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TGN 2.02.01-98

BCT 2.02.01-98

Türkmenstanyň Ministler Kabinetiniň

ýanyndaky arhitektura we gurluşyk işleriniň
hiline gýzegçilik edýän Milli komitet

National Committee for Architecture

and Construction Control under the
Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Ashgabat 1998
TGN 2.02.01-98

Resmi neşir

BCT 2.02.01-98

Official edition

Türkmenstanyň Ministler Kabinetiniň

ýanyndaky arhitektura we gurluşyk işleriniň
hiline gýzegçilik edýän Milli komitet
National Committee for Architecture
and Construction Control under the
Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Ashgabat 1998

TGN 2.02.01-98 Jaýlaryň we desgalaryň düýbi - A. ; 1998. - 58 sah.

BCT 2.02.01-98 Bases of buildings and structures - А. : 1998. - 58 p.

Developed by the Research Institute of Seismology of the National Committee for
Architecture and Construction Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of
Leader - Ilyasov B.I., candidate of engineering.
Executors in charge - Pinchuk S.P. (RIS), Lavronenko O.S., Kazimova M.B.
(Institute "Turkmengiprovodhoz" Ministry of Melioration and Water Industry of

Prepared for approval by the Science, Design works, New Technology and
Information Department of the National Committee for Architecture and
Construction Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

After putting in force of BCT 2.02.01-98 «Bases of buildings and structures»

Building Code 2.02.01-83 “Bases of buildings and structures” becomes invalid in
the territory of Turkmenistan

@ Türkmenstanyň Ministler Kabinetiniň ýanyndaky arhitektura we gurluşyk

hiline gýzegçilik edýän Milli komitet - A. : 1998
@ National Committee for Architecture and Construction Control under the Cabinet
of Ministers of Turkmenistan - А. : 1998
National Committee for Architecture and Building code of BCT
Construction Control under the Cabinet Turkmenistan 3.03.01 - 9
of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Bases of buildings and For the first time


1.1. This code shall be observed when designing bases of buildings and struc-
Bases of structures shall be designed on the basis of:
a) results of engineering-geodesic, geological engineering and engineering-
hydrometeorological surveys for construction, data the of seismological situation on
the building site;
b) data characterizing the purpose, structural and technological peculiarities of
the structure, loads affecting foundations and conditions of its operation;
c) technical and economic comparisons of possible variants of design solutions
(with the evaluation according to the reduced rates) in order to adopt the variant secur-
ing the fullest utilization of strength and deformation characteristics of soils and phys-
ical-mechanical properties of materials of the foundations or other underground con-
When designing bases and foundations, one should take into account local con-
ditions of construction, as well as the existing experience of designing, construction
and exploitation of structures in analogous engineering-geological and hydrogeologi-
cal conditions.
1.2. Engineering surveys for the construction shall be carried out in accordance
with the requirements of BCT, state standards and other normative documents con-
cerning engineering surveys and studies of soils for the construction.
In regions with the complex engineering-geological conditions: in the presence
of soils with special properties (slumping, swelling, etc.) or the possibility of devel-
opment of dangerous geological processes (karst, landslides, etc.) as well as on the un-
derworking territories, engineering surveys shall be carried out by specialized organi-
1.3. Base soils shall be named in the descriptions of the results of surveys, in
projects of bases, foundations and other underground constructions of structures as per
GOST 25100-82.

Approved Date of putting into effect

by the resolution of the National Committee for Architecture January 1, 1999
and Construction Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of
Turkmenistan of September 30, 1997, N 6 а/НК
1.4. Results of engineering surveys shall include data required for the selection
of the type of bases and foundations, the determination of the depth of laying and di-
mensions of foundations with an allowance for the prediction of possible changes (in
the process of construction and operation) of engineering-geological and hydrogeolog-
ical conditions of the building site, as well as the kind and scope of engineering meas-
ures for its developing.
Designing of bases without relevant engineering-geological substantiation is not
1.5. The project of bases shall envisage the cut of the prolific topsoil for its subse-
quent utilization with a view to reclamate (re-cultivate) the disturbed or low-yield
agricultural lands, landscaping of the building area, etc.
1.6. The project of bases of responsible structures, being erected in the complex
engineering-geological conditions, should envisage the conduction of natural measur-
ing of the base deformations.
Natural measuring of the base deformations shall be also envisaged in case of
usage of new or insufficiently studied constructions of structures or their foundations,
as well as if the project statement has special requirements for measuring of the base


General directions

2.1. Designing of bases includes the choice of the following that has been subs-
tantiated by the calculation:
type of the construction, material and dimensions of foundations (shallow or
deep laying, strip, columnar, slab, etc, reinforced concrete, concrete, cyclopean con-
crete, etc.);
measures stated in clauses 2.62 - 2.66, being used when the influence of base
deformations on the serviceability of structures is required to be decreased.
2.2. Bases shall be calculated for two groups of marginal states: for the first
group – according to the load-bearing capacity and for the second group – according to
Bases are calculated according to deformations in all cases and according to the
load-bearing capacity in cases stated in clause 2.3.
The calculations should take into account the conjoint effects of force factors
and unfavourable impacts of the environment (for example, influence of surface or un-
derground waters on physical-mechanical properties of soils).
2.3. The calculation of bases for the load-bearing capacity shall be carried out in
case if:
a) the base is transferred considerable loads (retaining walls, foundations of
cross-pieces, etc.), including seismic ones;
b) the structure is located on the slope or nearby the slope;
c) the base is formed of soils indicated in clause 2.59;
d) the base is formed of rocks.
The calculation of bases for the load-bearing capacity in case listed in subclaus-
es “a” and “b” is allowed not to be made if structural measures are secured the impos-
sibility of displacement of the foundation being designed.
If the project envisages the possibility of erection of a structure immediately af-
ter arrangement of foundations prior the backfill of pits’ gullets with the soil, one
should check the load-bearing capacity of the base taking into account loads acting in
the process of construction.
2.4. The design scheme of the structure-base system or the foundation-base sys-
tem shall be selected with an allowance for the most essential factors, determining the
stressed state and deformations of the base and constructions of the structure (a static
scheme of the structure, peculiarities of its erection, the nature of the ground stratifica-
tions, peculiarities of the base soils, the possibility of their alteration in the process of
construction and structure’s operation, etc.).



2.5. Loads and impacts on bases, being transferred to foundations of structures,

shall be determined by the calculation proceeding from the consideration of the joint
action of the structure and the base.
Thereat accountable loads and impacts on the structure or its separate compo-
nents, load reliability coefficients, as well as possible combinations of loads shall be
taken pursuant to requirements of BCT for loads and impacts.
Loads on bases are allowed to be defined disregarding their re-distribution over
the foundation construction when calculating:
a) bases of buildings and structures of the III class;
b) total stability of the base soil massif conjointly with the structure;
c) average values of the base deformations;
d) base deformations at the stage of affixment of the type design to local soil
2.6. The calculation of bases for deformations shall be carried out on the basic
combination of loads; for the load-bearing capacity – on the basic combination, and if
special loads and impacts are available – for basic and special combination.
Thereat, loads on overlaps and snow loads which pursuant to BCT for loads and
impacts may be attributed both to long-term and short-term ones, when calculating
bases for the load-bearing capacity, are considered to be short-term, and when calcu-
lating for deformations – long-term. In both cases, loads caused by the movable han-
dling machinery are considered to be short-term.
2.7. When calculating bases, one should take into account loads caused by ma-
terials and equipment being stored and placed nearby foundations.
2.8. When calculating bases for deformations, forces in constructions being
caused by climatic temperature impacts shall not be taken into account if the distance
between contraction joints doesn’t exceed values, indicated in BCT for designing of
relevant constructions.
2.9. When calculating bases for bridge footings and pipe beddings under em-
bankments, loads, impacts, their combinations and load reliability coefficients shall be
taken in accordance with requirements of BCT for designing of bridges and pipes.


2.10. Main parameters of mechanical properties of soils, determining the load-

bearing capacity of bases and their deformations, are strength and deformation charac-
teristics of soils (angle of internal friction ϕ, specific cohesion с, soil deformation
modulus Е, ultimate strength for uniaxial compression of rocks Rc, etc.). The usage of
other parameters, characterizing interaction of foundations with the base soil and being
determined by experience, is allowed.

Note. Hereinafter, excluding cases specially stipulated, the term “soils’ charac-
teristic” implies not only mechanical soils’ characteristics but physical ones as well,
and parameters mentioned in this clause.

2.11. As a rule, characteristics of soils of the natural formation, as well as of ar-

tificial origin shall be defined on the basis of their direct tests in the field or in the la-
boratory with an allowance for possible alteration of the soil moisture in the process of
construction and structure’s operation.
2.12. Normative and design values of soils’ characteristics are defined on the
basis of static processing of the test results in accordance with the method stated in
GOST 20522-75.
2.13. All calculations of bases shall be carried out using design values of soils’
characteristics X, being defined from the following formula:

X = X n / ϒg (1)

Хn – a normative value of this characteristic;
ϒg - soil reliability coefficient.
When calculating design values of strength characteristics (specific cohesion с,
angle of internal friction ϕ of the earth and ultimate strength for uniaxial compression
of rocks Rc, as well as soil density ρ), soil reliability coefficient ϒg is found depending
on unsteadiness of such characteristics, the number of definitions and the value of the
confidence probability α.
For other soils’ characteristics it is permissible to take ϒg =1.

Note. The design value of the soil specific weight ϒ is defined through multip-
lying of the design value of the soil density by the free fall acceleration.
2.14. The confidence probability α of the design values of soils’ characteristics
is taken when calculating bases for the load-bearing capacity α = 0,95, for deforma-
tions - α = 0,85.
The confidence probability α for the calculation of bases for bridge footings
and pipe beddings under embankments is taken pursuant to directions of clause 10.4.
If duly substantiated, for buildings and structures of the I class a high confidence prob-
ability of the design values of soils’ characteristics is allowed to be taken but not high-
er than 0,99.

Notes: 1. Design values of soils’ characteristics corresponding to various values

of the confidence probability shall be given in the reports of geological engineering
2. Design values of soils’ characteristics с, ϕ and ϒ, for calculation for the
load-bearing capacity are denoted as cI,ϕ I and ϒI, and for deformations as cII, ϕII and

2.15. The number of definitions of soils’ characteristics that is necessary for the
calculation of their normative and design values shall be fixed depending on the extent
of heterogeneity of the base soils, the required accuracy of calculation of the characte-
ristic and the class of the building and structure and is indicated in the study pro-
The number of similar definitions for each engineering-geological element sin-
gled out on the site shall not be less than six. When defining the deformation modulus
according to the results of the soil tests in the field conditions by a stamp, it is allowed
to manage with the results of three tests (or two tests if they deviate from the average
not higher than by 25%).
2.16. For preliminary calculations of bases, a well as for final calculations of
the bases of buildings and structures of the II and III classes and overhead power
transmission and communication line poles, irrespective of their class, normative and
design values of strength and deformation characteristics of soils are allowed to be de-
fined according to their physical characteristics.

Note: Normative values of the angle of internal friction ϕn , of specific cohesion

Сn and deformation modulus Е are allowed to betaken from Tables of the recommend-
ed Appendix 1. In this case design values of characteristics are taken at the following
values of the soil reliability coefficient:
in calculations of bases for deformations ϒg =1
in calculations of bases for the load-bearing capacity:
for specific cohesion ϒg(c) = 1,5
for the angle of internal friction sandy soils ϒg(ϕ) = 1,1
the same for powdery-clayey soils ϒg(ϕ) = 1,15

2.17. When designing bases, one shall take into account the possibility of altera-
tion of hydrogeological conditions of the site in the process of construction and exploi-
tation of structures, videlicet:
the availability or possibility of the perched groundwater formation;
natural seasonal and long-term fluctuations of the level of the underground wa-
possible man-made alteration of the level of the underground waters;
the extent of aggressiveness of the underground waters with respect to the mate-
rials of the underground constructions and corrosiveness of soils based on data of en-
gineering surveys with an allowance for technological peculiarities of the production.
2.18. The assessment of possible alterations f the level of the underground wa-
ters on the building site shall be carried out with engineering surveys for buildings and
structures of the I and II classes for the period of 25 and 15 years, respectively, taking
into account possible natural seasonal and long-term fluctuations of this level (clause
2.19), as well as the extent of potential underflooding of the territory (clause 2.20).
For buildings and structures of the III class the aforementioned assessment is allowed
to be omitted.
2.19. The assessment of possible natural seasonal and long-term fluctuations of
the level of the underground waters is carried out on the basis of data of long-term re-
gime observations of the level of the underground waters, including one-time mea-
surements, being accomplished during engineering surveys on the building site.
2.20. The extent of potential underflooding of the territory shall be evaluated
with an allowance for engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the
building site and adjacent territories, structural and technological peculiarities of struc-
tures, being designed and exploited, including engineering networks.
2.21. If at the predicted level of the underground waters (clauses 2.18-2.20) in-
admissible worsening of physical and mechanical properties of the base soils, the de-
velopment of unfavourable physical-geological processes, the violation of conditions
of normal operation of the deepened premises, etc. are possible, the project shall envi-
sage relevant protecting measures based on technical and economic analysis.
2.22. If the underground waters or industrial effluents are aggressive with re-
spect to the materials of the deepened constructions or may increase the corrosiveness
of soils, anticorrosive measures shall be envisaged pursuant to the requirements of
BCT for designing of the building constructions protection against corrosion.
2.23. When designing bases, foundations and other underground constructions
below piezometric level of the underground pressure waters, one should take into ac-
count the pressure of the underground waters and envisage measures, preventing in-
rush of the underground waters into pits, swelling of the pit bottom and floating-up of
the structure.


2.24. The depth of foundation laying shall be taken with an allowance for:
- the purpose and structural peculiarities of the structure being designed, loads
and impacts on foundations;
- the depth of foundations laying of adjacent structures, as well as the depth of
laying of engineering communications;
- the existing and designed relief of the area being built;
- engineering-geological conditions of the building site (physical-mechanical
properties of soils, the nature of stratifications, the availability of sliding-prone strata,
weathering recesses, caverns, etc.);
- hydrogeological conditions of the site and their possible changes in the
process of construction and operation of the structure (clauses 2.18-2.22);
- possible wash-out of the soil nearby supports of structures being erected in the
river-beds (bridges, passages, pipelines).
2.25. The normative depth of the seasonal frost penetration into the soil is taken
to be equal to the average of the annual maximal depths of the seasonal frost penetra-
tion into the soils (according to the observation data for the period not less than 10
years) on the open show-free horizontal ground at the level of the underground waters
below the depth of seasonal frost penetration into the soils.
2.26. In case if no data of long-term observations are available, the normative
depth of the seasonal frost penetration into the soil should be defined on the basis of
thermotechnical calculations.
For Turkmenistan regions the normative value of the depth of the frost penetra-
tion is allowed to be found from the formula
d fn = do √ Mt (2)

Мt – a dimensionless coefficient that is numerically equal to the sum of abso-
lute values of the monthly average negative temperatures during the winter season in
this region according to the observation results of Turkmenistan hydrometeorlogical
agency for this very point and region under construction;
dо – a value taken to be equal to, m, for:
- loamy soils and clays - 0,23;
- clay sands, fine and powdery sands - 0,28;
- gravel sands, coarse and average size - 0,30;
- bulky fragmental soils - 0,34.
Value of d0 for soils of heterogeneous formation is defined as the weighted
average value within the depth of the frost penetration.
2.27. The design depth of the seasonal frost penetration into the soil df, m, is
found from the formula

df = kh dfn , (3)

dfn – the normative value of the depth of the frost penetration according to
clauses 2.24-2.25;
kh – a coefficient, taking into account the influence of thermal regime of the
structure taken to be equal to the following:
for external foundations of the heated structures - according to Table 1; for external
and internal foundations of non-heated structures - kh = 1,1.
2.28. The depth of laying of external and internal foundations of heated struc-
tures with cold basements and technical cellars (having negative temperatures in the
winter season) should be taken according to Table 2, counting from the basement or a
technical cellar.
2.29. The depth of laying of external and internal foundations of non-heated
buildings and structures should be fixed according to Table 2, thereat, the depth is cal-
culated: in the absence of a basement or a technical cellar – from the planning level,
and in their presence – from the floor of a basement or a technical cellar.
2.30. On the site where the depth of the seasonal frost penetration does not ex-
ceed the normative value, the depth of laying of foundations shall not be less than 1,0
2.31. Foundations of a structure or its compartment shall be laid on the same
level. If it is necessary to lay neighbouring foundations at different levels, their per-
missible difference is found proceeding from the condition that:

Δh ≤ a( tgϕI + cI / p) , (4)

a - a clear distance between foundations;
ϕI and cI – design values of the soil’s angle of internal friction and specific co-
hesion, respectively, (clauses 2.12-2.14);
p - an average pressure under the bed of the upper located foundation
caused by design loads (when calculating base for the load-bearing capacity).


Structure’s peculiarities Coefficient kh at the design average daily air temperature

in the room adjacent to external foundations, degree С
0 5 10 15 20 and above
Without basement with floors ar-
on the soil 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5
on boarding joist on the soil 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6
on heated socle floor 1,0 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7
With a basement or a technical cel-
lar 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4

NOTES: 1. Values of coefficient kh given in Table 1 belong to foundations which have a dis-
tance from the exterior face of the wall to the foundation edge аf < 0.5 m; if af ≥ 1.5 m, values
of coefficient kh increase by 0.1, but not higher than up to the value of kh = 1; at the interme-
diate size of af values of coefficient kh are defined according to interpolation.
2. Premises adjacent to exterior foundations include basements and technical cellars, and in
their absence – rooms of the ground floor.
3. At the intermediate values of the air temperature coefficient kh is taken with rounding to
the closest least value, indicated in Table 1.


