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School : Dapitan City National High School Grade Level :8

Teacher : Rizza B.Sarol Learning Area : Mathematics
Date & Time: Quarter :4

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of probability.
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to formulate and solve practical problems involving
probability of simple events.
C. Learning Competencies
The learner counts the number of occurrences of an outcome in an experiment:
(a)table; (b) tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) fundamental counting
D. Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
 count the number of occurrence of an outcome in an experiment: (a) table;
(b)tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) fundamental counting principle.
Topic: Probability
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide:
2. Learners’ Material: Mathematics 4th Quarter-Module 8
3. Additional Resources from LR Portal: Curriculum Guide for Mathematics 8,
Laptop,Projector, White screen, Board, Chalk,Printed Materials
B. Other Learning Resources

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Kindly stand for the opening Prayer, and may I call The students will stand for a prayer.
on _____ to lead the prayer? ( Oh God…..)

Please be seated.

2. Greetings
Good Afternoon Class Good Afternoon Ma’am.
How are you today? We’re fine Ma’am.
Okay that’s good.
Are you ready to learn about our lesson for today? Yes Ma’am.
Good to hear that!

3. Checking of Attendance
Let me check first your attendance. Please say
present once I call your name.
Very Good! Everybody are present.

4. Setting of Class Rules

Before we start our class, let me remind you first
our Class Rules and Safety Protocols.

What will you do if someone is talking or sharing Stop talking and listen attentively Ma’am.
his/her answer?
Very Good!
How about if you want to answer or ask questions? Raise a hand and do not answer in chorus.
If you have a group activity, what will you do? Participate/Cooperate
What will you do now that the pandemic isn’t over Always wear a face mask.
Okay we must wear our face mask at all times.
What Else? Observe social distancing.
Wash hands or Sanitize with alcohol.
Very Good!
B. Review

Activity 1: LET’S UNLOCK IT!

Please look for a partner/pair. Your partner is the

one who is closest to you.

Instruction: Read and understand the definitions

written in a treasure chest with your companion,
then discover a key that contains a word that
corresponds to the definition to unlock the treasure
Am I clear? Yes Ma’am.
You have 2 minutes to share your ideas with your


EVENT Expected Answers:


OUTCOME EXPERIMENT Is any activity with an

EXPERIMENT observable result.

Is a result of an
OUTCOME experiment

Is any activity with an

observable result. Is a set of all
possible different
SAMPLE SPACE outcomes of an

Is a result of an
experiment Is a subset of a
EVENT sample space

Is a set of all
possible different
outcomes of an
Is a subset of a
sample space


Activity 2: LET’S PLAY!

Are you familiar with the action song “Head

shoulders, knees and toes”?
Alright, instead of singing that action song, we will Yes Ma’am
be having an exercise game.
This game will surely stimulate your brain cells
and is connected to our topic this afternoon.
We will be using rolling spin/spin the wheel with
six numbers.

If the rolling spin will stop and the arrow is

pointing number 1, you will place your two hands
in your head. If 2, in your shoulders, 3 in your
knees, 4 in your toes,5 in your eyes, and 6 in your
ears.Those who are incorrect will be eliminated.
Are you ready?

Yes Ma’am.

How did you find the activity?

Don’t you know that using six numbered rolling
spin is the same with rolling a die/dice?
Why do you think so?
Great! Because the dice have six numbered faces.
Let’s give ________ a 2 claps and a big heart.
So, what must be the possible outcome in rolling a
The possible outcome must be 1,2,3,4,5,or
Correct! Very Good! 6.

After doing the activity, what do you think is our

lesson for today?
Here is the clue, arrange the jumbled word based Our lesson for today is all about
on the definition given. PROBABILITY.

BABITYLIPRO is a branch of mathematics that

deals with analyzing the chance that a particular
event will occur.

Very Good! You got it!

Let’s give ______a 3 stomps and a Korean heart.

Our topic for today is all about Probability.

Specifically, The Basic Concepts of Probability.

C. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

Kindly read the objectives.

At the end of the lesson, the learner should be

able to:
 count the number of occurrence of an

outcome in an experiment: (a) table; (b)tree

diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d)
fundamental counting principle.

D. Presentation


There are 4 ways on how to count the number of

occurrences of an outcome in an experiment:

1. Tree Diagram
2. Table
3. Systematic Listing
4. Fundamental Counting Principle

To be able to know how to count the number of

occurrence of an outcomes in an experiment using
these 4 counting techniques , let’s have an activity.

E. Activity
Activity 3: LET’S DO IT!

You will be divided into 3 groups with 5 or 6

members.Then select a leader and secretary in each

Group 1 will be the Spatial Group, Group 2 will

be the Musical Group, and Group 3 will be the
Linguistic Group.Each group will be given a
chalk and a board to write your output for
presentation. All you have to do is to read and
understand the given task in each group.
Ten minutes is given to prepare for group
Did you get it?
Any question?

