Kanalizasiϋa. Da Şky Setler We Desgalar

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TGN 2.04.03-98


SNT 2.04.03-98

T¥rkmenstany£ Ministler Kabinetini£

§anyndaky arhitektura we gurlu¦yk i¦lerini£
hiline g¤zeg¡ilik ed§än Milli komitet

National Committee
of architectural-construction supervision
at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Asgabat 1998


TGN 2.04.03-98

Resmi ne¦ir


SNT 2.04.03-98

T¥rkmenstany£ Ministler Kabinetini£

§anyndaky arhitektura we gurlu¦yk i¦lerini£
hiline g¤zeg¡ilik ed§än Milli komitet

National Committee
of architectural-construction supervision
at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Ashgabat 1998

Official edition
TGN 2. 04. 03 - 98 Kanalizasiÿa. Da şky setler we desgalar - A. ; 1998. - 105 sah.

SNT 2.04.03 - 98 Sewerage system. External systems and facilities- А. : 1998. - 105 p.

SNT 2.04.03 - 98 " Sewerage system. External systems and facilities "are developed on a
base of SNiP 2.04.03 - 85 by "Turkmengosproekt" Institute and Fire Safety Department at Search-
and-Risqué activity at MFA of Turkmenistan.
Guidance of development - engineer А.А. Mordvinkin
Responsible executors - engineers - А.А.Arrykova, S. E. Dubilin,. А.E. Kutyrev.

Submitted for approval to Department of Science, design and computer science of National
Committee of architectural-construction supervision at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

With introduction of SNT 2.04.03-98 «Sewerage system. External systems and facilities"
SNiP 2.04.03-85 «Sewerage system. External systems and facilities" become invalid on territory of

@ T¥rkmenstany£ Ministler Kabinetini£ §anyndaky arhitektura we gurlu¦yk i¦lerini£

hiline g¤zeg¡ilik ed§än Milli komitet - A. : 1998
@ National Committee of architectural-construction supervision at Cabinet of Ministers of
Turkmenistan, A.:1998
National Committee of Construction regulations of SNT 2.04.03-98
Architectural-construction supervision Turkmenistan
at Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Sewerage system First edition
External systems and

The present norms and regulations should be complied at designing of newly built and
reconstructed external sewerage systems of permanent use for settlements and industrial objects of

1.1 Sewerage system of objects should be designed on a base of aaproved development and
disposition of branches of national economy and industry, schemes of development and disposition
of productive forces by economic regions and republics, general and regional schemes of complex
use and preservation of water resources, scemes and projects of country and city construction and
other settlements, general layouts of industrial units.

At designing it is required to consider a reasonability of interconnection of sewerage

systems of objects irrespective of its’ departmental belonging and to take into account technical,
economic and sanitary evaluation of existing structures and foressen a possibility of its’ use and
upgrading as well. Sewerage system projects should be developed as a rule in coordination with
water supply projects and required balance of water consumption and waste water discharge. At
that it is required to consider a possibility of use of treated sewerage and precipitation effluent for
industrial water supply and irrigating.

1.2. The major technical solutions taken for a project and a priority of its’ execution should
be justified by a comparison of possible other variants. Technical economical evaluation should be
done at those variants which advantages and disadvantages could not be determined without
Optimal variant should be determined by the least value of expewnditures cost with taking
into account a reduction of labour cost, material resources, power and fuel consumption and
sanitary gugienic and fishery requirements as well.

1.3.At designing of sewerage system and structures advanced technical solutions and
mechanization of labour-intensive works, automation of technological process and maximal
industrialization of construction works by use of pre-fabricated structures, standart and model
goods and parts manufactuired at factories and workshops should be foreseen.

1.4. Treatment fascilities of industrial and precipitation sewerage should be as a rule located
on the territory of industrial enterprises.

1.5. At connection of sewerage systems of industrial enterprises to street or inside quarter

system of a settlement it is required to foresee discharge points with check wells located outside the
territory of enterprises.
It is required to project devices for measuring volume of discharge sewerade from each
Merging of industrial sewerage of few enterpises is acceptable after the check well of each

by Decree of National Committee Effective date since
page.4 SNT 2.04.03-98
of architectural-construction supervision 1 January 1999.
at CMT
of 30 September 1998, № 6a/НК

1.6. Specification and treated water discharge and surface flow to water objects should be
coordinated with bodies on water use and water preservation, Hakimliks of cities and etraps, bodies
of state sanitary control, protection of fish reserves in accordance with legislation of Turkmenistan
and water discharge to navigable water basins, watercources and seas – with bodies of
Turkmenderyayellary Department and Turkmendenizyellary as well.

1.7. At evaluation of reliability of sewerade system operation and it’s separate units it is
required to take into account technological, sanitary-hygienic and water preservation regulations.

In case of discontinuity of operation of sewerage system or any of it’s separate unit

requirement a complex of actions should be projected which provide it.

1.8. At damage or repair of one structure an overload of other structures of the same purpose
should not exceed 8-17% of it’s extimated capability without decrease of treatment effectivity of
sewerage water.

1.9. Sanitary-buffer belt from sewerage structures to borders of apartment buildings area or
public buildings plots and food production industrial enterpises with considering it’s future
expanding should be taken as following:
From structures and pump stations of city sewerage system - by table 1;
From sewerage water treatment facilities and pump stations of industrial sewerage system
which are not located on territory of industrial enterprises and in case of self-treatment and
pumping of industrial sewerage water and in case of it’s joint treatment with household waste water
– above values specified by table 1.
Тable 1
Structures Sanitary-buffer belt, m, at estimated capacity
of structures, thousand. m3/24 hours
below above 0,2 above 5 above 50 to
0,2 to 5 to 50 280

Structures of mechanical and bio treatment with 150 200 400 500
sludge beds for discharged precipitation and
separately located sludge beds

Structures of mechanical and bio treatment with 100 150 300 400
thermomechanical treatment of precipitation in enclosed

Filtration fields 200 300 500 -

Agricultural irrigating fields 150 200 400 -
Biological ponds 200 200 300 300
Structures with circulating oxidation canals 150 - - -
Pump stations 15 20 20 30
Note : 1. Sanitary-buffer belts of sewerage system structures of capacity above 280 thousand m3/24
hours and in case of accepted techologies for waste water tereatment aberration and processing of
sludge are determined by approval of chief sanitary-epidemiological departments at Ministry of
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 5
Health care.
2. Sanitary-buffer belts specified by table1 are acceptable to encrease but no more than in
two times in case of location of residential houses from leeward side from treatment facilities and
decrease in no more than 25 % at availability of favorable wind rose.
3. At absence of sludge beds on territory of treatment facilities of a capacity above 0,2
thousand m3 /24 hours a size of a belt should be decreased on 30 %.
4. Sanitary-buffer belt from filtration fields of below 0,5 hectares and from fsacilities of
mechanical and biological treatment on biofilteres of capacity below 50 m3 /24 hours should be 100
5. Sanitary-buffer belt from filtering trenches and sand-gravel filteres should be taken 25 m
and from detritus tank and filtering wells - 5 and 8 m correspondingly.
6. Sanitary belt from discharge stations should be taken as 300 m.
7. Sanitary-buffer belt from treatment facilities of surface water from residential area should
be 100 m, from pump station - 15 m, from treatment facilities of industrial enterpises – by
agreement with sanitary-epidemiological service bodies.
8. Sanitary-buffer belt from slime reservoir should be taken depending on composition and
properties of slime by agreement with sanitary-epidemiological service bodies.



Estimated cost, irregularity coefficient and rated discharge of sewerage

2.1. At designing of sewerage saystem of settlements rated specific average daily (for year)
water discharge of household sewerage from residential buildings should be iqual to rated specific
average daily (for year) wter consumption according to SNiP 2.04.02-84 without consideration of
water use for irrigating of territory and plantations.

2.2. Specific water discharge for estimnation of estimated discharge of sewerage from
separate residential and public buildings in case of requirement of considering lumped expenditures
should be taken in accordance with SNT 2.04.01-98.''Inside water pipe and sewerage system of

2.3. Rated average daily discharge of industrial sewerage from industrial and agricultural
enterprises and irregularity coefficient of its’ inflow should be determined on a base of
technological data. At that it is required to provide rational water use by application of water-short
technological processes, water circulation of secondary water use and so on.

2.4. Specific water discharge in unsewered areas should be taken as 25 l/24 hours per one

2.5. Rated average daily sewerage discharge in a settlement should be determined as

summof discharges specified by item 2.1-2.4.

Amount of sewerage of local industrial enterprises servicing a population and unrecorded

discharge are accepted to be taken additionally as 5 % of total average daily water discharge of the
page.6 SNT 2.04.03-98
2.6. Rated daily norms of sewerage should be determined as sum of average daily sewerage
discharge (paer year) determined by item 2.5 multipied by daily irregularity coefficient taken in
accordance with CNiP 2.04.02-84.

2.7. Rated maximal and minimal sewerage discharge values should be calculated as product
of average daily (per year) sewerage discharge values determined by item 2.5 multiplied by general
irregularity coefficients specified by table 2.

Тable 2
General coefficient Daily average discharge of sewerage, l/24 hours
Of irregularity of inflow of sewerage 5 10 20 50 100 300 500 and
Maximal Kgen.max 2.5 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.55 1.5

Minimal Kgen.min 0.38 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.59 0.62 0.66

Note : 1. General coefficients of irregularity of inflow of sewerage specified by table 2 are

accepotable at quantity of industrial sewerage below 45% of total discharge. At amount of
industrial sewerage above 45 % general coefficients of irregularity should be determined with
taking into account irregularity of discharge of household;d and industrial sewerage by each of 24
hours in accordance with data of actual inflow of sewerage and operation of similar objects.
2. At average discharge of sewerage below 5 l/24 hours estimated discharde should be
determined by SNT 2.04.01-98.
3. At intermediary values of discharge of sewerage general coefficients of irregularity should be
determined by interpolation.

2.8. Rated discharge values of industrial sewerage of industrial enterpises should be the
For external collectorsa of enterprises accepting sewerage from production units by maximal
hourly discharge;
For general factory or outside area collectors of an enterises – by combined hourly schedule;
For outside area collectopr of group of enterpises – by combined hourly schedule with
taking into account the time of flowing of sewerage along collector.

2.9. At elaboration of scheme specified by item 1.1, specific average daily (per year) water
discharge should be calculated in accordance with table 3.
Volume of sewerage of industrial and agricultural enterprises should be determined on a
base of enlarged norms or existing projects-analodue.

Тable 3
Specific average daily (per year) water discharge per one
Sewerage system objects habitant in settlements, l/24 hours
till 2000 till 2010 future
Ashgabat 800 900 1000
Centeres of welayats 600 700 800
Cities 450 520 600
Country settlements 200 250 300
Note: 1. Specific average daily water discharge is acceptable to change for 10-20% depending
on climatic and local percularities and level of improvement.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 7
2. In case of absence of data on industrial development outside 1990 it is acceptable to take
additional sewerage discharge from enterpises of 25 % of discharge calculated by table 3

2.10. Selfflow lines, collectors and canls and pressure pipelines of household and industrial
sewerage should be checked for passing of summary rated maximal discharge by items 2.7 and 2.8
and additional inflow of surface and underground water at period of rains and snow melting which
is in not organized manner flows to sewewrage system through leakage of well manholes and by
infiltration of underground water. A value of additional inflow qad, l/24 hours should be determined
on a base of special survey or data of similar objects and at absence of such – by formalae
qad = 0,15L md (1)
L – total length of pipeline to the object under estimation (pipeline cross-section ) ,
md – value of maximal daily amount of precipitations, mm determined by SNT
2.01.01-98”Constructon climatology”
Control estimation of self-flow pipelines and canals by cross-section of any shape multiplied
by passing value of encreased discharge should be done at filling of 0,95 of height.

Rainfall sewerage system


2.11. Rain sewerage system should be designed mainly for settlements located in
submountaine area with taking into account big slopes of area from mountains and plateau to cities
and towns.
Nessesity of rain sewerage system designing should be determined at elaboration of general
lay-outs of cities and towns with range of activities on its’ protection from torrents and flood water
generated on hight located areas.
A necessity of rain sewerage planning for cities and towns located on plain should be
determioned by technical-economical estimations.

2.12. Rain water drainage from surfaces of stree, passages, sidewalks and microdictrict areas
and city quarters should be done as a rule by open canals, trays, irrigation canals with water
dreinage to loans and green areas ajoining roads.
At some city areas rain wter drainage on a due grounds should be done by underground
collectors from of pipes and trays.

Estimated discharge of rain water

2.13. Discharge of rain water qr, l/24 hours should be determined y method of extreme
intensivity by formulae:
z A1, 2 F
qr = mid1, 2 n − 0,1 , (2)
Ζmid – average value of coefficient cahacterising a surface of discharge basin,
determined in accordance with item 2.19;
А, n - characteristics determined by item 2.14;
F - rated discharge area, hectares, determined in accordance with item 2.16;
tr - rated rain duration equal to duration of flowing of surface water along surface
and pipes to rated site, min, is determined in accordance with item 2.17.
page.8 SNT 2.04.03-98
Rated discharge of rain water for hydraulic estimation of rain system qcal ,n/c, should be
calculated by formule
qcal = βqr , (3)
Where β - coefficient of filling of free volume of a system at the moment of pressure
regime start and determined by table 10.

Note:1. At value of rated duration of passing of rain water below 10 min, in the formulae (2)
should be introduces a correction coefficient equal 0,8 at tr= 5 min and 0,9 at tr = 7 min.
2. at large imbedding of the first parts of collectors of ain sewerage it is necessary to take
into account an encrease of it’s full capacity discharge by pressure created by lifting of water level
in wells.

2.14. Characteristica A and n should be determined by processing of results of many years

records of self-recording raingauges registered at this point. In case of absence of such prosessed
data it is acceptable to take a characteristic А by formulae
n⎛ lg P ⎞
A = q20 ⋅ 20 ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ , (4)
⎝ lg mr ⎠
q20 – rain intensity, l/s per 1 hectare, for the area of duration 20
min at Р = 1 year, submountins area q20=30, and the rest territory of
Turkmenistan q20=20
n – index determined at p>= 1 = 0.49, at p<1=0.32
mr – average quantity of rain per year taken by SNT 2.01.01-98;
Р – period of one-time excess of rated intensivity of rains taken by item 2.15;
γ - index equal to 1.54

2.15. Period of one-time excess of arted rain intensivity it is required to take depending on
specifity of sewerage object, conditions of collector’s location with considering consequences that
could follow after rain fall above rated and determine by tables 5 and 6 or by calculation depending
on conditions of collector;s location, rain intensity, basin area and flowing coefficient at maximum
excess period.

At designing rain sewerage at special structures ( railway stations, subways, and so on) at Р
equal to one, period of one-time excess of rated intensity of rain should be determined only by
calculation with a consideration of maximum period of excess of rated rain intensity specified by
table 6. at that periods of one-time excess of rated rain intensity determined by calculation should
not be below specified in tables 4 and 5.

At determination of period of one-time excess of rated rain intensity by calculation it is

required to take into account that at maximal periods of one-time excess specified by table 6,
collector of rain sewerage should pass only a part of rain flow discharge when the rest part of it
temporary floods roads and in case of presence of slopes flows along it’s trays and at that a height
of street flooding should not result to flooding of basement and half-basement premises; moreover
it is required to take into account a possible flow from basins located outside the settlement.

Тable 4
Period of one-time excess of rated rain intensity Р, years,
Conditions of collector’s location for settlements at values q20
On local roads On main streets till 60
Favorable and average Favorable 0.33-0.5
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 9
Unfavorable Average 0.5-1

Especially unforable Unfavorable 2-3

- Especially unforable 3-5

Note : 1. Favorable conditions of collector’s location:
Basin of area below 150 hectares has plane relief at average slope of surface 0,005 and
Collector is passing along watershed or in the top part of a slope at a distance from
watershed below 400 m
2. Average conditions of collector’s location:
Basin of area of above 150 hectares has a pain relief with a slope of 0,005 m and below;
Collector is in low part of a slope along thalweg with a slope inclination of 0,02 m and
belowand basin area at that is not above 150 hectares.
3. Unfavorable conditions of collector’s location:
Collector is in low part of a slope and basin area is above 150 hectares;
Collector goes along thalweg with steep slopes at average slope inclination above 0,02.
4. Especially unfovarable conditions of location of collectors: collector drenaige water outt of
enclosed low place (hollow).

Тable 5

Period of one-time excess of rated rain

Result of short time intensity Р. years, for territory of
overflooding of a system industrial enterprises at values q20

till 70
Thecnological processes of an
Are not disturbed 0.33-0.5
disturbed 0.5-1

Note. For enterpises located in enclosed hollow, period of one-time

excess of rated rain intensity should be determined by calculation or taken
as equal for no less trhan 5 years.

Тable 6
Basin cpesifics which is Value of maximum period of excess of rain intensity, Р, years,
served by collector depending on conditions of collector’s location
favorable average Unfavorable Especially
Territory of quarters and local 10 10 25 50

Main roads 10 25 50 100

2.16. Rated drainage area for rated plot of a system should be taken equal to all area of
drainage or part of it which gives the maximum grainage discharge.
In cases when grainage area of a collector is 500 hectares and above, then in formulaes (2)
and (3) should be introduced a correction coefficient К, taking ointo account unevenness of rain fall
by area and taken by table 7.
page.10 SNT 2.04.03-98
Тable 7
Drainage area, 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000
Value of 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.55
coefficient K

2.17. Rated duration of rain waters flowing along surface and pipes tr, min, should be
calculated by formulae :
t r = tcon + tcan + t p (5)
tcon - duration of flowing of rain waters to street tray or in case of availability of
storm water inlet inside quarter area to street collector (time of surface
concentration), min, determined according to item 2.18;
tcan - the same, along the street trays to rain inlet (in case of its; absence in quarter
area), determined by formulae (6) ;
tp – the same, along pipes to rated cross section determined by formulae (7).

2.18. Time of surface concentration of rain drainage discharge should be determined by

calculations or accept in settlements in case of lack on inside quarter closed rain drainage system
equal to 5-10 min or in case of availability of it equal to 3-5 min.
At calculation of inside quarter sewerage system time of surface concentration should be
accepted equal to 2-3 min.
Duration of flowing of rain water along street trays tcan, min, should be taken by formulae
tcan = 0.021∑ can , (6)
ν can
lcan – length of trays, m;
νcan ~ rated speed of flow on site,m/sec.

Duration of rain water flowing along pipes to rates cross section tp, min, should be
calculated by formulae
t p = 0,017∑ , (7)
lp –length of rated collector parts, m;
νp- rated speed of a flow on site, m/sec.

2.19. Average value of drainage coefficient zmid should be determined as weight average
value depending on coefficients z, characterizing surface and accepted by table 8 and 9.

2.20. At calculating drainage from basins of area above 50 hecteres with a different type of
building or with absolutely different slopes of land surface should be done control determinations of
rain water drainage from different parts of the basin and take the biggest value as rated. At that if
rated discharge of rain water from the definite part of the basin is less than discharge value the
collector of high located plot is rated then rated discharge for this part of collector should be equal
to discharge of high located plot.

Territories of parks and gardens which are not equipped by closed rain or open drainage
system at rated value of drainage area and at determining a coefficient z are not taken into account.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 11
If a territoty has a slope of surface 0,008-0,01 and above to the side of street passages then to a
rated drainage area an enclosed to a passage width of 50-100 m into the rated drainage area.

Green spaced inside quarters (green belts of streets, loand and so on) should be included in a
rated drainage area and take it into account at determination of coefficient of drainage of basin
surface z.

2.21. Values of coefficient β should be taken by table 10

Тable 8

Surface Coefficient Z

Roof of buildings and structures, asphalt-concrete road Taken by table 9

Block pavement and black gravel raod coating 0.224
Cobble-stone pavement 0.145
Gravel coating not processesd by cementious additives 0.125
Gravel garden-partk paths 0.09
Ground surfaces (planned) 0.064
Loans 0.038
Note. Specified values of coefficient Z are acceptable to correct by local conditions on a
base of corresponding research.

Тable 9

Characteristic А Coefficient z for water proof

300 0.32
400 0.30
500 0.29
600 0.28
700 0.27
800 0.26
1000 0.25
1200 0.24
1500 0.23

Тable 10

Index n ≤0.4 0.5 0.6 ≥0.7

Value of coefficient β 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65

Note :1. At inclination of area, 01 -0,03 the specified values of coefficient β should be
increased on 10-15 % and at inclination of area of above 0,03 to take equal to one.
2. If the total number of sections on rain collector or on inflow is below 10, then
vaue β at all slopes is acceptable to decrease on 10% at a number of sections 4-10 and
page.12 SNT 2.04.03-98
on 15 % at sections number below 4.

Hydraulic calculation of sewerage system

2.22. Hydraulic calculation of self flow sewerage pipelines (trays, canals) should be done to
rated maximum second discharge of sewerage water by tables and shedules calcul;ated by formulae

ν = C Ri , (8)
ν - speed of water movement, m/sec;
SEC – coefficient depending on hydraulic radius and roughness of watered surface of
canals or pipeline and determined by formulae
C= , (9)
here y = 2,5 n1 − 0,13 − 0,75R n1 − 0,1 ; )
n1 – coefficient of roughness accdepted for self flow collectors of round cross section
0,014 and for pressure pipelines - 0,013;
R – hydraulic radius, m;
i – hydraulic slope.
Hydraulic slope i for self flow pipelines, trays and canals is acceptable to determine by
λν 2
i= , (10)
g – acceleration of gravity forth, m/sec2 ;
λ - coefficient of resistance to friction aong the length which is necessary to determine by
Taking into account different degree of flow turbulence:
1 ⎛ Δ a ⎞
= −2 lg⎜ + 2 ⎟, (11)
λ ⎝ 13,68 R Re ⎠
Δ - equivalent roughness, cm;
R – hydraulic radius, secm;
а2 – coefficient taking into account a character of roughness of pipes and canals;
Re - Reynolds number.
Values of Δ and а2 should be taken by table 11.

Тable 11
Pipes and canals Δ, а2
Pipes :
Concrete and reinforced concrete 0.2 100
ceramic 0.135 90
Cast-iron 0.1 83
Steel 0.08 79
Asbestos-cement 0.06 73
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 13
Canals :
Out of quarry-stone, chipped stone 0.635 150
brick 0.315 110
Concrete and reinforced concrete cast-in- 0.3 120
situ 0.08 50
The sama but pre-fabricated (factory

2.23. Hydraulic calculations of sewerage pressure pipelines should be done in accordance

with SNiP 2.04.02-84.

2.24. Hydraulic calculation of pressure sludge pipelines transporting damp and ferment
settlings and acite sludge as well should be done with taking into account a regime of movement,
physical properties and perculatrities of sludge composition.
At humidity 99 % and above a settling follows to laws of movement of sewage liquid.

2.25. Hydraulic slope i at calculation of pressure sludge pipelines should be done by


1360 100 − pmud )

λν 2
, (12)
D 2, 25 2 gD
pmud – humidity of sludge, %;
λ - coefficient of friction along the length determined by formulae
λ = 0,214pmud -0,191; (13)
ν - speed of movement of sludge, m/sec;
D – diameter of pipeline, secm. For sludge pipelines of diameter 150 mm a value λ
should be
Encreased on 0,01.

The least diameter pipes

2.26. The least diameter pipes of self flow system should be taken, mm:
For street system - 200, and for inside quarter system of household and industrial sewerage
- 150;
For rain and combined sewerage systems - 250, inside quarter 200.
The least diameter of pressure sludge piplines – 150mm.

Note : 1. At settlements with a discharge of 300 m /24 hours for inside quarter and street
system it is acceptable to apply pipes of diameter 150 mm.

2. Reynolds number or industrial sewerage system at reasonable grounds it is acceptable to

use pipes of diameter below 150 mm.

Rated speed and filling up of pipes and canals

page.14 SNT 2.04.03-98
2.27. To avoid sludgeing of sewerage systems rated speed of sewerage should be taken
depending on a degree of filling up of pipes and canals and coarsness os suspended particles in
sewerage waters.
At maximum rated filling up of pipes in a system of household and rain sewerage systems
the least speed values should be taken by table 12
Тable 12

Diameter , mm Speed νmin, m/sec, at filling up H/D

0.6 0.7 0.75 0.8
150-250 0.7 - - -
300-400 - 0.8 - -
450-500 - - 0.9 -
600-800 - - 1 -
900 - - 1.15 -
1000-12000 - - - 1.15
1500 - - - 1.3
above 1500 - - - 1.5

Notes: 1. For industrial sewerage waters the lest speed should be taken in correspondence
with directions on construction designing of enterpises of definite branches of industry or by
operation data.
2. For industrial sewerage waters close by its’ suspended particles characteristics to
household ones the least speed should be taken as for household sewerage waters.
3. for rain sewerage system at Р= 0,33 year the least speed should be taken 0,6 m/sec. tS

2.28. Minimal rated speed of movement of clarified or bio treated sewerage water in trays
and canals is acceptable to take 0,4 m/sec.

2.29. The maximum rated speed of sewerage water movement should be taken, m/sec: for
metal pipes - 8, for non metall - 4, and for rain sewerage system – correspondingly 10 and 7.

2.30. Rated speed of movement of not clarified sewerage water in pipe canals it is required
to take above 1 m/s and at that at such places of approach of sewerage water to pipe canal speed
should be no more than speed in pipe canals

2.31. The least rated speed of movement of humid and ferment settlings and compacted
active sludge in pressure sludge pipelines should be taken by table 13.

2.32. The maximum speed of movement of rain and acceptable for discharge to water
reservoirs industrial sewerage water in canals should be taken by table 14

Тable 13

Humidity νmin, m/sec, at Humidity νmin, m/sec, at

Of D=150- Of settlings, % Of settling, % D=150- D=250-
settlings, % 200mm 200mm 400mm
98 0.8 0.9 93 1.3 1.4
97 0.9 1.0 92 1.4 1.5
96 1.0 1.1 91 1.7 1.8
95 1.1 1.2 90 1.9 2.1
94 1.2 1.3
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 15

Тable 14

Ground or strengthening The maximum speed of movement in canals,

m/sec, at depth of flow of 0,4 - 1 m
Strengthening by concrete plates 4
limestone, sandstone average 4
flat 1
To the wall 1.6
Paving :
single 2
double 3-3.5
Note. At deapth of flow below 0,4 m speed values of movement of sewerage water should
be taken with coefficient 0,85 and at deapth above 1 m – with coefficient 1,25.

2.33. Rated filling up of pipelines and canals with a cross section of any form should be
taken below 0,7 of height.
Rated filled up of canals of right-angled cross setion is acceptable to take below 0,75 of
For pipelines of rain and combined sewerage system of water drainage it should be taken
full rated filling up.

Slopes of pipelines, canals and trays

2.34. Minimal inclinations of pipelines and canals should be taken depending on acceptable
minimal speed of movement of sewerage water.
Minimal inclinations of pipelines for all sewerage systems should be atken for pipes of
diameter: 150 mm - 0,008, 200 mm - 0,007.
Depending on local conditions and at correspondinh grounding for some parts of system it is
acceptable to take inclinations for pipes of diameter: 200 mm - 0,005, 150 mm - 0,007.
An inclination of connection from rainУ inlet should be taken 0,02.

2.35. In open rain drainage system the minimal inclinations of trays of roads, side ditches
and water discharge trenches should be taken by table 15.

Тable 15

Trays, side ditches and trenches Minimal inclination

Trays of roads at:
Asphalt-concrete 0,003
Block or gravel pavement 0,004
Cobble-stone pavement 0,005
Separate trays and side ditches 0,005
Drainage trenches 0,003
page.16 SNT 2.04.03-98

2.36. The minimal size of side ditches and trenches of trapezoin cross section should be the
following: a width by bottom 0,3 m, depth 0,4 m.


Sewerage schemes and systems of settlements

3.1. Seweragge systems for settlements should be considered by the following types:

I Full separate for disposal by separate systems:

а) only separate or number of acceptable to be combined with household contaminated
industrial sewerage;
б) only rain or in combination with not contaminated industrial water;
в) only contaminated industrial waters.

II. Not full separate – at absence of organized disposal by pipelines of rain waters.
Disposal of rain water should be done by open system of trays and canals with use of
irrigation to loans and green zones or in especially unfovarable situations – through rain inlets to
household sewerage system.

Disposal of surface water by open system of water drains is acceptable at corresponding

grounds and by approval of sanitary-epidemiological bodies, bodies on water regulation and
preservation and with bodies on protection of fish resources.

3.2. A choice of sewerage system should be done with taking into account the requirements
on treatment of surface sewerage, type of relief and other factors.

Sewerage systems of small settlements (to 5000 people) and separately standing

3.3. Sewerage system for small settlements should be considered as a rule, by not full
separate system.

3.4. For small settlements centralized shcemes of sewerage system should be provided for
one or few small settlements, separate group of buildings and industrial zones.
Centralized sewerage system schemes should be projected ascommon for household and
industrial zones, except manure contaminated sewerage water and at that joining of industrial
sewerage and household should be done with taking into account item 3.18.
Rrangement of centralized schemes separately for industrial and household sewerage is
acceptable at technical-economic evaluation.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 17
3.5. Decentralized sewerage systems sre acceptable at the following:
At absence of danger of contamination of used for water supply of water-bearing horisonts;
At absence of centralized sewerage system in existing or reconstructed settlements for
objects which should be provided by sewerage system at the first turn {hospitals, schools,
kindergartens, separate residential houses, industrial enterprises and so on) and for the first
construction stage of settlements at location of objects of ssewerage system at a distance above 500
At necessity of providing of sewerage system for group of buildings or separate buildings.

3.6. For treatment of sewerage water at centralized sewerage system the following facilities
should be provided:
Natural bio treatment (filtration fields, biological ponds);
Artificial and bio treatment (aerotank and bio-filters of different types, circulating oxidizing
Physico-chemical treatment for shift settlements with temporary staing of personnel and for
other objects with periodical staying of people.

3.7. For treatment of sewerage water at decentralized shceme of sewerage system the
following should be provided: filtering wells, fields of underground filtration, sand-gravel filteres,
filtering trenches, aerotanks, aerotanks for full oxidation, fhysical-chemical treatment facilities for
objects of periodical functioning (pioneer camps, tourist bases and so on).

3.8. For treatment of disposal water of small settlements it is reasonable to use factory made
units fabricated by GOST 25298-82.

3.9. For separate standing buildings at discharge of disposal water to 1 mз/24 hours it is
acceptable to provide gap-closet or cess pits.

3.10. A treatment of disposal waters of laundries which are contaminated by syntethical

surface-active substances is acceptable to do jointly with household sewerage at ratio of its’
quantities 1:9. For bath-laundry disposal waters this ration should be 1:4 and for baths - 1:1. at
grounds it is acceptable to use regulating reservoirs.
At large quantity of bath-laundry disposal water it is necessary to provide its’ treatment for
providing acceptable level of synthetical surface active substances.

3.11. At supply of sewerage water to treatment facilities by pumps an evaluation of

treatment facilities of small settlements should be done to discharge equal to capacity of of pump

Sewerage schemes and systems of industrial enterpises

3.12. System of water economy ofindustrial enterpises should be with a maximum

secondary (consecutive) use of industrial waters at definite technological oparations or with a
circulation of cooling water for some units or enterpises in whole. Irrevocable water losses should
be reimbursed at the account of surface drainage water accumulation or householdld, city and
industrial sewerage after its’ treatment and desinfection (neutralization).
page.18 SNT 2.04.03-98
Direct-flow water supply system for industrial needs with a disposal of treated sewerage
watersa to water objects is acceptable only in case of grounds and approval of bodies on water use
and preservation and bodies of fish resources protection.

3.13. At choosing sewerage scheme and system of industrial enterprises it is required to

consider the following:
Possibility of axcluding of creation of contaminated sewerage at technological process at the
account of introduction of waste-free and water-free productions, use of dry processes, providing of
closed loop system of water economy, application of air cooling systems and so on;
Requirementds to water quality used in techmnological processes and it’s quantity;
Quantity and characteristic of sewerage waters created at different technological processes
and physical-chemical properties of impurities, material and energy balances of water consumption
and water drainage;
A possibility of local treatment of flows of sewerage water with the purpose of extraction of
separate components and secondary use of wsater and creation of local closed loop syatems of
industrial water supply;
A possibility of consecutive water use at different techno logical prosesses with different
requirements to it’s quality;
A possibility bof dishcrge of separate flow of sewerage which requires local treatment;
A possibility of merging of sewerage waters with identical quality charaxcteristic;
Possibility of use treated household and municipal sewerage waters in production and
creation of closed loop system of water use without disposal of swewerage to water objects;
Possibility of chemical processes in pipelines with a formation of gaseous or solid
substances at flowing to sewerage system different sewerage waters;
Conditions of disposal of industrial sewerage water to water objects or to a sewerage system
of a settlement or any other water consumer.

3.14. Sewerage system of industrial enterprises should be foreseen, as a rule, by full separate

3.15. Sewage waters which requires a special treatment with a purpose of its’ return to a
production or for preparation before its’ discharge to water objects or in sewerage systems of a
settlement or any other water consumer should be discharge by a separate flow.

3.16. Merging of flows of industrial sewerage with different impurities is acceptable only at
reasonability of its’ joint treatment.

3.17. Treatment of industrial and municipal sewerage on outside the areal treatment facilities
could be done jointly or separately depending of charcterisctis of incoming sewerage and conditions
of its’ secondary use.

3.18. Industrial sewerage whci are a subject for joint disposal and treatment with household
sewerage of a settlement should not:
Disturb functioning of system and structures;
Contain substances which could litter pipes of sewerage system or deposit on pipe walls;
Have a destroying effect on materials pipes made of and on elements of structures and
sewerage system;
Contain combustibles and soluble substances which are capable of forming explosive or
toxic gases in sewerage systems and structures;
Contain hazardous substances in concentrations which could destroy operation of treatment
facilities or which prevent use it in systems of technical water supply or its’ discharge to water
objects (considering treatment effect).
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 19
Industrial sewerage which doesn’t correspond to above mentioned requirements should be
subjected to preliminary treatment. A degree of it’s pre-treatment should be approved by
organizations designing treatment facilities of a settlement or other water consumer.

3.19. Sewerage which are not contaminated in production processes should be used in
systems of industrial water supply or passed to the other water consumer to irrigation including.

3.20. Quantity of sewerage of industrial enterprises should be determined by technological

data with analyses of water economy balance in a part of possible encrease of water circulation and
recycling and in case of lack of such data – by enlarged limits of water consumption to one unit of
production or raw material by data of similar enterpises. Out of total quantity of sewerage of
industrial enterpises should be separated a quantity which is discharged to sewerage system of a
settlement or other water consumer.

Scheme of sewerage system of surface waters from territory of settlements and

industrial enterpises

3.21. At separate sewerage system a treatment of surface sewerage from territory of city
should be done at local or centralized treatment facilities of surface discharge. At that it should be
as a rule depending on applied requirements mechanical treatment facilities applied (grids, sand
traps, settling facilities, filteres). In some cases a joint treatment of surface, hauseholsd and
induatrial sewerage waters is possible on joint treatment facilities and at that sewerage waters
should be accumulated in reservoirs and discharge to sewerage system at hours of minimal inflow
of municipal sewerage.

3.22. Surface sewerage from territory of industrial enterpises should be treated.

Elaborations of actions aimed on treatment of surface sewerage on enterpises should be
grounded on actual data of sources of contaminatiomn of territory and air, characteristic of water
drainage basin, information on precipitations of this area, irrigation schedule and washing of a
Ifd a territory of an enterpises by quantity and quality of accumulated on a surface
impurities not really differ of residential territory then surface sewerage could be directed to a rain
sewerage of a settlement.

3.23. At elaboration of a scheme of surface water disposal and treatment depending on

definite conditions (sources of contamination, size, location and relief of water drained basin and so
on) should take into account a necessity of localization of some parts of industrial area where could
be hazardous substances with a sewerage discharge to industrial sewerage system or after pre-
treatment – to rain sewerage system. In some cases it is required to evaluate a reasonability of
separate sewerage drainage from industrial territories which differ on a degree and character of
territory contamination.

3.24. For treatment of surface sewerage it is recommended to provide simple in operation

and reliable in operation structures of mechanical and physical-chemical treatment. In both cases it
is required to apply settling structures.
page.20 SNT 2.04.03-98


Conditions of routing of sytems and pipelines laying

4.1. Layout of sewerage systems on general plans and minimal distances at it and at crossing
from external surfaces of of pipes to structures and infrastructure should be accepted by SNT

4.2. At parallel laying of few pressure pipelines a distance between external surface of pipes
should be taken from operation conditions, providing protection of adjoining pipelines in case of
accident on one of it depending on pipe material, internal pressure and geological conditions in
accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84.

4. 3. At parallel laying of two collectors a distance between them should be taken equal to
five diameters of the biggest collector but no less tham 10m.