Soils under the foundation bed Depth of foundations laying

depending on the depth of expansion of
the underground waters, dw, m, at
dw ≤ df + 2 dw> df + 2
Bulky fragmental rocks with sandy fil- Does not depend on Does not depend on
ler, gravelly sands, coarse and medium- df df
sized sands.
Not less than df The same
Fine and powdery sands

Clay sands with the flow index The same "-"

IL < 0

The same, at IL ≥ 0 “-” Not less than df

Loamy soils, clays, as well as bulky
fragmental soils with the powdery-
argillaceous filler at the flow index of
the soils or the filler IL ≥ 0,25 "-" The same

The same, at IL < 0.25 "-" Not less than 0.5 df

Notes: 1. In cases when the depth of laying of foundations depends on the design depth of the
frost penetration df , relevant soils indicated in this Table shall lie to the depth not less than the
normative depth of the frost penetration dfn.

2. The position of the level of the underground waters shall be taken with an allowance for direc-
tions of clauses 1.18-2.20.


2.32. The goal of calculation of bases for deformations is to restrict absolute or

relative displacements of foundations and superfoundation constructions with such
limits at which normal exploitation of the structure is guaranteed and its longevity
does not decrease (because of appearance of impermissible settlements, raisings, ca-
reens, alteration of designed levels and positions of constructions, derangement of
their junctions, etc.). Thereat, it is meant that the durability and crack-resistance of
constructions have been checked by the calculation that takes into account conditions,
which appear while the structure is interacting with the base.

Note. When designing structures that locate in the immediate vicinity of exist-
ing structures, one should take into consideration additional deformations of bases of
existing structures caused by the loads of structures being designed.

2.33. Deformations of the base are subdivided into:

settlements - deformations that occur as a result of the soil compaction under
the effect of external loads and in separate cases under the soil’s dead weight and are
not accompanied by the radical alteration of its structure;
subsidence - deformations that occur as a result of compaction and, as a rule,
the radical alteration of the soil’s structure under the effect of both external loads and
dead weight of the soil and additional factors, for example, such as wetting of the
slumping soil;
raisings and settlements – deformations associated with the change in the vo-
lume of some soils when their moisture has changed or under the effect of chemical
substances (swelling and shrinkage);
sagging – deformations of the earth surface, having been caused by the devel-
opment of mineral products, alteration of hydrogeological conditions, decrease of the
level of the underground waters, karst-suffosion processes, etc.;
horizontal displacements – deformations associated with the effect of horizontal
loads on the base (foundations of cross-tie systems, retaining walls, etc.) or with con-
siderable vertical displacements of the surface during sagging, soil’s subsidence
caused by the dead weight, etc.
2.34. Depending on the reasons of their appearance, deformations of the base
are subdivided into two types:
the first – deformations caused by the external load on the base (settlements,
subsidence, horizontal displacements);
the second – deformations not associated with the effect of the external load on
the base and manifestative in the form of vertical and horizontal displacements of the
base (sagging, soil’s subsidence caused by the dead weight, etc.).
2.35. The calculation of bases for deformations shall be carried out proceeding
from the condition of conjoint operation of the structure and the base.
Base deformations are allowed to be defined disregarding the conjoint operation
of the structure and the base in cases stipulated in clause 2.5.
2.36. Joint deformation of the structure and the base can be characterized by::
the absolute settlement of the base S of separate foundation;
the average settlement of the base of the structure S ;
relative unevenness of settlements of two foundations Δ S / L;
heeling of the foundation (structure) i;
relative flexure or bend f / L;
curvature of the flexural sector of the structure ρ ;
relative angle of torsion of the structure ϑ ;
horizontal displacement of the foundation (structure) u;

Note. Analogous deformation characteristics can be also fixed for other deformations
stated in clause 2.32.

2.37. The calculation of bases for deformations is carried out proceeding from
the condition that

S ≤ Su , (5)

S - the conjoint deformation of the structure and the base being defined by
the calculation in accordance with directions of the obligatory Appendix 2.
Su - the limiting value of the conjoint deformation of the base and the struc-
ture being determined in accordance with directions of clauses 2.49-2.53.

Notes. 1. If necessary, in order to assess the mode of deformation of the struc-

ture’s constructions with an allowance for long-term processes and prediction of the
period of consolidation of the base, one should carry out calculation of settlements in
2. Base settlements that occur in the process of construction (for example, set-
tlements caused by the weight of embankments prior the foundation arrangement, set-
tlements prior joint grouting of the building constructions) are allowed to be neglected
if they don’t affect the structure’s serviceability.
3. When calculating bases for deformations, one should take into account the
possibility of changes both in the design and the limiting values of the base deforma-
tion owing to the application of measures stated in clauses 2.62-2.66.

2.38. The design scheme of the base, being used for the determination of the
conjoint deformation of the base and the structure, shall be chosen in accordance with
directions of clause 2.4.
The calculation of bases’ deformations should be performed using the design
scheme of the base in the form of:
a linear-deformable half-space with the conditional restriction of the depth of
the compressible stratum Нс (clause 6 of the obligatory Appendix 2);
a linear-deformable layer, if:
a) within the bounds of the compressible stratum of the base Нс, defined as for
the linear-deformable half-space, there is a soil stratum with the deformation modulus
Е1 ≥ MP (1000 kgf/cm2) and the thickness hI satisfying the condition
3 ______
hI ≥ Hc( 1 - √ E2/ E1) (6)

Е2 - the deformation modulus of the soil, bottoming the soil stratum with the
deformation modulus Е1;
b) the width (diameter) of the foundation b ≥ 10 m and the deformation mod-
ulus of the base soils Е ≥ 10 MP (100 kgf/cm2).
In case of “a” the thickness of the linear-deformable layer H is taken to the top
of the low-compressible soil, in case of “b” it is calculated in accordance with direc-
tions of clause 8 of the obligatory Appendix 2.

Note. The scheme of the linear-deformable layer is allowed to be used for foun-
dations having width b ≥ 10 m if soil strata with the deformation modulus Е < 10 MP
(100 kgf/cm2) are available within the bounds of the compressible stratum, and if their
total thickness doesn’t exceed 0,2 H.

2.39. When calculating base deformations using design schemes stated in clause
2.36, the average pressure under the foundation bed P shall not exceed the design re-
sistance of the base soil R, kP (ts/m2), being found from the formula:

R = ⎯⎯ [ Mϒ kzbϒII + Mq d1 ϒ′II + ( Mq - 1)db ϒ′II + Mc cII ] (7)

ϒс1 and ϒс2 - coefficients of the working conditions taken from Table 3;
k - a coefficient taken to be equal to the following: k = 1, if strength characte-
ristics of the soil (ϕ and c) are determined by direct tests, and k = 1,1 , if they are taken
from Tables 1-3 of the recommended Appendix 1.
Mϒ ,Mq ,MC - coefficients taken from Table 4;
k2 - a coefficient taken to be equal to the following: at b < 10 m - kz = 1,
at b ≥ 10 m - kz = zo/b + 0,2 (here zo = 8 m);
b - a width of the foundation bed, m;
ϒII – an averaged design value of the specific weight of the soil, lying below the
foundation (in the presence of the underground waters it is defined with an allowance
for the suspending action of the water), kN/m3 (ts/m3);
ϒ′II - the same, lying over the foundation bed;
cII – a design value of specific cohesion of the soil, lying immediately below the
foundation bed, kP (ts/m2):
d1 – the depth of laying of foundations of structures without basements from
the planning level or the modified depth of laying of external and internal foundations
from the basement floor, being found from the formula:

d1 = hs + hcf ϒ cf / ϒ′II , (8)

hs - thickness of the soil stratum over the foundation bed on the side of the
basement, m;
hcf - thickness of the construction of the basement floor, m;
ϒcf - a design value of specific weight of the construction of the basement floor,
kN/m (ts/m3);

db - depth of the basement – a distance from the planning level to the basement
floor, m, (for structures with the basement having width В ≤ 20 m and depth above 2
m it is taken that db = 2 m, at the basement width В > 20 m - db = 0).

Notes: 1. Formula (7) is allowed to be used at any form of the foundation in the plan.
If the foundation bed has a circle shape or a regular polygon shape with the area of A,
it is taken that b = √A.
2. Design values of specific weight of the soil and material of the basement floor, in-
cluded in formula (7), are allowed to be taken to be equal to their normative values.
3. If duly substantiated, the design resistance of the soil can be increased if the founda-
tion’s construction improves conditions of its conjoint operation with the base.
4. For the foundation slabs with the angular cutouts the design resistance of the base
soil is allowed to be increased by 15%.
5. If d1>d (d – depth of the foundation laying from the planning level) in formula (7) is
taken to be d1 = d and db = 0.


Coefficient ϒс2 for structures with the

Coefficient rigid structural scheme at the ratio of the
Soils ϒcI length of the structure or a compartment
to the height L/H, equal to
4 and above ⏐ 1,5 and less
Bulky fragmental with sandy filler
and sandy, excluding fine and pow-
dery 1,4 1,2 1,4
Fine sands 1,3 1,1 1,3
Powdery sands:
with low content of moisture and wet 1,25 1,0 1,2
water saturated 1,1 1,0 1,2
Powdery-argillaceous, as well as
bulky fragmental with the powdery-
argillaceous filler with the flow index
of the soil or filler IL ≤ 0,25 1,25 1,0 1,1

The same, at 0,25 ≤ IL ≤ 0,5 1,2 1,0 1,1

The same, at IL > 0,5 1,1 1,0 1,0

Notes: 1. Structures with the rigid structural scheme include structures which constructions are spe-
cially adapted to perceive forces caused by the base deformations, including at the expense of using
measures stated in clause 2.65b.
2. For buildings with the flexible structural scheme the value of coefficient ϒс2 is taken to be equal to
3. At the intermediary values of L/H coefficient ϒс2 is defined according to interpolation.


Angle of inter- Angle of in-

nal friction ϕ II Coefficients ternal friction Coefficients
degree ϕII degree
Мϒ Мq Мс Мϒ Мq Мc
0 0 1,00 3,14 23 0,69 3,65 6,24
1 0,01 1,06 3,23 24 0,72 3,87 6,45
2 0,03 1,12 3,32 25 0,78 4,11 6,57
3 0,04 1,18 3,41 26 0,84 4,37 6,90
4 0,06 1,25 3,51 27 0,91 4,64 7,14
5 0,08 1,32 3,61 28 0,98 4,93 7,40
6 0,10 1,39 3,71 29 1,06 5,25 7,67
7 0,12 1,47 3,82 30 1,15 5,59 7,95
8 0,14 1,55 3,93 31 1,24 5,95 8,24
9 0,16 1,64 4,05 32 1,34 6,34 8,55
10 0,18 1,73 4,17 33 1,44 6,76 8,88
11 0,20 1,83 4,29 34 1,55 7,22 9,22
12 0,23 1,94 4,42 35 1,68 7,71 9,58
13 0,26 2,05 4,55 36 1,81 8,24 9,97
14 0,29 2,17 4,69 37 1,95 8,81 10,37
15 0,32 2,30 4,84 38 2,11 9,44 10,80
16 0,36 2,43 4,99 39 2,28 10,11 11,25

Continuation of Table4
Angle of inter- Angle of in-
nal friction ϕ II Coefficients ternal friction Coefficients
degree ϕII degree
Мϒ Мq Мс Мϒ Мq Мc
17 0,39 2,57 5,15 40 2,46 10,85 11,73
18 0,43 2,73 5,31 41 2,66 11,64 12,24
19 0,47 2,89 5,48 42 2,88 12,51 12,79
20 0,51 3,06 5,66 43 3,12 13,46 13,37
21 0,56 3,24 5,84 44 3,38 14,50 13,98
22 0,61 3,44 6,04 45 3,66 15,64 14,64

2.40. Preliminary dimensions of foundations are fixed according to structural

considerations or proceeding from Table values of the design resistance of the base
soils Rо in accordance with the recommended Appendix 3. The value of R0 is allowed
to be used for the final setting of dimensions of foundations for buildings and struc-
tures of the III class, if the base is formed by horizontal (slope not more than 0,1) con-
sistent in thickness soil strata which compressibility doesn’t increase within the depth
equal to the double width of the largest foundation counting from its bed.
2.41. The design resistance R of the base, having been formed of bulky frag-
mental soils, is calculated according to formula (7) based on the results of direct defi-
nitions of the soils’ strength characteristics.
If the content of filler exceeds 40%, the value of R for bulky fragmental soils is
allowed to be determined according to the filler’s characteristics.
2.42. The design resistance of the base soils R, in case of their compaction or
arrangement of soil pillows, shall be defined proceeding from the design values of
physical and mechanical characteristics of the compacted soils that have been preset
by the project.
2.43. In case of discontinuous foundations, the design resistance of the base
soils R is defined as for the strip foundations in accordance with directions of clauses
2.37-2.42 with increase of the value of R by coefficient kd , taken from Table 5.


Value of coefficient kd for sands (excluding loose) and powdery-

argillaceous soils at porosity coefficient е and the flow index IL,
Type of foundation slabs respectively

e≤0,5; e=0,6; e≥0,7;

IL≤0 IL=0,25 IL≥0,5
Rectangular 1,3 1,15 1,0

With angular cutouts 1,3 1,15 1,15

Notes : 1. At the intermediary values of е and IL coefficient kd is taken according to interpolation.

2. For slabs with angular cutouts the coefficient kd takes into account the increase of R in accordance
with note 4 to clause 2.37.

2.44. When increasing loads on the base of existing structures (for example,
during reconstruction), the design resistance of the base soils shall be taken in accor-
dance with data concerning their physical and mechanical properties with an allow-
ance for the type and state of foundations and superfoundation constructions of the
structure, the duration of its exploitation, and the anticipated additional settlements
when loads on foundations and their influence on adjacent structures grow.
2.45. The design resistance of the base soil R, having been found from formula
(7), can be increased 1,2 times, if design deformations of the base (at pressure equal to
P) don’t exceed 40% of the limiting values (clauses 2.49-2.53). Thereat, the increased
pressure mustn’t cause base deformations above 50% of the limiting ones and exceed
the pressure value when bases are calculated for the load-bearing capacity pursuant to
requirements of clauses 2.55-2.61.
2.46. When within the bounds of the base stratum under compression at the
depth z from the foundation bed there is a soil layer with the lower strength than the
strength of the overlying layers, the dimensions of the foundation shall be fixed so that
the following condition is secured

σ zp + σ zg ≤ Rz , (9)

σzp and σzg - vertical stresses in the soil at the depth z from the foundation bed,
additional one caused by the load on the foundation and the dead weight of the soil,
respectively, kP (ts/m2);
Rz – a design resistance of the soil of the lowered strength at the depth z, kP
(ts/m ), having been calculated from formula (7) for the conditional foundation with
the width bz, m, equal to
b z = √ Az + a 2 - a , ( 10 )

Az = N/ σzp ; a = (l - b)/ 2 ,

here N – a vertical load on bases caused by the foundation;

l and b - length and width of the foundation, respectively.
2.47. As a rule, the pressure on the soil nearby the edge of the bed of the eccen-
trically loaded foundation (having been calculated with the presumption of linear dis-
tribution of pressure under the foundation bed under loads taken for the calculation of
bases for deformations) must be defined with an allowance for the foundation deepen-
ing into the soil and rigidity of the superfoundation constructions. The edge pressure
under the effect of the bending moment along each axis of the foundation shall not ex-
ceed 1,2 R and in the angular point 1,5 R (here R – a design resistance of the base soil,
having been found pursuant to requirements of clauses 2.39-2.46). (When calculating
bases of bridge foundations for the eccentric load, one should be guided by require-
ments of BCT for designing bridges and pipes.)
2.48. As a whole, the careen of separate foundations or structures shall be cal-
culated with an allowance for the moment in the level of the foundation bed, the influ-
ence of neighbouring foundations; loads on adjacent areas and unevenness of the base
In addition, when defining careens of foundations, as a rule, one should take in-
to account the foundation deepening, the rigidity of the superfoundation construction,
as well as the possibility of increase of the load eccentricity caused by the inclination
of the foundation (structure).
2.49. The limiting values of joint deformation of the base and structure are de-
termined proceeding from the necessity of observance of:
a) technological and architectural requirements to deformations of structures
(alteration of the design levels and positions of structures as a whole, their separate
elements and equipment, including requirements to the normal operation of elevators,
cranage, hoisting units of elevators, etc.) - Su,s;
b) requirements to the strength, stability and crack-resistance of constructions,
including total stability of the structure - Su,f.
2.50. The limiting values of the joint deformation of the base and structure ac-
cording to technological or architectural requirements Su,s must be set by correspond-
ing norms for designing buildings and structures, rules for technical operation of
equipment or a project statement with an allowance for the equipment realignment in
the process of operation, if necessary.
The observance of the condition S ≤ Su,s is checked, when developing type and
individual designs, in the structure of calculations of structures in their interaction with
the base after relevant calculations of the structure’s constructions for strength, stabili-
ty and crack-resistance.
2.51. The limiting values of the joint deformation of the base and structure un-
der conditions of strength, stability and crack-resistance of constructions Su,f must be
set when designing on the basis of calculation of the structure in interaction with the
The value of Su,f is allowed not to be fixed for structures with considerable ri-
gidity and strength (for example, tower-type buildings, blast furnaces), as well as for
structures in which constructions no forces caused by uneven settlements of the base
appear (for example, different types of hinged systems).
2.52. As a rule, when developing type designs of structures on the basis of val-
ues Su,s and Su,f , one should set the following criteria of permissibility of using such
designs that simplify the calculation of bases for deformations in case of their binding
to local soil conditions:
a) limiting values of the extent of changeability of base soils’ compressibility
αЕ, corresponding to different values of the average deformation modulus of soils
within the structure’s plan E or the average base settlement S;
b) the limiting unevenness of the base deformations Δ S°u , corresponding to the
zero rigidity of the structure;
c) a list of soils stating their simplest property characteristics, as well as the na-
ture of stratifications in which presence no calculation of bases for deformations is re-

Notes: 1. The extent of changeability of the base compressibility αЕ is defined

by the ratio of the highest value being modified according to the depth of the deforma-
tion modulus of the base soils within the structure’s plan to the lowest value.
2. The average value of the deformation modulus of the base soils E within the
structure’s plan is defined as the weighted average value (with an allowance for the
changeability of the soils’ compressibility in depth and in the structure’s plan).

