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HMI for Pump Control.

I have 17 borefields pump. Each pump has a separate PLC program project in CCW. We are
using Micro 820 PLC from Rockwell. How can I program an HMI that will allow me to
remotely START STOP and RESET individual pumps?

To remotely control the individual pumps using an HMI, you can follow these general steps:

1. Create a new project in CCW for your HMI device. You can use Rockwell's PanelView or
any other HMI device that supports communication with the Micro 820 PLC.
2. Add the necessary communication drivers to your HMI project. You can use the
Ethernet/IP driver to communicate with the Micro 820 PLC.
3. Create a new screen in your HMI project that will allow you to control the pumps. You
can add buttons or switches to the screen to start, stop, or reset the pumps.
4. Create tags in your HMI project that correspond to the input and output variables used
in your Micro 820 PLC program. You can use these tags to read the current state of the
pumps and to send commands to start, stop, or reset the pumps.
5. Link the tags in your HMI project to the corresponding variables in your Micro 820 PLC
program. This will allow you to read the current state of the pumps and to send
commands to the PLC.
6. Add logic to your HMI project that will control the pumps based on the user input. For
example, you can use a button to send a signal to the Micro 820 PLC to start the pump,
and then update the screen to show that the pump is running.
7. Test your HMI project by connecting it to the Micro 820 PLC and verifying that you can
remotely start, stop, and reset the pumps from the HMI device.

Note: It's important to ensure that you have the appropriate safety measures in place when
remotely controlling pumps. Make sure that you have proper interlocks and emergency
stop buttons in place, and that you follow all applicable safety guidelines and regulations.

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