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If only they can manage their stupidity, then maybe I can endure them for a bit.
Just a teeny bit.

I looked up at the ceaselessly fleeting sky. Glacial blue displayed upon the dull
clouds, telling me they’ll pour their hearts out from the pain they had been
keeping on. I stood there alone as students rush all together inside of the
building when the droplets appeared to sprinkle down on my body. A detached segment
of life, I remember. I sighed. Lingering for the rain to wash all the misery away.

I was breathing steadily and the enthralling view completely took over my body. A
run of adrenaline out of the blue shot an electric impulse around my body. This
sensation prompted me to the instantaneous inner peace, where heat and coldness
seeped through my body and chilled my skin. It was only the first day, yet here I
am, already soaked. Great.

Closing my eyes, thinking what should I do. I don’t have any spare of clothes with
me, so I can simply excuse myself — that leads me to breaking my self-discipline by
skipping classes. Also appeased because my bag is waterproof; I don’t have to worry
about my things anymore. Just me.

With my eyes closed, standing still and not moving a muscle. The last thing I felt
was when the rain wasn’t running down on my face anymore. I turned around and
hooked my breath. A tall man holding the umbrella meets my gaze. A helpless
bewildered of chaos made me see at his features sharply. An exquisite guy and the
owner of those amber eyes where you can see in every forest during the bright
light, along with his fluffy golden hair.

How odd to feel such warmth from his eyes, as if it’s for me.

His glance flickered to the ground with roses and a tint of champagne pink painted
across his cheeks before his dimples appeared before me. He finally spoke. “Uh… I
see you love to stand under the rain, but don’t you think it’s not the best time
for that?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “And?”

I still caught a sight of his awkwardness, but then a random gleam of light. He
shifted his gaze to me as he ran his hand around his nape. This honestly baffled
me. “Follow me.” he mumbled before taking my hand to his. I’d usually get rid of
their touch on me this instant. Whether if their grip on me is tight, but this
stranger’s grip is gentle. I can break free and run away from him, but my body said
otherwise that left me getting dragged by him without asking him where he was
taking me.

A few minutes later, we arrived the restroom near the gymnasium here. He burrowed
me an extra white clean shirt, then the trousers he burrowed from Mr. Nobody just
for me to change my soaked pants. I can say he’s a caring guy to someone who likely
doesn’t give a fuck about him. Either way, it won’t change a thing. That’s what I

The door behind me creaked a bit, so I glanced over my shoulder just to see a peace
sign appearing at the door. A vibrant voice rang inside the room. “Can I enter?”

I was doubtful at first, but I somehow said yes.

He gradually opened the door with ease, trying not to make any single sound. I went
back to what I was doing. I stepped a foot to where he was beside the mirror and
positioned myself in front of it. Before I lift my shirt off, I heard a sudden
feign of gasp. I paused halfway through before looking at him. He was sitting on
the edge of the other sink with his eyes only on me and nothing else.

I tilted my head. “The way you flirt is shameful.” I swung my back on him as I
completely removed my shirt, revealing my manly yet petite body frame. I don’t
actually hit the gym. Just some exercise and a bit of meditation is already
sufficient for me. I received a scornful laugh, “Man, you choose words that can
easily hurt someone’s ego.”

I didn’t retort and continued wearing the shirt. He continued, “I heard you were a
freak. Someone reckless and insensitive. But you don’t look one to me though.” I
broke off when I sensed him setting up. The moment I realized we’re not that alike.
I already had the suspicion that he was prominent around the campus, and I was the
notorius one. Just like what he claimed, I am reckless and insensitive. I won’t
ever hesitate to hurt someone, or push them aside just for me to clear my trail.

“I know I’m just a no one to you, but let me ask you this: What makes you despise
everything? Even fear and the thought of sticking to people?”

Anxiety curled up inside and clung to my head, setting myself uncomfortably here.
After the days of being indulged with being alone, the pain slowly ebbed. I thought
I’d have knifes and swords slicing into my back flesh forever with treachery and
torment forever, so I shed tears until there’s no more. I was weak and frail before
and I hate it, I still do.

I picked up a sight of him getting closer to me. His hand was now on the display,
hoping to touch my shoulder, but I dodged it and moved on the other way. He sighed,
“Your hatred is nothing but your shame and insecurities… You hate yourself. You
hate everything about yourself, yet you lack the courage to face it.”

I let out a harsh breath, he’s unbelievable. “Was your kindness earlier just an act
then? Did you offer me such care just to deliver such foolishness? Look, we don’t
know each other, so why do you care?”

Before he can even respond. I swiftly grabbed my backpack and went out, leaving him
without a word and dumbfounded. But the last thing I heard from his was, “I may do
not know anything about you, but I’ll do something.”

I strolled through the empty hallway. It was silent and the students were no longer
here, so I’m guessing they’re already in their selected classrooms. When an
oppressive sense of strange sweet aroma drifted across me, I wandered my eyes to
see where it was coming from. Bur before even I can follow it, a black kitten
crying on the corner caught my attention using my peripheral vision.

I can quite meow convincingly, though I’m not positive if that’ll work. Eventually,
I came close then hunkered down. I hung my head down to see its green eyes gazing
at me, just like mine. A sweet tone of a spring clover. I reached for the cat’s
tiny paws to determine if he’s a dude or a lady — a dude. As much as I can reach
and grab him. His black fluffy fur brushed against my skin. A splendid night black
had a way of returning comfort to my senses. I beamed at him then poked his nose.
He purred.

“I’m awful at thinking names, so I’ll just call you Nyx Jr. bud.”

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