2.53. The limiting value of the base deformations is allowed to be taken as per
the recommended Appendix 4, if the structure’s constructions are not calculated for
forces appearing therein in the process of interaction with the base, and values of Su,s
are not set in the project statement (2..49 -2.50).
2.54. The calculation of the base deformations is allowed not to be made if the
average pressure under foundations of the structure being designed doesn’t exceed the
design resistance of the base soils (clauses 2.37 - 2.46), and one of the following con-
ditions is performed:
a) the extent of changeability of the base compressibility is lower than the limit-
ing one according to clause 2.52а;
b) engineering-geological conditions of the building site correspond to the field
of application of the type design (see clause 2.52c);
c) soil conditions of the structures’ building site, given in Table 6, belong to one
of variants stated in this Table.


Structures Variants of soil conditions

1. Industrial buildings 1. Bulky fragmental soils with less than 40% of

One-storey buildings with the load-bearing con- filler content
structions of little sensitivity to uneven settlements 2. Sands of any fineness, excluding powdery,
(for example, steel or reinforced concrete framing dense and having average density
on separate foundations with the hinged supporting 3. Sands of any fineness, only dense
of trusses, crossbars), and with the bridge cranes 4. Sands of any fineness, only having average
having carrying capacity up to 50 t, inclusive. density at the porosity coefficient е ≤ 0,65.
Multistorey buildings up to 6 storeys, inclusive,
with the column grid not more 6х9 m
2. Residential and public buildings 5. Clay sands at е ≤ 0,65, loamy soils at е ≤
2.1. Rectangular shape in plan without differences 0,85 and clays at е ≤ 0,95, if the range of altera-
in height with full framing and framing-free with tion of the porosity coefficient of these soils on
the load-bearing walls of bricks, large blocks and the site doesn’t exceed 0,2.
panels: 6. Sands, excluding powdery, at е ≤ 0,7 in com-
а) stretched multisectional – with height bination with the powdery-argillaceous

continuation of Table 6
up to 9 storeys, inclusive soils of moraine origin at е< 0,5 and IL < 0,5
b) non-interlocked tower type with the height up irrespective of the order of their bedding
to 14 storeys, inclusive

Notes : 1. Table 6 is allowed to be used for structures in which the area of separate foundations for the
load-bearing constructions differs not more than two times, as well as for structures having other pur-
poses with analogous constructions and loads.
2. Table 6 is not applied to industrial buildings with the loads on the floor exceeding 20 kP (2 ts/m2).


2.55. The goal of the calculation of bases for the load-bearing capacity is to en-
sure strength and stability of bases, as well as to prevent foundation’s displacement
along the bed and its upset. The scheme of the base destruction (when it has reached
the marginal state), taken in the calculation, shall be possible for this impact and the
foundation construction or structure both statically and kinematically.
2.56. The calculation of bases for the load-bearing capacity is carried out pro-
ceeding from the condition that:

F ≤ ϒ C F u/ ϒ n ( 11 )

F - a design load on the base, defined as per directions of clauses 2.5 - 2.8;
Fu - force of the ultimate resistance of the base;
ϒ с - the working conditions coefficient, taken to be the following:
for sands, excluding powdery ϒ С = 1,0;
for powdery sands, as well as powdery-argillaceous soils in the
stabilized state ϒ С = 0,9;
for the powdery-argillaceous soils in the
unstabilized state ϒС = 0,85;
for rocks :
non-weathered and slightly weathered ϒС = 1,0;
weathered ϒС = 0,9;
severely weathered ϒС = 0,8;
ϒn – coefficient of the structure’s purpose reliability taken to be 1,2; 1,15; 1,10
for the buildings and structures of the I, II and III classes, respectively.
2.57. A vertical component of the ultimate resistance of the base, having been
formed of rocks Nu, kN (ts), irrespective of the depth of the foundation laying is calcu-
lated from the formula

Nu = Rc b′l′ (12)

Rc - a design value of the ultimate uniaxial compression strength of the rock,
kP (ts/m );
b′ and l′ - the modified width and length of the foundation, respectively, m,
calculated from the following formulas:

b′ = b - 2eb ; l′ = l - 2el; (13)

eb and el - eccentricities of application of the resultant of loads in direction of
the transverse and longitudinal axes of the foundation, respectively, m
2.58. The force of the ultimate resistance of the base, having been formed of the
earth in a stabilized state, shall be determined proceeding from the condition that the
ratio between normal σ and tangential stresses τ on all sliding surfaces, corresponding
to the marginal state of the base, complies with the following dependence

τ = σ tg ϕ I + CI (14)

where ϕ I and cI - design values of the angle of internal friction and specific
cohesion of the soils, respectively, (clauses 2.12-2.14).

2.59. The force of the ultimate resistance of the base, having been formed of the
slowly compacting water-saturated powdery-argillaceous and biogenic soils (at the
humidity Sr ≥ 0,85 and consolidation coefficient cυ ≤ 107 cm2/year) shall be de-
fined with an allowance for possible unstabilized state of the base soils at the expense
of the excessive pressure in the interstitial water u. Thereat, the ratio between the nor-
mal σ and tangential stresses τ is taken from the following dependence

τ = ( σ - u ) tgϕI + cI (15)

ϕI and cI - correspond to the stabilized state of the base soils.
The excessive pressure in the interstitial water is allowed to be defined by the
method of filtration consolidation of soils with an allowance for the velocity of the
load application on the base. If duly substantiated (high rates of structure’s erection or
its loading with operational loads, the lack of drainage soil strata or drainage devices
in the base), for the reliability margin the excessive pressure in the interstitial water is
allowed to be taken to be equal to the normal stress on the sliding grounds ( u = σ ), or
to take values of ϕI and cI corresponding to the unstabilized state of the base soils.
A vertical component of the force of ultimate resistance Nu of the base, having
been formed of the earth in a stabilized state, is allowed to be found from formula (16)
if the foundation has a flat bed and base soils below the bed are homogeneous to the
depth not less than its width, and in case of the different vertical load from different
sides of the foundation the intensity of the largest one doesn’t exceed 0,5R (R – a de-
sign resistance of the base soil, having been found pursuant to clauses 2.37 - 2.44):

Nu = b′ l′ ( Nϒ ξϒ b′ ϒ I + Nq ξ q ϒ′I d + Ncξ e cI) (16)

b′ and l′ - the same denominations as in formula (12), thereat, symbol b de-
notes the foundation’s side in which direction the loss of base stability is supposed;
Nϒ ; Nq ; Nc- dimensionless coefficients of the load-bearing capacity, being de-
fined from Table 7, depending on the design value of the angle of internal friction of
the soil ϕI and the tilt angle to the vertical δ of the resultant of the external load on the
base F in the level of the foundation bed;
ϒI and ϒ′I – design values of the specific weight of soils, kN/m3 (ts/m3), lying
within the limits of the possible prism of protruding lower and higher the foundation
bed, respectively (in the presence of the underground waters it is defined with an al-
lowance for the suspending action of the water);
сI - a design value of specific cohesion of the soil, kP (ts/m2);
d - the depth of the foundation laying, m (in case of unequal vertical catledge
from different sides of the foundation, the value of d is taken to be corresponding to
the least cantledge, for example, on the side of the basement);
ξ ϒ ; ξq; ξc - coefficients of the foundation form, defined from the following

ξ ϒ = 1 - 0,25/ η ; ξq = 1 + 1,5/ η ; ξ c = 1 + 0,3/ η (17)

η = l/b
l and b - the width and length of the foundation bed, respectively, taken to
be equal to the modified values of l′ and b′ , being defined from the formulas (13), in
case of eccentrical application of the resultant of the load.
If η = l/b < 1, in formulas (17) one should take η = 1.
The tilt angle to the vertical δ of the resultant of the external load on the base is
defined from the condition that

tgδ = Fh/Fυ (18)

Fh and F υ - horizontal and vertical components of the external load on the
base F in the level of the foundation bed, respectively.
The calculation according to formula (16) is allowed to be performed if the fol-
lowing condition is observed

tgδ < sinϕ1 (19)

Notes: 1. When using formula (16) in case of unequal load from different sides
of the foundation in the structure of horizontal loads, one should take into account the
active pressure of the soil.
2. If condition (19) isn’t performed, one should calculate the foundation for the
displacement on the bed.
Table 7
Note: 1. At intermediate values of ϕI and δ, Nϒ , Nq , Nc coefficients are allowed
to be determined under interpolation.
2. In the curly brackets, values of coefficients of the load-bearing capacity cor-
responding to the maximum value of the tilt angle of the load δ′, proceeding from con-
dition (19).

The calculation of the foundation for the displacement on the bed is carried out
proceeding from the following condition

Σ Fs,а ≤ ( ϒcΣFs,r )/ϒn (20)

ΣFs,a and ΣFs,r – sums of the glide plane projections of design shearing and re-
straining forces, being defined with an allowance for active and passive pressure of the
soil on the lateral faces of the foundation, respectively;
ϒс and ϒn - the same denominations as in formula (11).
2.60. The calculation of bases for the load-bearing capacity is allowed to be car-
ried out by grapho-analytical methods (large-cylindrical or broken glide surfaces) if:
a) the base is heterogeneous in depth;
b) the cantledge of the base from different sides of the foundation is unequal,
thereat, the intensity of the largest one doesn’t exceed 0,5R (R – a design resistance of
the base soil, having been found pursuant to clauses 2.39 - 2.46);
c) the structure locates on the slope or nearby the slope;
d) the appearance of unstabilized state of the base soils is possible excluding
cases stated in clause 2.61.
2.61. The ultimate resistance of the base (homogeneous below the foundation
bed to the depth not less than 0,75 b), having been formed of the slowly compacting
water-saturated soils (clause 2.59), is allowed to be defined as follows.
The vertical component of the force of ultimate resistance of the strip founda-
tion bed nu, kN/m (ts/m) – from the following formula

nu = b′[ q + ( 1 + π - α + cos α ) cI] (21)

b′ - the same denominations as in formula (12) , m ;
q – a cantledge from the foundation’s side in which direction the horizontal
component of the load acts, kP (ts/m2);
cI - the same denominations as in formula (14), (ts/m2);
π = 3.14;
α - an angle, rad. Defined from the following formula

α = arcsin(fh/b′ cI) (22)

here fh - a horizontal component of the design load of 1 m length of the foun-

dation, being defined with an allowance for the active pressure of the soil, kN/m (ts/m).
Formula (21) is allowed to be used if the following condition is fulfilled:

fh ≤ b′ cI (23)

The force of the ultimate resistance of the rectangular foundation (l ≤ 3b) under
the effect of the vertical load is allowed to be defined from formula (16), supposing
that ϕ1 = 0 and ξc = 1+0,11η.
In all cases, if the foundation is affected by horizontal loads, and the base is
formed of soils in the unstabilized state, one should calculate the foundation for the
displacement along its bed (clause 2.59).



2.62. In order to implement requirements of the calculation of bases for margin-

al states, excepting the possibility and expediency of alteration of the foundations’ siz-
es in the plan or the depth of their laying (including the retresection of soils with unsa-
tisfactory properties), the introduction of additional bonds, restricting the foundations’
displacements, the usage of other types of foundations, the alteration of loads on the
base, etc., one should consider the necessity of application of:
a) measures for protecting base soils against worsening of their properties
(clause 2.63);
b) measures aimed at the transformation of the soils’ building properties (clause
c) structural measures, decreasing structures’ sensitivity to the base deforma-
tions (clause 2.66).
When designing, one should also take into account the possibility of regulating
conditions in structure’s constructions that appear in the process of its interaction with
the base (clause 2.66).
The selection of one or a complex of measures shall be carried out with an al-
lowance for requirements of clauses I.I. and 2.I.
2.63. Measures, protecting base soils against worsening of their building prop-
erties, include:
a) waterproof measures on sites, having been formed of soils sensitive to the al-
teration of moisture (relevant composition of master plans, vertical layout of the terri-
tory, ensuring the flow of the surface waters, arrangement of drainages, impervious
barriers and screens, pipelines’ laying in special canals or their placement in a safe dis-
tance from the structures, supervision over possible water leakages, etc.).
b) base soils protection against reactive liquids that can cause subsidence, swel-
ling, activation of karst-suffosion phenomena, increase of aggressiveness of the under-
ground waters, etc.;
c) restriction of sources of external impacts (for example, vibrations);
d) preventive measures, carried out in the process of the structure’s construction
(preservation of the natural structure and moisture of soils, the observance of the tech-
nology of arrangement of bases, foundations, underground and overground construc-
tions, not allowing the alteration of the scheme and speed of the load transfer on bases
accepted in the project, especially if slowly consolidating soils are available in the base,
2.64. The transformation of the building properties of the base soils (arrange-
ment of artificial bases) is attained by:
a) the compaction of soils (by dint of ramming by heavy rammers, arrangement
of soil piles, pit tamping for foundations, preliminary soils wetting, utilizing of the ex-
plosion energy, abyssal hydraulic vibratory compactor, vibration machines, soil com-
pactors, etc.);
b) complete or partial replacement of a pillow made of sand, gravel, macadam,
etc. in the base (in plan and in depth) of soils with unsatisfactory properties
c) arrangement of embankments (by dint of landfilling or hydraulic earth-fill) ;
d) soils’ solidification (by chemical, electrochemical, thermal and other me-
e) introduction of special additives into the soil (for example, soil’s impregna-
tion with oil products to liquidate heaving properties);
f) soil’s armouring (introduction of special films, fabrics, etc.).
2.65. Structural measures, decreasing structure’s sensitivity to the base defor-
mations, include:
a) rational layout of the structure in plan and in height;
b) increase of durability and spatial rigidity of structures, being attained by the
constructions’ strengthening, especially constructions of the foundation-basement part,
in accordance with the results, with the base (introduction of additional bonds in the
framed structures, arrangement of reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry belts, cut-
ting structures into compartments, etc.);
c) increase of structures’ compliance (if technological requirements permit) ow-
ing to the utilization of flexible or multisection constructions;
d) arrangement of devices for levelling structure’s constructions and realign-
ment of technological equipment.

Note. Dimensions of the movable technological facilities (bridge cranes, eleva-

tors, etc.) approaching to the building constructions shall secure their normal operation
with an allowance for possible base deformations.

2.66. Measures, permitting to decrease forces in the structure’s constructions in

the process of its interaction with the base, include:
placing the structure on the building area with an allowance for its engineering-
geological texture and possible sources of harmful influences (lenses of soft grounds,
old mine workings, caverns, external supply conduits, etc.);
the utilization of relevant constructions of foundations (for example, founda-
tions with small lateral surface on the underworking territories and if heaving soils are
available in the base);
backfilling of gullets and arrangement of pillows under foundations made of
materials, possessing low cohesion and friction, the utilization of special antifriction
coverings, excavation of temporary compensation trenches to decrease forces caused
by horizontal deformations of bases (for example, in the area of mine workings);
regulation of terms of building in joints of prefabricated and composite con-
justified speed and succession of erecting separate parts of the structure.



