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BLOOD ON THE AVENTINE Senator Caius Norbanus Flaccus has net only commissioned a temple to the god Apollo, but he has also provided a beautifitl—not t0 ‘mention expensive—statue of the god to watch over the temple's constriction. ‘Two rivals for Flaccus’ position on the senate have both dispatched small gangs of fighters to sack the temple and steal the statue, the disappearance of which will eause embarrassment to the Senator. However, Flaccus is not quite as naive as these Domini would believe, and he has invested in a little insurance for his temple and the statue therein: the imposing—and obstinate—Gaul, Talavus. SCENARIO RULES Player As gang is composed of the Fighters Rufus and Livilla with ‘Manlius as their leader. Player BS Fighters are led by Cato, and the gang also inchides Aemillia and Lucius, ‘An objective token representing the statue of Apollo is situated at the centre of the temple. The temple's guard, Taluwus, should be placed in the centre of the temple beside the statue of Apolo. Stealing the statue of Apollo requires a Fighter to be adjacent to the statue and is a Free Action. Once a Fighter has possession of the statue the objective token moves about the board with that Fighter. If that Fighter is Retired From Play, the token will remain on the objective table at such a place the Fighter is Retired. Another Fighter ean then pick up the statue asa Free Action. SCENARIO. REQUIREMENTS + Nomebs + One denizen of Rome, Talavus the Gaul. || A 3x3 table is recommended Bs for this Scenario. The partially P| constructed temple included in this scenario set should be placed at the centre of the table. ‘The two Gangs should be placed ig: in their respective deployment : ones as per the usual rules of x deployment (see page 12 of your ike Gang: af Reme rulebook). Divide in the set randomly the two gangs “|| Farther buildings and obstacles | canbe added tothe table to teste, . but thisis not essential. SPECIAL RULES: TALAVUS As a denizen of Rome, Talavus has an Incola card and adheres to the special rules detailed thereon. He moves about the temple and attacks Gang Fighters within 10 Gradus as detailed on his Incola card. He cannot leave the perimeter of the temple. He will not engage Fighters in melee, even if they enter his temple. Conversely, such is Talavus’ fearsome reputation that Fighters will not attack the Gaul even at range. ‘VICTORY CONDITIONS Either player will be declared the winner should they steal and leave any table ed the statue of Apollo. Neither player wins if all six Gang members are Retired From Play by either rival Fighters or Talavus.

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