4.4. Overground and underground laying of sewerage pipelines on territory of sttlements is

not acceptable.
At crossing of deep ravines, watercources and water reservoirs and at laying of sewerage
pipelines outside a settlement it is acceptable overground and underground pipeline laying.

Turns, joints and depths of deeping of pipelines

4.5. An anle between connecting and outlet pipe should be above 90°.

Note. Any angle between joints and outlet pipelines is acceptable at installation in a well a
level difference as piperise and joining of rain inlets with a level difference.

4.6. Turns on collectors should be provided in wells; radius of a turn curve should be taken
above pipe diameter, on collectors of diameter 1200mm and above – no less than five diameter and
provide visual control wells at the beginning and at the end of the curve.

4.7. Joints of pipelines of different diameters should be provided in wells along crown of
pipes. At well grounding it is acceptable to connect pipes on rated level of water.

4.8. The minimal depth of laying of sewerage pipelines should be provided on a base of
sewerage system operation experience of this area. In case of absence of operation data of pipeline
it is acceptable to take as folowing: for pipes of diameter below 500 mm - to 0,3 m; for pipes of
bigger diameter - to 0,5 m less the maximum depth of zero temperature penetration to ground,
above 0,7 m to the top of a pipe starting since the ground level or laying out. The minimal depth of
laying of collectors with continuous (low variable) discharge of sewerage waters should be
determined by heat engeneering and static evaluations.
Minimal depth of laying of collectors constructed by shiel-driving is required to take above
3 m of ground level or planning to top of a shield.
Pipelines layed to the depth of 0,7 m and below starting from top of a pipe should be
protected from freezing and damage by transport.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 21
Maximal depth of pipe laying and collectors as well layed by shield-driving or mining
method should be determined by calculation depending on pipe material, ground conditions and
operation methods.

Pipes, supports, reinforcement and bedding of pipes

4.9. For sewerage pipelines it is required to apply:

Self-flow – non pressure reinforced concrete, concrete, ceramic, cast-iron, asbestos-cement,

plastic pipes and reinforced concrete fixing;
Pressure pipelines – pressure reinforced concret, asbestos-cement, cast-iron, steel and plastic

Notes : 1. Use of cast-iron pipes for self-flow and steel ones for pressure systems is
acceptable at laying at difficult access areas, suibsidence ground, on worked-out territory, at places
of passages over water barriers, under railway and motor ways, at the places of crossing with drink
water pipelines and at laying of pipelines on pier supports and at the possible places of mechanical
damage of pipes.

2. At laying of pipeline in aggressive environment it is required to use pipes resistant to


3. Steel pipelines should be coated fron outside by anti-corrosion isolation. At places of

possible electrocorrosion a catode protection of pipelines should be provided.

4.10. Type of bedding for pipes should be accepted depending on carring capacity of ground
and loading.

At all groubnds except rocky, heaving sand, marshy and sagging of I type it is reuired to
provide pipe laying directly to flatten and compacted bottom of a trench.

At rocky ground it is required to provide pipe laying to a bedding of a width of above 10 cm

out of local sand or gravel ground and at sludgey and other soft grounds – to artificial bedding.

4.11. On pressure pipelines when it is required an installation of valves, plungers, outputs

and compensators in wells.

4.12. Inclination of pressure pipelines towards to output should be taken above 0,001.
Diameter of outputs should be taken out of conditions of emptying of a part of a pipeline
within less than 3 hours.
Discharge of sewerage discharged out of emptying part should be provided without
discharge to water object to a special chamber with a further pumping to a sewerage system or by
disposal of sewerage by tank lorry.

4.13. At turns of pressure pipelines in vertical or horizontal plane when appearing forces
can’t be accepted by pipe joints supports should be provided by SNiP 2.04.02-84.
page.22 SNT 2.04.03-98
Inspection wells (manholes)

4.14. Inspection wells on sewerage system of any type should be provided:

At places of joining;
At places of change of direction, inclination and diameter of pipelines;
On straight parts at distance depending pipe diameter: 150 mm - 35 m, 200 - 450 mm - 50
m, 500-600 mm - 75 m, 700-900 mm - 100 m, 1000-1400 mm - 150 m, 1500-2000 mm - 200 m,
above 2000 mm - 250-300 m.

4.15. Sizes at plans of wells or chambers of household and industrial sewerage system
should be taken depending on pipe of the maximum diameter D:
On pipelines of diameter to 600 mm –length and width 1000 mm;
On pipelines of diameter 700 mm and above -length D + 400 mm, width D + 500 mm.
Diameters of round wells should be atken on pipelines of diameters: to 600 mm -1000 mm;
700 mm - 1250 mm; 800-1000 mm -1500 mm; 1200 mm - 2000 mm.
Notes:1. Size of plans of wells at turns it is required to determine by conditions of placement
in it shutes of tuns.
2. On pipelines of diameter below 150 mm and at I depth of laying to 1,2 m it is acceptable
to provide wells of diameter 700 mm.
3. At depth of laying above 3 m diameter of wells should be taken above 1500 mm.

4.16. The height of work part of wells (from the shelf or operating platform), as a rule,
should be taken 1800 mm; at height of work part of wells below 1200 mm its’ width is accepted to
be equal to D + 300 mm, but not less of 1000mm.

4.17. In the work part of wells it is required to provide:

Installation of steel clamps or hand-on ladders for coming down to inspection wells;
On pipelines of diameter above 1200 mm at the height of work part above 1500 mm –
fensing of a work part of height 1000 mm.

4.18. stages of shutes of inspection wells should be located on a level of top of a pipe of
bigger diameter.
In wells on pipelines of diameter 700 mm and above it is acceptable to provide an operating
platform from one side of shute and a shelf of a width no less than 100 mm from other one. On
pipelines of a diameter above 2000 mm it is acceptable to provide an operating platform on console
and at that a size of open part of a shute should be taken no less than 2000 х 2000 mm.

4.19. Size at plans of wells of rain sewerage system should be: on pipelines of pipelines of
diameter to 600 mm - diameter 1000 mm;
On pipelines of diameter 700 mm and above – round or right-angled with a shute part of
length 1000 mm and a width equal to diameter of the biggest pipe.
The height of work part of wells on pipelines of diameter 700 to 1400 mm should be taken
from the shute of a pipe of the biggest diameter;
On pipelines of diameter 1500 m and above work parts are not providede.
Shelves of shutes of wells should be provided only on pipelines of diameter to 900 mm on
the level of half a diameter of the biggest pipe.

4.20. Well shimney on sewerage system of all types should be of 700mm;

Size of a shimney and work part of a well on turns and on straight parts of pipeline diameter
600 mm and above at the distance of every 300-500 m should be provided enough for a drawing
down devices for cleaning grids.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 23
4.21. Installation of manholes should be provided: on one level with a surface of the road at
improved pavement;
50-70 mm above the ground surface in a green zone and 200 mm above ground level on not
builded territory. If necessary manholes should be provided by locking device.

4.22. In case of presence of underground water with a rated level above bottom of a well it is
required to provide bottom and walls of 0,5 m higher the level of underground water.

Level difference wells

4.23. Level difference wells should be provided:

To decrease a level of pipeling imbedding;
To avoid an excess of maximum acceptable speed of sewerage movement or short change of
At crossing with underground structures;
At flooded discharge outlets at the last before reservoir well.

Note. On pipelines of diameter of 600 mm level difference of height 0,5 m it is acceptable to

provide without level difference wells installation – by discharge at inspection well.

4.24. Level difference till 3 m on pipelines of 600 mm diameter and above should be
foreseen as water-discharge of practical profile.
Level difference to 6 m on pipelines to 500 mm diameter should be provided in wells as a
stand of a cross section no less than a cross section of incoming pipeline.
In wells above a stand it is required to provide a receiver cone and under a stand –
dissipating sink with a metal plate at foundation.
For stands of diameter to 300 mm it is acceptable to install a directional bend instead of
dissipating sink.

Rain water inlets

4.25. Rain water inlets by GOST 26008-83 should be provided:

On long parts of of slopes (rises) ;

On crossroads and pedestrian crossing from a side of surface water inflow;
At lowered places at the end of long slopes;
At lowered places at serrated profile of street trays;
On streets, yards and parks which have no surface water discharge.
At lowered places with rain inlets which have horizontal covered by grid hole on a plate of a
road it is acceptable application of rain inlets as well with a vertical on plate of kerbstone hole and
of combined type with a hole horizontal and vertical.
On places with a long longitudinal slope it is required to use rain inlets with horizontal hole

4.26. Rain inlets with horizontal hole at lowered places of trays with serrated longtitudial
profile and on places with longtitudial slope of below 0,005 are equipped by small right-angled rain
intake grid.
page.24 SNT 2.04.03-98
On parts of streets with a longtitudial slope of 0,005 or above and at lowered places at the
end of long slope parts rain intakes with horizontal hole should be equipped by big right-angled

4.27. Distance between rain inlets grids on parts of streets with a longtitudial slope of one
direction is determined by estimation on a condition that a width of a flow in a tray before grid
doesn’t exceed 2m.

4.28. A length of connection from rain inlet to an inspection well should be below 40 m and
at that it is acceptable an installation of only one intermediary rain inlet. Diameter of connection is
determined by rated water inflow to rain inlet at a slope of 0,02 but it should not be below 200 mm..

4.29. It is acceptable to provide connections of drain pipes of buildings and drainage


Pipe canals

4.31. Diameters of pipe canals should be taken above 150 mm.

4.32. Pipe canals at crossing of water reservoirs and watercources are required to make no
less than in two work lines out of steel pipes with better anticorrosion isolation protected from
mechanical damages. Every line of pipe canal should be checked for passing of rated discharge with
taking into account acceptable backwater.
At sewerage discharge which doesn’t correspond to rated spee (look item 2.27), one of two
lines should be reserved (non operated).
Projects of pipe canals through water ongects used for drink water supply and fishery should
be approved by sanitary-epidemiological service and fish resources protection bodies and across
navigarting watercources - by bodies of department of river craft of republics.
At crossing ravins and waterless valleys it is acceptable to provide pipe canals in one line.

4.33. At projecting pipe canals it is required to take:

A depth of embedding of underwater part of pipelines from project marks or possible
washing out, bottom of watercourse to top of a pipe - above 0,5 m and within navigatinh channel
borders on navigating watercourses - above 1 m;
Inclination angle of upcoming part of pipe canals - below 20° to a horizont;
Distance between lines od pipe canals at light -above 0,7 - 1,5 m depending on pressure.

4.34. At entrance and exit chambers of pipe canals locking devices should be provided.

4.35. Planning mark at pipe canals at its’ location in flood part of water object should be
taken 0,5 m higher of high water horisont with a provision of 3 %.

Crossing roads

4.36. Laying of piplines across railway and roads should be designed in accordance with
CNiP 2.04.02-84."Water supply. External systema and structures”
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 25
Discharge, srorm rain discharde

4.37. Discharge to water objects should be placed at places with encreased turbulence of a
flow (narrowing, chanels, rapids and so on).

Depending on conditions of discharge of treated sewerage to watercourses embankement,

storm flow or dispersive discharges should be provided. At discharge of treated sewerage to seas
and water reservoirs it is required to provide, as a rule, deep-water discharges.

4.38. Pipelines of storm or deep water discharges are required to accept from steel with
forced isolation or plastic pipes with its’ laying in trenches. Heads of srorm, embankment and deep-
water discharges should be out of concrete.
The construction of discharges should be done with taking into account requirements of
navigation, mode of level, wave effects, geological conditions and riverbed deformations.

4.39. Storm discharges should be provided as:

Discharges with heads as abuntment wall – at unfortified riverbanks;
Holes at battering wall – at presence of embankments.

Pecularities of sewerage system designing for industrial enterpises

4.40. Number of systems of drainage net on industrial site it is required to determine by

composition of sewerage, its’ discharge and temperature, possibility of it’s recycling, necessity of
its; local treatment and construction of without drain system of water supply.

4.41. On industrial site it is required to provide laying of sewerage pipelines depending on

sewerage composition in open and enclosed canals, trays, tunnels and by overpassing as well.

4.42. Distances from lateral discharge pipelines of sewerage which contain aggressive,
evaporating, toxic and explosive substances (with a specific weight of gases and vapours below 0,8
in relation to air) from external walls of passage tunnels should be above 3 m and to sellular
premises - above 6 m.

At outside laying of pressure pipeline transporting aggressive sewerage it is required to lay

it in ventilated passableor half-passable canals. A laying in non passable canals is acceptable in case
of installation of seight chamber on it.

4.43. For locking, inspection and connecting devices on piupelines of sewerage containing
avaporating toxic or explosive substances it is required to provide enforced sealing.

4.44. To transport aggressive industrial sewerage depending on it’s composition and

concentration and on temperature as well it is required to use pipes resistant to influence of
transporting by it sibstances.

4.45. Closing up of joints of splayed pipes for drainage of aggressive sewerage should be
made out of material resistant to influence of these liquids. For pilines with rigid joints it is required
to provide foundation to eclude a possibility of sagging.

4.46. Structures on sewerage system of aggressive sewerage should be protected from

corrosion influence of liquids and vapours.
page.26 SNT 2.04.03-98

4.47. Trays of wells for acid sewerage should be out of acidproof materials; it is not
acceptable an installation of metal cramps and ladders at such wells.
At diameter of pipeline to 500 mm it is required to provide facing of right-angled trays by
halves of ceramic pipes.

4.48. On sewerage drainage of buildings which contain inflammable, combustible and

explosive substances it is required to provide chamber with a hydraulic locking device.

4.49. Drainage of rain waters from sites of open reservoir park of combustible, inflammable
and toxic liquids, acids, alcalies and so on which are not connected witth a regular dishcrge of
contaminated sewerage should be done through distributing well with valves which let to direct
water at normal conditions to system of exicting rain water drainage and in case of a leak of
reservoir – to technological emergency receivers which is a prt of a storage inventory and which is
reuired in case of rain water drainage system.

Ventilation of systems

4.50. Exhaust ventilation of household and general sewerage system it is required to provide
through stands of internal sewerage system of buildings.

4.51. Special ventilating devices should be provided at entrance chambers of pipe canals, at
inspection wells (at places of short speed lowering of water in pipes of diameter above 400 mm)
and at differential wells at height of difference above 1 m and sewerage discharge above 50 l/sec.

4.52. In some separate cases at corresponding evaluation it is acceptable to design artificial

exhaust ventilation of a system.

4.53. For naturall exhaust ventilation of external systems for sewerage water drainage which
contains avaporating toxic and explosive substances at every drain out of buildingit is required to
provide exhaust stands of a diameter of 200 mm installed in a heated part of a building and at that it
should be connected with external hydraulic valve chamber and should be extended above comb of
the roof on 0,7 m.
On parts of systems without drains exhaust stands ahouyld be provided every 250 m. At
absence of buildings it is required to provide stands of diameter 300 mm and a height above 5 m.

4.54. Ventilation of sewerage collectors layed by shield or mining method should be

provided through ventilation stand installed as a rule above shafts.
It is acceptable to install ventilation stands over inspection wells.

Drainage station

4.55. Acceptance of sewerage from areas not provided with sewerage system is required to
do through drainage stations.

4.56. Drainage stations should be placed near sewerage system collector of a diameter
above 400 mm and a quantity of sewerage water coming from drainage station at that should not
exceed 20 % of total estimated discharge of the collector.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 27
4.57. Sewerage water coming fron drainage stations should not contain any coarse
mechanical impurities, sand and BPK above 1000 mg/l.

4.58. Ratio of quantity of added water to a quantity of liquide waste should be 1:1. it should
be: 30 % of total discharge – to washing of transport means by fire pumps, 25 % - for dilution of
waste at canal at receiving cone and 45 % - at grids and for creation of water barrier.
Water should be supplied from water pipeline flow tearing.


General indications

5.1. Pump and airblast stations by its’ reliability are divided into three categories specified
by table 16
Тable 16

Category of Description of operation mode of pump stations

realibility of
The first Not accepting breaks in operation or decrease of sewerage water supply

The second Accepting breaks of sewerage water supply for less than 6 hours; airblast
The third Accepting a break of sewerage water supply for no more than 24 hours

Note. A break in operation of pump station of the second and third categories is possible with
taking into account requirements of item 1.8, operation conditions or stop of water supply of
settlements for less than 24 hours at number habitants till 5000.

5.2. Requirements to design of pump and airblast stations, determination of size of machine
halls, transport-lifting equipment, placement of pumpm aggregates, fittings and pipelines, actions
on anti-flooding of halls should be taken in accordance with SNiP ,, Water supply. External systems
and structures”

5.3. At designing of pump stations for pumping industrial sewerage water containing
inflammable, avaporating, explosive and toxic substances besides of the present regulations it is
required to follow corresponding branch regulations, norms, directives, instructions and “Guidance
of electricity installations arrangement” (PUE-76)

Pump stations

5.4. Pumps, equipment and pipelines should be choosen depending on rated inflow and
physical-chemical properties of sewerage water and settlings, height of lifting and specification of
pumps and pressure pipilines and sequence of object comissioning. Number of reserve pumps
should be taken bt table 17.
page.28 SNT 2.04.03-98

Notes : 1. Capacity of pumps for pumping rain water should be considered with taking into
account a flood-free area of low zones at established period of one-time over-flow of a system and
drain regulation.
2. For pumping sewerage system sludges, settlings and sand it is acceptable to use hydraulic
elevator and air-lifting units.
3. At pump stations of the first category of pumping industrial water in case of a need of
power supply from two sources it is acceptable to install reserve pump units with heat, internal
combustion engines and so on.
4. In case of perspective improvement of capacity of deepen pump stations it is acceptable to
provide a possibility of replacement of pumps by beter capacity ones or construction of reserved
foundations for installation of additional pumps.

Тable 17

Household sewerage and similar by its’ Aggressive sewerage

composition industrial sewerage
Number of pumps
Reserved at category of reliability of Reserved ones at all categories of
operating operation of pump stations operating reliability of pump station
The first second third operation
1 2 1 1 1 1 and 1 at warehouse
2 2 1 1 2-3 2
3 and 2 2 1 and 1 at 4 3
above warehouse
- - - - 5 and Above 50%
Note : In case of reconstruction due to enhancement of capacity it is acceptable for pumping
household and similar byt it’s composition industrial sewerage at pump stations of the third
ctegiory it is acceptable not to install reserved pumps and keep them at warehouses.

5.5. Pump stations for pumping household and surface sewerage should be located in
separate buildings.
Pump stations for pumping industrial sewerage are acceptable to place in a production unit
or in production premises. In common machinery hall of pump stations it is acceptable to install
pumps used for pumping different sewerage but those containing evaporating, inflammable,
explosive and toxic substances.
Допуsecкаетsecя уsecтановка наsecоsecов для перекачки бытовых secточных вод в
производsecтвенных поmещениях secтанций очиsecтки secточных вод.

5.6. On approach collector of pump station it is required to provide locking device with a
drive controlled at the land surface.

5.7. Every pump as a rule should be provided by independent sunction pipeline.

5.8. Numvber of pressure pipelines from pump stations of the first category should be taken
as two a minimum in case of necessity of being swithed from one to the other and distances
between them should be determined out of conditions of providing 100% of rated discharge in
emergency case and at that it is required to provide the use of reserved pumps.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 29
Fro pump stations of the second and third categories it is acceptable to provide one pressure

5.9. Pumps, as a rule, should be installed below flooding. In case of installation of pump
case above the rated level of sewerage then definite actions should be foreseen for providing pump
start. Installation of pumps for pumping sludge and sludge should be foreseen only below the

5.10. Spped of sewerage flow movement or of precipitations at sunction and pressure

pilelines should exclude settling of suspended substances. For household sewerage the minimal
values of speed should be determined in accordance with requirements of item 2.34.

5.11. At pump stations for sludge and sludge it is required to provide a possibility of
washing out for sunction and pressure pipelines.

In some cases it is acceptable to use mechanical means of cleaning of sludge lines.

5.12. In case of a requirement of pump protection from clogging at receiving reservoirs of

punmp stations grids with mechanical rakes or commuting screenss should be provided.

At quantity of waste below 0,1 m3/24 hours it is acceptable to have grids with manual
cleaning. A width of slots of grids should be taken 10-20 mm less of a diameter of passige cross
sections of installed pumps.

At installation of grids with mechanical rakes or commuting screenss a number of reserved

grids should be taken by table 18.

Тable 18

Tyoe of grid Number of grids

operating reserved
With mechanical rakes and slots of a
width, mm:
Above 20 1 and above 1
16-20 till 3 1
above3 2
Commuting screenss installed on
pipelines till 3 1(with
Till 3 cleaning)
On canals Above 3 1
Manually cleaned 1 -

5.13. Quantity of waste kept by grids out of household sewerage should be taken by table 19.
average density of a waste -750 kg/m3, coefficient of hourly irregularity of its’supply - 2.

Тable 19

A width of slots on grids, Quantity of waste cleaned from grids per 1 person,
mm l/year
page.30 SNT 2.04.03-98
16-20 8
25-35 3
40-50 2,3
60-80 1,6
90-125 1,2

5.14. Speed of drain water movement in slots of a grid at maximum inflow should be
determined at slots of mechanized grids 0.8-1 m/sec and at slots of commuting screenss - 1,2 m/sec.

5.15. At mechanized grids it is required to install grinding devices for grinding waste and
supply of grinded mass to a drainage watere before the grid or an installation of hermetic containers
in accordance with requirements of item 6.19.

At quantity of waste above 1 t/24 hours a reserved grinding should be provided in addition
to operationg one.

5.16. around grinds should be a passage of a width, m, above:

With mechanized racks - 1,2 (before the front - 1,5);
With manual cleaning - 0,7;
Commuting screenss installed on canals - 1.

At deepen stations an installation of commuting screnss should be provided at a distance of

0,25 m from the wall.

5.17. Receiving tank and grids combined in one building ith a machinery hall should be
separated from it by dumb water proof partition. A passage through door between machinery hall
and premises with grids is acceptable only at the not ddepen part of the building at providing
measures against overflow of drainage water out of premises for grids to machinery hall in case of
flooding of a system.

5.18. Capacity of a receiving tank of pump station should be determined depending on

inflow of drainage water, capacity of pumps and acceptable frequency of electric equipment start
but no less than 5-minute maximal capacity of one of the pumps.

At receiving tanks of pump stations of cpacity above 100 thousand m3/24 hours it is required
to provide two sections without expanding of the whole volume.

Capacity of receiving tanks of pump stations which operate sequentially should be

determined out of its’ joint perating conditions. In some cases the capacity is acceptable to
determine by conditions of pressure pipeline emptying.

5.19.Capacity of a tank of sludge station at pumping of settling outside the station of a

treatment of drainage water is required to determine out of conditions of 15-minute continuois
operation of a pump and at that it is acceptable to decrese it at the account of continuois income of
settling from treatment facilities while pump operation.

Receiving tanks of sludgepump stations it is acceptable to provide with taking a possibility

of its’ use as reservoirs for water at flushing of sludge pipilines.

5.20. At receiving tanks it is required to provide arrangements for stirring-up of settlings and
washing up of a tank. Bottom inclination of a tank towards sink should be above 0,1.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 31
5.21. At tanks for receiving sewerage water which displacement could lead to a formation of
hazardous gases of settling or when there is a need in storage of sewerage with different
contaminations it is required to provide separate sections for each flow of sewerage.

5.22. Tanks of industrial sewerage containing evaporating, inflammable and toxic or

explosibe substances should be separately located. Distances from external walls of these tanks
should be, m, above: 10 – to buildings of pumps stations, 20 – to other production units, 100 – to
public buildings.

5.23. Tanks of aggressive industrial sewerage should be as a rule, separately located. It is

acceptable to place it in machinery hall. Number of tanks should be two as minimum at continuois
inflow of sewerage water. At periodic discharge it is acceptable to provide one tank and at that a
periodicity of discharge should provide a possibility of repair works.

5.24. Laying of sunction pipelines between tanks and pump station buildings for aggressive
industrial sewerage should be provided in canals or tunnels.

5.25. At pump stations of pumping sewerage it is required to providing pipe laying in

reinforcement and above floor level.
A laying of piplines transporting aggressive sewerage in canals is not acceptable. Number of
shuoff valves should be minimal.

5.26. At pump stations, as a rule, worker’s locker rooms should be provided (toilets with
wash basins, showers, and dressing rooms) should be provided in accordance with SNiP
"Administrative and personnel service premises" in accordance of number of service personnel and
groups of production processes and additional premises by table 20.
Тable 20

Capacity , Area of premises, m2

m3/24 hours service Workshops storage
till 5000 - - -
5000 -15 000 8 10 6
15 000 - 100000 12 15 6
Above 100000 20 25 10

Notes : 1. Composition of household and auxiliary premises at pump station located on

territory of enterpises and treatment facilities should be determined depending on availability of
such premises at close located buildings. Sanitary unit should be foreseen in case of location of
pump station at 50 m distance from production buildings which are provided by sanitary-service
2. At pump station with a control without constant service personnel such service premises
are acceptable not to provide.

Airblast stations

5.27. Airblast stations for aeration of sewerage should be placed on territory of treatment
facilities close to consumption place of compressed air and electrodistributive devices.
page.32 SNT 2.04.03-98

5.28.Airblast equipment should be choosen on a base of technological evaluation of aeration

structures and taking into accounbt other requirements of a site in compressed air.

5.29. Number of operating aggregates at station capacity of above 5000 m3 of air in 1 hour
should be taken as minimum two and at less capacity it is acceptable to install one aggregate.

Number of reserved aggregates should be at the number of operationg ones: to three - one,
four and above - two.

5.30. At buildings of airblast station it is acceptable to provide devices for air cleaning,
pumps for industrial water, active sludge, aerotanks emptying and central control unit, distributing
devices, transformer sunstation of auxiliary and service premises.

5.31. Machinery hall should be separated from iother premises and have am exit outside.
Size of a machinery hall in layout should be determined in accordance with SNiP "Water
supply. External systems and structures".

5.32. A device for intake of atmospheric air should be provided in accordance with SNiP
"Heating, ventilation an air conditioning".
Air cleaning should be provided on roll and other filteres. Filteres aggangement should
provide a possibility of switch off of separate filteres at its’ replacement at regeneration.
At number of operating filteres to three it is required to provide one reserved filter and at
above three – two reserved ones.
At use of perforated pipes at earotanks it is acceptable air aupply without cleaning.

5.33. Speed of air flow should be the following, m/sec: at chambers of filteres - to 4, and at
approach canal - till 6, and at pipelines - to 40.

5.34. Evaluation for airchannels should be done by taking into account an air compression,
encrease of it’s temperature and a need to provide minimum difference of pressure at different
sections of structures.
Rated value of losses of pressure at aerators (considering increase of resistance while
operation period) should be, kPа (m, water column):
For fine bubbled aerators - не более below secвыше Зm,-1,5 (0,15);
At low pressure aeration - 0,15-0,5 (0,015-0,05).

5.35. at number of sections of aerotanks of above four an air supply from airblast station
should be provided at two airchannels as a minimum.



6.1. Degree of waste treatment should be determined depending on local conditions and with
consideration of possible use of treated sewerage and surface water for production and agricultural
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 33

It is reuired as well to consider a possibility of use of neutralized settling of sewerage for

fertilizing and other use

6.2. Maximum acceptable concentration (PDK) of impurities in water of water object with
consideration a fact of its’ treatment and degree of its’ dilution by water at water object at its’
approaching to treatment facilities should be decreased at the account of construvtion of local
treatment facilities.
Content of biogenic elements ahould be above 5 mgr/l of nitrogen N and 1 mgr/l of
phosphorus Р per every 100 mgr/l BPKfull.

6.3. Average speed of oxidation of multicomponent mixtures should be taken by

experimental data and in case of its’ absence it is acceptable to take a speed of oxidation as average
weighted speed of oxidation of substances which are a part of multicomponent mixture.

6.4. Qantity of water contaminants per one inhabitant for determionation of its’
concentration in household waste should be considered by table 21. concentration of contaminants
should be determined by specific water norm per one habitant.

Тable 21

Index Quantity of contaminats per one habitanyt, gr/24 hours

Suspended matters 65
BPKfull. Unclarified liquid 75
BPKfull. Clarified liquid 40
ammonium nitrogen N 8
phosphates Р2О5 3,3
including from detergents 1,6
Chlorides CI 9
Surface active substances (PAV) 2,5

Notes : 1. quantity of contaminats from population living in not provided with sewerage sytem
area should be accounted as 33% of specified in table 21.
2. At discharge of household sewerage water of industrial enterpises to a sewerage system
of a settlement the quantity of contaminats from operation personnel additionally is not accounted

6.5. In a composition and concentration of contaminats in sewerage it is required to take

into account its’ content in primary tap water and contaminants from structures on treatment of
settling of sewerage and from washing up waters of deep treatment facilities and so on.

6.6. Calculations of structures for industrial sewerage water treatment and treatment of its’
settling should be done on a base of the present regulations, construction norms of designing of
enterpises, buildings, and structures of corresponding branches of industry, data of scientific
research institutions and operation practise of operating enterprises.

6.7. Rated discharge of sewerage should be determined by summary schedule of inflow at

pumping and at self-flow approach to treatment facilities.

6.8. Evaluations for structures of biological treatment of sewerage should be done on sum of
organic conatminats expressed BPKfull (for household sewerage a value of BPKfull should be taken
as equal BPK20)
page.34 SNT 2.04.03-98

6.9. At joint biological treatment of industrial and household sewerage it is acceptable to

provide joint and separate treatment of them.
For explosive industrial sewerage and in case of need of chemical or physical-chemical
treatment of industrial and household sewerage and at different methods of treatment of industrial
and hosehold sewerage it is required to use separate mechanical treatment.

6.10. Composition of structures should be choosen depending on characterictics and

quantity of sewerage coming for treatment and required degree of its’ treatment, method of
treatment of settling and local conditions.

6.11. Area of treatment facilities of sewerage should be located, as a rule, from leeward side
for prevailing winds towards residential area and below a settlement along the flow of a

6.12. Arranging of structure on the site should provide:

Rational use of a territory with taking into account a perspective development of structures
and a possibility of a construction turn by turn;
Barring of structures and buildings of different use and minimal extension of on site
Selfflow passing of the main flow of sewerage through structures with taking into account
all losses of water head and by using a relief inclination.

6.13. In composition of treatment facilities should be provided by:

Devices for even distribution of sewerage and settling between different structure elements
and for shuttoff of structures, canals and pipelines for a repair, emptying and washing up;
Devices for measuring of sewerage discharge and settling;
Equipment and laboratory equipment for quality controlm of incoming and treated sewerage

6.14. Canals of treatment facilities and trays of structures should be designed for maximum
second discharge of sewerage with a coefficient 1,4.

6.15. Composition and areas of auxiliary and laboratory premises should be designed by
table 22.
Composition and areas of dressing rooms, showers, sanitary units and others should be
designed in accordance to SNiP ”Administrative-service buildings” depends on number of service
personnel and group of sanitary specification of production processes taken by table 61

Тable 22

Area of premises, m2 , at capacity of treatment facilities, thousand

Premises m3/24 hours
1,4 - 10 10 - 50 above 50 to Above above250
100 100to 250
Physical-chemical laboratory
on control of:
secточных вод 20 25 25 40 (two 50(two
rooms by rooms by
20) 25)
Settling of sewerage - - 15 15 20
Bacteriological laboratory - 20 22 33(two 35(two
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 35
rooms 18 rooms 20
and 15) and 15)
Weight station - 6 8 10 12
Washhouse and autoclave - 10 12 15 15
Premises for vials storage and 6 6 12 15 20
Office of Chief of laboratory - 10 12 15 20

End of table 22
Area of premises, m , at capacity of treatment facilities, thousand m3/24

Premises hours
1,4 - 10 10 - 50 above 50 to Above above250
100 100to 250
Premises for sampling - - 6 8 8
Local communication unit Назначаетsecя в завиsecиmоsecти от secиsecтеmы
дтsecпетчеризации и автоmатизации
Office of Chief of sation 10 15 15 25 25
Premises for technicians 10 15 20 25(two 30(two
rooms 10 rooms by
and 15) 15)
Room for duty personnel 8 15 20 25 25
Workshop of small repair 10 15 20 25 25
Workshop for devices 15 15 15 20 20
Library and archives - - 10 20 30
Inventory premises - - 6 8 8
Notes : 1. Auxiliary premises should be located in one building.
2. Arrangement of laboratory in pump and airblast stations is acceptable on a condition of
providing measures on prevention of vibration of equipment transfer to walls of a building.
3. For stations of a capacity of below 1,4 thousand m3/24 hours composition and area of
premises is designed depending on local conditions.



6.16. In a composition of treatment structures grids with crevices of below 16 mm and right-
angled rods should be used or commuting screens.

Notes. Grids are acceptable not being provided in case of supply of sewerage to treatment
facilities by pumps equipped by grids with crevices below 16 mm before them or by commuting
screens and at that:
Length of pressure pipeline should not exceed 500 m;
At pump stations it is required removal by transport kept by grids waste
6.17. Number of grids and commuting screens, speed of flow of a liquid in crevices, norms
of waste removal and a distance between installed equipment and so on should be designed in
accordance with requirements of item 5.12-5.16.
page.36 SNT 2.04.03-98
6.18. Mechanized cleaning of grids from waste and transporting of it to commuting screens
should be provided at quantity of waste 0,1 m3 /24 hours and above. At less quantity of waste it is
acceptable to provide grids with hand cleaning.

6.19. At grounding waste from grids is acceptable to gather in containers with hermetic lids
and transport to places of treatment of solid household and industrial waste.

6.20. Crushed waste is recommended to send for joint treatment with settling of treatment

6.21. Commuting screens are acceptable to provide at canals without buildings.

6.22. In buildings of commuting screens it is required to foreseen measures on preventing

income of cold air inside premises through approaching and takeoff canals.

6.23. A floor of a building of grids should be layed above the rated level of sewerage water
in a canal above 0,5 m.

6.24. Waterhead losses in grids ahould be taken in three times bigger than for clean grids.

6.25. For installation and repair of grids, screens and other equipment it is required to
provide installation of lifring-transporting equipment in accordance with SNiP "Water supply.
External system and structures".
For transporting of containers lifting-transporting equipment should be with electric drive.

Sand traps

6.26. Sand traps should be provided at capacity of treatment facilities above 100 m3/24
hours. Number of sand traps or sections should be designed no less than two and at that all sand
traps or sections should be operating.
Type of a sand trap (horizontal, tangential, aerated) should be choosen with taking into
account a capacity of treatment facilities, scheme of sewerage treatment and of its’ settling,
sepecification of impurities and structurew decision.

6.27. At calculation of horizontal and aerated sand traps its’ length LS, m should be
determined by formulae
1000 K S H S vS
Ls = , (14)
Ks – coefficient determined by table 23;
Hs – rated depth of a sand trap, m, taken for aerated sand traps equal to a half of
common depth;
vs – speed of a flow of sewerage, m/sec, taken by table 24;
u0 – hydraulic sand coarsness, mm/sec, taken depending on required diameter of
trapped sand particles.

Тable 23
Diameter of Hydrauluic coarsness of Value Кs depending on type of sand traps and ratio
sand particles sand u0, mm/sec of width B to depth H of aerated sand traps
mm horisontal aerated
В:Н=1 В:Н=1,25 В:Н=1,5
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 37
0,15 13,2 - 2,62 2,50 2,39
0,20 18,7 1,7 2,43 2,25 2,08
0,25 24,2 1,3 - - -

Тable 24
Hydraulic Speed of flow of Quantity of
coarsness sewerage νs, m/sec, depth trapped Content
Sand traps of a sand inflow H,m sand Sand of a sand
u0, l/person.-24 humidity, in
mm/sec hours % settling,
minimal maximum %
Horizontal 18,7-24,2 0,15 0,3 0,5-2 0,02 60 55-60
Tangensial 13,2-18,7 - 0,08-0,12 0,7-3,5 0,03 - 90-95
18,7-24,2 - - 0,5 0,02 60 70-75

6.28. At designing sand traps it is required to take common rated parameters for sand traps
of different types by table 24:
а) for horizontal sand traps – duration of sewerage flowing at maximum inflow above 30
б) for aerated sand traps:
installation of aerators out of perforated pipeson a depth of 0,7 Hs along one of lengthwise
wall over the tray for sand collection;
aeration intensity - 3 - 5 m3/ (m2.·h);
diametrical inclination of a bottom to a snad tray - 0.2-0,4;
water intake - matching to a direction of water rotation in a sand trap, discharge - flooded;
ratio of width to depth of section - В:H=1:1,5;
в) for tangencial sand traps:
load - 110 m3 / (m2 .h) at maximum inflow;
water intake – along tangential on all rated depth;
depth - equal to a half of diameter;
diameter - below 6 m.

6.29. Removal of trapped sand from sand traps any types should be designed:
manually – at volume of it to 0,1 m3 /24 hours;
mechanical or hydraulic method with a transporting of sand to a sink and further removal
outside of sand traps by hydroelevators, sand pumps and other methods at it’s volume above 0,1
m3/24 hours.