2.67. When designing objects having water-management and power purpose,

and communication objects, one should take into account the peculiarities of construc-
tions of these structures and have substantiated calculations. The peculiarities of the
structure should be taken into account as per clause 3.5 of this BCT.
2.68. The project should envisage measures, protecting the base against possible
decrease of the strength properties of soils during the structure’s operation.
2.69. The selection of measures should be carried out with an allowance of re-
quirements of clauses 1.1; 2.63 - 2.65 of this BCT. When implementing works, one
should be guided by relevant instructions.
2.70. For structures of the III and IV classes at all stages of designing, as well as
for the I and II classes at the stage of feasibility study, methods and scopes of works
aimed at the base strengthening are allowed to be set according to the accident-free
2.71. Measures aimed at strengthening the base for especially significant ob-
- arrangement of pillows clause 2.72
- abyssal compaction with piles clause 2.79
- soil compaction by preliminary wetting clause 2.80
- soil compaction by explosion energy clause 2.81
- vibration compaction clause 2.82
- water lowering clause 2.83
2.72. Main works for soils’ compaction and arrangement of soil pillows shall be
preceded by the test compaction during which design technological parameters shall
be determined that provide the receipt of the compacted soil’s density values, required
by the project, liable to the operational control of the value of indices in the course of
operations. (If natural soil moisture is found to be lower than the optimal one by 0,05
and lower, one should carry out its additional moistening by the design amount of wa-
2.73. The arrangement of soil cushions in winter season is allowed of soils con-
taining congealed clods having sizes not larger than 15 cm and not more than 15% of
the total volume at the average daily air temperature not lower than minus 10°С.
2.74. In case of the temperature decrease or stoppages of works, the prepared
but not compacted pit sectors shall be covered with the heat insulated materials or
loose dry soil.
2.75. Landfilling on the frozen layer is allowed as exclusion at the thickness of
the congealed layer not more than 0,4 m, when moisture of the landfilling soil doesn’t
exceed 0,9 of moisture on the border of rolling; otherwise, the frozen soil shall be re-
2.76. Pit tamping for detached foundations is to be done for the whole pit depth
without changing the position of the lead bar of the rammer.
2.77. Tamping of the rigid material into the bottom of the pit in order to create a
spread base should be carried out immediately after the pit tamping.
2.78. Pit tamping at the negative air temperature should be carried out without
additional soil moistening.
2.79. Abyssal compaction with the soil piles should be carried out with the ob-
servance of the following requirements:
a) wells punching with the cable-tool drilling outfit shall be performed from the
surface of the pit bottom at the natural soil moisture;
b) wells’ expansion with the help of explosion is allowed at the natural soil
moisture equal to the moisture at the breaking point of rolling (at the less soil moisture
it shall be additionally moistened));
c) wells should be arranged next nearest, and the omitted ones only after back-
filling and compaction of the previously passed;
d) wells are filled with the soil in portions (the soil volume in a portion is set on
the basis of receipt of a column of loose soil in a well with a height not more than two
its diameters, but not more than 0,2 m3, wells landfilling at the negative air tempera-
ture should be carried out only by the non-frozen soil.)
2.80. Soil’s compaction by preliminary wetting should be carried out with the
observance of the following requirements:
a) wetting should be performed by means of the water flood of the pit with
maintaining the water depth of 0,3 - 0,5 m, with subsequent tamping by heavy ram-
mers and the operation should be continued until soaking of the whole stratum of
slumping soils to the design moisture and conditions of stabilization of subsidence, for
which the subsidence less than 1 cm per week is taken, are attained;
b) at the negative air temperatures preliminary wetting should be carried out
with keeping the bottom of the flooded pit in the non-frozen state and water delivery
under the ice.
2.81. Compaction of slumping soils by wetting and explosion energy should be
carried out with the observance of the following requirements:
a) wetting should be performed through the pit bottom, drain, blast and asso-
ciated holes, filled with the drainage material, and continued until soaking of the
whole slumping stratum to the design moisture;
b) depending on the site’s dimension, an interval between the wetting comple-
tion and shots of explosive materials (EM) shall be not more than 3 – 8 hours.
2.82. Vibration compaction of the water-saturated soils should be carried out
with the observance of the following requirements:
a) points of submersion of the compactor are envisaged in the vertexes of a tri-
angle mesh with sides up to 3 m for coarse and medium-sized sands and up to 2 m for
the fine sand.
b) the level of the underground waters shall not be lower than 0,5 m from the
pit bottom;
c) the full cycle of compaction to the depth up to 6 min one point shall last not
less than 15 minutes and consist of 4 – 5 alternate submersions and hoisting of the
compactor: if the depth is higher the parameters of the cycle are set by the project.
2.83. During water-lowering operations one should apply measures to prevent
the soils softening, disturbance of the stability of the bottom and slopes of the excava-
2.84. In conditions of heterogeneity of soft base soils, and unsatisfactory water
loss, one should try to get water-lowering through utilization of a combined scheme of
unwatering that includes a surface, abyssal (borehole), and local water-lowering.
2.85. Excavations, arrangement of the embankment and opening of subsoil
communications within the bounds of the conservation zones are allowed only if a du-
ly executed permission of exploiting organizations is available.


3.1 Bases, having been formed by the slumping soils, shall be designed with an
allowance for their peculiarity: when moisture increases higher than a defined level,
they give additional deformations – subsidence caused by the external load and (or)
the dead weight of the soil.
3.2. When designing bases, having been formed by the slumping soils, one
should take into account the possibility of increase of their moisture owing to:
a) the soils wetting – from above their external sources and (or) from below
when the level of the underground waters rises;
b) the gradual accumulation of moisture in the soil because of infiltration of the
surface waters and screening the surface.
The design moisture state of the slumping soils is:
if their wetting is possible - complete water saturation ( Sr ≥ 0,8 ) ;
if their wetting is impossible – the steady-state value of moisture ωеq taken to be
equal to the natural moisture ω, if ω ≥ ωp and the moisture on the border of rolling, if
ω < ωp .
3.3. Slumping soils are characterized by:
the relative subsidence εsl - compression strain of soils at the preset pressure af-
ter their wetting;
the initial subsidence pressure psl – a minimal pressure at which subsidence
properties of soils at their full water saturation emerge;
the initial subsidence moisture ωsl - a minimal moisture at which subsidence
properties of soils become apparent.
Values of εsl and psl are defined in accordance with the requirements of the
obligatory Appendix 2.
3.4. When designing bases, having been formed by the slumping soils, one
should take into account:
a ) subsidence caused by the external load Ssе , ρ
b ) subsidence caused by the dead weight of the soil SSe , g
c ) unevenness of the soils’ subsidence Δ Ssе
d ) horizontal displacements of the soil usl (within the bounds of the curvilinear
part of the subsidence crater when soils’ subsidence has been caused by the dead

Note. Soils’ subsidence are taken into account at the relative subsidence εsl ≥
0,01 and are defined in accordance with the directions of the obligatory Appendix 2.

3.5. When defining soils’ subsidence and their unevenness one should take into
account: the engineering-geological texture of the site; physical and mechanical cha-
racteristics of the base soils and their heterogeneity; dimensions, the depth of laying
and positional relationship of foundations; loads on foundations and adjacent grounds;
structural peculiarities of the structure, etc.; the nature of the territory layout (the
availability of excavations and cuts or embankments which affect the stressed state of
the base soils, as well as the shape and size of subsidence); possible types, sizes and
locations of the sources of soils’ wetting (clause 3.2.); additional loads on deep foun-
dations, compacted and strengthened massifs caused by the forces of negative frictions
that have emerged during soils’ subsidence caused by the dead weight. Besides, one
should take into account that, during wetting of extensive areas from above (the width
of the wetted area Bω equals or exceeds the dimension of the subsidence stratum Hsl)
and during wetting from below at the expense of the rise of the level of the under-
ground waters, the subsidence caused by the dead weight Ssl,g has become completely
apparent, and during wetting of small areas from above (Bω<Hsl) only the part of its
Ss′lg has become apparent (see clause 17 of the obligatory Appendix 2).

Note. When defining the unevenness of the soils’ subsidence, one should take
into account the most unfavourable possible types and locations of the sources of soils’
wetting with respect to the foundation or a structure as a whole being designed.

3.6. Depending on the possibility of appearance of the soils’ subsidence caused

by the dead weight, soil conditions of the sites, having been formed by the slumping
soils, are subdivided into two types:
I type - soil conditions in which the soils’ subsidence caused by the external
load is mostly possible, and the soils’ subsidence caused by the dead weight is not
available or doesn’t exceed 5 cm;
II type - soil conditions in which in addition to the soils’ subsidence caused by
the external load their subsidence caused by the dead weight is possible and its size
exceeds 5 cm;
3.7. The calculation of bases, having been formed by the slumping soils, is car-
ried out in accordance with the requirements of part 2.
Thereat, base deformations are defined by summation of settlements and subsi-
dence. Base settlements are defined disregarding subsidence properties of soils, pro-
ceeding from the soils’ deformation characteristics at the steady-state moisture, and
subsidence - in accordance with the requirements of clauses 3.2 - 3.5.
3.8. When designing bases, having been formed by the slumping soils, in case
of their possible wetting (clause 3.2) one should envisage measures, excluding base
settlements or decreasing them to the permissible limits and (or) reducing their influ-
ence on the serviceability of structures in accordance with the directions of clauses
3.12 and 3.13.
In case if base wetting is impossible within the whole period of the structure’s
operation (with an allowance for its possible reconstruction), subsidence properties of
soils are allowed to be neglected, however, the calculations shall use physical and me-
chanical characteristics of soils, corresponding to the steady-state moisture (clause 3.2).
3.9. In case of possible wetting of the slumping soils (clause 3.2), the design re-
sistance of the base soil is taken to be equal to:
a) the initial subsidence pressure psl when eliminating the possibility of the
soils’ subsidence caused by the external load by dint of decreasing the pressure under
the foundation bed;
b) the value, having been calculated from formula (7), using design values of
strength characteristics (ϕII and cII) in the water saturated state.
In case if wetting of the slumping soils is impossible, the design resistance of
the base soil R is defined from formula (7), using strength characteristics of these soils
at the steady-state moisture (clause 3.2).
3.10. Preliminary dimensions of the foundations of structures, being erected on
the subsidence soils, are set proceeding from the design resistances of the base R0, tak-
en from Table 4 of the recommended Appendix 3.
The aforementioned values of R0 are also recommended to be used to set final
dimensions of foundations for buildings and structures of the III class in which wet
technological process is not available.
3.11. Requirements of the calculation of bases for deformations in the soil con-
ditions of the I type are considered to be satisfactory if within the bounds of the whole
subsidence stratum the sum of vertical stresses caused by the external load and dead
weight of the soil doesn’t exceed the initial subsidence pressure psl.
3.12. In case if base soils wetting is possible (clause 3.2), one should envisage
one the following measures:
a) elimination of the subsidence properties of soils within the bounds of the
whole subsidence stratum (clauses 2.64 and 3.13);
b) retresection of the subsidence stratum by deep foundations, including pile
foundations and massifs of the fixed soil (clauses 2.64 and 3.14) ;
c) a complex of measures, including a partial elimination of the subsidence
properties of soils, waterproof and structural measures (clauses 2.62 - 2.66).

In the soil conditions of the II type, along with the elimination of the subsidence
properties of soils or retresection of the subsidence stratum by deep foundations, one
shall envisage waterproof measures as well as relevant layout of the master plan.
3.13. The elimination of the subsidence properties of soils is attained:
a) within the upper zone of subsidence or its part, by compacting with heavy
rammers, arrangement of soil pillows, tamping of pits, including by creating a spread
made of the rigid material, chemical or thermal grouting;
b) within the bounds of the whole subsidence stratum, by abyssal compaction
with the soil piles, preliminary wetting of the base soils, including with the help of ab-
yssal shots, chemical or thermal grouting;
3.14. When designing deep foundations, one should take into account:
in the soil conditions of the I type - soil resistance along the lateral surface of
in the soil conditions of the II type - the negative friction of the soil on the lat-
eral surface of foundations that has emerged during the soils’ subsidence caused by the
dead weight.


4.1 Bases, having been formed by the swelling soils, shall be designed taking
into account the capability of such soils to expand during the moisture rise – to swell.
At the subsequent moisture decrease, the inverse process occurs in the swelling soils –
4.2. Swelling soils are characterized by the pressure of swelling ps ω, moisture of
swelling ωsω, relative swelling at the preset pressure εs ω and relative shrinkage during
desiccation εsh (Appendix 2).
One should take into account that the capability to swell during the moisture
rise belongs to some types of slags (for example, slags of electrosmelting productions),
as well as to usually powdery-argillaceous soils (not swelling during the moisture rise)
if they are wetted by chemical wastes of productions (for example, sulphuric acid solu-
4.3. When designing bases, having been formed by the swelling soils, one
should take into account the possibility:
swelling of such soils owing to the rise of the level of the underground waters
or infiltration – wetting of soils by industrial or surface waters;
swelling owing to the accumulation of moisture under structures in the zone re-
stricted in depth because of the violation of the natural evaporation conditions when
building up and asphalting the territory (screening of the surface);
swelling and shrinkage of the soil of the upper part of the zone of suspended
water - owing to the alteration of the water-thermal regime (seasonal climatic factors);
shrinkage owing to the desiccation under the effect of thermal sources.

Note. When designing the deepened parts of structures, one should take into ac-
count horizontal pressures that have emerged during swelling and shrinkage of soils.

4.4. Bases, having been formed by the swelling soils, shall be calculated in ac-
cordance with the requirements of part 2.
Base deformations because of swelling and shrinkage of the soil shall be de-
fined by summation of deformations of separate base strata as per directions of the ob-
ligatory Appendix 2.
When defining base deformations, its settlement caused by the external load
and possible settlement caused by the moisture decrease of the swelling soil shall be
summed up.
Raising of the base, resulted from the soil swelling, is defined in supposition
that base settlements caused by the external load have stabilized.
The limiting values of deformations, having been caused by swelling (shrin-
kage) of soils are allowed to be taken in accordance with the directions of the recom-
mended Appendix 4 with an allowance for requirements of clause 2.51.
4.5. Normative values of the relative swelling εsω and relative shrinkage εsh are
defined according to the results of laboratory tests with an allowance for reasons of
swelling or shrinkage stated in clause 4.3.
Design values of characteristics εsω and εsh are allowed to be taken to be norma-
tive ones, supposing the soil reliability coefficient to be ϒg = 1 in formula (1).
4.6. When design deformations of the base, having been formed by the swelling
soils, are larger than the limiting ones or at insufficient load-bearing capacity of the
base, the following measures shall be foreseen in accordance with the directions of
clauses 2.62 - 2.66:
waterproof measures;
preliminary wetting of the base within the bounds of the whole stratum of swel-
ling soils;
utilization of compensating sandy pillows;
complete or partial replacement of the stratum of the swelling soil by non-
swelling one;
complete or partial retresection of the stratum of the swelling soil by founda-


5.1. Bases, having been formed by the eluvial soils, shall be designed taking in-
to account:
a) their considerable heterogeneity in depth and in plan because of the availabil-
ity of soils with great difference in their strength and deformation characteristics –
rocks of various extent of weatheredness and different types earths;
b) disposition to the decrease of strength during their stay in the open pits;
c) the possibility of transition to a floating state in case of their water saturation;
d) possible availability of slumping properties with the eluvial powdery sands
having the porosity coefficient е > 0,6 and humidity Sr <0,7.
5.2. The possibility and the extent of decrease of the strength of eluvial base
soils during their stay in the open pits shall be determined through experiences con-
ducted in the field conditions. Determinations are allowed to be carried out in the la-
boratory conditions on specially selected samples (monoliths) of the soil.
For preliminary assessment of the possible decrease of the strength of eluvial
soils, indirect methods are permissible that take into account the alteration of the fol-
lowing within the preset period of time: density of rocks; specific resistance of pene-
tration of powdery-argillaceous soils; the content of particles having sizes less than
0,1mm in the sandy soils and less than 2 mm in the bulky fragmental soil.
5.3. The calculation of bases, having been formed by the eluvial soils, shall be
carried out in accordance with the requirements of part 2. If the eluvial soils are slump-
ing, one should take into account requirements of part 3.
5.4. When design deformations of the base, having been formed by the eluvial
soils, are larger than the limiting ones or at insufficient load-bearing capacity of the
base, the measures in accordance with the directions of clauses 2.62 - 2.66 shall be
5.5. In the project of bases and foundations one shall envisage the protection of
eluvial soils against the destruction by the atmospheric impacts and water during the
period of pits arrangement. In view of the aforesaid, one should use waterproof meas-
ures, exclude stoppages in the arrangement of bases and subsequent erection of foun-
dations; foresee shortage of soils in the pit; utilize the explosive method of excavating
rocks only under the condition of shallow blasthole.


6.1. Bases, having been formed by the saline soils, shall be designed taking into
- the formation of the suffusion settlement Ssf;
- decrease of its strength characteristics;
- swelling or subsidence of soils during their wetting;
- increased aggressiveness of the underground waters towards the materials of
the underground constructions because of the dilution of salts, contained in the soil.
6.2. Saline soils are characterized by the relative suffusion compression εsf, be-
ing defined, as a rule, through the field tests by the static load with the long-term wet-
ting, and for the detailed study of separate sectors of the building site – additionally
through the laboratory methods (compression-filtration tests).
In the presence of results of surveys and experience of construction in analog-
ous engineering-geological conditions, the relative suffusion compression is allowed
to be defined only by the laboratory methods.
6.3. Normative values of εsf should be defined in accordance with the require-
ments of the obligatory Appendix 2.
The design value of εsf is allowed to be taken to be equal to the normative value,
supposing the soil reliability coefficient to be ϒg = 1 in formula (1).
6.4. The calculation of bases, having been formed by the saline soils, shall be
carried out in accordance with the requirements of part 2. If the saline soils are slump-
ing or swelling, one should take into account requirements of parts 3 and 4, respective-
Base deformations should be defined with an allowance for the settlement
caused by the external load, subsidence, swelling or shrinkage and suffusion settle-
The suffusion settlement should be defined in accordance with the directions of
the obligatory Appendix 2.
If long-term wetting of soils and leaching of salts is impossible, base deforma-
tions are defined as for non-saline soils proceeding from the soils’ deformation charac-
teristics at full water saturation.
6.5. The design resistance R of the base, having been formed by the saline soils,
in case if the long-term wetting of soils and leaching of salts is possible, are calculated
from formula (7), using design values of strength characteristics (ϕII and cII), having
been obtained for soils in the water saturated state after leaching of salts.
6.6. When design deformations of the base, having been formed by the saline
soils, are larger than the limiting ones or at insufficient load-bearing capacity of the
base, the waterproof measures shall be foreseen and if necessary the following meas-
ures in accordance with the directions of clauses 2.62 - 2.66:
structural measures;
a partial or complete cut of the saline soils with the arrangement of a pillow
made of the powdery-argillaceous soils;
retresection of the stratum of the saline soils by deep foundations
solidification and densification of soils;
preliminary desalinization of soils;
a complex of measures including waterproof and structural measures, as well as
the arrangement of the soil pillow.


