Midterm Exam

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Name: Date: 9.

What does Vygotsky suggest is essential to

Course: Score: language acquisition?
A. Interaction
Part I. C. Older siblings
A. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Encircle the letter of the D. TV
correct answer.

1. What is the first language level children learn? 10. In his review of Skinner’s (1957) book on
A. Lexis behaviourism and language learning, Chomsky
B. Grammar (1959) argued that ______.
C. Phonology A. operant conditioning is inefficient because
D. Syntax it relies on imitation
B. children acquire a good deal of their verbal
2. At what age do children typically enter the one
word stage? behaviour by imitating adults
A. 6 months C. children do not rely on imitation in the
B. 12 months acquisition of verbal behavior
C. 18 months D. the acquisition of verbal behaviour depends
D. 24 months on operant conditioning
3. What is it called when a child makes a mistake
that make grammatical sense but isn't correct due 11. Which of the following is NOT an example of
to an irregular rule? language acquisition from a behaviorist
A. Honest mistake perspective?
B. Virtuous mistake A. Babies learn language by repeatedly
C. Virtuous error associating the object 'dog' with the word
D. A boo boo 'dog.'
B. Babies learn language by imitating adult
4. Which theory do virtuous errors support?
A. Naturvist patterns of speech.
B. Behaviourist C. Babies are born with an innate ability to
C. Cognitive learn language.
D. Vygotsky D. Babies are rewarded for attempts at speech
when their caregivers smile and applaud
5. Who suggests children learn by imitating adults? their efforts.
A. Chomsky
B. Skinner
12. Noam Chomsky argues that babies acquire
C. Piaget
D. Nelson
A. because humans are born with the ability to
learn language.
6. Which of this is an example of positive
B. when caregivers speak softly to infants.
C. by watching adults interact.
A. No, that's wrong.
D. by repeated exposure to sounds that have
B. Say please.
C. Ok, you can have some juice.
D. When?
13. Which theorist places the most importance on
7. Which is more effective?
social interaction in the development of
A. Positive reinforcement
B. Negative reinforcement
A. Chomsky
C. No reinforcement
B. Piaget
D. All of the above
C. Skinner
D. Vygotsky
8. When do children enter the two word stage?
A. 6 months
B. 12 months
14. In the nature-nurture debate as it applies to
C. 18 months
language acquisition, Chomsky emphasizes
D. 24 month
A. the ‘harmony and mutual dependence’ of
nature and nurture
B. the fundamental antagonism of nature and C. both of the above approaches to learning are
nurture equally effective.
D. None of the above
C. the importance of nature over nurture
D. the importance of nurture over nature
B. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the key term of the
15. Every time young Haley says the word 'teddy,' following statements below. Write your answer on the
space provided.
she is given her favorite stuffed bear, which
reinforces her understanding and continued use
_______________1. the process of exchanging of
of the word for getting the toy. According to
messages and creating meaning.
behaviorist theory, this is an example of:
_______________2. is a system of systems.
A. Operant conditioning
_______________3. Children acquire language
B. Information processing
without being taught the rules of grammar by their
C. Conditioned stimulus
D. Repetitive-style language learning
_______________4. is a means of communication.
______________ 5. It involves experiences and
16. Regardless of culture, children begin to learn
training of an individual which helps to change his
language around the same time all over the
world. At about what age is this?
_______________6. is a learning theory that studies
A. between 6 and 8 months
observable and measurable behavioral changes, which
B. between 8 and 28 months
result from stimulus-response associations made by the
C. between 2 and 4 years
D. between 5 and 7 years
______________7. This theory believes that “infants
learn oral language from other human role
17. Susie and Jen, identical twins, appear to speak
models through a process involving imitation, rewards,
and understand their own "secret language";
and practice.”
however, upon listening to them, their mother is
______________8. The stage in which the child
unable to discern any consistency in the words
produces sounds such as ‘mama’ or ‘dada”
and grammar they use. When she asks the girls,
______________9. This stage is characterized by one
they reply that they change it whenever they feel
word sentences.
like it. What characteristic of language does their
______________10. This stage is named as it is
"language" violate?
because it is similar to what is seen in a telegram;
containing just enough information for the sentence to
A. The language code is conventional.
make sense.
B. Language is a representational tool.
______________11. This is one of the functions of
C. Language is socially shared.
language that is used to fulfil a need on the part of the
D. Language is a code that uses a system of
arbitrary symbols.
______________12. This is one of the functions of
language that is used to influence the behaviour of
18. While studying for your upcoming Language
others. Concerned with persuading / commanding /
Development test, you ask your friend to define
requesting other people to do things you want.
the term speech. He tells you that it is the process
______________13. This is one of the functions of
of sharing information among individuals. Your
language that is used to develop social relationships
friend gave you the definition for:
and ease the process of interaction.
A. Communication.
______________14. This is one of the functions of
B. Hearing.
language that is used to express the personal
C. Language.
preferences and identity of the speaker.
D. Speech.
______________15. This is one of the functions of
19. The best time to learn a second language is in:
A. early childhood language that is used to express individuality.
B. junior and senior high school
C. college
D. all of the above

20. It is best to learn a second language:

A. in a classroom where you can focus on the
grammar and receive help from a teacher
B. through constant contact with native speakers in
their own society
Part II:
A. Instructions: Identify if the statements below fall under STRUCTURALIST, FUNCTIONALIST,

________________1. Language is a vehicle for establishing interpersonal relations and for performing social
transactions between individuals.
________________2. Language is a tool for creating and maintaining social relations through conversations.
________________3. Language is a dynamic system through which members of speech community exchange
________________4. Language is universal.
________________5. All languages must share key features of human languages, such as all languages have sounds;
all languages have rules that form sounds into words, words into phrases and clauses.
________________6. Language is innate.
________________7. Language is creative.
________________8. Language is a mental phenomenon.
________________9. Language is primarily vocal.
________________10. Language is a system of systems.
________________11. Language is arbitrary.
________________12. There is no inherent relation between the words of a language and their meanings or the ideas
conveyed by them.
________________13. Language teaching content may be specified and organized by patterns of exchange and
________________14. This view of language emphasizes the meaning and functions rather than the grammatical
characteristics of language.
________________15. Language can be described in terms of observable and verifiable data as it is being used.

B. Instructions: Give 5 Language Acquisition and Lang Learning examples or scenarios (2 points each).

Language Acquisition
1. ___________________________________ 5. ___________________________________
__________________________________ ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________ C. Identify the statements below on what

___________________________________ Functions of Language it belongs:
3. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________ ___________1. “I want to drink pineapple juice.”

___________________________________ ___________2. “ I love you mommy.”
___________3. “Thank you so much ma’am.”
5. ___________________________________ ___________4. “Do the things; it needs to be
___________________________________ finished.”
___________5. “Erasure means wrong”
___________6. “Hello, what’s your name?”
Language Learning
___________7. “ You need to present your exam
permit you can take the exam.”
1. ___________________________________ ___________ 8. “ Nice meeting you.”
___________________________________ ___________9. “Here I come.”
___________10. “Here I am, eating mango while
2. ___________________________________ watching movie.”

3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________ _______________

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