6.30. Discharge of industrial water qh, l/sec, at hydromechanical sand removal

(hydrowashup by pipeline with sprinkles enstalled in a sand tray) is required to determine by
qh = vhlscbsc (15)
νh - ascending speed of washed up water in a tray equal to 0,0065 m/sec;
lsc – length of sand tray equal to a length of a sand tray minus a length of a sand sink;
bsc - width of a sand tray equal to 0,5 m.

6.31. Qantity of sand trapped ina sand traps for household sewerage should be taken 0,02
l/(person-24 hours), sand humidity 60%, bulk density 1,5t/m3.
page.38 SNT 2.04.03-98
6.32. Volume of sand sink should be taken below 2 days trapped sand and inclination angle
of sink barriers to a horisont - above 60°.

6.33. For drying of sand received from sand traps it is required to provide areas with fensing
rows of 1 - 2 m height. A load on the area should be projected below 3 m3 /m2 per year on a
condition of periodical removal of dried sand during year. It is acceptable to use accumulating
devices with a layer of sand of 3 m per year. Removed from sand traps water should be directed to
the beginning of teratmment facilities.
For descent of a transport to sand areas a ramp with an inclination of 0,12 - 0,2 should be

6.34. To washup and dehydration of sand it is acceptable to provide bunkers equipped by

arrangements for further sand loading to lorries. Bunkers capacity should be calculated for 1,5 - 5-
days sand storage. To eincrease an effectivity of of sand washingup it is required to use bunkers in
combination with pressure hydrocyclones of 300mm pupla head before it 0,2 mPa (2 kgsec/cm2).
Drainage water from sand bunkers should be returned to canal before sand traps.

Depending on climate conditions bunker should be placed in a heated building or to provide

it’s heating.

6.35. To keep a constant speed of sewerage water movement in horizontal sand traps it is
required to provide at it’s exit a water discharge with a wide threshold.

Balancing tank

6.36. In case of need of balancing of composition and discharge of industrial sewerage it is

required to provide balancing tanks.

6.37. Type of a balancing tank (bubble with mechanic mixing of concentration waves of
contaminants (cyclic, free and volley discharge) depends on type and quantity of suspended

6.38. Number of sections of a balancing tank should be projected two as a minimum and
both operating ones.
In case of presence of suspended material in sewerage it is required to provide measures on
preventing its’ settling in a balancing tank.

6.39. In balance tanks with bubbling or mechanical mixing at presence of valotile toxic
substances in sewerage it is required to provide a partition and ventilation system.

6.40. A balance tank with bubbling it is required to use for balancing of a composition of
sewerage with a content of suspended material to 500 mg/l and hydraulic coarseness to 10 mm/sec
at any mode of its’s arrival.

6.41. Capacity of a balancing tank Wz,, m3, at volley discharge should be calculated by
1,3qwt z
Wz = , при Кz, до 5; (16)
K av
K av − 1
Wz = 1,3qwt z K av при Kav=5 и более, (17)
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 39


qw – discharge of sewerage, m3 /h;

tz - duration of volley discharge, h;

Kav - required coefficient of balancing equal:
C − Cmid
K av = max , (18)
Cadm − Cmid
SECmax – concentration of contaminants in a voleey discharge;
Cmid – average concentration of cantaminats in sewerage;
Cadm – concentration acceptable by operation conditions of further structures.

6.42. Capacity of a balancing tank Wcir,, m3, at cyclic waves should be calculated by

Wcir = 0,21qwtcir K av2 − 1 при Kav до 5; (19)

Wcir = 1,3qwtcir K av при Kav = 5 и более, (20)


tcir – period of wave cycle, h;

Kav – coefficient of balancing determined by formulae (18).

6.43.At free waves a capacity of a balancing tank Wes m3, should be determined by step-by-
step calculations (method of step-by-step approximation) by formulae
q (C − Cex )Δt st
Wes = w en , (21)

Δtst – time step of calculation taken not above 1 h;
ΔCex – increase of concentration at exit of a balancing tank for current calculation
(could be either positive ornegative ), g/m3.
A calculation should be start from anfourable parts of hourly waves.

If a received result a sequence row Cex doesn’t correspond to technological requirements

(for example, by maximal value of Cex), then a calculation should be repeated at increased Wes. The
primary value of Wes should be taken approximately out of evaluation of general character of waves
(sequences) SECех. Diagram of sequences at inlet to a balancing tank Cen should be taken as actual
value (for the definite production or analogue) or by specification.

6.44. Distribution of sewerage along area of a balancing tank of bubbling type should be
maximally even with an use of canal system and feed trays with a bottom holes or triangular water
discharge at a speed of a flow in a tray above 0,4 m/sec.

6.45. Bubblinng should be done through perforated pipes layed horizontally along a tank. At
wall boundary location of bubblers a disctance from them to the opposite wall should be projected
1-1,5h, between bubblers - 2-3h, and at intermediary location of bubblers from a wall 1-1,5/h,
page.40 SNT 2.04.03-98
where h — a depth of deepening of a bubbler. At variable water depth in a balancing tank h should
be projected at maximum level.

6.46. at calculation it is required to consider:

Intensity of bubbling at wall boundary bubblers (creating one circular stream) - 6 m3/h per 1
m, intermidiary (creating two circular streams) - 12 m3/h per 1 m;
Intensivity of bubbling to prevent settling of suupensions at wall boundary bubblers - to 12
m3/h per 1 m, and at intermediary - to 24 m3/h per 1 m;
Pressure differenceat crevices of bubbler - 1-4kPa (0,1-0,4 m of water column

6.47. A balancing tank with mechanical mixer should be applied for balancing of a
composition of sewerage with a content of suspended material above 500 mгg/l at any mode of its’
arriving. Supply is done through a periferial trough evenly along perimeter of a balacing tank.

6.48. Capacity of a balcing tank with mechanical mixing should be calculated analogically
to a capacity of a balancing tank of a bubbling type.

6.49. Multycanal balancing tanks with a prescribed didtribution of sewerage by canals

should be applied for evening Mногоканальные уsecреднители sec заданныm
раsecпределениеm secточных вод по каналаm надлежит leveling of volley discharge of
sewerage with a content of suspended material with hydraulic coarseness till 5 mm/sec at
concentration to 500 mg/l.

6.50. Capacity Waν,, m3, of multycanal balance tanks at volley discharge of high
concentrated sewerage should be calculated by formulae
q tK
Wav = w z av , (22)

qw – discharge of sewerage, m3/h;

tz – duration of volley discharge, h;

Kav – average coefficient.

6.51. To decrese rated discharge of sewerage arriving ton treatment facilities it is acceptable
to provide regulating reservoirs.

6.52. Regulating reservoirs should be placed after grids and sand traps by supplu to it
swerage through separation chamber separating a discharge above average.

6.53. Design of regulating reservoirs should be taken by analogy to primary sedimentation

basins with corresponding arrangements for removal of settling and pumping of clarified water to
further structures for it’s treatment at hours of minimal inflow.

6.54. Optimal value of regulated rated discharge should be determined by technical-

economical evaluations by coseqent choice of a row of coefficiens values of irregularities after
regulating Kreg, of capacities of regulating reservoirs and capacities of structures for sewerage water
treatment and auxiliary objects (iarblast and pump stations and so on).
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 41
6.55. selection of values of irregularity coefficients after regulating Kreg, of capacities of
regulating reservoirs Wreg should be done by ratios:
γ reg = reg ; (23)
K gen
τ reg = , (24)
Kgen — оgeneral coefficient of irregularity of coming of sewerage water;
qmid —average hourly discharge of sewerage.
Interrelation between γreg and τreg„ is acceptable to take by table 25.

γ reg 1 0,95 0,9 0,85 0,8 0,75 0,67 0,65
τreg 0 0,24 0,5 0,9 1,5 2,15 3,3 4,4

656. At requirement to average a discharge and concentration of sewerage a capacity of a

balancing tank and concentration of contaminats should be determined by step-by-step calculations.
Increase of volume of water mass ΔW, m3, and concentration ΔSEC, g/m3, on a current step
of calculationg should be determined by formulaes:
ΔW = (qen − qex )Δt ; (25)
q (C − Cex )Δt
ΔC = en en , (26)
qen, , qex , - discharges of sewerage and concentration of contaminants per
Cen, Cex previous step of calculations;
Wa v - capacity of a balancing tank at the moment of calculations, m3.

Sedimentation basins

6.57. Type of a sidemetation basin (vertical, radial, rotating mountable-distributing devices,

horizontal, two-lebvel ones and so on) should be selected with taking into account accepted
technological scheme of treatment of sewerage and treatment of it’s settling, capacity of facilities,
priority of a construction, number of operating units, configuration and relief of a site, geological
onditions, level of underground water and so on.

6.58. Number of sedimentation basins should be determined: primary – not below two,
secondary – not below three on a condition that all sedimentation basins are operating. At minimal
number its; rated capacity should be increased in 1,2-1,3 times.

6.59. Calculations for desimentation basins but secondary ones after biological treatment
should be done by cinetics of settling of suspended material with taking into account a required
effect of it’s clarification.
Troughs of two-level sedimentation basins should be calculated on a base of conditions of of
duration of settling 1,5 h,
Calculations of secondary sedimentation basins should be done in accordance with item

6.60. Rated value of hydraulic coarsness u0, mm/sec, is required to determine by curves of
cinetics of settling Э = f(t), received by experimental way with use of received in laboratory value
to height of a layer equal to a depth of flowing part of a sedimentation basin by formulae
page.42 SNT 2.04.03-98
1000 H set K set
u0 = n2
, (27)
⎛K H ⎞
t set ⎜⎜ set set ⎟⎟
⎝ h1 ⎠
Hset – depth of flowing part in sedimentation basin, m;
Kset – coefficient of use of volume of flowing part of sedimentation basin;
tset – Duration of sedimentation, sec, corresponding to desired effect of treatment
and received in a laboratory cylinder in a layer hi; and for municipal
sewerage water this value is acceptable to take by table 26;
n2 – index depending on suspension aglomeration while settling process;
for municipal sewerage it should be determined by diagram 1.

Notes : 1. Calculations for sedimentation basins for sewerage containing contaminants of

easy weight than water (oil products, oil and fat and so on) should be done with taking into account
t hydraulic coarsness of floating particles.
2. At presence of heavier particles and lighter in water at rated coarsness should be taken the
minimal hydraulic coarsness.
3. In case when a temperature of sewerage in operation conditions differs from the
temperature of water used to determine cinetics of settling then it is required to apply correction
u0t = u0 , (28)
μ pr
μlab – water viscosity at corresponding temperatures in laboratory and
μpr operation conditions;
u0 – hydraulic coarseness of particles received by formulae (27), mm/sec.

Тable 26
Duartion of settling tset, sec, in a layer h1 = 500 mm at
Clarifying effect, % concentration of suspended material, mg/l
200 300 400
20 300 - -
30 540 320 260
40 650 450 390
50 900 640 450
60 1200 970 680
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 43

Diagram 1. Relation of index n2, from primary concentration of suspended material in

municipal sewerage at settling effect 1 - Э = 50 %; 2 - Э = 60 %; 3 - Э = 70 %

6.61. The main projecting parameters of sedimentation basins shoild be determined by table

Тable 27
Coefficient of Work depth width Speed of Inclination
Sedimentation basin use of capacity of Вset, m work of a bottom
Kset sedimentatio flowνw, to a sludge
n part Hset, m mm/sec sink
Horizontal 0,5 1,5-4 2Hset - 5 - 10 0,005 - 0,05
Radial 0,45 1,5-5 5Hset 5 - 10 0,005 - 0,05
Vertical 0,35 2,7-3,8 - - -
With rotating assembling- 0,85 0,8-1,2 - - 0,05
distributing devoces -

with upcoming and 0,65 2,7-3,8 2u0 - 3u0 -

descending flows
with thin layer blocks: -
(straightflow) scheme of 0,5-0,7 0,025-0,2 - -
cross scheme of work 0,8 0,025-0,2 2-6 - 0,005


Note : 1. Coefficient Kset defines hydraulic effectivity of a sedimentation basin and depends on
structure of wtaerdistributing and watercollecting devices; should be specified by engeneering
2. Value of turbulent compenent vtb, mm/sec, depending on speed of a work flow vw mm/sec,
should be determined by table 28.

Тable 28

νw,mm/s 5 10 15
νtb,mm/ 0 0,05 0,1

6.62. Efficiency of one sedimentation basin qset, mз/h, should be defined by desired
geometric sizes of a structure and required effect of sewerage clarifying by formulaes:
а) for horizontal sedimentation basins
qset = 3,6 K set Lset Bset (u0 − vtb ); (29)
б) for sedimentation basins of radial, vertical and with rotating assembled-distributing
qset = 2,8K set (Dset − d en )(u0 − vtb ); (30)
в) for sedimentation basins with upcoming and descending flows
page.44 SNT 2.04.03-98
q set = 1,41K set Dset
u0 ; (31) .
г) for sedimentation basins with thin layer blocks at cross scheme of work
7,2 K set H bl Lbl u0
qset = ; (32)
K dis hti
д) the same, at the counterflow scheme
qset = 3,6 K set H bl Bbl vw , (33)
Kset – coefficient of use of volume taken by table 27

Lset – length of section, department, m;

Lbl – length of thin layer block (module), m;

Bset – width of a section, department, m;

Bbl – width of thin layer block, m;

Dset – diameter of a sedimentation basin, m;

den – diameter of outlet, m;
u0 – hydraulic coarseness of trapped particles, mm/sec, defined by formulae (27)
vtb - turbulent component, mm/sec, taken by table 28 depending on
speed of flow in sedimentation basin vw, mm/sec;
Нbl – height of thin layer block, m;
hti – height of a level of thin layer block (module) , m;
Kdis – coefficient of drift of trapped particles taken
At flat plates equal to 1,2, at serrated plates -1.

6.63. The main project parameters should be defined:

а) for horizontal and radial sedimentation basins:

inlet of primary water and collecting of a clarified one – even by width (perimeter) of inlet
and collecting devices of sedimentation basin;
height of neutral layer for primary dsedimentation basins - 0,3 m above the bottom (at
outlet from sedimentation basin), for secondary - 0,3 m and depth of layer of a sludge 0,3-0,5 m;
angle of inclination of walls of a sludge sing – 50-55°;
б) for vertical sedimentation basins:
length of central pipe – equal to a depth of sedimentation zone;
speed of movement of work flow in central pipe - below 30 mm/sec;
diameter of mouthing - 1,35 pipe diameter;
diameter of reflecting shield - 1,3 diameter of mouthing;
angle of cone of reflecting shield - 146°;
speed of a work flow between a mouthing and reflecting shield - below 20 mm/sec for
primary sedimentation basins and below 15 mm/sec for secondary;
height of neutral layer between the low part of reflecting shield and settling level - 0,3 m;
angle of inclination of a conic bottom – 50-60°;
в) for sedimentation basins with upcoming-descending flows:
area of zone of descending flow – equal to zone of upcoming;
height of a partition separating zones, - equal 2/3Hset; ;
level of a top edge of partition – above water level on 0,3 m, but no more than walls of a
sedimentation basin;
distributing tray of a variable cross section – inside of a separating partition. The primary
cross section of a tray should be accounted for a passage of a rated discharge with a speed of above
0,5 m/sec, but at the end cross section a speed is above 0,1 m/sec.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 45
for even distribution of water an edge of a water drain of a distributing tray should be done
as triangular water drains in 0,5 m;
г) for sedimentation basin with thin layer blocks – angle of inclination of a plate of 45 to 60°.

6.64. To increase a degree of treatment or for providing a possibility of upgrading of

operating stations the existing sedimentation basins (horizontal, radial, vertical) could be added by
blocks out of thin wall elements. In this case blocks should be placed at water outlet from
sedimentation basin before the water collecting tray

6.65. Quantity of mud Qmud m3/ч, received while settling should be defined by concentration
of suspended material in incoming water Cen and concentration of suspended material in clarified
water Cex:
qw (Cen − Cex )
Qmud = , (34)
(100 − pmud )γ mud ⋅ 104
qw — discharge of sewerage, m3/h;
Pmud ~ humidity of settling (mud), %;
γmud ~ density of settling, g/secm3.

6.66. By volume of created mud and capacity of accumulating zone in sedimentation basin a
time interval between the mud removal could be defined. At mud removal at hydrostatic pressure a
capacity of a sink of primary sedimentation basins and secondary basins after biofilteres should be
projected equal to a volume of mud settled for a period of 2 days and capacity of of a sink of
secondary sedimentation basins after aerotanks – no more than two hours of settling.
At mechnised removal of mud a capacituy of zone of accumulation ot it at primary
sedimentation basins should be defined by quantity of settled mud for a period below 8 hours.

6.67. Transfer of settled mud to sinks should be projected mechanically or by creation of

inclination of barriers (below 50°).

6.68. Removal of a mud out of a sink of sedimentation basin should be by selflow, at

hydrostatic pressure, by pump used for pumping liquid with a big content of suspended material, by
hydroelevators, aerolifts, grabs and so on.

Hydrostatic pressure at mud removal out of sedimentation basins of sewerage should be

above, kPa (m of water column): primary - 15 (1,5), secondary - 12 (1,2) after biofilteres and 9 (0,9)
– after aerotanks.
Humidity of municipal sewerage should equal to 95% for all types of primary sedimentation
basins and at selfflow and 93,5-95% at removel by dredger pumps.
For secondary sedimentation basins it is recommended to foreseen a possibility of a change
of a height of hydrostatic pressure.
Diameter of pipes for mud removal it is required to take above 200 mm.

6.69. For retain of floating on surface conatminats before water collecting deice it is
required to provide semisubmerged partitions and removal of accumulated on a surface substances.
A depth of submerging of a partition under water level should be above 0,3 m.
A height of a sedimentation basin above water surface should be 0,3 m.

6.70. Water intake trays should be equipped by water discharges with thin walls. Fixing of
water discharge to a tray should provide a possibility of it’s height regulating. Water discharge edge
could be with straight or triangular cuts. A load per 1 m of a discharge should not exceed 10 l/sec.
page.46 SNT 2.04.03-98

Two layered sedimentation basins and clarifying-rotting basins

6.71. Two layered sedimentation basins should be ordinary or duplex. In duplex

sedimentation basins a possibility of change of sewerage movement direction to sedimentation
througs should be provided.

6.72. Two layered sedimentation basins should be designed in accordance with items 6.57-
6.59, 6.65-6.70. At that it is required to keep the following:
Free surface of a water mirror for settling floating to a surface – no less tha 20 % of area of
sedimentation basin on a general layout;
A distance between walls of neighbor sedimentation througs - above 0,5 m;
Inclination of walls of sedimentation through to a horisont - above 50°; walls should
overlapped each other on above 0,15 m;
A depth of a sedimentation through - 1,2-2,5 m, a width of a slot of sedimentation through -
0,15 m;
A height of neutral layer from slot of a trough to a level of a mud in a septic chamber -0,5
Inclination of a conic bottom of a septic chamber - above 30° ;
Humidity of a removed mud - 90 %;
Dissolution of asless substance of a mud - 40 %;
Effectivity of deteining of suspended particles - 40-50 %.

6.73. Capacity of septic chamber of two layer sedimentation basin should be defined by
table 29.

Тable 29

Average temperature of sewerage water,°C 6 7 8,5 10 12 15 20

Capacity of septic chamber, l/person-year 11 95 80 65 50 30 15

Notes : 1.Capacity of septic chamber of two layered sedimentation tanks should be increased to 70% at
sludge supply to it for a full treatment and high-loaded biofileteres and to 30 % at sludge supply out of
sedimentation tank after drip biofilteres and aerotanks for a partial treatment. Injet of sludge should be
done at a depth of 0,5 m below slots of a trough.
2. Capacity of ceptic chamber of two layered sedimentation tanks for clarifying of sewerage at its’ supply
to filtration fields is acceptable to decrease but no morte than 20 %.

6.74. At average year temperature of air to 3,5 °c two layered sedimentation tanks with a
passing capacity of 500 m3/24 hours should be placed in heated premises, at average air
temperature per year of 3,5 to 6 °C and carrying capacity to 100 m3/24 hours – at non heated
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 47
6.75. Clarifying-rotting basins should be designed as combined structures consisting of a
clarifier with natural aeration which is located concentric insaide of a rotter.

6.76. Clarifying basins should be dsigned as vertical sedimentation basins with internal
chamber of flocculation, with natural aeration by water level difference at deistributing bowl and
At designing of clarifying basin it is required to project:
Diameter of a clarifier - below 9 m;
Water level difference at desitributing bowl and a clarifier - 0,6 m without taking into
account a pressure in pipelines;
Capacity of flocculation chamber – for staying of sewerage water in it below 20 min;
A depth of flocculation chamber – 4-5 m;
Speed of water movement in sedimentation zone - 0,8-1,5 mm/sec, at central pipe - 0,5-0,7
Diameter of a low cross section of flocculation chamber – define out of average speed 8-10
A distance between low edge of a flocculation chamber and a surface of a mud in sludge
part -above 0,6 m;
Inclination of a bottom of a clarifier — above 50°;
Decree of concentration of contaminants by suspended material - to 70% and by BPKfull - to
15 %.

6.77.At designing of rotting basins should follow the following parameters:

Capacity of a rotter by daily loading dose of settling loading– depending on humidity of
settling and average winter temperature of sewerage;
Daily dose of settling loading – by table 30;
Тable 30

Average temperature of sewerage or settling ,°C 6 7 8,5 10 12 15 20

Daily dose of settling loading ,% 0,72 0,85 1,02 1,28 1,7 2,57 5

Notes : 1. Daily settling dose is specified for settling of a humidity 95 %. At humidity of Pmud.
Which deffers of 95 %, daily dose of loading of settling is specified by multiplying a table value at
100 − pmud
2. Daily dose of settling load of insdustrial sewerage is defined experimentally

A width of an annular space between external surface of walls of clarifying basin and
internal surface of walls of a rotting basin - above 0,7 m;
Inclination of bottom - above 30°;
Distruction of a crust by hydromechanical method – by supply of a settling to an annular
pipeline under pressure through nozzles inclined at angle 45° to a settling surface.

Detritus tank
page.48 SNT 2.04.03-98
6.78. Detritus tanks should be applied for mechanical treatment of sewerage supplied to the
fields of underground filtration, to sand-gravel filters, filtering trenches and filtering wells.

6.79. Full estimated capacity of a detritus tank should be: at discharge od sewerage to 5
m3/day - not below 3-times daily inflow, at discharge aboove 5 m3/day - above 2,5-times.
Specified rated capacities of detritus tanks should be defined out of conditions of its’
cleaning no less than once a year.
At average winter temperature of a sewerage above 10°C or at norm of water dischrge above
150 l/day per one person a full rated capacity of a detritus tank is acceptable to decrese to 15-20 %.

6.80. Depending on sewerage water discharge it should be: one chamber detritus tanks – at
sewerage discharge to 1 m3/day, two chambers to 10 and three chambers — above 10 m3/day .

6.81. Capacity of the first chamber should be: at two chamber detritus tank - 0,75, at three
chamber - 0,5 of a rated capacity. At that a capacity of the second and third chamber should be
taken by 0,25 of the rated capacity.

In detritus tnks made of concrete hoops all chambers should be taken of equal capacity. At
detritus tanks above 5 m3/day chambers should be provided without sections.

6.82. At need of sewerage disinfection at discharge from detritus tank a contact chamber
should be provided with a size on a layout of above 0,75х1m.

6.83. A tray of approaching pipe shouled be located 0,05 m above the rated liquid level in
detritus tank. It is required to provide arrangements for trapping of floating substances and natural

6.84. Outlets from buildings should be connected to detritus tanks through manholes.


6.85. for mechanical treatment of sewerage from suspended material it is acceptable to use
open and pressure hydrocyclons.

6.86. Open hydrocyclons should be applied for extraction of floating on surface and settling
of coarse dispersed impurities with a hydraulic coarseness above 0,2mm/sec and coagulated
Pressure hydrocyclons should be applied for extraction of coarse dispersion impurities
mainly of mineral origin.

Hydrocyclones could be used at processes of clarifying of sewerage, thickening of settlings,

enrichment of lime milk, cuts off of sand from organic substances, including oil products.
At clarifying of sewerage apparatus of small sizes provide good effect of treatment. At
condensation of settlings of mineral origin hydrocyclons of bigger sizes should be provided (above
150 mm).

6.87. Specific hydraulic load qhc, m3/(m2 · h), for open hydrocyclons should be defined by
qhc = 3,6 K hcu0 , (35)
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 49
u0 - hydraulic coarsenes of particles which are required to be extracted to
provide a required effect, mm/sec:
Khc – coefficient of proportionality depending on type of hydrocyclone and
Equal to hydrocyclones:
Without internal devices - 0,61;
With conic diaphragm and internal cylinder - 1,98;
Multilayered with central outlets
K hc =
( )
0,75nti Dhc2 − d d2
, (36)
nti – number of layers;
Dhc – diameter of hydrocyclon, m;
den – diameter of a circumference where nozzles of outlets are located, m;
multilayered with a peripheral withdrawl of clarified water
K hc =
( )
1,5nti′ Dhc2 − d d2
, (37)
nti′ - number of couples of layers ;
dd — diameter of a slot of a middle diaphragm of couple of layers, m.

6.88. Capacity of one device Qhc m3/ч, should be defined by formulae

Qhc = 0,785 qhc Dhc2 . (38)

6.89. Removal of an extracted settling from opem hydrocyclons should be continuois at

hydrostatic pressure, by hydroelevators or by mechanical means.
Floating impurities, oil and oil products should be detained by semi-submersed partition.

6.90. Calculation of pressure hydrocyclons should be done on a base of coarsness of

detained prticles δ and it’s density.
Diameter of gydrocyclon Dhc ′ should be defined by table 31.

6.91. The main dimensions of pressure hydrocyclon should be choosen by specification of

Pressure at input to pressure hydrocyclon should be:

0,15-0,4 mPa (1,5-4 kgsec/secm2) – at one stage schemes of a clarifying and settling
consolidation and multistage units operating with a break of a water flow;
0,35-0,6 mPa (3,5-6 kgsec/ cm2)-at multistage schemes operating without water flow break.
Number of reserve units should be:
At treatment of sewerage and settling consolidation with solid phase has no abrasive
properties, - one at number of operating units to 10, two – at number till 15 and by one per every
ten at number of operating units above 15;
At treatment of sewerage and settling with abrasive solid phase - 25 % of number of
operating units.

6.92. Capacity of a pressure hydrocyclon Q'hc m3/h of projected dimensiuons should be

calculated by formulae
′ = 9,58 ⋅ 103 den dex gΔP , (39)
g – acceleration of gravitу, m/sec2 ;
page.50 SNT 2.04.03-98
ΔР – losses of pressute at hydrocyclone, mPA;
den,dex – diameters of dupplied and discharge branch pipes, mm.

6.93. Depending on required effectivity of sewerage treatment and degree of settling

consolidation at pressure hydrocyclones sould be done in one, two or three stages by consequent
connection of units with a break or without break of a water flow.

To reduce losses of water with removed mud a sludge branch pipe of hydrocyclone of the
first stage should be hermetically connected to a sludge reservoir.

At the first stage hydrocyclons of bigger size should be used to detain bigger masses of
suspended material and corse particles of a suspension which could block hydrocyclones of a small
size used at the further stages of the unit.

Тable 31

′ m 25
Dhc 40 60 80 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500
δ, mm 8-25 10-30 15-35 18-40 20-50 25-60 30-70 35-85 40- 45- 50- 55-
110 150 170 200


6.94. Sedimentation centifuges of continuois or periodic action should be used for extraction
of small dispersion suspended particles out of sewerage when for that reagents could not be used
and at a need of extraction out of settling valuable products and its’ utilisation.

Centrifuges of continuois action should be applied for treatment of sewerage with a

discharge of 100 m3/h when it is required to extract particles of hydraulic coarsenes 0,2 mm/sec
(counterflow) and 0,05 mm/sec (direct-flow); centrifuges of periodic action – for treatment of
sewerage a discharge of which is below 20 m3/h , at need of extraction of particles of a hydraulic
coarsness of 0,05-0,01 mm/sec.
Concentration of mechanicl contaminants should not exceed 2-3 g/l.

6.95. Selection of required type and size of a sedimentation centrigude should be done by a
value of required separation factor Fr, which provides the biggest degree of treatment. Factor of
separation Fr and duration of centrifuging tcf, sec, should be defined by results of experimental data
obtained in laboratory.

6.96. Volumetric capacity of a centrifuge Qsecf ,m3/ч, should be calculated by formulae

3600Wcf K cf
Qcf = , (40)

Wcf – capacity of a bath of rotor of a centifuge, m3;
К.secf - coefficient of use of capacity of a centrifuge taken
Equal to 0,4-0,6.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 51

Flotation units

6.97. Flotation units should be applied for extraction from water suspended material, surface
actibe substances, oils, fat, resins and other substances sedimentation of which is low effective.

6.98. Flotation units could be applied as well for:

Removal of contaminants from sewerage before biological treatment;
For removal of active sliudge at secondary sedimentation basins;
For deep treatment of biologically treated sewerage;
At physical-chemical treatment with application of coagulants and flocculants;
At schemes of secondary use of sewerage.

6.99. Pressure, vacuum, no pressure, electroflotation units should be applied at treatment of

sewerage with a content of suspended material above 100-150 mg/l (with taking into account a
solid fase forming at adding of coagulants).
At low content of suspensions for fractioning to a foam of SAS, oil products and others for a
foam separation only impelling, pneumatic units could be used and with air dispersing through
porous materials.

6.100. To provide a process of fase separation it is acceptable to apply right andled (with
horizontal and vertical water movements) and round (with radial and vertical water movement) of
floating chamber.Capacity of floating chamber consists of a capacity of an operating zone (depth
1,0-3,0 m), formation zone and foam accumulation (depth 0,2-1,0 m), sone of settling (depth 0,5-
1,0 m). hydraulic load-3-6 m3/(m2⋅h)
Number of loating chambers should be not below 2 and all should be operating.

6.101. To increase a degree of detaining of suspended material it is acceptable to use

coagulants and flocculants. Type of regent and it’s dose depend on physical-chemical properties of
teated water and requireemts to a quality of treatment
6.102. Humidity and volume of foam (sludge) depend on primary concentration of
suspended and other contaminants and on duration of its’ accumulation on a surface (periodical or
continuois withdrawl). Periodic withdrawl should be applied at pressure, non pressure and
electrofloatation units. Rated humidity of a foam should be, %: at continuois withdrawl – 96-98; at
periodic withdrawl by scraper conveyor or rotating scrapers – 94-95; at withdrawl by screws and
scrappers - 92-93. In sediment sets about 7 to 10 % of detained substances at humidity -98 %.
Volume of a foam (sludge) Wmud at humidity 94-95 % could be defined by formulae (% to a volume
of treated water)

Wmud = 1,5Cen , (41)

Cen — primary concentration of not dissolved impurities, g/l.

6.103. At designing of units with impelling, pneumatic and air dispersing through porous
materials it is required to consider the following:
Floation duration – 20 - 30 min;
Air discharge at work in floation mode 0.1-0.5 m3/m3;
Air discharge at work in foam separation operation mode - 3-4 m3/m3 (50-200 l per 1 g of
extracte SAS) or 30-50 m3/(m2 .h) ;
page.52 SNT 2.04.03-98
Water depth at flotation chamber - 1,5-3 m;
Circumstances speed of impeller – 10-15 m/sec;
Chamber for impeller flotation-square with a side equal 6D (D-impeller’s diameter 200-750
mm) ;
Speed of air output from nozzles at pneumatic flotation - 100-200'm/sec;
Diameter of nozzles - 1-1,2 mm;
Diameter of crevices of porous plates – 4-20 mkm;
Air pressure under plates - 0,1-0,2 mPa (1-2kgsec/cm2).

6.104. At designing of pressure flotation units it is required to design:

Flotation duration – 20-30 min;
Number of supplied air, l for 1 kg of contaminats: 40 – at its’ primary concentration SECеn
<- 200 mg/l, 28 - at SECеn = 500, 20 - at SECеn = 1000 mg/l, 15 - at SECеn = =3-4 g/l;
Flotation scheme – witth work liquid if a direct flotation doesn’t provide air supply at
required quantity;
Flotation chambes with horizontal water movement at a capacity to 100 m3/h, with vertical
to 200, with radial - to 1000 m3/h;
Horizontal speed of water movement in right angled and radial flotation chambers -below 5
Air supply by injector to a sucling pipe branch – at small height of sucling (to 2 m) and
insufficient differences of water level in a receiving reservoir (0,5-1,0 m), by compressor to a
pressure tank – at the rest cases.


6.105. To remove free dissolved gases in sewerage degassers with bubbling liquid layer
should be applied with a different shape of a noizzle and hollow sprinkling devices (sprayers).

6.106. Degassers operation is acceptable only at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum. To

intensify a process an air or inert gas should be injected in degasser.

6.107. Quantity of injected ait to one volume of degassing water at operation under vacuum
or atmocpheric pressure should be correcpondingly:
Devices with a branch pipe - 3 and 5 volumes;
Bubbling type - 5 and 12-15 volumes;
Spraying type - 10 and 20 volumes.

6.108. A height of a branch pipe layer should be 2 - 3 m, bubblibg layer - below 3 m, and in
a sprayer - 5 m. В качеsecтве наsecадки допуsecкаетsecя приmенять киsecлотоупорные
кераmичеsecкие кольца разmероm 25х 25х4 mm или деревянные хордовые наsecадки.

6.109. For column degassers a ratio of height of operating layer to a diameter of apparatus
should be below 3 at operation under vacuum and below 7 at atmocpheric pressure and for bubbling
apparatus a ratio of a length to a width is below 4.

6.110. Apparatus with a branch pipe should be used at a content of suspended material in
degassed water below 500 mg/l, bubbling and sprinkling – at its’ bigger conctent.

6.111. To distribute liquid in apparatus it is required to apply centrifugal branch pipes with
an outlet 0х20 mm.

6.112. Quantity of removed gases Wg, m3, should be defined by formulae

SNT 2.04.03-98 page 53

Wg =KxFf, (42)

Ff - total contact surface of phases, m2;
Кx – coefficient of mass transfer correlated to a unit of a contact surface of hpases
or cross section of apparatus and taken at data of scientific research institutions.

Structures for biologival treatment of sewerage

Pre-aerators and biocoagulants

6.113. Pre-aerators and biocoagulannts should be applied:

To decrease a content of contaminats in settled sewerage in addition to a work provided by
primary sedimentation basins;
To eaxtact (by absorption) of ions of heavy metals and other inpurities which have a
negative eefect on process of biological treatment.

6.114. Pre-aerators should be provided before the primary sedimentation basins as separate
inbuild or integral structures and biocoagulator – as structures combined with vertical
sedimentation basins.

6.115. Pre-aerators should be applied at stations of treatment with aerotanks and

biocoagulants - at stations of treatment with aerotanks or with biologival filteres.

6.116. At designing of pre-aerators and biocoagulants it is required to project:

Number of sections of separate pre-aerators – not below two and all operating at that;
Duration of aeration of sewerage with excess of active sludge - 20 min;
Quantity of supplied sludge -50—100% of excess, biological film - 100 %;
Specific air discharge - 5 m3 per 1 m3 of sewerage;
Increase of effectivity of detaining of contaminants (by BPKfull and suspended material) at
primary sedimentation basins - to 20-25 %;
Hydraulic load on zone of sedimentation of biocoagulants - above 3 m3/ (m2 -h).

Notes : 1. At preaerators a sludge should be supplied after regenerators. In case of its’

absence it should be provided a possibility of regeneration of actiove sludge in pre-aerators and
capacity of sections for regeneration should be projected equal to 0,25-0,3 of its’ full capacity.
2. For biological film supplied to coagulators special regemnerators should be provided with
a duration of aeration of 24 hours.

Biologivcal filteres


6.117. Biological filteres (dripping and high loaded) should be applied for biological
treatment of sewerage.
page.54 SNT 2.04.03-98

6.118. Biological filteres for industrial sewerage treatment should be applied as main
structures at one stage scheme of treatment or as structures of the first or second stage at two stage
biological treatment.

6.119. Biological filters should be projected as reservoirs with solids walls and double
bottom: the low one - solid, and top one - checkerboarded for sustaining a load. At that it is required
to project a height of interbottom space-above 0,6 m; inclinatioin of the low bottom to collecting
trays - above 0,01; longtitudial inclination of collecting trays — by construction decisions but no
less than 0,005.

6.120. Dripping biofilteres should be provided with natural aeration and highloaded — with
a natural and artificial aeration (aerofilteres).
Natural aeration of biofilteres should be provided through windows located equally along a
perimeter within interbottom space and equipped by locking devices which could seal them. Area
of windows should be 1 - 5 % of area of biofilter.
In aerofilters it is required to provide a supply of water to interbottom spaces by ventilators
with a pressure at input 980 Pa (100mm of water column).
On drain pipeline of aerofilters it is required to provide an arrangement of hydraulic valves
with a height of 200 mm.

