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= Passions and fashions Present perfect — simple, continuous, passive * Things Im passionate about * Making the right noises PB stanten Talk about three things you have NEVER done. (ve NEVER been toa baseball game. Me neither. | hate baseball (ve NEVER had a pet. Uhave. ve had two doge and a cat. (ve NEVER read a Harry Potter book. Really? Ive read them all. 500 MILLION BOOKS SOLD! Present Perfect - simple, continuous, passive 1 Lookat the book titles. Have you read any of them br seen the movies? Do you know anything about the author, .K. Rowling? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (2005) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007) 2 Complete the questions about J.K. Rowling. Use did, was, has, or have. 1 Where and when she born? 2 When she write her first story? What it about? 3. What. she doing when she had the idea for Harry Potter? 4 Where she teach English? 5 When the first Harry Potter book published? 6 How long she been writing books? 7 How many Harry Potter books she write? 8 How many children she had? 9. How many books been sold? 10 Which books been made into movies? 11 How much money. she made? 12 How many authors. become billionaires? 3 Read and listen about J.K. Rowling. What does J.K. stand for? 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 2. GIB Listen and check. 50 Unit7 + Passions and fashions iF ie ROWLING AUTHOR AND BILLIONAIRE Joanne Kathleen Rowling, author of the best-selling Harry Potter series of books, was born in 1965, near Bristol, England. Her birthday, july 31, is the same as her famous hero, Harry Potter. Joanne did well in school. Her favorite subjects were English and foreign languages, and she studied French in school, She graduated in 1986 and over the next few years had a variety of jobs. However, her passion was writing, She had written her first story, “Rabbit,” about a rabbit with measles, at age six She started writing the first Harry Potter book in 1990, The idea for Harry ~ a lonely 11-year-old orphan who is tually @ wizard ~ came to Rowling while she was traveling by train between Manchester and London. Although she left England a short time after that to teach glish in Portugal, she continued to write Harry's story. She returned to Britain in 1993 and settled in Scotland, it was a difficult time - she was out of work and depressed - but finally completed her first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It was published in Britain in 1997 and quickly became a hit with both children and adults. RO’ JKR wrote Harry Potter books for nearly 27 years, She wrote the first drafts with pen and paper and each book took about one year to complete. The last book in the series, Harry Potter ond the Deathly Hollows, came out in July 2007, Her books have won numerous awards including Children’s Book ofthe Year. Since completing the Harry Potter series, she has written several novels for adults, including the beginning of a detective series She married Dr Nell Murray in 2001, She has had three children: @ boy, David, and two girls, Mackenzie and Jessica r the world The books have been translated into 68 languages, and over 500 million copies have been sold worldwide. All of the books have been made into movies. She has become the highest-earning woman in Britain, richer than the Queen! She has made over one billion dollars, This makes her the first person ever to have become a billionaire from writing books. as 11 Name the three tenses. Why ae they used? She lives in Scotland. She lived in Portugal fr three years. She's lived in Scotland since 1993 She's lived in England, Portugal, and Scotiand, 2 Which question asks about the activity? Which asks about the quantity? How long has she been writing books? How many has she written? 3. These sentences sound unnatural inthe active, Make them passive. Find them in the text. People have translated her books into 68 languages. People have sold 500 milion copies of her books. People have made all ofthe books into movies. >> Grammar Reference 71-7.6 pp. 36-38 GIBB Jack, aged 10, isa big fan of the Harry Potter books. Listen and complete the questions he was asked. ‘What are his answers? How long have youbeen_ fan of the books? 1 2. How many of the books _ z 3 Which___like best? 4 __ any of the Harry Potter movies? like them all? 5 Do you have any idea how many Harry Potter books in the world? 6 What about the author? 7 _____ alot of your friends the books? 8 I know that in addition to Harry Potter you have another passion. How long____soccer? 9 What would you rather do this afternoon? Read Harry Potter or play soccer? ‘What books and movies are you a fan of? Talk toa partner. Ask and answer similar questions to exercise 5 Tell the class. Unit7 + Passions and fashions 51 PRACTICE JASON WU Discussing grammar Work with a partner. 