7.1. Bases, having been formed by the fill-up soils, shall be designed with an al-
lowance for their considerable structure heterogeneity, uneven compressibility, the
possibility of self-compaction, the alteration of hydrogeological conditions, wetting, as
well as owing to the decomposition of organic impurities. (In the fill-up soils, consist-
ing of slags and clays, one should take into account the possibility of their swelling
during wetting by water or chemical wastes of productions).
7.2. Unevenness of compressibility of the fill-up soils shall be determined ac-
cording to the results of filed and laboratory studies, being implemented with regard
for the composition and structure of the fill-up soils, method of landfilling, type of the
material. The deformation modulus of the fill-up soils shall be defined on the basis of
stamp tests.
7.3. Bases, having been formed by the fill-up soils, shall be calculated in accor-
dance with the requirements of part 2. If the fill-up soils are slumping, swelling or
have the relative content of organic substances Iom > 0,1, one should take into account
requirements of parts 3-5.
Full base deformation shall be defined by summation of base settlements caused
by the external load and additional settlements caused by self-compaction of the fill-up
soils and decomposition of organic impurities, as well as settlements (subsidence) of
the underlying strata caused by the weight of the embankment and loads caused by the
7.4. The design resistance of the base, having been formed by the fill-up soils,
defined in accordance with the requirements of clauses 2.39 - 2.45.
Preliminary dimensions of the foundations of structures, being erected on the
packed fill-up soils, are allowed to be set proceeding from the values of design resis-
tances of the base soils R0, according to the recommended Appendix 3.
The values of R0 are also allowed to be used to set final dimensions of founda-
tions for buildings and structures of the III class.
7.5. When design deformations of the base, having been formed by the fill-up
soils, are larger than the limiting ones or at insufficient load-bearing capacity of the
base, the following measures should be envisaged in accordance with the requirements
of clauses 2.62 - 2.66:
- the surface compaction of bases by heavy rammers, vibration machines, soil
- abyssal compaction with earth piles, hydraulic vibrocompaction;
- arrangement of earth pillows (sandy, macadam, gravel, etc.);
- retresection of the fill-up soils by deep foundations;
- structural measures.



8.1. Bases of structures, being erected on the underworking territories, shall be

designed with an allowance for the unevenness of sagging of the earth surface, accom-
panied by horizontal deformations of the shearing soil caused by the implementation
of mining and soil’s displacement to the open area.
Parameters of deformations of the earth surface, its inclinations and horizontal
displacements, as well as vertical terraces shall be defined in accordance with the re-
quirements of BCT for designing buildings and structures on the underworking territo-
ries. These parameters, constituting a base for the calculation of bases, foundations and
superfoundation constructions, shall be taken into account when setting design values
of the soil characteristics.
8.2. Design values of strength and deformation characteristics of the soil for de-
termination of forces, affecting the foundations as a result of deformations of the earth
surface, should be taken to be equal to normative ones, supposing the soil reliability
coefficient to be ϒg = 1 in formula (1).
The value of the deformation modulus of the soil in the horizontal direction Еh
is allowed to be taken to be equal to 0,5 for the powdery-argillaceous soils and 0,65 –
for sandy soils of the deformation modulus of the soil in the vertical direction E.
8.3. The design resistances of the base soils R shall be defined in accordance
with the requirements of clauses 2.39 - 2.45.
Thereat, the working conditions coefficient ϒс2 in formula (7) for structures
with the rigid structural scheme, having floor and foundation stiffening rings with a
closed loop, should be taken from Table 8, in other cases - ϒс2 = 1.
8.4. The edge pressure on the soil under the foundation bed, including slab
foundations, shall be defined with an allowance for additional moments caused by the
deformation of the earth surface during underworking.
The edge pressure shall not exceed 1,4R and in the angular point 1,5R, and the
resultant of loads shall not exceed the limits of the kern of section of the foundation
5. The calculation of the base deformations is allowed to be omitted in cases,
stated in Table 6, as well as if the constructions of structures are designed with an al-
lowance for the uneven sagging of the earth surface.
On the sites, having been formed by the slumping soils, the constructions of
structures shall be designed with an allowance for possible conjoint effect of deforma-
tions caused by underworking and soils’ subsidence.


Soils A coefficient for structures with the rigid structural scheme at the
ratio of the length of the structure or a compartment to its height
L/H ≥ 4 4>L/H>2,5 2,5≥ L/H>1,5 L/H ≤ 1,5
Bulky fragmental with sandy fil-
ler and sandy, excluding fine
and powdery 1,4 1,7 2,1 2,5
Fine sands 1,3 1,6 1,9 2,2
Powdery sands 1,1 1,3 1,7 2,0
Bulky fragmental with the pow-
dery-argillaceous filler and
powdery-argillaceous with the
flow index IL ≤ 0,5 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,2

The same with flow index IL >

0,5 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0

8.6. For structures, being erected on the underworking territories, the founda-
tions of the following structural scheme shall be used:
rigid (slab, strip with reinforced concrete rings, post with braces – cross-pieces
between them, etc.);
compliant (foundations with horizontal glide seams between separate elements,
foundations with vertical elements, having the possibility to bend during horizontal
displacements of the soil);
combined (rigid foundations having a glide seam below the planning level or
the basement floor).
The structural scheme of the foundation shall be taken depending on the design
deformations of the earth surface, rigidity of the superfoundation constructions, de-
formability of the base soils, etc.

Note: For buildings with a great number of storeys and tower-type buildings the
utilization of the bending foundation is prohibited.

8.7. On the sites, having been formed of soils with the deformation modulus Е
< 10 MP (100 kgf/cm2), as well as if the abrupt worsening of the building properties of
the base soils is possible because of the alteration of hydrogeological conditions of the
site during underworking, pile or slab foundations are recommended to be used.
If in the upper zone of the base there are strata of the fill-up, biogenic and
slumping soils of restricted thickness, one should envisage the retresection of such
strata by foundations.
8.8. Main measures, decreasing the unfavourable impact of deformations of the
earth surface on foundations and constructions of structures, include:
a) contraction of the surface of foundations having contact with the soil;
b) embedding of the foundation belt at the same level within the bounds of the
structures’ compartment;
c) arrangement of earth pillows on bases, having been formed by actually in-
compressible soils;
d) placing of basements and technical cellars under the entire area of the struc-
ture’s compartment;
e) earth backfill of pillows made of materials possessing low cohesion and fric-
tion on the contact with the foundation surface;
f) excavation of temporary compensation trenches along the perimeter of the
structure prior underworking.


9.1. Bases of structures, being erected in the regions with seismicity 7, 8 and 9
grades and higher shall be designed taking into account requirements of BCT for de-
signing of buildings and structures in seismic regions.
In the regions with the seismicity below 7 grades, bases should be designed dis-
regarding seismic impacts.
9.2. Designing of bases with an allowance for seismic impacts shall be carried
out on the basis of the load-bearing capacity calculation for especial combination of
loads, being defined in accordance with the requirements of BCT for loads and im-
pacts, as well as for designing of buildings and structures in seismic regions.
Preliminary dimensions of the foundations are allowed to be defined by the de-
formation calculation of bases for especial combination of loads (disregarding seismic
impacts) in accordance with the requirements of part 2
9.3. The load-bearing capacity calculation of bases is carried out for the effect
of the vertical resultant of the eccentrical load, transferred by the foundation, proceed-
ing from the following condition

Na ≤ ϒc,eqNu,eq/ ϒn (24)

Nа - a vertical resultant of the design eccentrical load in especial combina-
Nu,eq - a vertical resultant of the force of the ultimate resistance of the base
under seismic impacts;
ϒc,eq - a seismic coefficient of the working conditions, taken to be equal to
1,0; 0,9; 0,8; 0,6 for soils of the I, II, and III categories according to their seismic
properties, respectively, thereat, for structures, being erected in the regions with the
earthquake recurrence of 1, 2 and 3 the value of ϒc,eq should be multiplied by 0,85; 1,0
and 1,15, respectively, (the category of soils according to their seismic properties and
the earthquake recurrence are defined in accordance with BCT for designing and con-
struction in seismic regions);
ϒn - coefficient of the structure’s purpose reliability taken to be as per direc-
tions of clause 2.56.
The horizontal resultant of the load is taken into account when calculating the
foundation for the displacement along the bed.
9.4. Under the effect of the moment loads acting in two directions the load-
bearing capacity calculation of the base shall be made separately for the effect of
forces and moments in each direction independently of one another.
9.5. When calculating bases and foundations for especial combination of loads
with an allowance for seismic impacts, a partial detachment of the foundation bed
from the soil is permissible if the following conditions are fulfilled:
eccentricity еа of the design load doesn’t exceed one third of the foundation
width in the moment plane;
the force of the ultimate resistance of the base is defined for the conditional
foundation which bed’s size in the direction of the moment effect equals to the dimen-
sion of the compression region

bc = 1,5( b - 2 eа)

the maximal edge pressure under the foundation bed, being calculated with an
allowance for its incomplete supporting on the soil, doesn’t exceed the edge ordinate
of the distribution diagram of the ultimate resistance of the base.
9.6. As a rule, the depth of laying the foundations in soils, attributed to the I and
II categories according to their seismic properties pursuant to BCT for designing of
buildings and structures in seismic regions, is taken the same as for the foundations in
non-seismic regions.
On sites, having been formed of soils of the III category according to their
seismic properties, it is recommended to envisage the arrangement of artificial bases
(clause 2.64).
9.7. If deepening of the foundation of the building or a compartment at one lev-
el in the earth is impossible, the condition (4) shall be performed in which the design
value of the angle of internal friction shall be decreased at seismicity: 7 grades – by 2°,
8 grades - by 4° and 9 grades - by 7°.



10.1. Bases for bridge footings and pipes under embankments should be de-
signed with an allowance for the peculiarities of constructions of these structures,
loads affecting them and conditions of operation, engineering-geological, hydrogeo-
logical and hydrological conditions.
10.2. Bases for bridge footings and pipes under embankments shall be calcu-
lated for the load-bearing capacity and deformations.
The load-bearing capacity calculation of bases for bridge footings and pipes
under embankments should be carried out in accordance with directions of BCT for
designing of bridges and pipes.
The deformation calculation of bases for bridge footings shall include the de-
termination of settlements and careens of foundations, and for bases of pipes under
embankments - the determination of settlements of foundations, and shall be carried
out in accordance with the requirements of the obligatory Appendix 2.
10.3. The deformation calculation of bases for bridge footings and pipes of sys-
tems that are outwardly statically indeterminate should be carried out with an allow-
ance for the interaction of bases, foundations, the superfoundation part of supports and
The calculation of settlements of foundations is allowed to be omitted in cases
stipulated by BCT for designing of bridges and pipes.
10.4. The confidence probability α of the design characteristics of soils, being
defined in accordance with the requirements of clauses 2.12 - 2.14, shall be taken to be
α= 0,98 for base soils of bridge footings and pipes under embankments when making
load-bearing capacity calculations and α = 0,9 when making deformation calculations.
10.5. The depth of laying of foundations for bridge footings and foundations or
earth pillows under embankments shall be set in accordance with the requirements of
clauses 2.24 -2.31, taking into account the following directions.
If bed movement is possible, the foundations of bridge footings shall be buried
not less than 2,5 m deep from the lowest mark of the waterway bottom in the place of
the footing location after its general and local bed movement caused by the design
flood and not less than 2 m deep – in case of bed movement caused by the strongest
In the absence of the possibility of the bed movement, the foundations of bridge
footings in earths shall be buried not less than 1 deep from the earth surface or the wa-
terway bottom.
In the rocks with the ultimate strength for uniaxial compression in the water sa-
turated state Rc >50 MP (500 kgf/cm2), the foundations should be buried not less than
0,1 m deep, and at Rc ≤ 50 MP (500 kgf/cm2) - not less than 0,25 m deep

Note: The depth of the bed movement shall be defined in accordance with di-
rections of BCT for designing of bridges and pipes.

10.6. The depth of laying of foundations for bridge footings and pipes under
embankments should be taken from Table 2 in case if the level of the underground wa-
ters is at the depth dω ≤ df +2m.
10.7. Pipes under embankments should be laid on foundations or compacted
earth pillows. The foundations are obligatory for pipes’ joints and portals of the open
cross-section and are recommended for pipes’ portals of any construction.
In case of laying the pipes’ portals on the earth pillows, impervious screens
shall be envisaged.


11.1. The requirements of this part shall be observed when designing bases for
aerial power transmission poles and poles of the open distributing substations, having
voltage 1 kV and above.

Note: According to the nature of loading supports are subdivided into interme-
diate, anchor and angle poles. Poles, being used in a single instance, as well as in ex-
tensive crossings, are called special poles.

11.2. Design characteristics of soils shall be determined in accordance with the

requirements of clauses 2.12 - 2.14.
When calculating bases for deformations, the value of the soil reliability coeffi-
cient ϒg is allowed to be taken to be equal to one. For mass poles the normative values
of characteristics are allowed to be taken from the Tables of the recommended Appen-
dix 1, thereat, the values of Cn, ϕn and Е1 given for the powdery-argillaceous soils
with the flow index 0,5< IL ≤ 0,75 are allowed to be taken for the range of 0,5< IL≤
When making load-bearing capacity calculations, the value of the soil reliability
coefficient should be taken from Table 9.
11.3. The deformation calculation and load-bearing capacity calculation of
bases shall be carried out for all modes of the poles’ operation. The dynamic effect of
gusts on the pole’s construction is taken into account only when making load-bearing
capacity calculations.
The limiting values of settlements and careens of separate blocks of foundations
during their loading by compressive loads should be taken according to the recom-
mended Appendix 4.
11.4. The load-bearing capacity calculation of bases, having been formed by
heaving soils, shall be carried out with an allowance for the simultaneous effect of
forces of frosty heaving, constant and long-term surcharge loads. The calculation of
bases of poles for the simultaneous effect of forces of frosty heaving and short-term
loads (caused by wind or wire breaks) is not required.


Soil reliability coefficient ϒg for

Soils determining design values of
density ρI angle of internal specific cohe-
friction ϕI sion cI
Sandy 1,0 1,1 4,0

Clay sands at the flow index IL≤0,25, loamy

soils and clays at IL≤0,5 1,0 1,1 2,4

Clay sands at the flow index

IL>0,25, loamy soils and clays at IL>0,5 1,0 1,1 3,3

11.5. Calculation of deformations of bases of foundations being pulled out and

anchor slabs can be made if the pulling force is central with respect to the foundation
bed (anchor slab) and the following condition is observed:

Fn - Gn cosβ ≤ ϒcR′0A0 (25)

Fn - a normative value of the pulling force, kN (kgf);
Gn - a normative value of the weight of the foundation or a slab, kN (kgf);
β - a tilt angle of the pulling force to the vertical, degree;
ϒс - working conditions coefficient, being defined in accordance with the
directions of clause 11.6;
R′0 - design backfill soil resistance, kP (kgf/cm2), taken from Table 6 of the
recommended Appendix 3.
А0 - projection area of the upper surface of the foundation on the plane that
is perpendicular to the line of action of the pulling force, m2 (cm2).
11.6. The working conditions coefficient ϒс in formula (25) is taken to be:

ϒс = ϒ1ϒ2ϒ3ϒ4
where ϒ1 = 1,2; 1,0 and 0,8 for poles with the base В (a distance between axes
of separate foundations) that is equal to 5; 2,5 and 1,5 m: at the intermediate values of
B the value of ϒ1 is defined according to the interpolation: ϒ2 = 1,0 for the normal
mode of operation and ϒ2 = 1,2 – for the emergency and assembly modes of operation:
ϒ3 = 1,0; 0,8 and 0,7 – respectively, for poles: intermediate straight; intermediate an-
gular, dead-end poles and portals of distributing facilities, special;
ϒ4 = 1,0 and 1,15 - respectively, for fungaceous foundations and anchor
slabs of guyed poles which tower bodies are jammed in the soil; anchor slabs of guyed
poles which tower bodies are hingedly supported by the foundations.
11.7. The design resistance of the base soil R under the bed of the compressed-
upset foundations is found according to formula (7) at the coefficient ϒс2 =1.
The highest pressure on the soil under the edge of the foundation bed during the
effect of the vertical compressive and horizontal loads in one or two directions shall
not exceed 1,2R.
11.8. The load-bearing capacity calculation of bases under the effect of the pull-
ing force on the foundation (anchor slab) is made proceeding from the condition that

F - ϒf Gncosβ ≤ ϒcFu;а/ϒn (26)

F - a design value of the pulling force, kN (kgf);
ϒf - a load reliability coefficient taken to be equal to 0,9;
Gn - a normative value of the weight of the foundation (slab), kN (kgf);
β - a tilt angle of the pulling force to the vertical, degree;
ϒс - working conditions coefficient taken to be equal to one;
Fu;а - force of ultimate base resistance of the foundation being pulled out, kN
(kgf), defined in accordance with the directions of clause 11.9;
ϒn - purpose reliability coefficient, taken to be equal for poles:
intermediate straight - 1,0;
anchor straight without difference of stresses - 1,2;
angular (intermediate and anchor), anchor (straight and dead-end) with differ-
ence of stresses, portals of the open distributing facilities - 1,3;
special - 1,7.
11.9. The force of ultimate base resistance of the foundation being pulled out
Fu,а should be found from the following formula:

Fu,а=ϒbf(Vbf - Vf)cosβ+c0[AI cos(ϕ0 - β/2)+A2cos(ϕ0 + β/2)+2A3cosϕ0] (27)

ϒbf - a design value of backfill soil specific weight, kN/m3 (kgf/cm3);
Vbf - a volume, m3 (cm3), of the body of protruding having the shape of the
truncated pyramid, being formed by planes, crossing the edges of the upper surface of
the foundation (slab) and inclined to the vertical at angles ϑi equal to:
by the lower edge ϑ1 = ϕ0 + β/2
by the upper edge ϑ2 = ϕ0 - β/2
by the lateral edges ϑ3 = ϑ4 = ϕ0
Vf - a volume of the part of the foundation that is within the limits of the body
of protruding m3 (cm3) : for anchor slabs is taken to be Vf = 0;
А1, А2, А3 - areas of the faces of the body of protruding, m3 (cm3), having in
the base the lower, the upper and lateral edges of the upper surface of the foundation
(slab), respectively;
c0 and ϕ0 - design values of specific cohesion, kP (kgf/cm2), and the angle of
internal friction of the backfill, degree taken to be equal to:

c0 = ηcI ; ϕ0 = ηϕI (28)

here cI and ϕI - design values of specific cohesion and the angle of internal
friction of the soil of natural formation, being defined in accordance with the direc-
tions of clause 11.2.
η - a coefficient taken from Table 10.