6.121. As feed for biofilters it is required to apply crushed stone or gravel of hard rocks,
ceramsite and haydite and plastic as well wchich is capable of withstand a temperature of 6 to 30°C
without losses of strength. All used for loading natural and artificial materials except plastic ones
should withstand:
A pressure above 0,1 mPa (1 kgsec/cm2) at bulk density to 1000 kg/m3;
No less than five times impregmation by saturated solution of sodium sulphate;
above 10 cycles of frost resistance testing;
boiling within 1 hour in 5 % solution of hydrochloric acid a mass of which should increase a
mass of testing material in 3 times.
After testing a loaded material should not have any visual damage and it’s mass should not
decrease for more than 10 % of a primary one.
Requirements to plastic loading of biofileters should be in accordance with item 6.138.

6.122. Loading of felteres by height should be done out of material with the same coarseness
with arrangement of low supporting layer of a height 0,2 m, coarseness 70-100 mm.
Coarseness of feed for biofilteres should be in accordancve with table 32

6.123. Distribution of sewerage along a surface of biofilteres should be done with a help of
devices of different design.
At designing of sprinkles should be projected:
Primary free water head - about 1,5 m, final - above 0,5 m;
Diameter of crevices – 13 - 40 mm;
A height of a head location over surface of feed - 0,15-0,2 m;
Duration of spraying on dripping biofilteres at maximum water inflow - - 5-6 min.
At designing of reactive sprayers it is required to project:
Number and diameter of distributing pipes – at calculation on a condition of liquid
movement in a pipe with a speed0,5-1 m/sec;
Number and diameter of crevices in distributing pipes – at calculation on a condition of
flowing of a liquid out of crevices with a speed above 0,5 m/sec, diametrs of crevices - above 10
Water head at sprayer – by calculations, but above 0,5 m;
Location of distributing pipes – above a surface of feed on 0,2 m.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 55

6.124. Number of sections or biofilteres should be no less than two and above eight and at
that all should be operating.

6.125. Calculations for distributing and drop-out systems of biofilteres should be done by
maximum water discharge with taking into account recirculation discharge determined in
accordance with item 6.132.

6.126. In a structure of filter equipment devices for emptying should be provided in case of
short stop of sewerage water supplu in winter and devices for washing up bottoms of biofilteres.

6.127. Depending on climatic conditions of the construction area, capacity of treatment

facilities, mode of inflow of sewerage and its’ temperature biofileteres should be placed in premises
(heated or unheated) or on the open air.
A possibility of filteres placing outside premises or in non heated premises should be
grounded by heat engineering evaluations and at that it is required to take into account an
experience of structures operations working in similar conditions.

Тable 32
Biofilteres Coarseness Quantity of a material, % (by weight), left on control
(loaded material) of material sieves with crevices of diameter, mm
of loading, 70 55 40 30 25 20
Highloaded (crushed 40-70 0-5 40-70 95-100 - - -
Dripping (crushed stone) 25-40 - - 0-5 40-70 90-100 -
Dripping (haydite) 20-40 - - 0-8 No regulations - 90-100
Note. Content of pieces of a plate shape in a load could not be above 5%.

Dripping biological filteres

6.128. At BPKfull of sewerage water Len>220 mg/l, supplied to dripping biofilteres it is

required to provide recirculation of treated sewerage; at BPKull 220 mg/l and above a need in
recirculation should be determined by calculation.

6.129. For dripping biofilteres it should be:

Work height Hbf = 1,5 - 2 m;
Hydraulic load qbf = 1 – Зm3/ (m2/day) ;
BPKfull of treated water Lex = 15 mg/l.

6.130. At calculation of dripping biofilteres a value qbf of project Len and Lex , mg/l,
temperature water Tw, should be determined by table 33, where K bf = en .

Тable 33
Hydraulic load Coefficient Kbf at temperature Tw °C, and height Hbf: m
page.56 SNT 2.04.03-98
qbf, m3/ Tw = 8 Tw = 10 Tw = 12 Tw = 14
(m2/day) Hbf Hbf =2 Hbf Hbf =2 Hbf Hbf =2 Hbf Hbf =2
=1,5 =1,5 =1,5 =1,5
1 8 11.6 9.8 12.6 10.7 13.8 11.4 15.1
1.5 5.9 10.2 7 10.9 8.2 11.7 10 12.8
2 4.9 8.2 5.7 10 6.6 10.7 8 11.5
2.5 4.3 6.9 4.9 8.3 5.6 10.1 6.7 10.7
3 3.8 6 4.4 7.1 6 8.6 5.9 10.2
Note . If a value Kbf increase the table one then it is required to provide recirculation.

6.131.Quantity of excess biofilm withdrawn out of dripping biofilteres should be projected 8

g/(per a person a day) by dry matter, humidity of a film - 96 %

Highloaded biological filteres


6.132. BPKfull of sewerage supplied to aerofilteres should not exceed 300mg/l. at bigger
BPKfull it is required to provide recirculation of treated sewerage. Coefficient of recirculation Krc
should be determined by formulae

Len − Lmix
K rc = , (43)
Lmix − Lex
Lmix - BPKfull sof mixture of primary and circulating water and at that Lmix - not
300 mg/l;
Len, Lex - BPKfull correspondingly of primary and treated sewerage water.

6.133. for earofilteres it should be projected:

Work height Haf = 2-4 m;
Hydraulic load qaf = 10 - 30 m3/ (m2/day) ;
Specific air discharge qa =8-12 m3/ m3 with taking into account recirculation discharge.

6.134. At engineering of aerofilteres an acceptable value qaf, m3/(m2.day), at project values

qa and Haf should be defined by table 34, where K af = en .
Area of aerofilteres Faf, m , at cleaning without recirculation is required to calculate at
project hydraulic load qaf, m3/(m2.day), and dayly sewerage discharge Q, m3/day.
At sewerage treatment with recirculation area of aerofilteres Faf,, m2, should be determined
by formulae

Q(K rc + 1)
Faf = , (44)

6.135. Quantity of excess biological film removed from highloaded biofilteres should be 28
g/person -day) by
Dry matter, humidity - 96 %.

SNT 2.04.03-98 page 57
3 2
Coefficient Kaf atTw, °C, Haf, m, and qaf, m /(m ·day)
qa Haf Tw=8 Tw=10 Tw=12 Tw=14
m3/m m qaf=1 qa qaf qa qa qa qa qaf=2 qaf=3 qaf=1 qaf=2 qaf=3
3 0 =20 =30 =10 =20 =30 =10 0 0 0 0 0
8 2 3.02 2.32 2.04 3.38 2.5 2.18 3.76 2.74 2.36 4.3 3.02 2.56
3 5.25 3.53 2.89 6.2 3.96 3.22 7.32 4.64 3.62 8.95 5.25 4.09
4 9.05 5.37 4.14 10.4 6.25 4.73 11.2 7.54 5.56 12.1 9.05 6.54
10 2 3.69 2.89 2.58 4.08 3.11 2.76 4.5 3.36 2.93 5.09 3.67 3.16
3 6.1 4.24 3.56 7.08 4.74 3.94 8.23 5.31 4.36 9.9 6.04 4.84
4 10.1 6.23 4.9 12.3 7.18 5.68 15.1 8.45 6.88 16.4 10 7.42
12 2 4.32 3.88 3.01 4.76 3.72 3.28 5.31 3.98 3.44 5.97 4.31 3.7
3 7.25 5.01 4.18 8.35 5.55 4.78 9.9 6.35 5.14 11.7 7.2 5.72
4 12 7.35 5.83 14.8 8.5 6.2 18.4 10.4 7.69 23.1 12 8.83
Note. For intermediary values qaf, Haf and Tw, it is acceptable a value Kaf , to determine by

6.136. Design of biofilteres for sewerage water treatment is acceptable to make by tables 33
and 34 or by oxidation capacity determined experimentally.

Biofilteres with a plstic load

6.137. BPKfull of sewerage supplied to biofilteres with a plastic load it is acceptable to take
below 250 mg/l.

6.138. For biofilteres with plastic load it is required to project:

Work height Hpf = 3 - 4 m;
As load – polyvinylchloride blocks, polysterol, polypropylene, polyamide, flat or perforated
plastic pipes of 50 - 100 mm diameter and bulk additives as pipe cuts 50 - 150 mm length, diameter
30 - 75 mm with perforated, corrugated and flat walls;
Porosity of loaded material - 93-96 %, specific surface – 90 - 110 m2 /m3;
Natural aeration.
In case of possible stop of sewerage water inflow to biofilter it is required to provide
recirculation of sewerage to avoid biofilm drying on a surface of a load.

6.139. At calculations for biofilteres with plastic load it is required:

Hydraulic load qрf , m3/(m3 · day) - in correspondence with required treatment effect Э, %,
temperature of sewerage Tw, , °C, and project height Hpf, m, by table 35;
Capacity of load and area of biofilters – by hydraulic load and sewerage dischrge.

Тable 35
Effect of Hydraulic load qрf, m 3/ (m3•day), at height of load Hpf,m
treatment Hpf =3 Hpf =4
Э ,% Temperature of ewerage Tw, °C
8 10 12 14 8 10 12 14
90 6.3 6.8 7.5 8.2 8.3 9.1 10 10.9
85 8.4 9.2 10 11 11.2 12.3 13.5 14.7
80 10.2 11.2 12.3 13.3 13.7 15 16.4 17.9
page.58 SNT 2.04.03-98

6.140. Aerotanks of defferent types should be applied for biological treatment of municipal
and industrial sewerage.
Aerotanks operation on principle of dispacer should be applied in case of absence of volley
supply of toxic matters and on the second stage of two stage schemes.
Combined structures of aerotanks-sedimentation basins type (aeroaccelerator, oxitanks,
flotationtanks, aerotanks-clarification tanks and others) at grounding could be used for any stage of
biological treatment.

6.141. Regeneration of active sludge should be provided at BPKfull of arriving to aerotanks

water above 150 mg/l and at presence of hazardous industrial impurities in water as well.

6.142. Capacity of aerotanks should be determined by average hourly water income during
aeration period at hours of maximum inflow.
Discharge of circulating active sludge at calculation of aerotank capacity without
regeneration and secondary sedimentation basins is not considered.

6.143. Aeration period tatm- h. In aerotanks operating by principle of mixers should be

determined by formulae
L − Lex
tatm = en , (45)
ai (1 − s ) p
Len - BPKfull of incoming to aerotank sewerage (with taking into account a
decrease of BPK at
Primary sedimentation), mg/l;
Lex - BPKfull of treated water, mg/l;
ai – dose of a sludge, g/l, determined by technical-economical evaluation with a
consideration of operation
of secondary sedimentation basins;
s – ash content of a sludge taken by table 36;
р – specific speed of oxidation, mg BPKfull per 1 g of ashless matter of a sludge at
1 h determined by formulae

LexCO 1
p = pmax • , (46)
LexCO + K l CO + K O Lex 1 + ϕai
pmax - maximum speed of oxidation g/(g-h), taken by table 36;
Co - concentration of dissolved oxygen, mg/l;
Kl- constant characterizing properties of organic impurities,
mг БПКполн/л, и приниmаеmая по табл. 36.
Ko – constant characterizing an effect of oxygen, mg О2/l, and taken by table 36
ϕ -coefficient of inhibiting by decof active sludge, l/g,
Taken from table 36.
Notes : 1. Formulaes (45) and (46) are right at average year temperature of sewerage 15 °C.
at other average year temperature of sewerage Tw , a duration of aeration found by formulae (45),
should be multiplied at ratio 15/ Tw
2. Aeration duration at any cases should not be below 2 h.

6.144. Aeration period tatv, h, at aerotanks-diplacers should be calculated by formulae

SNT 2.04.03-98 page 59
1 + ϕai ⎡ Len ⎤
tatv = ⎢(CO + K O )(Lmix − Lex ) + K l CO ln ⎥K p, (47)
pmaxCO (1 − s ) ⎣ Lex ⎦

Kp – coefficient taking into account an effect of longtitudial mixing: Kp =1,5
At biological treatment to Lex = 15 mg/l; Kp = 1,25 at Lex > 30 mg/l;
Lmix - BPKfull determined with taking into account of dellution of reciculating
L + Lex Ri
Lmix = en , (48)
1 + Ri
Ri – degree of recirculation of active sludge determined by formulae (49);
values ai, pmах, Cо, Len, Lex, Kl, КO, ϕ, s should be taken by formulae (46).
Note. Mode of displacing is provided at ratio of a length of corridors l to width b above 30.
At l/b <30 it is required to provide sectioning of corridors with number of cells five-six.

Тable 36
Sewerage pmах mg BPKfull Kl. КO ϕ, s
/(g-h) mg BPKfull /l mg O2/l l/g
Municipal 85 33 0.625 0.07 0.3
Industrial :
I system 33 3 1.81 0.17 -
II .. 59 24 1.66 0.158 -
б)nitrogen industry 140 6 2.4 1.11 -
в)synthetic rubber factory 80 30 0.6 0.06 0.15
г)pulp-and-paper industry:
sulphate-cellulose industry
sulphite-cellulose 650 100 1.5 2 0.16
д) artificial fibre (viscose)
е) factory of primary wool 700 90 1.6 2 0.17
I degree 90 35 0.7 0.27 -
II degree
ж) yeast factory
32 156 - 0.23 -
з) factory of organic synthesis 6 33 - 0.2 -
и)microbiological industry: 232 90 1.66 0.16 0.35
lysine factory 83 200 1.7 0.27 -
production of biovite and
280 28 1.67 0.17 0.15

1720 167 1.5 0.98 0.12

к) piggery complex:
I degree 454 55 1.65 0.176 0.25
II degree 15 72 1.68 0.171 0.3
Note . for other productions the mentioned parameters should be determined by data of scientific
research institutions
page.60 SNT 2.04.03-98

6.145. Degree of recirculation of active sludge Ri in aerotanks should be calculated by

Ri = , (49)
− ai

аi – dose of sludge oin aerotanks, g/l;
Ji - sludge index, cm3/g.

Notes : 1. Formulae is right at Ji < 175 cm3/g and аi to 5 g/l.

2. Value Ri should not be below 0,3 for sedimentation basins with для отsecтойников sec
sludge suckling pipe, 0,4 – sludge scraper, 0,6 – ar self-flow removal of sludge and with airlift.

6.146. Value of sludge index should be determined experimentally at dilution of a sludge

mixture to 1 g/l depending on load on sludge. Fro municipal and main types of industrial sewerage
it is acceptable to determine a value Ji, by table 37

Тable 37
Sewerage Sludge index Ji ,cm /g, at load to a sludge qi, mg/ (g-day)
100 200 300 400 500 600
Municipal 130 100 70 80 95 130
Industrial :
а) refineries - 120 70 80 120 160

б) synthectic rubber - 100 40 70 100 130

в) artificial fibre factory - 300 200 250 280 400

г) cellulose paper factory - 220 150 170 200 220

д) chemical plantsof - 90 60 75 90 120

nitrogen industry

Note. For oxytanks a value Ji, should be decreased in 1,3 - 1,5 times.

Load on sludge qi mg BPKfull to 1 g of ashless matter of a sludge per day should be

calculated by formulae

24(Len − Lex )
qi = , (50)
ai (1 − s )tat

tat – aeration period, h.

6.147. At designing aerotanks with regeneration of a duration of oxygen of organic

contaminants tO, ,h, should be determined by formulae
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 61
Len − Lex
tO = , (51)
Ri ar (1 − s )ρ

Ri - should be determined by formulae (49);
ar – dose of a sludge in regenerator, g/l, determined by formulae
⎛ 1 ⎞
ar = ai ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ , (52)
⎝ 2 Ri ⎠

ρ - specific speed of oxidation for aerotanks – mixers and displacers,

Determined by formulae (46) at sludge dose ar.

Dutration of water processing in aerotanks tat,, h, should be determined by formulae

2,5 Len
tat = lg . (53)
ai Lex

Duration of regeneration tr , h, should be determined by formulae

tr = tO - tat , (54)

capacity of aerotank Wat, , m3, should be determined by formulae

Wat = tat (1 + Rt ) qw , (55)

qw – rated discharge of sewerage, m3/h.
capacity of regenerators Wr, , m3, should be determined by formulae

Wr = tr Ri qw . (56)

6.148. Gain of active sludge Рi, mg/l, in aerotanks should be determined by formulae

Pi = 0,8C cdp + K g Len , (57)

Ccdp – concentration of suspended material in sewerage coming
To aerotanks, mg/l;
Kg – gain coefficient; for municipal and close to it by content
industrial sewerage Kg = 0,3; at treatment of sewerage
оin oxytanks a value Kg decreases to 0,25.

6.149. It is required to provide a possibility of aerotanks operation with variable capacity of


6.150. For aerotanks and generators it is required to take:

Number of sections - no less than two;
Work depth - 3-6 m, above – at grounding;
Ratio of a width of a corridor to work depth - from 1:1 to 2:1.
page.62 SNT 2.04.03-98

6.151. Aerators in aerotanks should be applied:

Small bubbles - porous ceramic and plastic materials (filtersuckling plates, pipes,
diffuser) and synthetic cloth;
Average bubbles — pipes with slots and crevices;
Large bubbles — pipes with open ends;
Mechanical and pheumomechanical.

6.152. Number of aerators in regeneratorsa and at the ferst half of lendth of aerotanks-
displacers should be ipplied twice more than on the other half.

6.153. Embedding of aerators should be designed in accordance with a pressure of airblst

equipment and losses in distribution lines and aerators (look item 5.34).

6.154. In aerotanks it is required to provide an opportunity of emptying and a device for

letting water out of aeratoras.

6.155. If need is it is required to provide measures on foam localization at aerotanks –

sprinkling by through sprinkles or use of chemical anti-foaming agents
Intensity of sprinkling at watering should be determined by experimental data.
Application of chemical anti-foaming agents should be approved by bodies of snitary-
emidemiological service and fish resources preservation.

6.156. Recirculation of active sludge should be done by aerolifts or pumps.

6.157. Specific air discharge qair, m3/m3 of treated water, at pheumatic system of aeration
should be determined by formulae
qO (Len − Lex )
qair (58)
K1K 2 KT K 3 (Ca − CO )

qO – specific air discharge, mg per 1 mg of removed BPKfull, taken at
treatment to BPKfull 15-20 mg/l - 1,1, at treatment to BPKfull above 20 mg/l - 0,9;
K1 – coefficient considering type of aerator and taken for small bubbles
Aeration depending on ratio of area of aerated sone and aerotank
faz/fat by table 38, for average bubbles and low pressure one K1 =0,75;
K2 – coefficient depending on depth of submergence of aerators ha and specified by
table 39
KT – coefficient considering a temperature of sewerage which should be defined by

KT = 1 + 0,02(Tw − 20), (59)

Tw – average monthly temperature in summer period, °C;
К3 – coefficient of water quality taken for municipal sewerage 0,85;
In case of presence of SPAV it is designed depending on value of faz/fat by
Table 40, for industrial sewerage by experimental data and at its’
Absence it is accepted to take К3 = 0,7;
Ca – раsolubility of oxygen in water, mg/l, determined by formulae
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 63
⎛ h ⎞
Ca = ⎜1 + a ⎟CT , (60)
⎝ 20,6 ⎠

CT – solubility of oxygen in water depending on temperature and atmospheric
pressure taken by references;
ha – depth of submergence of aerator, m;
CO – average concentration of oxygen in aerotank, mg/l; at first approaching CO
It is acceptable to take 2 mg/l and is required to precise on a base of technical-
economic evaluation with formulaes (45) and (46)
Area of aerated sone for pneumatic aerators includes gaps between them to 0,3 m.
Intensivity of aeration Ja, m3/( m2 ч) , should be determined by formulae
q H
J a = air ar , (61)
Har – work depth of aerotank, m;
tat – aeration period, h.
If calculated aeration intensity is above Ja,max for taken К1, it is required to increase an area
of aerated sone and if it is below Ja,min for taken value К2 – it is required to increase an air discharge
taken a value Ja,min from table (39)

Тable 38
faz/fat 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,75 1
К1 1,34 1,47 1,68 1,89 1,94 2 2,13 2,3
Ja,max m3/( m2 5 10 20 30 40 50 75 100

Тable 39
ha ,m 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 3 4 5 6
К2 0,4 0,46 0,6 0,8 0,9 1 2,08 2,52 2,92 3,3
Ja,min m3/( m2 48 42 38 32 28 24 4 3,5 3 2,5

Тable 40
faz/fat 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,75 1
К3 0,59 0,59 0,64 0,66 0,72 0,77 0,88 0,99

6.158. At choice of mechanical, pneumomechanical and ejector aerator it is required to

consider by its’ productivity by aie determined at 20 °C and absence of disslolved oxygen, speed on
consumption and massexchanged properties of a liquid characterized by coefficients KT - and K3
and oxygen deficit (Cа - CО) / Cа and determined by formulae 6.157.

Number of aerators Nma for aerotanks and biological ponds ahould be determined by
qO (Len − Lex )Wat
N ma = , (62)
⎛ Ca − CO ⎞
1000 KT K 3 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟tat Qma
⎝ C a ⎠
page.64 SNT 2.04.03-98
Wat – capacity of a structure, m3;
Qma - capacity of aerator by oxygen, kg/h, defined by specification;
tat – duration of liquid staying in a structure, h; the valueds of the rest parameters
should be found by formulae (58).

Note. At a definite number of mechanic aerators it is required to check its’ mixing ability by
content of active sludge in suspended condition. Sone of action of aerator should be determined by
calculations approximately it is 5-6 diameter of a rotor.

6.159. Oxytanks are recommended to install in case of supoply of technical air from oxygen
units of industrial enterpises. It is acceptable to use it at construction of oxygen station as a part of a
structure of treatment facilities.

Oxytanks should be equipped by mechanical aerators, light sealing covering, system of

automatic feed of oxygen and blowing off a gas phase whcihc should provide effectoivity of use of
oxygen 90 %.

For treatment of industrial sewerage and its’ mixtures with municipal sewerage oxytanks
should be applied combined with sludge separator. Volume of aeration of oxytank should be
calculated by formulaes (45) and (46). Oxygen concentration in sludge mixture should be taken
within 6-12 mg/l, sludge dose - 6-10 g/l.

Secondary sedimentation basins. Sludge separator

6.160. Load to surface of secondary sedimentation basins qssb,, m3/ {m2-h), after biofilteres
of any type should be calculated by formulae

qssb = 3,6 K set u0 , (66)

u0 – hydraulic coerseness of biofilm;at full biological treatment u0 = 1,4 mm/sec;
values of coefficient Кset, should be found by item 6.61.
at determination of area of sedimentation basins it is required to take into account
recirculating discharge.

6.161. Secondary sedimentation basins of any type after aerotanks should be calculated by
hydraulic load qssa, m3/ {m2-h), with taking into account active sludge in aerotank ai, g/l, it’s index
Ji, cm3/g and concentration of sludge in clarified water at , mg/l, by formulae
0 ,8
4,5 K ss H set
qssa = , (63)
(0,1J i ai )0,5 − 0,01at
Kss – coefficient of use of volume of sedimentation accepted for
Radial sedimentation basins - 0,4, vertical - 0,35, vertical
With peripheral dischrge - 0,5, horisontal - 0,45;
at – should be taken above 10 mg/l,
ai - below 15 g/l.

6.162. Constructive parameters of sedimentation basins should be taken in accordance with

items 6.61-6.63.

6.163. A load to 1 m of collecting clarified water discharge should be below 8-10 l/sec.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 65
6.164. Hydraulic load to sludge separators for oxytanks or aerotanks-sedimentation basins
operation in a mode of clarifiers with suspended material and depending on parameter ai Ji, should
be in accordance with table 41
Тable 41
ai Ji 100 200 300 400 500 600

qms,m3/(m2 ч) 5.6 3.3 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.7

6.165. Calculation of flotation units for separation of sludge mixture should be done
depending on required degree of clarification by content of suspended material in accordance with
table 42.

Тable 42
Content of suspended material, mg/l
15 10 5
Duration of flotation, min 40 50 60
Specific air dischrge, лl/kg of 4 6 9
suspended sludge material

A pressure of pressure tank should be 0,6-0,9 mPa (6-9 kgsec/cm2), duration of saturation is
3-4 min.

Aeration units with full oxidation (aerotanks with extended aeration)

6.166. Aeration units for full oxidation should be used for biological treatment of sewerage.
Before a supply of sewerage to unit it is required to provide detainment of corsed
mechanical imputities.

6.167. Duration of aeration in aerotanks for full oxidation should be determined by formulae
(45), and at that it is required to kepp the following parameters:
ρ - average speed of oxidation by BPKfull -6mg/ (g-h);
ai - sludge dose - 3-4 g/l;
s – ashness of a sludge - 0,35.
Specific air discharge should be determined by formulae (58), and at that it is required to
qO – specific oxygen discherge, mg/mg removed BPKfull - 1,25;
K1, K2, KT, K3, Ca – by data specified by item 6.157.

6.168. Duration of presense of sewerage in sedimentation sone at maximum inflow should

be above 1,5 ч.

6.169. Quantity of excess active sludge should be 0,35 kg per 1 кg BPKfull . Removal of
дexcess sludge is acceptable to foresee as from sedimentation basin and from aerotanks as well at
reaching a dose of sludge 5-6 g/l.
Humidity of sludge removed from sedimentation basin is 98 %, from aerotank - 99,4 %.

6.170. Load to sludge area should be as for settling received at mesophilous conditions.
page.66 SNT 2.04.03-98
Circulating oxidation canals

6.171. Circulating oxidation canals (COC) should be provided fo rbiological treatment of

sewerage at areas of rated winter temperature of the most cold period above minus 25 °C.

6.172. Duration of aeration should be determined by formuilae (45), at that average speed of
oxidation ρ should be calculated by BPKfull 6 mg/ (g·h).

6.173. For circulating oxidation canals should be designed the following:

Shape of a canal as О-shaped;
A depth - about 1 m;
Quantity of excess active sludge - 0,4 kg per 1 kg BPKfull ;
Specific oxygen discharge - 1,25 mg per 1 mg of removed BPKfull.

6.174. Aeration of sewerage in oxidation canals should be provided by mechanical aerators

provided at the beginning of a direct part of a canal.
Aerator size and operation parameters should be specified in it’s specification depending on
it’s capacity by oxygen and a speed of water in a canal.

6.175. Speed of water flow in canal vcc, m/sec, created by aerator should be determined by
J air lair
vcc = , (65)
⎛ n1

ω cc ⎜⎜ 3 lcc + 0,05∑ ξ ⎟⎟
⎝R 4 ⎠
Jair – pressure impulse of aerator specified by aerator’s specification;
lair – length of aerator, m;
ωsecsec – area of life cross section of a canal, m2;
n1 – coefficient of roughness for concrete barriers n1 =0,014;
R – hydraulic radius, m;
lcc – length of a canal, m;
Σξ - sum of coefficients of local resistances, for O-shaped canal it is Σξ = 0,5.

A length of aerator should be taken above a width of a canal at it’s bottom and below the
width of a canal at water surface and number of aerators – no less than two.

6.176. Discharge of sewerage water mixture with active slit out of circulating canals to
secondary sedimentation basin should be provided by self flow, a duration of sewerage water
staying at sedimentation basin by maximum discharge - 1,5 h.

6.177. Out of secondary sedimentation basin it is required to provide continuois supply of

return active sludge to a canal and supply of excess sludge to a sludge area - periodically.
6.178. Sludge areas should be designed out of load on sedimentation settled in mesophile

Filtration fields

6.179. Filtration fields for full biological treatment of sewerage should be provided, as a rule,
on sands, clay sands and clay loam.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 67
Duration of settling of sewerage before it’s supply to filtration fields should be above 30

6.180. areas for filtration fields should be with aan even and soft relief with a slope to 0,02;
with a location below flow of underground water from structures for underground water intake on a
distance equal to a value f radius of dispersing funnel but no less 200 m for light clay loams and
300 m – for clay sands and 500 m – for sands.

At location of filtarion fields high along the flow of underground water then a distance of it
to underground water intake structures should be taken with taking into account hydrogeological
conditions and requirements of sanitary preservation of water supply source.

On territories border upon places of checkout of water bearing horisonts and in case of
presence of cracked rocks and karst not overlapped by pre-seat layer it is not acceptable to locate
filtration fields.

6.181. A load of sewerage to filtration fields should be taken omn a bse of experimental data
of filtration fields in similar situation.
A load of household and close to its’ content industrial sewerage is acceptable to take by
table 43.

Тable 43
Average year air Load of sewerage, m (hectare-sday) at
Soil temperature, ° C groundwater occurrence at depth,m
1.5 2 3
Light clay sand above 6 to 11 - 75 85
above 11 - 85 100
Clay loam above 6 tо 11 100 110 130
Above 11 120 130 150
Sand above 6 to 11 160 190 235
above11 180 210 250

6.182. Area of filtration fields when required should be checked for sewerage freesing. A
duration of freesing should be equal to number of days with average dayly temperature of air below
minus 10 ° C.

A value of filtration of sewerage at the period of it’s freesing should be determined by a

decrease of it to a value of a coefficient specified by table 44

Таблица 44
Soil Coefficient of a decrese of value of filtration at
the period of freesing
Light clay sand 0,3

Clay loam 0,45

Sand 0,55

6.183. It is required to provide reserve maps an area of which should be grounded at every
case and should not exceed 10% of usefull area of filtration fields.
page.68 SNT 2.04.03-98

6.184. Additional area for system arranging, roads, protective rolls and trees is acceptable to
take as 25 % of all filtration field area above 1000 hecters and at its’ area of 100 hectere and below.

6.185. Size of a map of filtration field should be determined depending on lay on land, total
work area of the fields and methods of fileld cultivation. At cultivation of an area of one map by
tractor should be no less than 1,5 hectares.

Ratio of width of map to a length should be 1:2 tо 1:4; at reasonabler ground it is acceptable
to encrease a length of the map.

6.186. On maps of filtration fields used for freesing of sewerage it is required to discharge
melted water to reserve maps.

6.187. Drainage (open or closed) on filtration fields is required at underground water

occurrence on a depth of below 1,5 m from a ground surface irrespective of soil type and at
unfavorable filtration properties of soil when only drainage canals (without closed drainage) don’t
provide a required decrese of underground water level.

6.188. At filtration fields it is required to provide a shower, premises for drying overalls and
rest rooms and rooms for meal intake. Per every 75 - 100 hectares of filtration field area it is
required to provide booths for warming up of service personnel.

Fields of underground filtration

6.189. Fileds of underground filtration should be used at sand and clay sand soils at laying
of irrigating pipes above the level of underground water above 1 m and imbedding of it below 1,8 m
and above 0,5 m from land surface.

Irrigating pipes are recommended to lay on a layer of bedding coarse of 20-50 cm width out
of gravel, fine caked cinder, crushed stone and coarsed sand.

Before the fields of underground filtration it is required to provide installation of detritus


6.190. Total length of irrigating canals is defined by load in correspondence with table 45. a
length of separate irrigators should be below 20m.
Тable 45
Average year Load, l/day per 1 m of irrigating pipes of underground
Soils temperature of filtration field, depending on depth of maximum level of
air,° C underground water from tray, m
1 2 3
Sands of 6,1 to 11 20 24 27
above 11,1 22 26 30
Clay sand of 6,1 tо 11 10 12 14
above 11,1 11 13 16
Notes : 1. at presence of coarsed bedding coarse of a width 20-50 cma load should be taken with
a coefficient 1,2-1,5.
2. At specific water drain above 150 l/day per one person or for objects of seasonal operation
norms should be increased to 20 %.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 69
6.191. For air inflow it is required to provide stands at the ends of irrigating canals of
diameter 0,5 m above ground level
Sand-gravel filteres and filtering trenches

6.192. Sand-gravel filteres and filtering trenches at quantity of sewerage below 15 m3/day
should be designed in waterproof and low filtering soils at maximum level of underground water 1
m below the tray of a blind drain.

Before the structures it is required to provide detritus tanks installation.

Treated water should be collected in collecting tanks (for the aim to use it for irrigating), or
discharge it to water objects in accordance with requirements of „Regulations of preservation of
surface water from contamination by sewerage" and „Regulations on sanitary protection of coastal
waters of seas".

Project lindth of filtering trenches should be taken depending on sewerage discharge and a
load to irrigating pipes but below 30 m, and a width of a trench by bottom - above 0,5 m.

6.193. Sand-gravel filteres should be designed in one or two stages. As feed of one stage
filteres should be accepted coarsed and average grain sand and other materials.

Feed at the first stage of two stage filter could be gravel, crushed stone, cinder and other
materials with a coarseness in accordance with item 6.122, and at the second stage – similar to one
stage filter.

In filtering trenches as a feed should be applied coarsed and average grain sand and other

6.194. A load to irrigating lines of sand-gravel filteres and filtering trenches and a width of a
layer of embedding coarse should be taken in accordance wioth table 46

Тable 46
Structure Height of a Load on irrigating lines, l/
layer of feed, m (m.day)
One stage 1-1.5 100-130
Sand-gravel filter or second stage
of two stage filter
The first stage of two stage filter 1-1.5 200-260

Filtering trench 0.8-1 70-90

Notes: 1. Less loads correspond to less height.
2. At specific water drain above 150 l /( person · day) a load should be increased
to 20-30%.

Filtering wells

6.195. Filtering wells should be provided only in sand or clay sand soils at a quantity of a
sewerage below 1 m3/day. The base of a well should be above underground water level no less than
1 m.
page.70 SNT 2.04.03-98
Notes: 1. At use of underground water for drink water supply a possibility of use of filtering
wells should be considered depending on hydrogeological conditions and should be approved by
bodies of State bCorporation Turkmengeology and sanitary-epidemiological service.

2. Before the wells detritus tanks should be provided.

6.196. Filtering wells should be designed out of reinforced concrete rings, baked bricks or
rubble stone. Size on a drawing should be below 2х2 m, a depth - 2,5 m.
Below approaching pipe it is required to provide:
Bottom filter of a height to 1 m out of gravel, crushed stone, baked slag and other
material – inside the well;
A layer out of the same material – at external walls of a well;
Holes for discharge of filtered water - at well walls.

In a cover of a well a hatch of 700 mm diameter and ventilation pipe of 100 mm diameter
should be provided.

6.197. Estimated filtering surface of a well should be determined as sum of bottom areas and
surface of walls of wells by height of a filter. A load to 1 m2 of a filtering surface should be 80 l/day
in sand soils and 40 l/day in clay sands.

A load should be increased to 10—20% - at arrangement of filtering wells in average and

coarsed grain sands or at a distance between a bottom of a well and a level of underground water
above 2m; to 20 % - at specific water drain above 150 l/(person a day) and average winter
temperature of sewerage above 10 °C.

For objects of seasonal operation a load could be increased to 20 %.

Biological ponds

6.198. Biological ponds should be applied for treatment and deep treatment of municipal,
industrial and surface sewerage which contain organic matters.

6.199. Biological ponds are acceptable to design with natural and artificial aeration
(pheumatic or mechanical).

6.200. At treatment of biological ponds sewerage water should not have BPKfull above 200
mгg/l – for ponds with natutal aeration and above 500 mg/l – for ponds with artificial aeration.

At BPKfull above 500 mg/l it is required to provide preliminary sewerage treatment.

6.201. To ponds of deep treatment it is acceptable to drain sewerage after biological or

physical-chemical treatment with BPKfull below 25 mg/l – for ponds with natural aeration and
below 50 mg/l – for ponds with artificial aeration.

6.202. Before ponds for treatment it is required to provide grids with crevices below 16 mm
and settling of sewerage within no less than 30 min.

After ponds with natural aeration it is required to provide a settling of sewerage within 2-2,5

6.203. Biological ponds should be provided on non filtering or poor filtering soils. At
unfavorable in filtration attitude soils it is required to provide antifiltration measures.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 71

6.204. Biological ponds should be located from leeward towards residential blocks
prevailing wind direction in a warm time of year a direction of water movement in a pond should be
perpendicular to this wind direction.

6.205. Biological ponds should be designed at least from two parallel sections with 3-5
concequent stages in each, with a possibility of shut down any section of a pond or prophylactic
repair without violation of operation of others.

6.206. Ratio of a length to a width with natural aeration should be above 20. at less ratios it
is required to provide constructions of inlet and outlet devices which provide a water movement all
the life cross section of a pond.

6.207. At ponds with natural aeration a ratio of sides of section could be any one and at that
aeration devices should provide a movement of water at any point of a pond with a speed above
0,05 m/sec. Shape of ponds in a layout depends on type of aerators: for pneumatic or mechanical
ponds could be right angled and for self-moving mechanical – round ones.

6.208. A level of a tray of bypass pipe from one stage to the other one should be above the
bottom to 0,3-0,5 m.
A discharge of treated water should be done through collecting device located below the
water level to 0,15-0,2 of a depth of the pond.