Yes Ma’am.
Direction: Read and understand the definition of
Tree Diagram and explore how this counting
technique is being used. Draw your output in the
board given to you and present it in the class. (You GROUP 1 (SPATIAL GROUP)
may revise and draw the tree diagram in an artistic
way). Present and explain how Tree Diagram is
being used in counting the outcome of an
Tree Diagram is a technique used to determine all experiment in front of the class.
possible outcomes of a probability in an
experiment. It consists of line segments from a Sample Problem:
starting point to the outcome point. Flipping 2 coins simultaneously
Sample Problem: TREE DIAGRAM
Flipping 2 coins simultaneously



Direction: Read and understand the definition of
Table and explore how this counting technique is GROUP 2 (MUSICAL GROUP)
being used in counting the number of an outcome
in an experiment. Present their output through singing.
Write your output in the board and present it in the
class.(Think of a music or a tone and present your Sample Problem:
output through a song)
Flipping 2 coins simultaneously.
Table is a set of facts and figures arranged in
columns and rows. TABLE

Coin 1 Coin 2 Outcome

Sample Problem:
2 heads H H HH
Flipping 2 coins simultaneously.
1 head H T HT
Coin 1 Coin 2 Outcome
0 head T T TT
2 heads H H HH

1 head H T HT


0 head T T TT


Direction: Read and understand the definition of
Systematic Listing and Fundamental Counting GROUP 3 (LINGUISTIC GROUP)
Principle and explore how these counting
techniques are being used in counting the number Using Systematic Listing:
of an outcome in an experiment. (Present your Outcomes={HH,HT,TH,TT}
output through a poem or simultaneous = 4 possible outcomes
pronunciation/ sabayang pagbigkas)
Using Fundamental counting Principle:
Systematic Listing provides a technique to
organize the information of a problem in a Coin 1 x Coin 2 = Outcome
systematic way. 2 x 2 = 4 outcomes

Sample Problem:

Flipping 2 coins simultaneously.

Outcomes = { (T,T) , (T,H), (H,T), ( H,H )

Fundamental Counting Principle states that we

can find the total number of ways that different
events can occur by multiplying the number of
ways each event can happen.

Coin 1 × Coin 2 = Outcome

2 × 2 = 4 Outcomes

Note: Each coin has 2 possible outcomes.

F. Analysis
Let us check your outputs. For Group 1, What is a
tree diagram?
How did the tree diagram being used in counting
the possible outcome of an experiment?
For Group 2, by using a table in counting the
possible outcome of an experiment, how many
possible outcomes are there?
For Group 3, How systematic listing and
fundamental principle being used in counting the
possible outcome of an experiment?
Among the four counting techniques which one is
easier for you to used in counting the outcomes of
an experiment?
Any question about the 4 counting techniques?

G. Application
Stay with your groups and let us have another
activity.Discuss with your group the answer of the
given problem.Use the board given to you and a
chalk to write your answers.
The group who finish first and answer the problem
correctly will gain a point.
Are you ready?

Problem: Suppose that a couple will have two

children. Letting B denoted a boy and G denoted a Yes Ma’am.

Task: Using the 4 counting techniques,fill in the

blank or the missing result in each item to count the
possible outcome of an experiment.You have given
2 minutes to answer each item.
1. Tree Diagram
1st Child 2nd Child Outcome
___ BB
Expected Answers:
B 1. Tree Diagram.
Couple G BG
___ ___ 1st Child 2nd Child Outcome
___ B BB

G ___ B
Couple G BG
2. Fundamental Counting Principle. G
1st Child x 2nd Child = Outcome
___ x ___ = ________ G GG

3. Table 2. Fundamental Counting Principle

1st 2nd Outcomes
Child Child 1st Child x 2nd Child = Outcome
2 Boys B B ____ 2 x 2 = 4 Outcomes
1 Boy, B ___ ____
1 Girl ____ B GB 3. Table
2 Girls ____ G ____ 1st 2nd Outcomes
Child Child
4. Systematic Listing 2 Boys B B BB
Outcomes= { ___,____,____,____} 1 Boy, B G BG
1 Girl G B GB
5. How many possible outcomes are there? 2 Girls G G GG

4. Using Systematic Listing.

Outcomes= { BB, BG,GB,GG}

H. Abstraction 5. There are 4 possible outcomes.

What is Probability?
What do we call the result of an experiment?
In tossing 2 coins, how many possible outcomes do
we have?
What are the different counting techniques?
What do you call the counting technique that
organize the information of a problem in a
systematic way?
How do we use tree diagram by counting the
possible outcome of an experiment?
How do we apply this in real life situation?
Is this useful for us in our daily living?

I. Evaluation
A. Directions: Read each statement carefully.
Write the letter of the correct answer in the space
provided before the number.

Euclid is flipping a single coin and

rolling a six – faces – die.

_____1. How many outcomes in rolling a die?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
Answer Varies.
_____2. How many outcomes in tossing a coin?
1. D
a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2 2. D
3. A
_____3. What are the possible outcomes in rolling 4. D
a die? 5. A
a. 1,2,3,4,5,6 b. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
c. 1,2,3,5,6 d. 1,3,5,6

_____4. Which of the following uses table in

counting the outcome in flipping a single coin?

a. H



c. Coin 1 × Coin 2 = Outcome

2 × 2 = 4 Outcomes

1 head, 1 tail
coin H T
outcomes H,T T,H

5. Which of the following below shows the

outcome of rolling a six-faces-die using a tree


c. 1 × 6 = 6 outcomes

d. Outcome = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

J. Additional Activities

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