4 Jason Wu is a famous fashion designer. He has had a very 1 Look at the pairs of sentences. Which tenses are used? interesting life so far. Look quickly through the chart of ‘Why? Discuss th differences in meaning events in his life. What do you find surprising? 1 lived in Seoul for two years. Te lived in Seoul for two years 2 work for an international company. ‘Pve worked for them since 2011. How long have you been working in Tokyo? Hove many countries have you worked in? 4 Have you ever met anyone famous? Did you meet anyone famous at the party? 5 Ive already finished. Thavent finished yet. 6 Who's been eating my chocolates? Age Life event ‘Who ate my chocolates? 7 The President was shot in 1963. 0 | Soon Septenienay Kassin Topol Taiicrs Have you heard? The President’s been shot. 9 | Moved to Vancouver, Briish Columbia, Canada: 8 How long are you here for? in 191 How long have you been here for? 9 | Leamed how to sew by designing and sewing clothes for dolls, 2 Underline the correct verb form. | 16 | Designed do clothes fora oy company, 1 His plane took off / has taken offa few minutes ago. 2 PY eats tok a g Integitly Toys 2. The president has resigned / has been resigned and a se = # oF infec new president has elected / has been elected. Bo amie 2 tog nearly ie 3. L work / ve been working in Dubai since last March. ile ee sO" 9 fashion designe: When did you arrive / have you arrived? 17 | Spenthis senior year of high schoo! in Paris 4 How many e-mails have you sent / have you been 18-20 | Attended college at the Parsons School for sending? Design in New York 5 What did you do / have you been doing in the 19 Launched his handbag and shoe collections bathroom? You were / ve been in there for ages, | in 2001 6 A huge snowstorm has hit / has been hit New York, 23 | Worked as an intern for wellknown fashion Peeaeaieas || designer Narciso Rockiguez 24 | Launched his ready-to-wear ine of clothes in 3. Where can the words in the box go in these sentences? 2006 Sometimes several words are possible. Ee gti es pers photoguche wee URS Roa | Datta Faucet Company's faucet campaign [tet Teter ree] 26 | Won the Fashion Group Intemational’ Rising 1 [ve read that book. | | Star award in 2008 2. I've been reading an interesting book 26-now | Designs clothes for Fist Lady Michelle Obama, 3. Has it been made into a movie? Reese Witherspoon, Julianne Moore, Diane 4 He’ learned to drive. |, Kruger. Zoe Saldana and others 5. The game hasn't finished. 28 | Woon the Swarovksi Award for Womenswear at 6 Have you been to Argentina? | the CFDA Fashion Awards in 2010 ‘Compare answers with the class. 29 | Collaborated with Creative Nail Design to creale a set of four nal polsh colors 31 | Became the women’s wear creative drector Gt German fashion house Hugo Boss in 2013 Now | He’ sti designing. Hs colections include handbags. eyewear jewel, scarves, ond 52. Unit7 + Passions and fashions ane a passion for fashion 5 Study the chart with a partner. Ask and answer these questions about Jason Wi life 1 How long has Jason Wu been desig Since he was about 4. 2. How did he learn to sew? 3. Where did he go to college? 4. What different kinds of products has he designed in his career? 5 How many awards has he won? 6 How long has he been designing clothes for celebrities? 7 How long has he been designing handbags? 8 What is he doing these days? (GEIB Listen and check your answers. What extra information do you learn about Jason Wu? ig clothes? Time expressions & Complete the sentences about Jason with phrases from the box. for one year Between 2000 and 2002 since he was 9 untithe was 9 three years after he won | while he was living n Pars the Swarovski Award | when he was 18 in 1982 1 Hewas born _ = 2. He lived in Taiwan 3 Hes been designing clothes 4. He lived in Paris i 5 He decided to become a fashion designer _ 6 He moved to New York _ He started working for Hugo Boss he studied at the Parsons School for Design Role play Imagine you are a journalist. You are going to interview Jason Wu about his life. Write questions to ask him with your partner. Then roleplay the interview. Interviewer Where were you born? w InTaipei. Interviewer Have you always been interested in fashion? Ww Yes, have. Well, most of my life, since l was 4. D>D> WRITING DESCRIBING A PERSON p. 105 Have you ever ...? 