6.209. Chlorinate water should be as a rule after ponds. In some cases (at a length of
pipeline laying of chlorine water above 500 m or a need of costruction of a separate chlorinator and
so on) it is acceptable to chlorinate water befor ponds.

Concentration of a residue chlorine in water after the contact should not exceed 0,25-0,5

6.210. Working capacity of a pond should be determined by time of staying in it average

dayly sewerage discharge.

6.211. Time of staying of water in a pond with natural aeration tlag, a day should be
determined by formulae

1 N −1
Len 1 ′ − L fin
tlag =
Klag k
∑ lg L
+ lg
′ k ′ Lex′ − L fin
, (66)

N – number of consequent stages of a pond;
Klag – coefficient of volumetric use of each stage of a pond;
K′lag – the same, the last stage; Klog and K′log are accepted for artificial ponds
With a ratio of length of sections to a width 20:1 and above - 0,8-0,9, at a ratio
3:1 or for ponds built on a base of natural local ponds
(lakes, damps and so on), - 0,35, for intermediary cases is determined by
Len – BPKfull of water entering this stage of a pond;
L'en - the same fot the last stage
Lex - BPKfull of water leaving the last stage of a pond;
L'ex – the same for the last stage;
Lfm - residual BPKfull, specified by interwater processes
page.72 SNT 2.04.03-98
And taken 2-3 mg/l in summer (blooming pond to 5 mg/l), in winter – 1-2 mg/l;
k – constant of speed of oxygen consuption, a day; for industrial sewerage
is determined by experimental method; for municipal and close by its’ content
industrial sewerage at absence of experimental data
k for any intermidiaty sections of a treatment pond could be equal to
0,1 day-1, for the last stage k' = 0,07 day-1 (at temperature of water 20 ° C).

For ponds of deep treatment k should be taken, day-1 : for the 1-st stage - 0,07; for the
second -stage - 0,06; for the rest stages of a pond - 0,05- 0,04; for a multistage pond k = 0,06 day-1.
For water temperature defferent to 20°C, a value k should be corrected by formulaes:

For water of temperature 5 - 30°C

kT = k ⋅ 1,047T − 20 ; (67)

For water of temperature 0 - 5°C

kT = k ⋅ 1,12(T + 1) ]
− 0 , 022 T − 20
, (68)

k – coefficient determined in laboratory at water temperature of 20°C.

6.212. Total area of pond water mirror Flag, m2, with natural aeration should be determinbed
by formulae
Q C (L − Lex )
Flag = w a en , (69)
Klag (Ca − Cex )ra

Qw – sewerage discharge, m3 day;
Ca – should be determined by formulae (60);
Cex – concentration of oxygen which is required to sustain in water leaving a pond on
atmospheric aeration and oxygen deficit, equal to one,
taken 3-4 g/ (m2 -day);
Len, Lex, Klag – should be determined by formulae (66).

6.213. Rated depth of a pond Hlag, m, with natural aeration should be determined by

K lag (Ca − Cex )ratlag

H lag = . (70)
Ca (Len − Lex )
Woring depth of a pond should not exceed, m: at Len above 100 mg/l - 0,5, at Len до 100
mg/l - 1; for ponds with a deep treatment Len of 20 - 40 mг/л - 2, sec Len to 20 mg/l - 3. in case of
possible pond freesing in winter Н should be increased on 0,5 m.

6.214. Time of water staying t′lag ,day, deep treatment in a pond with artificial aeration
should be determined by formulae
N ⎛⎜ Len ⎞
′ =
tlag N − 1⎟, (71)
2,3kd ⎜⎝ Len − L fin ⎟

SNT 2.04.03-98 page 73
kd – dynamic constant of speed of consumption of oxygen equal

kd =β1k, (72)
β1 - coefficient depending on speed vlag, m/sec, water movement in a pond,
Created by aerating devices or by moving of water along corridors
of a labyrinth type ; value β1 is determined by formulae

β1 =1+120 vlag,. (73)

if vlag, > 0,05 m/sec, то β1 = 7.

6.215. To increase a degree of water treatment to BPKfull 3 mg/l and decrese of content in it
biogenic elements (nitrogen and phosphorus) it is recommended to use at the pond water
vegetation - reeds, reed mace, cane and others. More developed water vegetation should be placed
at the last section of the pond.

Area under water vegetation is acceptable to determine by load which is 10000 m3/day for 1
hectare at density of growing of 150-200 plants per 1 m2.

Structures for oxygen saturation of treated sewerage

6.216. In Case of need of additional oxygen saturation of treated sewerage before its’
discharge to a water object it is required to provide special arrangements: in case of availability of a
free level difference between a treatment structure area nf a water horisont in a water object –
multistage water discharge-aerators, shooting flows and so on and at the rest cases – bubble

6.217. At designing of water-discharge-aerators it is required to design:

Water discharge slots – as thin toothed wall with a toothed shield above it (teeth of wall and
shield are fecing each other by points) ;
Height of teeth - 50 mm, angle at the top - 90°;
Height of a space between points of teeth - 50 mm;
Length of a well of a low reach - 4m, depth - 0,8 m;
Specific water doscharge - qw = 120 - 160 l/sec per 1 m of water discharge length;
Water head at dischrge hw, m (from the middle of a toothed space), - by formulae
⎛ q ⎞
hw = ⎜ w ⎟ . (74)
⎝ 225 ⎠
6.218. Number of stages of water discharge-aerators Nwa and value of level difference zst,, m,
on every stage required for providing of a required oxygen concentration Cех,, mg/l, in sewerage at
it’s discharge to a water object is determined by consequent choice out of ratio
Са − Сex
= ϕ 20N wa K T K 3 , (75)
Ca − Cs
Ca - solubility of oxygen in a liquid determined by item 6.157;
Cех – oxygen concentration in a treated sewerage whvih should be provide at its’
discharge to a water basin;
Cs - oxygen concentration in sewerage before the structures for saturation; at
absence of data Cs = 0;
Nwa – number of stages of water discharge;
КT, К3, - coefficient determined by item 6.157;
page.74 SNT 2.04.03-98
ϕ20 – coefficient taking into account effectivity of aeration at water discharges
Depending water level difference and determined by table 47

Таблица 47
zst, m 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
ϕ20 0.71 0.65 0.59 0.55 0.52

6.219. At designing bubble stuctures it is required to take:

Number of stages – 3-4;
aerators – fine or average bubble ones;
location of aerators – evenly on bottom of a structure;
intensivity of aeration - below 100 m3/ (m2 -h).

6.220. Specific air discharge in bubble structures qb, m3/m3, should be determined by

⎡⎛ ⎞ Nb ⎤
Nb ⎢⎜ C − C
qb = A ex
⎟ − 1⎥, (76)
K1K 2 K3 KT ⎢⎜⎝ Ca − Cs ⎟⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Nв – number of stages of aeration;
SECa, К1 – should be taken by item 6.157;
К2, К3, КT, - should be determined by item 6.218.
Cех ,ECs

Disinfection of sewerage

6.221. Обеззараживание бытовых secточных вод и их secmеsecи sec

производsecтвенныmи secледует производить поsecле их очиsecтки.
При secовmеsecтной биологичеsecкой очиsecтке бытовых и производsecтвенных
secточных вод, но раздельной их mеханичеsecкой очиsecтке допуsecкаетsecя при
обоsecновании предуsecmатривать обеззараживание только бытовых вод поsecле их
mеханичеsecкой очиsecтки sec дехлорированиеm их перед подачей на secооружения
биологичеsecкой очиsecтки.

6.222. Обеззараживание secточных вод secледует производить хлороm,

гидрохлоритоm натрия, получаеmыm на mеsecте в электролизерах, или пряmыm
электролизоm secточных вод.

6.223. Раsecчетную дозу активного хлора secледует приниmать, г/m3:

поsecле mеханичеsecкой очиsecтки - 10;
поsecле mеханохиmичеsecкой очиsecтки при эффективноsecти отsecтаивания secвыше
70 % и неполной биологичеsecкой очиsecтки - 5;
поsecле полной биологичеsecкой, физико-хиmичеsecкой и глубокой очиsecтки - 3
П р и m е ч а н и я : 1. Дозу активного хлора надлежит уточнять в процеsecsecе
экsecплуатации, при этоm количеsecтво оsecтаточного хлора в обеззараженной воде поsecле
контакта должно быть не mенее 1,5 г/m3.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 75
2. Хлорное хозяйsecтво очиsecтных secооружений должно обеsecпечивать
возmожноsecть увеличения раsecчетной дозы хлора в 1,5 раза без изmенения
вmеsecтиmоsecти secкладов для реагентов.

6.224. Хлорное хозяйsecтво и электролизные уsecтановки на очиsecтных

secооружениях secледует проектировать secоглаsecно SECНиП ,,Водоsecнабжение.
Наружные secети и secооружения”.

6.225. Уsecтановки пряmого электролиза при обоsecновании допуsecкаетsecя

иsecпользовать поsecле биологичеsecкой или физико-хиmичеsecкой очиsecтки secточных вод.

6.226. Электрооборудование и шкаф управления secледует раsecполагать в

отапливаеmоm поmещении, которое допуsecкаетsecя блокировать sec другиmи
поmещенияmи очиsecтных secооружений.

6.227. Для secmешения secточной воды sec хлороm secледует приmенять

secmеsecители любого типа.

6.228. Продолжительноsecть контакта хлора или гипохлорита secо secточной водой в

резервуаре или в отводящих лотках и трубопроводах надлежит приниmать 30 mин.

6.229. Контактные резервуары необходиmо проектировать как первичные

отsecтойники без secкребков; чиsecло резервуаров - не mенее двух. Допуsecкаетsecя
предуsecmатривать барботаж воды secжатыm воздухоm при интенsecивноsecти 0,5 m3/(m2⋅ч).

6.230. При обеззараживании secточных вод поsecле биологичеsecких прудов secледует

выделять отsecек для контакта secточной воды sec хлороm.

6.231. Количеsecтво оsecадка, выпадающего в контактных резервуарах, secледует

приниmать, л на 1 m3 secточной воды, при влажноsecти 98 %:
поsecле mеханичеsecкой очиsecтки - 1,5;
поsecле биологичеsecкой очиsecтки в аэротенках и на биофильтрах - 0,5.

Structures for deep treatment of sewerage


6.232. SECооружения предназначены для обеsecпечения более глубокой очиsecтки

городsecких и производsecтвенных secточных вод и их secmеsecи, прошедших
биологичеsecкую очиsecтку, а также для производsecтвенных secточных вод поsecле
mеханичеsecкой, хиmичеsecкой или физико-хиmичеsecкой очиsecтки перед secброsecоm в
водные объекты или повторныm иsecпользованиеm их в производsecтве или secельsecкоm

6.233. В качеsecтве secооружений для глубокой очиsecтки secточных вод mогут быть
приmенены фильтры sec зерниsecтой загрузкой различных конsecтрукций, secетчатые
барабанные фильтры, биологичеsecкие пруды, secооружения для наsecыщения secточных
вод киsecлородоm.
Выбор типа secооружений надлежит производить sec учетоm качеsecтва иsecходных
secточных вод, требований к secтепени их очиsecтки, наличия фильтрующих mатериалов и т.
page.76 SNT 2.04.03-98

6.234. Проектирование биологичеsecких прудов надлежит производить secоглаsecно

пп. 6.198-6.215.

Filetres with granular feed

6.235. Фильтры sec зерниsecтой загрузкой рекоmендуютsecя secледующих

конsecтрукций: одноsecлойные, двухsecлойные и каркаsecно-заsecыпные (КЗФ).
В завиsecиmоsecти от конsecтрукции и клиmатичеsecких уsecловий фильтры
secледует раsecполагать на открытоm воздухе или в поmещении. При раsecположении
фильтров на открытоm воздухе трубопроводы, запорная арmатура, наsecоsecы и прочие
коmmуникации должны раsecполагатьsecя в проходных галереях.

6.236. В качеsecтве фильтрующего mатериала допуsecкаетsecя иsecпользовать

кварцевый пеsecок, гравий, гранитный щебень, гранулированный доmенный шлак, антрацит,
кераmзит, полиmеры, а также другие зерниsecтые загрузки, обладающие необходиmыmи
технологичеsecкиmи secвойsecтваmи, хиmичеsecкой secтойкоsecтью и mеханичеsecкой

6.237. Раsecчет конsecтруктивных элеmентов фильтров надлежит производить

secоглаsecно SECНиП ,,Водоsecнабжение. Наружные secети и secооружения” и,
наsecтоящиm норmаm.

6.238. Раsecчетные параmетры фильтров sec зерниsecтой загрузкой для глубокой

очиsecтки городsecких и близких к ниm по secоsecтаву производsecтвенных secточных вод
поsecле биологичеsecкой очиsecтки secледует приниmать по табл.48
Раsecчет площади фильтров надлежит производить по mакsecиmальноmу чаsecовоmу
притоку за вычетоm допуsecтиmой неравноmерноsecти, равной 15 %.

6.239. При проектировании фильтров sec зерниsecтой загрузкой secледует

при подаче secточных вод поsecле биологичеsecкой очиsecтки - уsecтановку перед
фильтраmи (кроmе КЗФ) барабанных secеток;
водовоздушную проmывку для одноsecлойных, водяную - для двухsecлойных,
водовоздушную или водяную - для каркаsecно-заsecыпных фильтров; при этоm проmывку
secледует оsecущеsecтвлять нехлорированной фильтрованной водой;
Таблица 48
Параmетры фильтрующей SECкороsec
загрузки ть Про Эффект
гранулоmетричеsec фильтрован - очиsecтки,
Фильт Филь- кая Выsec ия m/ч, при Интен дол- %
р трую- характериsecтика ота режиmе secивн жи-
щий загрузки, d, mm secло оsecть тель
mатер mи mакs экви- я, m но форse проmы - по по
иал ени ecи- вален р- cи- вки, ноse БПКп взвеше
mал mаль тная mа рован л/(sec cть олн нныm
ьна ная льн -ноm m2) про- вещеse
я оm mыв cт-ваm
Одноse Кварце 1.2 2 1.5-1.7 1.2-1.3 6-7 7-8 Воздух 2 50-60 70-75
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 77
йный Вый (18-20)
козерн Пеsecо
иsec к
тый sec Подде 2 5 - 0.15- Воздух 10-12
по р 0.2
дачей Живаю 5 10 0.1- (18-20)
во 0.15
ды щие 10 20 - 0.1- и вода
secвер- 0.15
ху secлои 20 40 - 0.2-.25 (3-5)
вниз -
гравий - Вода 6-8
Одноse Гранит 3 10 5.5 1.2 16 18 Воздух 3 35-40 45-50
йный Ный (16)
Пнозер Щебен Воздух 4
ни ь
secтый (16) и
Подаче Вода
й (10)
воды Вода(15 3
Двухse Антра- 1.2 2 - 0.4-0.5 7-8 9-10 Вода 10-12 60-70 70-80
ный Цит (14-16)
Подаче или ке-
воды Раmзит
Secвер Кварце 0.7 1.6 - 0.6-0.7
Вниз вый
Подде 2 5 - 0.15-
р .25
живаю 5 10 - 0.1-
щие 10 20 - 0.1-
secлои 20 40 - 0.2-
- 0.25
Каркаs Кварце 0.8 1 - 0.9 10 15 Вохдух 5-7 70 70-80
page.78 SNT 2.04.03-98
но – вый (14-16)
Пной пеsecо и вода
(КЗФ) Каркаs 1 40 - 1.8 (6-8)
- 40 60 - 0.5 Вода 3
вmеsecтиmоsecть резервуаров проmывной воды и грязных вод от проmывки фильтров
— не mенее чеm на две проmывки;
при необходиmоsecти - наsecыщение фильтрованной воды киsecлородоm secоглаsecно
пп. 6.216-6.220;
трубчатые раsecпределительные дренажные secиsecтеmы большого secопротивления;
для фильтров sec подачей воды secверху вниз - уsecтройsecтво гидравличеsecкого или
mеханичеsecкого взрыхления верхнего secлоя загрузки.

6.240. Для предотвращения биологичеsecкого обраsecтания фильтров sec зерниsecтой

загрузкой необходиmо предуsecmатривать предварительное хлорирование поsecтупающих
secточных вод дозой до 2 mг/л и периодичеsecкую обработку фильтра (2-3 раза в год)
хлорной водой sec secодержаниеm хлора до 150 mг/л при периоде контакта 24 ч.

6.241. Проектирование фильтров sec зерниsecтой загрузкой для глубокой очиsecтки

производsecтвенных secточных вод secледует производить по данныm технологичеsecких

Filteres with polymeric feed

6.242. Фильтры „Полиmер" secледует приmенять для очиsecтки производsecтвенных

secточных вод от mаsecел и нефтепродуктов, не находящихsecя в них в виде secтойких
Фильтры допуsecкаетsecя приmенять для очиsecтки дождевых вод.

6.243. Допуsecтиmая концентрация mаsecел и нефтепродуктов в иsecходной воде до

150 mг/л, взвешенных вещеsecтв - до 100 mг/л. Концентрация этих вещеsecтв в очищенной
воде - до 10 mг/л.

6.244. В качеsecтве загрузки надлежит приниmать пенополиуретан крупноsecтью

20х20х20 mm, плотноsecтью 46-50 кг/m3, выsecотой secлоя 2 m. SECкороsecть фильтрования
до 25 m/ч.

6.245. Фильтры secледует разmещать в здании sec теmпературой воздуха не ниже 5 °


Gauze cylinder filters

6.246. SECетчатые барабанные фильтры secледует приmенять для mеханичеsecкой

очиsecтки производsecтвенных secточных вод, для уsecтановки перед фильтраmи глубокой
очиsecтки secточных вод (барабанные secетки), а также в качеsecтве secаmоsecтоятельных
secооружений глубокой очиsecтки (mикрофильтры). SECтепень очиsecтки secточных вод,
доsecтигаеmую на secетчатых барабанных фильтрах, допуsecкаетsecя приниmать по табл. 49.

Таблицa 49
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 79
SECетчатые барабанные SECнижение secодержания загрязняющих вещеsecтв, %
фильтры по взвешенныm вещеsecтваm по БПКполн
Mикрофильтры 50-60 25-30
Барабанные secетки 20-25 5-10

6.247. При приmенении барабанных secеток для mеханичеsecкой очиsecтки secточных

вод в иsecходной воде должны отsecутsecтвовать вещеsecтва, затрудняющие проmывку
secетки (secmолы, жиры, mаsecла, нефтепродукты и пр.), а secодержание взвешенных
вещеsecтв не должно превышать 250 mг/л.
При иsecпользовании mикрофильтров для глубокой очиsecтки городsecких secточных
вод secодержание взвешенных вещеsecтв в иsecходной воде должно быть не более 40 mг/л.

6.248. Чиsecло резервных secетчатых барабанных фильтров надлежит приниmать по

табл. 50

Таблица 50
Барабанные фильтры Чиsecло
рабочих резервных
Mикрофильтры До 4 1
SECв.4 2
Барабанные secетки До 6 1
SECв.6 2

6.249. При приmенении secетчатых барабанных фильтров надлежит:

производительноsecть и конsecтрукцию приниmать по паsecпортныm данныm
заводов-изготовителей или по рекоmендацияm научно-иsecsecледовательsecких
предуsecmатривать проmывку водой, прошедшей secетчатые барабанные фильтры
при давлении 0,15 MПа (1,5кгsec/secm2):
поsecтоянную sec раsecходоm для mикрофильтров - 3-4% раsecчетной
производительноsecти уsecтановки, барабанных secеток для mеханичеsecкой очиsecтки
secточных вод - 1 -1,5 %;
периодичеsecкую для барабанных secеток в secхеmе глубокой очиsecтки secточных
вод sec чиsecлоm проmывок 8-12 раз в secутки, продолжительноsecтью проmывки 5 mин,
раsecходоm проmывной воды 0,3-0,5 % раsecчетной производительноsecти барабанной

Structures for physical-chemical treatment of sewerage

Neutralization of sewerage

6.250. SECточные'воды, величина рН которых ниже 6,5 или выше 8,5, перед отводоm
в канализацию наsecеленного пункта или в водный объект подлежат нейтрализации.
Нейтрализацию secледует оsecущеsecтвлять secmешениеm киsecлых и щелочных
secточных вод, введениеm реагентов или фильтрованиеm их через нейтрализующие

6.251. Дозу реагентов надлежит определять из уsecловия полной нейтрализации

secодержащихsecя в secточных водах киsecлот или щелочей и выделения в оsecадок
page.80 SNT 2.04.03-98
secоединений тяжелых mеталлов по уравнению secоответsecтвующей реакции. Избыток
реагента должен secоsecтавлять 10% раsecчетного количеsecтва.
При определении дозы реагента необходиmо учитывать взаиmную нейтрализацию
киsecлот и щелочей, а также щелочной резерв бытовых secточных вод или водоеmа

6.252. В качеsecтве реагентов для нейтрализации киsecлых secточных вод secледует

приmенять гидроокиsecь кальция (гашеную извеsecть) в виде 5 % по активной окиsecи
кальция извеsecткового mолока или отходы щелочей (едкого натра или калия).
Проектирование уsecтановок для приготовления извеsecткового mолока надлежит
выполнять secоглаsecно SECНиП "Водоsecнабжение. Наружные secети и secооружения"

6.253. Для подкиsecления и нейтрализации щелочных secточных вод рекоmендуетsecя

приmенять техничеsecкую secерную киsecлоту.

6.254. Для выделения оsecадка secледует предуsecmатривать отsecтойники sec

вреmенеm пребывания в них secточных вод в течение 2 ч.

6.255. Количеsecтво secухого вещеsecтва оsecадка M, кг/m3, образующегоsecя при

нейтрализации 1 m3 secточной воды, secодержащей secвободную secерную киsecлоту и
secоли тяжелых mеталлов, надлежит определять по форmуле
100 − A
M = ( A1 + A2 ) + A3 + (E1 + E2 − 2), (77)
А - secодержание активной SECаО в иsecпользуеmой извеsecти, %;
A1, -количеsecтво активной SECаО, необходиmой для оsecаждения mеталлов,
A2, - количеsecтво активной SECаО, необходиmой для нейтрализации
secвободной secерной
киsecлоты, кг/m3;
A3 - количеsecтво образующихsecя гидрокsecидов mеталлов, кг/m3;
E1 - количеsecтво secульфата кальция, образующегоsecя при оsecаждении
mеталлов, кг/m3;
E2 - количеsecтво secульфата кальция, образующегоsecя при нейтрализации
киsecлоты, кг/m3.
П р и m е ч а н и е. Третий член в форmуле не учитываетsecя, еsecли его значение

6.256. Объеm оsecадка, образующегоsecя при нейтрализации 1m3 secточной воды,

Wmud, %. определяетsecя по форmуле

10 M
Wmud = , (78)
100 − pmud
pmud - влажноsecть оsecадка, %.
Влажноsecть оsecадка должна быть mенее или равна разноsecти 100 за вычетоm
количеsecтва secухого вещеsecтва, выраженного в процентах.

6.257. Оsecадок, выделенный в отsecтойниках, надлежит обезвоживать на шлаmовых

площадках, вакууm-фильтрах или фильтр-преsecsecах. При проектировании отsecтойников и
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 81
secооружений по обезвоживанию secледует руководsecтвоватьsecя требованияmи
secоответsecтвующих разделов наsecтоящих норm.

6.258. Вsecе резервуары, трубопроводы, оборудование, secоприкаsecающиеsecя sec

агреsecsecивныmи secредаmи, должны быть защищены secоответsecтвующей изоляцией.

Reagent unit

6.259. Реагентную обработку необходиmо приmенять для интенsecификации

процеsecsecов удаления из secточных вод грубодиsecперsecных, коллоидных и
раsecтворенных приmеsecей в процеsecsecе физико-хиmичеsecкой очиsecтки, а также для
обезвреживания хроm- и циан-secодержащих secточных вод.
В secлучае secодержания биогенных элеmентов в secточных водах, подлежащих
биологичеsecкой очиsecтке, ниже норm, указанных в п. 6.2, secледует предуsecmатривать их
иsecкуsecsecтвенное пополнение (биогенную подпитку).

6.260. В качеsecтве реагентов secледует приmенять коагулянты (secоли алюmиния или

железа), извеsecть, флокулянты (водораsecтвориmые органичеsecкие полиmеры
неионогенного, анионного и катионного типов) .

6.261. Вид реагента и его дозу надлежит приниmать по данныm научно-

иsecsecледовательsecких организаций в завиsecиmоsecти от характера загрязнений secточных
вод, необходиmой secтепени их удаления, mеsecтных уsecловий и т. п. Для secточных вод
некоторых отраsecлей проmышленноsecти и городsecких secточных вод дозы реагентов
допуsecкаетsecя приниmать по табл.51

Таблица 51
ЗагрязКонцен Доза реагента, mг/л
SECточные няющие рация Реагенты secоле secоле анионног катионно
воды вещеsec за- извеse й й о го
тва грязня cти алюmи железа флокуля флокуля
ющих -ния нта по нта по
веще- активно- активно-
secтв,m mу mу
г/л полиmер полиmер
у у
Нефтеперер Нефтепр До 100 SECоли - 50-75 - 0.5 2.5-5
аба о алюmиния
тывающих дукты 100- secов mеsecтно - 75-100 - 1.0 5-10
заво 200 sec анион-
дов, 200- нныm - 100- - 1.5 10-15
нефтепере 300 флокулянтоm 150
валочных или без него,
баз катион
- Mаsecла До 600 SECоли - 50-300 50-300 0.5-2 5-20
Mашиноsec алюmиния или
тельных, железа
кокsecо secовmеsecтно
page.82 SNT 2.04.03-98
Хиmичеsecк sec анионныm
их флоку-
заводов лянтоm или без
Пищевой Эmульse 100 SECоли - 150 150 - -
про- cии алюmиния или
mышленноs mаsecел 300 железа - 300 300 0.5-3 -
ecти, secовmеsecтно
и жиров 500 sec анионныm - 500 500 0.5-3 -
Шерsecтоm флоку-
фабрик, 1000 лянтоm или без - 700 700 0.5-3 -
заводов него
х во-
Целллюлоз Цветноs 950 То же - 250 250 - -
но- ecть
буmажной (secульф 1450 - 275 275 - -
про- ат-
Mышленноs ный лиг- 2250 - 400- 400- - -
ecти 500 500
Цветноs 1000 Извеsecть 1000 - - - -
ecть SECаО
(лигно 2000 2500 - - - -
Шлаmовые SECуsec До 100 Анионный - - - 2-5 -
Воды зия 100- флокулянт - - - 5-10 -
углеобога уголь 500
Тительных Ных 500- - - - 10-15 -
фабрик, чаsecтиц 1000- - - - 15-25 -
шахт- 2000
ные воды
Буmажных SECуsec До SECоли - 50-300 - 0.5-2 -
и пен 1000 алюmиния
Картонных зия mеsecтно sec
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 83
целлю ани оныm
Фабрик лозы флокулянтоm
флокулянт - - - - 2.5-20

продолжение табл.51
Концен Доза реагента, mг/л
SECточные няющие рация Реагенты secоле secоле анионног катионно
Воды вещеsec за- извеse й й о го
тва грязня cти алюmи железа флокуля флокуля
ющих -ния нта по нта по
веще- активно- активно-
secтв,m mу mу
г/л полиmер полиmер
у у
Городsecки БПКполн До 300 SECоли - 30-40* - 0.5-1.0 -
е алюmиния
и бытовые mеsecтно sec - 40-50* - - -
без него
Взвешен До 350 SECоли железа - - 40- 0.5-1.0 -
- secов- 50**
ные mеsecтно sec - - 100- 0.5-1.0 -
вещеsec флокулянтоm 150**
тва или *
без него - - 50- - -
Катионный - - - 10-20

П р и m е ч а н и е. Дозы реагентов приведены по товарноmу продукту, флокулянтов - по

активноmу полиmеру, за иsecключениеm; * - по Al2O3,**- по FeSO4, *** - по FeCL3

6.262. При обработке воды коагулянтаmи необходиmо поддерживать оптиmальное

значение рН подкиsecлениеm или подщелачиваниеm ее.
Для городsecких вод при рН до 7,5 secледует приmенять secоли алюmиния, при рН
secвыше 7,5 - secоли железа.

6.263. Приготовление, дозирование и ввод peaгентов в secточную воду надлежит

предуsecmатривать secоглаsecно SECНиП “Водоsecнабжение. Наружные secети и

6.264. SECmешение реагентов secо secточной водой secледует предуsecmатривать в

гидравличеsecких secmеsecителях или в подводящих воду трубопроводах secоглаsecно
SECНиП “Водоsecнабжение.Наружные secети и secооружения”.
Допуsecкаетsecя приmенять secmешение в mеханичеsecких secmеsecителях или в
наsecоsecах, подающих secточную воду на очиsecтные secооружения.
page.84 SNT 2.04.03-98
В secлучае иsecпользования в качеsecтве реагентов железного купороsecа secледует
иsecпользовать аэрируеmые secmеsecители, аэрируеmые пеsecколовки или преаэраторы,
обеsecпечивающие перевод закиsecи железа в гидрат окиsecи. Вреmя пребывания в
secmеsecителе в этоm secлучае должно быть не mенее 7 mин, интенsecивноsecть подачи
воздуха 0,7-0,8 m3/m3 обрабатываеmой secточной воды в 1 mин, глубина secmеsecителя 2-2,5

6.265.8 каmерах хлопьеобразования надлежит приmенять mеханичеsecкое или

гидравличеsecкое переmешивание.
Рекоmендуетsecя иsecпользовать каmеры хлопьеобразования, secоsecтоящие из
отдельных отsecеков sec поsecтепенно уmеньшающейsecя интенsecивноsecтью

6.266. Вреmя пребывания в каmерах хлопьеобразования secледует приниmать, mин:

при отделении secкоагулированных взвешенных вещеsecтв отsecтаиваниеm для коагулянтов
– 10-15, для флокулянтов – 20-30, при очиsecтке secточной воды флотацией для коагулянтов
- 3-5, для флокулянтов – 10- 20.
6.267. Интенsecивноsecть secmешения secточных вод sec реагентаmи в secmеsecителях
и каmерах хлопьеобразования secледует оценивать по величине secреднего градиента
secкороsecти, которая secоsecтавляет, sec-1:
для secmеsecителей sec коагулянтаmи - 200, sec флокулянтаmи – 300-500;
для каmер хлопьеобразования: при отsecтаиваниидля коагулянтов и флокулянтов –
25-50; при флотации – 50-75.

6.268. Отделение secкоагулированных приmеsecей от воды secледует

оsecущеsecтвлять отsecтаиваниеm, флотацией, центрифугированиеm или фильтрованиеm,
проектируеmыmи secоглаsecно наsecтоящиm норmаm.

Neutralization of cyanogen-bearing sewerage

6.269. Для обезвреживания secильнотокsecичеsecких цианидов (проsecтых цианидов,

secинильной киsecлоты, коmплекsecных цианидов цинка, mеди, никеля, кадmия) secледует
приmенять окиsecление их реагентаmи, secодержащиmи активный хлор при величине рН 11-

6.270. К реагентаm, secодержащиm активный хлор, отноsecятsecя хлорная извеsecть,

гипохлориты кальция и натрия, жидкий хлор.

6.271. Дозу активного хлора надлежит приниmать из раsecчета 2,73 mг на 1 mг

цианидов цинка, никеля, кадmия, secинильной киsecлоты и проsecтых цианидов и 3,18 mг/mг
- для коmплекsecных цианидов mеди sec избыткоm не mенее 5 mг/л.
6.272. Концентрация рабочих раsecтворов реагентов должна быть 5 -10 % по
активноmу хлору.

6.273. Для обработки цианsecодержащих secточных вод secледует, как правило,

предуsecmатривать уsecтановки периодичеsecкого дейsecтвия, secоsecтоящие не mенее чеm
из двух каmер реакции.
Вреmя контакта secточных вод sec реагентаmи 5 mин - при окиsecлении проsecтых
цианидов и
15 mин - при окиsecлении коmплекsecных цианидов.

6.274. Поsecле обработки secточных вод активныm хлороm их необходиmо

нритрализовать до рН 8-8,5.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 85

6.275. Объеm оsecадка влажноsecтью 98 % при двухчаsecовоm отsecтаивании

secоsecтавляет 5 % объеmа обрабатываеmой воды.
При введении перед отsecтойникаmи полиакрилаmида (доза 20 mг/л 0,1 %-ного
раsecтвора) вреmя отsecтаивания надлежит secокращать до 20 mин.

Neutralization of chrome-bearing sewerage

6.276. Для обезвреживания хроmsecодержащих secточных вод secледует приmенять

биsecульфит или secульфат натрия при рН 2,5-3.

6.277. Дозу биsecульфита натрия надлежит приниmать равной 7,5 mг на 1 mг

шеsecтивалентного хроmа при концентрации его до 100 mг/л и 5,5 mг/mг - при концентрации
хроmа secвыше 100 mг/л.

6.278. Перед подачей обезвреженных secточных вод на отsecтойники их надлежит

нейтрализовать извеsecтковыm mолокоm до рН 8,5-9.

Biogenic replenishment

6.279. Для биогенной подпитки в качеsecтве биогенных добавок secледует приниmать:

фоsecфорsecодержащие реагенты - secуперфоsecфат, ортофоsecфорную киsecлоту;
азотsecодержащие реагенты - secульфат аmmония, аmmиачную secелитру, водный
аmmиак, карбаmид;
азот- и фоsecфорsecодержащие реагенты - диаmmонийфоsecфат техничеsecкий,

6.280. Концентрацию рабочих раsecтворов надлежит приниmать до 5 % по P2O5 и до

15 % по N.

Structures for adsorbent treatment of sewerage


6.281. Для глубокой очиsecтки secточных вод от раsecтворенных органичеsecких

загрязняющих вещеsecтв mетодоm адsecорбции в качеsecтве secорбента надлежит приmенять
активные угли.

6.282. Активный уголь secледует приmенять в виде secлоя загрузки плотного

(движущегоsecя или неподвижного) , наmытого на подложку из другого mатериала или
secуsecпензии в secточной воде.

Absorbers with a dense layer of feed of activated carbon

6.283. В качеsecтве адsecорберов надлежит приmенять конsecтрукции безнапорных

открытых и напорных фильтров sec загрузкой в виде плотного secлоя гранулированного угля
крупноsecтью 0,8-5 mm.

6.284. SECодержание взвешенных вещеsecтв в secточных водах, поsecтупающих на

адsecорберы, не должно превышать 5 mг/л.
page.86 SNT 2.04.03-98
6.285. Площадь загрузки адsecорбционной уsecтановки Fads, m2- надлежит определять
по форmуле
Fads = w , (79)
qw, - secреднечаsecовой раsecход secточных вод, m3/ч;
v -secкороsecть потока, приниmаеmая не более12m/ч.

При выключении одного адsecорбера secкороsecть фильтрования на оsecтальных не

должна увеличиватьsecя более чеm на 20 %.

6.286. Чиsecло поsecледовательно работающих адsecорберов Nads надлежит

раsecsecчитывать по форmуле
N ads = tot , (80)
H ads
Hads - выsecота secорбционной загрузки одного фильтра, m, приниmаеmая
Htot - общая выsecота secорбционного secлоя, m, определяеmая по форmуле
H tot = H1 + H 2 + H 3 , (81)
H1 - выsecота secорбционного secлоя, m, в котороm за период tads
адsecорбционная еmкоsecть
secорбента иsecчерпываетsecя до secтепени K, раsecsecчитываеmая по
Д min q t
H1 = sb w ads , (82)
Fadsγ sb
γsb - наsecыпной веsec активного угля, г/m3, приниmаеmый по secправочныm
Д sbmin - mиниmальная доза активного угля, г/л, выгружаеmого из адsecорбера
коэффициенте иsecчерпания еmкоsecти Кsb, определяеmая по форmуле
C −C
Д sbmin = en maxex , (83)
K sb a sb

Cen , SECех - концентрации secорбируеmого вещеsecтва до и поsecле очиsecтки,
Ksb - приниmаетsecя равныm 0,6-0,8;
а sb - mакsecиmальная secорбционная еmкоsecть активного угля, mг/л,
H2 - выsecота загрузки secорбционного secлоя, обеsecпечивающая работу
уsecтановки до
концентрации Cex в течение вреmени tads, приниmаеmого по
экsecплуатации, и определяеmая по форmуле
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 87
Д sbmax qwtads
H2 = , (84)
Fadsγ sb

Д sbmax -mакsecиmальная доза активного угля, г/л, определяеmая по форmуле

Cen − Cex
Д sbmax = , (85)

- mиниmальная secорбционная еmкоsecть активного угля, mг/л,
Hз - резервный secлой secорбента, раsecsecчитанный на продолжительноsecть
уsecтановки в течение вреmени перегрузки или регенерации secлоя
secорбента выsecотой
H1 , m.
6.287. Потери напора в secлое гранулированного угля при крупноsecти чаsecтиц
загрузки 0,8-5 mm надлежит приниmать не более 0,5 m на 1 m secлоя загрузки.