Backfill soils Coefficient η at the backfill soil density, t/m
1,55 1,7
Sands, excluding powdery wet and water- 0,5 0,8
Powdery-argillaceous at the flow index IL 0,4 0,6
≤ 0,5

Note. The value of coefficient η for powdery wet sands, clays and loamy soils at the flow index 0,5 <
IL ≤ 0,75, clay sands at 0,5 < IL≤ 1 shall be decreased by 15%.



1. Characteristics of soils given in Tables 1-3 are allowed to be used in the cal-
culations of the structures’ bases in accordance with the directions of clause 2.16.
2. Characteristics of sandy soils given in Table 1 cover quartz sands with grains
of various nodulizing, containing not more than 20% of feldspar and not more than 5%
of a sum of different mixtures (mica, glauconite, etc.), including an organic substance
irrespective of the humidity Sr.
3. Characteristics of the powdery-argillaceous soils given in Tables 2 and 3
cover soils containing not more than 5% of an organic substance and having the hu-
midity Sr ≥ 0,8.
4. For soils with intermediate values of е, against those indicated in Tables 1-3,
it is allowed to define values of cn, ϕn and Е according to the interpolation
If values of е, IL and Sr of soils exceed the limits, envisaged by Tables 1-3, the
characteristics of cn, ϕn and Е should be defined according to data of direct tests of
these soils.
It is allowed to take the characteristics of cn, ϕn and Е according to the relevant
lower limits of е, IL and Sr in Tables 1-3 for the reliability margin, if soils have values
of е, IL and Sr lower than their low limiting values.
5. To define values of cn, ϕn and Е according to Tables 1 – 3 the normative val-
ues of е, IL and Sr are used (clause 2.12).


Normative values of specific cohesion cn, kP (kgf/cm2), angle of internal friction ϕn, de-
gree and deformation modulus Е, MP (kgf/cm2), of sandy soils of quaternary sediments

Denomination of soils’ Characteristics of soils at the porosity

Sandy soils
characteristics coefficient е, equal to
0,45 0,55 0,65 0,75
Gravelly and cn 2(0,02) 1(0,01) - -
coarse ϕn 43 40 38 -
E 50(500) 40(400) 30(300) -
------------------ ---------------------------- __________ __________ __________ __________
Medium-sized cn 3(0,03) 2(0,02) 1(0,01) -
ϕn 40 38 35 -
------------------ E 50(500) 40(400) 30(300) -
Fine ----------------------------- __________ __________ __________ __________
6(0,06) 4(0,04) 2(0,02) -
38 36 32 28
------------------ ϕn 48(480) 38(380) 28(280) 18(180)
Powdery E __________ __________ __________ __________
----------------------------- 8(0,08) 6(0,06) 4(0,04) 2(0,02)
cn 36 34 30 26
ϕn 39(390) 28(280) 18(180) 11(110)



1. The base settlement S, using a design scheme in the form of a linear-

deformable half-space (clause 2.35), is defined by the method of layer-by-layer sum-
mation according to the following formula:
S =βΣ σz p,i hi (1)
β - a dimensionless coefficient that is equal to 0,8;
σzpi – an average value of additional vertical normal stress in the i-th soil layer
that is equal to the half-sum of the indicated stresses on upper zi-1 and on the lower zi
borders of the layer along the vertical crossing the centre of the foundation bed (see
clause 2-4);
hi and Ei - thickness and deformation modulus of the i-th soil layer, respec-
n - a number of layers into which the compressible stratum of the base is di-
Thereat, the distribution of vertical normal2 stresses in the base depth is taken in
accordance with the scheme, given in Fig. 1.

Notes. 1. At the insignificant depth of the foundation laying, the calculation of

settlement is recommended to be made using design schemes taking into account sof-
tening of the ground caused by the pit developing.
2. Additional vertical normal stresses at the depth z from the foundation bed:
σzp - along the vertical crossing the centre of the foundation bed, σzp,с - along the
vertical crossing the angular point of the rectangular foundation, are found from the
following formulas:

σzp = αp0 (2)

σzp,c = αp0/4 (3)

α - a coefficient taken from Table 1 depending on the shape of the foundation
bed, sides ratio of the rectangular foundation and relative depth that is equal to: : ξ =
2z/b - when defining σzp and ξ = z/b when defining σzp,c;
p0 = p - σzg,0 - an additional vertical pressure on the base (for foundations hav-
ing width b≥10 m is taken to be p0 = p)
p - an average pressure under the foundation bed;
σzg,0 – a vertical stress caused by the dead weight of the soil at the level of the
foundation bed (if planning by cut, is take to be σzg,0 = ϒ′d, in the lack of planning and
land-added planning σzg,0 = ϒdn, where ϒ′ - a specific weight of the soil that is above
the bed, d and dn - are shown in Fig. 1).

In this provision, excluding cases especially stipulated, the following units are
for linear values - m (cm), for forces - kN (kgf); for stresses, pressures and de-
formation modulus - kP (kgf/cm2); for specific weight - kN/m3 (kgf/cm3).
Hereinafter, for short the word “normal” is omitted.

3. Additional vertical stresses σzp,а at the depth z along the vertical, crossing the
arbitrary point А (within the bounds or beyond the bounds of the considered founda-
tion with the additional pressure on the bed that is equal to p0), are defined by the al-
gebraic addition of stresses σzp,ci in the angular points of four fictitious foundations
(Fig. 2) according to the formula
σzp, а = Σσzp, cj (4)
4. Additional vertical stresses σzp,nf at the depth Z along the vertical, crossing
the centre of the foundation being calculated with an allowance for the influence of
neighbouring foundations or loads on the adjacent areas, are found from the formula
σzp,nf = σzp + Σσzp,а i (5)

where k - a number of affecting foundations.

5. A vertical stress, caused by the dead weight of the soil σzg on the border
of the layer that locates at the depth z from the foundation bed, is found from the for-
σzg = ϒ′ dn + Σ ϒi hi (6)
where ϒ′ - a specific weight of the soil that locates over the foundation

dn – denomination – see Fig. I;

ϒi and hi - a specific weight and thickness of the i-th layer of the soil,

A specific weight of soils, lying below the level of the underground waters but
above the aquifuge, shall be taken with an allowance for the suspending action of the
When defining σzg in the confining layer, one should take into account the
pressure of the column of water which is above the depth under consideration.
6. The lower border of the compressible stratum of the base is taken at the depth
z = Hc where the condition σzp = 0,2σzg is fulfilled (here σzp – an additional vertical
stress at the depth z = Hc along the vertical, crossing the centre of the foundation bed,
being defined in accordance with the directions of clauses 2 and 4; σzg - vertical stress,
caused by the dead weight of the soil, being defined in accordance with clause 5).
If the lower border of the compressible stratum, having been found in accor-
dance with the aforementioned condition, lies in the layer with the deformation mod-
ulus E< 5 MP (50 kgf/cm2) E< 5 MP (50 kgf/cm2) or such layer lies immediately be-
low the depth z = Hc, the lower border of the compressible stratum is defined proceed-
ing from the conditions of σzp = 0,1σzg.
Table I

Coefficient α


ζ=2z / b round rectangular with the sides ratio η= l/b, equal to strip
(η≥ 10)
1,0 1,4 1,8 2,4 3,2 5
0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
0,4 0,949 0,960 0,972 0,975 0,976 0,977 0,977 0,977
0,8 0,756 0,800 0,848 0,866 0,876 0,879 0,871 0,881
1,2 0,547 0,606 0,682 0,717 0,739 0,749 0,754 0,755
1,6 0,390 0,449 0,532 0,578 0,612 0,629 0,639 0,642
2,0 0,285 0,336 0,414 0,463 0,505 0,530 0,545 0,550

2,4 0,214 0,257 0,325 0,374 0,419 0,449 0,470 0,477

2,8 0,165 0,201 0,260 0,304 0,349 0,383 0,410 0,420
3,2 0,130 0,160 0,210 0,251 0,294 0,329 0,360 0,374
3,6 0,106 0,131 0,173 0,209 0,250 0,285 0,319 0,337
4,0 0,087 0,108 0,145 0,176 0,214 0,248 0,285 0,306

4,4 0,073 0,091 0,123 0,150 0,185 0,218 0,255 0,280

4,8 0,062 0,077 0,105 0,130 0,161 0,192 0,230 0,258
5,2 0,053 0,067 0,091 0,113 0,141 0,170 0,208 0,239
5,6 0,046 0,058 0,079 0,099 0,124 0,152 0,189 0,223
6,0 0,040 0,051 0,070 0,087 0,110 0,136 0,173 0,208

6,4 0,036 0,045 0,062 0,077 0,099 0,122 0,158 0,196

6,8 0,031 0,040 0,055 0,064 0,088 0,110 0,145 0,185
7,2 0,028 0,036 0,049 0,062 0,080 0,100 0,133 0,175
7,6 0,024 0,032 0,044 0,056 0,072 0,091 0,123 0,166
8,0 0,022 0,029 0,040 0,051 0,066 0,084 0,113 0,158

8,4 0,021 0,026 0,037 0,046 0,060 0,077 0,105 0,150

8,8 0,019 0,024 0,033 0,042 0,055 0,071 0,098 0,143
9,2 0,017 0,022 0,031 0,039 0,051 0,065 0,091 0,137
9,6 0,016 0,020 0,028 0,036 0,047 0,060 0,085 0,132
10,0 0,015 0,019 0,026 0,033 0,043 0,056 0,079 0,126

10,4 0,014 0,017 0,024 0,031 0,040 0,052 0,074 0,122

10,8 0,013 0,016 0.022 0,029 0,037 0,049 0,069 0,117
11,2 0,012 0,015 0,021 0,027 0,035 0,045 0,065 0,113
11,6 0,011 0,014 0,020 0,025 0,033 0,042 0,061 0,109
12,0 0,010 0,013 0,018 0,023 0,031 0,040 0,058 0,106
0,018 0,040

Notes: 1. In Table 1 its is denoted : b - a width or diameter of the foundation, l - length of the foun-
2. For foundations having the bed in the form of a regular polygon with an area А, the values of α
are taken as for the round foundations having the radius r =√A/π.
3. For intermediate values of ζ and η the coefficient α is defined according to the interpolation.

Fig. I. Scheme of distribution of vertical stresses in the linear-deformable half-

DL - planning level : NL – level of the natural relief surface: FL - lev-
el of the foundation bed : WL – level of the underground waters: B,C - the lower bor-
der of the compressible stratum , d and dn – depth of the foundation laying from the
planning level and the natural relief surface, respectively : b – foundation width : P –
an average pressure under the foundation base : Po – additional pressure on the base :
σzg and σzg,0 - a vertical stress caused by the dead weight of the soil at the depth Z
from the foundation bed and at the foundation bed level : σzp and σzp, 0 – an additional
vertical stress caused by the external load at the depth Z from the foundation bed and
at the foundation bed level: Hc- depth of the compressible stratum.

Fig .2 . A scheme to the determination of additional vertical σzp, a

in the base of the foundation being calculated with an allowance for the
influence of the neighbouring foundation by dint of the method of angular points
а) the scheme of layout of the foundation being calculated I and the affecting foundation 2 :
b) the scheme of layout of fictitious foundations stating the stress sign σzp,cj in formula (4)
under the angle of the i-th foundation

7. Base settlement is defined from the following formula, using the design
scheme of the linear-deformable layer (see clause 2.36. and Fig. 3)

S= pbkc Σ ki - k i - 1 (7)
km i=1 Ei

p - an average pressure under the foundation bed (for foundation having width b < 10
m is taken to be p = p0 – see clause 2 ).
b – a width of the rectangular or a diameter of the round foundation;
kc and km – coefficients taken from Tables 2 and 3 ;
n – a number of layers that differ in compressibility within the bounds of the design
stratum of the layer H, being defined in accordance with directions of clause 8 :
ki and ki-1 – coefficients of the ratio of the sides of the rectangular foundation and the
relative depth at which the bed and the roof of the i-th layer locate, respectively, being
defined in accordance with Table 4 depending on the foundation shape,

ζi = 2zi / b and ζi-1 = 2zi-1 / b

Ei – a deformation modulus of the i-th soil layer.

Note. Formula 7 serves for the determination of the average settlement of the base, be-
ing loaded by the load that is evenly distributed on the restricted area. This formula is
allowed to be used for the determination of settlement of rigid foundations.

Fig. 3. A scheme to the calculation of settlements using the

design scheme of the base in the form of the linear-deformable layer
Coefficient km
Coefficient kc
Average value of the de- Value of coefficient km at
Thickness ration Coefficient kc formation modulus of
of the layer the foundation width, m,
the base soil Е, MP equal to
ζ = 2H/b (kgf/cm2)
0 < ζ ≤ 0,5 1,5 b <10 10≤b≤15 b>10
0,5 < ζ≤ 1 1,4
Е<10(100) 1 1 1
1<ζ≤2 1,3
Е≥10(100) 1 1,35 1,5
2<ζ≤3 1,2
3<ζ≤5 1,1
ζ>5 1,0

Coefficient k TABLE 4
Coefficient k for foundations
ζ = 2z /b round rectangular with the sides ratio η=l/b, equal to strip
1 1,4 1,8 2,4 3,2 5 (η≥10)
0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.4 0.090 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.104
0.8 0.179 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.208
1.2 2.666 0.299 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.311
1.6 0.348 0.380 0.394 0.397 0.397 0.397 0.397 0.412
2.0 0.441 0.466 0.472 0.482 0.486 0.486 0.486 0.511

2.4 0.461 0.499 0.538 0.556 0.565 0.567 0.567 0.605

2.8 0.501 0.542 0.592 0.618 0.635 0.640 0.640 0.687
3.2 0532 0.577 0.637 0.671 0.696 0.707 0.709 0.763
3.6 0.558 0.606 0.676 0.717 0.750 0.768 0.772 0.831
4.0 0.579 0.630 0.708 0.756 0.796 0.820 0.830 0.892

4.4 0.596 0.650 0.735 0.789 0.837 0.867 0.883 0.949

4.3 0.661 0.668 0.759 0.819 0.873 0.906 0.932 1.001
5.2 0.624 0.683 0.780 0.844 0.904 0.948 0.977 1.050
5.6 0.635 0.697 0.798 0.857 0.933 0.981 1.018 1.095
6.0 0.645 0.708 0.814 0.887 0.958 1.011 1.056 1.138

6.4 0.653 0.719 0.828 0.904 0.980 1.041 1.090 1.178

6.8 0.661 0.726 0.841 0.920 1.000 1.065 1.122 1.215
7.2 0.668 0.736 0.852 0.935 1.019 1.088 1.152 1.251
7.6 0.674 0.744 0.863 0.948 1.036 1.109 1.180 1.285
8.0 0.679 0.751 0.872 0.960 0.051 1.128 1.205 1.316

8.4 0.684 0757 0.881 0.970 1.065 1.146 1.229 1.347

8.8 0.689 0.762 0.888 0.950 1.078 1.162 1.251 1.376
9.2 0.693 0.768 0.896 0.989 1.089 1.178 1.272 1.404
9.6 0.697 0.772 0.902 0.998 1.100 1.192 1.219 1.431
10.0 0.700 0.777 0.908 1.005 1.110 1.205 1.309 1.456
11.0 0.705 0.786 0.922 1.022 1.132 1.203 1.394 1.506
12.0 0.720 0.794 0.933 1.037 1.151 1.257 1.384 1.550

Note. At intermediate ζ and η the coefficient k is defined according to the interpolation .