7 Work with a partner. Choose from the list below and have conversations. Have you ever bought a par of designer jeans? ‘No, Hhaven't. can't Yes, Ihave. I'm wearing them now. + buy/a pair of designer jeans? + read/a book in English? + run/marathon? + make/a cake? ‘+ meet/someone on the Internet? + sleep/in a tent? + lose/your cell phone? + go/formal party? + tide/a motorcycle? + win/a competition? + wite/alove letter? + be/givena present you ida lke? Tell the class about your partner. Maria's never bought a par of designer jeans because. Brennen eed 1 Read the two conversations. What are the two questions with How long? 1 How long are you here for? B Just three days. | arrived yesterday and I leave tomorrow. 2.-& How long have you been here? B ve been here a week alread | arrived ast Saturday. Which question efers to past upto the present? Which question refers toa period around now (past and future)? 2. What s the correct question for these answers? 1 Four more days. We came two days ago. 2 Since Monday. 3. Until Friday. Were leaving Friday morning, 4 Over half an hour! Where have you been? 5. Were staying a month altogether. (GIB isten and check. Practice witha partner Unit7 + Passions and fashions 53, "WAB.READING AND SPEAKING Soccer ~ a global passion 1 Soccer—do you love it or hate it? Why? Have a class vote. How many famous soccer players can you name? What teams do they play for? 2. Whether you love it or hate it, soccer is difficult to ignore Read only the and the of “The Beautiful Game.” 1 What statistics are given? Do any of them surprise you? 2. How did soccer become known as “the beautiful game”? 3 Inwhat ways is soccer a “simple” game? 4 Which famous players are mentioned? What do they have in common? 3 Read “How soccer began.” Answer the questions. 1 What was tsu chu? 2. Which nationalities were the first to play a kind of soccer? When? ‘What images do you have of “mob soccer”? Describe a game. How was the game played at English public schools? ‘What caused chaos when the boys tried to play soccer in college? How did the idea of half-time start? ‘Why is London important to soccer? 8. What was the “sticking point”? Which game was also born? Why? 4 Read “Soccer around the world.” 1 Complete the sentences with the name ofthe continent. @ ___has become more enthusiastic about soccer, since the 2006 World Cup. ’ has the wealthiest soccer teams in the world. ¢ Notall countries in have a passion for soccer. a and ___often lose their most talented players to rich European teams. € In___soccer has become more popular with girls than boys 2 Which continents are most/least enthusiastic about soccer? 3. Why do some continents often lose players to European teams? 4 How and where has the World Cup increased interest in soccer? What do you think? * Soccer “has totally changed the worlds of sports, media, and leisure.” What does this mean? + Does soccer unite or divide the world? How? + Why are some teams so famous worldwide? Which players are superstars today? + Do you agree with the conclusion about why soccer has become a global passion? 54 Unit 7 + Passions and fashions Over the last hundred years, the game of soccer has totally changed the worlds of sports, media, and leisure. Soccer is played worldwide by more than 1.5 million teams and 300,000 clubs. An amazing eight ‘out of ten people in the world watch the World Gup. It is, as the great Brazilian soccer player Pelé described it, “the beautiful game.” Andrew Hunt reports, How soccer began As far back as 2500 8ce the Chinese played a ‘kicking game called tsu chu. Similar games were played by the Romans and North American Indians. In England in medieval times “mob soccer” was wildly popular. In 1583, Philip Stubbs | said of soccer players: | “sometimes their necks are broken, sometimes their backs, sometimes their legs, sometimes their arms.” By the mid-19th century, with the help of English public schools, the game had become less violent. Each school had different rules for playing the game. Problems arose when boys from the different schools went to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and wanted to continue playing. This is from the description of a match played in Cambridge in 1848: “.. The result was chaos, as every man played the rules he had been accustomed to at his school.” Itbecame common to play half a match by ene side's rules, the second half by the other's. That's how halftime came about. However, this was not good enough for the university men. They decided to sort out the rules once and for al. On Monday, October 26, 1863, they met in London. By the end of the day they had formed the Soccer Association, and a Book of Lawss was on its way. The sticking point was Beautiful Game whether a player could pick up the ball and run with it or not, and this was not decided until December 8. From this, decision the games of both soccer and rughy were born. Soccer around the world @ is home to the world’s richest professional teams: Manchester United, AC Milan, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich. These