversation, computer viruses can have
devastating effects on businesses. In particular, I am most worried about the most
dangerous types of viruses, such as Trojan horses and ransomware. These viruses
can infiltrate our systems undetected and cause significant damage, from stealing
sensitive data to holding our files hostage.
If our computers become infected with a virus, it could lead to major
disruptions in our operations, financial losses, and a loss of trust from our clients.
I believe it is essential that we take proactive measures to prevent these types of
attacks and keep our systems secure.
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further and
explore potential solutions to strengthen our computer security. Thank you for
your attention to this important matter.

Daniil Khlyvniuk

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