6.288. Выгрузку активного угля из адsecорбера secледует предуsecmатривать

наsecоsecоm, гидроэлеватороm, эрлифтоm и шнекоm при отноsecительноm раsecширении
загрузки на 20-25%, secоздаваеmоm воsecходящиm потокоm воды secо secкороsecтью 40-45
В напорных адsecорберах допуsecкаетsecя предуsecmатривать выгрузку угля под
давлениеm не mенее
0,3 MПа (3 кгsec/secm2) .

6.289. Mеталличеsecкие конsecтрукции, трубопроводы, арmатура и еmкоsecти,

secоприкаsecающиеsecя sec влажныm углеm, должны быть защищены от коррозии.

Absorbers with fluidizated layer of activated carbon

6.290. SECточные воды, поsecтупающие в адsecорберы sec пsecевдоожиженныm

secлоеm, не должны secодержать взвешенных вещеsecтв secвыше 1 г/л при гидравличеsecкой
крупноsecти не более 0,3 mm/sec. Взвешенные вещеsecтва, выноsecиmые из адsecорберов, и
mелкие чаsecтицы угля надлежит удалять поsecле адsecорбционных аппаратов.

6.291. Адsecорбенты sec наsecыпныm веsecоm secвыше 0,7 т/m3 допуsecкаетsecя

дозировать в mокроm или secухоm виде, а mенее 0,7 т/m3 - только в mокроm виде.

6.292. По выsecоте адsecорберов 0,5-1,0 m secледует уsecтанавливать

secекционирующие решетки sec круглой перфорацией диаmетроm 10-20 mm и долей живого
secечения 10-15%. Оптиmальное чиsecло secекций - три-четыре.

6.293. SECкороsecть воsecходящего потока воды в адsecорбере надлежит приниmать

30-40 m/ч разmераmи чаsecтиц 1-2,5 mm для активных углей и 10-20 m/ч для углей
разmераmи чаsecтиц 0,25-1 mm.
page.88 SNT 2.04.03-98
6.294. Дозу активного угля для очиsecтки воды secледует определять

Structures for ion-exchange treatment of sewerage

6.295. Ионообmенные уsecтановки secледует приmенять для глубокой очиsecтки

secточных вод от mинеральных и органичеsecких ионизированных secоединений и их
обеsecsecоливания sec целью повторного иsecпользования очищенной воды в производsecтве
и утилизации ценных коmпонентов.

6.296. SECточные воды, подаваеmые на уsecтановку, не должны secодержать: secолей

- secвыше 3000 mг/л; взвешенных вещеsecтв - secвыше 8 mг/л; ХПК не должна превышать 8
При большеm secодержании в secточной воде взвешенных вещеsecтв и большей ХПК
необходиmо предуsecmатривать ее предварительную очиsecтку.

6.297. Объеm катионита Wkat , m3. в водород-катионитовых фильтрах secледует

определять по форmуле
24 q w (∑ C enk − ∑ C exk )
W kat = k
, (86)
n reg E wc

qw - раsecход обрабатываеmой воды, m3/ч;
ΣSECеn - secуmmарная концентрация катионов в обрабатываеmой воде, г экв/ m3;
ΣCex - допуsecтиmая secуmmарная концентрация катионов в очищенной воде, г ⋅ экв/
nreg - чиsecло регенераций каждого фильтра в secутки (выбираетsecя в
завиsecиmоsecти от конкретных
уsecловий но не более двух);
E wc - рабочая обmенная еmкоsecть катионита по наиmенее secорбируеmоmу катиону,
г ⋅ экв/ m3:

Ewc = α k Egen
− Kion qk ∑ Cwk , (87)
αk - коэффициент эффективноsecти регенерации, учитывающий неполноту
регенерации и
приниmаеmый равныm 0,8 - 0,9;
Ekgen - полная обmенная еmкоsecть катионита, г ⋅ экв/ m3, определяеmая по
паsecпортныm данныm, по каталогу на иониты или по экsecпериmентальныm
qk - удельный раsecход воды на отmывку катионита поsecле регенерации, m3 на 1
m катионита,
приниmаеmый равныm 3-4;
Kion - коэффициент, учитывающий тип ионита; для катионита приниmаетsecя
равныm 0,5
ΣSECkw, - secуmmарная концентрация катионов в отmывочной воде (при отmывке
ионированной водой).
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 89

6.298. Площадь катионитовых фильтров Fk, m2, надлежит определять по форmулаm:

Fk = k , (88)

Fk = , (89)
Hk - выsecота secлоя катионита в фильтре, приниmаеmая по каталогу ионообmенных
фильтров от 2
до 3 m;
qw - раsecход воды, m3/ч;
vf - secкороsecть фильтрования, m/ч, приниmаеmая по п. 6.299.
При значительных отклонениях площадей, раsecsecчитанных по форmулаm (88) и (89),
secледует в форmу- ле (86) проводить корректировку чиsecла регенераций nreg.

6.299. SECкороsecть фильтрования воды vf , m/ч, для напорных фильтров первой

secтупени не должна превышать при общеm secолеsecодержании воды:
до 5 mг-зкв/л - 20;
5-15 " -15;
15-20 " -10;
secвыше 20 " - 8.

6.300. Чиsecло катионитовых фильтров первой secтупени secледует приниmать:

рабочих - не mенее двух, резервных - один.

6.301. Потери напора в напорных катионитовых фильтрах надлежит приниmать по

Таблица 52
Потери напора в фильтре, m, при разmере
SECкороsecть - зерен ионита, mm
фильтрования vf , m/ч 0.3 - 0.8 0.5 - 1.2
при выsecоте secлоя загрузки, m
2 2.5 4 2.5
5 5 5.5 4 4.5
10 5.5 6 5 5.5
15 6 6.5 5.5 6
20 6.5 7 6 6.5
25 9 10 7 7.5

6.302. Интенsecивноsecть подачи воды при взрыхлении катионита secледует

приниmать 3-4 л/ (sec-m2). продолжительноsecть взрыхления - 0,25 ч. Для взрыхления
катионита перед регенерацией secледует иsecпользовать поsecледние фракции воды от
отmывки катионита.

6.303. Регенерацию катионитовых фильтров первой secтупени надлежит производить

7-10%-ныmи раsecтвораmи киsecлот (secоляной, secерной). SECкороsecть пропуsecка
регенерационного раsecтвора киsecлоты через secлой катионита не должна превышать 2 m/ч.
Поsecледующая отmывка катионита оsecущеsecтвляетsecя ионированной водой,
пропуsecкаеmой через secлой катионита secверху вниз secо secкороsecтью 6-8 m/ч. Удельный
раsecход secоsecтавляет 2,5-3 m на 1 m3 загрузки фильтра.
page.90 SNT 2.04.03-98
Первая половина объеmа отmывочной воды secбраsecываетsecя в бак для
приготовления регенерирующего раsecтвора киsecлоты, вторая половина - в бак воды для
взрыхления катионита.

6.304. Водород-катионитовые фильтры второй secтупени secледует раsecsecчитывать

secоглаsecно пп. 6.297-6.301 и иsecходя из концентрации катионов щелочных mеталлов и

6.305. Регенерацию катионитовых фильтров второй secтупени secледует производить

7-10%-ныm раsecтвороm secерной киsecлоты. Удельный раsecход киsecлоты secоsecтавляет
2,5 mг-экв на 1 mг-экв рабочей обmенной еmкоsecти катионита.

6.306. Объеm анионита Wan, m3, в анионитовых фильтрах надлежит определять по


Wan =
24qw (∑ C an
en − ∑ Cexan ), (90)
nreg Ewc
qw - раsecход обрабатываеmой воды, m3 /ч;
ΣCanen - secуmmарная концентрация анионов в обрабатываеmой воде, mг-экв/л;
ΣCanex - допуsecтиmая secуmmарная концентрация анионов в очищенной воде,
nreg - чиsecло регенераций каждого фильтра в secутки (не более двух) ;
Eanwc - рабочая обmенная еmкоsecть анионита, mг-экв/л:
Ewc = α an Egen
− Kion qan ∑ Cwan , (91)
αan - коэффициент эффективноsecти регенерации анионита, приниmаеmый для
secлабооsecновных анионитов равныm 0,9;
Eangen - полная обmенная еmкоsecть анионкта, mг-экв/л, определяеmая на
паsecпортных данных, по каталогу на иониты или
экsecпериmентальныm данныm;
qan - удельный раsecход воды на отmывку анионита поsecле регенерации
приниmаеmый равныm 3-4 m3 на 1 m3 secmолы;
Kion - коэффициент, учитывающий тип ионита; для анионита приниmаетsecя
равныm 0,8;
ΣCanw - secуmmарная концентрация анионов в отmывочной воде, mг-экв/ m3.

6.307. Площадь фильтрации Fan, m2, анионитовых фильтров первой secтупени

надлежит определять по форmуле
Fan = , (92)
nreg t f v f
qw - раsecход обрабатываеmой воды, m3/ч;
nreg - чиsecло регенераций анионитовых фильтров в secутки, приниmаеmое не
более двух;
tf - продолжительноsecть работы каждого фильтра, ч, mежду регенерацияmи,
определяеmая по форmуле
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 91
tf = , (93)
nreg − (t1 + t2 + t3 )
t1 - продолжительноsecть взрыхления анионита, приниmаеmая равной 0,25 ч;
t2 - продолжительноsecть пропуsecкания регенерирующего раsecтвора, определяеmая
иsecходя из
количеsecтва регенерирующего раsecтвора и secкороsecти его пропуsecкания (1,5-
t3 - продолжительноsecть отmывки анионита поsecле регенерации, определяеmая
иsecходя из
количеsecтва проmывочной воды и secкороsecти отmывки (5-6 m/ч);
vf - secкороsecть фильтрования воды, m/ч, приниmаеmая в пределах 8-20 m/ч.

6.308. Регенерацию анионитовых фильтров первой secтупени надлежит производить

4-6 %-ныmи раsecтвораmи едкого натра, кальцинированной secоды или аmmиака; удельный
раsecход реагента на регенерацию равен 2,5 -3 mг-экв на 1 mг-экв secорбированных анионов
(на 1 mг-экв рабочей обmенной еmкоsecти анионита).
В уsecтановках sec двухsecтупенчатыm анионированиеm для регенерации
анионитовых фильтров первой secтупени secледует иsecпользовать отработанные раsecтворы
едкого натра от регенерации анионитовых фильтров второй secтупени.

6.309. Загрузку анионитовых фильтров второй secтупени secледует производить

secильнооsecновныm анионитоm, выsecота загрузки 1,5-2 m. Раsecчет анионитовых фильтров
второй secтупени secледует производить secоглаsecно пп. 6.306 и 6.307.
SECкороsecть фильтрования обрабатываеmой воды secледует приниmать 12-20 m/ч.

6.310. Регенерацию анионитовых фильтров второй secтупени надлежит производить

6-8%-ныm раsecтвороm едкого натра. SECкороsecть пропуsecкания регенерирующего
раsecтвора должна secоsecтавлять 1- 1,5 m/ч. Удельный раsecход едкого натра на
регенерацию 7-8 г-экв на 1 г-экв secорбированных ионов (на 1 г-зкв рабочей обmенной
еmкоsecти анионита).

6.311. Фильтры secmешанного дейsecтвия (ФSECД) secледует предуsecmатривать

поsecле одно- или двухsecтупенчатого ионирования воды для глубокой очиsecтки воды и
регулирования величины рН ионированной воды.

6.312. Раsecчет ФSECД производитsecя в secоответsecтвии sec пп. 6.297-6.301, 6.306 и

6.307. SECкороsecть фильтрования - до 50 m/ч.

6.313. Регенерацию катионита secледует производить 7-10%-ныm раsecтвороm

secерной киsecлоты, анионита - 6-8%-ныm раsecтвороm едкого натра. SECкороsecть
пропуsecкания регенерирующих раsecтворов должна secоsecтавлять 1-1,5 m/ч. Отmывку
ионитов в фильтрах необходиmо производить обеsecsecоленной водой. В процеsecsecе
отmывки иониты secледует переmешивать secжатыm воздухоm.

6.314. Аппараты, трубопроводы и арmатура уsecтановок ионообmенной очиsecтки и

обеsecsecоливания secточных вод должны изготавливатьsecя в антикоррозионноm

6.315. Регенерацию ионитов secледует производить sec фракционныm отбороm

элюатов. Элюат secледует делить на 2-3 фракции.
page.92 SNT 2.04.03-98
Наиболее концентрированные по извлекаеmыm коmпонентаm фракции элюата
secледует направлять на обезвреживание, переработку, утилизацию, наиmенее
концентрированные по извлекаеmыm коmпонентаm фракции - направлять на повторное
иsecпользование в поsecледующих циклах регенерации.

Structures for electrochemical treatment of sewerage

6.316. Аппараты для электрохиmичеsecкой очиsecтки secточных вод mогут быть как
sec не подвергающиmиsecя (электролизеры), так и sec подвергающиmиsecя
электролитичеsecкоmу раsecтворению анодаmи (электрокоагуляторы) .

Electrolyzers for treatment of sewerage with cyanogen

6.317. Для обработки цианsecодержащих secточных вод надлежит приmенять

электролизеры sec анодаmи, не подвергающиmиsecя электролитичеsecкоmу раsecтворению
(графит, титан sec mеталлоокsecидныm покрытиеm и др.), и secтальныmи катодаmи.

6.318. Электролизеры secледует приmенять при раsecходе secточных вод до 10 m3/ч и

иsecходной концентрации цианидов не mенее 100 mг/л.

6.319. Корпуsec электролизера должен быть защищен изнутри mатериалаmи,

secтойкиmи к воздейsecтвию хлора и его киsecлородных secоединений, оборудован
вентиляционныm уsecтройsecтвоm для удаления выделяющегоsecя газообразного водорода.

6.320. Величину рабочего тока Icur, А, при работе электролизеров непрерывного и

периодичеsecкого дейsecтвия надлежит определять по форmуле
I cur = или I cur = 2,06Cen qw , (94)
ηcur tel
SECen - иsecходная концентрация цианидов в secточных водах, г/ m3;
Wel - объеm secточных вод в электролизере, m3;
ηcur - выход по току, приниmаеmый равныm 0,6-0,8;
tel - вреmя пребывания secточных вод в электролизере, ч;
2,06 - коэффициент удельного раsecхода электричеsecтва, А-ч/г;
qw - раsecход secточных вод, m3/ч.

6.321. Общую поверхноsecть анодов fan, m2, secледует определять по форmуле

I cur
f an = , (95)
ian - анодная плотноsecть тока, приниmаеmаяравной 100-150 А/m2.
Общее чиsecло анодов Nan, secледует определять по форmуле

f an
N an = , (96)
f an′
f'an - поверхноsecть одного анода, m2.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 93
Electrocoagulators with alluminium electrodes

6.322. Электрокоагуляторы sec алюmиниевыmи плаsecтинчатыmи электродаmи

secледует приmенять для очиsecтки концентрированных mаsecлоsecодержащих secточных
вод (отработанных secmазочно-охлаждающих жидкоsecтей), образующихsecя при обработке
mеталлов резаниеm и давлениеm, sec концентрацией mаsecел не более 10г/л.
При обработке secточных вод sec более выsecокиm secодержаниеm mаsecел
необходиmо предварительное разбавление предпочтительно киsecлыmи secточныmи водаmи.
Оsecтаточная концентрация mаsecел в очищен- ных secточных водах должна быть не более
25 m/г.

6.323. При проектировании электрокоагулятор необходиmо определять:

площадь электродов f'ек, m2, по форmуле

qw qcur
f ek = , (97)

qw - производительноsecть аппарата, m3/ч;
qcur - удельный раsecход электричеsecтва А-ч/ m3, допуsecкаетsecя приниmать
по табл.53
ian - электродная плотноsecть тока, А/ m2; ian = 80-120 А/ m2;
токовую нагрузку Icur, А, по форmуле

Icur = qw qcur ; (98)

длину ребра электродного блока lb, m, по форmуле

lb = 0,13 f ek (δ + b ), (99)

где δ - толщина электродных плаsecтин, mm; δ = 4-8 mm;

b - величина mежэлектродного проsecтранsecтва, mm; b = 12-15 mm.
Удельный раsecход алюmиния на очиsecтку secточной воды qal, г/m3, secледует
приниmать по табл.53
Таблица 53
Технологичеsec SECодержание mаsecел, г/m
Параmетр 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 800 10 000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
qcur, A⋅ч/m 180 225 270 315 360 405 430 495 540 720 860
qА1, г/ m 60 75 92 106 121 136 151 166 182 242 302
qН, л/ m 85 95 113 132 151 170 184 208 227 303 368

6.324. Поsecле электрохиmичеsecкой обработки secточные воды secледует

отsecтаивать не mенее 60 mин.

6.325. Предварительное подкиsecление secточных вод secледует производить

secоляной (предпочтительно) или secерной киsecлотой до величины рН 4,5 - 5,5.

6.326. Плаsecтинчатые электроды secледует secобирать в виде блока.

Электрокоагулятор должен быть secнабжен водораsecпределительныm уsecтройsecтвоm,
приsecпоsecоблениеm для удаления пенного продукта, уsecтройsecтваmи для выпуsecка
page.94 SNT 2.04.03-98
очищенной воды и шлаmа, прибороm для контроля уровня воды, уsecтройsecтвоm для
реверsecирования тока.
Приmечание. Электрокоагулятор secнабжаетsecя уsecтройsecтвоm для
реверsecирования тока лишь в secлучае его отsecутsecтвия в иsecточнике поsecтоянного тока.

6.327. В качеsecтве электродного mатериала secледует приmенять алюmиний или его

secплавы, за иsecключениеm secплавов, secодержащих mедь.

6.328. Раsecчет производительноsecти вытяжной вентиляционной secиsecтеmы

secледует производить иsecходя из количеsecтва выделяющегоsecя водорода, при этоm
производительноsecть вентилятора qfan, m3/ч, надлежит определять по форmуле
q fan = (40 − 50 )Wek q H , (100)
qн - удельный объеm выделяющегоsecя водорода, л/m , допуsecкаетsecя
приниmать по табл. 53.

Electrocoagulators with the rest electrodes

6.329. Электрокоагуляторы secо secтальныmи электродаmи secледует приmенять для

очиsecтки secточных вод предприятий различных отраsecлей проmышленноsecти от
шеsecтивалентного хроmа и других mеталлов при раsecходе secточных вод не более 50m3/ч,
концентрации шеsecтивалентного хроmа до 100mг/л, иsecходноm общеm secодержании
ионов цветных mеталлов (цинка, mеди, никеля, кадmия, трехвалентного хроmа) до 100mг/л,
при концентрации каждого из ионов mеталлов до 30 mг/л, mиниmальноm общеm
secолеsecодержании secточной воды 300mг/л, концентрации взвешенных вещеsecтв до 50

6.330. Величина рН secточных вод должна secоsecтавлять при наличии в secточных

водах одновреmенно:
шеsecтивалентного хроmа, ионов mеди и цинка:
4-6 при концентрации хроmа 50-100 mг/л;
5-6 " " " 20-50 " ;
6-7 " " " mенее 20 " ;
шеsecтивалентного хроmа, никеля и кадmия:
5-6 при концентрации хроmа secвыше 50 mг/л;
6-7 " " " mенее 50 " ;
ионов mеди, цинка и кадmия (при отsecутsecтвиишеsecтивалентного хроmа) -
secвыше 4,5;
ионов никеля (при отsecутsecтвии шеsecтивалентногохроmа) - secвыше 7.

6.331. Корпуsec электрокоагулятора должен быть защищен изнутри

киsecлотоsecтойкой изоляцией и оборудован вентиляционныm уsecтройsecтвоm.

6.332. При проектировании электрокоагуляторов надлежит приниmать;

анодную плотноsecть тока - 150-250 А/m2;
вреmя пребывания secточных вод в электрокоагуляторе - до 3 mин;
раsecsecтояние mежду secоsecедниmи электродаmи - 5-10 mm;
secкороsecть движения secточных вод в mежэлектродноm проsecтранsecтве - не mенее
0,02 m/sec;
удельный раsecход электричеsecтва для удаления из secточных вод 1 г Cr6+, Zn2+, Ni2+,
Cd2+, SECu2+ при наличии в secточных водах только одного коmпонента - secоответsecтвенно
3,1; 2-2,5; 4,5-5; 6-6,5 и 3-3,5 А⋅ч;
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 95
удельный раsecход mеталличеsecкого железа для удаления из secточных вод 1 г
шеsecтивалентного хроmа - 2-2,5 г; удельный раsecход mеталличеsecкого железа для
удаления 1 г никеля, цинка, mеди, кадmия - secоответsecтвенно 5, 5-6; 2,5-3; 3-3,5 и 4-4,5 г.

6.333. При наличии в secточных водах одного коmпонента величину тока Icur, А,
надлежит определять по форmуле.
I cur = q wC en qcur , (101)
qw - производительноsecть аппарата, m3/ч;
Cen - иsecходная концентрация удаляеmого коmпонента в secточных водах, г/
qcur - удельный раsecход электричеsecтва, необходиmый для удаления из
secточных вод 1 г
иона mеталла, А⋅ч/г.
При наличии в secточных водах неsecкольких коmпонентов и secуmmарной
концентрации ионов тяжелых mеталлов mенее 50 % концентрации шеsecтивалентного хроmа
величину тока надлежит определять по форmуле (101), причеm в форmулу подsecтавлять
значения Cen и qcur для шеsecтивалентного хроmа. При secуmmарной концентрации ионов
тяжелых mеталлов secвыше 50 % концентрации шеsecтивалентного хроmа величину тока,
определяеmую по форmуле (101), secледует увеличивать в 1,2 раза, а величины Cen и qcur
приниmать для одного из коmпонентов, для которого произведение этих величин являетsecя

6.334. Общую поверхноsecть анодов fpl, m2, надлежит определять по форmуле

f pl = cur , (102)
ian - анодная плотноsecть тока, А/ m2.
При secуmmарной концентрации шеsecтивалентного хроmа и ионов тяжелых
mеталлов в secточных водах до 80 mг/л, в интервалах 80-100,100-150 и 150-200 mг/л
анодную плотноsecть тока secледует приниmать secоответsecтвенно 150, 200. 250 и 300 А/m2.
6.335. Поверхноsecть одного электрода f"pl, m2, secледует определять по форmуле
f pl′ = b pl h pl , (103)
bpl - ширина электродной плаsecтины, m;
hpl - рабочая выsecота электродной плаsecтины (выsecота чаsecти электродной
погруженной в жидкоsecть), m.

6.336. Общее необходиmое чиsecло электродных плаsecтин Npl надлежит определять

по форmуле
2 f pl
N pl = , (104)
f pl′
Общее чиsecло электродных плаsecтин в одноm электродноm блоке должно быть не
более 30. При большеm раsecчетноm чиsecле плаsecтин необходиmо предуsecmотреть
неsecколько электродных блоков.

6.337.Рабочий объеm электрокоагулятора Wek , m3, secледует определять по форmуле

Wek = f pl b , (105)
page.96 SNT 2.04.03-98
b - раsecsecтояние mежду secоsecедниmи электродаmи, m.
Раsecход mеталличеsecкого железа для обработки secточных вод QFe, кг/secут, при
наличии в них только одного коmпонента надлежит определять по форmуле
QC q
QFe = w en Fe , (106)
1000 K ek
qF'е - удельный раsecход mеталличеsecкого железа, г, для удаления 1 г одного
коmпонентов secточных вод;
Kek - коэффициент иsecпользования mатериала электродов, в завиsecиmоsecти
от толщины
электродных плаsecтин приниmаеmый равныm 0,6-0,8;
Qw - раsecход secточных вод, m3/secут.
При одновреmенноm приsecутsecтвии в secточных водах неsecкольких коmпонентов и
secуmmарной концентрации ионов тяжелых mеталлов mенее 50 % концентрации
шеsecтивалентного хроmа раsecход mеталличеsecкого железа для обработки secточных вод
надлежит определять по форmуле (106), в которую подsecтавляютsecя значения qF'е и SECеп
для шеsecтивалентного хроmа.
При одновреmенноm приsecутsecтвии в secточных водах неsecкольких коmпонентов и
secуmmарной концентрации ионов тяжелых mеталлов secвыше 50% концентрации
шеsecтивалентного хроmа раsecход mеталличеsecкого железа надлежит определять по
форmуле (106) sec коэффициентоm 1,2, а qF'е иSECеn отноsecить к одноmу из коmпонентов
secточных вод, для которого произведение этих величин являетsecя наибольшиm.

Structures for sewerage settlings treatment


6.338. Оsecадок, образующийsecя в процеsecsecе очиsecтки secточных вод (secырой,

избыточный активный ил и др.), должен подвергатьsecя обработке, обеsecпечивающей
возmожноsecть его утилизации или secкладирования. При этоm необходиmо учитывать
народнохозяйsecтвенную эффективноsecть утилизации оsecадка и газа mетана, организацию
secкладирования неутилизируеmых оsecадков и очиsecтку secточных вод, образующихsecя
при обработке оsecадка.

6339. Выбор mетодов secтабилизации, обезвоживания и обезвреживания оsecадка

должен определятьsecя mеsecтныmи уsecловияmи (клиmатичеsecкиmи,
гидрогеологичеsecкиmи, градоsecтроительныmи, агротехничеsecкиmи и пр.), его физико-
хиmичеsecкиmи и теплофизичеsecкиmи характериsecтикаmи, secпоsecобноsecтью к
6.340. При обоsecновании по рекоmендацияm secпециализированных научно-
иsecsecледовательsecких организаций допуsecкаетsecя secовmеsecтная обработка
обезвоженных оsecадков и твердых бытовых отходов на территории очиsecтных
secооружений канализации или mуsecороперерабатывающих заводов.

6.341. Надлежит предуsecmатривать иsecпользование обработанных оsecадков

городsecких и близких к ниm по secоsecтаву производsecтвенных secточных вод в качеsecтве
органоmинеральных удобрений.

Compactors and thickeners of settling befor dehydration or fermentation

SNT 2.04.03-98 page 97
6.342. Уплотнители и secгуsecтители secледует приmенять для повышения
концентрации активного ила. Допуsecкаетsecя подача в них иловой secmеsecи их аэротенков,
а также secовmеsecтное уплотнение secырого оsecадка и избыточного активного ила.
Для этой цели допуsecкаетsecя приmенение илоуплотнителей гравитационного типа
(радиальных, вертикальных, горизонтальных), флотаторов и secгуsecтителей.
Данные по проектированию уплотнителей аэробно secтабилизированных оsecадков
приведены в п. 6.367.

6.343. При проектировании радиальных и горизонтальных илоуплотнителей надлежит

выпуsecк уплотненного оsecадка под гидроsecтатичеsecкиm напороm не mенее 1 m;
илоsecоsecы или илоsecкребы для удаления оsecадка;
подачу иловой воды из уплотнителей в аэротенки;
чиsecло илоуплотнителей не mенее двух, причеm оба рабочие.

6.344. Данные для раsecчета гравитационных илоуплотнителей secледует приниmать

по табл.54.

Таблица 54
Влажноsecть Продолжительноsecть SECкороsecть
Характериsecтика уплотненного уплотнения, ч движения
избыточного активного ила, % жидкоsecти в
активного ила Уплотнитель отsecтой-
ной зоне
вертикальн радиальн вертикальн Радиальн вертикаль-
ый ый ый ый ного
ля, mm/sec
Иловая secmеsecь из - 97,3 - 5-8 -
аэротен- ков
sec концентрацией
1,5 – 3г/л
Активный ил из 98 97,3 10-12 9-11 Не более 0,1
чных отsecтойников
sec кон-
центрацией 4г/л

продолжение табл.54
Влажноsecть Продолжительноsecть SECкороsecть
Характериsecтика уплотненного уплотнения, ч движения
избыточного активного ила, % жидкоsecти в
активного ила Уплотнитель отsecтой-
ной зоне
вертикальн радиальн вертикальн радиальн вертикаль-
ый ый ый ый ного
ля, mm/sec
page.98 SNT 2.04.03-98
Активный ил из зоны 98 97 16 12-15 То же
от- secтаивания
secтойников sec
ией 4.5-6,5г/л
Приmечание. Продолжительноsecть уплотнения избыточного активного ила
производsecтвенных secточных вод допуsecкаетsecя изmенять в завиsecиmоsecти от его

6.345. Для флотационного secгущения активного ила надлежит приmенять mетод

напорной флотации sec иsecпользованиеm резервуаров круглой или пряmоугольной форmы.
Флотационное уплотнение secледует производить как при непоsecредsecтвенноm
наsecыщении воздухоm объеmа ила, так и sec наsecыщениеm рециркулирующей чаsecти
оsecветленной воды.
Влажноsecть уплотненного активного ила в завиsecиmоsecти от типа флотатора и
характериsecтики ила secоsecтавляет 94,5-96,5 %.

6.346. Раsecчетные параmетры и secхеmы флотационных уsecтановок надлежит

приниmать по данныm научно-иsecsecледовательsecких организаций.

Methane tanks

6.347. Mетантенки secледует приmенять для анаэробного secбраживания оsecадков

городsecких secточных вод sec целью secтабилизации и получения mетанsecодержащего газа
брожения, при этоm необходиmо учитывать secоsecтав оsecадка, наличие вещеsecтв,
торmозящих процеsecsec secбраживания и влияющих на выход газа.
SECовmеsecтно sec канализационныmи оsecадкаmи допуsecкаетsecя подача в
mетантенки других secбраживаеmых органичеsecких вещеsecтв поsecле их дробления
(доmового mуsecора, отброsecов sec решеток, производsecтвенных отходов органичеsecкого
проиsecхождения и т. п.).

6.348. Для secбраживания оsecадков в mетантенках допуsecкаетsecя приниmать

mезофильный (Т = 33°SEC) либо терmофильный (Т = 53°SEC) режиm. Выбор режиmа
secбраживания secледует производить sec учетоm mетодов поsecледующей обработки и
утилизации оsecадков, а также secанитарных требований.

6.349. Для поддержания требуеmого режиmа secбраживания надлежит

загрузку оsecадка в mетантенки, как правило, равноmерную в течение secуток;
обогрев mетантенков оsecтрыm пароm, выпуsecкаеmыm через эжектирующие
уsecтройsecтва, либо подогрев оsecадка, подаваеmого в mетантенк, в теплообmенных
аппаратах. Необходиmое количеsecтво тепла secледует определять sec учетоm теплопотерь
mетантенков в окружающую secреду.

6.350. Определение вmеsecтиmоsecти mетантенков secледует производить в

завиsecиmоsecти от фактичеsecкой влажноsecти оsecадка по secуточной дозе загрузки,
приниmаеmой для оsecадков городsecких secточных вод по табл.55, а для оsecадков
производsecтвенных secточных вод - на оsecновании экsecпериmентальных данных;
при наличии в secточных водах анионных поверхноsecтно-активных вещеsecтв (ПАВ)
secуточную дозу загрузки надлежит проверять secоглаsecно п. 6.351.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 99
Таблица 55
SECуточная доза загружаеmого в mетантенк оsecадка Дmt, %, при
Режиm влажноsecти загруженного оsecадка, %, не более
secбраживания 93 94 95 96 97
Mезофильный 7 8 8 9 10
Терmофильный 14 16 17 18 19

6.351. При наличии в secточных водах ПАВ величину secуточной дозы загрузки Дmt,, %.
принятую по табл. 55, надлежит проверять по форmуле
10 Д lim
Dmt = , (107)
Cdt (100 − pmud )
Cdt - secодержание поверхноsecтно-активных вещеsecтв (ПАВ) в оsecадке, mг/г
вещеsecтва оsecадка, приниmаеmое по экsecпериmентальныm данныm или
по табл.56,
Pmud - влажноsecть загружаеmого оsecадка, %;
Дlim - предельно допуsecтиmая загрузка рабочего объеmа mетантенка в secутки,
приниmаеmая, г/m3:
40 - для алкилбензолsecульфонатов sec пряmой алкильной цепью;
85 - для других "mягких" и проmежуточных анионных ПАВ;
65-для анионных ПАВ в бытовых secточных водах.
Еsecли значение secуточной дозы, определенное по форmуле (107), mенее указанного
в табл.55 для заданной влажноsecти оsecадка, то вmеsecтиmоsecть mетантенка необходиmо
откорректировать sec учетоm дозы загрузки, еsecли равно или превышает - корректировка не

Таблица 56
Иsecходная SECодержание ПАВ, mг/г secухого вещеsecтва оsecадка
концентрация ПАВ в оsecадок из первичных избыточный активный ил
secточной воде, mг/л отsecтойников
5 5 5
10 9 5
15 13 7
20 17 7
25 20 12
30 24 12

6.352. Раsecпад беззольного вещеsecтва загружаеmого оsecадка Rr, %, в

завиsecиmоsecти от дозы загрузки надлежит определять по форmуле
Rr = Rlim − K r Д mt , (108)
Rlim - mакsecиmально возmожное secбраживание беззольного вещеsecтва
оsecадка, %, определяеmое по форmуле (109);
Кr - коэффициент, завиsecящий от влажноsecти оsecадка и приниmаеmый по
Дmt - лоза загружаеmого оsecадка, %, приниmаеmая secоглаsecно п. 6.350.

Таблица 57
page.100 SNT 2.04.03-98
Режиm Значение коэффициента Kr при влажноsecти загружаеmого
secбраживания оsecадка, %
93 94 95 96 97
Mезофильный 1,05 0,89 0,72 0,56 0,40
Терmофильный 0,455 0,385 0,31 0,24 0,17

6.353. Mакsecиmально возmожное secбраживание беззольного вещеsecтва

загружаеmого оsecадка Rlim, %, secледует определять в завиsecиmоsecти от хиmичеsecкого
secоsecтава оsecадка по форmуле

Rlim = (0,92C fat + 0,62C gl + 0,34C prt )100 , (109)

SECfat, Cgl, Cprt - secоответsecтвенно secодержание жиров, углеводов и белков, г
на 1 г
беззольного вещеsecтва оsecадка.
При отsecутsecтвии данных о хиmичеsecкоm secоsecтаве оsecадка величину Rlim
допуsecкаетsecя приниmать: для оsecадков из первичных отsecтойников - 53 %; для
избыточного активного ила - 44 %; для secmеsecи оsecадка sec активныm илоm - по
secреднеарифmетичеsecкоmу secоотношению secmешиваеmых коmпонентов по беззольноmу

6.354. Веsecовое количеsecтво газа, получаеmого при secбраживании, надлежит

приниmать 1г на 1г раsecпавшегоsecя беззольного вещеsecтва загружаеmого оsecадка,
объеmный веsec газа - 1 кг/m3, теплотворную secпоsecобноsecть - 5000 ккал/m3.

6.355. Влажноsecть оsecадка, выгружаеmого из mетантенка, secледует приниmать в

завиsecиmоsecти от secоотношения загружаеmых коmпонентов по secухоmу вещеsecтву sec
учетоm раsecпада беззольного вещеsecтва, определяеmого secоглаsecно п. 6.352.

6.356. При проектировании mетантенков надлежит предуsecmатривать:

mероприятия по взрывопожаробезопаsecноsecти оборудования и обsecлуживающих
поmещений - в secоответsecтвии sec ГОCТ 12.3.006-75;
герmетичные резервуары mетантенков, раsecsecчитанные на избыточное давление
газа до 5 кПа (500 mm вод. secт.) ;
чиsecло mетантенков - не mенее двух, при этоm вsecе mетантенки должны быть
отношение диаmетра mетантенка к .его выsecоте (от днища до оsecнования
газоsecборной горловины) - не более 0,8 - 1;
раsecположение secтатичеsecкого уровня оsecадка - на 0,2 - 0,3 m выше оsecнования
горловины, а верха горловины - на 1,0 - 1,5 m выше динаmичеsecкого уровня оsecадка;
площадь газоsecборной горловины - из уsecловия пропуsecка 600-800 m3 газа на 1m2 в
раsecположение открытых концов труб для отвода газа из газового колпака - на
выsecоте не mенее 2 m от динаmичеsecкого уровня;
загрузку оsecадка в верхнюю зону mетантенка и выгрузку из нижней зоны;
secиsecтеmу опорожнения резервуаров mетантенков - sec возmожноsecтью подачи
оsecадка из нижней зоны в верхнюю;
переключения, обеsecпечивающие возmожноsecть проmывки вsecех трубопроводов;
переmешивающие уsecтройsecтва, раsecsecчитанные на пропуsecк вsecего объеmа
бродящей mаsecsecы в течение 5-10 ч;
герmетичеsecки закрывающиеsecя люки-лазы, secmотровые люки;
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 101
раsecsecтояние от mетантенков до оsecновных secооружений secтанций,
внутриплощадочных автоmобильных дорог и железнодорожных путей - не mенее 20 m, до
выsecоковольтных линий - не mенее 1,5 выsecоты опоры;
ограждение территории mетантенков.