teams are famous in many countries around the world. Only 1% of Manchester United’s fans are from the UK, and there are 131 Real Madrid fan clubs outside of Spain! lea has produced some of the most exciting soccer on earth. Many of the world’s leading players have come from simple lifestyles to play on the world stage. They have been snapped up by important European teams after making their mark at home. Brazil has won the World Cup five times, Uruguay three times, and Argentina twice. Brazil and Argentina are soccer rivals. In fact, many Brazilians cheered for Germany in the finals of the 2014 World Cup. Is the only continent where soccer has become more popular with females than males, In 1991, the U.S. won the first Women’s World Cup and then again in 1999 and 2015. Interest among American men has been ‘growing since the World Cup in Los Angeles in 1994, and more recently since the arrival of international stars such as David Beckham. Asia: Over the past iwo decades, heated rivalry among Japan, China, and South Korea has increased the passion for soccer across the continent, especially after Japan and Korea co-hosted the World Cup in 2002. However, not all Asian countries share the passion: India and Pakistan prefer cricket. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar have lately been investing huge sums of money in soccer. They've hired the best players and coaches that money can buy. Qatar’s hosting of the 2022 World, Cup will be very important for Middle Eastern soccer. alia: Sports in Australia have long been dominated by cricket, rugby, and surfing. However, since they qualified for the 2006 World Cup, Australians have become much more interested in the game. a has produced a number of soccer superstars, but many, of them have been lost to the rich European teams. Africa is rich in talent, with thousands of gifted young players dreaming of big-time soccer. South Africa's hosting of the 2010 World Cup was very important for African soccer Ai a MR Ba A global passion ‘The game of soccer is played in every nation on earth, not only by the 120 milion reguar team players, bu also by countess others on beaches, in playgrounds and on streets. The worlds love of soccer is, simple—#s because soccer is simple. Al that is npedad isa bal, a piece of ground, and two posts. The word's greatest players, George Best, Diego Maradona, and Pel, al leamed their sls on vacant lols, These ate the places were the sport is bom and why soccer has become ¢ lobal passion. "WB.VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Things I'm passionate about 1 Work with a partner. Look at the words and expressions in the box. Which are positive, which are negative? Which are neutral? kindof tke ‘crazy about adore canttstand | loathe don't ind | into detest | not that into fond of 2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in parentheses. 1 She likes ice cream very much. (absolutely adore) She absolutely adores ce cream, 2 He likes all water sports. (very into) 3 Thate opera. (detest) 4 My brother loves playing video games, (crazy about) 5 My sister doesnt really like any sports (not that into) 6 I dont like people who always talk about themselves. (can't stand) 7 My mom likes going to musicals. (very fond) 8 Llike tea but I prefer coffee. (don't mind) 9. The thing I hate most is cleaning up my room. (loathe) 10 I dont hate my job, but it’s time I applied for another one. (kind of like) 3. Look at the photos of the people. Read what they say about their passion, Can you figure out what their passion is? 4 QABD Listen to the people. Were you right? ‘What are their passions? 5 Listen again. Answer the questions about each. person. 1 How long have they had their passion? 2. What first created their interest? 3 Why do they like it so much? 6 Use some of the expressions from the box in exercise | to talk about the people. What do you think? + Which of the people's passions most interest you? Why? Which interest you least? + Isthere anything in your life that you feel passionate about? Teli the class about it. 56 Unit7 + Passions and fashions Di julia enjoy think, because tea very peychologcal game, 1 mean, ifyou're playing badly you heve ert ed there’s only about 3 ‘months that you can’t play.” Bi Paul “They're so big and powerful, Dut so beautiful when you see them racing around a field or ona track.” “Of course, I have fallen off a few times, but itseems that the more you fall, the less it hurts.” BE Andrew _ “felt the power of the words— the thing Tike so much about itis that you can say so much With just a few words.” “tsall about saying what often goes unsaid, and with passion.” they complain about it all the time, but Tove it” “Here, you really appreciate the sunshine, and