8. In the case, stipulated in clause 2.38 “a”, the thickness of the linear-
deformable layer H (Fig. 3) is taken to the roof of the soil with the deformation mod-
ulus Е ≥ 100 MP (1000 kgf/cm2); and with the width (diameter) of the foundation b ≥
10 m and the average value of the deformation modulus of the base soils E ≥ 10 MP
(100 kgf/cm2) it is calculated from the following formula:

H = ( H0 + ψb ) kp (8)

H and ψ - are taken to be equal for bases, having been formed by : powdery-
argillaceous soils 9 m and 0,15 ; sandy soils - 6 m and 0,1, respectively;
kp - a coefficient taken to be equal to : kp = 0,8 at the average pressure under
the foundation bed р = 100 kP (I kgf/cm2) : kp = 1,2 at р =500 kP (5 kgf/cm2), and in-
termediate values – according to interpolation.
If the base is formed by powdery-argillaceous and sandy soils, the value of H is
defined from the formula :

H = HS + hcl / 3, (9)

HS - a thickness of the layer, having been calculated from formula (8) in sup-
position that the base is formed of solely sandy soils;
hcl - a summed thickness of the layers of the powdery-argillaceous soils within
the bounds from the foundation bed to the depth that is equal to Hcl – a value of H,
having been calculated from formula (8) in supposition that the base is formed of sole-
ly powdery-argillaceous soils.
The value of H, having been calculated from formulas (8) and (9), shall be de-
creased by the thickness of the soil layer with the deformation modulus E < 10 MP
(100 kgf/cm2), if such layer lies below H and its thickness doesn’t exceed 0,2 H. At the
higher thickness of the layer of such soil, and also if the overlying layers have the de-
formation modulus E < 10 MP (100 kgf/cm2), the calculation of the base deformation
is made according to the design scheme of the linear-deformable half-space.


The foundation careen i under the effect of the eccentrical load is found from
the following formula

1-ν2 Ne
i = ⎯⎯ ke ⎯⎯ (10)
Ekm (а/2)3
Е and ν - the deformation modulus and Poisson's ratio of the base soil, respec-
tively (value of ν is taken from clause 10); in case if the base is heterogeneous the val-
ues of E and ν are taken to be average within the bounds of the compressible stratum
in accordance with the directions of clause 11;
ke - a coefficient taken from Table 5;
N – a vertical component of the resultant of all loads on the foundation at the
level of its bed;
е - eccentricity;
а – a diameter of the round foundation or a side of the rectangular foundation in
which direction the moment is acting; for the foundations having the bed in the form
of the regular polygon with the area A it is taken to be а = 2√А/π;
km - a coefficient, being considered when calculating the foundation careen
according to the scheme of the linear-deformable layer (clause 2.36 b) at а>10 m and
Е ≥ 10 MP (100 kgf/cm2) and taken from Table 3.
10. The Poisson's ratio ν is taken to be equal to the following for the bulky
fragmental soils - 0,27; sands and clay sands - 0,30; loamy soils - 0,35; clays -
11. The average (within the bounds of the compressible stratum Нс or the layer
thickness Н) values of the deformation modulus and Poisson's ratio of the base soils (E
and ν) are defined from the following formulas:

_ n n
Е = ΣAi / Σ( Ai / Ei ) (11)
i=1 i=1

_ n
ν = Σ νihi / H (12)

Ai - the area of the vertical stresses caused by the single pressure under the
foundation bed within the bounds of the i-th soil layer; for the half-space schemes it is
allowed to take Ai = σzp,i hi (see clause 1), for the scheme of the layer Ai = ki - ki-1 (see
clause 7);
Ei, νi, hi - the deformation modulus, Poisson's ratio and the thickness of the i-
th soil layer, respectively;
Н - a design thickness of the layer, being defined in accordance with clause 8;
n - a number of layers, differing in the values of E and ν within the bounds of
the compressible stratum Нс or the layer thickness Н.

Coefficient ke
Foundation shape and direction η = l/b Coefficient ke at ζ= 2H/b, equal to
of the moment force
0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 ∞
Rectangular with the moment 1 0,28 0.41 0,46 0,48 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50
along the larger side 1,2 0,29 0,44 0,51 0,54 0,57 0,57 0,57 0,57
1,5 0,31 0,48 0,57 0,62 0,66 0,68 0,68 0,68
2 0,32 0,52 0,64 0,72 0,78 0,81 0,82 0,82
3 0,33 0,55 0,73 0,83 0,95 1,01 1,04 1,17
5 0,34 0,60 0,80 0,94 1,12 1,24 1,31 1,42
10 0,35 0,63 0,85 1,04 1,31 1,45 1,56 2,00

Rectangular with the moment 1 0,28 0,41 0,46 0,48 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50
along the smaller side 1,2 0,24 0,35 0,39 0,41 0,42 0,43 0,43 0,43
1,5 0,19 0,28 0,32 0,34 0,35 0,36 0,36 0,36
2 0,15 0,22 0,25 0,27 0,28 0,28 0,28 0,28
3 0,10 0,15 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 0,20 0,20
5 0,06 0,09 0,10 0,11 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12
10 0,03 0,05 0,05 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,07

Round е

- 0,43 0,63 0,71 0,74 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75

Note. When using a design scheme of the base in the form of a linear-deformable half-space,
the coefficient kе is taken according to the column corresponding to ζ = ∞.


12. The subsidence of soils Ssl of the base during the increase of their moisture
in consequence of wetting of extensive areas from above (see clauses 3.2 and 3.5), as
well as wetting from below during the rise of the underground waters is defined from
the following formula:
Ssl = Σεs, i hi ksl, i , (13)

εsl ,i - relative subsidence of the i–th soil layer, being defined in accordance
with directions of clause 13;
hi - the thickness of the i–th layer;
ksl ,i - a coefficient, being defined in accordance with directions of clause 14;
n - a number of layers into which the subsidence zone hs i is divided, taken in
accordance with directions of clause 16.
13. The relative subsidence of the soil εsl is defined on the basis of compression
tests of the soil samples with the lack of possibility of the lateral expansion according
to the formula:

hn, p - hsat.,p
εsl = ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ (14)

hn,p and hsat,p – the height of the sample with the natural moisture and after its
full water saturation (ω = ωsat ), respectively, at pressure p equal to the vertical stress
on the considered depth that has been caused by the external load and the dead weight
of the soil р = σzp + σzg - when determining the soil subsidence in the upper subsi-
dence zone; when determining the soil subsidence in the lower subsidence zone, the
additional load caused by the negative friction forces is also taken into account (see
clauses 3.4 and 3.8);
hn,g - height of the same sample with the natural moisture at р = σzg.
The relative subsidence of the soil at its incomplete water saturation ( ωsl ≤ ω <
ωsat) - ε′sl is found from the formula:

ωsat - ω ω - ωsl
ε′sl = 0,01 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ + εsl ⎯⎯⎯⎯ (15)
ωsat - ωsl ωsat - ωsl

ω - soil’s moisture;
ωsat - moisture corresponding to the full water saturation of the soil;
ωsl - the initial subsidence moisture (clause 3.3);
εsl - the relative subsidence of the soil at its full water saturation being found
from formula (14).
14. Coefficient ksl,i , in formula (13), at b≥12 m – is taken to be equal to 1 for all
soil layers within the subsidence zone;
at b≥3 m – is calculated from the formula:

ksl,i = 0,5 + 1,5( p - psl.i) / p0 (16)

р - the average pressure under the foundation bed, kP (kgf/cm2);
psl.i - the initial subsidence pressure of the soil of the i-th layer, kP (kgd/cm2),
being defined in accordance with directions of clause 15;
р0 - pressure that is equal to 100 kP (1 kgf/cm2);
at 3 m < b < 12 m - is defined according to the interpolation between the values
of ksl.i that have been obtained at b = 3m and b = 12 m.
When defining subsidence caused by the dead weight of the soil, it is taken that
ksl = 1.
15. The pressure, corresponding to the following is taken as the initial subsi-
dence pressure psl :
during laboratory tests of soils in compression facilities – the pressure at which
the relative subsidence εsl equal to 0,01;
during field tests by stamps of preliminarily wetted soils – the pressure that
equals to the proportionality limit on the diagram “load - settlement”;
when wetting soils in the test pits – to the vertical stress of the dead weight of the soil
at the depth starting from which the soil’s subsidence caused by the dead weight of the soil
16. The thickness of the subsidence zone hsl is taken to be equal to (Fig.4)
hsl = hsl,p - the thickness of the upper subsidence zone of the soil caused by
the external load ssl,p (clause 3.4), thereat, the lower border of the aforementioned zone
corresponds to the depth where σz = σzp + σzg = psl (Fig.4 a, b) or the depth where
the value of σz is minimal if σz, min > psl (Fig.4 c);
hsl = hsl,g - the thickness of the lower subsidence zone when defining the soil’s
subsidence caused by the dead weight ssl,g (clauses 3.4, 3.5), i.e. beginning from the
depth zg, where σz = psl or the value σz is minimal if σz,min > psl and the lower border of
the subsidence stratum.
Fig. 4 Schemes to the calculation of the base subsidence

a – the subsidence caused by the dead weight ssl.g is absent (doesn’t exceed 5
cm), only the subsidence caused by the external load ssl,p is possible in the upper sub-
sidence zone hsl.p (I type of soil conditions);
б, в, г - the subsidence caused by the dead weight, Ssl ,g is possible in the lower
subsidence zone hs.l,g, beginning from the depth zg (II type of soil conditions):
б - the upper and the lower subsidence zones don’t merge the neutral zone hn
is available;
в - the upper and the lower subsidence zones merge ;
г - the subsidence caused by the external load is absent;
1 - vertical stresses caused by the dead weight of the soil σzg; 2 - total vertical
stresses caused by the external load and the dead weight of the soil σz = σzp + σzg ;
3 - the alteration with depth of the initial subsidence pressure Psl ; Hsl - the thick-
ness of the layer of slumping soils (slumping thickness); d - the depth of the founda-
tion laying.

17. The possible soil subsidence caused by the dead weight Ssl.g when wetting
of small areas from above (the width of the wetted area Bω is less than the dimensions
of the subsidence stratum Hsl) is found from the formula:

S′sl.g = Ssl.g √( 2 - Bω/ Hsl) Bω / Hsl (17)

Ssl.g - a maximal value of the soil’s subsidence caused by the dead weight, be-
ing defined in accordance with clause 12.



18. Hoisting of the bed during the soil’s swelling hs ω is defined from the formu-

hs ω = Σεs ω,i hi ks ω. i (18)

εs ω,i - relative swelling of the soil of the i-th layer, being defined in accordance
with directions of clause 19.
hi - the thickness of the i-th layer of the soil;
ks ω.i - a coefficient, being defined in accordance with directions of clause 20;
n - a number of layers into which the soil’s swelling zone is divided.

19. The relative swelling of the soil εs ω is defined from the following formulas:
at the moisture infiltration

εs ω = ( hsat - hn) / hn , (19)

hn - the height of the sample with the natural moisture and density, having
been reduced without the opportunity of the lateral expansion by the pressure p equal
to the total vertical stress σz,tot at the considered depth (the value of σz,tot is found in
accordance with directions of clause 21);
hsat - the height of the same sample after wetting to full water saturation and
having been reduced in the same conditions;
during screening of the surface and alteration of the water-thermal regime

εs ω = k(ωeq - ω0) / ( 1 + e0) , (20)

k - a coefficient, being defined through experiences (if test data are not availa-
ble it is taken that k = 2);
ωeq - a final (steady-state) moisture of the soils;
ω0 and е0 - initial values of moisture and the porosity coefficient of the soil, re-

20. Coefficient ks ω in formula (18), depending on the total vertical stress σz,t0t at
the considered depth, is taken to be equal to 0,8 at σz,t0t = 50 kP (0,5 kgf/cm2) and
0,6 at σz,t0t = 300 kP ( 3 kgf/cm2), and at intermediate values of σz,t0t - according to
the interpolation.

21. The total vertical stress σz,t0t at the depth z from the foundation bed (Fig.5)
is defined from the following formula:

σz.t0t = σzp + σzg + σz. ad (21)

σzp, σzg - vertical stresses caused by the foundation load and by the dead weight
of the soil;
σz. ad - additional vertical pressure caused by the influence of the weight of
non-wetted part of the soil’s massif beyond the bounds of the area of wetting, defined
from the following formula:

σ = kgϒ(d + z) (22)

kg - a coefficient, taken from Table 6.

Coefficient kg

( d + z) / Bω Coefficient kg at the ratio of length to width

of the area being wetted Lω / Bω, equal to
1 2 3 4 5
0,5 0 0 0 0 0
1 0,58 0,50 0,43 0,36 0,29
2 0,81 0,70 0,61 0,50 0,40
3 0,94 0,82 0,71 0,59 0,47
4 1,02 0,89 0,77 0,64 0,53
5 1,07 0,94 0,82 0,69 0,77

22. The lower border of the swelling zone Hs ω (Fig.5);

a) at the moisture infiltration is taken at the depth where the total vertical stress
σz,tot (clause 21) equals to the pressure of swelling Ps;
b) during screening of the surface and alteration of the water-thermal regime –
is defined through experiences (if test data are not available it is taken that Hs ω = 5 m).
23. Settlement of bases resulting from the desiccation of the swelling soil Ss h is
defined from the following formula:
Ssh = Σ εsh,i hi ks h (23)

where εsh,i - a relative linear shrinkage of the soil of the i-th layer, being de-
fined in accordance with directions of clause 24;
hi - the thickness of the i-th layer of the soil;
ksh - a coefficient taken to be equal to 1,3;
n - a number of layers into which the soil’s shrinkage zone is divided, being
taken in accordance with directions of clause 25.
Fig.5. Scheme to the calculation of the base hoisting during the soil’s swelling

24. The relative linear shrinkage of the soil during its desiccation is found from
the formula:
εsh = (hn - hd) / hn (24)

hn - the height of the sample with the highest moisture possible during its re-
duction by the total vertical stress without the opportunity of the lateral expansion;
hd - the height of the same sample in the same conditions after decrease of
moisture as a result of desiccation.
25. The lower border of the shrinkage zone Hsh – is defined through experiences
and if test data are not available it is taken to be equal to 5 m).
In case of soil’s desiccation as a result of thermal impact of technological de-
vices the lower border of the shrinkage zone Hsh is defined through experiences or by
the relevant calculation.


26. The suffusion settlement Ssf of the base, having been formed by the saline
soils, is defined from the following formula:
Ssf = Σ εsf,i hi (25)

εsf,i - a relative suffusion compression of the soil of the i-th layer under pres-
sure p, that is equal to the total vertical stress at the considered depth that has been
caused by the external load σzp and the dead weight of the soil σzg, being defined in
accordance with directions of clause 27;
hi - the thickness of the i-th layer of the saline soil;
n - a number of layers into which the zone of suffusion settlement of the saline
soils is divided.
27. The relative suffusion compression εsf is defined:
a) during field tests by the static load with the long-term wetting according to
the formula:

εsf = Ssf, p / dp (26)

Ssf, p - a suffusion settlement of the stamp under pressure

P = σzp + σzg

dp - zone of suffusion settlement of the base under the stamp;

b) during compression-filtration tests according to the formula:

εsf = ( hsat,p - hsf,p ) / hng (27)

hng - the height of the sample with the natural moisture under pressure p1 =
σzg ;
hsat,p - the height of the same sample after wetting (full water saturation) under
pressure P = σzp + σzg ;
hsf,p - the height of the same sample after a long-term filtration of water and
leaching of salts under pressure p.



1. Design resistances of the base soils R0, given in Tables 1-5, are intended for
the preliminary determination of the foundations’ dimensions. The field of application
of values of R0 and R′0 for the final determination of the foundations’ dimensions is
indicated in clause 2.40 for Table 1, in clause 3.10 for Table 4, in clause 7.4 for Table
5 and in clause 11.5 for Table 6.
2. For soils with the intermediate values of e and IL (Tables 1-3), ρd and Sr
(Table 4), Sr (Table 5), as well as for the foundations with the intermediate values of λ
(Table 6) the values of R0 and R′0 are defined according to the interpolation.
3. Values of R0 (Tables 1-5) cover foundations, having the width b0 = 1 m and
depth of laying d0 = 2 m.
When using values of R0 for the final setting of the foundations’ dimensions
(clauses 2.40, 3.10, 7.4), the design resistances of the base soil R, kP (kgf/cm2), is
found from the following formulas:

at d≤2 m (200 cm)

R = R0[ 1 + k1(b - b0) / b0 ](d + d0)/ 2d0 (1)

at d>2 m (200 cm)

R = R0[1 + k1( b - b0) / b0 ] + k2 ϒ′11( d - d1) (2)

b and d - the width and depth of laying of the foundation being designed, re-
spectively, m (cm);
ϒ′11 - a design value of the specific weight of the soil, lying over the foundation
bed, kN/m3 (kgf/cm3);
k1 - a coefficient taken for the foundations, being formed by the bulky frag-
mental and sandy soils, excluding powdery sands, k1=0,125; powdery sands, clay
sands, loamy soils and clays k1 = 0,05 ;
k2 - a coefficient taken for the foundations, being formed by the bulky fragmen-
tal and sandy soils, k2=0,25; clay sands and loamy soils k2=0,2 and clays k2=0,15.

Note. For structures with the basement, having width B≤20 m and depth db≥2 m,
the depth of laying of external and internal foundations, being considered in the calcu-
lation, is taken to be equal to d = d1 + 2 m [here d1 - a modified depth of laying of
the foundation, being defined according to formula (8) in this BCT]. At В > 20 m it is
taken that d = d1.