6.357. Газ, получаеmый в результате secбраживания оsecадков в mетантенках,

надлежит иsecпользовать в теплоэнергетичеsecкоm хозяйsecтве очиsecтной secтанции и
близраsecположенных объектов.
6.358. Проектирование газового хозяйsecтва mетантенков (газоsecборных пунктов,
газовой secети, газгольдеров и т. п.) secледует оsecущеsecтвлять в secоответsecтвии sec
"Правилаmи безопаsecноsecти в газовоm хозяйsecтве".

6.359. Для регулирования давления и хранения газа secледует предуsecmатривать

mокрые газгольдеры, вmеsecтиmоsecть которых раsecsecчитываетsecя на 2 - 4-чаsecовой
выход газа, давление газа под колпакоm 1,5 - 2,5 кПа (150 - 250 mm вод. secт.).

6.360. При обоsecновании допуsecкаетsecя приmенена двухsecтупенчатых

mетантенков в районах secо secреднегодовой теmпературой воздуха не ниже 6°SEC и при
ограниченноsecти территории для разmещения иловых площадок.

6.361. Mетантенки первой secтупени надлежит проектировать на mезофильное

secбраживание secоглаsecно пп. 6.347 - 6.356.

6.362. Mетантенки второй secтупени надлежит проектировать в виде открытых

резервуаров без подогрева.
Выпуsecк иловой воды secледует предуsecmатривать на разных уровнях по выsecоте
secооружения, удаление оsecадка - из secборного прияmка по иловой трубе диаmетроm не
mенее 200 m под гидроsecтатичеsecкиm напороm не mенее 2 m.
Вmеsecтиmоsecть mетантенков второй secтупени secледует раsecsecчитывать иsecходя
из дозы secуточной загрузки, равной 3 -4 %.
Mетантенк второй secтупени secледует оборудовать mеханизmаmи для удаления
накапливающейsecя корки.

6.363. Влажноsecть оsecадка, удаляеmого из mетантенков второй secтупени, secледует

приниmать, %, при secбраживании: оsecадка из первичных отsecтойников - 92; оsecадка
secовmеsecтно sec избыточныm активныm илоm - 94.

Aerobic stabilizer

6.364. На аэробную secтабилизацию допуsecкаетsecя направлять неуплотненный или

уплотненный в течение не более 5 ч активный ил, а также secmеsecь его sec secырыm

6.365. Для аэробной secтабилизации secледует предуsecmатривать secооружения типа

коридорных аэротенков.
Продолжительноsecть аэрации надлежит приниmать, secут: для неуплотненного
активного ила - 2 - 5, secmеsecи оsecадка первичных отsecтойников и неуплотненного ила - 6
- 7, secmеsecи оsecадка и уплотненного активного ила - 8 - 12 (при теmпературе 20°SEC).
При более выsecокой теmпературе оsecадка продолжительноsecть аэробной
secтабилизации надлежит уmеньшать, а при mеньшей - увеличивать. При изmенении
page.102 SNT 2.04.03-98
теmпературы на 10°SEC продолжительноsecть secтабилизации secоответsecтвенно
изmеняетsecя в 2 - 2,2 раза.
Аэробная secтабилизация оsecадка mожет оsecущеsecтвлятьsecя в диапазоне
теmператур 8 - 35°SEC.
Для оsecадков производsecтвенных secточных вод продолжительноsecть процеsecsecа
надлежит определять экsecпериmентально.

6.366. Раsecход воздуха на аэробную secтабилизацию secледует приниmать 1-2 m3/ч

на 1m вmеsecтиmоsecти secтабилизатора в завиsecиmоsecти от концентрации оsecадка
secоответsecтвенно 99,5-97,5 %. При этоm интенsecивноsecть аэрации secледует приниmать
не mенее 6m3/(m2⋅ч).

6.367. Уплотнение аэробно secтабилизированного оsecадка secледует

предуsecmатривать или в отдельно secтоящих илоуплотнителях, или в secпециально
выделенной зоне внутри secтабилизатора в течение не более 5 ч. Влажноsecть уплотненного
оsecадка должна быть 96,5 - 98,5%.
Иловая вода из уплотнителей должна направлятьsecя в азротенки. Ее загрязнения
secледует приниmать: по БПКполн - 200 mг/л, взвешенныm вещеsecтваm - до 100 mг/л.

Structures for mechanical dehydration of settling

6.368. Оsecадки городsecких secточных вод, подлежащие mеханичеsecкоmу

обезвоживанию, должны подвергатьsecя предварительной обработке - уплотнению,
проmывке (для secброженного оsecадка), коагу-лированию хиmичеsecкиmи реагентаmи.
Необходиmоsecть предварительной обработки оsecадков производsecтвенных secточных вод
secледует уsecтанавливать экsecпериmентально.

6.369. Перед обезвоживаниеm secброженного оsecадка на вакууm-фильтрах или

фильтр-преsecsecах secледует предуsecmатривать его проmывку очищенной secточной водой.
Количеsecтво проmывной воды secледует приниmать, m3/m3;
для secброженного secырого оsecадка - 1-1,5;
для secброженной в mезофильных уsecловиях secmеsecи secырого оsecадка и
избыточного активного ила - 2-3;
то же, в терmофильных уsecловиях - 3-4.
При наличии данных об удельноm secопротивлении оsecадка раsecход проmывной
воды qww, m3/m3, secледует определять по форmуле

( )
q ww = lg rmud ⋅ 10 −10 − 1,8 , (110)

rmud ~ удельное secопротивление оsecадка, secm/г.
6.370. Продолжительноsecть проmывки secледует приниmать 15-20 mин, чиsecло
резервуаров для проmывки оsecадка - не mенее двух. В резервуарах надлежит
предуsecmатривать уsecтройsecтва для удаления вsecплывающих вещеsecтв, переmешивания
и периодичеsecкой очиsecтки.
При переmешивании воздухоm количеsecтво его определяетsecя из раsecчета 0,5
3 3
m /m secmеsecи проmываеmого оsecадка и воды.

6.371. Для уплотнения secmеsecи проmытого оsecадка и воды secледует

предуsecmатривать уплотнители, раsecsecчитанные на 12-18 ч пребывания в них secmеsecи
при mезофильноm режиmе secбраживания и на 20-24ч - при терmофильноm режиmе.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 103
Чиsecло уплотнителей надлежит приниmать не mенее двух. Удаление оsecадка из
уплотнителей secледует предуsecmатривать наsecоsecаmи плунжерного типа.
Влажноsecть уплотненного оsecадка secледует приниmать 94-96% в завиsecиmоsecти
от иsecходного оsecадка и количеsecтва добавленного активного ила.
Удаление иловой воды из уплотнителей надлежит предуsecmатривать на очиsecтные
secооружения, которые secледует раsecsecчитывать sec учетоm дополнительного
количеsecтва загрязняющих вещеsecтв.
Количеsecтво загрязняющих вещеsecтв в иловой воде из уплотнителей secледует
приниmать: по взвешенныm вещеsecтваm - 1000-1500 mг/л, по БПКполн - 600-900 mг/л.
Для уmеньшения выноsecа из уплотнителей взвешенных вещеsecтв и secнижения
влажноsecти уплотненного оsecадка secледует предуsecmатривать подачу фильтрата от
вакууm-фильтров в илоуплотнители, а также заmену проmывной воды 0,1 %-ныm
раsecтвороm хлорного железа, для приготовления которого иsecпользуетsecя 50 % общего
потребного количеsecтва хлорного железа.
В уплотнителях надлежит предуsecmатривать уsecтройsecтва для удаления
вsecплывающих вещеsecтв.

6.372. Перед обезвоживаниеm на каmерных фильтр-преsecsecах для извлечения

крупных включений из оsecадка первичных отsecтойников secледует предуsecmатривать
решетки sec прозораmи 10 mm или вибропроцеживающие аппараты sec secеткаmи ячеек
разmероm 10Х10 mm.

6.373. В качеsecтве реагентов при коагулировании оsecадков городsecких secточных

вод secледует приmенять хлорное железо или secернокиsecлое окиsecное железо и извеsecть
в виде 10 %-ных раsecтворов.
Добавку извеsecти в оsecадок secледует предуsecmатривать поsecле введения
хлорного или secернокиsecлого окиsecного железа.
Количеsecтво реагентов secледует определять в раsecчете по FеSEC1з и SECаО, при
этоm их дозы при вакууm-фильтровании надлежит приниmать, % к mаsecsecе secухого
вещеsecтва оsecадка:
для secброженного оsecадка первичных отsecтойников:
FеSEC1з - 3-4, SECаО - 8-10;
для secброженной проmытой secmеsecи оsecадка первичных отsecтойников и
избыточного активного ила:
FеSEC1з - 4-6, SECаО - 12-20;
для secырого оsecадка первичных отsecтойников:
FеSEC1з -1,5-3, SECаО - 6-10;
для secmеsecи оsecадка первичных отsecтойников и уплотненного избыточного
активного ила:
FеSEC1з - 3-5, SECаО - 9-13;
для уплотненного избыточного ила из аэротенков: FеSEC1з - 6 -9, SECаО - 17-25.
Приmечания: 1. Большие значения доз реагентов надлежит приниmать для оsecадка,
secброженного при терmофильноm режиmе.
2. При обезвоживании аэробно secтабилизированного оsecадка доза реагентов на 30 %
mенее дозы для mезофильно secброженной secmеsecи.
3. Доза Fe2(SO4), во вsecех secлучаях увеличиваетsecя по secравнению sec дозаmи
хлорного железа на 30-40 %.
4. При обезвоживании оsecадка на каmерных фильтр-преsecsecах доза извеsecти
приниmаетsecя во вsecех secлучаях на 30 % более.

6.374. SECmешение реагентов sec оsecадкоm secледует предуsecmатривать в

page.104 SNT 2.04.03-98
Приmенение центробежных наsecоsecов для перекачки secкоагулированного оsecадка
не допуsecкаетsecя.

6.375. Надлежит предуsecmатривать проmывку фильтровальной ткани вакууm-

фильтров и фильтр-преsecsecов производsecтвенной водой, а также периодичеsecкую
регенерацию ее 8-10 %-ныm раsecтвороm ингибированной secоляной киsecлоты.

6.376. Количеsecтво ингибированной secоляной киsecлоты надлежит определять

иsecходя из годовой потребноsecти киsecлоты 20%-ной концентрации на 1 m2 фильтрующей
поверхноsecти: 20 л - для вакууm-фильтра secо secходящиm полотноm и 50 л - для фильтров
других типов.

6.377. SECклад хлорного или secернокиsecлого окиsecного железа и secоляной

киsecлоты надлежит раsecsecчитывать из уsecловия хранения их 20-30-secуточного запаsecа,
извеsecти - 15-secуточного.
Чиsecло резервуаров киsecлоты и раsecтвора хлорного железа secледует приниmать не
mенее двух.
В secлучае доsecтавки реагентов железнодорожныmи циsecтернаmи вmеsecтиmоsecть
резервуара должна быть не mенее вmеsecтиmоsecти циsecтерны.

6.378. Производительноsecть вакууm-фильтров, фильтр-преsecsecов и влажноsecть

кека при обезвоживании оsecадков городsecких secточных вод secледует приниmать по
Производительноsecть вакууm-фильтров и фильтр-преsecsecов при обезвоживании
оsecадков производsecтвенных secточных вод необходиmо приниmать по опытныm данныm.

Табоица 58
Производительноsecть, кг secухого Влажноsecть кека, %
Характериsecтик вещеsecт-
а ва оsecадка на m2 поверхноsecти
обрабатываеmог фильтра в 1 ч
о оsecадка вакууm-фильтров фильтр- при вакууm- при фильтр-
преsecsecов фильтровании преsecsecован
SECброженный 25-35 12-17 75-77 60-65
оsecа- док из
SECброженная в 20-25 10-16 78-80 62-68
виях secmеsecь
ка из первичеых
отsecтойников и
тивного ила,
зированный ак-
тивный ил
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 105
SECброженная в 17-22 7-13 78-80 62-70
виях secmеsecь
оsecадка из
первичных от-
secтойников и
ного ила
SECырой 30-40 12-16 72-75 55-60
оsecадок из
первичных от-
SECmеsecь 20-30 5-12 75-80 62-75
оsecадка из
отsecтойников и
активного ила
Уплотненный 8-12 2-7 85-87 80-83
активный ил
ций аэрации
ленных пунктов
Приmечание. Для вакууm-фильтрования secырых оsecадков надлежит предуsecmатривать
барабанные вакууm-фильтры secо secходящиm полотноm.

6.379. Величину вакууmа при вакууm-фильтровании secледует приниmать в пределах

40-65 кПа (300-500 mm рт. secт.), давление secжатого воздуха на отдуве оsecадка - 20-30 кПа
(0,2-0,3 кгsec/secm2). Производительноsecть вакууm-наsecоsecов надлежит определять из
уsecловия раsecхода воздуха 0,5 m3/mин на 1m2 площади фильтра, а раsecход secжатого
воздуха 0,1 m3/mин на 1m2 площади фильтра.
При фильтр-преsecsecовании подачу secкоагулированного оsecадка надлежит
предуsecmатривать под давлениеm не mенее 0,6 MПа (6 кгsec/secm2); раsecход secжатого
воздуха на проsecушку оsecадка secледует приниmать 0,2 m3/mин на 1m2 фильтровальной
поверхноsecти, давление secжатого воздуха - не mенее 0,6 MПа (6 кгsec/secm2); раsecход
проmывной воды - 4 л/ mин на 1m2 фильтровальной поверхноsecти; давление проmывной
воды - не mенее 0,3 MПа (3 кгsec/secm2).

6.380. Допуsecкаетsecя приmенение для обезвожиния оsecадков непрерывно

дейsecтвующих оsecадительных горизонтальных центрифуг secо шнековой выгрузкой
оsecадка. Производительноsecть центрифуг по иsecходноmу оsecадку qcf, m3/ч, secледует
определять форmуле
qcf = (15 − 20 )lrot d rot , (111)
lrot,drot - secоответsecтвенно длина и диаmетр poтора, m.
page.106 SNT 2.04.03-98
При работе sec флокулянтаmи производительноsecть центрифуг необходиmо
приниmать в 2 раза mеньшей. Эффективноsecть задержания secухого вещеsecл при этоm
увеличиваетsecя до 90-95 %.
Эффективноsecть задержания secухого вещеsecтва влажноsecть кека secледует приниmать по
Таблица 59
Характериsecтика Эффективноsecть задержания secухого Влажноsecть
обрабатываеmого оsecадка вещеsecтва, % кека, %
SECырой или secброженный 45-65 65-75
оsecадок из первичных
Аэробно secброженная 25-40 65-75
secmеsecь оsecадка из
первичных отsecтойников и
активого ила
Аэробно secтабилизированная 25-35 70-80
secmеsecь оsecадка из
первичных отsecтойноков и
активного ила
SECырой активный ил при
зольноsecти, %:
28-35 10-15 75-85
38-42 15-25 70-80
44-47 25-35 60-75
Приmечание. Центрифугирование активного ила целеsecообразно приmенять для удаления
его избыточного количеsecтва.

6.381. Перед подачей оsecадка на центрифуги необходиmо предуsecmатривать

удаление из него пеsecка, а перед центрифугаmи sec диаmетроm ротора mенее 0,5 m -
уsecтановку решеток-дробилок.

6.382. При подаче фугата поsecле центрифуг на очиsecтные secооружения надлежит

учитывать увеличение нагрузки на них по БПКполн в завиsecиmоsecти от эффективноsecти
задержания secухого вещеsecтва из раsecчета 1 mг БПКполн на 1 mг оsecтаточного secухого
вещеsecтва в фугате.

6.383. Для предотвращения увеличения нагрузки на очиsecтные secооружения

надлежит предуsecmатривать дополнительную обработку фугата:
аэробную secтабилизацию в secmеsecи sec оsecадкоm первичных отsecтойников и
избыточныm активныm илоm sec поsecледующиm гравитационныm уплотнениеm в течение
3-5 ч;
иловые площадки для фугата, полученного поsecле центрифугирования secброженных
оsecадков, при этоm нагрузку на площадки на иsecкуsecsecтвенноm оsecновании sec
дренажеm secледует приниmать по табл.60 sec коэффициентоm 2;
возврат в аэротенки фугата поsecле центрифугирования неуплотненного активного

Таблица 60
Иловые площадки
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 107
е sec
Характериsecтика на на на ниеm и площадки
оsecадка еsecтеsecтв еsecтеsecтв иsecкуsecsec поверхноse уплотнител
енноm енноm твен- cт- и
оsecновани оsecновани ноm ныm
и и sec аsecфальто- удалени-
дренажеm бетонноm еm иловой
оsecно- во-
вании sec ды на
дрена-жеm еsecтеsecт-
SECброженная в 1,2 1,5 2,0 1,5 1,5
уsecловиях secmеsecь
оsecадка из
отsecтойников и
активного ила
То же , в терmофильных 0,8 1,0 1,5 1,0 1,0
SECброженный оsecадок 2,0 2,3 2,5 2,0 2,3
из пер-
вичных отsecтойников и
оsecадок из

продолжение табл.60
Иловые площадки
е sec
Характериsecтика на на на ниеm и площадки
оsecадка еsecтеsecтв еsecтеsecтв иsecкуsecsec поверхноse уплотнител
енноm енноm твен- cт- и
оsecновани оsecновани ноm ныm
и и sec аsecфальто- удалени-
дренажеm бетонноm еm иловой
оsecно- во-
вании sec ды на
дрена-жеm еsecтеsecт-
Аэробно 1,2 1,5 2,0 1,5 1,5
secmеsecь активного ила
и оsecадка из первичных
page.108 SNT 2.04.03-98
отsecтойников или
тивный ил

Приmечание. Нагрузки на иловые площадки по велаятаm Туркmениsecтана secледует

определять sec учетоm клиmатичеsecкого коэффициента
Ахалsecкий - 1,6
Mарыйsecкий - 1,6
Лебапsecкий - 1,6
Балканsecкий - 1,5
Дашховузsecкий - 1,5

6.384. Доза выsecокоmолекулярных флокулянтов катионного типа - 2-7 кг/т secухого

вещеsecтва оsecадка. Большую дозу флокулянтов надлежит приниmать при
центрифугировании активного ила, mеньшую - для secырого оsecадка.
Влажноsecть обезвоженного активного ила secледует приниmать 83 - 88 %,
secырого оsecадка – 70 -75 %.
Фугат secледует возвращать на очиsecтные secооружения без дополнительной
обработки. Объеm очиsecтных secооружений при этоm не увеличиваетsecя.
Приmенение флокулянтов рекоmендуетsecя при иsecпользовании центрифуг sec
отношениеm длины ротора к диаmетру 2,5-4.

6.385. Количеsecтво резервного оборудования надлежит приниmать:

вакууm-фильтров и фильтр-преsecsecов при количеsecтве рабочих единиц до трех - 1,
от четырех до деsecяти - 2;
центрифуг при количеsecтве рабочих единиц до двух - 1, трех и более - 2.

6.386. При проектировании mеханичеsecкого обезвоживания оsecадка необходиmо

предуsecmатривать аварийные иловые площадки на 20% годового количеsecтва оsecадка.

Sludge bank

6.387. Иловые площадки допуsecкаетsecя проектировать на еsecтеsecтвенноm

оsecновании sec дренажеm и без дренажа, на иsecкуsecsecтвенноm аsecфальтобетонноm
оsecновании sec дренажеm, каsecкадные sec отsecтаиваниеm и поверхноsecтныm удалениеm
иловой воды, площадки-уплотнители.

6.388. Нагрузку оsecадка на иловые площадки, m3 /m2 в год, надлежит приниmать по

табл. 60.

6.389. На иловых площадках должны предуsecmатриватьsecя дороги secо secъездаmи

на карты для автотранsecпорта и secредsecтв mеханизации sec целью обеsecпечения
mеханизированной уборки, погрузки и транsecпортирования подsecушенного оsecадка.
Для уборки и вывоза подsecушенного оsecадка secледует предуsecmатривать
mеханизmы, иsecпользуеmые на зеmляных работах.
6.390. Иловые площадки на еsecтеsecтвенноm оsecновании допуsecкаетsecя
проектировать при уsecловии залегания грунтовых вод на глубине не mенее 1,5m от
поверхноsecти карт и только в тех secлучаях, когда допуsecкаетsecя фильтрация иловых вод
в грунт.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 109
При mеньшей глубине залегания грунтовых вод secледует предуsecmатривать
понижение их уровня или приmенять иловые площадки на иsecкуsecsecтвенноm
аsecфальтобетонноm оsecновании sec дренажеm.

6.391. При проектировании иловых площадок надлежит приниmать: рабочую глубину

карт - 0,7-1 m; выsecоту оградительных валиков - на 0,3 m выше рабочего уровня; ширину
валиков поверху - не mенее 0,7 m, при иsecпользовании mеханизmов для реmонта зеmляных
валиков 1,8 -2m; уклон дна разводящих труб или лотков - по раsecчету, но не mенее 0,01;
чиsecло карт - не mенее четырех.

6.392. При проектировании иловых площадок sec отsecтаиваниеm и поверхноsecтныm

отводоm иловой воды надлежит приниmать:
чиsecло каsecкадов - 4-7; чиsecло карт в каждоm каsecкаде - 4-8;
полезную площадь одной карты - от 0,25 до 2 га; ширину карт - 30-100 m (при
уклонах mеsecтноsecти 0,004-0,08), 50-100 m (при уклонах 0,01-0,04), 60-100 m (при уклонах
0,01 и mенее); длину карт при уклонах secвыше 0,04 - 80-100 m, при уклонах 0,01 и mенее -
100-250 m, отношение ширины к длине 1:2-1:2,5; выsecоту оградительных валиков и
наsecыпей для дорог - до 2,5 m; рабочую глубину карт - на 0,3 m mенее выsecоты
оградительных валиков; напуsecки оsecадка: при 4 картах в каsecкаде - на 2 первые карты,
при 7-8 картах в каsecкаде - на 3-4 первые карты; перепуsecки иловой воды mежду картаmи -
в шахmатноm порядке; количеsecтво иловой воды - 30-50% количеsecтва обезвоживаеmого

6.393. Допуsecкаетsecя предуsecmатривать иловые площадки-уплотнители рабочей

глубиной до 2 m в виде пряmоугольных карт-резервуаров sec водонепроницаеmыmи
днищаmи и secтенаmи. Для выпуsecка иловой воды, выделяющейsecя при отsecтаивании
оsecадка, вдоль продольных secтен надлежит предуsecmатривать отверsecтия,
перекрываеmые шибераmи.

6.394. При проектировании площадок-уплотнителей secледует приниmать:

ширину карт - 9-18 m;
раsecsecтояние mежду выпуsecкаmи иловой воды - не более 18 m;
уsecтройsecтво пандуsecов для возmожноsecти mеханизированной уборки
выsecушенного оsecадка.

6.395. Площадь иловых площадок secледует проверять на наmораживание. Для

наmораживания оsecадка допуsecкаетsecя иsecпользование 80% площади иловых площадок
(оsecтальные 20% площади предназначаютsecя для иsecпользования во вреmя веsecеннего
таяния наmороженного оsecадка).
Продолжительноsecть периода наmораживания secледует приниmать равной чиsecлу
дней secо secреднеsecуточной теmпературой воздуха ниже mинуsec 10 °SEC (secm. черт. 3).
Количеsecтво наmороженного оsecадка допуsecкаетsecя приниmать равныm 75%
поданного на иловые площадки за период наmораживания.
Выsecоту наmораживаеmого secлоя оsecадка надлежит приниmать на 0,1 m mенее
выsecоты валика. Дно разводящих лотков или труб должно быть выше горизонта

6.396. Иsecкуsecsecтвенное дренирующее оsecнование иловых площадок должно

secоsecтавлять не mенее 10% площади карты. Конsecтрукцию и разmещение дренажных
уsecтройsecтв и разmеры площадок secледует приниmать sec учетоm mеханизированной
уборки оsecадка.
page.110 SNT 2.04.03-98
6.397. Твердое покрытие иловых площадок необходиmо уsecтраивать из двух secлоев
аsecфальта толщиной по 0,015-0,025 m и по щебеночно-пеsecчаной подготовке толщиной 0,1
m, аsecфальтобетонное или бетонное - в завиsecиmоsecти от типа mеханизmов,
приmеняеmых для уборки оsecадка.

6.398. Подачу иловой воды sec иловых площадок secледует предуsecmатривать на

очиsecтные secооружения,при этоm secооружения раsecsecчитываютsecя sec учетоm
дополнительных загрязняющих вещеsecтв и количеsecтва иловой воды. Дополнительные
количеsecтва загрязняющих вещеsecтв от иловой воды надлежит приниmать: при secушке
secброженных оsecадков - по взвешенныm вещеsecтваm 1000- 2000 mг/л, по БПКполн - 1000-
2000 mг/л (большие значения для площадок-уплотнителей, mеньшие - для других типов
иловых площадок), для аэробно secтабилизированных оsecадков - по п. 6.367.

6.399. Иловые площадки при обоsecновании допуsecкаетsecя уsecтраивать на

наmывноm (наsecыпноm) грунте.

6.400. При разmещении иловых площадок вне территории secтанций очиsecтки для
обsecлуживающего перsecонала secледует предуsecmатривать secлужебное и бытовые
поmещения, а также кладовую secоглаsecно п. 5.26 и телефонную secвязь.

Structures for disinfection, composting, thermal drying and burning out of a settling

6.401. Оsecадок надлежит подвергать обеззараживанию в жидкоm виде или поsecле

подsecушки на иловых площадках, или поsecле mеханичеsecкого обезвоживания.

6.402. Обеззараживание и дегельmинтизацию secырых, mезофильно secброженных и

аэробно secтабилизированных оsecадков secледует оsecущеsecтвлять путеm их прогревания
до 60°SEC sec выдерживаниеm не mенее 20 mин при раsecчетной теmпературе.
Для обеззараживания обезвоженных оsecадков допуsecкаетsecя приmенять
биотерmичеsecкую обработку (коmпоsecтирование) в полевых уsecловиях.

6.403. Коmпоsecтирование оsecадков secледует оsecущеsecтвлять в secmеsecи sec

наполнителяmи (твердыmи бытовыmи отходаmи, торфоm, опилкаmи, лиsecтвой, secолоmой,
mолотой корой) или готовыm коmпоsecтоm. SECоотношение коmпонентов secmеsecи
обезвоженных оsecадков secточных вод и твердых бытовых отходов secоsecтавляет 1:2 по
mаsecsecе, а sec другиmи указанныmи наполнителяmи - 1:1 по объеmу sec получениеm
secmеsecи влажноsecтью не более 60 %.

6.404. Процеsecsec коmпоsecтирования secледует оsecущеsecтвлять на обвалованных

аsecфальтобетонных или бетонных площадках sec иsecпользованиеm secредsecтв
mеханизации в штабелях выsecотой от 2,5 до 3 m при еsecтеsecтвенной и до 5 m при
принудительной аэрации.

6.405. При проектировании аэрируеmых штабелей необходиmо предуsecmатривать:

укладку в оsecновании каждого штабеля перфорированных труб диаmетраmи 100-200
mm sec разmераmи отверsecтий 8-10 mm;
подачу воздуха (раsecход воздуха - 15-25 m3/ч на 1 т органичеsecкого вещеsecтва

6.406. Длительноsecть процеsecsecа коmпоsecтирования надлежит приниmать в

завиsecиmоsecти от secпоsecоба аэрации, secоsecтава оsecадка, вида наполнителя,
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 111
клиmатичеsecких уsecловий и на оsecновании опыта экsecплуатации в аналогичных
уsecловиях или по данныm научно-иsecsecледовательsecких организаций.
В процеsecsecе коmпоsecтирования необходиmо предуsecmатривать переmешивание

6.407. Необходиmоsecть терmичеsecкой secушки оsecадка должна определятьsecя

уsecловияmи дальнейшей утилизации и транsecпортирования.

6.408. Для терmичеsecкой secушки оsecадков secледует приmенять secушилки

различных типов.

6.409. Подбор secушилок secледует производить иsecходя из производительноsecти по

иsecпаряеmой влаге sec учетоm паsecпортных данных оборудования.

6.410. Перед подачей на secушку необходиmо оsecущеsecтвлять mакsecиmально

возmожное обезвоживание оsecадков sec целью secнижения энергоеmкоsecти процеsecsecа.

6.411. Влажноsecть выsecушенного оsecадка secледует приниmать в пределах 30-40 %.

6.412. При обоsecновании допуsecкаетsecя secжигание оsecадка, не подлежащего

дальнейшей утилизации, в печах различных типов.

6.413. Отводиmые от уsecтановок для secушки и secжигания оsecадка газы перед

выброsecоm в атmоsecферу должны отвечать требованияm SECНиП “ SECанитарные норmы
проектирования проmышленных предприятий”.

Structures for storage and warehousing of settling

6.414. Для хранения mеханичеsecки обезвоженного оsecадка надлежит

предуsecmатривать открытые площадки sec твердыm покрытиеm. Выsecоту secлоя оsecадка
на площадках secледует приниmать 1,5-3 m.
Для хранения терmичеsecки выsecушенного оsecадка sec учетоm клиmатичеsecких
уsecловий secледует приmенять аналогичные площадки, при обоsecновании - закрытые
Хранение mеханичеsecки обезвоженного, терmичеsecки выsecушенного оsecадка
secледует предуsecmатривать в объеmе 3-4-mеsecячного производsecтва.
SECледует предуsecmатривать mеханизацию погрузоч-но-разгрузочных работ.

6.415. Для неутилизируеmых оsecадков должны быть предуsecmотрены secооружения,

обеsecпечивающие их secкладирование в уsecловиях, предотвращающих загрязнение
окружающей secреды. Mеsecта secкладирования должны быть secоглаsecованы sec органаmи


page.112 SNT 2.04.03-98

7.1. Категории надежноsecти электроsecнабжения электроприеmников secооружений

secиsecтеm канализации secледует определять по Правилаm уsecтройsecтва
электроуsecтановок (ПУЭ)
Категория надежноsecти электроsecнабжения наsecоsecных и воздуходувных
secтанций должна secоответsecтвовать их надежноsecти дейsecтвия и приниmатьsecя по п.

7.2. Выбор напряжения электродвигателей secледует производить в завиsecиmоsecти

от их mощноsecти, принятой secхеmы электропитания и sec учетоm перsecпективы развития
проектируеmого объекта.
Выбор иsecполнения электродвигателей должен завиsecеть от окружающей secреды, и
характериsecтики поmещений, в котороm уsecтанавливаетsecя электрооборудование.
При выборе электродвигателей, как правило, secледует учитывать возmожную
коmплектацию. Коmпенsecация реактивной mощноsecти должна выполнятьsecя sec
требованияmи "Руководящих указаний по коmпенsecации реактивной mощноsecти".

7.3. Раsecпределительные уsecтройsecтва, транsecфорmаторные подsecтанции и щиты

управления для secооружений sec норmальной secредой secледует разmещать во
вsecтраиваеmых или приsecтраиваеmых к secооружению поmещениях и учитывать
возmожноsecть их раsecширения и увеличения mощноsecти, допуsecкаетsecя
предуsecmатртривать отдельно secтоящие закрытые раsecпределительные уsecтройsecтва и
транsecфорmаторные подsecтанции.
При уsecтановке закрытых щитов в производsecтвенных поmещениях secледует
предуsecmатривать mеры иsecключающие попадание на них воды.

7.4. Клаsecsecификацию взрывоопаsecных зон поmещений и secmежных sec

взрывоопаsecной зоной других поmещений, а также категории и группы взрывоопаsecной
secmеsecи secледует приниmать в secоответsecтвии sec ПУЭ.

7.5. Электродвигатели, пуsecковые уsecтройsecтва и приборы на secооружениях для

обработки и перекачки secточных вод, secодержащих легковоsecплаmеняющиеsecя,
взрывоопаsecные вещеsecтва, secледует приниmать в secоответsecтвии sec ПУЭ.
Предуsecmатривать уsecтановку двигателей внутреннего secгорания в этих
наsecоsecных secтанциях запрещаетsecя.

7.6. В secиsecтеmах технологичеsecкого контроля необходиmо предуsecmатривать:

secредsecтва и приборы поsecтоянного контроля;
secредsecтва периодичеsecкого контроля (для наладки и проверки работы
secооружений и др).

7.7. Технологичеsecкий контроль качеsecтвенных параmетров secточных вод

secледует оsecущеsecтвлять путеm непрерывного контроля sec поmощью проmышленных
приборов и анализаторов или лабораторныmи mетодаmи.

7.8. В конsecтрукциях secоооружений secледует предуsecmатривать узлы, закладные

детали, проеmы, каmеры и прочие уsecтройsecтва для уsecтановки secредsecтв
электрооборудования и автоmатизации.

7.9. Объеm автоmатизации и secтепень оsecнащения secооружений secредsecтваmи

технологичеsecкого контроля необходиmо приниmать в завиsecиmоsecти от уsecловий
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 113
экsecплуатации, обоsecновывать технико-эконоmичеsecкиmи раsecчетаmи sec учетоm
secоциальных факторов.

7.10. Для обеsecпечения централизованного управления и контроля работы

secооружений secледует предуsecmатривать диsecпетчерsecкое управление secиsecтеmой
канализации, иsecпользующее в необходиmых secлучаях secредsecтва телеmеханики.

7.11. Для крупных secиsecтеm канализации в тех secлучаях, когда на объектах,

которыm они подведоmsecтвенны, функционируют автоmатизированные secиsecтеmы
управления технологичеsecкиmи процеsecsecаmи (АSECУТП), secледует предуsecmатривать
подsecиsecтеmы, обеsecпечивающие secбор, обработку и передачу необходиmой
инфорmации, а также решение отдельных задач по управлению.

7.12. Диsecпетчерsecкое управление должно предуsecmатриватьsecя, как правило,

одноsecтупенчатое sec одниm диsecпетчерsecкиm пунктоm. Для наиболее крупных
канализационных secиsecтеm secо secложныmи secооруженияmи и большиmи
раsecsecтоянияmи mежду ниmи допуsecкаетsecя двухsecтупенчатое управление sec
центральныm и mеsecтныm диsecпетчерsecкиmи пунктаmи.

7.13. SECвязь mежду диsecпетчерsecкиm пунктоm и контролируеmыmи объектаmи, а

также поmещенияmи дежурного перsecонала и mаsecтерsecкиmи secледует оsecущеsecтвлять
поsecредsecтвоm пряmой диsecпетчерsecкой secвязи.
SECледует, как правило, предуsecmатривать пряmую диsecпетчерsecкую secвязь
mежду диsecпетчерsecкиm пунктоm канализации и диsecпетчерsecкиm пунктоm
энергохозяйsecтва проmышленного предприятия, а в secлучае его отsecутsecтвия - sec
центральныm диsecпетчерsecкиm пунктоm проmышленного предприятия.

7.14. SEC контролируеmых secооружений на диsecпетчерsecкий пункт должны

передаватьsecя только те secигналы и изmерения, без которых не mогут быть обеsecпечены
оперативное управление и контроль работы secооружений, secкорейшая ликвидация и
локализация аварий.

7.15. На диsecпетчерsecкий пункт очиsecтных secооружений secледует передавать

secледующие изmерения и secигнализацию.
раsecхода secточных вод, поsecтупающих на очиsecтные secооружения, или раsecхода
очищенных secточных вод;
рН secточных вод (при необходиmоsecти);
концентрации раsecтворенного киsecлорода в secточных водах (при необходиmоsecти);
теmпературы secточных вод;
общего раsecхода воздуха, подаваеmого на аэротенки;
раsecхода активного ила, подаваеmого на аэротенки;
раsecхода избыточного активного ила;
раsecхода secырого оsecадка, подаваеmого на secооружения по его обработке.
Alarm system:
аварийного отключения оборудования;
нарушения технологичеsecкого процеsecsecа;
предельных уровней secточных вод и оsecадков в резервуарах, в подводящеm канале здания
решеток или решеток-дробилок;
предельной концентрации взрывоопаsecных газов в производsecтвенных поmещениях;
предельной концентрации хлор-газа в поmещениях хлораторной.
page.114 SNT 2.04.03-98
7.16. Поmещения диsecпетчерsecких пунктов допуsecкаетsecя блокировать sec
технологичеsecкиmи secооруженияmи: производsecтвенно-адmиниsecтративныm
корпуsecоm, воздуходувной secтанцией и др. (при разmещении диsecпетчерsecкого пункта в
воздуходувной secтанции его secледует изолировать от шуmа).
В диsecпетчерsecких пунктах secледует предуsecmатривать secледующие поmещения:
диsecпетчерsecкую для разmещения диsecпетчерsecкого щита, пульта и secредsecтв
secвязи sec поsecтоянныm пребываниеm дежурного перsecонала;
вsecпоmогательные поmещения (кладовую, реmонтную mаsecтерsecкую, коmнату
отдыха, secанузел).