you notice the seasons.” the thing I love best about itis that you are away from everything and everyone, out in the water, just waiting, with nothing around you.” “Once we capture it, we carefully release it, and it's not harmed.” EVERYDAY ENGLISH Making the right noises 1 Look at the words in the boxes. They are all possible responses in conversation. What do they express? Write in the correct heading. + Agreement + Sympathy + Pleasure + Suprise How amazing! | Absolutely. Did you? What a shame! That’ great! —_| Definitely You did't! That'sa shame. ‘Awesome! | Of course. ‘That's amazing! | Oh, no! Congratulations! | That makes sense. | Youtr kidding! | That's too bad. Wonderful Fine. You did what? | How awful Good for yout | OK. Really? Bad luck 2 GBD Listen and complete Bs responses. Practice the 3. Read the lines of conversation. Write in a logical conversation with a partner. response. There are sometimes several possibilities. 1 A My boyfriend just asked me to marry him. ‘A My grandfather hasnt been doing too well lately. B (surprise) (pleasure) B 2A Will spaghetti Bolognese be OK for dinner? “A He 79, Don't you think at his age he should slow down a little? B (agreement) (pleasure) B 3A There’sa strike at the airport so my trip’s A But he won't listen to me. He says he wants to enjoy his, been canceled, ‘life to the fullest. B ____(sympathy) _ (sympathy) a 4 A Lifailed my driving test again. A Last summer he went on a two-week cycling trip B ___(surprise) _ (sympathy) pisurii America. 5A Were expecting a baby. B ___(surprise)__ (pleasure) fee going to give him a big party for his 80th birthday. ccs provera Tshould save to buy a car, not borrow a B ___ (agreement) But before that I'm going to have a word with him and 7 A Itold him I never wanted to see him again, tell him to take things easier. is} (surprise) Gympathy) a BD Listen and compare. What is BS further comment? What other responses from exercise 1 make sense in exercise 2 4 Practice the conversations with a partner. Conti them if you can, 5. Work with a partner. Have a conversation about a good or bad day you have had recently. React as you listen and talk. Last Sunday was the worst day of my ial ‘Oh, nol What happened? Oxford Online Skills Program Log in for additional online learning ‘Think of someone in your family and write three sentences about them. Read your sentences aloud to the rest of the class. 2. Which relative did you choose? Why? Did ‘you write about their character, their appearance, or both? Read the description of crazy Uncle Joe. ‘Which sentence below accurately describes the writer's opinion of him? = The writer tikes Uncle Joe but is eitcal of his way oft. ~The writer admires everything about Uncle Joe. 4 The text consists of factual description and personal opinions. Work with a partner and read through the text again. Underline like this ‘what is factual, and like thi — what is personal opinion. 5. Find words and lines which describe: + his physical appearance + his character + his past life + his current lifestyle 6 Find the following words: much really 0 pretty completely. particularly absolutely extremely How do they change the meaning of the adjectives which follow them? 7. Write a similar description of a member of your family in about 200 words. Include your sentences from exercise 1 and the following: + your relation to him/her + your opinion of him/her « alittle about his/her past life + his/her physical appearance her character «+ his/her current lifestyle Of all my relatives, I like my Uncle Joe the best. He's my mother’s much younger brother. He was only nine when I was born, so he’s, been more like a big brother to me than an uncle. He is in his ‘mid-20s now and he is always so fun to be with. He studied at a drama school in California, and then he moved to New York a year ago to try his luck in the theater. He shares an apartment with three other aspiring actors, and he works as a server and a part-time D). He's passionate about his music. Its called House Music, and it’s a kind of electronic dance music. When he “deejays,” he goes completely wild, waving his arms and yelling at the crowds. His enthusiasm is infectious. He's absolutely great! I'm proud that he’s my uncle, in. i Also, I think he is really good-looking, He's pretty tall with dark hair, and twinkly, dark brown eyes. He's had a lot of girlfriends, but I don't think there is anyone particularly special at the moment. He has a great relationship with his roommates, they are always laughing and joking together. He knows how to have fun, but he's also an extremely caring person. I can talk to him about all kinds of problems that I could not discuss with my parents. He's very understanding of someone my age. i “SN He