Design resistances R0 of bulky fragmental soils

Bulky fragmental soils Value of R0 kP (kgf/cm2)

Pebble (macadam) with filler:
sandy 600(6)
powdery-argillaceous at flow index:
IL ≤ 0,5 450(4,5)
0,5< IL < 0,75 400(4)
Gravel (gruss) with filler:
sandy 500(5)
powdery-argillaceous at flow index:
IL ≤ 0,5 400(4)
0,5 < IL ≤ 0,75 350(3,5)


Design resistances R0 of sandy soils

Sands Value of R0, kP (kgf/cm2), depending on the

sands’ formation density
dense average density
Coarse 600(6) 500(5)
Medium-sized 500(5) 400(4)
Fine: with low content of moisture 400(4) 300(3)
wet and water saturated 300(3) 200(2)
Powdery: with low content of mois- 300(3) 250(2,5)
ture 200(2) 150(1,5)
wet 150(1,5) 100(1)
water saturated


Design resistances R0 of powdery-argillaceous (non-slumping) soils

Powdery-argillaceous Porosity coeffi- Value of R0, kP (kgf/cm2), at the low

soils cient е index of the soil
IL = 0 IL = 1
Clay sands 0,5 300(3) 300(3)
0,7 250(2,5) 200(2)
0,5 300(3) 250(2,5)
Loamy soils 0,7 250(2,5) 180(1,8)
1 200(2) 100(1)
0,5 600(6) 400(4)
Clays 0,6 500(5) 300(3)
0,8 300(3) 200(2)
1,1 250(2,5) 100(1)


Design resistances R0 of slumping soils

R0 , kP (kgf/cm2) of soils
Soils of natural formation with the density compacted with the density
in dry state ρd, t/m in dry state ρd, t/m3
1,35 1,55 1,60 1,70
Clay sands 300(3) 350(3,5) 200(2) 250(2,5)
150(1,5) 180(1,8)
Loamy soils 350(3,5) 400(4) 250(2,5) 300(3)
180(1,8) 200(2)

Note. The numerator gives the values of R0, belonging to non-wetted slumping soils with hu-
midity Sr≤0,5, the denominator – values of R0, belonging to the same soils with Sr≥0,8, as well
as wetted slumping sols.


Design resistances R0 of fill-up soils

R0, kP (kgf/cm2)
Medium-sized and fine Powdery sands: clay sands,
Characteristic of sands, slags, etc. at hu- loamy soils, clays, ashes, etc.
embankment midity Sr at humidity Sr

Sr≤0,5 Sr≥0,8 Sr≤0,5 Sr≥0,8

Embankments, being
regularly erected with
compaction 250(2,5) 200(2) 180(1,8) 150(1,5)
Dumps of soils and
wastes of productions:
with compaction 250(2,5) 200(2) 180(1,8) 150(1,5)

without compaction 180(1,8) 150(1,5) 120(1,2) 100(1)

Tips of soils and

wastes of productions:
with compaction 150(1,5) 120(1,2) 120(1,2) 100(1)

without compaction 120(1,2) 100(1) 100(1) 80(0,8)

Notes : 1. In this Table values of R0 cover fill-up soils containing organic sub-
stances Jom≤0,1.
2. For non-packed dumps and tips of soils and wastes of productions the value of
R0 is taken with coefficient 0,8.


Design resistances of backfill soils R′0

for the pulled out foundations of the aerial power transmission pole

Relative deepen-
ing of the founda- Values of R′0, kP (kgf/cm2)
Powdery-argillaceous soils at Medium-sized and fine sands
λ = d/ b the flow index IL≤0,5 and den- with the low content of moisture
sity of the backfill soil, t/m3 and wet at the density of the
backfill soil, t/m3
1,55 1,70 1,55 1,70
0,8 32(0,32) 36(0,36) 32(0,32) 40(0,40)
1,0 40(0,40) 45(0,45) 40(0,40) 50(0,50)
1,5 50(0,50) 65(0,65) 55(0,55) 65(0,65)
2,0 60(0,60) 85(0,85) 70(0,70) 85(0,85)
2,5 - 100(1) - 100(1)

Notes: 1. Values of R′0 for clays and loamy soils with the flow index 0,5≤IL≤0,75 and
clay sands at 0,5< IL≤1,0 are taken according to the column “powdery-argillaceous
soils” with introduction of the decreasing coefficients 0,85 and 0,7, respectively.
2. The values of R′0 for the powdery sands are taken as for the medium-sized and fine
sands with coefficient 0,85.



Ultimate base deformations

relative dif- average šu (in brackets
Structures ference of careen maximal smax,u) settle-
settlements iu ment, cm
1 2 3 4
1. Single-storeyed and multi-storey indus-
trial and civic buildings with the complete
building frame:
reinforced concrete 0,002 - (8)
steel 0,004 - (12)
2. Buildings and structures in which con-
structions no efforts caused by uneven set-
tlements appear 0,006 - (15)
3. Multi-storey frame-free buildings with
the load-bearing walls made of :
large panels 0,0016 0,005 10
large blocks or brick masonry without
armouring 0,0020 0,005 10
the same, with armouring, including
with the arrangement of reinforced 0,0024 0,005 15
concrete rings
continuation of Table 4
- 0,003 40
4. Erection of elevators made of reinforce - 0,003 30
concrete constructions::
working building and grain-storage sec- - 0,004 40
tion - 0,004 30
having cast-in-situ construction on one - 0,004 25
foundation slab
the same, with precast construction - 0,005 40
a detached grain-storage section - 1/(2H) 30
having cast-in-situ construction - 1/(2H) 20
the same, with precast construction - 1/(2H)
a detached working building
5. Chimney flues with height Н, m: - 0,004 10
100< H ≤ 200 - 0,002 20
200< H ≤ 300 - 0,001 20
H > 300
6. Rigid structures with the height up to 0,0025 - 10
100 m, excluding those in pos.4 and 5 0,002 - -
7. Antenna communication structures: 0,001 - -
earthed trunks of masts
the same, electrically isolated 0.003 0,003 -
towers of short-wave radio stations
radio tower
towers (separate blocks)
8. Aerial power transmission poles: 0,0025 0,0025 -
intermediate straight 0,002 0,002 -
anchor and anchor-angle,
intermediate angle, dead-end, portals of
the open distributing facilities
special crossing

Notes: 1. Limiting values of the relative flexure (bend) of buildings, stated in pos. 3 of this Appen-
dix, are taken to be equal to 0,5(ΔS/L)u.
2. When determining the relative difference of settlements (ΔS/L) in pos. 8 of this Appendix, the dis-
tance between the axes of the foundations’ blocks in the direction of horizontal loads is taken to be
L, and in guyed poles – the distance between the axes of the compressed foundation and anchor.
3. If the base is formed by horizontal (with inclination not more than (0,1), and consistent in thick-
ness layers of soils, the limiting values of the maximal and medium settlements are allowed to be
increased by 20%.
4. The maximal values of hoisting of the base, having been formed of swelling soils, are allowed to
be taken to be as follows: maximal and medium hoisting amounting to 25% and the relative un-
evenness of settlements (the relative bend) of the building amounting to 50% of the corresponding
limiting values of deformations, given in this Appendix.
5. For structures, given in pos. 1-3 of this Appendix, with foundations having the shapes of solid
slabs the limiting values of medium settlements are allowed to be increased 1,5 times.
6. Based on the summarizing of the experience of designing, construction and exploitation of sepa-
rate types of structures, it is allowed to suppose that the limiting values of deformations of the base
differ from those stated in this Appendix.


Reliability coefficients

ϒf- for load;

ϒm- for materials;
ϒg- for soil;
ϒn- for the structures’ purpose;
ϒc- working conditions coefficient;

Soil characteristics
Х – average value of characteristic;
Хn - normative value;
Х - design value;
α - confidence probability (provision) of design values;
ρ - density;
ρd - density in dry state;
ρbf - backfill density;
e - porosity index;
ω - natural moisture;
ωp - moisture on the border of elasticity (rolling);
ωL - moisture on the border of yielding;
ωeq - final (steady-state) moisture;
ωsat - moisture, corresponding to full water saturation;
ωsl - initial slumping moisture;
ωsω - moisture of swelling;
ωsh - moisture at the breaking point of shrinkage;
Sr - humidity;
IL - flow index;
ϒ - specific weight;
ϒsb - specific weight with an allowance for the suspending effect of the water;
psl - initial subsidence pressure;
psω- pressure of swelling;
εsl - relative subsidence;
εs ω - relative swelling;
εsh - relative linear shrinkage;
εsf - relative suffosion compression;
Iom - relative content of organic substance;
Dpd – degree of decomposition of an organic substance;
c - specific cohesion;
ϕ - angle of internal friction;
E - deformation modulus;
ν - Poisson's ratio;
Rc - ultimate strength for the uniaxial compression of rocks;
cυ - consolidation coefficient;

Loads, stresses, resistances

F - force, a design value of the force;

f - force per unit of length;
Fυ , Fh- vertical and horizontal components of the force;

Fs, a, Fs, r - forces, acting along the glide plane, shearing and restraining (active and
reactive), respectively;
N - a force that is normal to the foundation bed;
n - the same per unit of length;
G - dead weight of the foundation;
q - a vertical cantledge uniformly distributed;
p - average pressure under the foundation bed;
σ - normal stress;
τ - tangential stress;
u - excessive pressure in the pore water;
σz - full vertical normal stress;
σzg - the same, caused by the dead weight of the soil;
σzp - the same, additional stress caused by the external load (pressure of the foun-
R - design resistance of the base soil (limit of the linear dependence “load - set-
R0 - design resistance of the soil (for preliminary setting of foundations’ dimen-
sions), taken in accordance with the recommended Appendix 3;
Fu - force of the ultimate resistance of the base, corresponding to exhausting of its
load-bearing capacity;

Deformations of bases and structures

s - base settlement;
Š - average base settlement;
ssl - subsidence;
hs ω - hoisting of the base during the soil’s swelling;
ssh - base settlement resulting from desiccation of the swelling soil;
ssf - suffusion settlement;
Δs - difference of settlements (subsidences);
i - careen of the foundation (structure);
ϑ - relative angle of torsion;
u - horizontal displacement;
su - limiting value of the base deformation;
su,s - the same, according to technological requirements;
su,f - the same, according to the terms of strength, stability and crack-resistance of the

Geometry features

b - width of the foundation base;

B - width of the basement;
Bω - width of the source of wetting (an area being wetted);
l - length of the foundation base;
η=l/b- ratio of sides of the foundation base;
A - area of the foundation base;
L - length of the building;
d,dn,d1- depth of the foundation laying from the planning level, from the surface of
the natural relief and from the floor of the basement, respectively;
db - depth of the basement from the planning level;
df, dfn - depth of soil’s seasonal frost penetration, design and normative, respectively;
dω - depth of lying of the level of the underground waters;
λ=d/b - relative deepening of the foundation;
h - thickness of the soil’s layer;
Hc - depth of stratum being compressed;
H - thickness of the linear-deformable layer;
Hsl - thickness of the layer of slumping soils (subsidence stratum);
hsl - thickness of the subsidence zone;
hsl, p - the same, caused by the external load;
hsl,g - the same, caused by the dead weight of the soil;
Hsω - thickness of the zone of swelling;
Hsh - the same, of the zone of shrinkage;
z - depth (distance) from the foundation bed;
ζ=2z/b- relative depth;
DL - layout mark;
NL - level of the surface of the natural relief;
FL - level of the foundation bed;
B. C - the lower border of the stratum being compressed;
B. SL - the same, of the subsidence stratum;
B. SW - - the lower border of the zone of swelling;
B. SH - the same, of the zone of shrinkage;
WL - level of the underground waters.

1. General provisions .................................................................................. 3
2. Designing of bases ....................................................................................4
General directions ....................................................................................4
Loads and impacts taken into account in the calculations of bases ..........4
Normative and design values of soils characteristics................................5
Underground waters ..................................................................................6
Depth of foundation laying .......................................................................7
Calculation of bases for deformations ......................................................9
Calculation of bases for the load-bearing capacity .................................16
Measures aimed at the decrease of base deformations
and their influence on structures .............................................................19
Peculiarities of designing bases for objects having
water-management and power purpose...................................................21
3. Bases on slumping soils ..........................................................................22
4. Bases on swelling soils............................................................................24
5. Bases on eluvial soils ..............................................................................25
6. Bases on saline soils ................................................................................26
7. Bases on fill-up soils ...............................................................................27
8. Bases of structures on the underworking territories ..............................28
9. Bases of structures in seismic areas ........................................................29
10. Bases for bridge footings and pipes under embankments......................30
11. Bases for aerial power transmission poles .............................................31
APPENDIX 1. Normative values of strength and deformation
characteristics of soils .................................................................................34
APPENDIX 2. Calculation of base deformations .......................................37
APPENDIX 3. Design resistances of the base soils ...................................50
APPENDIX 4. Ultimate base deformations................................................53
APPENDIX 5. Main letter symbols ............................................................55

Normative values of specific cohesion cn, kP (kgf/cm ), angle of internal friction ϕn, degree

of the powdery-argillaceous non-loess soils of the quaternary sediments

Name of soils and limits of normative Denomination of Soils’ characteristic at the porosity index е, equal to the following
values of their flow indexes the soils’

0,45 0,55 0,65 0,75 0,85 0,95 1,05

0 ≤ IL≤ 0,25 cn 21(0,21) 17(0,17) 15(0,16) 13(0,13) - - -
ϕn 33 29 27 24 3333
Clay sands 0,25 < IL≤ 0,75 cn 19(0,19) 15(0,15) 13(0,13) 11(0,11) 9(0,09) - -
ϕn 28 26 24 21 18
0 < IL≤ 0,25 cn 47(0,47) 37(0,37) 31(0,31) 25(0,25) 22(0,22) 19(0,19) -
ϕn 26 25 24 23 22 20
Loamy soils 0,25 < IL ≤ 0,5 cn 39(0,39) 34(0,34) 28(0,28) 23(0,23) 18(0,18) 15(0,15) -
ϕn 24 23 22 21 19 17
0,5 < IL ≤ 0,75 cn - - - 25(0,25) 20(0,20) 16(0,16) 12(0,12)
ϕn - - - 19 18 14 12
0 < IL ≤ 0,25 cn - 81(0,81) 68(0,68) 54(0,54) 47(0,47) 41(0,41) 36(0,36)
ϕn - 21 20 19 18 16 14
Clays 0,25 < IL ≤ 0,5 cn - - 57(0,57) 50(0,50) 43(0,43) 37(0,37) 32(0,32)
ϕn - - 18 17 16 14 11
0,5 < IL ≤ 0,75 cn - - 45(0,45) 41(0,41) 36(0,36) 33(0,33) 29(0,29)
ϕn - - 15 14 12 10 7

Normative values of the deformation modulus of the
powdery-argillaceous non-loess soils

Name of soils and limits of Deformation modulus of soils Е, MP (kgf/cm2), at the porosity index е, equal to the following
Soils’ origin and age normative values of their
flow indexes
0,35 0,45 0,55 0,65 0,75 0,85 0,95 1,05 1,2 1,4 1,6
Clay sands 0 ≤ IL≤ 0.75 - 32(320) 24(240) 16(160) 10(100) 7(70) - - - - -
Alluvial 0 ≤ IL ≤ 0.25 - 34(340) 27(270) 22(220) 17(170) 14(140) 11(110) - - - -
Dealluvial Loamy 0.25< IL ≤ 0.5 - 32(320) 25(250) 19(190) 14(140) 11(110) 8(80) - - - -
Q u a t e r n a r y s e d I me n t s

Lacustrine soils 0.5< IL ≤ 0.75 - - - 17(170) 12(120) 8(80) 6(60) 5(50) - - -

Lacustrine- 0≤ IL ≤ 0.25 - - 28(280) 24(240) 21(210) 18(180) 15(150) 12(120) - - -
Alluvial Loamy 0.25< IL ≤ 0.5 - - - 21(210) 18(180) 15(150) 12(120) 9(90) - - -
soils 0.5< IL ≤ 0.75 - - - - 15(150) 12(120) 9(90) 7(70) - - -

Clay sands 0 ≤ IL ≤ 0.75 - 33(330) 24(240) 17(170) 11(110) 7(70) - - - - -

Fluvioglacial 0 ≤ IL ≤ 0.25 - 40(400) 33(330) 27(270) 21(210) - - - - - -
Loamy 0.25< IL ≤ 0.5 - 35(350) 28(280) 22(220) 17(170) 14(140) - - - - -
soils 0.5< IL ≤ 0.75 - - - 17(170) 13(130) 10(100) 7(70) - - - -

Moraine Clay sands IL ≤ 0.5 75(750) 55(550) 45(450) - - - - - - - -

Jurassic sediments of -0.25 ≤ IL ≤0 - - - - - - 27(270) 25(250) 22(220) - -
Oxford stratum Clays 0< IL ≤ 0.25 - - - - - - 24(240) 22(220) 19(190) 15(150) -
0.25 < IL ≤0.5 - - - - - - - - 16(160) 12(120) 10(100)
Official edition
National Committee for Architecture and Construction Control
under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Building Code of Turkmenistan

BCT 2.02.01-98 Bases of buildings and structures

Developed by the Research Institute of Seismology of the National

Committee for Architecture and Construction Control under
the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Theme leader - Ilyasov B.I., candidate of engineering.

Executors in charge - Pinchuk S.P. (RIS), Lavronenko O.S., Kazimova M.B. (Institute
"Turkmengiprovodhoz" Ministry of Melioration and Water Industry of Turkmenistan

Prepared for publication by the Data-computing center

of the National Committee for Architecture and Construction Control
under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Technical editing –Kudratullayev Ch. V.

Computer printing - Veimer T.V., Stroenko L.G., Seisova B.Yu.

Signed for printing 04.08.98 Format 60х84 1/8 printer's sheet

Run of __ copies

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