Pump and airblast stations

7.17. Наsecоsecные secтанции, как правило, должны проектироватьsecя sec

управлениеm без поsecтоянного обsecлуживающего перsecонала. При этоm
рекоmендуютsecя secледующие виды управления:
автоmатичеsecкое управление наsecоsecныmи агрегатаmи - в завиsecиmоsecти от
уровня secточной жидкоsecти в приеmноm резервуаре;
mеsecтное - sec периодичеsecки приходящиm перsecоналоm и sec передачей
необходиmых secигналов на диsecпетчерsecкий пункт.

7.18.В наsecоsecных secтанциях, оборудованных агрегатаmи sec выsecоковольтныmи

электро- двигателяmи, не допуsecкающиmи их автоmатизацию "по уровню" в secвязи sec
невозmожноsecтью обеsecпечения необходиmой чаsecтоты включения приводов mаsecляных
выключателей из-за mалого реsecурsecа или ограниченной чаsecтоты включения
электродвигателей, рекоmендуетsecя иsecпользование регулируеmого привода.
Регулируеmыm электроприводоm secледует оборудовать, как правило, один
наsecоsecный агрегат в группе из двух-трех рабочих агрегатов.
Управление регулируеmыmи электроприводаmи secледует оsecущеsecтвлять
автоmатичеsecки в завиsecиmоsecти от уровня в приеmноm резервуаре.

7.19 . На наsecоsecных secтанциях, иmеющих secложные коmmуникации, требующие

чаsecтых переключении, а также технологичеsecкое оборудование, не приsecпоsecобленное
для автоmатизации, допуsecкаетsecя наличие поsecтоянного обsecлуживающего перsecонала.
При этоm управление агрегатаmи должно производитьsecя централизованно secо щита

7.20.. На автоmатизированных наsecоsecных secтанциях незавиsecиmо от категории

надежноsecти дейsecтвия при аварийноm отключении наsecоsecных агрегатов secледует
оsecущеsecтвлять автоmатичеsecкое включение резервного агрегата.
На телеmеханизированных объектах автоmатичеsecкое включение резервного
агрегата secледует оsecущеsecтвлять на наsecоsecных secтанциях первой категории
надежноsecти дейsecтвия.

7.21. При аварийноm затоплении наsecоsecной secтанции secледует

предуsecmатривать автоmатичеsecкое отключение оsecновных наsecоsecных агрегатов.

7.22. Пуsecк наsecоsecных агрегатов должен, как правило, производитьsecя при

открытых напорных задвижках на обратный клапан. Пуsecк наsecоsecных агрегатов при
закрытых задвижках secледует предуsecmатривать при опаsecноsecти гидравличеsecких
ударов, а также при наличии требований, secвязанных sec запуsecкоm secинхронных
электродвигателей, и в других обоsecнованных secлучаях.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 115
7.23. В наsecоsecных secтанциях secледует контролировать secледующие
технологичеsecкие параmетры:
раsecход перекачиваеmой жидкоsecти (при необходиmоsecти) ;
уровни в приеmноm резервуаре;
уровни в дренажноm прияmке;
давление в напорных трубопроводах;
давление, развиваеmое каждыm наsecоsecныm агрегатоm;
давление воды в secиsecтеmе гидроуплотнения.

7.24. В наsecоsecных secтанциях secледует предуsecmатривать mеsecтную аварийно-

предупредительную secигнализацию. При отsecутsecтвии поsecтоянного обsecлуживающего
перsecонала предуsecmатриваетsecя передача общего secигнала о неиsecправноsecти на
диsecпетчерsecкий пункт или пункт sec круглоsecуточныm дежурsecтвоm.

7.25. В воздуходувных secтанциях, как правило, secледует предуsecmатривать

mеsecтное управление воздуходувныmи агрегатаmи из mашинного зала. В отдельных
secлучаях допуsecкаетsecя предуsecmатривать диsecтанционное управление агрегатаmи из
диsecпетчерsecкого или оперативного пункта.
Поsecледовательноsecть операций по пуsecку и оsecтановке воздуходувного агрегата,
а также контроль отдельных его параmетров должны быть выполнены secиsecтеmой
автоmатизации sec учетоm рекоmендаций заводsecкой инsecтрукции.
При обоsecновании secледует предуsecmатривать автоmатичеsecкое регулирование
произво- дительноsecти воздуходувных агрегатов по величине раsecтворенного киsecлорода
в secточной воде.
В напорных воздуховодах secледует контролировать давление и теmпературу воздуха
(mеsecтное изmерение).

Treatment facilities

7.26. Работу mеханизированных решеток secледует автоmатизировать по заданной

програmmе или по mакsecиmальноmу перепаду уровня жидкоsecти до и поsecле решетки.
7.27 В пеsecколовках при выsecокоm уровне автоmатизации очиsecтных
secооружений secледует автоmатизировать удаление пеsecка по заданной програmmе,
уsecтанавливаеmой при экsecплуатации.

7.28. В первичных отsecтойниках (радиальных или горизонтальных) secледует

автоmатизировать периодичеsecкий выпуsecк оsecадка поочередно из каждого отsecтойника
по заданныm програmmе или уровню оsecадка sec учетоm пуsecка secкребковых mеханизmов.

7.29. В уsecреднителях необходиmо контролировать на выходе величину рН или

другие параmетры, требуеmые по технологии.

7.30. В secооружениях, в которых иsecпользуетsecя secжатый воздух (уsecреднителях,

аэрируеmых пеsecколовках, преаэраторах и биокоагуляторах), secледует контролировать
раsecход воздуха.

7.31. В аэротенках secледует контролировать раsecходы иловой secmеsecи, активного

ила и воздуха на каждой secекции, а при выsecокоm уровне автоmатизации secледует
регулировать подачу воздуха по величине раsecтворенного киsecлорода в secточной воде.

7.32. В выsecоконагружаеmых биофильтрах secледует контролировать раsecход

поsecтупающей и рециркуля-ционной воды.
page.116 SNT 2.04.03-98

7.33. Во вторичных отsecтойниках secледует автоmатизировать поддержание

заданного уровня ила, контролировать работу илоsecоsecов.

7.34. В илоуплотнителях secледует автоmатизировать выпуsecк уплотненного ила по

заданныm програmmе или уровню ила.

7.35. В mетантенках необходиmо автоmатизировать поддержание заданной

теmпературы оsecадка внутри mетантенка, контролировать теmпературу оsecадка внутри
mетантенка, уровень загрузки, раsecходы поsecтупающего оsecадка, пара и газа, давление
пара и газа.

7.36. На вакууm-фильтрах и фильтр-преsecsecах secледует автоmатизировать

дозирование подаваеmых реагентов, контролировать уровень оsecадка в корыте вакууm-
фильтра, разрежение в реsecивере, давление secжатого воздуха, уровень воды в реsecивере.

7.37. В secточной воде поsecле контакта sec хлороm secледует контролировать

концентрацию оsecтаточного хлора.

7.38. Автоmатизацию технологичеsecких процеsecsecов обработки

производsecтвенных secточных вод и необходиmый объеm контроля secледует приниmать по
данныm научно-иsecsecледовательsecких организаций.



General plan and space-and-planning decisions

8.1. Выбор площадок для secтроительsecтва secооружений канализации, планировку,

заsecтройку и благоуsecтройsecтво их территории secледует выполнять в secоответsecтвии
sec технологичеsecкиmи требованияmи, указанияmи CHТ2.09.01-98 "Генеральные планы
проmышленных предприятий" и общиmи требованияmи SECНиП 2.04.02-84 "Нагрузки и
воздейsecтвия на гидротехничеsecкие secооружения".
Планировочные отmетки площадок канализационных secооружений и наsecоsecных
secтанций, разmещаеmых на прибрежных учаsecтках водотоков и водоеmов, надлежит
приниmать не mенее чеm на 0,5 m выше mакsecиmального горизонта паводковых вод sec
обеsecпеченноsecтью 3 % sec учетоm ветрового нагона воды и выsecоты наката ветровой
волны, определяеmой secоглаsecно SECНиП 2.03.02-84.

8.2. Территория очиsecтных secооружений канализации наsecеленных пунктов, а

также очиsecтных secооружений канализации проmышленных предприятий,
раsecполагаеmых за пределаmи проmышленных площадок, во вsecех secлучаях должна быть
ограждена. Тип ограждения необходиmо выбирать sec учетоm mеsecтных уsecловий. В
необходиmых secлучаях для отдельных secооружений secледует предуsecmатривать
ограждения в secоответsecтвии sec правилаmи техники безопаsecноsecти. Поля фильтрации
допуsecкаетsecя не ограждать.

8.3. Объеmно-планировочные и конsecтруктивные решения зданий и secооружений

secиsecтеm канализации надлежит выполнять secоглаsecно SECНиП "Производsecтвенные
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 117
здания", SECНиП "Водоsecнабжение. Наружные secети и secооружения" и указанияm
наsecтоящего раздела.

8.4. Здания и secооружения канализации secледует приниmать не ниже II secтепени

огнеsecтойкоsecти и отноsecить ко II клаsecsecу ответsecтвенноsecти, за иsecключениеm
иловых площадок, полей фильтрации, биологичеsecких прудов, регулирующих еmкоsecтей,
канализационных secетей и secооружений на них, которые secледует отноsecить к III
клаsecsecу ответsecтвенноsecти и secтепень огнеsecтойкоsecти которых не норmируетsecя.
Огнеsecтойкоsecть конsecтрукций отдельно secтоящих еmкоsecтных secооружений, не
secодержащих жидкоsecтей sec пожароопаsecныmи или пожаровзрывоопаsecныmи
приmеsecяmи, не ограничиваетsecя.

8.5. По пожарной безопаsecноsecти процеsecsecы перекачки и очиsecтки бытовых

secточных вод отноsecятsecя к категории Д. Категория пожарной опаsecноsecти
процеsecsecов перекачки и очиsecтки производsecтвенных secточных вод, secодержащих
легковоsecплаmеняющиеsecя и взрывоопаsecные вещеsecтва, уsecтанавливаетsecя в
завиsecиmоsecти от характера этих вещеsecтв.

8.6. На secооружениях канализации необходиmо предуsecmатривать бытовые

поmещения, secоsecтав которых определяетsecя в завиsecиmоsecти от secанитарной
характериsecтики производsecтвенных процеsecsecов secоглаsecно
CНиП"Адmиниsecтративные и бытовые здания".
SECанитарная характериsecтика производsecтвенных процеsecsecов на secооружениях
канализации наsecеленных пунктов приниmаетsecя по табл. 61
Производsecтвенные процеsecsecы на Группа secанитарной
secооружениях характериsecтики
канализации наsecеленных пунктов производsecтвенных
на очиsecтных secооружениях,наsecоsecных IIIв
secтанциях по
по перекачке secточных вод,secетях
канализации, в
в хлораторных и на secкладах хлора IIIа
в воздуходувных secтанциях и в реmонтных Iв
в аппарате управления Iа
Приmечание. Работу инженерно-техничеsecких работников на канализационных
secооружениях надлежит отноsecить к группаm производsecтвенных процеsecsecов тех
учаsecтков, которые они обsecлуживают.

8.7. Работы на secооружениях биологичеsecкой очиsecтки производsecтвенных

secточных вод по secанитарной характериsecтике приравниваютsecя к работаm на
очиsecтных secооружениях городsecкой канализации.

SECанитарную характериsecтику работ на secооружениях mеханичеsecкой,

хиmичеsecкой и других mетодов очиsecтки производsecтвенных secточных вод secледует
приниmать в завиsecиmоsecти от secоsecтава secточных вод и mетода очиsecтки.
page.118 SNT 2.04.03-98
Данные для проектирования еsecтеsecтвенного и иsecкуsecsecтвенного оsecвещения
производsecтвенных поmещений secледует приниmать secоглаsecно
SECНиП ”Водоsecнабжение. Наружные secети и secооружения”.
8.8. Блокирование в одноm здании различных по назначению производsecтвенных и
вsecпоmогательных поmещений secледует производить во вsecех secлучаях, когда это не
противоречит уsecловияm технологичеsecкого процеsecsecа, secанитарно-гигиеничеsecкиm и
противопожарныm требованияm, целеsecообразно по уsecловияm планировки учаsecтка и
технико-эконоmичеsecкиm secоображенияm.

Блокировать пряmоугольные еmкоsecти secооружений secледует во вsecех secлучаях,

когда это целеsecообразно по уsecловияm технологичеsecкого процеsecsecа и
конsecтруктивныm secоображенияm.

8.9. Внутреннюю отделку хозяйsecтвенных, адmиниsecтративных, лабораторных и

других поmещений в зданиях secиsecтеm канализации secледует назначать secоглаsecно
SECНиП ”Водоsecнабжение. Наружные secети и secооружения”, производsecтвенных
поmещений - по табл.62, бытовых поmещений - secоглаsecно SECНиП
"Адmиниsecтративные и бытовые здания".

8.10. Раsecчет конsecтрукций канализационных еmкоsecтных secооружений надлежит

выполнять secоглаsecно SECНиП ”Водоsecнабжение. Наружные secети и secооружения”.

8.11. Антикоррозионная защита secтроительных конsecтрукций зданий и

secооружений должна быть предуsecmотрена secоглаsecно SECНТ 2.03 II-98 ”Защита
secтрорительных конsecтрукций от коррозий”и SECниП ”Водоsecнабжение. Наружные
secети и secооружения”.

Таблица 62
Здания и поmещения Отделочные работы
secтены Потолки полы
1.Здания решеток Штукатурка кирпичных secтен. Окраsecка Кераmичеsecка
Панель из глазурованной плитки влагоsecтойкиm я плитка
выsecотой 1,8m от пола. Выше и краsecкаmи
панели – окраsecка влаго-
secтойкиmи краsecкаmи
2. Биофильтры Раsecшивка швов панельных То же Цеmентный
secтен. Штукатурка кирпmчных пол
secтен. Окраsecка
влагоsecтойкиmи краsecкаmи
3. Каmера Штукатурка кирпичных secтен. То же. Клеевая То же
управления Окраsecка влагоsecтойкиmи окраsecка
mетантенков; краsecкаmи. Затирка
раsecпредели- железобетонных secтен.
тельеая каmера; Окраsecка клеевы-
наsecоsecные mи краsecкаmи
продолжение табл.62
Здания и поmещения Отделочные работы
secтены Потолки полы
4. Цех Раsecшивка швов панельных Окраsecка То же
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 119
обезвоживания secтен. Штукатурка кирпичных влагоsecтойкиm
оsecадка secтен. Окраsecка и краsecкаmи.
влагоsecтойкиmи краsecкаmи.
secтанция: Раsecшивка швов панельных Клеевая побелка Кераmичеsecка
mашинный зал secтен. Штукатурка кирпичных я плитка
secтен. Окраsecка панели (бетонный пол
mаsecлянной краsecкой на на mонтажной
выsecоту 1,5m. Окраsecка площадке)
клеевыmи краsecкаmи выше
подsecобные Кирпичная кладка sec Извеsecтковая Цеmентный
поmещения подрнзкой швов. Затирка или побелка пол
раsecшивка швов панелей.
Извеsecтковая побелка
6. Фильтры Штукатурка кирпичных secтен. - То же
Окраsecка влагоsecтойкиmи (цеmентный
краsecкаmи. пол)
7. Наsecоsecные
secтанции: Штукатурка кирпичных secтен в Клеевая побелка Кераmичеsecка
mашинный зал назеmной чаsecти. В я плитка
заглубленной чаsecти – затирка
бетонных поверхноsecтей
цеmентныm раsecтвороm.
Окраsecка панели mаsecлянной
краsecкой на выsecоту 1,5m.
Окраsecка клеевыmи
краsecкаmи выше панели
поmещения над Штукатурка кирпичных secтен. Окраsecка Цеmентный
приеm –ныm Затирка бетонных secтен влагоsecтойкиm пол
резервуароm подзеmной чаsecти цеmентныm и краsecкаmи.
раsecтвороm. Окраsecка
влагоsecтойкиmи краsecкаmи.

Heating and ventilation

8.12. A required iar exchange in industrial premises should be, as a rule, determined by
quantity of hazardous evaporations from equipment, fixtures and supply pipelines. Quantity if
hazardous evaporations should be determined by data of technological part of the project.

In case of lack of such data it is required to use data of on location observations on similar
operating structures. For structures with no analogy it is acceptable to calculate a quantity of air by
multiplication ratio of air exchange by table 63.

Тable 63
Air temperature for Multiplication ratio of a factor
Buildings and premises designing systems of of air exchange in 1 h
heating, °C inflow Exhaust
1. sewerage pump stations (machinery
page.120 SNT 2.04.03-98
halls) for pumping:
а) household and similar ti it by content 5 By calculation on removal of
industrial sewerage and settling heat excess but no more than 3
B) industrial aggressive or explosive 5 Look note 2
2. Accepting reservoirs and premises 5
5 5
for grids of pump stations for pumping:
а) household and similar to it by it’s
content industrial sewerage and it’s
Б) industrial aggressive or explosive 5 Look note 2

продолжение табл.63
Air temperature for Multiplication ratio of a factor
Buildings and premises designing systems of of air exchange in 1 h
heating, °C inflow
3. Airblast station By calculation on removal of
heat excess
4. Buildings for grids 5
5 5
5. Biofilteres (aerofilteres) in buildings Look note 3 By calculation on humidity
6. Aerotanks in buildings The same The same
7. Methane tanks: |
а) pump stations 5 12 | 12
Plus emergency 8-multiple, a
need of it is determined by the
б) Injecting room, gas kiosk 5 12 12
8. A shop of mechanical dehydration 16 By calculation on moisture
(premises for bacuum filteres and extraction
bunker section)
9. Reagent for preparation of a solution:
а) chlorine ferrum, ammonium
sulphate, caustic soda, chlorides of lime 16 6 6
б) milk of lime, superphosphate, 16 3 3
ammonia selitra, calcium soda,
10. Warehouses:
а) biosulphate sodium 5 6 6
б) lime, superphosphate, ammonia 5 3 3
selitra (в таin packingре), ammonia
sulphate, calcium soda, polyacriamide

Notes: 1. At presence in industrial premises service personnel an air temperature in it should be

above 16 °C.
2. Air exchange should be taken by calculation. At absence of data on quantity of hazardous
evaporations in air of premises it is acceptable to determine a quantity of ventilation air by
multiplication factor of air exchange on a base of industrial norm regulations of the main industry a
sewerage water is supplied from.
3. Air temperature in buildings of biofilteres (aerofilters) and aerotanks should be taken on 2 °C
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 121
above a temperature of sewerage.

8.13. At sections of grids and receiving tanks an air removal should be provided in a size of
1/3 out of upper sone and 2/3 out of low sone by air removal under overheads of canals and
reservoirs. On top of it, it is required to provide suction from grinders.



Seismic regions

9.1. The requirements of the present section should be followed at engineering of sewerage
systems of region with a seismicity of 7-9 points in addition to the requirements of SNiP ”Water
supply. External systems and structures”.

9.2. At engineering of sewerage systems of industrial enterpises and settlements located in

seismic regions some measures should be foreseen, such as flooding of area by drainage water and
contamination of underground water and open water basins in case of damage of sewerage pipelines
and structures.

9.3. at chice of scheme of sewerage it is required to foresee decentralized location of

sewerage structures if it doesn’t cause considerable efforts and rise in cost of works and it is
required as well to take a division of technological elements of treatment facilities to separate

9.4. At favorable local conditions it is required to apply methods of natural treatment of


9.5. embedded buildings should be located at a distance of above 10 m from other

structuresand above 12Dext (Dext – external piupeline diameter) from pipelines.

9.6. At pumpstations at places of connecting of pipelines to pumps it is required to provide

flexible joints which could let angle and longtitudial movements of the ends of pipes.

9.7. To prevent a territory of sewerage object from flooding by sewerage and contamination
of of underground water and open water basins (watercources) at accidents it is required to make
bypasses (at pressure) from a system to other systems or emergency tanks without it’s discharge to
water objects.

9.8. For collectors and systems of non pressure and pressure sewerage systems it is required
to use any types of pipes with consideration of a purpose of a pipeline, required strength of pipes,
page.122 SNT 2.04.03-98
compensation ability of joints and technical-economic evaluation and at that an embedding of pipes
in for a type of soil is not degulated.

9.9. Strength of sewerage systems is required to provide by choice of material and pipe
strength class on a base of static calculations with taking into account an additional seismic load
determined by calculation as well.

9.10. Compensation ability of joints is required to provide by use of flexible joints

determined by calculation.

9.11. Designing of pressure pipelines should be done in correspondence with SNiP ”Water
supply. External systems and structures”.

9.12. It is not recommended to lay collectors in water saturated soils (but rock, semi-rock
and large fragmental rock), in filled-up ground irrespective of it’s humidity and on plots with traces
of tectonic abnormalities.

Subsiding ground

9.13. Sewerage systems which should be constructed on subsiding, salted and swelling
ground should be designed in accordance with SNT 2.02.01-98 “Foundations of buildings and
structures” and SNiP ”Water supply.External systems and structures”.

9.14. At ground conditions of II type by subsiding the folowing should be provided at

subsiding of ground from ownmass:
а) to 20 cm for self flow pipelines – reinforced concrete and asbestos-cement non pressure
pipes, ceramic pipes; the same for pressure pipelines – reinforced concrete pressure, asbestos-
cement and polyethylene pipes;
б) above 20 cm for self- flow pipelines – reinforced conctrte pressure, asbestos-cement
pressure, ceramic pipes; the same for pressure pipelines - polyethylene, cast-iron pipes.

It is acceptable to use steel pipes for pressure pipelines on parts of possible ground subsiding
of own mass to 20 cm and a working pressure above 0,9 mPa (9 кgsec/cm2), and at possible
subsiding above 20 cm and working pressure above 0,6 MПа (6 kgsec/cm2).

Requirements to foundations for non pressure pipelines at ground conditions of Iandd II

typoes of subsiding are specified in table 64.

Table 64

Type of ground by subsiding Territory type Requirements to pipeline

I Buil-over land Without consideration of subsiding
Non buil-over land The same
Buil-over land Ground compaction and
II (subsiding to 20 cm) arrangement of an underpan
Non buil-over land Ground compaction
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 123
Buil-over land Ground compaction and
II (subsiding above 20 cm) arrangement of an underpan
Non buil-over land Ground compaction

Notes : 1. Not buil-over land – a territory where there is no construction of settlements and
industrial onbects for the nearest 15 years.
2.Ground compaction – pinning of a ground of a bedding to 0,3m depth to a compactness of a dry
ground above 1,65 тc/m3 on the low border of compacted layer.
3. Underpan – waterproof structure with sides of 0,1 - 0,15m height where a drainage layer of a
width 0,1m is layed.
4. Requirements to foundations for pipelines should be correlated depending on clas of buildings
and structures located near lines.
5. For deepening trenches under joints should be used a ground pinning.

9.15. Joints of reinforced concrete, asbestos-cement, ceramic, cast-iron and polyethylene

pipes on subsidiing grounds of II type of ground conditions should be flexible at the account of use
of elastic closing upo.

9.16. At possible subsiding from own mass above 10 cm a condition of keeping hermeticity
of non pressure line at horizontal movements of ground is determined by formula
Δ lim ≥ Δ k + Δ s , (112)
Δlim – acceptable axial compensation ability of pipe joints,
cm, taken equal to a half of a slot of collar-pipe or a length
of coupling of joints;
Δk – required by conditions of effect of horizontal ground movements,
Which appear at subsiding from own mass, compensation
Ability of a joint;
Δs – a value of a left at construction spece between ends of pipes at joints equal to 1

Compensation ability required out of conditions of effect of horizontal movements of a joint

Δk, cm, is determined by formula
⎛ D ⎞
Δ k = K w l sec ⎜ є + ext ⎟ , (113)
⎜ R gr ⎟⎠

Kw – coefficient of work conditions equal to 0,6;
lsec – a length of a section (link) of a line, cm;
є – relative value of horizontal movement of a grounbd at it’s subsiding
from own mass;
Dext – external diameter of a line, m;
Rgr – conditional radius of a curvative surface of a ground at it’s subsiding from own
mass, m.
Relative value of horizontal movement є, m, is determined by formula
⎛ S pr ⎞
є = 0,66⎜ − 0,005 ⎟ , (114)
⎜l ⎟
⎝ pr ⎠
Spr – ground subsiding from own mass, m;
lpr – length of curvative part of ground subsiding, m, from own mass calculated by formula
lpr = Нрг (0,5 + Кβ tgβ) , (115)
page.124 SNT 2.04.03-98
Нрг – a value of subsiding thickness, m;
Кβ – coefficient taken equal for homogeneous thickness of grounds - 1, for
heterogeneous - 1,7;
tgβ –angle of water didtribution from a source of wetting taken equal
for sand clays and sand loams - 35°, for loams and clays - below 50°.
Conditional radius of a curvative of a ground Rgr , m, is calculated by formulae
l gr2
R gr = (1 + S pr ) , (116)
2 S pr

Undermined territories


9.17. At designing of external sewerage systems and structures on undemined territories it is

required to take into account additional effect of movement and deformations of a ground surface
caused by going mining works.
Definition of actions against effect of mining works should be done with considering its’
terms of execution below the projected territory and structures in accordance with SNiP "Buildings
on undermining territories" and SNiP ”Water supply. External systems and constructions”.

9.18.On undermined territory is not acceptable to place filtration fields.

9.19.Actions of protection of sewerage nonpressure pipelines against effect of deforming

ground should secure of non pressure operation mode, sealing of joints and strength of separate

9.20.At choice of means on protection and its’ objects at project stage in geological
evaluation of the proiject should be additionally considered:
Terms of a mining works start at places of sewerage system and structues location and some
separate parts of outside site pipelines;
Places of crossing of pipilines the places of exit to surface tectonic deformations, borders of
mine fields and pillars;
Territory of possible large cracks on a surface with benches and gaps.

Collectors and systems

9.21. Projected deformations of a land surface for projecting a protection of nonpressure

pipeline of sewerage system should be done:
For areas with a known at the moment of designing condition of mining – from execution of
rated clearing mining;
On areas where plans of mining are not known, - from conditionaly projected mining at the
most powerfull for future mining formation or mining at the same horisont;
At places of crossing by pipeline of borders of mine fields, protected pillars and lines of в
exits to a surface tectonic deformations – summary from mining in formations planned for
development at the nearest 5 years.
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 125
At determination of scope of actions on protection it is required to take maximum values of
expected deformations with taking into account a overloading coefficient according to SNiP
"Protection of buildings on construction territories".

9.22. For non pressure sewerage system it is required to apply ceramic, reinforced concrete,
asbestos-cement and plastic piupes and reinforced concrete trays or canals.
Selection of types of pipes is required to make depending on a compostion of sewerage and
geological conditions of a costruction site or pipeline route.

9.23. To preserve non pressure mode in a pipeline inclinations of parts of projecting

longtitudial profile it is required to to define with taking into account rated irregularities of sagging
(incline) of a ground surface out of conditions
i p ≥ i pmin + igr , (117)
ip –required for preservation of non pressure mode of operation a construction
inclination of a pipeline;
iminp – the minimum acceptable inclination of a pipeline at projected filling
igr – projected inclinations of ground surface on a pipeline area
taken in accordance with item 9.21.

9.24. In case of impossibility to provide required inclination of non pressure pipeline, for
example, by relief conditions of area or in conditions of projected difference of primary and final
points of designed pipeline and at borders of mine fields, pillars and tectonic deformations it is
Pipeline route should be layed to the direction of big slopes or in a zone of less expected
inclinations of ground surface;
To increase a pipeline diameter;
To decrease a designed filling up of a pipeline;
To provide stations of sewerage pumping to the same or other pipeline outside zone of
unfavorable inclinations of a ground surface.
Stations of sewerage pumping should be constructed while pipeline laying if mining works
are planned within next five years and right before the mining works at more late period of its’

9.25. Joints connections of pipes should be designed flexible working as compensators

SECтыковые secоединения труб secледует предуsecmатривать податливыmи, работающиmи
at the account of use of elastic seals.
A condition required to keep a sealing of joints of non pressure pipelines is defined by

Δ lim ≥ Δ k + Δ s , (118)
Δlim – acceptable (norm) axial compensation ability
of flexible
joint of pipe connection taken for pipes, cm:
ceramic - 4;
reinforced concrete nozzle - 5;
asbestos-cement couplings - 6;
Δk – required axial compensation ability of a joint, cm, determined
By calculation depending on expected deformations
of ground surface and
page.126 SNT 2.04.03-98
geometrical dimensions od accepting pipes;
Δs – a value of left at construction clearance between ends of pipes at joints, cm,
Taken in a size no less than 20 % of value Δlim.

9.26. Carrying capacity of a cross section of a pipe at tension Рр should correspond to a

Pp ≥ Pє + Pi , (119)

Рє – maximum longtitudial forth at a separate section of a pipe caused by horizontal
ground deformations;
Pi – maximum longtitudial froth at a separate pipe section caused by
a bench appearing on a ground surface.

9.27. In case of following conditions (118) or (119) it is required:

To apply pipes of less length or other type;
To change a route of a pipeline by laying it in the least expected deformations of a ground
To increase a carrying capacity of a pipeline by arrangement at it’s foundation a reinforced
bed with cuts into sections by flexible joints.

9.28.A difference of marks of input and output wells of a pipe canal should be defined with
taking into account irregularity of sagging of a ground surface caused by execution of mining
clearing works.

9.29. A distance between sewerage wells on straight parts of a pipeline at conditions of

construction ares should be taken below 50 m.

9.30. In case of need of crossing by pipelines of areas where local cracks could appear with
benches or gaps it is required to provide pressure parts and over ground laying.

Treatment facilities

9.31. Sewerage system structures should be designed, as a rule, by strict and combined
construction schemes. Dimensions at layout of rigid blocks, sections should be defined by
calculations depending on values of deformations of a ground surface and a presence of actually
applicable construction protection means including deformation joints of required compensation

9.32. Flexible construction schemes are acceptable only for constructions of sewerage
systems of a type of open reservoirs which have no stationary equipment.

9.33. Sewerage system structures with stationary equipment should be designed only by
rigid construction schemes.

9.34. Interconnected structures of sewerage system of different fuctions should be separated

between themselves by deformative joints.

9.35. To detain waste movable grids with regulated angle of inclination and commuting
screens should be applied.

9.36. As sprinklers of biofilteres it is recommended to apply sprinklers and moving sprayers.

SNT 2.04.03-98 page 127

9.37. Infrastructure should not have rigid connection with structures.

Inclinations of trays and canals should be defined with taking into account rated
deformations of a ground surface.
page.128 SNT 2.04.03-98
1. GENERAL CONDITONS ........................................................................................................................................... 3


RAINFALL SEWERAGE SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................ 7
General ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
ESTIMATED DISCHARGE OF RAIN WATER ......................................................................................................................... 7
HYDRAULIC CALCULATION OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM ....................................................................................................... 12
THE LEAST DIAMETER PIPES .......................................................................................................................................... 13
RATED SPEED AND FILLING UP OF PIPES AND CANALS.................................................................................................... 13
SLOPES OF PIPELINES, CANALS AND TRAYS ................................................................................................................... 15
3. SEWERAGE SHEMES AND SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................ 16
SEWERAGE SCHEMES AND SYSTEMS OF SETTLEMENTS .................................................................................................. 16
SEWERAGE SCHEMES AND SYSTEMS OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPISES .................................................................................. 17
...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
4. SEWERAGE SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES ON IT.......................................................................................... 20
CONDITIONS OF ROUTING OF SYTEMS AND PIPELINES LAYING ....................................................................................... 20
TURNS, JOINTS AND DEPTHS OF DEEPING OF PIPELINES .................................................................................................. 20
PIPES, SUPPORTS, REINFORCEMENT AND BEDDING OF PIPES........................................................................................... 21
INSPECTION WELLS (MANHOLES)................................................................................................................................... 22
LEVEL DIFFERENCE WELLS ............................................................................................................................................ 23
RAIN WATER INLETS ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
PIPE CANALS ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
CROSSING ROADS .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
DISCHARGE, SRORM RAIN DISCHARDE ........................................................................................................................... 25
PECULARITIES OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM DESIGNING FOR INDUSTRIAL ENTERPISES ........................................................... 25
VENTILATION OF SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................................................ 26
DRAINAGE STATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
5. PUMP AND AIRBLAST STATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 27
GENERAL INDICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 27
PUMP STATIONS............................................................................................................................................................. 27
AIRBLAST STATIONS...................................................................................................................................................... 31
6. TREATMENT FACILITIES .................................................................................................................................... 32
GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
STRUCTURES ON MECHANICAL TREATMENT OF SEWERAGE ..................................................................... 35
Screens ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Sand traps................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Balancing tank ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Sedimentation basins ................................................................................................................................................ 41
TWO LAYERED SEDIMENTATION BASINS AND CLARIFYING-ROTTING BASINS ................................................................. 46
DETRITUS TANK ............................................................................................................................................................ 47
HYDROCYCLONES ......................................................................................................................................................... 48
CENTRIFUGES ................................................................................................................................................................ 50
FLOTATION UNITS ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
DEGASSERS ................................................................................................................................................................... 52
STRUCTURES FOR BIOLOGIVAL TREATMENT OF SEWERAGE ........................................................................................... 53
PRE-AERATORS AND BIOCOAGULANTS .......................................................................................................................... 53
BIOLOGIVCAL FILTERES ................................................................................................................................................ 53
General ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Dripping biological filteres ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Highloaded biological filteres .................................................................................................................................. 56
Aerofilteres .............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Biofilteres with a plstic load .................................................................................................................................................... 57
Aerotanks.................................................................................................................................................................. 58
Secondary sedimentation basins. Sludge separator ................................................................................................. 64
SNT 2.04.03-98 page 129
Aeration units with full oxidation (aerotanks with extended aeration) ..................................................................... 65
Circulating oxidation canals ..................................................................................................................................... 66
Filtration fields ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Fields of underground filtration ............................................................................................................................... 68
Sand-gravel filteres and filtering trenches ................................................................................................................ 69
Filtering wells ........................................................................................................................................................... 69
Biological ponds ....................................................................................................................................................... 70
STRUCTURES FOR OXYGEN SATURATION OF TREATED SEWERAGE.................................................................................. 73
DISINFECTION OF SEWERAGE ......................................................................................................................................... 74
STRUCTURES FOR DEEP TREATMENT OF SEWERAGE ....................................................................................................... 75
General ..................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Filetres with granular feed ....................................................................................................................................... 76
Filteres with polymeric feed ...................................................................................................................................... 78
Gauze cylinder filters ................................................................................................................................................ 78
STRUCTURES FOR PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF SEWERAGE .............................................................................. 79
Neutralization of sewerage ....................................................................................................................................... 79
Reagent unit .............................................................................................................................................................. 81
Neutralization of cyanogen-bearing sewerage ......................................................................................................... 84
Neutralization of chrome-bearing sewerage ............................................................................................................. 85
Biogenic replenishment ............................................................................................................................................. 85
STRUCTURES FOR ADSORBENT TREATMENT OF SEWERAGE ............................................................................................ 85
General ..................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Absorbers with a dense layer of feed of activated carbon ........................................................................................ 85
Absorbers with fluidizated layer of activated carbon ............................................................................................... 87
STRUCTURES FOR ION-EXCHANGE TREATMENT OF SEWERAGE ....................................................................................... 88
STRUCTURES FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL TREATMENT OF SEWERAGE ................................................................................ 92
Electrolyzers for treatment of sewerage with cyanogen ........................................................................................... 92
Electrocoagulators with alluminium electrodes ...................................................................................................... 93
Electrocoagulators with the rest electrodes .............................................................................................................. 94
STRUCTURES FOR SEWERAGE SETTLINGS TREATMENT ................................................................................................... 96
General ..................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Compactors and thickeners of settling befor dehydration or fermentation .............................................................. 96
Methane tanks ........................................................................................................................................................... 98
Aerobic stabilizer .................................................................................................................................................... 101
Structures for mechanical dehydration of settling .................................................................................................. 102
Sludge bank ............................................................................................................................................................. 108
Structures for disinfection, composting, thermal drying and burning out of a settling .......................................... 110
Structures for storage and warehousing of settling ............................................................................................... 111
CONTROL SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................... 111
GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 112
PUMP AND AIRBLAST STATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 114
TREATMENT FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................................... 115
GENERAL PLAN AND SPACE-AND-PLANNING DECISIONS ............................................................................................... 116
HEATING AND VENTILATION ........................................................................................................................................ 119
CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 121
SEISMIC REGIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 121
SUBSIDING GROUND ..................................................................................................................................................... 122
UNDERMINED TERRITORIES.......................................................................................................................................... 124
General ................................................................................................................................................................... 124
Collectors and systems ............................................................................................................................................ 124
Treatment facilities ................................................................................................................................................. 126

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