works hard, and he plays hard. He's had a lot of auditions for various theatrical roles. He hasn’t had much luck yet, but I'm sure that one day he'll be a highly successful actor. [think he's really talented, but he says he doesn’t want to be rich or famous, he just, ‘wants to prove to himself that he’s a good actor. Fashions and passions Present Perfect Simple and Continuous - active and passive + Prepositions —noun « preposition » be and have + sentence stress Present Perfect or Simple Past? 1 Whos who? 1 Match the sentences with the people. | 1 [B] He’ tived in New York since 2000. | His blog Humans of New York has been very sucessful 2 (1 ‘She matied three times. She died when, she was 3 3) She has won several awards for both her acting and singing carers 4 LJ She been with the American Ballet “Theater since 2000, but she's danced ballet since she was B. 5.1 shes writen seven Hary Potter books. She's been writing stories since 197. sé) She wrote Pride and Prejudice when she wasin her twenties. 7 LJ Hewas one of the most influential filmmakers of his te. He directed | 30 fims during his career. 8 L] His band was called The Wailers. He died ofa brain tumor at the age of 6. 2 Complete the questions about the people using the Present Perfect or the Simple Past. 3. Write the answers to the questions in the boxes a-h, SELENA GOMEZ 1992 J. K. ROWLING 1965- Q How many Harry Potter books / write? A BRANDON STANTON 1984— @ How long/ live in New York? A Q What awards /win? MARILYN MONROE 1926-1962 Q How many times / married? A BOB MARLEY 1945-1981 Q Whose band / called The Wailers? A AKIRA KUROSAWA 1910-1998 Q How many movies /make? MISTY COPELAND 1982- @ How long/ dance ballet? JANE AUSTEN 1775-1817 Q When/ write Pride and Prejudice? 2. Choosing the correct tense Read more about the life of Misty Copeland. Puta check () next to the correct form of the verb. An Unlikely Ballerina © wisty copetand Kansas City, Missouri © born, © is born O was born O sre all her life, O has been © sho __herfirstballet dass at age 13, which is late for a professional dancer. © took O has taken © was taken in 1982 in interested in dancing © when she was 15, she fist place inthe prestigious Los © she___ the american Ballet Theater in 2000, YQ ed © was joined © catyinhor career, she attilsm because of her Unconventionally curvy body. O feced O has faced © hasbeen faced 44 Unit7 + Fashions and passions @ during her career, she in many major productions, including The Nutcracker, Firebird, Coppelia, and @ in addition to dancing, Copeland ‘a memoir entitled Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina 2 has recent puied ‘Swan Lake. hareoes ty Bear icant O starred O was recently published O stars O has starred © currently, New tine cinema 2 film based on © in 2015, she ___as.a principal Copeland's life. dancer for the ABT, the first O is producing black female to achieve that Pi ptomccy position. a O has produced O has named © hes been named ) was named 3 have been or went? Complete the sentences with have been or went. 1 A Wheres Mom? B She__ 2 Where__you __to the post office. # You're home so late! 3A Are you going to the library today? B No,Ialready__yesterday. 4 Ifanyone calls tell them ___ to lunch. Pll be back at two. 5 We to Japan, but wei like to go. 6 A When are you going on vacation? We____to Florida. ‘A What happened to your neighbors? B Didnt tell you? They _ B Wealready to live in the south of France. 4 Time expressions Present Perfect passive 1 Putthe word in parentheses inthe correct place in the sentences. 5 Active or passive? 1 Theard about your accident. (just) 2 Have you had breakfast? (yet) Choose the correct verb form. 3. [finished my exams. (already) 5 F 4 Have you ben to Thlland? (ever) ts Spates Laer eed 5 jut been promoted Bf iiaeeiteeen the esarat Ges) to area manager of Latin America, 2 Tye applied ve been applied for ajob. 2 Rewrite the sentences using for, since, and ago. Soe nes erred never 1 Tlast saw him in 2010. been injured playing football? a (for) 4 Bobs wife has just lost/has just been lost her job. b (since) 5. My sister has passed/ has been passed her final exams. a My brother has given has bee et 6 My brother has given/ has been given tickets 2 She went to Korea in April. Paces a (for) 7 How much money have you saved/ have you b (since) been saved for your around-the-world trip? © (ago) 8 Astrike has called! has been called by the air traffic controllers. 3. Read the situations below. What would you say? Use a time pcidkeereay err ry 9 They haven’ offered! haven't been offered more ? money by the management. 