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Imperialism vocab

March 13th

- Josiah Strong-Popular us minister, linked Anglo-Saxonism to Christian missionary

- Alfred Thayer Mahan- author argued economic future of US relied on new
overseas markets protected by a larger navy. (Influence of sea power upon
-  Monroe Doctrine- proclaimed the U.S. protector of the Western Hemisphere by
forbidding European powers from colonizing additional territories in the Americas.
- Acquisition of Hawaii- U.S. wanted Hawaii for business and so Hawaiian sugar
could be sold in the U.S. duty free, Queen Liliuokalani opposed so Sanford B. Dole
overthrew her in 1893, William McKinley convinced Congress to annex Hawaii in
- Butcher Weyler- Spanish general whose brutal tactics against Cuban rebels
outraged American public
- Yellow Journalism- journalism that exploits, distorts or exaggerates news to
attract readers
- De Lome Letter- Spanish ambassador letter illegally removed from us mail and
published in news. Criticized McKinley  
- “Remember the Maine”- A ship stationed near Cuba which exploded on February
15, 1898. The explosion was blamed on the Spanish and provided a reason for
starting the Spanish-American War. Evidence to the contrary was ignored in the
rush to War

- Teller Amendment- declared that when the United States had overthrown

Spanish rule of Cuba it would give the Cubans their freedom

- Rough Riders- volunteer soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish-
American War

- White Man’s Burden:  the responsibility to help civilize unprivileged "breeds".

Based on poem

- Foraker Act- Congress gave Puerto Ricans limited degree of popular gov't. 1917,
granted then US citizenship. Positively affected: education, sanitation,
transportation, + more
- Platt Amendment- to the new Cuban constitution authorized U.S. intervention in
Cuba to protect its interests, Cuba pledged not to make treaties with other
countries, ranted naval bases to the United States, (Guantanamo Bay)
- Benevolent Assimilation- McKinley and the U.S. were trying to assimilate the
Philippines, improve roads, sanitation, and public health
- Open Door policy- keep trade in China open equally to trade with all countries,
preventing any one nation from controlling trade in the region. 
- Big Stick Policy: peaceful negotiation but recognizing the possible need for force. 
- Panama Canal- instructed waterway that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
across Panama
- Roosevelt Corollary- indicates that the Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of
the Monroe Doctrine, a U.S. policy established in 1823 stating that the United
States opposed any European interference in the Western Hemisphere.
- Russo-Japanese War- Russian empire vs Japan 1904-05. victorious Japan forced
Russia to abandon its expansionist policy in East Asia, thereby becoming the first
Asian power in modern times to defeat a European power
- Gentlemen’s Agreement- An informal agreement (1907-1908) between Japan and
the United States that restricted the inflow of Japanese immigrants in exchange
for desegregating San Francisco's public schools
- Great White Fleet- a group of 16 US war ships sent on a tour around the world
for 15 months (1907-9) by President Theodore Roosevelt.
- Revolt along Mexican Border-

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