1 You're having lunch in a cafe. You stop eating for a 10. The population of our city has risen/ has been ‘minute and the waiter tries to take your plate away. risen to nearly a million, Excuse 1c] Sanne aaa Cnt finish) 2 You had a cup of coffee. Your sister comes in and offers you another cup. No, thanks. (have) one. 3 Tom went out two minutes ago. The phone rings. Its someone for Tom. (go out) 4. You rush home to see the World Cup final on TV. ‘You want to know if you've missed the beginning, 7 (start) 5. Its9 pat, You're watching TV. You finished your homework at 8 pM. Your mom asks why you're not doing your homework. But . (finish) 6 You mect an old friend. You can't remember when ‘you last met. How long, 2 (meet) Unit7 + Fashionsand passions 45 Present Perfect Continuous 6 Simple or Continuous? Choose the correct form of the verb. 1 Idorit believe it! Somebody has eaten / been eating my chocolates! ‘They're nearly all gone! 2. How many cookies have you eaten / been eating today? 3 [have never met/ been meeting a nicer person in my life. 4 How long have you known / been knowing Charles and Lisa? 5 Hes written / been writing a book for nearly a year. Ill be finished soon. 6. He's written / been writing a book. I saw it in the bookstore, 7 The children are very quiet. They've watched/ been watching videos all morning. 8 They've watched / been watching five already. Producing Simple or Continuous ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, Present Perfect Simple or Continuous. 1 Someone__(move) my car keys. I (ook) for them for hours, but 1 (not find) them yet. 21___(shop) all morning, butl______ (not buy) anything. 3 That's one of the best jokesI___ever (hear) 41 (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I'm afraid I (not understand) a single word, 5 A Are youall right? You look terrible! B No! (work) on the ‘computer for hours, and I have a headache. 6 1__ (try) to lose weight for months. 1 (lose) five pounds so far. 46 Unit7 + Fashions and passions 8 Replying with questions Complete the questions with either the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous. 1 A Esteban is a singer in a band. 1B How long has he bean singing in the band? How many records has he made? 2. A I'm taking driving lessons. B_Howlong. = How many 2 3A Jirkisa teacher. B How long 2 How many schools At last! You said youl be here hours ago. Tm sorry. How long Anna is getting married to Tan next week. Howmany____ tothe ‘wedding? How long 6 A What a surprise! havent seen you for years. What____ allthis time? B I've been abroad, actually. PAG acre eno ete been? wpe Tan? Correcting mistakes Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 How long do you know the teacher? 2. This is the first time I eat Thai food, 3 Learn English for four years now. 4 What have you done last night at around 8 pam? 5. How long you been working here? 6 The World Cup has won by Brazil five times. Tense review 10 America’s next extreme sport 1 Complete the article with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses, Use Present Perfect Simple or Continuous, and the Simple Past, active or passive. Back to the Middle Ages Jousting, a fighting sport that (1) __(become) popular in Europe during the Middle Ages, (2) (make) somewhat of a comeback in the last couple of decades. A joust involves two knights in heavy armor who ride on horseback towards each other holding long lances. Each knight tries to knock the other off the horse. Jousts first (3) (reappear) in the 1970s, both in Europe and at American Renaissance fairs. Renaissance fairs (4) ____ (begin) in California in the 1960s and (3) _____ (become) very popular throughout the United States since then. At these events, actors dress in clothing styles from 500 years ago and give performances. Renaissance fair jousts (6) __ (start) as theatrical, productions with staged fights. The hits weren’t real, and the moves and the winner (7) (plan) before the show. However, ince the 1970s and 80s, many groups 2. Here are some answers to questions about ®) (do) reat full-contactjousts competitive jousting. Write the questions. One such group is the Free Lancers, led by Roy Cox 1 lies baa cas ae eee and his wife Kate, who (9) ___ (perform) jousts fullcontactjouste? since 1989. They live like real knights used to live during Sin Haare oe ‘medieval times. They travel around the country, sleep ‘| ? in temts, take care of the horses, and fightin shows and In Europe during the Middle Ages competitions. 3 : Jousting is hard work —and it can be dangerous. Kate fornia. Cox (10)___often (injure). She ns ; (11) (break) her hand several times, and she Since 1989, { (12) (dislocate) her shoulder, 100, The < x knights often get bumps and bruises when they fall "They first were theatrical productions with from their horses. However, here (13) (be) staged fights, | ‘even more serious injuries. For example, one jouster a ? (14) —____ (kiln England in 2011 when a lance Yes, she has. Shes broken her hand several ‘went through his helmet and into his eye ~the same times and dislocated her shoulder. injury that (15) ___ (kil) King Henry 1 of 7 2 France during a jousting tournament in 1559! ‘Alance went through his helmet and into his eye. acer Accel z In 1559, Unit7 + Fashions and passions 47 Vocabulary 1 be and have 1 There are many expressions formed with the verbs be and have, Match be and have with their expressions Prepositions T2 Noun + preposition Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box. ‘raty about ‘about to alotincommon fun problem with) sure of time off work into off (work) awordwith interested in intouch with) away on business a great time [pecans 2. Read conversations 1-3 and complete them with the correct, form of the expressions from exercise 1. 1 A Doyou like Jen? Like her! I'm her. I didnt think she was your type. ‘What do you mean? We___a great time together. We have a lot Really? Wall, yes. She likes opera and so do 1 What? Since when have you been__opera? Well, Iam now. peo Can Thave with you? ‘What about? ‘Well, you've had a lot of time _ work lately I'm sorry. You off four times last month, Iknow, I've alot of family problems. ‘What kind of problems? Um—Ta rather not say. Tl miss you. Til miss you too. You're ‘on business so much, Dont worry. I'l be in as soon as I get there. Look, you have to go. Your flight’s to board. Bye. Don| too much fun while I'm away. You can be of that! Bye, a good time! PUP Eh POP eh ee wh > 48 Unit7 + Fashions and passions on(x3) tox) in(x3) with by between 1 Whats the differene lend and borrow? 2 There's been a big change _ the weather recently. 3. Weneed to find a solution this problem. 4. How much do you spend on food every week average? 5 The trouble___ you is that you dont listen to anybody 6 Icant get access_ my Internet bank account at the moment. 7 Tim didn't break your camera _ purpose. It was an accident! 8 Congratulations __ ‘When's the wedding? your engagement! 9 Be careful what you say to Adam, he’ a bad mood today. 10. There's been a huge increase gun crime recently. 11 I don’t think there’ really an alternative traveling by air sometimes. 12 There are no rules for prepositions, you just have to learn them, heart. Pronunciation B Sentence stress 1 The main stress in a sentence is on the words that give key (important) information @ Listen tothe beginning ofa conversation in a menswear department. | A Canthelp you? C Yes, please, 'm looking for a sweater. ‘A. What sie are you? @® We understand the message with just the key words. ja Help? | | C Yes. Sweater. asm | 2. Read the conversation and underline the words that give key information. (The number in parentheses shows how many words to underline in each line.) [A canthelp your 2 i Yes, please. 'm looking fo a sweater ) ‘A What size are you? 0 © usually wear a large al la ‘And what color are you looking for? a) le Some kind of green, a} | ‘A. What about this one? Do you lke this? 0 | ¢ No think the yes nice, bu its too bright. 6 ‘A. Well what about this one then? tsa much darker green. (3) € Oh, yes, | like that one much better. Is it made of cotton? (4) | ‘A Yes, and its machine-washable. 0 | © Thats great. Can try it on? 0 lk ‘Of course. The dressing rooms are over there. 8) 3 ® Listen to the conversation. Notice the stress on the key words. Listen and repeat. Listening 14 Applying for a film degree 1 @ Listen to Jenny talking to one of the teachers at the Empire Film School about courses in film-making, Complete the advertisement. EMPIRE Film School Are you interested in a Degn in Film-making? ‘The Empire Film Schoo! has places available for students who > havea real (I) > @ for some time. >@ for film their own films — of directing Our graduates have found work in feature films 3g eemension > commercial > The degree includes a class on the use of (6) in fm. ‘There are also places avalable on our Foundation Program, which provides (7) experience of scriptwriting, @— ‘camera work, and direction, Interviews held in (9) and (10) = ee, Apply in weiting to the Admissions Officer. 2 ® Listen again. Are the sentences true (V) or false (X)? Correct the false ones. 1 Jenny has been crazy about film since she did her Film Studies program. 2 The counselor thinks qualifications are not the only important things for getting jobs in the film industry. 3 Some recent graduates made a feature film that’s won aprize. 4 Jenny used a lot of music in the films she made. 5 She isnt sure which area of film she wants to specialize in in the future, 6 ‘The Foundation Program lasts two months, from May until june. eparation lessons.

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